HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-03-07, Page 6li p 1 VIE E WINGJJAI I TIES,, MAPICR 7, 1912. Yothre thought t about trying PURITY FLOUR NowAct!! FOR some time there has dwelt in your mind the thought of trying PURITY FLOUR --- the flour toot consists wholly of the high-grade portions of the best Westerns hard wheat. That's a good thought. It indicates a desire for improvement in your baking-talent—au ambition to increase the deliciousness of your bread and pastry, Don't let that good thought perish. Turn on your will power. ACT ! ! "More bread and better bread" REMINDER: On account Id of the extra strength and • extra quality of PURITY FLOUR, best pastry results are obtained by adding more shortening than is necessary' when using. the ordinary Ontario or blended flours. • Also add more water when making bread. `4'URlT # FLou run,rr ', , Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery lint right few l08 SOLD IN WL' GHAIi1 IlY 1'4 M, BONE AND KIN') BROS. -. .R= n� � �l �._Ai'yilL� �rF,xI�Ifn'is oar a;cD�a>ra;e I�f ,ply � (fit r T'FIE f . h AUL. 1 .� L lle X318 d rsc 410 111 According to estimates made. in. Washington,nearly a. million women will be eligible tovote for President this year. Thorold township passed the by-law to give fixed assessment to the big paper and pulp mill which is to be es- tablished near the town. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA The largest topaz in the world is said to be in the vatican at Rome. It weighs seven pounds and three Neapol- itan lapidaries spent 61 years making the carvings on it. The Indian races of the United Stat - ea are pendently reviving, according to the Census Bureau. In 1910 there was fatal Indian population of 265,830, as compaar.d with a total population of over 237,1:16 in the census of 1900. Do not suffer another da with Itching, �leed. ing, or Protract. ing Piles. No surgioal open. ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. t.Oe. a uox; all deers. or Edmttasou, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose 2e. stamp to pay postage. many barbers in Egypt are govern- ment servants, According to an edict issued by Iibrahitn Pasha in 1818, vil- lage barbers were ordered to examine all dead bodies and register the neces- sary particulars. From ivory, which shows no grain, pieces of the size of the turquoise de- sired are shaped and left for fourteen days in a saturated solution of ammon- iacal copped oxide in• water then rinse ' and dry them. If the color of the tur- quoise is not deep enough the operation may '+e repeated. You judge a man not by what he prom- ises to do, but by what he has done. That is the only true test. Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. People ev- erywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by all deal- i ers. Arkansas claims the distinction of having the oniy woman zinc mine superintendent in the world. She is Miss Gertrude Soper, • formerly of Soper, Ok., who,..recently invested her earnings in the Bella Mine, seven miles east of Gilhatn, Sevier County. Children, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA T°CROA At the sante time that the United 1. States Government has been irrigat- ing the dry deserts of the West, • steps are being taken looking to the drain- ing of the flooded lands of Florida. `�'- '����� �-•�_ � �� These flooded lands cover 4,000,e0.)Lawyers would probablyastarve to Tle* rc^.ri is easy if love is the vehicle. Ent a p+'i-etleal joke isn't if you are the, vi.^.tit'. Wire n':t'T; I 11i1 their love letters in a waste IME ' ,a:l,' - rrhPr. "It ,, ,„ is »n'fli t eapre: . n Dr t1.a.;c s C,intn,ent c+ ° is us a `.arks quickly, :"ops all ite air E•ften heals iri .t siut le ni l" rhento, i.• •i - bete• 1. ' 't:!t,*Re:.,ns or eeeptiene, it i 11 n:(•;•... :'west•;:. ory rtutinen 1?eing; antiee.ptie. it prevents blood 1'0 Thee.: ; , a :r g ir. Ne r'a •vhose vetch, td:.: a....L.e chi _:.• to , (AT. .;ibtc r because abe rep- . rhe • E :' !in or ia1 :iter). { lv has decided to abandon if.. c(° pki t. and do ^l' _ .:. l e r,o':: e r. • C "'; Rernela hes stelet ;is el a "l. hi cues of l'Cotk�;glt •, c• 1 a eheree. It can be deltancled " c.4, i..i: teach re. I.. a .. vt'd iron.