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The Wingham Times, 1912-02-08, Page 8
Till+; WINGIIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 8, 1912 MINOR LOCALS. +.r++4.4 -++*e- e.t•+++++++ .4-a ***-1,++++++++4..+++++4,e++++++ • C 3i Watch for :ole isofs Iticlaardsou's C. Pua' :cap in etas Heys ssue. 8 DAYS.The regular n onthly meetingof the" c Public Sehool hoard will be held next c ;s Me 0venint;. C 1 ui COME ONCOME ALL , - The Provinc'Ia1 Grand Orange Lod- ge of ()nt riu \", o yr ill meet in Lon- don on Wednesday, March 13th. ---The present License Commission- er for North Unroll have been re -ap- pointed by the (tl,ta:io Government. ---J. L. Aw i , ha i receive:l a ship- m.nt of choi.t: Western Oats. Read his advt. in another column for prices. g • -Since our last issue we have had another spell of severe winter weath- er, The thermometer registered zero and below. er s t To Ilerning's and witness the greatest ss1e of Oiet> ea Wide to Your Measure ever pat on. Even th++ugh you de' not 3 need a suit right now, plate your order NO ' as it will take sometime to snake it. This sale inelude um: of elle einkic est 7 - The nndon weather bureau reports that for fourteen days during Dec- endierthe thermometer dropped be- low zero. - -I:obc r: til i:, Clinton has been api ointeal I?ai.%=:° c f the 10th Division Co:ut of Huse, County, to succeed David Dickinson, resigned. -The TIiars is this week pleased to report a slight improvement in the con- dition of Mr. P. S. Linklater. Many freinds are v-, ielihi , for an early re- covery. -Mr. James McDougall, of Turn - berry has rented Mr. J. T. Scott's farm on the 10th concession of Turnber- ry. He will g•et possession on the lst of March. -Mr. Sint' •;e 1.-I:I,pen, moulder, has purchased the 1 ti ul home of Chris Anderson, cnrrate:'ising of a two story brick house, l+.:rn and oil: acre of land in the Town Plot. • Mr. I), Frrncil, wIlo was for twelve -e', keeper at the Huron House of ‘fu:e at Clinton, died at Wetaskiwin, 4'); a., '+<:t wei,k. The body was taken tG O:+bawn for burial. \V alba n, Flynn, a G.T.R. trackman i>in••ueuit . died en Thursday even- ingfron, Iwai,;; ..: received by being hit E., .. -.rdaaeeds'r'ing the afternoon. • ;t ts:.; two children. --i•!s:•:+ l :.,a '.cc ather insurance .,? co:;-! •..,ti -..,., ;airs the follow - a:: c)a-_, • r:_ r• .v,'d by societies ie - = tes.ee : i e f„ aamon, $280; .:111.14d.,, .... , . .:I: hire, $147; Blyth, ;:, 'ti', . C. T. 1'. purpose holding a e.cne.•: i in elocution at the :am, Thursday even - Besides seven c..., all be vocal and in - and other pleasing ,tI lies and 15c. 1 1 d ▪ :-iced here this week l � i -,i esi s on Friday last 1 a former resident of 1. ed lady was v: s. h - short time g..r z+: ..o . c.. r. and Mrs. hot:,. left Wing „ , aToronto some ten years age'. c c e ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ material for Spring' Suits and O.'e; e :also alio a few guys ' Winter Overcoatings Whate'er ' Menial yc a choose will be made up in the latest style, -t class vvorkival:,.ship asd perfect fit guaranteed. 8 DA y ONLY so do nos tae:i'a•c and perhaps miss the best chance you will ever ;.;et to In ;de to order Suits, Overcoats and Trousers. Beginning Pa. ltlth ending r'eb, 17th. A great chance to secure some king t early goad at low cost. Come and see no, obligation w bay. Goma early and get the choice. SP1tICTLY CASti. W. J. IiN THE TAILOR ING 3 7 W. C. T. U. COLUMN. The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held in the C. 0 F. Hall on Feb. 18th at three o'clock. A. large attendance is desired. The medal contest under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the Town Hall, on Thursday, Feb. 15th. Mayor Spotton has kindly consented to occupy the chair. Some seven or eight girls are to compete. Miss Copeland, who has charge of the competitors is sparing no effort to make the whole affair a suc- cess. All are cordiallyinvited. Admission 10 and 15 cts. MCTAVISH.