HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-02-08, Page 5TIIE WINOBAN TIMES, FEBRUARY K, 1912 5 1 20 PER CENT. Off Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoals1 From now until the last Overcoat is gone we will give you a discount of 20 per cent. WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU Our $6.50 lines will cost you $5.20 $10.00 $15.000 $20.00 Gc is it cc 6c Lc cc ci CC 46 it $8.00 $12.00 $16.00 A SAVING WORTH WHILE McGee & Campbell UOWICK, Suffering from two paralytic strokes within a week, Mrs. Yarrow, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. George Johnston, of Howick, on Monday of last week. Deceased was twice mar. ried. She leaves a family of four daughters, Mrs. H. R. Perkins, Tees - water; Mrs. Johnston, Howiek; Mrs. Jacks and Mrs. Trimm of Bowmanville, and two sons, Robert of Homefield, Man., and David Moffat of Oshawa. The body left the Mildmay station on Wednesday for Newcastle where inter- ment took place. BLUEVA1.11. School Report for month of January. Names in order of attendance. Senior room -Form V. -J. Patton, R. Taylor, H. Black, A. Robertson. Form IV Sr. -W. Shaw, E. Aitchi- son, M. Raby, H. Stewart. E. Jewitt, Diment, R. Barrett, L. Patton. Form IV Jr. -M. Gray, C. Black, G. Curtis, S. Hall, M. Black, L. Brecken- ridge. Form III. -H. H• olmes, P. Smeltzer, L. McKenney, A. Fraser, E. Gannett, R. Breckenridge, J. Gray, C. Jewett, M. McGee, L. Elliott, F. McKinney, H. Haney. J. Nicholson, E. Rutherford, B. Bodman. Average attendance, 19. L. A. POSLIFF, Principal. Report for month of January of Jun- ior Department Bluevale School. Names in order of attendance. Sr. II. - W. West, R. West, A. Smeltzer, C. McDonald, H. Robertson, H. Messer, G. Casemore, A. Little, G. Champion, R. Champion. Jr. II. -R. Barrett, S. Gallaher, S. Elliott, B. Gannett, M. Casemore, E. Elliott, C. Elliott. Part II, -J. Hogg, C. Elliott. Sr. I. -J. West, 3. Watson, A. Mc- Kinney. Jr. I. -K. McDonald, H. Watson, 3. Breckenridge, I. Watson. Average attendance, 16. F. I. AITCHISON, Teacher. WBOXETER. An aged and respected resident in the person of Mrs. John Carmichael, of this locality, died on Monday morn- ing, Jan. 29th,at the ripe age of 90 years and 9 months. About ten days ago she fell to the floor of her room and sustained a fracture of the hip. She never rallied from the shock to her system. The deceased was from Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Scotland. She, with her husband, came to Can- ada and settled near Hamilton, where they lived for some years. During this time Mr. Cqrmiehael was inspect- slated on walking the remainder of the or of mason and bridge work on the distance, eight miles, to her home. Grand Trunk railway. At a later per- Tne above from the Winnipeg Free iod Mr. and Mrs, Carmichael settled I Press of January 17th, refers to the in Fullerton township, County of Per- sad death of a former resident of this th, where they farmed for same years. township. The deceased lady's maiden In the year 18713 they came to live in name was Jessie Porter and she lived Wroxeter, where Mr. Carmichael died on the farm on the 12th concession on a short time after. A largefamily v'as which Currie's schcol house now stands. born to them, namely; John, and Mrs. She left here manyyears ago with her Fred Day, deceased; Mrs. Mackie, parents for the Wst. Bellingham, Washington Territory; Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Hart, Chicago; Mrs, McLaughlin, New York; Mrs, B. Ringler, Howick; Misses Mary and Annie at home. The deceaaed left twenty grandchildren and twenty- seven great grandchildren. Mrs. Car- miehael was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, Wroxeter. ul♦EN� AN Report of S. S. No. 3, Turnberry for the month of January. Names in order of merit. IV Class -N. Muir, L. Lincoln, R. Appleby, A. Lincoln. Sr. III -M. Stokes, S. Aitken, W. Wallace, M, Reid, G. McGlynn, T. Eadie, W. Eadie. Jr. III -E. Elliott, E. Lincoln, J. McGlynn, D. Reid. II Class -L. Reid, T. Metcalfe, J. P. McGlynn, A. Bok, Sr. Pt. II --H. Metcalfe, D. Eadie. Jr. Pt. II -M. Eadie, A. Metcalfe, F. McGlynn, A. McGlynn; R. Baird. J. C. BOWMAN, Teacher. • EAST WAWANOSR. Messrs. Thomas and Robert Stewart, who have been visiting with their sister on the 10th line left last week for Weidmann, Lambton county. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. The following is the report of U.S S. No. 7, East Wawanesh, for the month of January: Sr. V -Thomas Armstrong. Jr. IV -Michael Foran, Lulu Cham- ney. Jr. IV -Elva Robinson, Lena Cham- ney.Sr. III -Irene Boyle, Eva Boyle, Er- nest Robinson, Ella James. Jr. III --Annie Robinson, Joseph Fin- leon. Jr. II - Melvin Beecroft, Mary. Fin- leon, Mary Boyle, Lila James, Charles Robinson, Clarence Chamney. Pt. I -Wilfred Robinson, Cecil Cham- ney. A. V. SHACKLETON, Teacher. A pathetic chapter in the history of Swift Current, Sask. was recorded on January 14th, when the North West Mounted police were notified of the finding of the frozen body of Mrs. Alex. Cardno nine and one half miles north of the town. Mrs. Cardno drove in with a homesteader who was going to do some shopping, and about 4 o'clock started to walk home. The merchant with whom she traded tried to influence her to stay overnight, ow- ing to the inclemency of the weather, it being 38 degrees below zero and a blizzard blowing at the rate of fifty miles an hour. However, she insisted on returning to her family in the fear that they might start out in search of their mother and get lost in the storm. The merchant sent his delivery rig out about a mile with her. when she in - The Council met in Belgrave on Feb. 5th; members all present; minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Seott and Stoner house. Tenders for the ordinary township printing for the current year were re^ ceived from the Times and Advance offices, Wingham. The tender of the Advance at $39.00, being the lowest, was accepted.. The Clerk presented a statement of Boundary Line, Drainage and Tele- phone account with the township of Morris, showing a balance in favor of Morris of $23 06 to be paid. The Auditors' Report and Treasurer' Abstract for 1911 received and read. After complimenting the Auditors on the neat and efficient report as present- ed it was moved by Mr. Scott, second- ed by Mr. Campbell, that the same as now read be adopted and that the Auditors be paid as usual $8 each for their services. -Carried. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: A. Porterfield fees as Division Regis- trar, 1911, $12.60, settlement of ac- count with township of Morris, $2.50; Treasurer of Morris, settlement of Boundry Line drainage and Telephone account, $23.06; R. W. Irwin, gravel- ling at 10th line bridge, $7.14; Geo T. Robertson, refund of dog tax, $2, re- fund of taxes, W H lot 32, con 3, $8.92, balance of salary, $20; D Gillies, part payment widening road at 10th line bridge, $85; J S Scott and J W Bone, auditing, $8 each; F Anderson, salary as Treasurer, $100. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, March 11th, at 10 o'clock a in, A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. Whooping Cough CROUP ASTHMA COUGH -i BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS CS TA13.e11H no 1978 Asimple saf-arieterti+•otrentmentfor F.ren- cLiaitroubko,ae Ln d:.3„, 1. '1,1.1.::1•::aw 1u98 stops tite pants: arns of ::uoi:h, t C aa,'t and rollover' croup at oars. 1: i t • fsrers from Asthma. 7 err r..- - :r d et: • • antiseptic, 'aspire:] m: s c.:rY L• -r. breathinggcosy ,south•;t'+ar. et'.t. r •• the eoegit, gas^.r:a r rst.ar� 1. t.,..r.... a1.'0 to m,thcrs w:.h y:cng e..-.. ^. Sand us postal for dascr'pti. a 1........... A' DnUGC73T3 r 77:7"*"'" .. y Try er•tanlgne .