•,... fete L. . uieee ::: teei.e. stur,acil. .,n and r: loss4 in cenrli- ! ( L. t sot L , t, } _ +,t tee le eel -.ave to erae.e,ie ' hi 0.1(1 i,le0, al t (lees :e t,. ,ea:::, 4 .) ha. a 1 t:( i air u:lder that, i1 a;ea aro set i;t('rj; coat. They i'.. et.,aoaph('r: very k t'1'' "1• teener h.uet proVid • pro- tect:(..m teal tr,::B'er't if he wiches to reap e. If r>l, 'd pair hof; ; gets a grudge 'at;'ln+t t:.aotht-.. put them in separate pax. 'i; hey will do better and grow festal. Iltl,s h :e company, Don't keep one in a pen alone; but see that the two are gods felend5. Where is very little danger of disease with hogs if they are kept clean, fed clean fool and giVen pure, clean water to drink. death "' the fool killer wasn't so far acres, and constitute what is known as the Everglades. Parts of these ever- glades are underwater all the time, and the whole area is too wet to allow of successful cultivation. As a means of removing this difficulty 21)13 miles of canal are now under construction. These canals are exp.cted to provide at ,once for the draining of wet lands and to furnish a means of transporting the produce of the same by water. behind with his work. For some yeara the use of wheat flour in Germany has been increasing, and the use of rye flour decreasing. . In point of time Europe and Ameri- ca ere nearer together noir than Lon- don and Edinburgh were two hundred years ago. San Diego, Cal., is said to be the first American city to take up scien- tific forestry as a municipal enter- prise. rF.3T AND HEIIITH TO MOTHER AM NILO. men.`VINSLOic's Soornz a STRVP has been r.^ed for over SIXTY YEARS by AIILI,IONS o4 U•r dents for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS GLLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and r. the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is oh - ”lately harmless Se sure and ask for "Mr-. `erosion's 6 -waling Syrup," and take no other mind. Tammy -Eye emits a battle. IILvnun's mayor recently fined two doctor; fifteen days' pay oath for hay - lee; reCe ad to give their services to 1 <ul,ers when requested. As a result of the failure of crops in various districts in Russia 1+,000,000 people are in need of relief, which will involve en outlet* of 120,00 roubles. You can Say good.Lye to Constipation `vitT_k r < 1 c(,;: c ecce -if you use Cham- berlein's 9 abla is Many have been per- t:a:.aet,> ,;,' eurt•'l by their use. For §ale by ell ttta iers. 71neati'l 1,6CO,liOO equare miles 1 ci ,,,Lc:.ldare(1 t,._-i.ere in Africa. This .clew, oeitehla:•'ventlh of the; whole e urtry. lr� �;;jjf% F ft'irpI)rii`'a 11. FF'(y9 da.:tutit a "Ju(}itlhiA (�mUW'BO felt r 4pp{ +Git,r ,a L a...e a.lu true., iihele) ya r v.. Ie. +' t s , r rr , ' + ie...? I ; L'y ::.trLtntl- I i ..,, this Inst 4 t:•,le:d vary ouch t, , t:' C.t LIC much vel,ary, le: I co• ' i rat wale and lead I ,',.tion f+.r a!1yt.:,g. T--Iy l:irineys we very badly out of order, awl kept me irte t •-i ,••ti i, ' at ni •rats. I tried. many Lit. , of tette and meth :lea;, hut it seemed a:leiest in vein. I began to diva up in :c:lpair -of ever being well anti strong r. ;tin, when a kind nei,^,ithor advised me to try Dean's I; k'.itey Mlle. which I did, end ata thankful ler the relief I obtaim.d front then, for now I ora never troubled with aaft r.. Lack or sick 11e at, :Sties. "I w 1.1t;ays say Doan's 1Stlney Pills for mine and can highly recommend them to any sufferer." Price, 50 cents per box, or :Ibexes for G125, at all dealers or nailed direct on receipt of.price by 'the T. Milburn -Co., Limited, oronto, Out. When ordering direct specify "Deal's." STATE OF O -O, CITY OF TOLEDO, 1 LUCAS COUNTY - { `• Frank J. Cheney na.kes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum. of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev- ery cane of t.'aterrh that e. -:not he cur- ed by the use of Hall's (at;n re Core. FRAMs .1. Sworn to before ole and subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of De;;elaber, A. D. 1S80. (SEAL) A. W. GLEasoei, Nee lu.z PUBLIC Hall's Catarrh Cure is f - i cn internal - and acts directly on tie feed and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Csilararr&,Ce., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists (.c. Take Hall's Family I al;N for col :.ti;)- ation. - HEALTH AND,.?'„i'T';t. a ;? CONTAINS NO Atli%OltoefAT NON ANY M1NtRA' peFEvStE�^a" "Take my advice! 1 proved Zam-Il k lle31 for eezenl_I and skin disease." As a mother you owe It b your family to give It a Mall It ends pain and It heals. 