HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-04-25, Page 6You will be proud of
the bread you'll make
ATER peeing a batch of
big, golden -crusted, snowy -
white loaves, that you
have baked from PURITY
FLOUR, you will, indeed, be
proud of your cooking -ability ---
and proud of your wisdom in
deciding to pay the little extra
it costs to procure such high-class flour. You will
admit, too, that we are justified in the pride we take
in milling this superb flour.
pu:. IT
"More bread and better bread"
PURITY FLOUR is milled
exclusively from the best West-
ern hard wheat—the world's
finest. Morethanthat,PURITY
FLOUR consists entirely of the
high-grade portions of the wheat.
The low - grade portions are
separated and excluded during
the PURITY process of milling.
Such high-class flour, of course,
expands more in the baking.
It makes "more bread and
better bread."
It makes lighter, flakier pastry, too, if you just take the pre-
caution to add more shortening. On account of its unusual
strength PURITY FLOUR, for best results, requires more
shortening than ordinary flour.
Progressive dealers, everywhere, sell PURITY FLOUR
and take pride in recommending it.
Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list riglitnow• 106
But the beauty that is only skin deep 1
is better than the kind that rubs off.
There is no copyright in advertise-
ment but the illustrations thereon can be
FelI In a. 1 aint.
Mrs. Edwin Martin, Ayer's Cliff,
Que., writes: "Before using Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food I was in a terrible
condition. Dizzy spells would fall to
the floor. I could not sweep without
fainting. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has
so built up my system that I can wash
and do my housework. Your medicine
cured me when doctors had failed."
The streams draining into the great
lakes represent 14,000,000 horsepower.
Most birds make long flights during
the night and feed and rest during the
How's Thi.?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
4. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be,
have him perfectly honorable in alI
business transactions and financially
able to earry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern-
ally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
The average man is willing to spend
money for any thing—with the exception
of taxes.
The tools and apparatus used is the
Panama Canal may be turned over to
the reclamation serviee when the canal
is finished.
Children Cry
Plans for the building of the Domin-
ion Linen Mill at Guelph have been
*torted. When complete the machinery
in the Pracebridge buildings will be re-
The adaesser of the town of Mitchell
reports a population of 1,784, an itt-
Breade �over last year. The as-
ae*ament has increased $26,214.
The Coroner's jury at Kingston exon-
erated Mrs. George F. Berryman of .'.
charge tff klIIhig het !unbend, bend, and
found that the 7natt'>f death was due to
blood -poisoning.
Horses in Iceland are shod with
sheephorn, while those in the Soudan
are fitted with socks made of camel
Canada has the largest forest in the
world. It is in the Labrador and Hud-
son Bay district, and is, roughly, 1,000
by 1,700 miles.
Among every one thousand bachelors
there are thirty-eight criminals on the
average. Among married men the ratio
is eighteen per thousand.
"My little son had a very severe cold.
I was recommended to try Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy, and before
small bottle was finished he was
as well as ever," writes Mrs. H.
Silks, 29 Dowling Street, Sydney, Aus-
tralia. This remedy is for sale by al
In August, 1872, a law was passed in
the British Parliament prohibiting the
employment of women below ground.
Women are employed at the collieries,
but above ground only.
Children Cry
Japanese army officers are testing a
new bullet proof coat just invented by
a native. It is said that bullets fired
from a revolver at a distance of 25 feet
make only a slight dent in the coat.
The New Zealand Government has de-
cided to send a detachment of twenty
senior cadets to compete at the Cana-
dian National at Toronto 111Iis year.
Australia wilt also be represented.
Insure Against
Serious Colas
Of the many forms of insurance
probably that which protects you
against the serious results of colds.
is the most valuable at this time of
year when so many are becoming the
victims of la grippe and pneumonia.
By the prompt use of Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine
you can keep the cough loose, prevent
further development of the cold and
cute it up in two or three days,
whereas the usual lifetime of a cold
is three or four weeks, to say
nothing of the serious results, so
frequently the outcome.
Mothers insure their children against
the rise
of this Feat family
P by a hT
medicine, for if given frequently in small
doses it prevents the dreadful choking
spasms and semi effects a thorough cure:
"lVhoaping cough, 'bronchititi, asthma.
croup and severe chest colds are quickly
brought under control by the use of br.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine,
2Sr entsa bottle., at all dealers, or Edman.
son, Bates & Co., I.itnited, Toronto.
