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The Wingham Times, 1912-04-25, Page 8
8 THE WINGIIAM TIMES APRIL 25, 1912 16404,•40.40.4440".4444114;404‹,•440iS?44444+4444+++++++44444+++4 • • • • • • • • :4 • IS TI' E PLAC L'. FOR .1115 ILJMES z { ' � c • • ALL S1,nY E • • • 2 'hono 113. �irG»•>0& "Yv?zyua'�`�v•?i e?C:�TO•�J•A`- AS;l :t FS A TREAL • tf, 4> v e 4 CENTRAL GROCEk,. Z Wingharn. 100004 0000© IiIINOR LOC For wall .paper go to Kowa. s. HURON'S GOOD ROADS. • Sinaloa: alludes 1 The S peeiel Ccramissioner of the Louden Advertiser, who has been tray- - The trout fishing season will open t tilling through the county of Huron, re - on Wednesday next. cc•:rt,;; pa;':, a deterred tribute to the - Isanarler 1•::+•t i':;. -;yet at . r.bt+.• to , t ;,t's to thi.. et may anti the enterprise do notch work = is the lee.i. tied pluck of the public spirited men of •-The i)Ct.GPCei:r Til lilt` open:: house l.Ye-gene year 14h:1 provided this great on Friday evening cf this vv week. boon for the county. He says: at- -Don't mite: the"C)ct::Fe,lz?:'• in the reads form not the least at- Opc':a IIogs.', I ri(iu; , April. 24alt.. ; traction which Huron County holds out t., th:? .:tr:.ii r within her gates. Af- D ui't fail to see tha Ceder Vaal, :n ter xvailc.r,'nig through some of the the -Octoroon"' Friday, April 26th. seas of mud which tlistli u,e cur- -Day electric ',owe: was t; :lied on ( tarn of the best Sections of Western for ;he first tire:' on I'dan ta;; afternoon ! Ontario, a drive over the splendid Watch for the view of the negroete' t gravel Lighway.a in this district is. in - quarters in the "Octoroon" April faith. deed, a trout. —Watch for thecae, ,:the "Magnolia" t It is the beast of Huroa County that , steamer in the tiet•r -:f'k':iday, .I;_ vie: has the lust horses in the province ail ssth. j ' and the best roads to drive them on. —Watch for the vievv of the plantat_ I There have always been good horses in ion'1'errebomle hi ti.... ••t�:•torect�' .>.p- , Ewen County, thanks to the wisdom • til 2;th. I of early settler:=, and some years ago, the county, already ahead of many -of -J. Lloyd Av:tit` is paying 41 pea i its nei.^�lii+ors in the matter of roads bus -'rel for I ct .a..... it. ',.t: l.'...'vt' : reused on its own responsibility some - another column. i thing like $'2t1O,O0for highway improve- -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, , patent. Ever since then the concessions Canadian Order of Foresters will be j and sideroads have been well keit up held on Friday evening of this week. ` and the good results of this policy are ' —Mr. Iki.r, SVhet ler had the mis- apparent to anyone who has occasion fortune tt. break ore ef his shoulder 1 to visit this country district. Of Iliades, l:d veil} be laic agile ile fes• some 1 course, every road is not like a city time. - `pavement, and there are eccasional —::Yrs. McCorvie, sr., of Lucknow i stretches of bad going, but, all in all, who has been in the Ho_j sial here un - example Huron County can be pointed out as an der treatment fog the past ter, days, is example to less progressive districts in itnpruvia the matter of highway regulation. -- North Huron tel. tt;ro:res have been installed for C. Herbert 'Taylor, ring 31. line 187 and J. A. Sutherland, ring What Was Overheard. 82, line 1s7. They were a happy country bride and --A. M. Todd, formerly of The Gode- groom heading for Toronto. and as rich Star, ha.4 taken an inter.tat in The they stepped into the train, the other CampbeIiford Despatch and has remov- passengers immediately spotted them ed to that town. We wiali hie.: success as honeymooners. However, they in his new venture. seemed quite oblivious to the fact that —The many friends of M. J. A. Bills they were creating the slightest sensa- will be p?eased to learn that he con - they and at once began to plan how times to improve. It is expected that they could allay the tiniest suspicion he will be able to leave the Ho-t,ital for as to their newly married state. A home the latter poet of this week. bright idea occurred to the happy man, -lits. Robt. Marshall, of Culross and he was overheard telling his blush - who has been a patient in the Hospital int grids: •'I know what I'll do I'll for two weeks is convalescing satisfac S turday Ni,^htt you cerrythe valise, . —Toronto glint Mo. Morahan hat heel a i ::g anti se.;:.:.o; Tt? 1.1.:t t;e,f, i-Cle_;- of ...