00c box all Druggists de Stores. PLAN GARDEN HOT HOUSE NOW. With snow still on the ground, gar- den enthusiasts are planning their spring hotbeds, for getting to work in February means early radishes and let- tuce. A good method, of which the cost is small, is as follows:. Dig a., hole two,feet deep, a little larger than the size of the hotbed frame. If the hotbed is to be permanent, the walls of this pit should be lined- with brick, stone or cement. When possible, have a shed or board fence on the north side of the bed; it will take Jess manure to heat the soil. Put'two feet'of well•mixed fresh horse manure in the hoe, wet thoroughly and tramp. • Two-inch material makes 0 better and stronger frame and will last long- er. The -front of the frame should ,be six inches high, the back 18 inches. Put five inches of dirt on the manure; preferably the richest soil you can get. Fill in around the frame with manure and earth and put the cover on the frame. Glass sashes are best for covers. Cloth may be used late in the season. The size of a sash is three by six feet. The bed, then, should be six feet wide and as many times three feet long as desi;ed. The temperature of the hotbed will be high at first. Use a thermometer. When the heat has fallen to.85 degrees the seed may be planted. Keep the bed well watered, but do not soak. Too much water rots the manure too rapidly. Be sure the bed is well ventilated. When sashes are used, they .must be raised to let in the fresh air in mild weather. Extra covers should be pro- vided for cold days and nights. WANT A live representative for INGHAM and surrounding District to sell . high-class stock fear FNTHILL EINISERIPS fruit trees will be, planted in the A'nll of 1911- and Spring of 1912 than over befes a ,in the history of O:iterio: : The orchard of the future will be the. best ptying. part of the farm. We tel;ell our limn .Salesmanship 'i'•': Culture and hew bid: profits in i 1'ti'r a (owing eau be :Lade. pay eeeety. permanent employ it•n it'r:; 4111 rite f,,.' p art:'t:tdar3. Drying the children's hair .lees not t: iR.Uu. V'c.LLh bf9a hl take halt ss lo,lg if the tt, -• cal it .t • ¢ R )l t):; Tit. eel. With a radiator in a ii :lt 1 .xLt"�• .x o .a:nrx-.,, :_.•_ra.nr;.e,:aex s eeieeea=, ter to keep several towels wa:nl, and • by using them in rotatia'i it i . movie- ing how fart the hair maybe &its.. The eye -cup is indispensable to the comfort of those who ride in automo- biles. The dusty roads ate. seta to till the eyes with five partici+ ; of dirt, ev- en when goge71:s aro W`7/1`11. '.ill eye- cup, filled with water. ill Neiihl. a fore drops of bots ie acid h `o leen a drop- ped, will bring quick relief. The. eye needs a bath after a. motor long „ �l ride, even more than the face, and the best results aro to be obtained with an eye- cup. Face powder does not always suit a dry skin, and it should in all eases be preceded by the application of a skin food or a cream of soino sort; 'animtsl fats in creams should be avoided, as it is claimed that where there is a ten- dency to superfluous hair the animal fat increases :t. This may or may not be true. Cream should be rubbed well into the skin, left on for some time, then rubbed off, and the powder ap- plied carefully. As nothing injures the skin more than the cheap, impure powders, one should be careful to pur- chase a .good bratid, r--• "} r t �' ", r7-1:-'d��•-�a_te� t - 11.;YAL. L.Q. IZ MAT01'iUa,. . Many Prince§ Have Renc4ficed• Thelr Ranks in Order to Wed,. The fact that the Archduke Verdi. nand Karl of Austria, nephew 01 the Emperor of Austria and brother of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir .laresuelptive to the throne, has re - flounced, his rank in order to marry Bertha Ozuber, a most beautiful we- man whom he met at a. ball in Prague some years ago, acids one Moro to the long list of princes who have obeyed tllo dictates of Cupid in defiance of the state rule that royalty- shall only mate with royalty. Eleven years ago the Archduke Franz. himself .decided to marry the woman he loved, the Countess Sophia Chotck, now known as Princess of Hohenberg,. although by so doing he had to renounce the right of any children of the marriage to succeed to the thrones of Austria and , Hun- gary. The late Archduke Henry mar- ried Leopoldine Hoffman,. a member of the company of the