HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-04-18, Page 1THE WING
VOL. XLL-NO. 2098.
A Complete Aquarium con-
sisting of
On Thursday! April 25th
Commencing at 12 p.m.
With every 25c box of Rexall
Liver Pills. 9. be above complete
aquarium will be given free
Remember on THURSDAY,
25ra APRIL, 25e will buy a
box of Pills and a eomplete
Walton McKibbon
Wtoma x�CiJ_ Norte
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
If You Want It
We Have It.
Two farms listed during the
past week, close to Wingham,
with good buildings and valuable
timber, An opportunity that
shculd not be neglected.
We still have a number of
good Town and Country Proper
ties on our lists.
Property in Wingham sells
better than in any of the sur-
rounding towns. Yet there are
always some bargains to be had
from people who desire to move
It will always pay to see us
before buying.
Ritchie 411 Covens
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for im.rket
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate- at the lowest
testes going.
Christie's Grocery
Choice Apricots
Just thio thing at this time of
the year when every thing is
scarce. .Per ib. 256.
Choice honey
A few pails only of very choice
Clover Honey. 10 Ib. pails
each $1.25
Coffee, Sugar and
Milk Combined
Here's the very thing for a
rash lunch. Once used and
you'll never be without a tin.
Only 25e pet till.
WANTED. -Large quantities of
Choice Dtltter and Fresh
Wear Greer's Shoes and, Rubbers.
Young lady would like to secure a
position in a store or factory, a re-
staurant preferred. State wages.
Write to
Rosseau, Minn.
The Presbytery
at Wingham on T
at 11 a. m., to di
Dungannon to Mr.
Belmore and McI
Gibson, both gra
f Maitland,
Maitland will meet
ursday, April 18th
pose of calls from
G. Gomin, and from
tosh to Mr. A. R.
ates of Knox Col -
FOR SALE.- A good bedroom suite.
Apply at TIMES office.
Sale of C
Mr. D. McDon
sale at the Natiox
on Friday, April 1
calves at foot; 3 c
week; 10 young ca
ers; 30 calves, 2 v
is good. John Pu
vs and Stock.
d will hold an auction
al hotel, Wingham.
th of 6 cows with
ws due to calve this
tle, steers and heif-
eks old. All stock
vis wiII be the auc-
select from at lowest prices.
W. J. Glum.
Veterinary P
John Wilson, V.
erinary practice to
of Buffalo, and t
place this week.
Wingham very
and the TIMES is pl
as a resident_ of
also pleased to rep
does not intend mo
actice Sold.
., has sold his vet -
E. C. Cook, V. S.,
e change will take
r. Cook comes to
ighly recommended
rased welcome to him
his town. We are
rt that Dr. Wilson
ling from Wingham.
the Wingham bo
take care of
g green. Apply
Moving to
Mr, W. J. Neil h
a few days this w
hold effects ready
new home in Ora
Neil is now C. P
He has purchased
ville. The TIMES i
removal of Mr.
Wingham and we
carry the best wish
ber of friends to
s been in town for
k getting his house -
or shirnent to his
geville, where Mr.
R. yard foreman.
property in Orange -
sorry to record the
d Mrs. Neil from
are sure they will
es of a large num-
eir new home.
Representative wanted in each local-
ity to mail circulars for Cut -Rate Gro-
cery Mail Order House. Few hours
spare time will easily earn $20 weekly.
Anyone can do the work. Outfit fur-
nished free. Dominion Grocery Co.,
Windsor, Ont.