-In Turnberry, on Feb- ruary lst, to Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Tavish; a son. IITAILBhJ I) STRACHAN--BUCHANAN. - At the Me- thodist Parsonage, Brussels, by Rev. Dr. Oaten, on Jan'y 31st. Mr. Robert Strachan of Grey township, to Miss Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Buchanan of Brussels. BORN. HENDERSON-In Wingham, on Feb- ruary 3rd, Charlotte Gray, relict of the late Thomas Henderson, aged 69 years, 8 months and 4 days. FARRIER. In Wingham Town Plot, on February 4th, David Farrier, aged 88 years, 3 months and 13 days. MCDowELL.-In East Wawanosh, on . Tuesday, Feb. 6, Maud Campbell, be- loved wife of Harvey McDowell, aged 31 years. ('AR?MtICHAEL.-In Wroxeter, on Jan. 29th, Jean Hamilton, relict of the late Jno. Carmichael, aged 90 years. ;ol W D who was recent, ly spiesist,i ..' • r of the High School D.,:1_•e'. ..;;, the Public School Binerd, +recline. el to accept the position eel : ; .L of the Public Scheel Board osi Tue:;day evening Mr. I Enehanaa: °:,., appointed as a mem- ber of tri r II'. . 1+,:�! Board. n ('a.dcti ;'i visit- ing with her nS :.d, Miss i lar ,aret fir -,s. Flood and her daughter, Miss _,.:Lt.; week for Toronto the tlrosiding. M. and i. tt, of Prince Alb- ert, lb+ `t, `- isiting for a few days Wti: Mr. a : I (;: o. Giver. •.7 Robt. ami al.l > t. Allen were at I , I 'lac' attending the - a]u I e.'. the late \, as Flynn. MrRe bt. t) E ver left this week for 1.=' h fate• in ,).a, s,±a, Sask., after a vi::o v.-.•••• ul•1 c.eind3 in Wingham and uirt-:_t. '2.7.1'6. Joh.niel,r',y' arrived home from LrcaY:� o: .+,,:t•�z:iay .;a�to °:tterd the funer- al eoi' . aa�oa..>. the late Mrs. Thos. IIE_'c i +..i. T. Forel, V. S. was in Clifford on at , c l Ic; the funeral of his u.10 ( c. .n a hospital in Tor- o+ M. ail : _n•.,. \ti I • VanStone have rt v_: iel 'stylise after spendin a few we el oho n ▪ ra c of their daughter, Mr 2 C. Young ar▪ rived horse from Winnisoess '1r n'lay everting to be at the ( , era Ih-e father, Mr. 1'. S. Lila z .a, tii ,'+..s le un seriously ill. FOR SALE 8 hnp. GASOLINE ENGINE SUITABLE FOR FARMER y}t� Wrq�it�ge��p,+ PO E. THRING 41. Alhambra Ave , Toronto, Ont. rale Io F,v rr Ma ,well and H. 13. Elliott„c h. Toronto o etc this weer; atten- ding 1-e annual meeting•of the Ont - n io L casecakl h Iii.,itiotas Association. y,T' • ", tua 5. Printsle. who has been at hi i home e in Turnberry rry and a,E a`tlr in this di-triet for :several \was., t. this week for his horde in i loY d :,i pnrhur is spending a week or tend in Toronto, while away she will vI t Wiiiiby t allege and also sp r d a twv days in Lindsay with her frieish Mrs. Dr. Collison. PIIS Lizzie Barber left on Tuesday for Toronto where she will stenograph- er in the Legislature during the session She v 0,4 aceornpanie:d by Ler mother, Mr:, ( s. tarber, who will Spend a w,-ei rth friends in the i ity. I said Mrs. Geo. Mel onrie will hini.o this week for California where tlae',• a 1,:. ni (a feiv weeks. We wish th,ana n sate trip and a pleasant sojourn in the snmiy south. They have a :yon, Dr. (k'o, McKenzie, located et Con- cord, a:ifor lila, e, L✓IG�E Y. d 0. A. L+Lt,G. .903T.7-7:".:175 O T i `� i- ;T+.L NU SUBJECTS d List seieson up i'..rc of 300 cv cry l,radu - teSeven •tv. 2;- C .,! d r-gtilir teachers. One h dr l r_d fifty I onc',n firr.s employ ort '1 h 1p Co.h.c-'c in session frort _.t 5 t, .' ! L tsr any time. Csoslseee 1 rets F , l ilj y�be',SS Co u 