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The Wingham Times, 1912-03-07, Page 1
• THS VOL, XL. -NO. 2092, 1 W!NGHAM WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1912. $1.A YEAR IN ADVANCE Don't Neglect That Cough if neglected that cough will surely rasp and tear the mem branes of the throat and effect the bronchial tubes and lungs as well. WINTERS INSTANT COUGH SYRUP' .Rides you of all mucous de- posits in throat and prevents further accumulation, . Try a bottle to day. We refund your money is not satisfactory. Walton McKihbon • THS ASUGGiST 271 � Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. FSR TWO WEEKS ONLY The beautiful brick residence on the corner of John and Wil- liam streets. This is a fine pro- perty, well situated and in good repair. Will be sold right as the owner is leaving town, Insurance in all its branches. Farm Loans at 5• per cent. Rents Collected, Investments Made, Accounts Audited: Houses Rented. Real Estase bought and sold. Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE i ................ A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGRASI, ONTARLIO. Farmers who want money to bny horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for mi.rket osn have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer• chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest; rates going, Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. AYLMER CANNED 0000S • Tomatoes, 2 for • 25c Pumpkin, per tin • 10e Corn, per tin - 10c Peas, Standacd,2 for 25c . Peas Early June,tin 15c Special Vaives IN TeandCotfee a Will be pleased to have a trial order, PICKLE S Sweet, 3 kinds, per bottle ifie Sweet, bulk per quart 3 0e .. Sour, bulk, per quart - 25e Pickles fro 10 Ic Bottled m c to 35e per bottle. BIG VALUES IN' DINNED AND TOILET SETS Wear Greer's Ste N. v.rttt Rtat+bait DON'T FAIL TO HEAR The Royal English Had Bell Ringers. OPERA HOUSE, WINGHAM Thursday, March 14th Nothing like them ever heard by Canadian people. They are play- ing to crowded houses everywhere. • THIS WILL BE THE TREAT OF THE SEASON. Plan opens at McKibbon's Drug Store on Thursday, March 7th. Admission 35c; Reserved Seats 50c. Death of There passed aw Friday last, Janet Adam Morton in h ceased lady had for resident of Bramp of Mr. J. A Morto Mortonleft on Sa attend the funeral. s. Morton. y at Brampton on oung, wife of Mr. 87th year. The de- manyyears been a on and was mother of this town. Mr. rday afternoon •to Manure Spre The manure which Mr. E. Mc which he has bee weeks and in wh townspeople are in Wingham from The machine look seen -it and people the machine will Cloy claims for i be tested in the c der and Loader. preader and loader loy is patenting and working on for some ch a number of our interested, arrived tratford on Monday. good to all who have have confidence that o all that Mr, Mc - The machine will roe of a few days. Hockey on There will be a in the Wingham ri of this week b Junior Q. H. A. t High School team. are the runners Championship a coming to Win called for 8 o'c Band will be in will b -e skating a riday Night. st game of hockey k on Friday evening ween the Seaforth m and the Wingham The Seaforth boys ptfor the Ontario atiie best team is am. The game is ck sharp. Citizens' ttendance and there ter the game„. Fon SALE- Tw good canoes. Apply to JACK MASON. Special amrose Car. The Canirose, Iberta, Publie`,cy Club is making a spec al tour threagh East- ern Canada. Th y are tis Jelling in a special car containing t'.e exhibits of Alberta farm product,' and the trip is being made. with • iew of attracting further settlemeii,. to that Province. This special car ill be at Wingham G. T. R. statin f on) 2.30 p. m:, Satur- day, March :0th ntil 6.35 a. m., Mon- day, Marc'118th. FOL SALE. -2 H P ga me engine, alm(,st new, at a b sin. Must be sold at once. L. KENNEDY. Huron Medi al Association. The Huron Me hold its next reg ham, 'next We business and scie gramme will be f banquet which w restaurant. Dr. sor of surgery h will be present during the event ical Association will ar