HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-03-07, Page 88 TEE WINGIIMd T M]S, ITATICIT 7, 1912 MINOR LOCALS, --Regular meeting of Public School Board next Tuesday evening. —The minutes of the Turnberry Coun- cil .meeting are crowded out of this le- aue. —Royal English Be11 Ringers in the opera liouse on Thursday evening,. March 14 tai, --Plea of the hall for Royal English. Dc:1I Ringers is at McKibbon's. Drugvisiting for a few days at the home of PERSONALS,. Mr, Gordon Young spent Friday in Seaforth with 1 JH, Walley, Airs. J,P. Kennedy visited with Miss Gretta and other friends in Louden over Sunday, • MieS Pet Elliott,. of Vineland was visiting for a few days with Wingham relatives and friends, Miss Jennie 117oirat, of Turnberrywas st-:;e her uncle, I4r. Geo, Olver. ---Regular meeting of Court Maitland C:>,nadian Omer of Foresters on Friday of this, week. - Harriston butchers have taken one ecnt Off the price of beef and two cents off' the price of pork. •—Mr. Wm, Nicholson has sold seven of his Iota on Catherine street and Car- lieg Terrace to Mr, J. M. Graham. —airs. Chas. VanNorinan is a pat- ient in the Hospital, having undergone ?n operation on Tuesday morning. —Mr. A. M. Polley, of Goderich has curd his 100 -acre farm in Goderich Tp• to Mr. Robert Wiudmill at $10,00e. —Dr. A. J. Irwin, Treasurer of Wingham Ho.-pital has received a dona- tian of $10 from the Turnberry Council. ie: ce that again and again the perfor- mers were recalled." Hear the Sell Ringers in the opera house, Wingham, oil Thursday evening, March 14th. —Mrs. Robert Henderson, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Hos- pital a week ago Thursday night has fully recovered and went home last Tuesday, Azr. Wm. Austin has sold his property in Lower Wingham to Mr. Joseph Well - wood. Mr. Austin recently purchased the Rowland farm in Turnberry and will move onto it at once. —The presentation of a purse of gold to Mr. H. C. Mutton was made by the members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Choir and not from the Westminster Cuild as reported in our last issue. —•The Junior League of the Method- 4st Church will hold a concert in the Churelathis (Thursday) evening. There Brill be a good program of recitations and singing by the children. All wel- come. Admission is 1.5 cents. • —Mr. F. McConnell, real estate age:it reports the sale of Mr. Edward Haii.es' house and lot and five acres of Landon North str :et to Mr, Geo. Olver, and also Mr. Geo. Olver's house and lot on Edward street to Mr. Fdward Haines. —cepe:slking of the Royal English Hand Teen Ringers says the Daily Oil Review, of Sisterville, West Virginia: "It was one of finest entertainments that was ever Iistened to by a Sister- ville audience. The rendition of music frogs the Great Masters by the ..bells was a irarvel, and so delighted the and —One of the most valuable clubbing offers the TIMES has this year is the Weekly Globe in combination with the TEARS at $1.60, The Globe has been eelegged and covers the news of the world every week as no other Canadian peeper does. For this small sum readers gee •got only a sixteen page paper with eight page illustrated magazine sealer bat all those who subscribe or renew before the end of the month will re- ceive a beautiful premium picture en- titled '•Daddy's Girl." Made $500 on Carload. Mrs. J, H. Fielding and daughter Ruby, of Wiarton were visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. Fleuty, Mr. and Mrs. E, Ha'rison were at Holyrood last week visiting with Mr. Harrison's father, who has been ser- iously ill. Mr. John Young, of Winnipeg and Mr. George Young, of Toronto spent a few days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mia A, Young. Miss Gertrude Vanalstyne who has been visiting relatives in town for the past few mcnths left this week for her home in Hainiota, Man, She will visit a week in Chicago. While in town this week, Rev, J. B. Sher, of Torento,who was the first pas- tor of the Congregational Church, here will spend a few days with old friends in town and district. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crowe, of Marcella, Sask. and Mr. and Mrs. D. McCormick, of Culross were visitors with their friends, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Kennedy on Thursday last. Mr. Ed Robinson, son of Mr. Wm. Robinson, of East Wawanosh has accept- ed a position as teacher in Cooper's Com- mercial School at Winnipeg and left fol' the western city on Tuesday. Messrs T. C. and James Kelly, who have been spending the winter at their parental home, left this week for the West, the former going to Banff, Alta., and the latter to Swift Current, Sask. Dr. Margaret C. Calder, who has been at Chicago for two or three weeks doing special work on eye, ear, nose and throat at the Post -graduate College will