HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-03-07, Page 5The Balance of Our Overcoats ;MEN'S BOYS' ANO YOUTHS' At 25 Per Gent. Discount All the different .t) les including the popular 2 Way Collar Coats in Black Braver, Black Melton's, Fancy Tweeds, etc A rare opportueity . You can save money by buying for next Winter, even though you don't require a New Coat this Winter, Boys' Pea Ja ckets We are clearing out the balance of our Boys Pea Jackets at rediculous prices. This is a splendid Coat for School wear. No boy can afford to be without one at the prices we are offering' th m. McGee & Campbell •••••••••••••••••••••••••• '••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • Spriog -Wears• • _____ • .-.-c-7„-...-- g f4 Spriug Suits 1 ai" ��� For Ladies3 • i • • • • • 4 4 1 • .: • • .j •' • T • • • • 4 • A • 4• •4 • • • Let us show ) c u this Spring's newest d -signs in Ladies' Suits. .• We have a complete range to show >(t.' in all the new shades for Spring in ,odd w, ight cloths in Black, lil(:es, Twe ds and • Tans in the' new City Cuts and i styles. e • We,can s,,N e, you money on your New Spr•ing.Suit, also give t \' t,l bt ti' r •satisfaction, We • take sp cid] •r(lers and special intasurein(nts. Our Suits range i '1n price 1r lnl $13. 5o, $t5 00, • $ t8.0o, $2• .00, $25.00 e • • • • MISSES' SUITS 'We a1-'' h .t .• :,. 1;o' d rang.- of \lisses' Suits. Tl -e ;Z new Suits (',l Jl �� - h• v.• a vet). :,,•11.11.t cut and appt ar- w :ince m teat in Wu, , , ,r, ally Grey. P, ices $12.00 and I "i $15 (to • • "'JAMS' SPP NG GOATS • r In Our C, it 11 pa ttt wi i h ve rnim' s' un- i.ing +• styles to sh.' e'u in bat w. i„,hi ., ;'Iso ('ravenett•-s, • 2 t',e new long 1,tlr ' Coat, slightly s, n i•bac1<, made in 2 Tains, Gr,, s ".i v- and bl.tr i•t. s -- L•tditr,' and Misses'. I'r, e; . $ : ' $12 00. $ , 5 0 , $18 00. C:(11 ail g t 0 ir Spr n; 1.; t d )4u ', Butterick Prrttt rns alw ,y 1', s' ck. HAN CO.I PHONE 70 4 • 4 • •••••!*••Al*+i!••1t•i••••N►•••••••,?t•s•'t,•t,Ht•?4tl�t1t••••• TILE VI1NGiL M TIMES, MARCH 7, 612 CARRIC IS. A pretty wedding took place Wed- nesday night of last week at the home of Mr. and Mri, Wm. J. Pomeroy, Hill View Farm, Carrick, when their daugh- ter, Mary A., was united in matrimony with Mr. John Adamson, son of Mr. Andrew Adamson, and formerly of eon. 6, Oulross. There were about 2:5 pres- ent at the marriage ceremony which took place at 4 o'clock. Over one hun- dred guests were present in the even- ing when music, games and dancing were enjoyed by all. GLLNAN tN The following is the report for S S No. 3, Turnberry, for the month of February. Names in order of merit: IV Class. -N. Muir, A. Lincoln, L, Lincoln, R. Appleby. Sr. III -M. Stokes, W. Wallace, S. Aitken, G. McGlynn, W. Eadie, M. Reid, T. Eadie. Jr. III. -E. Lincoln, E. Elliott, D. Reid, Jas. McGlynn. Class II. - T. Metcalfe, J. P. Mc- Glynn, L. Reid, A. Bok. Sr. Pt. IL -H. Metcalfe, D. Eadie. Jr. Pt. IL -M. Eadie, A. Metcalfe, A. McGlynn, F. McGlynn, R. Baird. JENNIE C. BOWMAN, Teacher. LO W1CI WINIll A(11 Report of S.S. No. 11, Turnberry, for February. Class IV. Total 375. - S Sherriff 321, W. McGregor 303, J. Currie 297, M. Mercer 283. Class III. Total 255.-E, Finley 1tz3. Sr. II. Total 280.-W. Ransom 24.2, 0 Groves 241, S. Lockridge 141, I. Austin 129. Jr. II. Total 280.