meeting in Wing- esday night. The Wing - , part of the pro- llowed by the annual I be held in Johnston's . H Bruce, profes- Toronto University nd• give an address WANTED,—Dre or at home. Mis or leave orders wl 'phone 84. making by the day M. Keith, Wingham, h Mrs. Jas: Baird, Died " Cobalt, Mrs. W. H. bay dao n received v word of the death of he brother-in-law, Mr. James Irwin, who 'ted at his home in Cobalt on February 23rd, aged 50 years. The deceased resid for many years in Michigan andha been at gCobalt for 10 years, being en ged as a milling engineer. He was member of the Church of England a d a Free Mason. He is survived by his ife, one son and two daughter, also o brothers and one sister, who resi' a in Michigan. The funeral took pla a to Hailebury cemetery on February 25th, when ser- vice vas held ' � dmthe luta ofEngland, theernb e s m br of thd Ms a OitaOrd er having charge of th4 funeral. . Owtn g to the heavy storm Mr. and Mrs. David- son were not able to attend the funeral. Those wishing far help or domes- tics, apply to Wm. McQuillin, immi• grt•ation agent or H D. Woods, both St. Helens P• 0. Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on. page Death of M1.. Browett.. The death of Mr Dr. J. H. Browett ham, occurred at nesday of last we ness of three mo late Mrs. Browet friends in Wingh her death with sister of Mrs. G. sels. The rema' gersoll for inter . Browett, wi a o: formerly of Wing Peterboro on Wed following an. ill ths' duration. Th had a number o: who will hear o7 egret. She was . Deadman, of Brus is were taken to In ent TRUNKS AND VAL select from at lowe E .—Big stock t prices. W. J. GREER.- Fire Loss Canada's fire 1 as estimated by in its issue of Si $1,640,153, eon) loss of $3,002,65 ruary of last y $10,000 numberee worst being a st fax, where the Their total loss figure given abov the addition of sr $95,250 and an for unreported ,b1 s in Canada. se during February, he Monetary Times, urday, amounted tc ared with January' and $941,045 in Flab ar. ,bar. Fires exceeding 19 in February, the ar refinery at Hali- loss was $624,470. was $1,330,970, the being made up by all fires amounting to llowance of $213,933 zes. The Sec • d Carnival. The second ca was held in the evening of last largely attended. furnished an exce Prizes were awar dressed gentlem best dressed gentl comic dressed 1 Steel; best dres Patterson. The won by Frank Mc race by Mies May were Messrs. Th rane and A. E. P. ival of the season rink on Wednesday eek and was very The Citizens' Band ent musical program. d as follows: - Comic , J. H. Marshall; man, Frank Sturdy; y, Miss Margaret ed lady, Miss Eva at man's race was can and the lady's Moore. The judges . Fells, B. H. ,Coch- rter. • - Cows FOR SAL milch cows due t ed for sale. App .—Four or five choice calve early are offer - y to A. Kelly. Royal Engli 'Con'.ort troupes se.,,s seldom put at less than 35 ce The Royal Englis are nine in num expensive equipm series; their tra four times as gre. ordinary compani tertainment such er heard and may again. This high - give an entertain• house, Wingham, o March 14th. The with reserved seat• of hall is at McKib Bell Ringers. of three or four per - an entertainment s for reserved seats. Hand Bell Ringers er. They carry an nt of bells and acces- elling expenses are as the expenses of s; they give an en- s Wingham has nev- robably never hear lass company will ent in the opera Thursday evening, mission is 35 cents at 50 cents. Plan on's drug store. FOR SALE —I for sale, fancy an other fancy work. to 9 P.M. Exhibi ing next. Miss truthers, in rooms over Richardson - Rae's hardware store. ways have on. hand kitchen aprons and Hours 2 to 5 and 7 on Saturdag even - Death of len Galbraith. Death removed n Thursday last one of the oldest rest ants of Wingham in 'Il Galbraith, who theperson of en G br + passed away at is home on Edward street, in his 87t year. The deceased was born in Cou ty Caven, Ireland and came to Canada hen 'a young man 18 years of age. 1 etsettled in the Town' ship of Cartw ght, Durham County where he rem ned