visit the celebrated Mayo clinic in Rochester, Minn. for a week or ten days before returning home. Mrs. Walter and Mrs. Arch. Patter- son re eived word last Thursday that their brother Mr. Wm. Johnston was seriously ill at his home in Saginaw,. Mich. Mrs. Walter Patterson and her daughter Mrs. E, Harrison left on Thursday afternoon for Saginaw. CHURCH NOTES The vote on Church union in the Kin- cardine Methodist' Church was as fol- lows:—For, z27; against, 11 The vete on Church union in the Kin- cardine Presbyterian Church resulted in a vote of 134 in favor and 154 against. The Presbytery of Maitland met in St. Andrew's Church on Tuesday. An official report of the meeting will be given in our next issue. Rev, Mr, Graham has tendered his resignation as pastor of Avonton Pres- byterian Church at Stratford, after fourteen years' service. The vote on Church u en in White- church was 26 for and iagainst. In Langs' ie Presbyterian ..neech the vote was 6 for and 56 against. Rev. Dr. Wilkie preached a very 'sir. J. J. Anderson, of Melita, Man., able sermon in St. Andrew's Pres- ent' r: zormer well-known resident of byte'en Church on Sunday evening. Wingham, writes to the Winnipeg Free Dr..Wilkie has spent thirty-two years P+'ess, giving details of the sale in in. India and is well versed on the M imeaR3olis of a car of barley which, missionary work in that country. .>f, or paying the United States duty, Rev. J. B..Saer, of Toronto, who netted him over five hundred dollars I i neo ethan he would have obtained had wasthe first pastor of the Congrega- te., :.;old it at the prices prevailing in tionai Church, Wingham, will occupy pulpit U 1t o the f heB Baptist Church . p p morn- n p r C < .oda. Mr. Anderson writes •-- I i artful ed a car of barley from Melita, ng and evening, March 10th, Even- Men., to the Vandusen-Harrington i ing st,iiject:— Jerusalem and its Tial - Company, of Minneapolis, which arriv- I lowed Associations. Everybody wet - ed aiere on Dec. 18, 1911. It weighed! come. 1,t3 bushels, 36 lbs., graded on Jan. 8, After three weeks balloting on the t9_2, for i .10 per bushel, making gross 1 quest:un of Church Union, the result receipts of $1,797.13. Freight by the i o$ they vote in • Lucknow Presbyterian C. P. I. ai d Great Northern amounted Churc ri stood as follows—Por Union, to $1S0..°0 inspection, weighing arid' 98; Against Union, 114; Majority against co gra isaioi to $18..90; and duty at 80c. I Union, 10, The vote was not a large sthel, t+t $401.30, making to'cal ex- one, w.3 only about half the.eiembers of r;c •res of c 92.01. This left a cheque' the church expressed an opinion on the to Ire for the net proceeds of $1,104.22. subject, This f'.;,nr's out to 67 ec per bushel. Beginning next Monday evening, Thee, Ir:ark you, after paying all ex- Marcn llth, and continuing for two cis r. C:iS Itinr the market reports wees, there will be held inthe Ba- ll f i rt that do. 1 feed barley was sell- tist church a series of special evange- keg ire t' in: !peg on Jan. 8, for 44c. per listic services. The pastor ••-il be as - Nate:, I hcrefors received $518.63 sisted by Rev. W. W. Wyl Clin- xnor ! for m,• bsr1c;y by selling iii Min- nenl alis th• Li if I had sold in Winnipeg; , , s but . � 1 t1 much -reviled reciprocity pact Ilaceec , I should have received $4tt1! mor or $1,013,19 in all. Yet, i am urged to believe that the receipt o? this addi.ional sum of money would mak, me disloyal to my country. W' -.at ea' I to think of the intelligence rr ccrnmon sense of the people who ask Ire t•, believe this? Or is it their. hon. Pete I should question?" ArthurTaelor, who eloped to Toronto with Mrs. Drake of Brantford was tenteneed to two months on his return to that city. 4•0,00.0.____. W. C. T. U, COLUMN. /'anirimcesommemesinommpiewssinisimmiummoue Thiscolumn has been; reserved for the use of the Wingham W. C. T. U,. and will be edited by the members of that Society, The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held Tuesday, Mardi 12th, in the C. 0. F. hall. Meet- ing commences at 3 o'clock.. All mem- bers are requested to be present. MONK ANP THE DEVIL.. The first five chapters of Isaiah begin with the great ariaingnment. God is. the accuser; the naticn is the prisoner at the bar, and the heavens and the earth sit on the Judge's bench, In the parable of the vineyard the woes of God are pronounced upon such as have changed the goodwine, into the worse by their excess. These offenders are considered in their relation to society, for the prophet ismainly concerned with the effect of sin, not on the in- dividual but on the people, he said your sin will bring defeat and disaster to the nation. Thus in intemperance, the question is not simply, will this hurt me, but will my example hurt my neighbor, not only that but they are the enemies of their own