Karl Theatre in Vienna, although the marriage wag forbidden by the Emperor, while in 1889 the Archduke John married an actress, Milly Stahel, in London. He renounced his rank, took the name of John Orth, and was last heard of serving as a sailor on board the Mar- gerita, a ship that disappeared on a voyage from Buenos. Ayres te-Callao. The death of the archduke has never been definitely established, and from time to time rumors have been circlt- lated -that he is still living, In fact, it is said that he is living on .one of the South Sea Islands with his ec- centric brother Louis, who . spends practically his whole life on a small island in the • Ionian Sea. .This last theory is strongly -held by the Arch- duke Leopold Ferdinand, l another Austrian prince who married an ac- tress and renounced his royal rights. The archduke is a naturalized Swiss citizen, and lives, or at any rate ivas living until a short time ago, at Lu- cerne under the name of Wolfing, Several German princes have roar- stied women of no rank. There was Prince Adalbert, who was commander. in-chief3 of the German navy at the time of the Franco-Prussian War, and who, in 1850, married Terese Elser, a well-known dancer. Then. there was Prince -Augustus of Prussia, ,whose ;morganatic wife was the popular play- er, Merit Arndt, aterwee a created Baroness T'.';iiwitx. in Bavaria we have an instance of a royal prince having made two mot'. 'genetic marriages. Prince Ludwig, the elder brother .of the royal oculist, :Duke Carl Theodor mnrriecl first in • 1859 an actress Frnulien Mendel, who was created Baroness-Nrallersee, and, aster her death in 1891. Fraulein Birth, who was given a patent of rue .bility under the style and title et Frau von Bartholf. He had, belure marrying, also to resign his rights and patrimony to lois younger brother. The eldest daughter of , Duke Carl Theodor, Princess Sophia of Bavaria, made also a pore love -match by marrying the Cenet Torring-Jetten. bath, a scion of an old Bavarian no- ble house, but not of royal blood. Escaped, Frntn,a Python. There is no member of Dsbrett who enjoys more -good hack that Sir Claude Champion de. Crespi:;ny, who was an interested spectator at the Boxing Test in London the other day.- He is credited • with poeseesing more lives Than the average cat. o In the matter of broken bones. alone h h i!ila a record. He had two Ieg b: -'nee 'ir:.ctnr'e-I in a balloon accident: tae.taeee erm 1. )::.ea while hua:tii)g; three i a fall lir a steeplechase. re 0 i r 1-y a more prosaic cab 1.ot t•) pie ,tion various fin-' ger:: hvol.en by boxing orefrom kicks C1'!-' e is one of the few men •_.'v'e who • 1 :. u re tar -ire •l thee. ress- ,i: - � .1>.:r who 1:•.•... :;'u•vireci. the cross - 1111;; of the North Sea in a balloon, an tell the tales .t.f their e hazie 1n tt c- : -r it t t t: iii IIe is ( t-.3 only ,I;ur l can who boa ever swum dame':: get of tile ]first Cataract ei the Nile. 1 ie himsalf tell.; how he did it. tela natives who were cruising ..nt eaid that if o-::iy European ven- ::ea'I to attempt the feat he would retest surely ;t' t .r and never canoe un alive. I a l,..i to Illyeelf that t .ey had no beti r int :rt; th to I had, ) in- I went. .'.i: 1 I cane up • very h,Uth :ive, the." Ccmpens::tion. - ti ,pertain young; :ell1)w received a -' veri'nient bath . 2,,r which. he had ':, undergo- a.very strict examination. One day a f1 u d1 of his w110 had been noticing, hr,. lath, work he did to earn hi:; s t.lary 4:: ': 1. 1 hilt,. "I say, W alter•, my Loy, " he be- , "you don't te.ri.iiern a treat deal 1. r: ee yo ,, I don't l . ' t:•'," "Aran% you c--(... ted to work?" •'of come • ' not," was the candid re- t:?y. "It takes so -much hard work to het a job like thio thnt thea authori- • t t :R haven't the -i' t r e e to a,.; a man hi d!, alt)ythit:g ult,z4 to earn his sol- a ary after he gets it." eoee!1 twee:: "r'' : i!'(:- fpr t'5 years. .:e,..h pre eft,:etivc Cantil F)r. Ciwco'o Medicines were Ue,ed. •`It aflords tilt' pleasure to speak 1! .•„t•:•1I; (:i Dr. ts ; s Nerve Pool i :-,d Keeney -Lie •i• Pilo,” writes 11Ir. W. T. Collins, lliort)cth, Ont, "I had i)eeil a sufferer for 25 year: from ecintica, Iumb go and neuralgia and tried ueerly all the remedies adver- `i-ted without one particle of benefit nutil I began the sue of Dr. Chase's medicines.. Before I had finished two boxes of the Nerve Ford and Nidney. Liver Pills I noticed con; iderable b:•n'•fit in my e'iir1ition. I have so :Udell confidence in these medicines Cleat I have r-'e»nl:nendtd thein to .