until some fifty years ago when he came up to Howick Township whercl he 13urchased a farm, and where he rtaid d until thirty-two years ago when' e carne to Wingham. For a number o years after coming to Wingham he an s engaged in the groc- ery business. joined Galbraith v er in 1844,being the Orange O d beg for nearly 68 years n Orangeman, a record equalled by ver few men. He was a man well infor ed on the questions of the day and w s held in high esteem by a large circ tl of friends. Fifty-five years ago he its married to Isabella Mahood, who With a family of three sons'titers, survive him. `u and dtwo a g', The children re: --Nelson, of Flint, Mich, • Robe t of Chatham; Mrs. J. IL Rugg, London John, of Wingham, and Miss Emma, ` t home. ' The;funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Wingham cemetery, and the menibers of the Orange Order attended hi a body and the services at the house and grave were onducted by Rev. Dr. Rutledge. e. ' BEAVER BLOC BURNED. Many have been he expressions of sympathy for our townspeople who have lost so heavil through the fire. FIRE oTEs. All who in any ay suffered through the fire heartily thank the firemen for their splendid wor . King Bros. had : very heavy stock.adopted. They received a car load of sugar and car load seed a fe days prior to the fire. These young men were doing an excellent business : nd were rearm preparing g to hold their annu.! sale. They have rented the Griffin s ore and purchased a stock and expect o be ready to serve their large number f customers in the very near future. Mr. John Putland mine host of the Brunswick hotel •ry kindly treated the firemen to hot c• flee and lunch. burned secti•n leaves a large blank on Josephine s reet. The ad'uster for the several insur- s ance companies ha e been here this week arranging the laims. Mr. R. Vanstone .s opened a tem- porary office in the •tore next to the Bell Telephone Co s rffice. We have nothing•finite to report as p to.the rebuilding of ,he block, but we believe a new and modern business block will be plac-•. on the old site. Winghamites would of like to see this g vary desirable site re ain vacant. We have not hear what the inten- tions of Dr. Price, M . Schmidt or Mr. Knox are for the fut re, but we trust they will all remai as residents of Wingham. The safes of the different business places have been op nod and in all of them the books a d papers were in good shape. Messrs. Alex. t ampbell and Geo. Irwin, who had b: en working in King Bros.' storeilost eir carpenter tools. R. H. McKay lost •art of his tools and Rintoul los three"screws." As we go to p ss the ruins are still smoulderin`. TOWN The regular Town Council evening with all cept Coun. Mitchel last regular Communication Committee of the Ottawa, asking establishing of The matter was consideration. A petition was street be opened to Water Street. next meeting. The Finance:Co ed the payment counts: G. Forgie, work A. Posliff, breakin Theo. Hall, printin.....22 Public School Boar., A. Sanderson, sno E. Dennis,W. Dennis, shovellip D.C. McDonald, S. Thornton, work W. Stokes' salary Geo. Allen salary. R. Rankin, salary Ed. Lewis, salary John F. Groves, Municipal Worlds G. T. It., scale H. B. Elliott, prin On motion of the report of the was adopted. The Water and mittee reported to the matter of and recommended, established on the; Committee also discounts to light The new schedule 20, 30 and 35 per 20 and 25 per cent., per cent, be added same is not paid which payment ©n motion Mills,' the reco Committee were cit• By-laws Nos. for the changes read and passed. Mayor Spotton Committee report had resigned his and that Wm. Sto ed in his stead had purchased him, the cost of Mr. Stokes. Chas. Wilkinson tax on motion of Elliott. Richard Ander Council with reference a sum of money petual care of matter was referred Committee to report details at Council. On motion of Coun. VanStone, sanitary tax was erson. Claims were pr done by the flood last fallIl as folio ston, $39.90; Mrs thur Law, $29; The matter w.s and Electric Lig tion of Coun. E Donald. Through J. A son & Broekle $150for darn through the street. The m On motion of Kibbon, the Co was named as f and Couns, Born Accounts we G. Sperling, hie Swells, horse f McDonald, e E. c convention, $1,. ordered to be On motion of Kibbon, the W • Committee was hydrant at th: street. Reeve McDoi the Good Roads he would use e County C roads scheme so benefits in the merits, The M: beuo e provement of ther action in till siextnleett .