Moved to N
Mr. and Mrs.
family left on Wed
their new home in
County, where Mr.
chased a fifty -acre
are sorry to see
family;Caving Wi
son has made a go
as a member of th
was a member o
Board and for a n
been a member of
gers of St. An
Church. The bes
circle of friends
their new home.
w Scotland.
in. Nicholson and
esday afternoon for
ew Scotland, Kent
Nicholson has pur-
arm. Many friends
r. Nicholson '-and
ham. Mr. Nichol -
citizen and served
Town Council and
the High School
mber of years had
he Board of Mana-
rew's Presbyterian
wishes of a large
vill follow them to
signed has a q
furniture and ca
ate sale at his re
A driving horse
SALE. -The under -
entity of household
ets for sale by priv-
idence on Patrick St,
buggy, cutter and
Death of
We regret to ch
Mrs. Eliza Purdy,
ock, on March 23
age of 82 years.
Carrick township
two children 60 ye
Greenock in 1865.
on the same farm u
ago, since when sh
with her sons, Fra
Walter in Greenock,
the latter she spent
husband died about 2
large family of twel
ters are all living.
referred to in the ab
Chesley Enterprise
known resident of
rs. Purdy.
onicle the death of
of 12th con. Green -
d, at the advanced
rs. Purdy moved to
ith her husband and
rs ago, removing to
he deceased lived
til about 6 years
made her home
k of Paisley and
and it was with
er last days. Her
years ago, Their
e sons and dough -
r. Walter Purdy,
ve item frdm the
s a former well-
WESTERN OATS. ---We have received
a car load of good Western Oats. Get
your supply at the store house at G. T.
ROad Willis & Co.'s Adv, on page 8
Death of St nley Baker.
There passed aw on Sunday last at
the family home in he Town Plot, Mr.
Stanley Baker, in is 16th year. The
deceased young m n had been ailing
for some weeks, de th being caused by
consumption. The ereaved will have
the sympathy of any friends. The
funeral took place n Wednesday after-
noon to Wingharn emetery.
CALL IN and have a look at Knox's
new 1912 wall papers.
Gold Coins
The minting of
dollar gold pieces
at the mint. The
a long -felt want in
ally the only gold c
ada at present is A
mated that there ar
worth of United S
dollar gold pieces i
ada now.
for Canada.
nadian five and ten
ill begin next month
w coins will meet
anada, as practic-
inage used in Can-
erican. It is esti-
several millions'
ates five and ten
circulation in Can -
Newest and latest designs in wall pap-
er at KNOT'S.
Coming to Ingham.
The Canadian Te
of the Salvation Ar
ham on Saturdy an
and 28th. The ban
musicians. Saturd
val program will b
house when Mayor
Sunday services w
in the Army Hall
in the opera hou
mond will preside
noon service,
itorial Staff Band
y, will be in Wing -
Sunday, April 27th
is composed of 28
y evening a festi-
given in the opera
Spotton will preside.
I be hell at 11 a, m.
nd at 3 and 7.30 p.m.
e. Dr. R. C. Red -
t the Sunday after -
son house on Fra
Key at Mrs. Jas.
house. Get particu
.-The Wm. Nichol-
ces street for rent.
axwell's, opposite
rsatR. Vanstone's.
Jndgment i ocal Case.
Judgment for $ and costs was al-
lowed Wm. F. D Image, hotelkeeper,
of Harriston, for erly of Gorrie, by
Justice Britton, i an action entered by
him against Ch s. E. Leppard, of
Wingham, chargi g neglect of specific
performance of contract. Leppard
agreed to lease t e Exchange Hotel in
Wingham to Dul age for a period of
five years, but rused to perform the
contract, allegi g the understanding
that Dulmage w.s to pay a deposit of
$100 as evidence of good faith. Dul-
mage asked for 2,500 damages.
County R ads and Bridges.
A meeting of he County Road and
Bridge Committ•e was held in Wing -
ham on Frida last, with Warden
Stothers, Count Clerk Lane and the
other members .f the committee in
attendance, The committee examined
the road and bridles south of Wingham
and the road wi'I be repaired during
the coming sum er. Reeve Gillespie
of East Wawanosh reported the damage
at Zetland bridge .,nd culvert as having
been repaired and he road made pass-
able two days afte the flood. County
Commissioner Pat erson also attended
the meeting and r=ported that county
fared very well in he resent flood and
the damage was no as great as was
first expected. he Auburn bridge
was damaged by .+ e abutment being
washed out and w: closed for a few
WALLPAPER from 5c. to $1.00 per rol
at KNOX's.
