HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-02-01, Page 4TEE WJNGIAM. TIMES, FEBRUARY 1, 1912 THE Dominion Bank HEAD OFFICE; TORONTO Sir Edmund B. OSLER, M. P., President. W. D. MATHEWS, - Vice -President. Capital .... ..............$4,700,000.00 Reserve .. . °,..,. .......$5,600,000.00 Total Assets .. $70,+100,000.00 A Branch of this Bank has been esta- blished in London, England, at 73 CORNHILL, E.C. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important points in Ctanada, negotiate Bills sent for collection, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact every description of banking business. Informaiicn will be furnished on a Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers of our Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. WINGHAM BRANCH: W. R. Geikie, Manager. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. 1STUEL, Sunday night, Jany. 21st, about 0.30 o'clock, Conrad Bernath, an old and well known resident of this vicinity, died after a short illness from carci- noma, aged 75 years, 3 months and 28 days. Deceased was born in Switzer- land and had been a resident of Grey township for over 50 years. He and Mrs. Bernath moved to Ethel nearly 21 years ago, having sold their farm on 9th con. to Fred Oxtoby, and have resided here continuously. They had no children of their own but adopted a nephew who lived with them to man- hood. Mr. Bernath was a man of sterlir.,; integrity, honorable in all his dealings and respected by all who knew him. He was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church and a Liberal in politics. For long years he was Secretary -Treasurer of the church board and was also Secretary of the School Board. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements acdepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLIBHEI) 1872 THE WINfIIIAM TIMES. H. B. ELLIOTT, PUBMSUZIt AND PROPIETOR. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1. 1912. WEIGHAa JUNCTION. On Saturday last the Junction boys journeyed to Bluevale for their third game of hockey with the Bluevale Sky Scrapers. On their arrival they found that it was not the Sky Scrapers they had to play against, but the Listowel, Fordwich and Bluevale boys. Haney, the Listowel slugger, spoiled the ice with his fast skating. At the end of the game the score was 8-4 in favor of Bluevale, Listowel and Fordwich. CURED OF EPILEPSY A Case That Should Bring Nope to Other Sufferers. Epilepsy is one of the most serious troubles that afflict the human race. This trouble is also known as "falling sickness" or "fits." The patient sud- denly loses consciousness and falls. The muscles become rigid and there is a twitching of the face and limbs, sometimes accompanied by frothing of the mouth. The convulsion is followed by a deep sleep varying in duration. In the early stages the attacks may only occur at intervals of several months. but a: the disease progresses they become more and more frequent, the patient becomes debilitated and the mind weakened. Epilepsy is generally regarded as incurable, but taken in its earliest stages has in many cases been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, strengthen the system, thus enabling it to resist the progress of the disease. The follow- ing case will be of interest to those who suffer from this malady. Mrs. John Mather, Bancroft, Ont., says: "My little son, Clive, at the age of five was stricken with spasms or fits and despite all we did for him, for the next five years was afflicted with them, apparently growing worse. He was under the care at various times, of five different doetors, but they did him no good. He was growing worse all the time, until he got so bad he would sometimes have twelve of these spasms in twenty-four hours. I sent him to the Sick Children's Hospital, where the; pronounced the trouble epilepsy, but did not help him. Later he was treated by a specialist, but to no avail. I was almost in despair when my moth- er advised me to give himDr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got the pills and gave them to him, strictly following the rules as to diet. He continued taking the pills for several months, the spasms gradually coming less frequently, and with less severity, and finally they ceased altogether. It is now about two years since he took