•; Coun. Bane . tion to a elaus . where it cvas : lost $40.40 las owing to parties CfpUNC1L. very Joat pleasant shed lines among $3.00, do -- ' " 1 °1„ O�.' /s Five Business. Loss of Nears Wingham was morning with one the history of the , block of three . Beaver Block was The fire was ,before two o'clock given by Nightwatc . firemen were promp and before very four streams of the flames. The great headway that little effect. The jewellery store but is not known, King's general Schmdt's hardware was one of the warmest seen in Wingham rapidity that it anything from any firemen did good fire to the one block looked as if the north and south. sides of the block help in confining block. The morning One, 10 below zero, under the direction an, did their dutyi manner, continuing daylight. The ruins dering and on Saturd was hardly possible down Josephine clouds of smoke goods saved were and timothy seed taken from King's rear of the block. Mr. W. J. Gree store, north of the thought to be in ately'it escaped not move anyof is from smoke. Campbell's cloth' ishings store soot was slightly dam back roof giving the water to pour of clothing was d covered byinsure loss to this buildin Part of the some eighteen yea TIMES office and paper had rather building which had been his busines were very thankful out of the building fire. The Beaver block ate in the matter similar to the one day was burned ea March 13th, 1887, by Robt. Mclndoo. piece of machinery broke and there tenants then we son, general store had brought in a week previous fr, Pethiek, hardwar stitute; S. G. Brockenshire, pla ome, dentist, an' Fawcett's tailor Orr and Messrs. The building d morning was b 1VIcIndoo and the their places in same year. Th• s•anstone ased byMr. R. years ago and M his loss at $15,00 suranee of $10,0 occupied the cen formerly used as a stock of genera g at $27, 000 and the of $14,000. Gus. general hardware T weund•rstand 6 000 and $ .thestart. surance of $3,000. in jewellery, stet'..nery, fancy goods, we t of some $8,000 iJ )0. Dr. W.cg $G,5> mates his loss at of $600. Mr. Va the eontents of li he carried no ins be heavy in a po lost manyvalue and will have memory in elan that were of va clients were st•• came through tht- Mrs. Butcher, Gee &('ampbell'• hold effects mo will suffer lose f Messrs. John P Field had loss=. iglass broken in their lino/uses. Placa Destroyed—A $60,000. vlsi -d early Saturday of he worst fires in ' to n•tvhen the fine stor•:, known as the c• pletely destroy- fir noticed shortly a d the alarm was man Lewis. The ly on the scene muc .time had elapsed wate was playing on fir had made such t e water had very fire started. in Knox's f •m what cause it and • ickly spread to sto e and -then toThe store. The fixe we have ever and spread with such was i possible to save of the stores. The wor. in confining the,snow .. at one time it fire ould spread both Th fire walls at both ere also a great the 're to the Beaver vas a very cold •ut the firemen, of Chief VanNorm- very aefficient .heir work until ave since smoul- y and Sunday it to pass up and stre t,` owing to the and -team. The only nin ty bags of clover an. six bags of sugar, storehouse at the s boot and shoe turned building, was 1 anger, but fortun-W.H. a as Mr. Greer did ti's stock his onlyloss Messrs. McGee & g and gents' furn- of the burned block, ged in part of the away, This allowed in and $1,000 worth mage. The loss was ce as was also the B aver block was for s the home of the t e editor of this pa- a friendly feeling for for so many years. home, but we hat our plant was ,t the time of the has been unfortun- of fires. A block