HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-05-02, Page 1THE WIN M TIMES. 3 VOL. XLL--NO. 2100. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; MAY 2, 1912. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE FREE ! FREE! A Complete Aquarium con- isting of 2 GOLD FISH 1 GLASS GLOBE AQUARIUM PLANT, Etc. WHILE THEY LAST With every 25c box of Rexall Liver Pills, 2 be above complete aquarium will be given free We have some larger Gold Fish at 10e each, Walton McKibbon THE MICWIST 27:. Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. SOLD The property advertised in last week's Tm1Es has been sold and this week we offer Another Bargain The McO]oy house, opposite the High School. A better investment than a hundred acre farm. Double House with all modern .conveniences a well finished stable, large garden and a beautiful situa tion. Will be sold right. Also a nice brick property in Pleasant Valley which will be sold at a bargain as the owner is leaving town. Ritchie &. Cosecs REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. FiiVIITH BAA'4KER WING RAY., ' ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy homes, cattle, or hogs to feed for m .rket oe.n have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rate. going. Christie's Orocery PHONE 59. IT PAYS TO DEAL HERE Why? Because we specialize in eatables and guarantee almost ever3thing you buy from us. Visit our Store. Inspect our Goods. See the Quality. Get Our Prices. Pure Crean Flour Itr aPerfeet Flour. After ter a trial our customers fully endorse this statement. Put up in cotton sacks at 25c, 50e and 75c each. Lentils For Soup, per Ib 10c Soap Large Bar Laundry Soap 10e Large Bar Castile (pure) 20c Try us for Tea and Coffee CHOICE BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS WANTED rr/ti.. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. LOOK HERE Young lady wo d like to secure a position in a storor factory, a re- staurant preferr d. State wages. Write to MISS MAB L WARNER Rosse u, Minn. • Autom Mr. A. M. Crat the Ford Autom sale of automobil Alex. Galbraith, Irwin, of Paisley Tiverton, biles Sold. ford, local agent for bile Co. reports the s to the following:— Arch. Sinclair, Geo, and Dr. Chambers, For wall paper and window go to KNOX'S. Ladies' The regular mol Ladies' Auxiliar; General Hospital Monday afternoo Council Chambe tant matters to b meeting and a members is reque Auxiliary. thly meeting of the Wingham will be held next at 4 o'clock in the There are impor- brought before the arge attendance of ted. shades of the Guinea Hens for sale. CONSTABLE PHIPPEN. Large Numb of Immigrants. Mr. Geo. H, brought in a large migrants on Thur consisted of forty were married and work. Mr. Moon car for the party placed with farm the others were t; ooney, of Ripley, private party of im- ay last. The party people and nearly all experienced in farm y provided a private nd a number were s in this district and ken to Ripley. Bowling 1 Iub Officers. The annual mee ing of the Wingham Bowling Club was held in the Firemen's Room on Thursda evening last when officers were elec •d as follows:—I-Ion. President, C. Dail s; Hon. Vice Presi- dent, A. E. Smi . ; President, A. E. Porter; Vice Pres dent, K. Rae; Sec- Treas., D. Davies; Grounds Committee —D. Holmes, C. K echtel, W. Holmes; Executive Committee—Grounds Com- mittee with'Presid:, t and Vice Presi- dent; Reception C mmittee — A. M. Crawford, B. Coc ane, A. H. Mus- grove, Auditors, C. N. Griffin, A. E. Smith. Baseball Meeting. A meeting of th town League exec- utive was held on uesday of this week and rules and regu.ations drawn up. I� was decided to hol a meeting on Fri- day evening of thi week at the Bruns- wick hotel and all collections must be made and handed tr the secretary, Mr. G. R. Smith. T e schedule will be drawn up on Frid.y evening, and the opening game will . e held as soon as possible. Teams rom the High School Foundry, Banke ., Clerks and -Factories have already en -red. FOR SALE. — • good bedroom suite. Apply at TIMES ffice. i Brantford. Miss Emily C. Bennett, daughter of the late A. B. Bennett, one of the pioneer manufac urers of Brantford, died at her home 'n that city on April 17th, after a ion: illness. She was a i of more han ordinary aninar o d y abilit y and was an unceae ng worker; in Grace Church parish. H is was a devoted life in every sense f the word- devo-tion lavished upon 1 er family and on every good cause. was an aunt to Mrs. of this town and wit nihan resided for a n he deceased lady J. A. Moynihan, whom Mrs. Moy- mber of years. Did you ever use the Vacuum Carpet Cleaner. They are said to be just the thing for cleaning carpets. S. Gracey has one for rent. South ron Licenses. The License ommissioners for the Provincial elec ra1 district of South Huron, Messrs. ohn Middleton, Joseph