HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-03-21, Page 1THS WINGH
VOL. XII, --No. 241.
We carry the largest and best as-
sorted stock of Stock and Poul-
try Specifics in Wingham.
International Stock and Poul-
try Specifics
Royal Purple Stock and Poultry
Hackney Stock and Poultry
Herbageum Stock and Poultry
Hess & Clark Stock and Poultry
Try a pail of Hess Stock Tonic.
Your money refunded if you
are not satisfied.
Sulphur, Salts and Saltpetre at
rock bottom prices.
Walion Mckibbon
2 . d C%O Store
Macdonald Block, Wingham,
The beautiful brick residence
on the corner of John and Wil
liam streets. This is a fine pro-
perty, well situated and in good
repair. Will be sold right as the
owner is leaving town,
Insurance in all its branches,
Farm Loans at 512 per cent.
Rents Collected,
Investments Made.
Accounts Audited.
Ilouses Rented.
Real Estase bought and sold,
Ritchie 86 Cosons
Farmers- who want money Co buy
lrorees, cattle, or nags to feed for m'.rket
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer-
ohants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at, the lowest
rates going.
Christie's Grocery
As the I exult of a mistake some•
where we are offering a large
consignment of Toilet Sets at
unheard of prices. They
are on our hands and
we've got to clear
them quickly.
If you do not want one now you
may very shortly, Don't let a
good buying opportunity like
this slip. These sets are
made from best makerial.
The shapes are elegant
and the tinting suberb.
These Toilet Sets cannot be charg-
ed but Butter and Eggs will
be taken at cash prices
for them.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Ru^bers.
vH++�++++04++�+v+•►^�O mbc �r
•• Seeds are Cash. -, 4
+ Phone 71. a
Taking Lar
Mr. J. Walton M
the double store in
and will have the s
and will move his s
into the new premi
ture. Mr. McKib
excellent store, n
stand and will be b
his goods and also b
tion to serve his cu
r Premises.
Kibbon has leased
he Macdonald block
:e nicely fitted up
ock of drugs, etc.
es in the near fu-
n has secured an
t to his present
tter able to display
in a better posi-
ood canoes. Apply
New Sal, s Stables.
Mr. Levi Lott is . rranging for a horse
sales stable on Vi oria street and has
started work to get the stables in
shape. He purcha.ed the building on
the tannery proper y and last Thursday
the buliding was pl : ced on runners and
teams of horses ew it down Jose-
phine street. In the journey down
Josephine street o e electric light pole
and several wires
' were broken. Mr.
Lott is pulling wn the old pump
shop and will use the material in en-
larging the but ing moved from the,
tannery propert
select from at lowest prices.
• W. J. GREER,
Royal Engli h Bell Ringers.
The Royal Engl h Hand Bell Ringers
ga've an excellent ntertainment in the
opera house on Th irsday evening last
to a crowded hous The program was
an entirely new ne to a Wingham
audience and we arsure that all who
attended were wel pleased with the
entertainment: T bell ringing was
the best we have e er heard and the
program was nivel balanced with solos
and readings. The entire company 'of
nine gentlemen are 11 good musicians
and entertainers and the concert
throughout was on of the best held in
Wingham in man years, and many
people have expr ssed themselves as
highly delighted.
WANTED.—Dressmaking by the day
or at home. Miss M. Keith, Wingham,
or leave orders with Mrs. Jas. Baird,
'phone 84.
Temperance eeting at Clinton.
A meeting of •epresertatives from
the various Te perance Societies,
churches and mun cipalities of Huron is
called to meet in Clinton on Friday,
March 29th. The abject of the meet-
ing is to consider hat concerted action
shall be taken by • the municipalities
during the present year to advance the
interests of Tempe ance and moral re-
form and to plan :n aggressive cam-
paign for Local 0 tion and the banish-
ment of the bar. Every pastor is urg-
ed to be present, leo one or more rep-
resentatives from ach Church and other
Temperance Soc'eties of the County.
Officers will be lected for the corning
year. The m etings will be held in
Wesley Churc commencing at 10 a. in,
Oddfelrows Degree Team.