estroyed on Satur- ly Sunday morning, . d was then owned At that fire a small at the power house s no water. The '. W. & J. slender- W. G. Collins, who •ankrupt stock one m Cobourg; Smith & ; the Mechanic's In- eGill, lawyer; W. F. to ra h r• J. S. Jer- the third floor was :hop, owned by Robt. ordon & Mclndoo. stroyed last Saturday ilt in 1887 by Robt. tenants were back in he early fall of the building was purch- some thirteen •. Vanstone estimates and he carried an i;:- 0. King Bros., w, .i •e store and the ron:.1s the Tirane office, had merchandise valued y carried an insurance A. Schmidt had a valued at upwards of he had an in- Robt. Knox, dealer wall paper and nderstand had a stock ith an insurance of Price, dentist esti- t .1,200 with insurance stone's big loss is in law office on which ranee.. His loss will onal way as he has epapers and records o depend largely on matters. All papers ne to Mr. Vanstone's ed in the safe and fire in good shape, ho resided over Mc- store had her house- ed to the street and water and smoke. tland and Thos. T. through gbeteg �_ monthly meeting of the was held on Monday mimbers present ex- . The minutes - of ethe me ting were read and as read from a ouse of Commons, for nformation re the an of age pension fund. lef: over for further...„....e- re: d, asking that a fro Bristol Terrace L •ft over until the - ittee recommend - of the following ac- . .. .. $ 75 road . 1 00 00 levy . 300 00 plowing..... 16 55 g snow..... 3 80 pl,wing ......3 00 wo •k .... .... 12 90 ... ....... 3 60 ' ... .... .. 26 15 ... .... .. 32 60 .... ........ 10 00 ... .... 35 00 s Lary ........ 55 50g uprlies 1 00 sit 1 00 ing .... 18 iii Couns. Elliott and Mills :Finance Committ ,e lectric Light Com - that they had gone in- supplying day power that the same be 15th of April, The recommended that the users be increased. of discounts to be cent. in place of 10, and also that 10 to water rates when during the month in is due of Couns. Elliott and mendations of the`saa dopted by the Coun- 6' and 648, providing n,ted above were then for the Executive .d that Thos. Calvert • ssition as scavenger es had been engag- an that the Committtee• a orse and outfit for s. me to be repaid by as refunded $1 dog C+uns. McKibbon and on addressed the to his investing to provide for the per - bis cemetery lot. The to the Property wo k out a scheme and ext meeting of the • eeve McDonald and a refund of $1.r,0 Made to Richard And- •rented for damages in Lower Wingham s: Mrs. W. J. John- J. A. King, $36; Ar- los. Groves, W. left with the Water t Committee on mo- liott and Reeve Me- Morton, Messrs. How - ank made a claim of es caused to them t losing of McDermott tter was left over. ouns. Elliott and Mc- rt of Revision for 1912 • flows: Mayor, Reeve, VanStone and Mills. • read as follows; F. of horse, $13; J. E. •r scavenger, $154; D. penses cissa to Good Roads The accounts were lid. . Couns. Elliott and Mc- ter and Electric Light given power to place a t1 c north end of Francis ald gave a report of convention and he said ery endeavor to have ncil adopt the good that Wingham would g snits from the Govern- or thought something the Permanent nt im- •sephine street, but fur- he matter was left over •ew the Council's atten- in the Auditors' report own that the town had �,. y,ar in business tax, having left town, and f / / t'` e /i ' "ea-- • _ Jr _!,, , 'S — } -,ed. ■ s - Men B piing .�-..e. It may seem a little early but neve rtht )r SS, 110 W 1S the best time to select your Spring Shoes. Your old shoes are looking a •Little shabby, and On days yOU'II Wel. t to your rubbers. Let us showo•i our new of Men's Spring Shoes ' They're Beauties Some of the neatest things them you ever saw. We can shoe you at $2.00 $3.50 or $5.00, and it to please N. (?ll. We've the Best Silo( s on Earth for the money. _ ........."`m' GIRL WANTS .