The Wingham Times, 1912-04-11, Page 1Ti
VOL, 209 7.
Get out your .'KODAK'
and get busy.
If y ou are not the , happy
Possessor of a
We will be pleased to sell
you one.
Prices from $2.00 up, -
We Develop Films.
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
If You Want it,
We Have It.
Two farms listed during the
past week, close to Wingham,
with good buildings. and valuable
timber, An opportunity that
should not be neglected.
We .stili hive a number ` of
good Town aid Country Proper
ties on our lists.
Property in Wingbam sells
better than- in any of the sur-
rounding towns. Yet there are
always some bargains to be had
from people -who desire to move
away. -
It will always pay to see us
before baying.
Ritchie & Cosens
Farmers eWho want money to buy
hams, cattle, or hogs to feed for mk.rket
osa have it on reasonable terms,
• Notes disoounted for tradesmen, frier.
chants or agouti, on favorable tonne.
Lon on real estate at the lowest
Mei going.
Christie's O.rocery
Glasgow Pease
AS a food nothing equals Pease
Meal and will be found invalu•
able tb dyspeptics, In older
countries it is Used
Per Tin 15c.
Makes delinghtiul porridge.
Per Lbs.. 5c.
English Path I3ricks, eaeli .
Bird travel (recleaned per pkg 5e
Send,hone or .hrin .....our
p �
orclers. We try �
to ]Telco.
The Tea and Coffees Store
Wear Green's Shoes and Rubbtt's
Young,ledy would like to secure a
position In a store or factory, a re-
staurant preferred. State wages,
Write to
Rosseau, Minn.
A Property
-Last week Mr, Ja
acre farm, lot 24, c
berry to Mr, J. L.
town. The property
near the town and M•
it as grass land for
possession in the sp
price paid was $4,4
Snell sold his 100
cession 9, Turn-
Louttit, of this
s nicely situated
Louttit will use
ttie, and will get
ng of 1913. The
CALL IN and have a look at Knox's
new 1911 wall papers.
Mr. H. G, H�
Secretary of the B
tiou will be in Win
and will present Sc+
at the Boy Scouts
Scroll. of Honour -a'
life saving. Mr. I
give an address or.
work of the movem
mmond, Provincial
y Scouts Associa-
am on April 12th
t George Bowman
concert with the
arded to him for
ammond will also
the meaning and
FOR SALE. -2 H. P. gasoline engine,
almost new, at a bargain. Must be
sold at once. L. KENNEDY.
Money in
Mr. James Show
Yorkshire sow tha
maker for him.
months she has ha
a total of 39 ifi the
this number 31 we.
youngest batch o:
weeks old. .Mr, S
had a little gold mi
his Soev.
rs has an Improved
has been a money
ithin the last • ten
three litters of pigs,
three litters and of
raised and the
pigs is now five
owers has certainly
e'in this sow.
select from at lowest price§.
Land in N
Messrs John W
J. G. Gillespie an
East and West
home on Saturday
few weeks in New
way each member
a homestead of 16
land is well cover
andthese men evil
and proceed at on
Clearing the land
w Ontario.
bster, Thos, Inglis;
Jas. Anderson of
awanosh, returned
ast after spending a
Ontario. While a -
f the party took up
acres each. The
with good timber
put in a saw mill
e with the work of
EGGS FOR HAT HING.—Single comb.
mottled Ancona s ttings for sale, $1.00
per 13. C. Her • ert Taylor, member
International A ona Club, Wingham
P. 0.
Car• Thanks.
Will the kind fends who so nobly
came to the ass' ance of Mr. Thos.
Hart and famil and Mr. and Mrs
Wilbert Hart and amily,.and Mr, and
Mrs. 11. G. Liston all of Lower Wing-
ham, kindly acce t their sincere and
heartfelt thanks f r the timely assist-
ance they rendere en Sunday morning
in the flood. Esp cially those who risk-
ed their lives in p tting out the boats
in such strong cro s current; ,of water.
Mr. Thos. Hart al o wishes to express
his sincere grant de to all those who
donesomuch in owing of his
eetg two
horses, and atte ptiug to rescue the
remainder of Iii stock.
