HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-03-14, Page 1THE WINCHAM TIMES. VOL. XIII •N'. 2093. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCII 14, 1911 Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE 15c FREE 1 5c A 15c CAKE OF GLYCERINE SOAP To introduce our big value in Fine Box Stationery. Saturday, March 16 I will give you free a 15c Cake of Glycerine Soap with every box of "Cascade Linen you buy, price 35e per box. A box of Cascade Linen contains 48 envelopes and 48 sheets of good linen paper to match. That is on Saturday the 16th, 35c will buy you a box of station- ery worth 50c and a cake of Soap worth 15e at Walton McKihbon THE DRUGGIST T . Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. ••y••,yy1/W\M1"4" FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY The beautiful brick residence on the coiner of John and Wil- liam streets. This is a fine pro- perty, well situated and in good repair. Will be sold right as the owner is leaving town, Insurance in all its branches. Farm Loans at 5i per cent. Rents Collected, Investments Made. Accounts Audited. Houses Rented. Real Estase bought and sold. Ritchie 86 Covens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGRAM, ONTARIO. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. ♦++++++++i►+4444++444.4+++++ PURE SEEDS • •FOR SA + + • RED CLOY R, MAMMOTH 2 RED CLO °, ALStKE. 2 i CLOVER, A L F A L B' A + CLOVER AND 2 • TIMOTHY 2 2 Seeds are Cash. 4 • KING BROS. •4 1 Phone 71. . g • +••••••• +444.444,444-414.44.44,44.4 Corn and Oats fo Salo. Messrs. Tipling & Mi s have just re- ceived a car load f orn for feeding purposes; also a c load of American Banner Oats, good enough for seed. Get your supplies at Mills' feed store or at storehouse at G. T. R. FOR SALE —Two ood canoes. Apply to JACK MASON. Shipment Mr. C. A. Rintoul of heavy horses to day last and they w car load of horses tl ham for some time. purchased for contr nipeg. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market can have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer• ohante or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rate' going. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. AYLMER CANNED 00008 Tomatoes, 2 for - 25c Pumpkin, per tin • 10e Corn, per tin - 10c Peas. Standard,2 for 25c Peas Early June,tin 15e Special Values IN Tea and Coffee Will be pleased to have a trial order. PICKLES Sweet, 3 kinds, per bottle Sweet, bulk, per quart Sour, balk, per quart - Bottled Pickles, froin 10e to per bottle. 15c 30c 25e 350 BIG VALUES IN DINNER AND TOILET SETS f Horses. hipped a car load Winnipeg on Satur- re one of the best at have left Wing - The horses were sting firm at Win - TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock to select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Sale of Stock Mr. Alex. Davi road will hold an stock and impleme March 20th. Mr. ] farming and ever without reserve. of stock and imple niss will be the au nd Implements. on, of the Bluevale action sale of farm ts on Wednesday, avidson is giving up ithing will be sold Chere is a good list vents. R. H. Gar- tioneer. Cows FOR SALE!. —Four or five choice milch cows due to calve early are offer- ed for sale. App to A. Kelly. The Bell In Canada dur Bell Telephone Co subscribers, the to ents now earning There were added system 4.167 mile now reaching 58, 9,038 miles of poi has arrangement ness with 433 i serving over 44,5 elephone Co. g the last year the pany added 20,049 al number of instrum- ental being 163,959. to the long distance of wire, the total 00 miles of wire on s. The company now for exchange of bus - dependent companies 0 subscribers. Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8 Will Confe The Degree Team Independent Order visit Maitland Lodg (Thursday) evening the degrees. All me are invited to attend Degrees. f Blyth Lodge of Oddfellows will in this town this nd confer two of bers of the Order his meeting. Struck Flow Mr. W. H. Davids of the well near the commenced work a on Friday struck a The drilling was co into the rock when was struck. The w of 260 feet. The feet above the top water is thought quality and it is troubles experie supply of pure wa now passed. T turned out so fav Electric Light C to commence wo once. f Water. n, who has charge pper power house in Last week and ood flow of water. nued twenty feet he flow of water 11 is down a depth ter will flow 1434 of the pipe. The o be of excellent expected that the ed in securing a er for Wingham are is one well having rable the Water and mmittee has decided on another well at WANTED.