—Applications received by t • o'clock p. m., for a young la• 1 house of th recut. No kn•, w required. Full by applying at he wages. JOHN . _ The Choi .1 The sacred c, ntata, the Church,"g, en Friday evening Choral Society was very much ppreciated. ening of the c .ruses fine and the who ed great credit , n Henry Christie. a great benefit young people o evening's entert. that Wingham ha ent. The solos w Beattie, Mrs. J. C harson, Dr. W. and Mrs. G. C. formed the duties al Society will continue and expect to give ment about the middle the entertainment had supper at L. where a pleasan, will be undersigns up to 4 Tuesday,ch 12th, to assisk ingthe psup- teat 'c Light Depart- e ear scanog be bail ticulars can had Clerk's office. State GROVES, Town Clerk. •--•--.___ Society Concert. "For Christ and in the opera house cn y the members of the as well attended and The rend- and solos Were entertainment reflect- the conductor, Mr. J. Thjs society has been to the music loving the town and Friday nment showed plainly excellent musical tal- e taken by Mrs. R. Smith, Miss S. Farqu- Price and F. J. Hill anna very ably per- of pianist. The Chor- their practice another entertain- of May. After those taking part Kennedy's restaurant hour was spent. See us for Trunks and Val's?s g� 0/,/ (�j '-, 1 ■ ' J.Ve its ,-- c. 1eIR1: LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE WEATHER Coupled N. GENERAL GLASS with MONEY LOANING Issuer of Marriage • G r i 1 h . n d AGENT nbaMmgM _ Insurance PUTAW. a REAL. FSTa T E and Easiness. Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Oreerty. the one before in gave would passed Councillors thing Settler's Chicago Commencing continuing S Montana points The vhee trip for Agent era his ' - _--r.--- auditors reco mended that at least year's busi . ss tax be collected persons ar permitted to engage business in th town. Con. 1one notice that • t next meeting make a moi on that a by-law covering t is matter, • and the were :.1 agreed that some should be d. e. Council then ad ourned. he be - to d tin a, - or - at Day Power Cheaper Lights. Winghamites enerally will be pleas- e to hear of th recommendations d d ons of the Water and i lectric Lightommit- Q tee which were adopted by the Town Council on Mot day eveniug last. An all day electric tower service will bees- tablished on the 5th of April. The com- mittee has ma. • a canvas of the power users of the to n and have been assured that sufficient power will be used to make the busi ess a paying ono from Thi is decidedly a move inEdmonton. y the right direc �'on and the fact that the town is in a po ition to furnish day el- ectrie power : could be the means of bringing now i dustries here. Anoth- er advantage ill be in that household -Mr. ers who use el t atria lights will be able to use electric ,irons, toasters, water- heaters, fans, te. The Committee has rented the nor h half of the Gregory store and will ave it fittedap as a show room and willput in a stock ofa 1 kindndtte of electric ho sehold articles. The other change will e appreciated when the disents to 1 gusers have been in- ghtl? 10 per cent a round. This charge willshou1d be a consider • ble savingto man of our y customers. Excursi• ns to the West via theP.. , ular Route. The Grand Tt nk Railway System and t nee connecting lines. Tu sday, March 13t 3eve , Tuesday th eafter sicat tl ehewanh' tan to a a 1 Ants Ibex and N. th k a, including on Grand run acific Railway. Grand Tr nk Pacific Railway, between e t lino f test eti timet ser p g+ 1 and t �. o 01. Be re deciding on your consult an; Grand Trunk Aent full particulars and literature, T tint On District Pas: enger J. S. Fa ows a rominent west Ontario co tractordroppeddead residence i West Nissouri. wisessmissigiamenaniwancai ENTER ANY TIME Nirt;tera Dietriet�e Tits,iefi nl s and to'T°ieni Kron outtlrvear.~Y en'eepo PthounssAertm trrdptntoef nridmmmer holidays. Yen mnvr rvav nitatltorna er t,nably an home and fioiah ttt titeoonege.+thittliVAe's Raprvrienrr withheConntiewi•iBdnentor'sA8A66. men of ( amis. Writs forpsrtientars. ' mgl•sm'hsitiess College CEO. POTrOr4, EHA+J. BURNS prestuent, Principal. The Seaf• rth Milling Company's works are ow run by Hydro-elecric' i . n b _. power. The entire plant is run by one immense motor. ti 1,