-G. Groves 221, E. Srigley 160. Sr. Pt. II. - T. Cruikshank, E. Hart, L. Campbell, M. Hart, M. Linlclater, D. .rlgahorn, H. Finley. Jr. Pt. IL -G. 'Mceireeee:, T. Lock - ridge. B. Class, -M. Finley, A. Lockridge, E. Srigley, C. Cruikshank, W. Lock - ridge, L. Darnell. A. Class. -L. Holmes, M. Kemp, M. Finley, J. Austin, R. Campbell, T. Calvert. • C. G. SI'IERRIFF, Teacher. COIL RTE.. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Evans, Gorrie, was the scene of a very pretty wedding At 12 o'clock on Wed- nesday, 21st inst, when their youngest daughter, Alberta Annetta, was united in marriage to Mr: Hiltjn E. Ashton; also of Gorrie. The ceremony was per - for sed by Rev. H. T. Ferguson,' 'of Kincardine, uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. W. J. Ashton of Thamesville, brother of the groom, and Rev. J. W. Hibbert of •Gorrie. The groom was supported by his brother, L F. Ashton, while Miss Mildred E. Gregg, niepe of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Promptly at noon the bride enterea•the tastily decorated parlor, leaning on -the arm of her father, while Miss Ashton played the wedding march. The bride was very becomingly gowned in white marquisette, trimmed with matte: e lace and carried a baguet of cream roses. 'rhe dress of the bridesmaid was of white allover embroidery and lace and she carried a bouquet of car- nations." The gift of the bridegroom to the bride was a beautiful gold pen- dant set with pearls and to the brides- maid a pearl crescent. A large number of beautiful gifts from guests and friends indicated the popularity of the young people. - ILO WICii A very pleasant event took place at the home of,Mr. George Itainey,: 10th' con. of Howick, at 3 p. rn., on Wednes- day, Feb. 21st, when his dahkhter, Mabel Wright, was united in marriage to Mr Emriianuel H. Mahon, of Walpole; Saslc. " To'Abe' 'strains' of the wedding marsh, ' played by 'Miss Lillian Rainey, the young; couple took their places under the ever- green boughs.,. Little Misses Wright, and Evelyn .Stott made pretty flower girls. The bride was tastefully dress- ed ie blue 'ilk. The eeremony -was performed by Rev. J. W. .Hibbert of Gorrie. 'The young coup!v left last AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR ALL LITTLE ONE Barrett, Stanley Gallaher. S. Sr. I. -James West, James Watson, Ar hie McKinney. Jr. L --King McDonald, Isabel w Wat- ld• son, Harold Watson, James Brecken• I rldee, b- F. I. AI'rCH.SON, Teacher. 'r The following is the report of the e senior department of Bluevale School for the month of February, Subjects - examined in are arithmetic and geo- t'1 graphs. Maximum `4'00. Pass 120. it Honors 150, Names marked * have - omitted one subject. •y Mrs. Ovila Lemarre, Malvina, Que writes: "I have found Baby's O Tablets an excellent medicine and wou not use any other for my little one. think all mothers should keep the to lets in the house." 