Oh. woman! If we fail to please,
Tnink how we work to buy you cheese
And bread and butter and soup and pie,
We have to put soft grace by;
Our everlasting daily task
Is still to purcuasr what you ask,
Thus we forget sunshine and youth
And overlook your charms, in truth.
But yet we love you! Yes we do!
The work we do is all far you.
For you we delve deep in the mina's,
For you we buy the valentines,
For you the cowboy chases steers,
For you the actor sheds his tears,
For you we rise at early morn,.
And turn the wheels and plow the corn.
For you we sail the raging main,
For you we hustle home again,
For you we rush from place to place
Aad care graves wrinkles in our face,
And we glow stcoped. Till, seeing you
The crowds we sometimes lead you
through •
Say—sizing up your gown and hat—
"How could she ever marry that!"
MRs. WrxSLOW's Soor,iu o Syaue las. been
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of
is the best remedy for DIARRH03A. It is ab•
solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind Twenty -5v:; cents a bottle,
Turn Coal Into Gas.
Sir Wliliam Ramsay's scheme to
turn coal into gas in the mine is, says
the Springfield Republican, to be tried
in a small way in a short time in some
English mines. If this plan means ec-
onomy in production it will probably
come into general use, at all events in
England and Belgium. There are spe-
cial reasons for introducing this` plan in
the countries named because coal de-
posits there are deeper than they are in
some other countries. If the plan
proves feasible it may indeed be utiliz-
ed for the purpose of working mines.
which cannot, because of their distance
below the surface, be worked at a pro-
fit under the present system. The plan
which it is proposed to follow when
coal is to be turned into gas under-
ground is, it appears, to set an under-
ground seam on fire. The ashes,
clinkers and other waste products will
be left down below and the gas collect-
ed at the surface to be stored in reser-
voirs and concerted into electricity as
Dias A. W. CHASE'S
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers,
clears the air passages, stops drop.
pings in the throat and permanent.
y cures Catarrh and flay Fever.
25c, a box ; blower free. Accept no
substitutes. All dealers or tdmansott.
Bates & 0o., Limited, Toronto. •
Aid to Agriculture.
The Agricultural Aid Act, pass d
during the last session of the Dominion
Parliament, provides for the contribu-
tion, by order -in -council, to any pro-
£o the encouragement neo agement of agri-
culture a subsidy not exceeding such
sum as may be voted by Parliament
for that purpose. The bill further pro-
vides that the Minister of Agriculture
with the authority of the Governor -in -
Council, may enter into an agreement
with the Government of any Province,
setting forth the terms upon which
such subsidy is granted, and prescrib-
ing the conditions under which and the
purposes for which it shall be expend-
ed. It is for the purpose of working
out a scheme which will be a permanent
basis for future Federal helps to agri-
eulture in the several Provinces that C.
C. James enters the Dominion service.
The appropriation of $500,000 for this
year is to be divided as follows:
Ontario , ...$175,733.32
Quebec 138, 482.40
Nova Scotia 34,288.45
New Brunswick ..... 24,509.93
Prince Edward Island 6,529.85
British Columbia... 27,334.76
Manitoba 31,730.05
Saskatchewan ... 34,296.29
Alberta .,, .,, 26,094,95
You will look a good while before you
find a better medicine for coughs and
colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
It not only gives reieive —It cures. Try
it when you have a cough or cold, and
you are certain to be pleased with the
prompt cure which it will effect. For
sale by all dealers.
A Mosquito Exterminator.
In a certain town not far from New
York city the inhabitants were much
worried by the mosqujtoes and the rid-
dance of the pest wes tine of the princ-
ipal topics among the inhabitants. One
day, earl the Stin, a notice appeared to
the effeet4hat anyone desirous of an in-
fallible `Wily of killing the peat could by
sending l quarter receive information
and parttpheri►allia for exterminating
Mosquitoes. '
'I+ any eitieens theiupan dent the nec-
eesax)Zsilver and received ft small pack-
age by tetUrn of mail. In the pacl1age
trere two boarddinatked "A" and "B"
and en a Slip of pipet the instructions
w h,r
., .
hie Cad,.'First catch
your mosquito
taking care not: tai trash hitt during t'he
i roeeaavet thee narefulljvVince him on
the slab of woodtnarked 'A'. See that
he doesn't attetntSt toeacape. Then with
the slab marked *B' held in the other
bind bring it sharply down On stab 'A'.