—Dressmaking by the day or at home. Miss M. Keith, Wingham, or leave orders with Mrs. Jas. Baird, 'phone 84. Moving to Winghamites wi that Dr. W. J. Pri destroyed in the B tends moving to Price left for his n and his family will future. During residents of Wing Price have made have been excellen has always taken a everything pertain the town. He will sed in the Methodi was an active wor Sunday school an He was always on bers ,of the Ch Winghamites are and Mrs. Price le in wishing them ness and prospers Bell Ring s at Lucknow. The Royal Eng 'sh Bell Ringers gave an entertainment in Lucknow on March ing is from the Sen- tainment given last e Royal English Hand genuine musical treat of appreciating its ts were, sweetness, lty: the music of the arkably sweet, the precision which is , and the entire en- ong lines new and mmunity. To many bell ringing was the ure of the program; s good too, and went balanced program." opera house, Wing - ay) evening. lst and the follo tinel:—"The ent Friday night by t Bell Ringers was to anyone capabl merits. Its me precision and nov bells is indeed re players play with almost unbelievab tertainment was distinctive in this c in the audience th most enjoyable fe but the singing w to make aperfect Hear them in the ham, this (Thurs rangeville. be sorry to hear e, whose office was ver block fire in - Orangeville. Dr. w home on Monday ollow in the near eir six years as am Dr. and Mrs. any friends and citizens. Dr. Price active interest in ng to the good of e particularly mis- Church where he er, especially in the Epworth League. of the active mem- ral Society. While ery sorry to see Dr ve town, all will join any years of happi- in Orangeville. Those wishing tics, apply to Wm gration agent or St. Helens P. 0. Thanks t Mrs. Annie Rich who owns the build Gee & Campbell, Fire Co as follows: ham I did not have express myself as I your chief, Mr. Va "works of art" fo wish to express in tude for the valuet by the Fire Compa ham is the home t best in Ontario. able possessions can have are the true, who are real forth every effort perty. I thank y more than I can Hoping none o physically from ing the fire last that each and health, happines rm help or domes- McQuillin, immi- D. Woods, both Are You Going West This Spring? If so take advantage of the remark- ably low One -Way second class Colonist Rates to Vancouver, Victoria, Nelson, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc., in effect March 1st to April 15th, or if Western Canada is your destination, the One -Way second class Settlers' Rates should appeal to you. Settlers' trains to Western Oanada will leave Toronto at 10.20 p. m. each Tuesday during March and April. Bear in mind that the Canadian Pacific Railway offers the finest possible equipment and fast- est train service. The route is one of the most scenic in the world. It is the only line operating standard and tourist sleepers, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver, with the most modern compartment observation library cars through the mountains and across Can- ada on transcontinental trains. By travelling C. P. R. you avoid the neces- sity .of changing depots. Dining car service unsurpassed. All equipment is owned and operated by the C P. R., affording the highest form of efficiency. If such a trip is under consideration apply to any C. P. R. Agent for full particulars. Firemen. ond, of St. Jacobs, ng occupied by Mc - rites the Wingham —"When in Wing - time to write or would like. I gave Norman, two small the company and I writing my grati- le services rendered y. To me, Wing - n, the town I love ne of the most valu- ny prosperous town rave men, tried and y at all times to put to save life and pro - u all most heartily, xpress in mere words. you have suffered fid and exposure dur- aturday morning and 11 of you may have and prosperity." Death of W Mr. Wm. Joh illness was noted i at his home in Sa day last. The was born in Turnb was for a numbe Turnberry. His s Paterson and Mrs. his neice, Mrs. E town were with came. Liam Johnston. ton, whose serious our last issue, died 'naw, Mich., on Sun- eceased gentleman rry and his father of years Clerk of sters, Mrs. Walter rch. Paterson, and Harrison, of this im when the end Purchased S Mr. J. G. Fyfe, Morris, has purcha & Sons, of Burling horn bull calf, 12 show animal from ing taken second calf of the Industr He is a beautiful r and excellence is will make an excel Mr. Fyfe's Short orthorn Bull. of the first line of ed from W.G. Pettit on, a choice Short- onths old. He is a he ground up, hay - lace as junior bull al, London, in 1911. an and for quality hard to beat. He ent herd header for rns. Medal In the Council evening of this w this town will b medal from the ciation of Canada he performed a f presentation will Musgrove, M. P. short addresses