the last of the pills, and he has not had a fit in that time, and is now as well and strong as other boys of his age. I have great reason to be grateful for what the pills have done for him, and hope this may be of value to some other sufferer." These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a bac or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. ST. HELENS Miss Taylor and Miss Bell, who have been visiting with Mrs. Wm. Taylor, returned to their home at Westfield on Friday. Jas. Aitcheson, Jr., gave a party on Friday evening to his young friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor entertain- ed her friends on Wednesday evening of last week. The Ladies' Institute met last Thurs- day afternoon with Mrs. A. Anderson. They intend giving an entertainment in the hall in the near future. Mr. Wm. McQuillan has been appoint- ed Government Immigration Agent. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gaunt entertained their friends and neighbors on Friday evening. It being their 15th wedding anniversary. Miss Anna Stewart spent a few days last week the guest of her friend, Miss Pearl Webster, Fordyce. JAMESTOWN. (Intended for last week.) Rev. L. Perrin of Wroxeter preached his farewell sermon in the hall last Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Job L. King, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton spent a few days with friends at St. Augustine. Miis Josephine McAllister of St. Aug- ustine i5 visiting friends in this locality. Mr. Thos. Pope of New Westminster B. C. is visiting friends in this locality It is twenty-five years since Mr. Pope went west. He is a brother of D. C. Pope the thresher. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchinson of Boissevain, Manitoba, are renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. Miss Maggie Ireland. of Bentick is visiting at her Uncle's Thos. Smith. Mr Arthur Rae of Edmonton was vis- iting his friend,W. MacDonald last week. Miss Jennie Bell of Brussels visited Sunday with her aunt,Mrs. Alex. Forrest. Mrs. Thos Smith and Maggie Ireland visited at A. Pollock's last Monday. Mr. Thos Miller of Prince Albert, Sask. is visiting friends around here at present. It is reported that the Ontario Gov- ernment has offered liberal concessions to Manitoba in the shape of territory in order to secure a port on Hudson Bay. you know that you are getting the one prepa- ration that has stood the test for over thirty- five years and still re- mains the Standard tonic -food -medicine, used and recommended by the medical profes- sion the world over. SCOit''a Emulsion is the embodiment of elements that make for good health and strength. AI,I, DRUGGISTS John Patterson is sore arm. We hope all right again. A large congregation gathered the Presbyterian Church, St. Helens, on the afternoon of Thursday, the 18th Jany., to the service for the ordination of Mr. Wm. Mackinsosh to the ministry and his induction to the pastoral charge of St. Helens and East Ashfield. Among the ministers present at the servi .e were Revs. Hardie, of Lochalsh; Perrie, of Wingham; Bremner, of Rip- ley; West, of Bluevale; Duncan, of Lucknow; and Ferguson, of Belgrave. Mr. Mackintosh, who is a recent grad- uate of Montreal College, begins his work under wost favorable auspices. suffering with a he will soon be in Sir Wilfrid Laurier was the recipient of many unique birthday presents from the Liberals of the Yukon Territory. United States immigration officials state that a large number of Chinese have been smuggled into Detroit over the ice bridge from Canada. LITE STOUR ,lI 1RKETS. Toronto, January 29 -Union Stock Yards -Receipts, 116 loads, with 2,495 head of cattle, 54 calves, 677 hogs, 335 sheep and lambs, 17 horses. Bad weather and a heavy run com- bined to make a very slow market to- day, and with a dull trade there was a decline in prices. A conservative esti- mate put the market off at least 25c lower than Iast week, though some of the dealers put it at as much as 50c to 55c off. A rather surprising feature of the market was the extent to which the choice heavy cattle were affected by decline. There were very choice cattle offering, averaging 1,300 lbs. or over, and classing as choice export. The trouble, however, just now is that the export trade is practically a negligible quantity, owing to the long run of low prices prevailing in the Old Country markets, involving rather heavy losses to shippers. Export cattle, choice $6 00 to $6 75 do medium 5 75 6 00 do light 580 6 00 do bulls ............ do cows 3 75 500 Butchers choice ..... .... . 6 25 6 75 do medium .... 5 50 5 80 do cows ............... 4 76 5 50 do common .... .... ..... 4 00 4 50 do canners 1 50 2 50 Short -keep- ... ..... .... 5 60 5 50 Feeders steers 4 55 5 65 do bulls ... 325 4 25 Stockers choice.... 4 26 4 50 do light ...... 2 75 3 25 Milch cows, choice, each....55 00 80 00 Springers 45 00 65 00 Common and medium .. 35 00 25 00 450 400 3 50 300 6 00 6 00 6 50 6 75 Sheep, ewes ...... . do bucks Lambs, yearlings Spring lambs, each Hogs, f. o. b do fed and watered .......6 40 6 50 Calves .... 400 800 The Lincoln Council has adopted the report exonerating Treasurer Wismer from charges of irregularities. The William Davies Company have decided to close their Harriston pork - packing branch, but may use the build- ing as a cold -storage. WINGtIAM MARKET REPORTS. Wingham, Jan. 31, 1912 Flour per 100 lbs .... 2 25 to 3 12 Fall wheat .... .... 0 87 to 0 90 Oats 0 43 to 0 40 Barley.. ..... .... 65 to 0 70 Peas . 100 to 1 00 Butter dairy.... 026 to 0 27 Eggs per doz ....030 to 0 30 Wood per cord 2 75 to 280 Hay per ton .... .. 12 00 to 13 00 Potatoes per bushel, new 7 00 to 0 80 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt .. 6 80 to 580 Chickens 0 10 to 0 12 Ducks ............ 0 10 to 0 12 Geese .... ... .0 10 to 0 10 Turkeys 0 18 to 0 12 The Royal Bank at Vancouver was entered by armed robbers who held the clerks up and took somewhere between one and five thousand dollars. Peter Peterson of Cobalt was sent- enced to ten years in penitentiary for writing a black hand letter to Manager Goodall of the Imperial Bank. Customs Officer Lownsbrough of Lind- say has been summarily dismissed at the behest of Hon. Samuel Hughes. CANADIAN PA,CIFri C. To Winnipeg AND Vancouver Daily Transcontinental Service via the All Canadian Route. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. To Chicago Three trains daily. Excellent ser- vice. Making connections at De- troit for FLORIDA and at Chicago for CALIFORNIA and Pacific'Coast Points For reservations and information apply -J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham, Ont. , Canada's •� � `�1L A ; ! • Line/ WINTER RESORTS Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale at all Principal Winter Re- sorts including CALIFORNIA, MEXICO, FLORIDA, Etc. The Attractive Route to Western Canada is via Chicago Steamship Tickets on Sale by All Lines For Tickets and further informa- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To- ronto, Ont. HIE TRUSTS AND GU NTEE COMPANY Established 1897 Limited HEAD OF VICE : 43.45 King Street West - Toronto Fifteenth Amua Financial Statement. BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 3 nth, 1911. LJAIILLITIES. Capital Account : 3apital Stock subscribed.$2,000,000.00 Dividend due January 1st. 1911 39,543.18 Balance at Credit or Profit and Loss 266,834.77 Guaranteed Trust Account : Trust Funds with Inter- est accrued to date...$3,237,694.80 Estates and Agency Account : Estates and Trusts un- der administration by the Company $4,579,046.73 Toronto, January 16th, 1912. Year. 190.5 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 $2,306,427.95 3,237,694.80 4,579,046.73 $10.123,169.48 ASSETS. Capital Account : Mortgage Loans, Call Loan=, Debentures and other Securities, with interest accrued there- on .. $1,216,375.21 O:ice Premises at To- ronto and Calgary, ^•.a Deposit Vaults, Fixtures, etc... 280,677.84 Real Estate 68,758.74 Cash on Band and in Dank 62,479.13 $1,628,290.92 Uncalled Capital Stock 678,137.03 Guarantee"! Trust Account : Securities on Real Es- tate, Stocks. Bonds, Debentures etc..... • $3,153,918.01 Cash on hand and in Bank . 83,776.79 3,237,694.80 Estates and Agency Account : Mortgages on Real Es- tate , . . $1,001,512.04 Other Securities, includ- ing unrealized original Assets .... 4 280.443 .74 Cash in hank 207,090.95 TABLE SHOWING THE PROGRESS OF Guaranteed Trust Funds. ....$ 89,922.39 .. .... 294,526.35 . .... 