,WANTED.—A good general servant
to go to Toronto, wages 118 a month
and fare paid to right person. Apply` to Mrs. W. R. Geihie,Ain h:' s Apart.
runts, 210 •Bloor St. East, Tronto,
St, Pauf's esiry Meeting.
The St. Pauls
meeting was hel
last when officer
son; People's we
Vestry Clerk, C.
Delegates to
Moore and John.
Messrs. Tompki
Sidesmen, Messr
Boyce, Jobb, E.
W. I3. Elliott, B
A. S.Aldersbn;
t;legg, Griffin,
hurch annual vestry
on Monday evening
were elected as fol.,
varden,. A. .L Alder -
den, N. T. Sinclair;
Griffin, re-elected;
nod, Messrs. Wm,
ethery; substitutes,
s and IL Wheeler;
. Nash, D. B. Porter,
ma1f� Hounsell, Teee,
con, A. li;. Porter and
dyri,sory Board, Meters.
F VeinStbne, Boyce,
R. Vanstone s,i, A. E. Porter; Andi-
tors, Messrs. I•i.Imes and C. P. Smith,
The financial re ort was presented by.
the Vestry Clea and referred to the
auditors for thei consideration to be.
reported at the a journed vestry meet-
ing on April 22n
Newest and latest designs in
et at KWox'S.
all pap
Read Wi1llsSt Co.'s ROT. on Page 8
Hydro Eleci ficMeeting.,
A meeting of re
the different muniei
on the hydro. elect.
Last January, will b
Thursday afternoon
ner will be held to
business meeting
phases of the big q
iresentatives from
palities that voted
is power question
held in Clinton on
April 18th. A din
be followed by a
vhen the different
estion will lee dis-
Fon SALE." -A go
Apply at TIMES office
edroom suite.
Sale o
A sale of work u
the Ladies' Aid of
will be held sorneti
ent month, the e
nounced later. A
fuI articles as well
fancy work have
will be offered fo
ars later, A
housecleaning tim
der the auspices of
he Baptist Church,
e during the pres-
et date to be .'an-
arge number of use.
as many articles of
been prepared and
sale. Full particul-
od opportunity for
Don't miss it.
HOUSE TO RENT. --Th m, Nichol-
son house on Francs reet for rent.
Key at Mrs. Jas. well's, opposite
house. Get particulars at R. Vanstone's.
Boy Sco s Concert.
The concert u der the auspices of
Lord Charles Ber sford's Own Canadian
Troop of Boy Sco, ts of Wingham, will
be held in the op • a house, on Friday
evening, April 12 h. The Boy Scouts
will give an exhi.ition of signalling and
a demonstration i the first aid to the
injured and there will be an address by
Mr. J. C. Smit , Commissioner for
Huron County. he boys will be assist-
ed by Miss Barb a Foster, Contralto
and Mr. Robt. ilson, comic singer,
both of Toronto. The program pro-
mises to be one o the best ever given
in Wingham. T - admission is 25e and,
reserved eats, 3 c. PIan of hall is at.
MoKibbons drug store.
wahted for gree
to T. C. Graham
Good strong boy'
house work. Apply
Son, Francis street
Good Frid
A more delightf
Friday could scare
was the first r
1912, and was as
pleasing. Warme
dieted on Thursda
that the weather
toire so fine a sam
clear and the t
rapidly. In the a
degrees, Overco
and were discarde
pneumonia germs
tribe. The aay
Winghamites and
be seen on the
first installment o
holiday than Good
y be imagined. It
al spring day of
elcome as it was
weather was pre-
, but few dreamed
an had in his reper-
le. The day broke
ertnometer jumped
ternoon it reached 60
ts were a burden,
to the enjoyment of
rid fellows of their
as spent quietly by
any people were to
treets enjoying the
good spring weather.
WESTERN OATS,, --Wee have received
a car load of good/Western ern Oats. Get
your supply at th! ore house at G. T.
Increased Sta lard in Education.