There was is large attendance at the
meeting of Maitland Lodge, I. 0. 0. F.
on Thursda evening last when the De-
gree team o the Blyth Lodge visited
here. The isiting team exemplified
the initiatory and second degree and
the work was done in a very excellent
manner and the - visit was very much
appreciated by the local members
For a young Lodge, I3lyth certainly
has an Oddfellpws degree team of which
they should be broud. Prior to the
closing of the Lodge, a nutncer of short
addresses wer delivered in which the
visitors were a ngratulated on the ex-
cellent manner n which they conferred
r e t
the degrees. A°`djou nm n was made
to Johnston's restaurant where oysters
were served which concluded a very
Read Willis & Co.'s adv, on page 8
Will Use U
A special meetin
cil was held on Sa
with all the mem
Reeve McDonald a
meeting was calle
considering the ad
using all the po
dam. It was m
Stone and Bone,
Clerk do and they
to give Howson
months' notice o
the agreement r
the surplus wat
per Power.
of the Town Coun-
urday evening last
ers present except
d Conn. Mills. The
for the purpose of
isability of the town
er from the upper
ved by Couns. Van -
hat the Mayor and
re hereby authorized
& Brocklebank six
the termination of
specting the use cf
of the upper mill
The Cho
Rehearsals for
the above Society
and the several nu
teresting. Mr. 11
High School has b
in place of Dr, W.
left town. The
educational and is
under the leadershi
Christie, for the y
town. The numbe
are as follows:—
No. 1,—The risin
Rossinis' "La Dona
adapted by A. J. Fo
No. 2.—Hail to th
R. Bishop.
No. 3.—Mynheer
ey, Mus Bac.
No. 4. --The Bell
Tower, (Oakey.)
No. 5.—The Hall
del's Messiah.
No. 6.—And th
al Society.
e next concert by
re now in full swing
bers will prove in -
A. Percy, of the
n elected President
J. Price, who has
ciety aims to be
oing a good work
of Mr, J. Henry
ng people of the
s for the concert
of the Clans, from
Del Lego"; words
Chief, Sir Henry
angraft, Geo. Oak -
of St. Michael's
lujah Chorus, Han -
Glory, Ilandel's
FOR SALE.—A good milch cow, six
years old and in excellent condition.
Apply to Geo. Phippen.
Death of 4Iara E. Brock.
The TIMES this (week chronicles with
deep regret the death of Miss Clara E.
'Brock, who passed away on Sunday
last, aged 18 years. The young lady
had been ill for some seven weeks with
inflammatory rhea atism and had been
a great sufferer. ther complications
set in which made,er recoveryimpbs-
sible. Miss Brock'Pwas a model young
lady and with a lar 'e circle of friends
was a particular fa orite and her death
1 deeply regret-
woman to d isd
in younge
PY g
ted. She was a pular and diligent
student at the Wi gham High School
and was an activ worker in 'the Ep-
worth •League an Sunday School of
the Methodist Ch reli. The bereaved
mother, sisters, an brothers will have
the sincere symp by of many friends
in their time o bereavement. The
funeral took plac . on Wednesday after-.
noon from the f tinily home, corner of
Frances and Di gonal streets to the
Methodist churn where service was
held and thence o the Wingham ceme-
tefy. Many autiful a tiful floral tributes
were placed o the casket by loving
friends of the eparted.
Fon SALE. -2 H. P. gasoline engine,
almost new, at a bargain. Must be
sold at once. L. KENNEDY.
Death of Mrs. unninghani.
Death. came very
Ann Madigan, wif
ninghafn at her
street on Fride
The deceased lady s
evening meal when
suddenly, death bein
failure. Mrs. Cunni
at Port Credit on 0
and was a daughter o
Madigan, and was
three years ago to
Besides her husband
two brothers, Messrs
Madigan, of Toronto
ham was held in high
friends and her very
deeply regretted. T
place on Monday m
was held in Sacred He
ducted by Rev. Fr. B
ed's pastor, and into
in the R. C. cemete
The floral offerings W
ful And included tt pill
band, wreaths from t
front the etnployea
Foundry; sprays fr
W. G. Gray, Mr.
Clegg, ]Margaret
Mrs. Patison , and
Miss Ella Jefferso
suddenly to Mary
of Mr. J. J. Cun-
erne on Minnie
evening last.