Drunkenn s in Ontario.
Disquieting evid nee of an increase
in drunkenness in ntario is contained
in the annual repor on the operation
of the license law j st issued. Despite
the rapidly-growin dry belt the record
for commitments la t year reached the
record of 5,802, whi h is 757 over the
previous year. Bet een the years 1891
and 1899 the numb of commitments
for drunkenness d creased, but since
the latter date t ere has been a
steady augmentati rt. Toronto and
Hamilton lead the list. Toronto had
271 cases more than the previous year,
Hamilton 100 more In local option
districts there wer 364 prosecutions
and 173 convictions. From the imposi-
tion of fines the P ovincial Treasurer
received $11,780, as against $8,213 the
previous year. There were 1,816 pro-
secutions against licenses and non -
licenses, the latter class providing 1,209
convictions. For the year ended April
30, 1911, there were 1,642 tavern licen-
ses in the Provinces 17 beer and wino
licenses, 226 shop licenses, 31 wholesale
and 51 club licenses, making a total of
1,967. The total amount paid to the
municipalities for the license year of
1910-11 was $358,47.34, while the total
revenue was $445, 01.94.
The Wingham br
Institute will hold
meeting at the ho
on Thursday, Apr'
Subject for this m
hold share of the
P. Kennedy, also,
P. Deans, The
will be sers ed
A good atteadai�
nch of the Woman's
eir regular monthly
ie Mrs. H. B. Elliott,
25th, at 3 P. M.
eting, "The house-
�ncome," by Mrs. J.
urrent events by Mrs.
usual social luncheon
close of programme.
ce requested
WANTED.-TWo brig , smart young
men to learn the p+.lstering. Apply
to WALKER & CLL=G, Wingham.
Changes in usiness Stands.
Mrs, M. Huffm n has moved her mil-
linery stock to th store in the Gregory
block, opposite h old stand. Carpen-
ters are now bus making the altera-
tions in the doub store of the Mac-
donald block and his store will be tak-
en by J. Walton cKibbon, the drug-
gist, as soon as t changes are made.
Mayor Spotton ha leased the store to
be vacated by Mr. McKibbon and will
use it as the centr 1 offiice in connec-
tion with his chain of Busine4s Colleges,
A good strong sprin waggon, with
pole and whiffletree or sale cheap at
S. Gracey's.
Old Seafort
Mrs. John Kill
of Seaforth, wid
died suddenly at
daughter, Mrs.
Toronto, on Mo
deceased had be
ter for the past
had been well
the sudden coil
She had been a
over fifty years
large family.
Resident Gone.
an, an old resident
of John Killoran,
he residence of her
rns, 44 Oriole road,
day a£teinoon, The
visiting her daugh-
ouple of months and
ost of the time, and
se was not expected.
esident of Seaforth for
and is survived by a
number of settin
my Rose Com
Large fowl and
G. A limited
will be sold from
hode .Island Reds.
ed to the skin.
Clean up Stree s and Premises.
Chief Allen hss
of the Street Com
force the by-law
allowing articles o
placed on the stre
posite their premi
tends to strictly
also the by-law
to have their pre
is certainly time
were cleaned up.
eceived instructions
ittee to strictly en -
reference to parties
various kinds to be
t in front of or op -
es. Chief Allen in-
nforce this by-law,
hich compels people
ises cleaned up. It
that all backyards
Having purchased F. J Hill's prize
pen of Rose Comb . Reds, I am
prepared to sell egs r setting at $1.00
per 15. H. J. MARSHALL, (Variety
Store) Wingham.