441P J. tii .:"'I•-STEIATLT, J J. W. WESTERVELT, Ch,arl,.red A(c ntant. Principal. Vice kr:nc'paL a3 TELE NATIONAL IRTIUZER "IIe who makes two blades grass grow where one grew before, is a Benefactor to his Country." THE POWER THAT DRIVES THE HUMAN FACTORY Dr. William's Pink Pills Help tin Blood and Make You Well. The human body is the busiest fac tory in the world. There is no eight hours day, no slack season, no holidays, YI no cessation of labor at any time. Day and night work is being carried on in the workshop of your body, and it never ceases until the engine -the heart -stops forever. The factory of your body has its motive power, without which it would have to close down at once. That mo- tive power is the blood, healthy, rich, red blood which keeps your whole sys- tem efficient and which drives away all diseases that may attack it. Good, red blood is the chief controller of every action; the source of all the energy you possess. It builds up every substance of your muscles, nerves sinews and flesh. It removes the waste and poisonous products constantly created in your body, which, if allowed to remain set up disease and weakness of every kind. Good blood gives energy and vitality to the nervous system, be- sides regulating the function of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and other organs of the body, Briefly, on the purity and richness of your blood the health of your whole body depends. Often the hiposl' begins to fail and becomes thin a poor in quality. It becomes loaded with waste matter and charged with poisons. Then it is that the motive power of your bodily work- shop goes wrong, your physical machin- ery becomes disorganized and you fall ill. You become anaemic; maybe the nerves break down, or you begin to suffer from indigestion, neuralgia, gen- eral debility, severe headaches, pains in the back or side, rheumatism, or even paralysis. In all failures of the blood Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are the best known remedy. These pills actually make new, rich blood, which brings health and energy to every part of the body. Thousands and thousands of people, not only in Canada, but all over the world, testify to the truth of this statement. The following is a bit of proof. Mrs. Fred Stricker, jr., Moosefield, Ont„ says: "A few years ago I was a physi- cal and nervous wreck; I had pains throughout my whole body. I had no appetite and my stomach felt as if there was a big lump in it. The least exertion would snake my heart beat violently,and I would be attackedcked with trembling spells, and such a weakness that my breath would come in gasps. I was under a doctor's care for nearly two months, but got very little relief. I then tried other remedies, but with Idecided no better results. Finally I to y try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and this was the first medicine that reached the root of my trouble. After taking the pills a few weeks I was much better, and by the time I had taken ten boxes I was entirely recovered. I now al- ways keep the pills in the house and if I feel the least worn out take an occa- ional box and feel all right again." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont. of You first gather the crop and then pay for the Fertilizer. Gives three times the yield of barn• yard manure and is easier applied to the land. Compare the analysis of barn yard manure with National Fertilizer, Barnyard Manure Nitrogen 0.64; Phospharie 0.23; Potash 0.53. National Fertilizer Nitrogen 3.50, equal to 40 ammonia; Phosphoric acid 5 75,equal to 1.20 soluble phosphates; Potash 3.50 Introdued by FRANK W. EVANS Box 155. Phone 101, , Clinton, Out. Agents wanted for Wingham and surrounding country, 3. L. AWDE, agent for Winghatn and district. An order in Council has been issued providing for compensation to the wid- ows and families of seaman who lose their lives in the service of the Canad- ian navy. ® ' GEN HAL 9 1 .JSq, a�rrorrt :•,n, . Our classes are now larger than ever before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a few more students. You may en- ter at any time. We have a staff of nine experienced instructors endear courses are the best. Our graduates succeed. This week three recent graduates informed us they have positions paying $65, $70, $125 per month. We have three departments --Commercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy. Write for our free Catalogue now. D. A. McIACHLAN PRINCIPAL. GOODS KING BROS. RIGHT EXTRAO RDINARY DISCOUNT ON MEN'S WEAR Mt n's Cloth Coats, well brit ci and best of work- manship at a saving from 15 to 25 per cent, all s-zes ane) qu alities, from $8 00 to $2o on. • PRODUCE WANTED Men's Heavy Winter 3 Pit ce Sults, all sizes in broken lines, to clear at Big Savings. Fur Coats, all kinds and sizes: Coon, Dog, Calf and Alaska Beavtr at B•g Sav- ings. Men's Underwear, Socks, Mi ts, C'xl •'yes, Heavy Smocks, Rubber , Leggings and Overshoes at Clearing Prices. PRODUCE WANTED Eggs, Beans, Feathers, etc. Highest cash prices for Raw Furs. • Butter 3o Cents. DROS- WE WANT YOUR TRADE i 1 4. • 4 o- 4. + + fi + 0 + a + + + a 4 to-•, • e• Sale Groat Siock R • ♦8 + derFeby1 lst 1029 29 at Kiiox's 0e•••••e••••••••••O•©••••v 4 4 • + • • 4 •a 4 • + • •• + + • • •• • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • 8 • • 0 • 4 e 4 • • • ••i • e • • • + i 4 + • 4 • 4 • r • sOpposite Brunswick hotel. Phone 65. One Door North of King's. • • •(►• 4+ •eltik .1Mt*A•4l+444•.• a+++.44♦4 +••••4*t44++.+++I • 20 t0 50 Per Cnn.t Off Our large stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewel- lery, Silverware, China- ware, Fancy Goods, Leather Goods, etc, Wall Paper and 'Win- dow Shades. Special bargains in all left over of Christmas Goods. awlessem moseemossames ,.e,. R. 20 to 50 • + - + s 4 • •x •• Per CenII _I Off 1 KNOX Exceptional Bargains in Winter footwear During February Below are a few samples of prices Good Rubbers for Women, in all sizes 2 1-2 to 7, this season's goods, 40 cents per pair. Girls' sizes 11 t) 2, 30 cents per pair. Children's 4 to 10 1-2, 25 cents per pair. Heavy Artic Overshoes, wateroroof, wool lined. • Just like this cut' in all sizes 6 to 11, for men. Price $1.00 per pair. mmeeeleSS Look in the Advance for other quotations. These prices for February only. WILLIS Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. ellgiOMMOSUELGIMMI CO. for Ladies. +++++++++++44+4494*•+p+++e •40+444.8•••+44ee•e••e41.••! • ur 1.04 ff leO • • • • 4 • o•' O • •c m • O • Seeing is Believing and Tr + ••2 •• • Every article advertised is sold at cost and some below and we guarantee satisfaction. Take a look at these prices. ME n's and Young Men's Suits to clear before our new ones arrive. Is Y:till On ing. is Confirming. • • • A s •• i. • • ♦• •• • • • •• • et • O • 1 $6.00 Suits 1-4 off costs you 7.50 (t it (f 8.00 8.50' 9.00 I0.00 II,00 I2,00 15.00 tc tt .t +! (4 lc $4.50 5'63 6. o0 6.38 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 11.25 We still have a few Men's and Boys' Overcoats at 2 the `same 1-4 reduction. 1Also 3 Men's Calf Coats left was $35 now $25.00 to clear •4i New Spring Goods arriving daily and we must have the • room as well as the money. • Produce of all kinds taken. Potatoes wanted in .large quantities any time. e Successor to T. A. Mills PJELONE 89. WINGHAM, O1 T. mertimerssemonse A. MILLS 4444+441••..444• 1'••••••••+ 0.4- 444A4•: 4431iftile4t44:t:+ 1