b men. The public attend. ' r Bravery. Chamber on Friday ek a young man of presented with a oyal Humane Asso- or an act of bravery w weeks ago. The be made by A. H. . and there will be some of our towns - s cordially invited to Final in Cur ing Competition. The final gam ition between ri Curling Club w evening last, w of J. W. Dodd, C and Dudley Hol the rink compo Lutton, Saml El skip. The vario deal of sport to Another draw will be continue permit. in the curling compet- ks of the Wingham s played on Saturday en the rink composed P. Smith, Jas. S. Carr es as skip, won over ed of H. Walsh, John 'oft and J. W. Pearen as s games gave a great e members of the club. as been made and play as long as weather will EGGS FOR HATCHING. ingle comb mottled Ancona se tin for sale, $1.00 per. 13. C. Herb Taylor, member International Ancona Club, Wingham P. 0. Wreck (hear Durham. Twenty personwere injured in a railway wreck o the G. T. R. at Var- ney, between Du ham and Palmerston, at 2.05 p. m. Sat day. The cause was a broken rail, wh ch hurled the fright- ened passengers i the single passenger car off the emba kment. Of the vic- tims, R. L. Steve s, of Strathroy, who was married only wo weeks ago, will probably die, a , three others are seriously injured. The train was a local one, compos : , of an engine, bag- gage car, and passenger car, and left Durham for Palm;rston shortly before three o'clock, car ying about 35 pas- sengers, most o them commercial travellers. Just before Varney was reached a broken rail was encountered, while traveling 21 miles an hour. The engine and baggage car passed over safely, but the i.assenger coach left the rails and br eking loose from the train, plunged over the bank and somer- saulted twice before it stopped. Fors SALE.—I for sale, fancy a other fancy worl to 9 P.M. Exhib ing neict. Miss over Richardson store. Burned While 1 Mrs. Burns, wife the Wingham Bu< badly burned on Tl emptying hot coal her dress caught fi her clothing was cries attracted ne*k ed in smotherin Burns was hurries we are pleased to been able to ret many friends wi recovery. always have on hand d kitchen aprons and Hours 2 to 5 and 7 t on Saturdag even - Struthers, in rooms & Rae's hardware HIGH SCH r, OL NOTES. On Friday, Mar 8, the High School Hockey team enc• ntered the Seaforth Juniors here in w t will likely be their last game this yea In a well -contest- ed game; the Seaf- th boys won out by a score of 16-11 an gave our team their first defeat of t e year. Tha High School however is of discouraged be- cause the Seafort team is recognized as the best team i this district. The line-up was as foll ws: H. S. Seaforth. P. McEwen Boal Hoehandlslinger A. Wilson . •int Richardson F. McLean s . ver Reed 0. Pender 1 over Burritt H. Day ' entre T. Dick C. McLean W. 0. Dick S. McKercher . W. Muir Referees—Jerr Case, Hal. McLean. Last Friday a -eting of the Literacy Society was held, he boys alone taking part in it. They howed, however, that they could put , a good programme and the girls wil have to put forth their best efforts in a der to have a better.one on March 22nd. mptying Ashes. of C. L. Burns, of ness College, was ursday last. While shes into the snow e and in an instant mass of flames. Her ;hbors, who succeed - the flames. Mrs. to the hospital, but report that she has rn to her home and wish her a speedy FOR SALE. —A god ,milch cow, six years old and in ellent condition. Apply to Geo. Phippen. Telephone The Court of A has given juclg Brussels vs. Mc$ phone System an Municipal Telep was an appeal by pal Telephone Sys of the Ontario Ra Board of March 1 1911, in relation t the order of June ease. The villa Blyth made appli and Municipal B connection, inter ciprocal use in th ness between th the applicants a cipal System up tions mentioned mitted to the res terms as the boa order and direct. the connection allowed and orde and Municipal costs. FOR SALE. -2 H. P. gasoline engine, almost new, at a bargain. Must be sold at once. L. KENNEDY. Brunswick Baseball Team. At a meeting he d in the Brunswick hotel on Monday evening with John Putland, genial la dlord of the hotel presiding, what is o be known as the Brunswick Baseba 1 Team was organ- ized. The team s its off with a mem- bership as follows: ohn Putland, man- ager; F.S. Sturt, aptain; C.N. Forbes, secretary; A.E. T cker, G.R. Smith, H.W. Shane, J.D. McPhail, H.L. Sad- ler, C. Rushmer, . Ritchie, M.W. Ts'l- fer, Joe Wilson. s soon as the weatl,: r is favorable the embers of the te..m commence practi ng. It is to be hoped other teams will a organized and in this way a good 'wn league could be organized and t en Wingham people would be able to see some good ball games during th coming summer. Prince