The President
in a recent repo
for the most effic
ing more must b
iate institutes an
Province. Witho
them the Unive
higher standard
after the matrioul
into effect. Incre
be of great advan
Student by keepin
teachers, who at 1
self will give him
ing, but to the tea
him higher ideals
to the commuriitie
Ina' the quality of
points out that
creased standard
make a preparato
in the high echo
This is in keeping
Normal Entrance
practically a feu
course and, aced
tions of 1911, For
two years' class.
n University
Un v ersit
t said: "To prepare
ent professional train-
asked of the colleg-
high schools of the
t unduly burdening
ity may require a
for entrance, even
tion of 1912 comes
s would
demands w uld
only not on y to the
him longer under
s: epees it se to him -
ore individual train
her also by affording
his teaching, and
as well by improv -
their schools." He
e effect of the in -
f 1912 "will be to
four years' course
alniost essential."
itb the course for
hlch now requires
years' preparatory
ing to the Regula-
III is regularly a
FuRN1TtlliE FOR SALE. --The under
signed hath a q nit y of household
uriuean earfor �p
f n t r d a sale b r}v-
Patrick ate sale at his res este On i'atrt k t.
a �� b C S
A driving horse, buggy, cutter and
harness. W. P. Grunnsoist.
Representative wanted in each local•
ity to mail circulars. for Cut -Rate Gro.
eery Mali Order House. Pew hours
spare time Will easily earn rn $20 Weekly,
Anyone earl do the work. Outfit fur.
nished free. Detniniori Grocery Co.,
Windsor, Ont.
The High School.
April 15th.
Mr, J. C. Smit
High School is at
Educational Associ
week. On Tuesda
the Principals'
Charles' Iotel.
The annual "A
held under the au
Society was the
history of the s
Hall was beautif.
colours of the se
and the floral dee
white carnations,
plaster casts ado
entertaininent co
and promenade.
was as :follows:
Misses Perrie an
reading, Mr. G.
selection, Harmoni
Form I Girls'; D
Muir, W. Moffat
Quartette, Misse
Pearen, Messrs. T
an; "Journal", rea
Miss L. Ross was
pa and the pre
made a pleasing c
feature of the e
nouncement by
George Bowman it
awarded a Scout's
life-saving. All
the programme d
After the concert
were served at sm
gramme of pro
out. One of the
tures of the even'
music furnished
chestra under th
A. Morton.
Miss Anderso
vacation at St.
ter at Brantfor
at Wallacetown.
-opens on Monday,
, Principal of the
riding the Ontario
tion in Toronto this
evening he attend-
anquet in the St.
Home" and Re -union
pices of the Literary
ost successful in the
ool. The Assembly
ly decorated with the
ool,_ red and white,
ations were red and
Flags, pennants and
ed the walls. The
sisted of a concert
he concert program
Instrumental duet,
Nicholls; Scotch
oung; Instrumental
a Band; Hoop drill,
alogue, Messrs. P,
and A. Wallace;
VanNorman and
leaven and Buchan -
by Mr. M. Price.
n excellent accom-
dent, Mr,H. Dore,
irman. A pleasant
ening was the an -
the principal that
Form I had been
roll of Honour for
ho contributed to
serve great 'praise.
ainty refreshments
11 tables and a pro-
nades was carried
ost enjoyable fea-
g was the beautiful
y the Wingham Or -
leadership of Mr...1.
Gold Fish
J. Walton M
free of charge,
two gold fish, a
bies to every
Rexall Little L
which will be
is spending the Easter
ugustine, Miss Brews -
and Mr. G. R. Smith
be Given Away.
ibbon will give away
aquariums, containing
uarium plant and peb-
urchaser of a box of
er Pills, the date of
flounced in our next
WANTED.—A quantity of good pota-
toes at once. Get particulars at the
TIMES office.
Residence an
Messrs. Ritchie
Mr. W. P. Griers
dence and lots on
Geo. Denger, and
on the 1st of May.
son intend leaving
not yet fully decid
will locate. They
citizens and a lar
will regret to h
from Wingham.
Property Sold.
Cosens report that
n has sold his resi-
atrick street to Mr.
'ill give possessinn
Mr. and Mrs. Grier-
Wingham, but have
d as to where they
ave made excellent
e circle of friends
ar of their removal
WANTED.—A good for general
house work. Goo ges. No wash-
ing or ironing. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.)
