HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-02-01, Page 5TIIE WINGIIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 1,' 1W2 z assatsmos 20 PER CENT. Off Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoals1 11111111111011111611111114111111111111 111111111132111112SESSIIII From now until the last Overcoat is gone we will give you a discount of 20 per cent. WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU Our $6.50 lines will cost you $5.20 $10.00 " " " $8.00 46 $15.00 " " $12.00 66 $20.00 66 66 66 $16.00 66 A SAVING WORTH WHILE McGee & Campbell WEBWAWADIOM11. We are sorry to chronicle the death of one of our most respected citizens, in the person of Edward McQuillan, which occurred at his residence on Saturday, January 20th. Mr. McQuil- lan was aged eighty-five years and was one of the early settlers of West Wawanosh. He was a man of sterling character and deep christian spirit. The funeral to Green Hill cemetery was conducted by Rev. Mr. Richardson, of the Anglican church, of which he was a constant and faithful member. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereave- ment. fte- 33ELGRAVE. East Wawanosh Council will meet in the Foresters' Hall here next Monday. Edward and Mrs. Code, of Barnwell, Sask., have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Stewart. Miss Elsie Clark, of Waskada, Man., is renewing old friendships in this local- ity. She is a daughter of the late Wm. Clark, Township Clerk. Lennie and Jesse Wheeler, sons of Chas. Wheeler, of Morris township, are home on a holiday from North Van- couver. They will return shortly. We are glad to see the boys and to know that they are prospering. HO WIVE After a short illness another of the Howick pioneers passed away on Sun- day, Jan. 21, in the person of Robert Harding, who died at his home in Fordwich at the ripe age of 79 years, 9 months and 16 days. He was born of Irish parentage in the township of London in the year 1832 and some time later the family moved to Blanshard, near St. Mary's where he spent his boyhood days. About 1858 in company with his brothers, Samuel and Edward he came to Howick, he settling on lots 28 and 29, con. 10, then an unbroken forest. In 1862 he was married to Elizabeth Switzer of Blanshard who predeceased him fifteen months ago. In 1889 he moved to Gorrie where he lived a little more than a year. Tiring of the inactive life of a retired farmer he purchased the farm now owned by F. Seifert just west of Fordwich where he spent eleven years. Ten years ago he sold the farm and moved into the village where he spent the remainder of his days. He was a member of the Methodist Church, was of a quiet un- assuming disposition, a kind and indul- gent husband and father, a good neigh- bor and highly respected by all who knew him. Mr. Harding's family con- sisting of one son and five daughters, Mrs. S. T. Fennel, Shelburne; Reuben, on the homestead; Mrs. J. Porterfield, 12th con; Mrs. W. Watters, Ford- wich; Mrs. J. Sperling, 4th con; and Mrs. W. H. Downey. of Windsor were all present at the funeral. BLIIErVALL The annual congregational meeting of Knox Church was held on Friday afternoon last. The various reports presented showed the congregation to be in a flourishing condition. The re- ceipts for the year amounted to $1652.02 and the expenditure, $1574.98, leaving a balance on hand of $77.04, During the year year $200 was paid on the church debt. There were two deaths in the congregation,viz:- Mrs. John Collie and Joseph McKinney, sr. The mem- bership at the end of last year was 186. Rev. W. J. West, the pastor and the congregation are to be congratulated on the very successful year. KINLOSS. One of the most thrilling games of Reeve D. A. McDonald