(+r:•.1 of na fl' lett 3. v d ,.,' lit 7 . 4 t vt t c t_�a f this nature the combined use of these medicines .,iln;;i results which are both ante p idng -and 'satisfactory. The Iiid- tu'y-Liver fills regulate the action 1 kidneys, liver and botllcls, while the Nerve Food enriches the blood and builds up the nervous system. Comancon, Batas - Co., 'pronto. Something Wror.,;. - An elocutionist 'sae rcaili.t„ Mr.aou- 1 y'e "Battle t;1 rely" at the village e neem, •and declaimed .with . iutensil � .ka..litary fervor the 11 c tItau; :sud• etpuea are :: biking deep, - ( A. thousand slows in rest; s thou,and i lmights aro pressing. close Tlohind— whon ho was interr!1 ted by p a erecen hi the gallery. "hold hard, guv'norl" he shouted. "Was them there knights cue legged ones, con there's only one spur apiece, yer knowP" '-•- London 8-tandard, - Industrious Heirs, "Those 13ingletonheirs are, doing` wonders with tiro old place. They've si:aded up the garden slid rebuilt the things i buena andput a 1 la tan s dome shape." "How does that happen)" "Why, they had an idea the old roan hid some money somewhere, and they've been - digging and §oraping and looking for it ever since he died. I'll bet the place is worth twiee'what' It was." "The old lean was tate, wasn't bele 0 ,. GQE�S FARTHEST FOR THE NiON EY ; HELPFUL HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES, Do not soak fresh fish in water be- fore cooking. This treatment only ruins the flavor and 'makes the fish soft. Silk handkerchiefs should be washed in borax in tepid water, with little or to soap, Iron them before dry. A dish of water placed in a hot oven where pies, cakes or puddings are be: ing baked will prevent them from scorching. ley using soapy water when making starch, the clothes will have a glossy appearance, and the irons will be less likely to stick. When plates and dishes have to be warmed on the oven top or in the oven, if a newspaper is put underneath it. will break the heat and -prevent from cracking.. Before serving dinner place a bowl of boiling water into which has been dropped a little oil of lavender, on the dining table. This will overcome the closeness of the atmosphere. and the odors from the kitchen or pantry which have penetrated into tht,t part of the house. Tar stains may be removed from cot- ton fabrics by covering the spot with, butter and allowing it to remain for a, few hours before washing. If you wish to keep books in good 'tihave condition h v open book. shelves. Glass doors certainly exclude dust, but are apt to keep damp and harbor moths. ' An easy method, of cleaning Lamp chimneys is to hold• the glass over the spout of a kettle of boiling water until it becomes well steamed; then polish with a clean, dry cloth. If there is cold chicken left from the roast, cut it into dice, mix with a cream, dressing, put into the baking dish,.. sprinkle the top with cheese and stuff- • ed olives and bake in a quick oven un- • til brow.. The walls of cupboards and pantries: are often damp on wet or sultry days without apparent reason, when other• sections of the kitchen wall will be• comparatively di'y. The best device for any wall that is inclined to damp- ness is to make it impervious to mois- ture by applying a varnish of one part shellac and two parts naphtha. a u scribe dor The Tirnes $1IO a Year RINTINU AN ES STATON • We have put in our office Stationery and • can W RITINO PADS • ENVELOPES • LEAD PENCILS EUTT;R PAPETERIES, V a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLAND BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PL.AYIT. G CARDS; etc We will keep the best stock in the respective iinca and sell at reasonable prices. 41,21.112111111112.221.11... .JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to yourwants in the Job Printing Iine and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in meed of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRC LADS Or anything yhi i assay NOTE HEADS STA EM NTS WEDDING INVITATIONS IONS POSTERS - CATALOGUES require in the printing lime. cavi'„ anile L..... S1Ilss:rptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. weiniormemmemmumson he Times Office SCONE BLOCK Winigham! ; • a