The Wingham Times, 1912-01-25, Page 8fr MINOR LOCAL& -NOxt OUrnMev's ice is rim being harvested. The iee is of excellent quality. -Geo. 11. Mooney of Ripley, is bringing out 0. party of farm laborers frem the Old Land, -13y a Vote of 94 to 17, Rayfield 011 Monday decided to connect with the Hydro -Electric chain. The Huron Old Boysof Toronto will hold their annual at home en Friday, Fela. 23, in the Temple Building, - Regular meeting of Court 1Vlaitlanc1, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week, -Mr. E. Merkley, who recently sold his chopping mill has moved to Palmer- ston and hes accepted a position with the G, T, R. Royal Bleck Preceptory No. 126 meets in Orange Tuesday evening, Jan. 80th, 8 p.m. sharp. Full attendance is requested. Tait, of Toronto will make his next visit to Winghturt on Friday of this week and will be at the Queen's hotel all day, -The Dominion Railway .Board has issued an order providing for inter- swithing between the G. T. R. and C. P. R. at Goderich. PERSONALS, M. W. R. Gentle was in Toronto for a few days this week, Reeve McDonald i in Goderich this week attending the meeting of the Huron County Council. Mr. H. 11. Wightman, of Fort William was visiting Wingharn eIatiy es and freinds this week. Mr, )red Homuth, of Elora was visiting for a few clayswith his parents., M. and 1VIrs, A, Herrman Mr. Wm. Barber, of Brandon, Man., was visiting for a few days at the home of his cousin, Mr. Charles Barber. Mrs, O'Dowd and Mrs. ereig and two children of Brantford, spent a few days at the home of their sister, Mrs. M. Iltiffman. Miss Stella Keyes returned to her home in Cargill, having concluded a successful stenograpy course at the Wingham Business College, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson, of Lindsay were visiting with Wingham relatives for a few days, having come up to attend the funeral of the late Andrew Mitchell. Mr, W. D. Pringle was in Wallace - burg this week attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs, John Clendenning. -We are pleased to report this week The deceased lady had been ill for only - that Miss Houghton is improving and a short time. She resided in Wing h her numerous freinds are wishing for a am some years ago and will be kindly complete recovery. remembered by many of our readers -At the meeting of the Huron Coun who will regret to hear of her sudden . death' ty Council in Goderich on Tuesday, Thomas Stothers, Reeve of Ashfield, Great stock reducing sale at Knox's was elected as Warden. during February. -Mr. Chester Copeland, mail clerk on the L., & B. has been on the sick list and his work is being taken for a few days by Mr, Dean. Ontario Street Methodists of Clinton -Mr. Alonzo Finlay, of Lower Wing- have extended a call to Rev. W. E. ham has purchased Mr. John Galbraith's mimeo, of Stratford to become their farm, north of Bluevale and will take pastor commencing with the next Con - possession in the near future. ference year. -Mrs. Harris, aged 81 years, wife of The week commencing Sunday, Rev. John Harris, died at her home in March 31, and ending on Easter Sunday, Guelph last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harris has been chosen by the General Confer - lived in Brussels a number of years ence Committee on Evangelism as an ago. opportune time for all Methodist -There was a keenly contested Churches in Ontario to carry on special municipal election in Blyth on Monday evangelisticwork, "when every society" last for the vacant seat in the Council. organization and member of the Church Mr. Geo. Powell won over Mr. Jas. shall unite in a definite and positive bloody by a vote of 104 to 101. effort to lead the unsaved to Christ." -Mr. Solomon, of Ripley has rented Rev. D. Perrie, pastor of St And - the Tamlyn store and has accepted the rew's Church preached anniversary ser - agency for the McCormick