success and happiness. These offenders blight the joy of the general life also, they break the hearts, of those who care for them the most, and they prove false to their trusts, they forfeit the confidence of their friends. It seems impossible at the beginning but Isaiah hadseen it worked out within his own observation. Are You Going West This Spring? If so take advantage of the remark- bly low One -Way second class Colonist Rates to Vancouver, Victoria, Nelson, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc,, in effect March lst to April 15th, or if Western Canada is your destination. the One -Way second class Settlers' Rates should appeal to you. Settlers' trains to Western Oanada will leave Toronto at 10.20 p. m. each Tuesday during March and April. Bear in mind that the Canadian Pacific Railway offers the finest possible equipment and fast- est train service. The route is one of the most scenic in the world. It is the only lineoperating standard and tourist sleepers, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver, with the most modern compartment observation library cars through the mountains and across Can- ada on transcontinental trains. By travelling C. P. R. you avoid the neces- sity.of changing depots. Dining car service unsurpassed. All equipment is owned and operated ley the C. P. R., affording the highest form of efficiency. If such a trip is under consideration apply to any C, P. R. Agent for full particulars. Premier Matheson of Prince Edward Island has been in Ottawa asking for better financial terms. The period of camp training for city corps has been fixed at a mimium of five days, and as many more as, the corps desires. The Government has decided to ex- propriate a site for the new departmen- tal buildings at Ottawa. The land will cost about five million dollars. MILLER. — In St. Helens, on February 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Miller; a daughter. LOCKHAERT.—In Kinloss, on February 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lockhart; a daughter ton, lite of the Manchester Mis- sion, Manchester, Englan peeial singlet; and g t, a td Mr. Wylies s ado._ asses will be the features of the meetings. A. cordiel invitation is extended to all, The induction took place on Thursday of Rev. L. Perrin, formerly of Weoxe-, ter, as pastor of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church at Moorefield, The Mod- erator of the Presbytery, Rev, Mr. Wilson of Acton, presided. Rev. J. It Lemon, of Clifford preached the induc. tion serlii00 Rev. S, Young addressed the minister, and the congregation was, addrE.,sed by Rev. J. `GV. McNeimara, D. A. There was a large attendance, and the prospects for a etiecrssful pat, torate are very bright. RIA D:DIED VANALSTYNE—BRISSETTE. — At the Soo, by the Rev. Brooks, pastor of St. Pauls' Church, Miss Iva Maude Venal- styne, formerly. of Wingham, to Mr. Paul Brissette, of West Kora, Sault Ste Marie. MORTON.—In Brampton, on March 1st, Janet Young, wife of Adam Mor- ton, and mother of Mr. 3. A. Morton, Wingham, in her 87th year. HACKETT.—In West Wawanosh, on Monday,Feb.26, Mary MacLean, be- loved wife of John Hackett, aged 51 years, 3 months. GAL$RAITIi —Ini Febru- ary ebru ary 29th, Allen Galbraith o � I'i in his 87th year. GANNETT. --In Turnberry,on February 29th, Mary Jane Thomas, wife of Mr. Geo. F. Gannett, aged 44 years, 10 months and 13 days. PROCTOR. --In Morris, on March 1st, Rebeccah Brandon, wife of Mr. Thos. Proctor, aged 55 years and 7 months. ROS5.—In Portage la Prairie. Man., on February 18th, Margaret Gam, aged 8(1 years, relict of the late Hugh Ross, of Hullett. Whooping Cough CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS. BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS stAeLl3Hao sere Atrmpie safe and effective Crannied chin troubles, avoiding drugs. VaporitedCreso. lege stops the paroxysms of whooping Cough land relieves croup at once. rt Is a boon to suf- ferers from Asthma. The 'sir rendered atronaly antiseptic, inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy ; Soothes the /sore throat and stops the Cough, assuring restfelni lits. It is invalu- able to mothers with young children. Senate postal for descriptive booklet. 800 ALL DRUGGISTS 1 Try, ere.olerie Anti- steptlo Threat Taab. tete for the Instated throat. Theyaraeimple, effective and antiseptic. Qf y a n r drngrrist nr am ta, its. in atteeromp . Yaps Cres.Cene Co,, Leeattirit•Milaa blast. MONTREAL i WIPED OUT BY FIRE Owing to this unfort- unate affair which has caused us such a heavy loss, we must ask our customers to have - their accounts paid by March 15th. • Our office will be in the Griffin block till further notice. Your kind consi- deration in this matter will greatly oblige. Yours truly, KING BROS. MEM ?LP t'd ei/-!j*. 