---_..._. .._.-.._.._ ho. rt, a:•e. tie, lie., e rtert ti --Mr. 13. A. Hiscoei e , of'leeswater,. who has for a number of years been e'rc rking i:: it J. : atat.;l's•• :tort: at Tees- waterhaspuichasetlthe Lowery:: Rog- s ers general .,tore business at Be1nore and is now in possession. —Mr. R. B. Harris, C. O. F. organiz- er, and w. l-ki:own to many of our readers has .Vold his property in \ roxe- r yr �, d tr. 6 , .•rel Qft)RN. IIAGGITT.--In Blyth, on April 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Haggitt, fir.; ason. DoDDs.--At Wingham Hospital, on April 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1)•edds; a daughter. CL•b1atllae.s. -• In Lakeiiold, on April lith, the wife of Mr. J. II. Cummings, manager Traders Iktnk; a son. azaaanatso Tl1Obt—MnatioaLAND.-- At Westhope, North Dakota. April lith, 1912, Wm. Thorn of Grandin, North Dakota to Mae Mulholland. eldest daughter of .1. C Mulholland of Westhope, North Dakota. DIED. GAIiAI%. --In Lower Wingham, on Ap- ril 23rd, Wm. Gau,rm, in his .,7t11 year. TOLL. --In London Hospital on Mon- day, April 15th, Maria Ann Black- brough, aged gid) years, 1 month and 8 (lays, beloved wife of Henry Toll, of East Wawanosh. HAursTom—In Howick, on April 1.5th, Joseph lIainstock, in his 61st year. CRAIGIE. - In Toronto, on April 7th, Douglas Lowry, son of J. W. and Pearl ('raigie, formerly of Brussels, aged 8 months and 11 days. 11It'Ewnx.-- In Goderich. on April 11th, Catherine Martin, beloved wife of James McEwen, formerly of James- town, aged 85 years. ROBERTSON. —In Owen Sound, on April 7th, Homer Robertson, formerly of Grey township, aged fl2 years. SOTHERAN.—In Fordwieh, on April 7th, Edward Sotheran, sr , aged 84 years. WADE. -- In Fordwich, on April 17, Oscar Edmund Wade, aged 18 years, 6 months and 5 days. GREEN. - In Howled:, on .April 15, Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Green, aged 1 year, 4 months, 3 days. Origin of Banking. Hiaberians have tried to reach the :cry last beginnings of the banking 3•stem, tut they find that the origin of banking is lost in remotest antiquity. The modern banker is often styled a dealer in credit while in ancient time those who might come under the broad designation of bankers were custodians it of rnoile • buyers andsellers f forel n . bu � o 3b exchange. The bill of exchange has been ea}t.i to be the' credit instrument first handlby thebankersand ex- plorers n plorers in Assyria report that they have discovered evidences of it there several thousand years before the dawn of the Christian era. In Rome and Athens there were men who might be styled bookers. for they made it a business to receive money on deposit. They bought money and foreign bills of e::change At first they made their profits Rom commissions on deposits, historian, laid, as,t} from the exchange of dorrrestie for foreign money. Later they become dealers in bills of exchange and loaned money which had been in- trusted te, them. These money dealers ., r t a„' mentioned by Livy in „�!t B. C.. and Latin literature of a later date fre- quently refers to them. ea. to Mr. t,o.:M.t.il a tr . ,i.. feu .:. a home in Toronto. Mr. Harris moved his fari.iiy to Toouto this week. -firs. J. A. Mot nilian has been i elected a.< eorrr': pendent for Huron eounty for our tr.,cr;jiaperS. viz:—The Caradiu:: Mute; The Deaf Mute...' Jour- I nal, New York ('ity; The Silent Role- paint -et. Taeonte, aa:l. `1:e: is 'Werk_'—. 1 Jersey Cite See that the'.ul,ri on your copy of the Tomos shows your lust isenittaue:' ,e a. t , •�r , and that .:.. je::ja�•'e� t. il�ltt�e, v:it}. ...t correct t..su c:1 We reel ret. By dor::g this; told notifying us if not evrreet, you will pace t tsar- e.lii:-i'a nnl.rh trouble at rt nt•wal titan next year. --Edwcrd Floast3;;. of C:o-e avenue. an of:kki of th, !:hand Revenue D.- partment, was struck by a car at Yorg;e and Shuter streets in Toronto on Tues- day afteetmon and very seriously in- jured. Mr. Moody is a former resident of Flyth ,nal well-known to many of our readers. .