Day Power
Owing to the
recent flood and n
the lines in proper
power was not est'
on Monday last a
new pole line is be
toria street from
corner to Mr. W.
works and it is e
thing will be in
Monday when day
ed. A large num
and other electric
have been sold an
before day power
a great convenien
of our townspeop
ext Monday.
amage done by the
being able to have
hape, day electric
blished in Wingham
was expected. A
g erected on Vic -
he Exchange hotel
H. Gurney's plove
petted that every -
readiness for next
ower will be start -
r of electric irons
household articles
it will not take long
n Wingham will be
e to a large number
FOR SALE. -Miss Houghton'
est corner
s, Wingham.
lectric lighr,
ilet. C. N. Griffin,
ful brick residence, south
John and Francis etre=
Everything moder
furnace, bath and t
Huron Towr
Following is tl
different townshi
Huron as shown
census returns.
ship Population.
e population of the
s in the County of
xv the 1901 and 1911
Grey. .... ....2,850
Howrek 3,463
Morris ... ..... 2,240
Turnberry ..... 1,897
Wawanosh, E.... 1,929
Hay ....3,014
McKillop .... .... 2,239
Stanley .... ....... ......1,830
Stephen .... 3 453
Tuckersmith .....2,221
Usborne .......,, 1,944
Ashfield .2,630
Colborne ..... 1,602
Goderich ..... ...1,926
Hullett .... ... ... 2,409
Wawanosh, W... ......1,343
mottled Ancona
per 12, C. He
International A
1'. 0.
37,190 44,877
aala am.
CHING. •g4Singfe comb
ettings for sale, $1,00
bert Taylor, member
conn Club, Wingham
Town Ba
A meeting of
be held in the
o'clock on Friday
to arrange for th
baseball league
several good ba
a league and
are played durin
ties interested
league are req
meeting on Frid
ball League.
baseball players will
runswick hotel at 8
evening of this week
forming of a town
Other towns have
ball clubs formed into
series of good games
the season. All par -
in the . forming of a
ested to attend the
y evening.
WANTED. -Comp tent,girl, good wag-
es; no washing or i o frog. Every Sun-
day off; duties to ommence May lst.
Apply to MRs. L. KENNEDY.
Quiet Weddi g in Toronto.
A quiet weddin took place in Dunn
Avenue Methodist Church at Toronto,
on Saturday after oon last, when Mr.
Alva J. H. Welke of this town, was
married to Miss Olive Chapman, of
Mount Forest, anformerly of Wing -
ham. The cere ony was performed
by Rev. W. B. C: well. Mr. and Mrs.
Walker will resid in Wingham and the
TIMES joins with any friends in ex-
tending hearty co gratulations,,.
married or single
wire or write Geo
Ont. a;
Farmer who want
men a once should
H. oonev, Ripley,
Sale of Work.
The Sale of W rk, already announc-
ed, under the aus•ices of the Ladies'
Aid of the Baptist Church, will be held
on the afternoon; and evening of Thurs-
day, April 25th, n the Council Chamber.
A large number `•f useful articles have
been prepared, well as many pieces
of fancy work, a d.these, together with
an extensive line of home-made baking,
will be offered f. r sale. Light lunches
will be served b h afternoon and even-
ing. The patroiage of the public is
The Scouts
oncert and Display.
The concert d display given in the
opera house on Friday evening under
the auspices of the local troop of Boy
Scouts was not as largely attended as
it should have een. The concert was
a good one in e '`ery way. Miss Foster
has an excellen voice and at this, her
first appearanc•' in Wingham, delighted
the audience wi h her different num-
bers and our to nspeople will be pleas-
ed to again wel,ome her here. Mr.