Canning and W liam Delbridge and In- spector John To ranee, met in Hensall and decided to grant licenses to the following house : Exeter'— Commer- cial House, Cen •al and Metropolitan. Hensall--Comme'cial and King George. Zurich •-- Domini n and Commercial. Bayfield •— Albi and Commercial. Stephen Townsl ip -- Centralia, W. Moffatt; Credito August Hill; Grand Bend, Ezra I3ren er; Dashwood, Wil- liam Zimmer. Mr . Nicholson, of Blake, was given three i onths to sell out. Having purchased F. J. Hill's prize pen of Rose Comb R. L Reds, I am prepared to sell egs for setting at $1..00 per 15. H. J. MAUSHALL, (Variety Store) Wingham, Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8 Card of John Wilson, V. his many friends a liberal patronage e ing the past years support may be gi Mr. E. J. Cook, V. Thanks. ., wishes to thank d patrons for their tended to him dur- nd hopes the same en to his successor, NOTICE.—All accounts due me must be paid on or before the lst of June at my residence, Edward street. JOHN WILSON, V. S. Successful The sale of w Chamber on Thur evening, under th Ladies' Aid Socie Church was a grand was beautifully deco and flowers and the cellent lunches. W nearly $100.00 was r ale of Work. irk in the Council lay afternoon and auspices of the y of the Baptist success. The hall rated with bunting ladies served ex - understand that alized. We can only show paper at KNOX'S. Death of J Mr. John Maxw Garet Maxwell, died at his home county, on Thurs year. The decea. and had resided i many years. The r to Wingham and tl from the home of 1 well, Griffin block, noon to the Brandd you 1912 wall hn Maxwell. I1, a brother of Mr. f Morris township, n Lloydtown, York ay last in his 85th ed was a bachelor York county for mains were brought e funeral took place is neice, Miss Max- on Saturday after - cemetery. Indian Runner Duck eggs for hatch- ing. $1 for 15. Apply to D. B. An- derson, Wingham, Ont. Goderich G Because of the in the centre of a ed and more e• district, in which pasture land in on able, and because furnish such a tr there is scarcely department has send the annual Huron County official announce day by Col. II the first divisio be materially in. ed troops will June 13, while will reach camp remain till Jun infantry has b cavalry, makin infantry. s Militia Camp. act that London lies more thickly populat- tensively cultivated even square miles of block is not avail- Goderich was able to t of land on which building, the militia decided definitely to raining camp to the town, according to nent made on Satur- .dQins, commander of al area. The camp will reased in_size, Mount- eport for training on dismounted militiamen on June 17. Both will 28. One brigade of en added and two of in all ten batalians of Fon SALE. — Miss Houghton's beauti- ful brick residence, south west corner John and Francis streets, Wingham. Everything modern. Electric light, furnace, bath and toilet. C. N. Griffin, agent. Death of Rev Jas. Livingstone. Rev. Jas. Livi gstone, pastor of the Methodist Churc at Mitchell died in the hospital at tratford on Thursday last after an ilness extending over many months. r. Livingstone was 62 years old. H was born at Tara and graduated from he Wesleyan College at Montreal 40 years ago. His work had been throughout his career in Wes- tern Ontario, and he had held pastorat- es as follows: K'ppen, Bayfield, Flor- ence, Blenheim, Clinton, Listowel, Kincardine, Aylm r, Windsor, Petrolea, London and Mihell. Only recently Mr. Livingstone had received and ac- cepted a call to a large church in Win- nipeg and expected to leave Thr that city in a few months. He was one of the best-knownethodist pastors in the country, and ad had every honor bestowed upon him that it was possible for his brother ministers to bestow. In 1901 and 1902 he was chairman of the district, and fr the past four ses- sions had been a delegate to the general conference, meats every whit] ts four years. The late r. Livingstone was an eloquent speak r and a man of im- posing appearanc . Besides his wife, who resides in Mi hell, he is survived by five sons and fur daughters, Mrs. Duncan, and Mis Lulu, of Winnipeg; Flossie, at home; Verna, of North Bay; Douglas, of Yvon n; Norman, Reginald and Gard, of Wi nipeg, and Nelles, of Edmonton. Th funeral took place on Monday aftern n at Kincardine, where some of Mr. Li ingstone's children are buried. J Refrigerator for a suitable for private use. F quick sale will' o a w be soldh at a bargain. Apply to L. KEN- NEDY. Port Albert Acting upon ins License Departmen arrived in Goderi Thursday morning the hotels in loca Ashfield township, at Port Albert, ab of Goderich, a qua and some kegs of and expressed to VV tial Constable Phip charge of it until si ceives instructions eer Seized, uctions from the , three detectives, from London on nd