Death of Si
After an illness
years, Simpson
home in Beamsv
noon last in his 3
was the third s+
Robert Elliott an•
and came to Win;
in the spring of
until Jane
family moved t.
leaving Wingham
the r t
in in bu-
n g
office and finish
Chronicle office a
Wards worked in
office, Woodstock
forced him to gi
since his illness s
Brantford and
Winghamhe took
atheletic sports
of years a valued
hart football tea
expected,is keens
an age,by;all the
He is survived by
youngehildren, ass
sisters and three b
Of the family belt
the Tithes; W.
ronicle' Mrs. F.
Ch ,
Mrs, IL Hartley,
B, Vairbairn, Vin
Saunders, Flint, •M
and Prank Elliott,.
chains were broug
interment in the f:
son T. Elliott.
extending over two
Elliott, died at his
Ie on Friday after -
d year. Mr. Elliott
n of Mr. and Mrs.
was born in Listowel;
ham with his parents
1888, and remained
y, 1896,
when the
Ingersoll. Before
r. Elliott started at
to Tu
nese in h 8s
d his trade in the
Ingersoll and after -
the Sentinel -Review
until failing health
up his position, and
arted has resided in
=seine. While in
an active interest in
nd was for a number
ember of the Wing-
. His death, though
regretted, at so early
embers of the family,
his widow and two
his parents and five
others, the members
lliott of
Elliott, Ingersoll
Safb h
lie it
W , ,
rantford; Mrs. J'.
land; Mrs. R, E.
h; Miss Pet Elliott
Vineland. The re-
t to Wingham for
ily plot, the fune-
ral taking place o Monday afternoon
front the G. T.1 .tation. The service
at the grave was conducted by Rev.
br. Rutledge.
Large Amount of D
Perhaps never b
of Wingham, and
the year 1866, has
overflowing of the
Maitland river as t
on Saturday night
day Sunday, subsid
night considerably,
that there was an u
snow on the grown.
and Saturday wer
days, it cannot be wondered at that
age in Wingham
ore in the history
certainly not since
ere been such an
wo branches of the
at which occurred
and continued all.
ng during Sunday
In view of the fact
usual quantity of
ancr that Friday
regular summer
there was a freshet,
Maitland would ga.
as was exhibited on
gaze of the large
people who gathere
the river and never
walk between uppe
ham been so much
on Sunday.
It issafe to say
has there been so
from a like cause
and it will be no e
mate the loss to th
Wingham, to the
ham in renewing
bank and the ban
neighboring muni
bridges, culverts,
to bridges and rep
roads that have b
many places.
The first intimat
water was at all li
ious proportions w
ing. Power had be
electric light statio
and everything we
shortly after six o'c
tity of ice and other
the dam and goin
against the electric
that two of the pole
of place and the li
promptlyput out
this time on the
rise and before°ni
number of men wer
the upper and tower
their power to preve
overflowing the ban
to furnish light, the
in filling sacks with
them along the e
Good work was do
the water and the 1
and driftwood was
portion of the west
pond gave way as 1,
the bank of the rae
for the water flood
of Lower Wingham
wise have been the
Lower Wingham w
ever been. In the
house there were s
and Mr. Thos. C
lived in Lower Wi
fifty years, says ti
water was fully th
ever before.
Many of the
Wingham did not
Saturday night, f.
would not be as g
to be, and spe
homes with a dep
feet of water o
Sunday morning
and a number of y
all the residents
Mrs. Green and t
not leave their ho
a stove up -stairs
ed with provisio
maining in their o
the rough water
H. Campbell, ell= the
trie lightdi
h plant,
getting the people
and hewas ab]
.Ed. Nash, Thos.