Wilson, in his co is songs, was out of
the ordinary. H's songs and sayings
were good and m ch appreciated. Miss
McKay, of Toro ito,very ably presided
at the piano. Mr. J. C. Smith, who is
Scout Commissioner for Huron County
gave an address outlining the work of
the Scouts as did also Mr. H. G. Ham-
mond, Provincial Secretary of the Boy
Scouts Association. Mr. Hammond
also presented Scout George Bowman
with the Scroll of Honour awarded him
for life saving.
hibition of signallil
stration on "First.
boys did extra well
receiving excellen
Master Barron.
e Scouts gave an ex-
tg and also a demon -
id to Injured." The
nd showed they are
training from Scout
There are still some good bargains in
furniture at S.t.Gracey's clearing out
furniture sale.
The "
The Octoroon
a play in five acts
the opera house
April 26th by the
Club. This ent
given in aid of t
assist in raising f
of new uniforms.
one and the mem
mise an excellent
r Life in Louisiana,
will be presented in
on Friday evening,
Wingham Dramatic
rtainment is being
e Citizens' Band to
nds for the purchase
The play is a good
rs of the club pro -
evening's entertain -
World's Greatest Vessel Founders on
Maide Voyage.
The greatest in rine disaster in the
history of the wo d occurred last Sun-
day night, when the Titanic, of the
White Star Line, he biggest and finest
of steamships, sh tered herself against
an iceberg on her maiden voyage from
Liverpool to New York, and sank with
1,500 of her pa•sengers and crew in
Tess than four ho rs.
Out of nearly ,200 people that she
carried, only 686 ere saved, and most
of these were women and children.
They were picke up from small boats
by the Cunar er Carpathia, which
found, when she ended her desperate
race against tim , a sea strewn with
the wreckage o q the lost ship and the
bodies of drowned men and women.
The White Star Line offices in New
York, while k:eping up hope to the
last, were free o admit that there had
been "horrible loss of life." The hope
still remains tl at some other vessels
may have pick.d up survivors.
News of the inking of the liner and
the terrible los of life in consequence
carne early Mo day evening, with all
the greater s ock because hope had
been buoyed up all day by reports that
the steamship, :!though badly damaged,
was not in a .inking condition, and
that all her pass ngers had been safely
taken off. The x essages were mostly
unofficial, howe er, and none came
direct from the li er, so that a lurking
fear remained of .ossible bad news to
Shortly after 7 •'clock Monday night
there came flash ng over the wires
from Cape Race, within 400 miles of
which the liner n the treacherous
Newfoundland Ba ks region had struck
the berg which br.ught her to grief,
that at 2.20 o'cloc Monday morning,
three hours and fif y -five minutes after
receiving her dea• .biow, the Titanic
had sunk.
On board the Tit: nit were Chas. M.
Hays, President •f the G. T. R. with
his wife, daughter and son-in-law, as
well as several of er prominent Cana-
LOST. -In Wing am, a d belt pin
with initial "J" beauty ' fy engraved
on it. Finder will b warded by leav-
ing same at the Tins office.
Quiet Hom Wedding.
A quiet home wer.ing took place at
the home of Mrs. Laughlin, Charles
street, at noon on Wednesday, when
her daughter, Miss 'i the! McLaughlin,
was joined in wedlok to Mr. Frederick
Davidson, son of M and Mrs. H. Dav-
idson. The cerem y was performed
by'the Rev. D. Per - e, in the presence
of only relatives d near friends of
the contracting p.•, ties. After the
wedding dinner the appy young couple
left on the aft( rnoo train for Toronto
and other points. o Mr, and Mrs.
Davidson will be extended the best
wishes of a large ci le of friends. The
bride was pleasantly] surprised on Mon-
day evening when t employees of W.
D. Pringle's glove sz.rks called at her
home and gave her kitchen shower.