--The W. F. M. S. of St, Andrew's Presbyterian (Church wiii bold a social evening in the lecture room of the church o:r Monday evening, April 296. Itev. Mr. Bradley, of Teeswater will deliver an address and a good program will be provided. Refreshments will be served. Silver collection will be taken to defray expenses of sending elothing to the North West Indians. Peas and oats, cut at the right time. and well cured, have. aceording to Hoard's 1)aityman. about the same feed- ing value as good clover. If there is any difference, Hoard's Dairyman says oats and pea hay is the better of the two. The right time to cut is when the oats .art) hi the milk stage. Mr. J. W. Alexander has presented Bowmanville with a fine house and grounds for a hospital, and the citizens have subscribed the funds to equip the building. G H. ROSS, D. D. S , L. 1'. 5. goner graduate of the Royal College of 1'tmtal c.nrgenns of Ontario and Honer gradu- ate of the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. OMee over H. E. Isard & Co's., store, Wing - ham, Ont. t Y. M. t'.. A. Luc., Lt).:i)c):-a, eel. T. :,uSIxnS tend S:It,itT:IAN) S1it3.il�CT`i Ze;;iste-retl last :.;t.n uln:. r.is of 00 Lit :ittv.,:s and placed. ev:•ry ._lady quaiitied r: iial: r teneli ors. Ch:. Elea lred and fifty I.oadan firm, employ oar trained 11t'Ip. C,,llel ir, : tt::r Iran Sept: 5 to Jere' 3.1. 1::.;r Loy thee.. C• tal :goo Prep. ti i�7fi S.+t a ` v S»ort't:�sd J. W. iY 1-3"1Tv r r. f J5. J.W. +i t:s•rl:xvr;i•T, Chaser t+ A nrntant, I'riacipal. v:,.,, I rioeireaL i9 TEN ERS WANTED Court Belgrave, C. 0 F., No. 48 are asking for tenders enlarge their hall. Tenders wil received up to noon, May llth. ' ecitications can be seen at any of the undcesigned build- ing committee. HENRY HOPPER, W. J. GEDDES, JAS. McCALLUM. NOTICE TO CREDIITORS. In the matter Geddes of th Wawanosh in Farmer, Dece 0 the estate of John Township of East e County of Huron, ed. Notice is hereby give S.0. Chapter 1.9, th claims against the 'Els Geddes, who died on u February ar A. U. 19 12. the 2nd day of May : A lexander'Yorturfield of the said Township o Exceutors, a statemen of their claims and all them (if any) and that. said Executors will pro assets among the person gard only to the claim have notice. Dated at Wingham A. D., 1912. iu pursuan tof the R. t all,.'rsons hawing to of `the t.aid. John about tLe 1::th day of rt :r d ror before ore u t o1 tf au D. LC., to file with r Peter W. Seott, both East Wawanosh, the with fall particnl ars the security held by ter the•,.aid date the ed to distribute, the entitl, :1, liavirg r:•• which they shall then is 1:+t day of April ?DLEY IIOI,blWA, So eitor for Executors. The Government steamer Earl Grey, which went ashore at Cape John, has been floated. 'relie Fenian Raid bounty act passed during the recent session of the house of Common is to apply only to volun- teers in the Fenian raids of 1866 and 187x►. No provision was made for boun- ties to widows. A man was found 50 years ago on the shore of French Village on the Bay of Fundy with both legs newly amputated. He was neveridentified and on Friday died. IIe is supposed to have been an Italian nobleman. Of 4,561 vessels from foreign ports that arrived at New York City in 1011, only eleven were sailing ships. In a few years a "square rigger” will be almost as great a curiosity as the car- avels of Columbus. NOTICE OF CREDIITORS. GOOD GOODS .r i$„,.. .3 - LUNG BROS PRICES RIGHT Eality Seeds ROOT, FIELD AND GAR. ;N VARIETY ='---.- -.�•res RED CLOVER, MAMMOTH RED CLOVER AL IKE CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ALFALFA CLOVER, BARLEY. MANGEL SEED MAMMOTH LONG RED, GIANT YELLOW INTERMEDIATE, YELLOW GLOBE, ROYAL GIANT SUGAR MANGEL, ROYAL GIANT WHITE SUGAR MANGEL, EARLY Y LEVIA THAN. T' .rRN .P SEEDS DERBY, NEW CENTURY, PERFECTION, KANGA'<OO, HALL WESTBURY, HART- LEY'S BRONZE, GREYSTONE. YELLOW ABERDEEN, HIGHLAND PRIZE, GOOD LUCK, JUMBO. • AS SEEDS ARE GOING TO BE SCARCE, WE WOULD ADVISE EARLY BUYING TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. PRODUCE WANTED. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE .&•!I.'.'4.40ki, 4..,te:S°n.'.eSo+.tiglt.' ''le' 4.!jeit3..Ig44 . ***++++++++.1434.£4++++++++++ 9 D a O S9 0 • A Notice is here by given p mit:Int to It 8, 0. 