'thousands ofoth( mothers have the same praise for th tablets. They are absolutely safe being guaranteed bya government ana lyst to contain no opiate or other harm ful drug. They break up colds, exp worm", euro constipation and ind gestior, in fact they are good for a the minor ids of little ones. The tab lets are sold by medicine dealers or b mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. It ELG RAVE:. A highly respected resident of the 4th line of Morris passed away on Fri- day last in the person of Rebecca Brandon, wife of Mr. Thos. Proctor, in her 56th year. The deceased lady had been ill for only a short time with pneumonia. The bereaved family will have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends. A number of Mr. David Sproat's friends gathered at his home on Thurs- day evening last'on the occasion of his birthday and presented him with a gold headed cane and an appropriate address was read. A report of the happy event is crowded over until our next issue. Sr II EI,LNS. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor entertain- ed their neighbors and friends at an oyster supper and a most enjoyable time was spe.nt. Mr, and Mrs. Bray gave a dance for the young people on Monday evening, and a large crowd attended. Mr. Jaynes Phillips, who is visiting his parents hare, after spending six pees in f•elee er:. , Sees., is visiting for a few days at Lothian, Ashfield township. Ile will return to the West in two week: aet'o:npanied by his broth- er, Albert Phillips. Mr. James Barr and his sister from Lucknow, visited recently at the home of Mr. Thomas Phillips. Mrs. Robert McGuire is still quite ill at her home here. 'TURN R I' RUT. Report of S. S. No. 0, Turnberry. Sr. IV.—Jessie Holmes,•Ethel Chan- dler, Louisa Snell, Dorothy Roth, George Dalgleish. • Sr. III.=Percy King, Henry Holmes, Robert McKngae.-- 'Jr. III. _ Nortna-Foxton, Erato Snell, Lizzie McKague . Gerrie Fallis, Ewart Linidater. '- Sr, IL -Harold Showers, Charlie Showrers,e Dari Roth. Jr. II. -Herold Fallis. Pt. II.--L'tta Fallis, Frank Roh, Clifford Jenkins, Edith Jenkins, Har- old Foxton, Herbert Foxton. Sr. •P't. fT-Oscar .Flolmes, Irlma Chandler, A14ed;Mitchell. Jr. Pt. I. -Atha Johnston. ANNIE BARBER, Teacher. it1(11.1'4 LE. Duff & Stewart received a carload of corn this week are distributing it among the farmer. Frank Haney, of Toronto is atpresent visiting relatives here. Mrs. J. C.'Johnston has gone for a visit to Sark. The Women's Institute meeting will be held at Mrs. Jaelc King's on Thurs- March 14th.. The paper will be given by Mrs, Peter Ki ig on Home Nursing. The very sudden death of Mrs. Geo. T Girnnett has cast a gloom over this vicinity. On Wednesday evening of las`texeek she retired in good health, and at 3 o'clock in the morning was awake anal made no complaint. About five, o'clnek .lir. Gannett awoke and noticed Iv.`rs. l;t'1n:'tt breathing heav- ily. Ile`tri rt .0.arouse her but in vain, she i.asaed ur•a," in a few minutes. Mrs. -Ganne t 1. easee dayghter of Philip bilines curl 'v iters in Turnberry in 867.'' In ts'b =nkt was married to Mr. ennetl::,ir tri tied, on the farm they ave dcOu,:b'l Mlle:, She leaves a sor- owing hutee,,,,I ..nd a family of six hildren, f„Lr girls and two boys, all oiit,n at.rle5'1r• Caven of Brit- sh Cor,tlt,l•i„ 'Nit's. Gannett was a incl neige .0 .t d .'.ill be missed in the ornnunicy. r -t e was a woman of ex - ellen te et., l.t luulities. Very seldom wets she :me•r„ ,ren the services in he e:n:rv') 1;, •wl,i,:h she belonged tingi.te a': .. ' family with her. She will b..• u.. . ,..ee(1 in Knox church. 