Harvesting vices in the Auburn Presbyterian machinery. Mr. Solomon will carry a Church on Sunday last and next Sun - full line of all kinds of farm machinery. day he will preach anniversary services -A meeting of the Local Option in the Presbyterian Church at Kintail. Association of Wingham will be held in Rev. Mr. Mann, of Auburn conducted the C. 0. F. Hall on Tuesday evening the services in St. Andrew's last Sun - next at eight o'clock. All friends of day and Rev. Peter Matheson of Kin - Temperance and Moral Reform are in- tail will conduct the services next vited to be present. _ -.--- TIIE - - - WIN1111,1 . JamasoN.-In Wingbam, on J,erate ay 17th, Isabella Darroch, relict or the late David J efterson and mother of Mrs, S. Rennett, aged $9 years. MrretINLL.-In. Turnberry, on Jean- ary 15th, Andrew Iditehell, aged 78 years, 5 months and 12 (Jaye. TJEWIS.-In Turnberry, -on Jantmg 22nd, Ann Hall, wife of 1VIr. Francis Lewis, aged $3 years, months and 22 days. McLeale.-In Goderich, on. January 22nd, Rev. Dr. A. McLean, formerly of Myth, aged 78years. CORLEY.-At Birkton, on January 19th, Elizabeth Vancarnp, relict of the late Richard Corley, formerly of East Wawanosh, aged 06 years. MoLeon- In Ethel, on January nu; John 1VIc14eod, aged 57 years, 0 months and 27 days. WHYTOC1C In Teeswater, on Jan. 14th, James Whytoek, aged 99 years, 2 months and 23 days. McTaggart,- At Belfountain, on Jan, nary 14th, Barbara McDonald, relict of the -late Peter MeTaggart, and mother of Mrs. W. D. Pringle of Wingham, aged 79 years, seven months and 12days, CHURCH NOTES jANITART 25, 1912. •••• ,"= ,100•11111010., 4,0 Weer- ,ei0g/ T. M. Cl. A. 'BLDG., Ltnet)0•N, (INT, BUSINE1S atm S.11:RWANI: SUBMIOTS. Registered lett season upwards of 300 students and pl.teed every graduate. Seven specially qualitle.1 regular teachers. Ono hundred and eity London firms employ .our trained help. College in session from $ept. 5 to June 30. Enter any • time. eat/thee° riee, Fe Gig shogo, College Beams J. W. Wm.:taw= JR. J, W WESTERVELT; CharteredAcconatantA Priunipal. Vico Principal. .10 Sunday. During February the official mem- -Mr. R. A. Dinsley has purchased hers of the Methodist Church will take the McManus property on Minnie street a and has thus secured two of the best referendum at their board meetings building lots in the town. This trans -by ballot on the question: "Are you fer was made through C. N. Griffin, in favor of organic union between the real estate agent. Methodist, Presbyterian and Congrega- -Mr. Jas. Baird, of Turnberry has tional Churches upon the proposed basis of union?" During March and purchased Mr. E. Merkley's chopping April a similar vote will be given by mill and will continue the businuss. He guarantees satisfaction to all who fay- adult members, members under 18, and or him with their patronage. His tele- adherents of 18 years of age and up- phonewards contributing to the support of number is 84. the church. -Mr. Chas. J. Rintoul, of Turnberry has purchased the T. M. Henderson Excellent Connections For The Sunny farm on the Bluevale road from Mr. South. C. P. Smith. Mr. Rintoul will get To meet the demand nd of a°arti th ta possession on the lstof March and will vel which generallytakes pIllaceaborut. move on to his new farm. this season of the year, the C. P. R. is -The wife of A. J. Richard, Princi- pleased to inform the public of the ex- cellent connection made at Detroit with pal of Mayor Spotton's Business Col- the Pere Marquette for Jacksonville lege at Welland, died last week after and other Southern points. at,- a long illness. The remains were Passengers can leave To nal' on., the C. P. R. fast train at 4. p. m., arrive taken to her former home in Prank- Detroit 10.25 p. m., and connect with fort, Kansas for interment. the Pere Marquette train leaving same -Word was received in town last depot at 10.45 p. m., and arrive