made a tour of option villages in with the result that rut ten miles north tity of ale and lager liquor were seized ingham to Provin- en, who will have ch time as he re - from Toronto. A good strong spring waggon, with pole and whiffietrees for sale cheap at S. Gracey's. Death of Pi After a short illn ure, a pioneer resid nosh, passed away ing last in the pens enson, relict of the late John Rintoul. In early womanhothe deceased lady came to West Waw ahosh from Almon- te district, where s e was born upward of eighty years a . At the time of her marriage to M Rintoul this sec- tion was all bush I d she went through all the hardships incident to pioneer life and lived to s .e this section well cleared into exc hent farms. Mrs. Rintoul was a wor an held in high es- teem by the large . ircle of friends she had made during , r long residence in this section. She was a member of Presbyterian Chur.h. She is survived by three sons and wo daughters, viz: Wm. H. Rintoul, W ngham; Chas. J. Rin- toul, Bluevale Roa ; Alex. Rintoul, on the homestead; t rs. John Coulter, Wingham, and M.s. Wm. Webster, of British Columbia One sister, Mrs. John Dunlop, of A monte, also survives. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the B -thel cemetery. eer Lady. ss with heart fail- nt of West Wawa - •n Saturday even - n of Hannah Stev- TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. _�--� W. J. GREER. Centre Hu on Licenses. The Centre Huro License Commis- sioners, contrary t expectations, met on Friday in Gode ich and considered applications for th coming year. In view of the fact th t an investigation is to be opened n Monday by the License Departm t on the charges laid by a Goderich iotelkeeper against the inspector and ne of the commis- sioners, there was considerable uncer- tainty as to what vould be done in the meantime. The Queen's, American and Central of Br ssels were granted licenses for the y ar. Four hotels and one shop license a Seaforth were also renewed for they ar. In Clinton the Waverley Hotel was given three months, and th Normandie Hotel, against the propr etor of which there is a serious charge pending, was given two months' lice se. The other three Clinton hotels a d shop license were renewed for the year. The Goderich hotels all got on month, and the two hotels to be cut ff will be decided after the investigatio You can get more furn' re and bet- ter furniture for ]e. s oney and less talk at WALKER'S rniture store. Canadian Paci c Observation Cars. The observation car service inaugur- ated by the Can rdian Pacific Railroad Company has .ecome so universally known, and its •ecognition so well es- tablished, that ars of the same type as those used in Canada, and made from designs su mitted by the Canc;'.- ian Pacific Rai way, are being be It under the super ibion of the Austrl,mn Government St. te. Railways to run on the railways in Austria and Switzer- land. The cars re 74 feet in length, being the longe- cars in use on any railways in Eur, pe, and being construc- ted on plans s mitted by this Com- pany their excel ance is'assured. Not only are the car of this Company's de- sign, but they will bear the words "Canadian Pacl c" thereon, which des- ignates their ex ellence, the same as those in use in anada, so:that the Am- erican and Cana i ian travelling in the Alps will be ass red of accommodation similar to what t ley were accustomed, and being "Canaaian Pacific" the trav- eller will feel as f he were at home. Passengers will b allowed to travel in these cars on pay ent of the set fares. A large number . of the people going from the North A nerican Continent to Europe visit the ; fps and the resorts throughout the m.untains, and the C. P. It, service connecting these 'resorts with the numero points of interest within the Austri n Empire, and also to trieste, whenc Northern Italy, can be easily reache , shotald appeal to every traveller. , Cattle and F rniture Sale. An extensive a ction sale of cattle and furniture will a held at the Cain House, Lucknow o Saturday afternoon of this week. Th a is a good lot of cattle and a larg quantity of furni- ture. John Purvi , auctioneer. Newest and latest designs in wall paper at KNOX'S. Victoria D A report that M public holiday thi official denial at th In order to abolish old custom of the 24th, first as Quee and after her dea it would be nee statute, and that last session of must remain a p is Holiday. y 24th will not be e year is given an State Department, the two -generation - observance of May Victoria's birthday h as Victoria Day, ssary to change the as not done at the rliament. May 24th tic holiday. WANTED.