(4 �'�• - �4- . . esptis!I'-/ a18 b fet] .,i� 1.,t,1 for tit IL ..xi r thrott.'shay ,r•„ ++.., ••ii' - o'ixtiva a.... ant. • n:.c. ray' Of ynu'• dr • treat 115,10c. 15. a le. i.1 s...r.tp hi. fa . bps l ru ^Ic! r.1� "•,, r L.:aming.Mt " t i •4.4.444.44.40••444••••4•• ''•0••4•••i•••••••••••41•••{t • BUTTEBICK A P6IQPIE • PATTERNS HANNACO1 7 33 1-3 Per Cent. For Ten Days ail • • • • • + • • • s • • • • •• t • • • • • • • • • A • • • • Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Coats, Girls' Coats to be sold at Biggest Saving ever offered at this store. This is your opportunity to get your choice of our entire stock. All who have not bought their Winter Coats can save 1-4 off the regular prices of all Coats under $22.00 in our store. 4 • • • • • • • • •• • r PHONE 70 - .. _..... � ,.+.a o� a �t♦++04.0. :40,40eihefbvademoreswesw~voigoseoviet~~w=poese~elvdeste~le masegfienemotawetsatootsfastmaggemestapsym SEAM - ANNUAL SALE ISA HIC 'S + + + + + - • • 4 • 4 • 4 • • • 4 • •4 • 4 • ••• 4 • • 4 4. 4 + 4. + 4 Q 0' •.. + 4 + 4 BARGAINS INGOODS OF EXCELLENT VARIETY AND LOWEST POSSIBL.E PRICES A WONDERFUL SLIDE IN PRiCES SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd AND ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th: -This will be the GREATEST STOCK REDUCING SALE we have ever held. PRICE REDUCTION will be KEENER than ever. Come and see some of the GREATEST VALUES in all kinds of DRY GOODS AND READY-TO- WEAR CLOTHING. It will pay you well to drive twenty five miles to attend this BIG MONEY SAVING SALE. Only room here for a few of the many bargains awaiting you. Extra salespeople will be here to wait on you. READ THE LIST. BARGAINS IN STAPLES. 10 pieces Wide Flannelette, sale price .08 5 pieces Plaid double width, sale price 17c English Long Cloth and Cambric reg, 15c, sale price12 1-2 Hemmed Pillow Slips, fine quality, reg. 20c, sale price 150 One piece Heavy Cotton Sheeting, reg. 30e, sale 25e price Bleached Table Linen, wide, reg. 60c, sale price50c One peice Heavy Unbleached Table Linen, 25e Table Linen Bleached, 2 yards wide, reg. $1.26, sale 1.00 price Heavy Crash Towelling, sale price, ........ .... .08 CARPETS AND RUGS. Big stock to choose from, comprising New Patterns in Tapestry, Wool, Brussels, Velvet, Wilton's. Also alarge stock of Linoleums and Oilcloths, the best makes. Clean sweep sale, 2) per cent off our close prices during the sale. BOOTS AND SHOES. Clearing lines of all kinds of Boots and Shoes at greatly reduced prices. A number of odd lines to be sold regardless of cost, see bargain boxes. Prices 99c, $1.19 $1.49. BIG BARGAINS IN HOSE. 25 doz. Women's Ribbed Hose,fast black, sizes sq, 0, 04 and 10, good value at 25e, clean sweep price only ... 20 per cent off all regular prices of Hosiery and Gloves. 20c WOMEN'S COATS BIG CUT in PRICES of all kinds of women's, misses and child- ren's coats. New styles fur collared coats at 20 per cent off. A few women's s fur coats must be sold regardless Of cost. ., MEN'S WEAR STORE. Plenty of room and Best Light for display of all kinds of Men's and Boys' Wear in our MEW STORE. WHY Noe. make a good investment and buy OvERCOALS, and SUITS during this SALE at a saving from 20 to 30 PER CENT. Men's Franey Tweed Suits, reg. price $8.00 for. ... 80.00 Men's Strong Overalls, to clear .. .. . 59e Men's English Worsted Suits, reg. $15.00, saleprice$11.95 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, $10.00 value for .. ...: $7.90 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, value $5 and $6, sale price .. . 