George Peyt.: H. Linklater
Salem Seudd= ` Ed. Nash
Mr. Sunnysi.. W. Buchanan
Jacob M'Clo + y ii. Jobb
Wahnotee G. Moffatt
Captain Ratt: J. Mann
Colonel Poin..exter L. Hewer
Jules Thibodeaux Will Hayles
Judge Cailio G. Moffatt
Lafouche Levi Cranston
Jackson Will Haines
Old Pete R. A. Coutts
Paul (a boy slave) H. Dore
Solon W. Murch
Mrs. Peyto. Beryl West
Zoe Alice Mann
Dora Sinn side Mrs R. Elliott
Grace Janet Murray
Minnie Della Mitchell
Dido Margaret Tibbs
Admission 15 and 25c. Reserved
seats 35e. Pia of hall opens:at J. W.
McRibbon's d ug store on Monday,
April 2End,
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wing m cemetery
during the summer in the and guar-
antees to give sati f ction. Price for
season is $1 per lot Orders left with
John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re-
ceive prompt attention.
Shoes That Stand
Slovenly, ill --fitting footwear
counteracts every other attraction.
In whatever way you judge the
merits of "INVICTUS" shoes you
will find their superiority- -a beth-
er for precise and dignified style,
or for the. high quality of the
material and workmanship.
The wearer of "INVICTUS"
footwear can be suhjeeted to no
adverse criticism.
Bring along your Butter and
Eggs, Highest price paid.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
MONE!' LOANING Business.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Offloe over Maloolm's Grocery.
Rev. T. D. McCu lohgh, late of Har-
riston was induct;;. as pastor of the
Presbyterian Chur h at Port Hope on
Rev. R. J. M. P kins, of Ingersoll,
has been receivin r congratulations on
every side on his appointment to the
position of rural d. an for Oxford Coun-
ty. Among his p ishoners and towns-
people as a whole the appointment is
viewed with con • derable interest for
two reasons. In -the first place it is
the first time that the appointment has
to come an Ingersoll rector in about
thirty-five years. r. Perkins also has
the distinetion, fro what can be ascer-
tained, of being th youngest rural dean
of the diocese. M Perkins is a Huron
county old boy, bei g a former resident
of Gorrie,
With the usual !ceremonies for such
<,n occasion, the first session of the
Thirteenth Legislature of the province
of Ontario was p{orogued at noon on
Tuesday by His Hpnor Lieutenant -Gov-
ernor Sir John Gib on.
H. DA ♦ IS
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Hello ---You Ba
See the Detroit Tig
phia Athletics, the
ions", on "Navin
New Half Million Do
largest in the West.
20,000. Saturday
15th and 16th. Two
over. An opportuni
miss. A chance to s
exponents of the art
Cobb, the peer of
Sam Crawford. Do
net short-stop, qui
and Home Run Ba
and the Star Seco
Collins. The big
will leave Goderich
at 9.30 a. in. and r
troit Monday, Ju
The fare for the r
$1.50. This gives
and Sunday and, u
recreate and agr
time visiting your
points of interest
"Where life is wo
ball Fans.
rs play Philadel-
"Worlds Champ-
ield", Detroit's
ar Ball Park, the
Seating capacity
d Sunday, June
ays to look them
you shi,uld not
e the celebrated
of Baseball. Ty
them all, Wahoo
ie Bush, the mid -
iter than a flash,
er, Chief Bender,
d Baseman, Eddie
teamer Greyhound
Friday, June 14th,
urning, leave De-
e 17th at 1 p. m.
nd trip will be only
ou all day Saturday
til noon Monday, to
eably occupy your
riends and the many
d beauty.in Detroit
th living."
While alightin
Walter Cope, age
Toronto, slipped
had his leg so b
had to be amput
from a street car,
65, of Sumach St.,
nder the trucks and
dly mangled that it
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being instructed in their homes by
our Horne Study Dept. You may finish
at College if you dust, e Pal, when-
ever yon 'wish. Thirty ''cars' Exper-
ience. Largest trairers n Canada.
Enter anyday. Positions guaranteed.
If you wih to sate boar and learn
while yon earn, write for psrticll'la*s.
Wiathaw Osslnars Colles
OISO. SPOTTON, i'•resl,lent