s preparing the
he passed away
caused by heart
gham was born
tober 10th, 1864
the late Timothy
married twenty -
r. Cunningham.
he is survived by
John and Thomas
Mrs. Cunning -
stems by many
sudden death is
o funeral took
rning. Service
rt Church, con-
ir, the deceas-
ment was made
y ° at Teeswater.
re very beauti-
w from her fals-
e office staff and
of the Wettern
m Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Richard
d Jean Vanstone,
Mrs. T. Green and
G. x
mottled Ancona. settings for sle,' $1.00
per 13. G. "Herbert Taylor, member
International Ancona Club, Wingham
pleasant social ev(l
` iing. I P.0.
Interior of Store
The painters have fi
the interior of Mr. W.
and shoe store, and ha
a decided improveme
of the store -,•was dis
the smoke from the
everything has now b
the store has a beaut
Nearly all of Mr. Gre
in boxes the boots and
in the least damaged.
ished work on
. Greer's boot
e certainly made
t. The interior
lored owing to
ecent fire, but
n renewed and
ful appearance.
is stock being
hoes were not
Grant to Li
For the year enai
I911, grants were ma
Government to Public
section as follows:—
Goderich $147.87, Clin
gannon $35.71, Kincar
ford $93.26, Harrison
$136.15, Lucknow
$57.18, Ripley $34.32,
Walkerton $107.14.
g October 31st,
by the Ontario
ibraries in this
ingham $202,69,
n $246.96, Dun-
ine $81.09, Clif-
100.32, Listowel
"718, Mildmay
eeswater $80.26,
Loox.—Would like to exchange pict-
ure post cards, comics prerred. Col-
lectors please answer this. LeslieTay-
lor, Langside, Ont.
Presented With
In the Council Cha
evening last, Mr. Will
Mr. and Mrs. W. 3.
sented with a beautifu
engraved from the Ro
sociation of Canada.
day Mr. Haines risked
ing three of his c
drowning. The youn
skating on the river a
the ice. Through t
Haines all were saved
an communicated wi
the Humane Society
sented to the grantin
the young man for hi.
In a short speech,
M. P. P., made the
addresses were del'
Spotton and Rev. E
Owing to the ver
there w=as not a ver,
ber on • Friday
sines, son of
cines was pre -
medal, suitably
al Humane As -
Last Christmas
his life in sav-
panions from
men were out
Id went through
e efforts of Mr.
Mr. F. Buchan -
the officers of
ho readily con -
of a medal to
act of bravery.
. H. Musgrove,
presentation and
ered by Mayor
H. Croly, B. A.
stormy weather
large attendance.
LooK HEnes! Young la 3/Would like
to secure a position i tore or fact-
ory, a restaurant eferred. State
wages. Write to Miss Mabel Warner,
Rosseau, Minn.
The regular me ting of the Huron
Medical Associatio was held in Wing -
ham last Wedne day night. There
were present, Drs Emmerson, White-
ly, Macklin and T ylor jr. of Goderich,
Drs. Shaw and Galadier of Clinton, Drs.
Burroughs and Ras of Seaforth, Dr.
Machell of Dub in, Dr. Ferguson of
Teeswater, Dr. Jamieson of White-
church and the local physicians. Dr.
H. A. Bruce, of oronto was expected
to be present to eliver an address, but
on account of thillness of his father
was unable to ttend, but forwarded
his paper which was read before the
society by Dr. E merson. One of the
chief reasons fo the association meet-
ing in Wingha at the present time
was to celebrate Dr. Tamlyn's jubilee,
Dr. Tamlyn havi g now been in active
practice for fifty years and being the
oldest medical p : ctitioner in the coun-
ty. It was unfo tunate that Dr. Tam-
lyn was unable o attend the meet-
ing on account of illness. However,
after the businesand scientific part of
the meeting, the embers of the asso-
ciation in a body isited Dr. Tamlyn's
house and presen ed him with an ad-
dress. Following this they repaired to
Johnston's restaur nt where a splendid
dinner was served by Mrs. Johnston.