Mr. Campbell has a
great care in his wo
It is very hard to
tent of the damage
Wingham, the differ
be at a considerable 1
their property. Mr
was very badly da
Gray's stable was als,
and Mr. Wm. J'ohnst.
ted and is a complete
Will be et a heavy lo
fences and househ
Hart, sr. lost four he
colt and Mr. Geo. C
hog. All the other 1
flooded district were saved, The Cor-
eavy expense In
in the pond and
and that the old
• n such a rampage
Sunday before the
number of towns -
on the banks of
before has the side -
and lower Wing-
sed as was the case
that never .before
uch damage done
on this occasion,
sy matter to esti-
residents of lower
orporation of Wing-
ortions of the race
of the ponds and to
palities in replacing
lling in approaches
iring portions of the
en washed away in
n that the rise in
ely to assume ser -
on Saturday even -
n turned on at the
at the usual hour
t along well until
ock when a quan-
material came over
with such force
ight wire pole line
were knocked out
hting service was
business. From
ater continued to
e o'clock a large
at work on both
ams doing all in
t the water from
s. Using lanterns.
men worked hard
gravel and placing
•ge of the banks,
, but the force of
rge amount of ice
•omuch and a large
bank of the lower
ell as a portion pf
This new outlet
a greater portion
than would other -
ase. The water in
s the highest it has
lectric light power
veral feet of water
rruthers, who has
ham fur upward of
t at his home the
ee feet higher than
esidents of Lower
eave their homes on
eling that the flood
eat as it turned out
t the night in their
of from two to four
the floors. Early
•ung men soon had
o places of safety.
Misses Green did
e. They had moved
Id were well provid-
and preferred re-
n home to crossing
a row boat. Mr.
ane re h f the sec-
e ell nt work in
xc e
o places of safety
ields and others.
ool head and took
k .
estimate the ex -
done, In Lower
t residents will
ss in damage to
]±inlay's stable
aged; Mr. Thos.
badly damaged
's stable collap-
oss, while others
s in damage to
,Id goods. Mr.
d of chttle and a
ickshank lost a
ve %t+oc
k in the
p e
oration Wt f 1 b a
repairing the breaks
In the surronnng municipalities
there is considerabl damage. to Bast
Wawanosh the ap oaches to the nett*
bridges buuilt on tit 9th and lQth con-
cessions have bee badly washed away
Ad wall as some lvertit. In Morris,
what are known (]egg's and Sun
thine bridges eve wattled aay and
the new bridge on he let line of Morris
was badly damage fn Ternberry the
big loss will be in Lower Wingham
were roadways h e been washed out
and on the B. Lin - where a cult ert was
put out of busines In Culross many
culverts were was ed away, The flood
of 1912 will go do n in history as the
worst ever seen in this section,.
moo • NOTES.
:t large quantities of
X12 will be remem-
busiest days in the
ay of the Wroxeter
y gave us a much
ter here.
was cut of com-
ours. It was not
sumps owing to the
Many farmers lo
wood and fence re
Easter Sunday,
bered as one of th
history of Wingha
The breaking a •
dam early Saturd:
larger volume of
The water servic
mission for some
possible to run the
high water.
The small bridge est of the Zetland
bridge was carried : way and Mr. Geo.
Orvis' house, near t is point was very
badly damaged.
Hats. off to Mes rs. Campbell and
Nash, who done s ch good worts in
getting the people ut of their homes
in the flooded distric
The water was u on the south end
of Josephine street as far as W. A.
i --the highest Dint
Currie's machine she h h
reached in many yea
At one time it look
Brocklebank's flour
danger. Bags and to
ped the overflow of
d as if Howson &
'II was in great
ds of gravel stop -
Owing to washouts earHenfryn and
Atwood, the G. T. R. train from Pal-
merston on Saturday night came via
Stratford and Clinton, reaching Wing -
ham at 3 o'clock Sundry morning.
One of the bents in t e C. P. R. bridge
was carried out and the trains have
been stopping at the . Line crossing
since Monday morni g. The bridge
will be repaired as ea y as possible.
Manager Campbell =nd his workmen
in having the
stored for Tues-
. prevented ser -
day evening.
, Bone and Mc
the Water and
prompt in Inv -
both dams and
save the town's
done excellent work
electric light service r:
day evening. A mish
vice being given on Mo
Councillors VanSton
Kibbon as members of
Light Committee were
ing men put at work a
did all in their power
The upper dam and
by hard work. The
that it ran over the
the wheel house and
river south of the
partly taken away.