785,421.52 1,341,660.37 1,936,233.72 2,862,212.12 3,237,694.80. Estates Trust Funds. $ 644,442.62 1,259,663.78 1,851,013.16 2,325,662.4.2 3,251,479.94 3,801,378.66 4,5 79,046.73 Assets. $ 2.870.906,16 3,726.023.51 4.830,482 .13 5,833,677.0 7;431,639.29 8.937,789.81 10,123,169.48 4,579,046.73 $10,123,169.48 THE COMPANY Paid-up Capital. $1,037,833.71 1.063.485.59 1,120,002.22 1,154,484.92 1,251,109 .57 1,303,359.57 1,321,862.97 "Net Profits. $ 68,002.67 79,234.22 86,009.87 89,729.60 97,590.65 104,869.91 110,194.42 The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Trusts and Guarantee Company. Limited, was held at the Head Office, 43 King Street West, Toronto, on Friday, January 26th. lion. J. R. Stratton, President, submitted the Report of the Directors for the year ending December 30, 1911, which showed very satisfactory results of the year's operations, as well as a healthy and improved condition of the several accounts and Interests of the Com- pany. Mr. Stratton intimated that owing to exacting and numerous demands upon his time in connection with his other interests, he did not desire to be re-elected to the Presidency, but would remain on the Board. Thereupon a vote of thanks was unanimously tendered him by the Shareholders for his services to the Company. The following Directors were elected for the year 1912 :-Hon. J. R. Stratton, Toronto ; D. W. Karn, Woodstock ; C. Kloepfer, Guelph ; Hon. Senator McMillan, Alexandria ; A. F. MacLaren, Toronto ; W. D. Bell, Chesley; W. Thoburn, M.P., Almonte ; J. H. Adams, Toronto ; W. A. Dowler, K,C., Fort William ; Matthew W118on, K.C., Chatham ; Lloyd Harris, Brantford ; .0. E. Ritchie, Akron, Ohio ; A. C. Flumerfelt, Victoria, B.C.; James J. Warren, Toronto. The Board subsequently met and elected unanimously Mr. James J. Warren President, and Messrs. D. W. Karn, C. Kloepfer and C. E. Ritchie Vice -Presidents of the Company. JAMES J. WARREN, E. B. STOCKDALE, President. Manager timosemossommemswoornammilassolimmontemsesassismel 1 OUR BIG C[ARINO SALE Of WINTER GOODS Still Continues, Are You Getting a Share of Our Big Bargains 1 Men's Heavy Rubbers, Lace or buckle, close fitting fronts, snow cannot possibly get in, regular $2.4o for $1.8o Heavy Lace Rubbers, snow excluder $2.25 for $1.70 Heavy Rubbers, i buckle, snow excluder, $1.75 for $1.30, Heavy Lace Rubbers a few only, regular $2.75 for $2.05. Men's 1 buckle Overshoes, a big snap, $1.13. Men's Women's, Boys', Girls' and Children's Rubbers at Big Reductions, new goods and best qualities. Men's Heavy Sox, regular $l.00 for 75c, regular 111 75c for 57. Here's a Big Snap. --A quantity of Woollen and Union Sox, also a few Cashmere, regular 20C, 25c and 35c, for a few days only 2 pair for 35c. Men's Natural Wool Underwear, reg, $I.00 each, for 75c. Men's Heavy Wool. Undsrwear, reg. $I,00 each for 75C. 1-4 off any piece of Underwear in our store. We have a big range from 25c to $1.50 each. Come in and stock up. A big lot of Men's and Boys' Leather Mitts and Gloves, all kinds and sizes 1.4 off. We have some Home Knit Mitts and Sox, closely knit, and so warm at 5oc a pair. 1-3 off all our Furs and Ladies' and Children's Coats, tremendous discounts, and not a very large stock left. A host of other similar snaps, but we haven't room to quote, so come in and see for yourself. KERR Itc BIRD The Profit Sharing Store urn emniti 111f i Do You Own a "PARKYTE" or are you a Slave to III -Health A "PARKYTE" SANITARY CHEiv ICAL CLOSET in your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease. I It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the year round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of your home; costs less ahan a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and Health 0ftieials 1 Specified by the most prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homes in less than one year. Ask your dealer for prices. The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by PARKER -WHITE LIMITED WINNIPEG, MAN. BRANCHES: --Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver, and is sold by ALEX. YOUNG, W'INGHAM. OWL 1101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his property in the village of Belgrave, containing four and three-quarter acres of land. On the premises is a good brick house, stable and driving shed, also a quantity of small fruit trees. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Get full particulars on the premises or write GEO. BOWLER, Belgrave, P. 0. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 offer my property in the Town Plot for sale, consisting of three acres of land. On the premises are li good eight -roomed house; a bank barn, 26 ft. square; hard and soft water inside. Property is in good location and build- ings are in good repair. An ideal home for a retired farmer, Get full particu- lars on the premises or write the undersigned. WM. AUSTIN, Wingham P. 0. 1 sse.:164vormaasonGnoelaile _ a :IiAWLPO:N!:BA, , Capital Paid Up $ 2,870,000 Reserve and Undevided,,,,,,,,,,,,e, Profits 3,500,00 Total Assets 44,000 000 1119. +'1'l• VS' Many a fortune can be traced back c to the day its owner deposited the first dollar in a Savings Account. The one dollar affords an incentive ii iiig f �� a • R' �� R rili - Ali it to deposit more -and, as interest is added to principal, the small sum grows more and more rapidly, until it finally becomes a competence. One Dollar will start an account with i 1 r II' r ^ / ; ,• { ° a l' � • �: m' the Bank of Hamilton. Head Office C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. HAMILTON The Royal Bank at Vancouver was entered by armed robbers who held the clerks up and took somewhere between one and five thousand dollars. Peter Peterson of Cobalt was sent- enced to ten years in penitentiary for writing a black hand letter to Manager Goodall of the Imperial Bank. Customs Officer Lownsbrough of Lind- say has been summarily dismissed at the behest of Hon. Samuel Hughes. CANADIAN PA,CIFri C. To Winnipeg AND Vancouver Daily Transcontinental Service via the All Canadian Route. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. To Chicago Three trains daily. Excellent ser- vice. Making connections at De- troit for FLORIDA and at Chicago for CALIFORNIA and Pacific'Coast Points For reservations and information apply -J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham, Ont. , Canada's •� � `�1L A ; ! • Line/ WINTER RESORTS Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale at all Principal Winter Re- sorts including CALIFORNIA, MEXICO, FLORIDA, Etc. The Attractive Route to Western Canada is via Chicago Steamship Tickets on Sale by All Lines For Tickets and further informa- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To- ronto, Ont. HIE TRUSTS AND GU NTEE COMPANY Established 1897 Limited HEAD OF VICE : 43.45 King Street West - Toronto Fifteenth Amua Financial Statement. BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 3 nth, 1911. LJAIILLITIES. Capital Account : 3apital Stock subscribed.$2,000,000.00 Dividend due January 1st. 1911 39,543.18 Balance at Credit or Profit and Loss 266,834.77 Guaranteed Trust Account : Trust Funds with Inter- est accrued to date...$3,237,694.80 Estates and Agency Account : Estates and Trusts un- der administration by the Company $4,579,046.73 Toronto, January 16th, 1912. Year. 190.5 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 $2,306,427.95 3,237,694.80 4,579,046.73 $10.123,169.48 ASSETS. Capital Account : Mortgage Loans, Call Loan=, Debentures and other Securities, with interest accrued there- on .. $1,216,375.21 O:ice Premises at To- ronto and Calgary, ^•.a Deposit Vaults, Fixtures, etc... 280,677.84 Real Estate 68,758.74 Cash on Band and in Dank 62,479.13 $1,628,290.92 Uncalled Capital Stock 678,137.03 Guarantee"! Trust Account : Securities on Real Es- tate, Stocks. Bonds, Debentures etc..... • $3,153,918.01 Cash on hand and in Bank . 83,776.79 3,237,694.80 Estates and Agency Account : Mortgages on Real Es- tate , . . $1,001,512.04 Other Securities, includ- ing unrealized original Assets .... 4 280.443 .74 Cash in hank 207,090.95 TABLE SHOWING THE PROGRESS OF Guaranteed Trust Funds. ....$ 89,922.39 .. .... 294,526.35 . .... 