Thi* we guarantee to kill any n►oaquito."
r Apply Zam Buk to all
wounds and sores and you
will besurprised how quickly
it stops the smarting and
brings ease, It covers the
wound with a layer of pro,
tective balm, kills all poison
germs already In the wound, and
prevents others entering. Its rich
healing herbal essences thea build
up from the bottom, fresh tfssuc8
and in a wonderfully short time
the wound Ls healcdi
Zam Buk'e popularity Is bared on meet.
Imitations never work cures. Be aura and,
get the real thing, 'Zatn-Buk" 11 printed
on every packet of the semens. Romeo
all others, 50e all druggists and Mores or
Zam•Buk Co„ Toronto.
1. Open the window, top and bot-
tom. •
2. Take out all the soiled towels,
washcloths and linens.
3. Take out the rug, if there must
be a rug, and leave it in the air a while
after shaking,
4. Run hot water into the bath -tub
with dish of ammonia or soda or plain
soap, and scrub well—ends, sides and
bottom. Rinse well with hot and cold
water and wipe dry.
5. Wash all sponges and hang in the
air to dry,
6. Wash soap dishes, mugs, slab,
faucets, bowl and closet with soapy
water, and wipe dry.
7. Wring a housecloth as dry as
possible and lightly wipe over the
closet seat and lid and all woodwork,
and last of all, the floor.
8. Bathroom walls should be painted
to permit their being washed frequent-
ly. Painted walls are much more sani-
tary than walls covered with paper,
and more easily kept clean.
9. Where possible, the floors and
walls up fo four feet in height should
be made of tiling. This material is
moisture proof, and will not absorb
Dr. de Van's
Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never faits. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Vans are sold at
5 a box, or three for;10, Mailed to any address.
zaw gcobell Drue Co., St. Catlawrinea, Ossb.
[Harper's Weekly.]
The old Temple clock in London bears
a curious inscription, the origin of
which is ascribed to a chance remark.
Some two hundred years or so ago a
master workman was employed to re-
pair and put in a new face upon the
clock. When his work was nearly done
he asked the benchers for an appro-
priate motto to carve upon the base.
They promised to think of one. Week
after week he came for their decision,
but was put off. One day he found
them at dinner in commons.
It takes three -tenths of a second for
a signal to pass over the 2,700 miles of
an Atlantic cable.
"What motto shall I put on the
clock, your Lordship?" he asked of a
learned judge.
"Oh, go about your business!" his
honor cried, angrily,
"And very suitable for a lazy, dawd-
ling gang!" the clockmaker is said to
have muttered, as he retreated. It id
certain that he carved 'Go about your
business' on the base.
The lawyers decided that no better
warning could be given them at any
hour of the day, and there the inscrip-
tion still remains.
Coal minds can not be worked to a
greater depth than. 4,000 feet because
of the high temerapttire that prevail*.
Don't be surprised if you have an at-
ack of rheumatism this springg Just
rub the affected parts freely With Chani-
berlain,a Liniment and it will soon die -
appear. Sold by all dealers.
Cobourg's huge water tank, used for
supplying the town with water, buret
on Thursday, and is now a total wreck
It is supposed that
ice fell on it tensing it to 'collapse.
Water is being jiuttped direct to the
itervice pipes of the town so that the
domestic *apply is not interfered with.
Children Cry
A T 1' R I
Leap Year Warning.
As this is leap year we would advise
some of our bachelors to be very care-
ful because if a proposal should come
from any of the fair $elle either here or
elsewhere there are only two courses
open; one being the straight and nar-
row road which leads to Hymen's altar;
the other being a wider and more cir-
c'.hitous road which leads first to a dry
goods store where the costliest of silk
goods are spread on a counter for the
lady's inspection. If suitable to , her
tastes, sufficient is produced for the
making of a dress, the gentlemen rfur-
nishing the cash. From there the pro-
cession leads to an up-to-date dress-
making shop, where from the very
latest fashion sheets, the lady chooses
what she considers the correct style
for herself and the dress -maker fur-
nishes the very costliest of trimmings.
Again the gentleman pays the bill.