—Compet girl, good wages; no washin ironing. Every Sunday off. Ap to MRs. L. KEN- NEDY. The " There was a c Wingham opera ing last when thr in Louisana" 1, members of th Club. The play one and was pr ing manner b club. The Tim into the matter of the cast ext formers took t ceedingly wel well pleased w tainment. Wi good talent an develop it i - along the same day evening. ham are proud Dramatic Club under whose a mentwas given, ed in the large zens' Band will add to their uni' one unfortunat Alex Coutts, on• one of his hands glass and will ha for some time. hope to see hin the hand in the v cteroon." owded house in the ouse on Friday even - "Octoroon" or "1 ife s presented by the Wingham Dramatic f five acts was a good sented in a very pleas - the members of the s would not care to go of giving any member a praise as all the per- eir different parts ex - and the audience was th the evening's enter- gham has some extra all that is needed to more entertainments ine as that of last Fri - hat the people of Wing - f the members of the nd the Citizens' Band, spices the entertain - as clearly demonstrat- ttendence. The Citi - have a snug sum to rm fund. There was accident when Mr. of the principles, had badly cut on broken e a very sore hand is numerous friends have the full use of ry near future. Territori l Staff Band. The Canadian erritorial Staff Band of the Salvation Army visited Wing - ham on Saturday nd Sunday last and he.d a series of very successful ser- vices. This band is composed of twen- ty-eight musicia s and it is certainly the best organiz ion of the kind that has ever visited 'Vingham.. On Satur- day evening a fe tival program of voc- al and instrume tal se'ections was giv- en in the opera house and was fairly well attended. Mayor Spotton occu- pied the chair. The different numbers on the progran was very much enjoyed by the audienc . On Sunday three ser- vices were hel and all were largely at- tended, in th Salvation Army hall in the morning nd in the opera house afternoon and evening. At the after- noon meeting Dr. R. C. Redmond was J the chairman and the evening meeting was of an ev ngalistic sti g c na tore and was conducted by Brigadier W. S. Potter, of Toronto. TI e many selections by the band were o high order and reflected great credi on the members of the band and th it Conductor, Ensign E. J. Hanagan. "The Lifeboat" was the popular sele tion and by special request was render d Sunday afternoon and evening. The Staff Band Male Choir rendered s veral selections at the different ser ices and they were very much appre iated. At the conclusion of the afte-noonservice the band marched to he Hospital where two selections w re rendered and also a selection by the choir. The people of Wingham ill not soon forget the visit of this b nd and will be pleased to again welcom them to town: Major Morris was al o present and assisted in the services, aptain Boynton and the local members of the Salvation Army are to be con ratulated on the very successful ma ncr in which the differ- ent services ere conducted and on their enterpri e in bringing an organ- ization of this kind to Wingham. The undersigned is prepared to take care of lots in the Wingham cemetery during the summer months and guar- antees to give satisfaction. Price for season is $1 per lot. Orders left With John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re- ceive prompt attention. ROBRRT DEYEI.L, PRESBYTERY clF MAITLAND The Presbytery of Maitland met at Belmore on Wednes ay, April 24th, to ordain Mr, A. R. Gi on and induct him him to the pastoral harge of Belmore and McIntosh. Mr. Bradley preached a very appropriate sermon. Mr. Mc- Lean presided, Mr Perrie addressed the ministers and Ir. West the con- gregation. Mr. ibson begins his ministry under ver favorable circum- stances. On April 2.5th, aitland Presbytery met at Dungannon to ordain Mr. Gom- in and induct him o the pastoral charge of Dungannon an. Port Albert. Mr. McLean presided. Mr. McArthur con- ducted divine se vice. Mr. Hardie suitably addressed the minister and Mr. Duncan the congregation. The choir -of Knox Ch rch, Goderich, ren- dered excellent anappropriate music. Mr. Gomin and r. Gibson enter on their work with t e good wishes of all the members of resbytery. Will Bu' d New Store, An importan ' real estate deal was put through i Wingham last week when Messrs. ing Bros. purchased the Beaver Block s to from Mr. R. Van - stone. King B .s. will proceed at once with the erecti.n of one store on the north side of th lot. The new build- ing will be 33 • eet wide and 75 feet deep and both thground floor and the upstairs will be u.ed for business pur- poses.r'Our townpeople and all in this district will be ple sed to hear that King Bros. have decideto rebuild and we are sure they will have the hearty good wishes of all ou readers. It is ex- pected that the n.w store will be com- pleted not later t an the 1st of Sep- tember. WANTED.