785,421.52 1,341,660.37 1,936,233.72 2,862,212.12 3,237,694.80. Estates Trust Funds. $ 644,442.62 1,259,663.78 1,851,013.16 2,325,662.4.2 3,251,479.94 3,801,378.66 4,5 79,046.73 Assets. $ 2.870.906,16 3,726.023.51 4.830,482 .13 5,833,677.0 7;431,639.29 8.937,789.81 10,123,169.48 4,579,046.73 $10,123,169.48 THE COMPANY Paid-up Capital. $1,037,833.71 1.063.485.59 1,120,002.22 1,154,484.92 1,251,109 .57 1,303,359.57 1,321,862.97 "Net Profits. $ 68,002.67 79,234.22 86,009.87 89,729.60 97,590.65 104,869.91 110,194.42 The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Trusts and Guarantee Company. Limited, was held at the Head Office, 43 King Street West, Toronto, on Friday, January 26th. lion. J. R. Stratton, President, submitted the Report of the Directors for the year ending December 30, 1911, which showed very satisfactory results of the year's operations, as well as a healthy and improved condition of the several accounts and Interests of the Com- pany. Mr. Stratton intimated that owing to exacting and numerous demands upon his time in connection with his other interests, he did not desire to be re-elected to the Presidency, but would remain on the Board. Thereupon a vote of thanks was unanimously tendered him by the Shareholders for his services to the Company. The following Directors were elected for the year 1912 :-Hon. J. R. Stratton, Toronto ; D. W. Karn, Woodstock ; C. Kloepfer, Guelph ; Hon. Senator McMillan, Alexandria ; A. F. MacLaren, Toronto ; W. D. Bell, Chesley; W. Thoburn, M.P., Almonte ; J. H. Adams, Toronto ; W. A. Dowler, K,C., Fort William ; Matthew W118on, K.C., Chatham ; Lloyd Harris, Brantford ; .0. E. Ritchie, Akron, Ohio ; A. C. Flumerfelt, Victoria, B.C.; James J. Warren, Toronto. The Board subsequently met and elected unanimously Mr. James J. Warren President, and Messrs. D. W. Karn, C. Kloepfer and C. E. Ritchie Vice -Presidents of the Company. JAMES J. WARREN, E. B. STOCKDALE, President. Manager timosemossommemswoornammilassolimmontemsesassismel 1 OUR BIG C[ARINO SALE Of WINTER GOODS Still Continues, Are You Getting a Share of Our Big Bargains 1 Men's Heavy Rubbers, Lace or buckle, close fitting fronts, snow cannot possibly get in, regular $2.4o for $1.8o Heavy Lace Rubbers, snow excluder $2.25 for $1.70 Heavy Rubbers, i buckle, snow excluder, $1.75 for $1.30, Heavy Lace Rubbers a few only, regular $2.75 for $2.05. Men's 1 buckle Overshoes, a big snap, $1.13. Men's Women's, Boys', Girls' and Children's Rubbers at Big Reductions, new goods and best qualities. Men's Heavy Sox, regular $l.00 for 75c, regular 111 75c for 57. Here's a Big Snap. --A quantity of Woollen and Union Sox, also a few Cashmere, regular 20C, 25c and 35c, for a few days only 2 pair for 35c. Men's Natural Wool Underwear, reg, $I.00 each, for 75c. Men's Heavy Wool. Undsrwear, reg. $I,00 each for 75C. 1-4 off any piece of Underwear in our store. We have a big range from 25c to $1.50 each. Come in and stock up. A big lot of Men's and Boys' Leather Mitts and Gloves, all kinds and sizes 1.4 off. We have some Home Knit Mitts and Sox, closely knit, and so warm at 5oc a pair. 1-3 off all our Furs and Ladies' and Children's Coats, tremendous discounts, and not a very large stock left. A host of other similar snaps, but we haven't room to quote, so come in and see for yourself. KERR Itc BIRD The Profit Sharing Store urn emniti 111f i Do You Own a "PARKYTE" or are you a Slave to III -Health A "PARKYTE" SANITARY CHEiv ICAL CLOSET in your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease. I It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the year round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of your home; costs less ahan a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and Health 0ftieials 1 Specified by the most prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homes in less than one year. Ask your dealer for prices. The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by PARKER -WHITE LIMITED WINNIPEG, MAN. BRANCHES: --Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver, and is sold by ALEX. YOUNG, W'INGHAM. OWL 1101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his property in the village of Belgrave, containing four and three-quarter acres of land. On the premises is a good brick house, stable and driving shed, also a quantity of small fruit trees. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Get full particulars on the premises or write GEO. BOWLER, Belgrave, P. 0. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 offer my property in the Town Plot for sale, consisting of three acres of land. On the premises are li good eight -roomed house; a bank barn, 26 ft. square; hard and soft water inside. Property is in good location and build- ings are in good repair. An ideal home for a retired farmer, Get full particu- lars on the premises or write the undersigned. WM. AUSTIN, Wingham P. 0. 1