Mr. Morton's orch stra fnrnished music
which was much appreciated during
the dinner hour. Dr. Gandier, Miss
Stella Griffin and rofessor Cline fur-
nished songs duri g the evening. It
wes perhaps the m st successful meet-
ing.ever held by this association.
The following is t e address present-
ed to Dr. Tamlyn: 1
Wingham, March 13th, 1912.
Dear Sir: -The re -organized Huron
Medical Association may well feel that
they have met for the first time under
favorable auspices when they have
made their meeting the occasion to do
honour to their oldest practitioner.
It is not, however, on account of the
time you have served in the profession
that we desire to pay you our respects,
but rather that durif1g a long service
you have endeavoutied to uphold the
aims, the ideals, and he ethics of the
profession. Medical t en who keep in
touch with the advancing thought and
progress in medicine and the surgery
always belong to the youngest school,
however advanced in years they may
be. This fact, however, is too often
forgotten by the pi hlic, who imagine
that th, young d,,ct r must necessarily
---- - know something that the older doctor
This Applies o Wingham.
An Ontario excha'.ge gives this good
advise to its citizen., and we command
it to the good and 1•yal people of Wing -
ham: "If you w 11 simply make up
your mind that yo are going to live
here, if you will n xt spring do some
painting and fixins up which show that
you mean it, if 3 ou will invest your
money here inste • of every corner of
the earth, your p operty will go up in
value fifty per ce t. This is a pretty
big advance, but ry to sell out in any
Ontario town to-d:y and you will find
that you have to .'ispose of your hold-
in sat 50 cents Oi
because everyone
craze and are tree
as if they were
night. Make up
are going to live
you will find that
difference to the
has no means of fire ing out. We ate
pleased to note, tin t notwithstanding
your age and strenu us life under con-
ditions, by no means so easy for a doc-
tor 1
for no they are to day, you are still
enjoying goud health that your hopes
and aspirations are yliung, your spirits
buoyant, and that yob still retain your
love and devotion to your profession.
You certainly have practised medi-
cine under conditionii different from
what they are now.' You have gone
hundreds of miles on foot and horse-
back. You know by experience what
a trail through the woods and the bli+ze
on the tree means. You have faced all
kinds of blizzards and snowdrifts.
Swollen streams, mud roads or corduroy The result of the vote on Church in-
roads never stopped you when duty ion by the different congregations in the
called. I Presbytery of Maitland has been an-
nounced this week. i Qn organic union
• s al ti,. :—Elders, , 4for
was a, f 1 (
the vote (� ,
79 against; memberF , 1571 for and 1750
against; adherents :i'36 for 6d against.
Majority against, 502. On the Basis of
Union the vote as follows: Elders, 67
for and 72 against; imembers, 114ti for
1390 against, adh rents ::,.i for 529
against. Majority against 531. There
are 5330 members i n the Presbytery and
of this number 356 voted on the quest-
profession have, t
is the deplorable
medicine. Could
tirely, the prac
surgery would
present system t
fee can not wholl
tors have to li
You, however,
free from avari
remembered for
heart, and as a d
before every oth
deed that which
pleasure to you i
be your consider
serving poor.
The youngest
Sion will rememb
consideration to
lar young doctor
knowing all the
stantly invading
older practition
large share of t
able at all times
of fellowship to
true when the of
the fact that th
taking some of
much to learn i
Did our knowl
rant it, we c•
affectionate refs
confreres who
action but who
while they lived
association shou
preserve the me
ies ere time obli
formation regar..
We cannot f•
years have been
your dear wife,
some compensati
of a long and pl
In conclusion
great pleasure in
this occasion, a
that you may Ion
at our gathering -
to you ere long,
to the youngest o
compelled to han
and the scalpel, a
is that we may b
our lives with the
tried at least to
at the idea of a fee
rt of the practice of
his be excluded en-
ce of medicine and
e ideal. Under our
e consideration of a
I be ignored, as doc-
like other people.