83.90 Youths' Fancy Tweed Suits, vale $8.00, sale price . $5.90 Men's Heavy Pants $1.75 and $2.00, sale price $1.29 Boys' Short Pants, to clear 50e Men's Fancy Stripe Pants $2.50 and $3.00, sale price $1.95 Men's Heavy Overalls, dollar line, for ... , 80c Men's Heavy Overcoats, reg. $10.00, sale price .. . $8.00 Men's Black Dress Overcoats $12.00, sale price .... $9.50 Boys' Overcoats to clear at $5.00 MEN'S FUR COATS. Men's Black Galloway Coats $32.00, for............828.00 Men's China Dog Skin Coats $25.00 for. ., $20.00 Men's Coon Coats $65.00 values for 855.00 Black Calf Coats with Dog Skin Collars, $ 38.00, for$31.50 Men's Fur Collared Coats to clear at .... $17.50 almmownw memo* GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 5 doz. Linen Collar, clean sweep sale....., 10e A lot of odd lines in Ties, to clear 5c Men's Heavy Braces, 25c quality,,.. 19e Men's Driving Gloves, reg. 75c, clean sweep sale .. 50e 5 doz Men's Heavy Working Shirts, 76c line for .. 500 4 doz Men's Knot Ties, 25c value for 15c Men's Print Shirts to clear at ........ .. 59e Men's Fleece Undershirts and Drawers, sale.... 39e Boys' Fleece Undershirts and Drawers, sale 215e A lot of Boys' Peak Caps to clear, reg. 50c for.; 25c 5 doz Men's Fur Band Caps, reg. 75c, sale price 39e Men's Sweater Coats, clean sweep price 81.00 Men's Soeks to clear at 2 pair for .. ...... 25c Men's Fine Underwear, $1.25 quality, for $1.00 Men's Lined Kid Gloves, reg. $1.25 pair for . $1.00 WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR. 5 doz. Women's Vests to clear at ....... ..... 4 doz. Women's Heavy Vests 65c to 75c, for Fine quality Vest and Drawers, 1.00 for ... Children's Underwear at 15 per cent off. 203 50c 85c CORSETS. Big clean upon our stock of corsets, new styles, broken lines and odd sizes, regular value $100 to $L25 in two lots, to clear at 59c and 69c. See them. PRINTS Crum's English Prints, light and dark patterns, fast colors, regular value 12i2e and 15c. Your choice whilehey last WHITE WEAR AND EMBROIDERY SALE. White Waists, Underskirts, Corset Covers; Night Gowns, 20 per cent off regular prices. New Patterns in 27 inch Flouncing Embroidery, fne Swiss quality, 50e to 75c values, clean sweep sale price . 12 pieces Torchon Lace and Insertion, 10e value, half price only........ A lot of Embroidery and Insertion to sell quick, your choice •. -•••'- A special line of Corset Cover Embroidery .43 .05 .05 DRESS GOODS. Take advantage of cut prices in the Dress Goods Department and buy your New Suit or Dress now. You can save 20 per cent on your purchase of Dress Goods and Silks now, big stook to choose from. .4111/1 BARGAINS IN SILK. We have the kind that will give good wear, Taffeta, Messoline and Pailette in 36 and 40 inch widths. A special line of Pailette one yard wide $1.25 quality for $1.00 50 yards 36 inch Black Taffetta, $1.0) value for 690 UNDERSKIRTS Our stock is toe large and down go the prices to reduce it. 2 doz Skirts made of good quality Black Sateen and good Watered Moreen Clo h, reg. $1.25 lines sale price 81.00 Regular $1.50 values, sale price . ..............$11.25 Regular $2.00 values, sale price.. ..... $1.60 Regular $2.50 values, sale price $2.00 GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Art Baking Powder with Graniteware Premium,values 50e to '75c, clean sweep sale only .... .......... Canada Laundry Starch 10c Bottle Extract • •' • • • • Royal Yeast Cakes 35c Japan Tea . •. 35c Black Ceylon Tea. albs. large Raisins for ... 3 lbs. Cleaned Currants for 2 cans Salmon for .. Large Bar Laundry Soap........... .... .....•.. Fresh Pot Barley .... •.. •.. •• Corn Starch, per pkgs ... ................ ..• Large Boxes Matches 2 for . • • Can Tomatoes, best quality, 2 for .. .... Can Peas and Corn .. .... . . .39 .07 .08 .03 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .10 .03 .08 .25 .25 .10 NOTICE --Your account is due, please settle by cash or note by Feby 15th. TERIVIS OF SALE. --All goods not paid for at time of sale either in cash or produce, will be charged regular prices. No goods sent on approbation. Cut Prices :446,ic.rovirk. . E. ISARD CO. in Fifteen Departments. Shop early and often. 1 1 1 1 WINGHAM �rox