1597, Chapter 1:9, St t'tion :3n, (hat all persons having *deltas auairst the estate of Thomas H. Taylor, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Yeoman, drerased, who died on cr **Gut the loth day or March A. D. 1912 are rrquir•ed to send by post prepaid or to do - liver to J. A. Morton, Solicitor for the Ifxeecut- or of said di -teased on or before the loth day of May A. I). 1912, their names, addresses. and de- scriptions and full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if anyt held by theta duly certified: and that after the said last mentioned date the execut- or will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this loth day of April A. D. 1912. J. A. MORTON, Wingham, 1' 0. Ont. Solicitor for said Executor. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY REPAIRED O 0 If your watch, clocks or jewellery need repairing I will be pleased to be entrusted with the work. Will guarantee satisfaction on any work entrusted to me. Charges reasonable Postage paid both ways. H. A. Brock 611 Dun(las St, London. Ont. Formerly of Wingham. 0 O 4 O i� n MAY 1st .AN2 d Itb 1 eihN 1 b 4 0 9 4 8 Dmonstrati�n AtTENEL STORE ON 4 • a + 8 + 2 O + 2 • O 4 O • 00 2 ob We have sales agency for the line of all-purpose varnish 4 which is so fas?•ahead of any varnish that has ever been sold in this • community, that we particularly desire an early opportunity to show its good points to some member of every household in oar • o b:tsines:l district. • `' What we want you to know about this wonderful varnish is o something that cannot be told; bat we can show you in a very few 4 • o minutes that you get more for your money every time by using Chi. • a Name' Varnish for floors, woodwork, furniture, or anything about s the house on which varnish is used. 4 s This varnish is furnished in the natural color and also in a full 4.variety of colors. It can be hammered and boiled and otherwise • abused without showing any signs of abuse. Any amateur can apply ♦ Z•it to large surfaces and get dust as smooth a finish as a professional i finisher—no laps, no brush marks, no blotches, to make a patchy Tappearance. You will thank us for this invitation after you have eome to know all about it. 2 Other features we want to show you are the Chi•Namel Ready - to -Use Graining Process, by which you can cover all blemishes in t your old floors and make them any color'you wish, and also produce • the grain of oak or other woods. 2 Old carpets can be made into rugs and a new hardwood border 2 will take the place of the ugly flooring at a cost of but 2e per 2 square foot. We will gladly explain all these features at our store if you i give us the opportunity. 2 a 0 O 4 JRichardson & Rae 3:'is1:i�9' :t•3�•�ir i3c iii i' .k°ii3t +++14++.4±41.44±14+++.•+.+4.i.!••, TH[ "OCTOROON" Friday Evening, this We,* April 26 We have the best band in these parts, Help them keep up their reputation by at- tending the ''Octoroon." THEY NEED THE MONEY White NU -Buck Buttoiied Boots for ladies will be much in evidence this season. They are the Very Latest Shown in Our North Window WILLIE THE SHOE STORE. SVIe Agents share SHO1 CO. for Ladies. i +++++++++4•444+44+ +4+44+4'4 0 • • • 2 • • • • • Y • ••• • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • •• 0 • • • lel • • • • • • a • • • e • • • 2' •••••••••'•••••040.0•••••4• •• 4 • •• • m ••• s' • •• • •• •2 • • AWAKENI NG OF SPRIN(a Now that Spring is at hand house cleaning will be in order for some time and nearly every women will want some i)ew furnishings for her home, some particular room will need a new Rug, Car- pet, or covering of some kind, and to meet those requirements we have put a larger assortment than ever in Linoleums and .Oilcloths We have Nalrns Scotch Imported in X Quality 12 patterns u to select from, Inlaid Linoleums s and Floor Oils in Block or Floral designs. • 2 2 • •1 I have in stock forour inspection Union and Wool t' Squares suitable for Bed Rooms. Tapestry Rugs from $5.00 to $15.00 each. Velvet Squares in Oriental and other designs. Wilton Squares, Brussels, and Axminister all imported: Also Lace Curtains, Curtain Net • and Scrims in a great variety. • • IProduce of all kinds ter, Eggs, etc. g . e , A t•' • • • •, •• Square and Carpets e is • • • • • Successor to T. A. Mill PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. E , ••,•44444. +• +$,»44440i4Z Allt4114414140 Z.41 41 1+ wanted Potatoes, Beans, But- J. A. MILLS