ave been singularly
e, and you will be
our kind and generous
ctor who pl,.ced duty
e consideration. In -
afford the greatest
your latter days will
ion towards the de -
embers of the profess
_r your courtesy and
ards them. The popu-
ho is credited with
p -to -date tips is con -
he preserves of the
, and it requires a
grace of God to be
to hold out the hand
im. This is especially
doctor is conscious of
young rival who is
s good families has so
the great school of
dge of the facts war -
Id feign make some
ence to some of your
nave left the scene of
orthily held the bridge
We believe that our
take some steps to
ories of these worth-
erates all reliable in-
ing them.
get that your latter
louded by the loss of
but there is at least
;n in the recollection
asant companionship.
e could express our
having you with us on
d we hope and pray
• be spared to join us
The time will come
s indeed it will come
us, when we will be
up the stethoscope
d our sincere desire
able to look back on
feeling that we have
erit the "Well Done'."
Sec'y Treasurer.
Preparations arl
"Oratorical Conte;
which are to take l
the Easter vacatio
being made for the
t" and "At Home"
lace the week before
The Girl's meet
Society will be held
Those interested are
be present.
We regret to annohnce the death of
one of our fellow students, Miss Clara
Brock. The staff and students extend
their sympathy to the bereaved mother
sisters, brothers and sorrowing friends.
The classmates of Thitd Form express-
ed their sympathy by a floral spray and
the staff and remaining students by a
pillow of fiowers.
ng of the Literary
Friday afternoon.
cordially invited to
Presbytery Church Union Vote
the dollar, simply i Since you commenced the practice of
n changes
there have bee many g
as got the western
ing their own town
• it topwn You
have seen a blas
k -
smithSo she 3 small store, and a tavern
only there for one./ develop into the thriving town that
our mind that you I Wingham now is a town well supplied
here you are, and ! with railroads, waterworks, and tele -
t will soon make a i phlasndisplaced the where, and tallow electric the light
candle. In
lue of your proper -1 the rural district you see a forest trans-
formed into productive farms, where
Ithe binder has taken the place of the
Isickle, and the cradle, and the engine.
in a great measure is doing the work
away on Saturday I of the ox and the horse. You see rural
telephones and rural delivery, and the
of the pioneers of country doctor visiting his patients in
the person of Thom- an automobile, where only a few years
82nd year. The sick- ago a buckboard would have been con-
sidered a luxury. During the last few
years you have witnessed the discovery
of the North and South Poles, pian dis-
puting with the birds for the supremacy
of the air, and at least the early dawn
of universal peace.
As far as advancement in things per-
taining to our own profession is con-
cerned, we congratulate you on having
practised medicine during the last fifty
years. The next thousand years may
not add so much to medicine and surg-
ery, that will be of practical benefit to
mankind, as the last years have; and
we know that any thousand years in
the past of the world'^ history has not
added so much. It is true that all the
final strides din -
is a matter of
doctors that our
profession in all its brunches has kept
abreast in the race. ; The use of the
microscope has raised
medicine from mere
placed it on a scientifi
troduction of anaes
Death of Th.mas H. Taylor.
There passed
afternoon last, on
East Wawanosh 1
as H. Taylor, in hi
ness which terminated in death began
about four years ago, but Mr. Tayier
had been able to be around until a ft •v
weeks ago. D
Durham, Englan
carne to Canada
and settled in th•
gaweya, Halton S
of 1851 the subje.
to East Wawanos
and a few years I•
saw milling busine
of the Township h
in municipal affa
number of years R
nosh. and for one y
Huron County. M
industrious and thr
failing health comi
he took an active
affairs. He was ki
the poor and durin,
in this section he i.
friends. In politi
and was always ac
of his party and b
he was well poste
day. After an a
and came to Wi
years ago. He
widow and one so
of East Wawanos
eased was born i.i
and with his pare -Ls
hen ten years of age,
Township of Nassa-
ounty. In the spring
of this sketch came
and took up a farm,
ter engaged in the
s. While a resident
took an active part
s and was for a
eve of East Wawa-
r was Warden of
Taylor was a very
fty man and until
Iled him to retire
terest in business
d and generous to
his long residence
ade a large circle of
he was a Liberal
ive in the interests
ing a great reader
on the events of the
tive life he retired
ghain about eight
is survived by his
Mr. 13. H. Taylor,
. The funeral took
place on Tuesday afternoon to the
Bethel cemeter'y,,tn West Wawanosh,
arts have made pheno
ing this period, but it
eongratulation to us a
the practice of
empiricism and
basis. The in-
itetics and the
aseptic treatment of grounds have made
possible the present achievements in
surgery. The clinifal thermometer,
the stethoscope, s)stoscope, X-rays
&c. have placed dis' nosis on a sound
basis; while the advltncements made in
pharmacology, seru,
tion, &c. have giver
before impossible.