of Kinloss, Canada's national sport ever witness- is Warden of Bruce County for the od in Bluevale took place last Saturday year 1912, getting the coveted seat by afternoon when the Junction bushrang- a nice majority on the second ballot. ers came up in all the pride and confid- Besides Mr. McDonald the following ence of two former victories only to were nominated: Dobson of Southamp- meet with a stunning defeat at the ton, Isard of Port Elgin, Filsinger of sticks of Bluevale's game little seven. Carrick; Ewart of Arran and Brill of Teeswater. Messrs. Ewart and Brill resigned before balloting commenced and the race was between the first four mentioned. Warden McDonald has ers had nothing to equal Haney while Jim McEwen put the puck through the feeble defence of the Junction boys with the ease and certainty of an At- lantic liner parting the ocean mists. What struck the spectators most, how- ever, was not the excellence of the in- dividual players so much as the great combination which proved irresistable and brought the score when the time was called, to 8 4 in favor of Bluevale. After a few weeks' rest the Junction boys may have courage to try again. Line -Up. Junction Anderson Martin McGee McKenzie Fowler M. Elliott Henderson Bluevale Goal Andrews Point Taylor Cover point Elliott Rover J. MacEwen Aitcheson MacEwen Haney Centre L. wing R. wing Referee -Wm. Haney. An immense crowd lined the arena and every brilliant play was greeted with cheers. With Andrews in goal the Junction loafers had scarcely a look in, and while Aitcheson covered the ice been in municipal politics in Kinloss with dazzling brilliance and certainty for a good many years as councillor Fowler seemed to have lost his nerve and Reeve, and now that he has attain - from the first and McGee hung around ed the highest position in county affairs the tall timbers all afternoon. For the residents of Kinloss will be doubly real heavy play the Junction mud -sling- pleased with him. Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUGH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS CaTAQLI5ME0 1070 A simple, safe and effective treatment for tron- chlal troubles. without dosing tho stomach with drugs. Used with success for thirtyears. The air rendered strongly antiseptic, inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy, soothes tho sore throat, and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. Cresoleno is invaluable to mothers with young children and a boon to sufferers from Asthmi. Send us postal for descriptive booklet. 210 ALL DRUGGISTS Try Cresoleno Anti- s•:;.hc Throat Tablets fotsthe irritated throat. They are simple, of- fearve and antiseptic. Of your druggist rr from us. 10c in 5tampa. Vapo Creso(en3 Co. 7.ocalla; -.,::.rs aids It It IISS ELN. The local curlers were defeated in the tankard competition at Wingham, one rink losing by 8 and the other by 2 shots. Mrs. A. B. McDonald, wife of Bar- rister McDonald, has left for her home in Cranbrook, B. C., after visiting her parents here. Angus McKay, formerly of Brussels has accepted a position as teacher on the Indian reserve of Moore Lake, near Carlyle, Sask., and left for his post last week. The funeral of John McLachlan, who died recently at Portage la Prairie, Man., was held Thursday afternoon. Mr. McLachlan had made his home with his daughter in the west for some years. His wife died 25 years ago. ••••07••••••0.0*•••••••O• •k a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • 1 • • • • • • •♦ ♦ • • • •• • • • • •A • • • • • •• • ••• t • ••• • • • • • 4.........e................ 1 . • BU 1 TERICK ‘ PHONE1 PATTERNS HANNA 86 CO, x� i Reduced Prices on all Heavy Winter Goods _ ' zee 4, A • 4 s • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We want yon to v wear one pair of "Carhartt's Overalls, best wearing, best fit- ting Overalls. The • most up to date work. inanship on any Over- • all made Price $1 25. Carhartt's Overalls and I+l:oves, Carhartt's . Sm >eks Black and a Blue Stripes. 