R Customs recei Prince Rupert, t the Grand Trunk the past year am increase of $4,17 heaviest months when $13,112.74 a spectively receive ed during the twel Rupert 61,000 tons an increase of over preceding period, 14,094 passengers Grand Trunk Pacifi rail between Prin ppeal Allowed. peal at Osgoode Hall ent in the cases of (lop Municipal Tele - Blyth vs. McKillop one System. This he McKillop Munici- em from the orders Tway and Municipal 1911, and May 5, Brussels, and from 20, 1911 in the Blyth es of Brussels and ation to the Railway rd for an order for ommunication, a re- transmission of busi- telephone systems of the McKillop Muni - the terms and cond- i the agreement sub- ondents or upon such might be pleased to The Board ordered sked. Held: Appeal of Ontario Railway oard set aside with ert Growing. PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND The Presbytery Wingham on Tues a good attendance Mr. Bremner re charges within th self-sustaining and no application woul from the Augment The statistical re, by the Clerk whi creases and some Rev. Mr. Ferguson were appointed to mittee on bills an f Maitland met in ay, March 5th, with of members. Rev. orted that all the bounds are now that in consequence 1 be made for aid tion Committee. ort was presented h shows some de- 'ncreases for 1911. and J. G. Murdoch the Synod's Com - overtures. Revs. ts at the town of e Pacific terminus of acific Railway, for nt to $101,553.85, an .34 over 1910. The ere May and June $11,221.04 was re - There was handl- e months at Prince f freight, which is 6 per cent. over the hile no less than re carried by the over 100 •miles of Rupert and Van e middle of June English H d Bell Ringers. The Royal En ish Hand Bell Ring- ers, of Hornbur , England, who have carried off the g 'ry and all prizes since 1896, are appear ng for the first time ill Wingham o Thursday evening, March 14th, in t • e opera house. These Bell Ringers, be . ides being professional in this line, are lso possessors of won- derful vocal a tainment. Their pro- gramme consistof some of the great- est world's production both in vocal and Bell ringin Mr. Jessop possesses a baritone voic • of great magnitude. Mr. Wain alsaccompanying him is ono of England's best tenor'. Another feature of the evening's programme will be the singing of "Love's Old Sweat Song," by Mr. Charlesworth, he having a true alto voice. Secure tick- ets at McKibben's drug store. F. A. McLennan, D1 Perrie, W. McIn- tosh and J. C. Hilydie, with Elders from Walton, Bervi and Belmore and ey, were elected General Assem- dmonton in June. Tinted to serve on ittee on bills and Knox Church, Rip commissioners to th bly which meets at Mr. Hardie was app the Assembly Comm overtures. Mr. Hardie reported for committee on Systematic Beeficence, showing that the Presbyter 's undertaking to raise $16,000 for mi4sions would likely D. A. McLean of ted Moderator of six months. ansi, India, being o sit as a corres- d gave a stirring ong the Hindoos. orted for the corn - f students for the ort showed that by be realized. Revs. Ripley, was appoi Presbytery for next Dr. Wilkie, of present was asked 1 ponding member a address on work a Mr. Bremner re mittee on supply ministry. The rel the Assembly's reort of 1911 the sup- ply was far from adequate. That in the last five years 39 ministers for fin- ancial reasons wer compelled to leave the ministry and 2 students gave up the work of preparation for the minis- try or a total loss df 65 men in 5 years. If we add to these the men who have fallen by the way, it will be seen that our colleges are not graduating enough men to keep the ranks full to say noth- ing of adequately supplying the increas- ing demand for mento occupy our new fields. Hence the church is not re- ceiving a fair return for the amount of money thus expended. This is appar- ent when we note that last year Mon- treal graduated 8 men, Queen's, 3 and Knox, 17. It was recommended: lst— That the representatives of the Pres- bytery at next Assembly support the policy of the H. M. C; in the matter of guaranteeing the salarios of all home missionaries. 2nd— That this Presby- tery continue to advocate in every wise and reasonable way the paying of an adequate salary 1`o every minister and missionary in the service of the church. 