0- Y. Ai. )06e1.4. i3USINEeS and Sli'+1%T,dAN() SUBJECTS. R e este red last seesen upwards, of 300 t t.id is end placed cvt ry ere due te. Seven p cially qualified. regular teachers. Ons I e -fired tied fifty l.onden firms empioy our trained h;li. Collr o in sesnion from Sept. 5 to Jane 3I. Enter any tine. .. ' eH Calalegcc Frac•. S..o y� Cg gritas. s College L>3tt d J. W. WEseeeverg, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principal. Vico Principal IS A new steamship line to operate "be- tween Toronto and the Niagara River is. said Co be organizing. Reeve Christie and three Councillors of Owen Sound have been unseated for irregularities at the polls. Liberals at Ottawa gave a banquet to Messrs Graham, Low and the workers in the South Renfrew election. Several Guelph merchants were swin- dled by William MacAuley for whom they cashed worthless checks. McAul- ey has disappeared. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offersor sale e his desirable property in Win gham Town Plot, containin miseten acresa, mgood ore or less. On ths is frame house n ood condition; a good frame barn; hard and soft water, spring near the house. The property would make an _ excellent home for a retired farmer. Will be sold ata bargain for immediate sale. JOHN MITCHELL, Wingham P.O. 71 l:,ibitl t IT,�,L//� vvty aTE3ATFOIR1.. rNTe Our olasses are now larger than ever before but we have enlarged ouruarte is and 'we have room for a few more students. Yen may en. ter at any time, We have a staff` of nine experienced instructors and our courses are the best. Our graduates succeed. This week three recent graduates informed us they have positions,paying $65, $70, $125,per month. Vie have three departments `Commercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy. Writefor our free catalogue now, 0, A. &INMAN P CIPAL. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SETTLERS' TRAINS —TO -- Ms ANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through line LOW COLONIST RATES For settlers travelling with livestock and effects Special. Trains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY. MARCH and APRIL 10.20 P.M. Settlers and families without livestock should use Regular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.20 P.M. Daily Through ColonIst attd Tourist Sleopars Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask any C.P.R. Agent far copy of "Settlers' Guide" . H. BEEMER, Agent, • Wingham 13' Canad6_'s fa .•.1LJE5 1 Tx t✓ i -r � '� , LOW RATESto PACIFIC•COAST FROM WINGITAM MARCH iot to APRIL 15th —TO— Vancouver, C. Seattle,�tv Spokane rasheah.. 42 75 Viotoria, B. C. Portland. Ore, 11o19oti, B. 0. San yraneisco, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. San Diego, Cal. $42 45MesicoCit ,M x. 1 Proportionate rates; from other points in Ontario, • THD POPULAR 11011TE T)' WESTERN CANADA VIA. 0111CAGo The Grand Trunk Padilla Railway, sheet - est line, restos time, finest service between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton. For Tickets and further informs- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To- rorito, Ont. SPRING SHOE EXHIBIT Every Women interested in choice Shoes will; enjoy seeing our display of SPRINC FOOTWEAR Below we show you one of the very newest which/ we have just placed into stock. This is a beautiful: shoe, made of good grade Patent Colt, double Matt Calf Top, Military Heel, High Toe, Short Vamp. We have it in either button or laced and at the price is exceptional` value, all sizes 2 1.2 to 7 for Woman. Price $2.45 Per Pair: SAMPLES Of BUS SHOE IN NORTH WINDOW - WILLIE & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. 61) egeger for Ladies. ••••••+.+++N++++++•••••♦♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• s = First Announcement OF • Spring Goods For some weeks our Spring Gooes have been arriving and are now on counters for your inspection. We have bought more heavily than usual and you will be sure to find something to your liking among this great assortment. Which includes loo pieces of Crums. Eng- lish Prints, as you are aware that. Crums is a Household Word in regard to Prints, s, perfectly fast Mn color and beautiful ,patterns. Anderson's Scotch and Canadian Ging- hams, Silked Checks, Printed Foulards, Radium Forlards, Plain and Printed Voiles, Sepetine Crepe Empress Poplins, Shar Su Repps, etc. We have also in stock the greatest display of new and up-to-date Waists ever shown in this store; they have the latest set in and i .imona Sleeves, and are marked very low for quick sale, come and see what we have and • get our prices before sending your money out of town for something you have not seen. Trade of all kinds wanted in larquantities. uantiities. g A. jIL A4 A • • •1 e' •` +• • •' • • • St cel Ior to • T. A. Nigh ?EONB 89. ONTI •••••440*****0•X••••••••• •..• 4 **P14 ► .. `