12 Delineators, 4 Quarterly Style Books, 4 Patterns. Leave your subscriptions at $.2.00 year, DELIVERED. Delineators, February Style Books and our big assort• ment of Butteriek Patterns of Spring Styles -call and get a Fashion Sheet. w 4 4 + 4. 4. o' • • • • • • • •• • ® • • b 0 0 s •♦04.4.•.••-646c•>:! 46•M@1.640660', PHONE 70 •••o41.e MGNAGiftsiebrwesoviosok•amporraiftwarsommera•Nawedgpowioratolevadmig~weerttorammongsteerotoseaptobsosesearfaig49 SE1Vik - ANNUAL SALE 3 1 1SARD'S A WONDERFUL SLIDE .IN PRICES BARGAINS IN GOODS OF EXCELLENT VARIETY AND LOWEST POSSIBLE PKICES SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd AND ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th : -This will be the GREATEST STOCK REDUCING SALE we have ever held. PRICE REDUCTION will be KEENER than ever. Come and see some of the GREATEST VALUES in all kinds of DRY GOODS AND READY-TO- WEAR CLOTHING. It will pay you well to drive twenty five miles to attend this BIG MONEY SAVING SALE. Only room here for a few of the many bargains awaiting you. Extra salespeople will be here to wait on you. READ THE LIST: i BARGAINS IN STAPLES. 10 pieces Wide Flannelette, saleprice .08 5 pieces Plaid double width, sale price .... 17c English Long Cloth and Cambric, reg. 15c, sale price12 1-2 Hemt:ned Pillow Slips, fine quality, reg. 20c, sale . price ....... One piece Heavy Cotton Sheeting, reg. 30c, sale price Bleached Table Linen, wide, reg. GOc, sale price.... One peice Heavy Unbleached Table Linen, Table Linen Bleached, 2 yards wide, reg. $1.25, sale price Heavy Crash Towelling, sale price, 15c 25c 50c 25c $1.088 CARPETS AND RUGS. Big stock to choose from, comprising New Patterns in Tapestry, Wool, Brussels, Velvet, Wilton's. Also a large stock of Linoleums and Oilcloths, the best makes. Clean sweep sale, 20 per cent off our close prices during the sale. BOOTS AND SHOES. Clearing lines of all kinds of Boots and Shoes at° greatly reduced prices. A number of odd lines to be sold regardless of cost, see bargain boxes. Prices 99c, $L19 $1.49. BIG BARGAINS IN HOSE. 28 doz. Women's Ribbed Hose,fast black, sizes £3,1, 0, 934 and 10, good value at 25c, clean sweep price only.... 20 per cent off all regular prices of Hosiery and Gloves. 20c WOMEN'S COATS Bid CUT in PRICES of all kinds of women's, misses and child- ren's coats. New styles fur collared coats at 20 per cent off. A few women's s fur coats must be sold regardless of cost. MEN'S WEAR STORE. Plenty of room and Best Light for display of all kinds of Men's and Boys' Wear in our MEW STORE. WHY NOT make a good investment and buy OvERcoALs, and SUITS during this SALE at a saving from 20 to 30 PER CENT. Men's Franey Tweed Suits, reg. price $8.00 for. ... $6.00 Men's Strong Overalls, to clear .... 59c Men's English Worsted Suits, reg. $15.00,saleprice$11.95 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, $10.00 value for .. $7.90 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, value $5 and $6, sale price $3.90 Youths' Fancy Tweed Suits, vale $8.00, sale price $5.90 Men's Heavy Pants $1.75 and $2.00, sale price Boys' Short Pants, to clear. $1.29 50c Men's Fancy Stripe Pants $2.50 and $3.00, sale price $1.95 Men's Heavy Overalls, dollar line, for .. ... 80c Men's Heavy Overcoats, reg. $10.00, sale price .... $8.00 Men's Black Dress Overcoats $12.00, sale price .. . $9.50 Boys' Overcoats to clear at .... ....... .... .. $5.00 MEN'S FUR COATS. Men's Black Galloway Coats $32.00, for ...........