On a small buildin
river at the fair fo
was having a good
building was force
as to pass under th
went to a watery
Mr. Geo. Crui
Lower Wingham
the stream whe
and the house wa
cakes of ise. Bei
house came thr•
On account of f
Huron Telephone
of town being pu
vice on six of th
Repairs were ma.
could reach the
service was restos
The cutting off
ed with the eve
Churches. In St
the Methodist
commenced at fiv
tist Church at 6.8C
vice was he]d in S
terian Church in th
The small bridge
was carrie
toed small bridge
but the bridge buil
saved through the
W, H. Rintoul and
remained on the jo
the large quantity
under the bridge.
water was within a
stringers under the
bank were saved
ater was so high
P. R. track at
the bank of the
wheel house was
going down the
t bridge a mouse
•ide but when the
into the water so
bridge, Mr. Mouse
shank's house in
as in the centre of
the bank broke
bit hard by large
g built of cement the
gh with slight da-
.ur poles of the North
Co's pole line south
out of position, ser -
lines was cut off.
e as soon as workmen
Dint of trouble and
d Tuesday morning.
.f the lights interfer-
ing- services in the
Paul's Church and
hurch, the service
o'clock, in the Bap -
o'clock and no ser -
Andrew's Pres
nd b-
eading to the fair
away and the se-
as badly damaged,
last summer was
od work of Messrs.
eo. Wraith, who
all day and forced
ice and drift wood
At one time the
half foot of the
Part of Brantford
Quite a big flood oc
The C. P. R. bridg
undermined and colla
as hooded.,
tiered -at Ottawa,
at Durham was
Some heavy losses ave been caused
at Beaverton and Me ford.
Two dame at Paisley ere swept away
and Mr. James Stark ad it narrow es-
cape from drowning.
Two at 8 uthamt
on were
wrecked andmueh dage done
tit the
electric light plait a d other business.
A.tGalt people int loev-1 ingsections
had to be rescued in • oats. Several man-
ufecturing plants • -re flooded and the
loss it very heavy.
At Gwen eaoun t everel bridges and
dams were 'wee&:d, small Crat were
%Wept otit into the artier end wrecked,
and the Grand Tru i and C. P. R, tracks
Were Washed • ashed out.
Slovenly, ill—fitting footwear
counteracts every other attraction.
III whatever way you judge the
merits of "Ill VICTUS" shoes you
will find their superiority- .a betb-
er,for precise and dignified style,
or for the high quelity of the
material and workmanship,
The wearer of "INVICTUS"',
footwear tau be subjected to no
adverse criticism,
Britg along your Butter and
Eggs. Highest price paid.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriagq Licenses.
Office over Maloolm's Grcoery.
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
The Home Missio
Presbyterian Churc
Gently decided to a
$325,000 for the ye
mittee will recomm
Assembly that the
ent missionary be
Next Sunday wil
the return of Ballo
Committee of the
, in Toronto, re -
c the Church for
1912. The com-
nd to the General
alary of the stud:,
0 per week.
be the last day for
s on Church Union
in the Methodist C lurch Any mem-
re having
d to place them on
5, or send them to
Woodsworth, of Tor -
in e thMethodist
y morning and even
orth is the head of
nt departmentshisI
many of the congre-
le to be present in con-
ed, a great part of the
be repeated, by re-
bers of church or
ballots are reques
the collection plat
the pastor.
The Rev. R. W.
onto, will pn reac
Church next Sun
ing. Mr. Woods
one of the ire o
church. Owing
gation being una
sequence of the
Easter music wil
Rev. Dr. MGT(.: y, Moderator of the
Presbyterian Ge eral Assembly says:
"The minimum ,te in favor of omen
must be at least ve to one before the
officials of the P sbyterian Church can
seriously consid: r the matter." The
vote, he points o t, is only two to one
in the Presbyter an church and union
has failed. Re Dr. Carman, of the.
Methodist chur h, admits that union
has foiled onany basis.
Thonbsndsof atnbftiane young people
are being instructed to their homed big
Mor HealsStudv Dept. Ytau:011111s
At College it yoil clesirf. Pap When.
ever you wish. Thirty Yeittie Exper=
%ace. Largest traitors in ('shod,'.
Ented• any day. Paettiond gaarst teed.
If Yoh, wrldh to rave beard unit learn
while you ssrn, write tor partichlard.
Wtnthstit neisinsst Colleg
nett'. StieetOIV. t+resWeed