'be bre.:,'.., ., ,•.nand and family have he syr', r' , pat by of all ;the com- unt*�'. H • W. J. West, pastor of Knox ehere, , ."d a high tribute to the ate :t.te. Co, ,,..1 hast Sabbath. T 1 G h r week for. the West, where ,ve wish b then] success. A very happy company assembled at c the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, c 12th con. of Ilowiek, at 5 p. m., on Feb. 21st, to witness the marriage of t their daughter, Martha, to lir Chester b Cook, of Clifford, Under the decorat- ed arch. _the young coni]!^- _took, their ' places to the strains of iha wedding t mereh, played by Mrs. $.. Webber, of m Laltelnt. The ceremony was perforin-; ed by the Rev. J. W Hibltert of Gordo'.' Phe pride was prettily dr 'ss. d in ereain silk. After congratulations the com- pa sat down to a sumptu'mis wedding sulr[er The many useful presents testified to the high esteem in which the young folk are held. They will re- side at Clifford. i The f•'11• ek e i, the report of the Junior de;'.,,• .eti of Bluevale School for the am.,,tu, .1t February. Names in order of mere. Average attendance 13. Sr. II. Oton.e•on McDonald, Rhena West, IIarvey Messer, Willie West, Annie Smeltz'r, IIarvey Robertson, Two A.o'ltrians are prisoners on the Annie Little, G.(rnet Casemore, George ferry. Algoma, plying between the two Champion, Roy Champion. Soos, as the immigration officials on each I Jr. II. -Stella Elliott, Earl Elliott. side feaise to allow him tb land. • 1 Merton Casemore, Cecil Elliott, Russell Sr. IV. -L. Patton 187, M. Raby 149, E. Aitchison 180, (,'r Diment 120, W. 1 jt Shaw 95, W. Stewart 51, E, Jewitt 125. Jr IV. -G. Curtiss 184, M. Black 04, 0. Black 60*, M. Gray 54*, L. Breckin- ridge 62. Form V. • S. Patton 150, R. Taylor ,e 72*. Form III. ---L. Elliott 156, 0. Jewitt 143, J. Gray 80*, E. Gannett 126, H. Haney 120, J. Nicholson 95, A, Badman 114, R. Breckinridge 72, M. McGee 30", H, Raney 20k, E. Rutherford 2'1*, L. McKenny 76, P. Smeltzer 36*, E. McKenny 35*, E. Churchill 10k. A. POSLI. F, Principal. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA THE LEADING STORE N[W SPRING GOODS 1 We are passing into stock large shipments or New Spring Goods, comprising imported Li es of Dress Goods, Silks, Velveteens, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Cur- tains, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Madras Curtainhg, Prints, Ginghams, Cham. brays, etc, See r.ur Large Assortment of Flouncing Eni. at 25c. broderies. We have all widths. Prices hello; PRINTS! PRINTS! PRINTS! } We have never shown such a nice r the of Pat- t-rns and Coloring in Crunl's English Prin s, } every piece guaranteed. See them. amewocrsarr/nram..,. 3, Mr. Joan A. Simpson, M.P.P. of Innis£ail, Alta , also Miss Simpson, Druggist of Innisfail, Alta., are visit- ing at the home of their mother, Mrs. 1.Vm. Simpson. Mr. A.H. Musgrove, M P.P. spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Simpson. W 711 ('I*)UI t! ttVil. There has been large quantities of logs and weed taken out this winter. Mr. John McCreight lost a valuable brood mare last Friday. }Ie was draw- ing logs when the mare got oft the road. It is thought an internal organ broke, causing instant death. Fred Davidson lost a young horse vain:: l at $185 last week. The horse was left in the e. are ,,. "•I for exercise I and came in contact with the wheel- barrow in 'such a way as to cause such serious injury