$28.00 Men's China Dog Skin Coats $25.00 for ........ ...$20.00 Men's Coon Coats $65.00 values for ... .555.00 Black Calf Coats with Dog Skin Collars, $38.00, for.$31.50 Men's Fur Collared Coats to clear at .... ...........1;;17.50 GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 5 doz. Linen Collar, clean sweep sale , .. A lot of odd lines in Ties, to clear Men's HeaVy Braces, 25c quality.... Men's Driving Gloves, reg. 75c, clean sweep sale .. 5 doz Men's Heavy Working Shirts, 75c line for . 4 doz Men's Knot Ties, 25c value for ..... ..... .. Men's Print Shirts to clear at Men's Fleece Undershirts and Drawers, sale ........ 39c Boys' Fleece Undershirts and Drawers, sale . .... 25c A lot of Boys' Peak Caps to clear, reg. 50c for. .... 25c 5 doz Men's Fur Band Caps, reg. 75c, sale price .... 39c Men's Sweater Coats, clean sweep price 51.00 Men's Socks to clear at 2 pair for ... ...... 25c Men's Fine Underwear, $1.25 quality, for 51.00 Men's Lined Kid Gloves, reg. $1.25 pair for 51.00 10c 5c 19c 50c 50c 15c 59c 1 WOMEN'S U NDERWEAR. 5 doz. Women's Vests to clear at . .. .. ..... 4 doz. Women's Heavy Vests 65c to 75c, for .... Fine quality Vest and Drawers, 1.00 for ...... .. Children's Underwear at 15 per cent off. 203 50c 85c CORSETS. Big clean up on our stock of corsets, new styles, broken lines and odd sizes, regular value $1.03 to $1.25 in two lots, to clear at 59c and 69c. See them. PRINTS Crum's English Prints, light and'dark patterns, fast colors, regular value 12;ic and 15c. Your choice while they last........... ... 10c WHITE WEAR AND EMBROIDERY SALE. White Waists, Underskirts, Corset Covers, Night Gowns, 20 per cent. off regular prices. New Patterns in 27 inch Flouncing Embroidery, fine Swiss quality, 50c to 75c values, clean sweep sale price .43 12 pieces Torchon Lace and Insertion, 10c value, half price only.... .05 A lot of Embroidery and Insertion to sell quick, your choice .05 A special line of Corset Cover Embroidery .25 DRESS GOODS. Take advantage of cut prices in the Dress Goods Department and buy your New Suit or Dress now. You can save 20 per cent on your purchase of Dress Goods and Silks now, big stock to choose from. BARGAINS IN SILK. We have the kind that will give good wear, Taffeta, Messoline and Pailette in 36 and 40 inch widths. A special line of Pailette one yard wide $1.25 quality for .. .. • • • 51.00 50 yards 36 inch Black Taffetta, $1.03 value for 69c UNDERSKIRTS Our stock is ton large and down go the prices to reduce it. 2 doz Skirts made of good quality Black Sateen and good Watered Moreen Clo h, reg. $1.25 lines sale price . $1.00 Regular $1.50 values, sale price .... . .... $1.25 Regular $2.00 values, sale price.. ....... $1.60 Regular $2.50 values, sale price $2.00 GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Art Baking Powder with Graniteware Premium,values 50c to 75c, clean sweep sale only .. .. ....... Canada Laundry Starch .... 10c Bottle Extract Royal Yeast Cakes .... ...... ..... 35cJapanTea .. •• •• ••• .••• 35c Black Ceylon Tea ....... 3 lbs. large Raisins for .. .... 3 lbs. Cleaned Currants for 2 cans Salmon for.. .......... ... Large Bar Laundry Soap Fresh Pot Barley Corn Starch, per pkgs . Large Boxes Matches 2 for .. Can Tomatoes, best quality, 2 for Can Peas and Corn .... .. .39 .07 .08 .03 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .10 .03 .08 .25 .1 i NOTICE -Your account is due, please settle by cash or note by Feby 15th. TERMS OF SALE. --All goods not paid for at time of sale either in cash or produce, will be charged regular prices. CO..riersitsbo H. E. ISARD & No goods sent on approbation. Cut Prices in Fifteen Departments. Shop early and often. 1 1 1 1 1 1 WINGHAM ��K