Now they have come as it were, to the
parting of the ways. The gentleman
goes one way, a sadder and wiser man;
the lady goes the other way with a
beautiful silk dress to the good.
For rheumatism you will find nothing
better than Chamberlain's Liniment.
Try it and see how quickly it gives re-
lief. For sale by all dealers.
A Town Threatened.
The town of Frank, Alta., which was
partially destroyed by a rockslide a few
years ago is now threatened with com-
plete destruction by a second and great-
er slide that is believed to be impend-
ing. Last summer Mr. Brock of the
Geological survey, gave it as his opinion
that the part of the Turtle Mountain
that did not come down with the great
avalanche was in such a position that
the part of the town might be over-
whelmed. The people themselves
scorned the idea, but a commission was
appointed by the Government which
has very largely confirmed Mr, Brook's
finding and has urged that the town
shall be moved. The C. P. R, is al-
ready preparing to move its line that
runs through the town. What the
threatened disaster means can hardly
be realized. Many of the residents have
their all in their little homes and the
cost of moving these will about equal
their value. One man gave $23,000 for
a business property a short time ago
and contemplates a loss of the whole
of it, The coal mine on which the town
depends represents an investment of
over $2,000,000. Doubtless, too, Frank
like other towns is in debt and the des-
truction of the place will leave the
bond holders without any security for
their money,
New Things in Cement.
A cement house put together with a
screw -driver is a novelty which has
been recently introduced. The system
is designed for houses of a more or
less temporary character, or for houses
that are liable to be moved from point
to point such as a temporary workshop
o privategarage. a ga age. The system con-
sists of blocks of Concrete in which has
been buried a wire spiral with an open-
ing in the cement to take a small bolt.
These slabs are bolted in position over
a metal or wooden frame, and when • it
is desired to move the structure the
bolts may be readily removed with a
screw -driver, and the whole structure
transported without any damage to
any desired point, then again cement
lumber is a new form of making use of
cement which dispenses with the ne-
cessity and uncertainty of mixing the
material. The lumber consists of slabs
made in suitable lengths, and this ma-
terial takes the place of wood on the
outside of a house. The framework is
erected in the ordinary manner and a
metal tie is nailed on the studding. The
latter is galvanized and has a slotted
edge. The ends of the slab come up to
this and are held in place by bending
the edge of the ties, first to one side
and then the other, over the ends of
the slabs. Subsequently the whole sur-
face is finished by a coating of cement
which fills all the crevices and covers
the exposed portions of the tie. The
metal tie costs two cents a foot.
Mrs. WM. 11. MacUlven, Montt
Tryon, P.E.I., writes:—"mor more than*
year I suffered with all the terrible pains
of indigestion, and my life was one of the
greatest misery. It did not seem to make
any difference whether .I ate or not,, the
pains were always there, accompanied by
a severe bloating and belching of wind.
I did not evert get relief at sight, and
sometimes hardly get a bit of sleep. In
my misery I tiled allay remedies said
to cure indigestion bat they did, me net
one particle of good, and I fully expected
I would alirayr be adllcted in this way.
At this time my brothe 'rime home on iw
visit and urged nta to try Milburn's.
Taxa -Liver Fills, and got me a few vials.
By the time I bad taken tine vial I began
to improve, and 'could eat with some
relish. I wasreatlyy cheered, and WA,tinned taking the pills until all traces of
the trouble had disappeared, and 1 could
office, more eat all kinds of food without
tate slightestlnconvenietice. •1 also fully
convinced of theft virtue as a family
medicine, I have no hesitation in neon:.
mending them."
Price, 25 colts per Fetal or 15 vials for
$1.06 It all dealers Or wailed Ilireet on,
receipt of price by' The T'. Milburn P6.1
I,iaaited, Toronto, Qat.
Complexion of
You owe it to your
skin to give FAIRY
SOAP a test—it keeps
the complexion fresh,
clear, bright and healthful,
FAIRY SOAP is white;
and, being made from
edible products, it is just as
pure and good as it looks.
comes in a handy oval cake; it floats. It is
dainty, refined, delicate in ,perfume. It has
the appearance, odor and performance of a
high class product.
The price— 5c— is the only cheap
thing about FAIRY SOAP.
Made by
"Have you a little 'Fairy' in
your home?"
amays441 m•44.0.444•044
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