that it had to be shot. Teamsters are complaining of the pitch holes near Wingham. Everybody talks about them but no person does the fixing. There should certainly be some system for having better winter roads. Better roads would mean larger loads with less bother and work for man and beast and less wear on sleighs. Mr. Robt Thomson met with a bad accident while working in the bush a few days ago. He was felling trees and was up in a tree cutting off limbs to free a true•thathael lodged when he slipped and fell. His axe followed him and fell on his head inflicting a bad cut. Mr. Thomson was unconscious for a time, but we are pleased to hear that he is now recovering. He has been having his own share of trouble having . recently lost a son who died suddenly in the Methodist church here. d 9. ii -a iaa, WHUOPI!'NG COUGH•! C O,r r l3RONC1it IS COUG 1-13 t. J.. rr , s X70 �' 13e • *� E � n P ▪ 1 V cs,•An •-4.. , ]e-, A tim^!a. safe and a!7"tt'v? tr--,art • ''; r t'or- 1' .1 :,U u •. WIt.W..: Lr.,,:..4 il,.t F. , 1.. t;• 1 L ;tt. l• -'i1 vith.,c,:c.n,' . t' :•.r:. a; a;r:•,naaral Ftrn,;'7 t. t' ,tn:', ir pl-r1 ..10 .1'o 1 ,' .t, t.01 r -F N•,• • IIairir,: ;'., .e,4 •--Aolr ,i' ^ 1 :. 1hers ...q .... .f:: F:: �.. .• 1:. L,o i* t. b:L.rc.i1 ..um 'dn 17, Seed ua W^tsl for d: c::; 1 L.v... -. 81:1 A! L DEW. J3T5 rsr-;:-„11,47/1''� C ,e A,tt_ rs t is e l V : t4f,r r nv t 6 1, 1r a,,.... lu ,1s S ,tea ^mrh.1 JUIZFR fi "Ile ke no makes two blades of grass grow wnere one grew before, is a'Benefactor to his Country." j You first g, tner the crop and then t' r the leer tilizer. (I'ves three tones the Meld of barn - d rl'a1131'' atirl iseaiierapplied to the Isn(i. coin pare the em ly'iv r f harp yard manure with N plateal Fertilizer. Barnyard Manure Nitre'};' n 0 04; Phosl'!barie 0 23; Potash 0.53. National Fertilizer Nitrogen 3 50 penal to 40 ammonia; l h,tsp'trlr•ie iter(! 5 75 equal to 1 20 soluble phosphates; Potash 8 50 Introdued by FRANK W. EVANS Lox 155. Phone 101, Clinton, Out. Agents wanted for Wingham and t5n.1rounding count] y. J. L. AWOL+`, agent for Wingham and district,. • 4 f ( C DRESS GOODS C BARGAINS IN SILKS Having placed a large import order for Wide 5 Silks we are prepared to match v duets with the largest city- stores. Yard Wide Black Taffeta Silk o• ur price - - - - - A comp!! tP range of co'orings in 36 ette Stlk;. b night at a cut: pr ce ''on order,” our st'l i„g price wi 1 b.: - sp-•.c:al cut 75c } inch Pail- ur large y $1.00 tt A yys ya a } C 1 c C c ( 1 ( C C c S c Style Stores for Men and Women. VV VVVVVWVVVVR%VVVVVVVVWW VVNVMOfvvvvwVVVVVVVvvvyk, ow Make it a p( i' t t-) reg• cur ne.l' Press Goods, ail the 1 te,t weak Ls .1.1 c',lu tug, are shown here MEN'S WEAR STORE MEN'S FURNISHINGS fcr Spring War in all the lat' st n veldt s. See our New Negligee Shirts, Best makes. New Collars, New Ties, New Braces, Nevi' Hats and Caps. CLOTHING.--Nc.w Spring Clothing is already in stock. We handle four different m ikes set that our range: is large. Our prices are the Lowest. "Give us a lo k” ore Vague for ess oney in i r %LllLomobiles Over 401000 L M. [a Cars Sold i b9ii Parties interested shzuld call and consult me before purchasing and inspect the "Flanders 20" now on exhibition at my Garage opposite Skat- ing Rink. DAVID BELL Sol'"; Agent for the E.M.F. 1