3rd That an honest effort be made by every minister in this Presby- tery to reach the heart of the situation in his own congregdtion. Mr. McEachern i reported on social service and evanglism, urging more interest in this mit important work. Mr. Wishart reported for the S. S. Committee, showing that the Elders do not take the part in S. S that they should. It was agreed that more at- tention be given to teachers training in our Sunday Schools. That ministers and elders take as much interest as possible in S. S. and Bible class work. That Sunday Schools be urged to ob- serve Children's Day as a stimulus to Sunday School work. Mr. Bell was given permission to Moderate in a call to Wroxeter when the congregation is ready to do so. Standing Committees were appoint- ed with the following conveners: H. H., Mr. Perrie;!F.M. Mr. Bell; Y.P.S., Matheson; S. ., Mr. Lundy; Social Service and Ey ngelism, Mr. McEach- ern; Augmentati!ion, Mr. McLean; Sys- tematic Giving,; Mr. Hardy; Examina- tion of Students, Mr. McLennan; Sta- tistics, Mr. W dst; Remits, Mr. Lundy; n Ministers, Mr. Hardie; phens, Mr. Bremner. was appointed to con- s of Presbytery to the Mr. McIntosh and Mr. second the adoption Aradol, between t and December 31st,' or an average of 2,562 passengers pe month. CHURCH NOTES The vote on Church union in the Ash- field Presbyterian Church was 56 for and 163 against. The result of the vote on Clsurch union in the Presbyterian churches of Gorrie and Fordwich was as follows: — For union 52, against 108. There were about 85 members who did not vote. Reports received to Monday last on in Canada show lurches have voted ten against. The ninety-seven for Church union rot that 201 Methodist in favor of it, and Presbyterian vote is and forty-six agains T:,e vote on Chu Presbyterian church suited as follows: 8 1 against; members, against; adherents 25 This gives a majority of union. The Toronto World n Tuesday says:— Church union is not 1' ely to materialize as an immediate reslt of the present referendum of the Presbyterians and Methodists. It is predicted the Presby- terianGenersl Assembly ] at Edmonton em y in June will defer action. Tho vote on Church union by the i members and adherents of Gorrie and Orange Hill Methodist Churches re- sulted as follows:—Members ever 18 years of age, for 100, against 66; mem- bers under 18 ars of age, for 19, against 4; adhere is of church, for 7, against 10. Total, for 126, against 86. ch union in the t Teeswater re- ssion, 11 for and 180 for and 63 for and 2 against. of 160 in favor Aged and Infir� Widows and Or Mr. Bradley vey the greetin W. F. M. S. an Bell to move ai of their report. The vote on elf, be over; so far have given major union, and eight more than one -hi adherents are vo Next meeting in Wroxeter on 10 o'clock a. m. irch union will soon twelve congregations ities against Organic n favor of union. Not If of the members and ing. f Presbytery will be uesday, May 21st, at 6I1lLDRDN'S RUBBERS This is the Sriison of the year, when the Children should have good Rubbers. A good pair of Rubbers will not only protect the Child from wi t feet and colds but are worth more than their cost in Sh. e protec- tion. Nothing so injures a good pair of Shoes as the snow and slush of earl) Spring. Send in the Chi:drtn and we'll fit the Rubbers per- fectly. Our Children's Rubbers are the good sort—not the "Job lot"' worthless, "bargain" kind. Medium or High Cut Rubbers, low or full heels. All sizes. 30c, 35c,.40c, 50e See us for Trunks and Vnl'ses W. J. ORELR C. N. Griffin . J. WEST, Clerk. GENERAL AGENT FINE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER terterolfir Insurance RAW.?. Coupled with a REAL FSTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Mr. J. H. Shep erd was elected May- or of Windsor in a place of the late Mr. Ii Anna. Hon. 3. D. Hazen has given notice of a bill to amend the Fisheries Act, so as to allow fishermen using boats propelled by gasoline engines to operate them, without liming to comply with the conditions respecting certified en- gineers. 1 Office over Malcolm's Grocrry. DON'T FAI TO HEAR The Royal glish hand Bell �� ngers OPERA HODS , WINGHAM Thursday, arch 14th Nothing like the Canadian people. ing to cro every ever heard by They are play- ded houses here. THIS WILL BE 1 HE TREAT OF THE S 'ASON. Plan opens at Mc ibbon's Drug Store on Thursday, March 7th, Admission 35c; Reserved Seats 50c. Hon. George P. Graham took his seat in the Commons and was warmly wel- comed by the Liberals. The Whelihan block at St. Mary's was burned; and the town of Acme, Alberta, almost wiped out by fire. i popular ul nr ii iens Schoolswhich kee s - Niagara District's #igh-Claes andENTER ANY TIME open throughout the year. Young peo pre may enter any time and complete there course without interruption of midsummer holidays. You may study all at Home or partly nt home and finish at the eonoge. Thirty Year's Expo. fence Largest Trainers in Canada. A.fnhatEd with the Commercial &Mentor's Assoc- iation of Canada. Write for particulars. Wingham Business College ano. SPOT r ON, CHAS. BURNS, President. ° Principal.