reflection on these
source of gratificat'
In as far as your
fession is concerne
that your life ha
have dovain. You
to relieve suffering
have no doubt fel
i therapy, saints- 1
results that were
A retrospect and a
things must be a
on to you.
elation to the pro-
not been lived in
e what you could
land distress. You
, as others in our
The Cam
A Grand Trunk I'
ose Car.
acific Railway car,
lauen with the prod lets of the Camrose,
Alberta, district, snjas at ,,the G. T. R.
station on Saturda,ff afternoon last and
attracted a large umber of visitors.
The car contained excellent samples of
grain and veget .les grown in the
the Camrose distr et of Alberta. The
visitors to the car 'ere given a liberal
supply of advertis ng matter which set
forth the qualiti of this particular
district of Alberta Camrose is thedis-
tributing Centre f e r central and eastern
Alberta and is ser d by five lines of rail-
way and construct . n work will commen-
ce on two new rai oads this spring. Ac-
cording to the 19 census returns the
town had a pop 'lation of 1,586, and
the town is only five years old. The
visit of the Cam •se car to the differ-
ent parts of 0 tatio should work for
the good of tha section of Alberta.
Messrs. Camile 'i avid and J. Sherman
Fox were in cha go of the ear and gave
all desired infor ation to their visitors.
Button Boots are
growing in de-
mand, this is one
of our "Empress"
$4.00 line.
ADE,d ,>'.JY
This "Empress Treadeasy Cushion
Sole Shoe" keeps your feet dry, saves
them from exhaustion, and prevents head-
aches or injury to the sensitive nerves of
the foot.
We are Exclusive Agents
W. J. G
The Shaer
C. N. Griff..'in
Coupled with a REAL i STA.] E. and
MONEY LOANING 1 utir('r;-.
Issuer of Marriage Liectif•es.
Office over :1Taloolm'•
Subdue Sorrow.
I had a cruel sor 'ow that ceoleeeed in
my heart. I
talk d ab <.
in drawing room nd mart, u itil the
people, wearied ty all my doleful
yawps, requested me to vanish and tell
it to the cops. : nd then I tried to
drown it in rich i torted ale; my sor-
row still was husk • when I woke up in
jail. I sung abo t my sorrow some
dirges sad and we rd, until the briny
teardrops were dri ping from my beard,
and no one oiler d solace, and aone
would sympathize, nd no one brought
a wringer to dry my weeping eyes.
And then one wint morning I ceased
to sigh and sob, a d donned a denim
jumper and went and got a job. I
worked along wit others who bent
their brawny back.; I delved and pick-
ed and shoveled, id hewed things with
an axe; and low, , at sorrow vanished
and left my soul a rest, no teardrops
stained the hangd wns that floated on,
my chest! And folks who used to
dodge nee would ome and shake my
hand, and say I as the bone and the
sinew of the land. Most things I have
forgotten, but tl is much I do know:
The man who mal es a business of lead-
ing 'round a woe, vith chain and collar
on • , will walk a nely road, and folks
will shrink and sh dder when passing-
assinghis abode.—Walt ilason.
Thirty-two m: were killed by the
explosion of a 10 emotive engine atSan
Antonio, Texas.
Mr. Asquith a nounetil his intention
of pressing a mi tum wage bill through
all its stages b7' 'end of week.
Thousands of ambitions young people
are being instruct(d In their homes by
our Home Study Dept. You may finish
at College if -'tu desiro Pay whet•
ever you wish. Thirty 'Yenta' Exper-
ience. Largest trainers in Canada.
Enter tiny day. Positions guar•sntted.
If you wish to Save board and learn
while yon earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Business Coilege
CitO, SPOTTON(, President