—TWO bright, smart young men to learn the upholstering. Apply to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham. Whole C unty Pays. County Clerk m. Lane is in re- ceipt of a letter f om Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith, Ontario In pector of Houses of Refuge, which sp aks of the repealing of a section of , certain Act. The paragraph dealin with it is as follows: "You will note tl at the section in the former Act givin • power to the county to collect from th different municipali- ties the sum of $..; for the maintenance of each inmate sent to the Honse of Refuge therefro has been repealed, and that in fu re the inmates of Houses of Refug are to be supported by the whole co ty without reference to the municipal ty from which inmates may be comnritt:d." CHUR, H NOTES The Methodist Sunday School intends holding their an May 12th. Rev Woodstock will iversary on Sunday, G. W. Barker, of e the preacher. Lor Confer encs of the Methodist 1 church is passi g through a peculiar experience just ow in the laying aside { of at�t fou well known pastors from e wor - owing to ill hea.th. In the list is Rev. R. Hobbs, of James i street, Exeter; Re I -. Wm. Godmin, of Park Hill; Rev. Wi H. Butt, of London; and Rev. W. J. Hewson, of Wallace - burg. The first and last merticned were former pas f o s of Wingham Meth- odist church. At a special meting of the Baptist aymen's Council of mbton, held at Clinton Biptist Church Thurs- Ministers' and Middlesex and L at Egerton Stree day afternoon, lltev. W. L. Steeves, pastor of Egert n Street Church was ordained and ac ept d into the fellow- ship of the apt st denomination. About 40 memb rs of the council were present. Mr. S eeves is a former well- known pastor o the Baptist Church and old friends Fere will be pleased to hear of his ordar ation. There has beery an increase in salar- ies throughout tl a Presbyterian Church in the Dominion f about $09,000 over last year, the to al payments for salar- ies amounting $1;;364,125. The in- erease of money •eported by congrega• tions as being given for missions is $78,600 over last year,'the total being $952,029, not including special donations and gifts by a large number of indivi- duals. The total increase in receipts for all purposes during the year just closed was $314,7410. "Not a bad show- ing," said the Treasurer, Rev. Dr. Somerville, "in view of the total in- come for all purposes being $4,821,340. There has been about $1,209,000 added to the property during the year, while the debt on church property hasin- creased only $329,000, POCKET KNIFE FREE Boys, we want to get well ac- quainted with you You will soon be wearing MEN'S SMEs, and we want you to remember our store. If you will come ti. our store and buy a pair of shoes we will give you a brand new two blade razor steel Jack Knife FREE Tell your parents about this and bring them along. Don't forget the place, Greer's Shoe Store. W. J. GLJiJk C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDEN T PLATE GLASS WEATHER *Mee* Insirance Coupled with a REAL FSTATE and MONEY LOANING BU6iness. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Officio over Malcolm's Oroeesy. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTRRIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. Chi zens. The time has scratch the stuffir patch and cause. The man who ow should keep they pens or givy th hens have caused and broken lives anything on earth more grief and ca and black despair are worth. Our and calm, and balm, we never lr an atmosphere of for the police, an Then some one st and soon we all ta' and reading rio. court we stood in a heavy fine whe facts. Disgust brows, we spend rows, with voice me when chickens from your garden resentment warm. is a bunch of hens shackled in their in chloroform. For ore strife and stress and bitterness than one hen can bring 'e and wretchedness than all known hen:; illage once wa.. sweet t very sorrow had its and a wail; there was peace, we had no use no one was in jail. rted keeping chic.:s, ere throwing brieks acts; and when at ine his honor sprung he had learned the is brooding on our our time in raising and with pens; we shake our fists ar d deal in threats, as- sassinate each +tiler's pets and all because of hens Because of hens a million jays are cussing daily, fifty ways, and raisin:, grievous howls. A law must soon be vritten down prohibit- ing the folks in. town from keeping feathered fowls.4 Walt Mason. ossisanotioustssommatioursesso HOME STUDY Thousands of amhitiouc young people are being instructed 10 their Ironies hp our Home Studv Deet. You may finish at College if you Ori..• I nrp when - over you wish. Thirty Yc.ars Exper- ience. Largest trait•ers n ('7madr•. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to save hoard and learn whito yon earn, write {for particulars. NO VACATION Wingham Business Colleg UBO. SPOTTON. Prestdent