at week of the death in Oshawa of Mrs. fetteisnontelTroistegond morning after Gothic', mother of Mrs-. D. T. Hepburn, Thegparlor and dining car service formerly of Wingham, Mrs. Hepburn between Toronto and Detroit is par ex - will have the sympathy of many old cellenee, and from Detroit south through sleeping and dining service is also friends here in her bereavement. operated. -The preliminaries in the Western This route takes you through the Ontario Tankard competition for this beautiful cities of Detroit, Mich.;Toledo, district were played on the Wingham f)a.r;ItaDajetoonr, ,i0a..; Cincinnati, O.; and At - rink yesterday. Curlers were present If intending passengers will call at from Brussels, Lueknow and Wroxeter. the ticket cite, 16 East King Street, full information will be furnished and We are not able to give the scores in literature covering the route supplied. this issue. Exeellent connections can also be Mr. James Robertson has sold his made at Buffalo, J. U. Beamer, agent, property in Lower Wingham to Mr. Wingham. Clayton Phippin. Mr, Phippen has se- -----46"-----tions. cured a beautiful home and we under- stand is now buying the house furnish- - In Wingham, on January Peettele. ings. Havirtg secured the cage the allsthe;i to Mr. and IVIrs, John W. Pearen; bird will be the next in order. Mmumgr.-In Winghatn, on January PROPERTY FOR SALE. - / The undersigned offers or sale his property in the villag of Belgrave, containing four at d t e -quarter acres I of land. On the p mises is a good brick house, stabl and driving shed, also a quantity of small fruit trees. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Get full particulars on the premises or write GEO. SOWLER, Belgrave, P. O. PROPERTY FOR SALE. ....1.41•••••••fr I offer my property i for sale, consisting o land. On the prepl eight -roomed liolls.ef a bank barn, 26 ft, square; hard aild soft water inside. Property is in good location and build- ings are in good repair. An ideal home for a retired farmer. Get full particu- lars on the premises or write the undersigned. WM. AUSTIN, Wingham P. 0. he Town Plot three acres of ises are a good SALE BY TENDE BF VALUABLE PROPERTY 1 BLUEVALE Tenders will be rece' ad by the undersigned up to the first day of ebruary A. D. 1912, for 4110 purchase of the d ening and premises on the 14 orth-we.st corne of the South half of Lot 81 in the 1st Ooncessi m of the Township of Morris. nig proper consists of about one- third of an acre of 1a d upon which is situate a good one ancl 011414 atif storey frame house 10x18 with addition 14x10 and 14x10. There are on the premises good garden and a num- ber of good fruit' tre s. The property M situ- ate near to the Bluevale station and is a -very desirable residential property. 7 he highest or no tender necessarily accept- ed. Dated this 10th (In of January. A. D., 1912. 11. VANETOND, Wingham V. 0. 1 THE NATIONAL FERNIZER "He who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before, is a Benefactor to his Country." e -The Wingham Times has an- 12th, to Mr. and 1VIrs. John Merkley; a other birthday and under 11.13. Elliott's son. management is doing well. Beat re- Sellearer.--In Wingham, on January commendation the Times has is the 2nd, to•111r. and Mrs. Gus. A. Schmidt; hearty way the business people of a daughter, Wingham support it. We wish it 00h. CASZAIDItil. -In Turnberry, on Jan- tihned prosperity.-Brussele Post. ,, nary 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Case - o' more; a daughter. -Misses Nora Kennedy and Winnie Walker bad a narrow eseape from drown- Peen. -In 11owielc, on Jan, 7,, to Mr. ing on Monday afternoon. They were and Mrs. Thos. Peel; a son. playing on the rivet' near Where the ice ,AyArtgetrr,.-in Howick, Jae, 10, to Was being cut and went through the Mr. rind Mrs. Rental Albrecht; a son. ice. Fortunately a girl companion, MissstaitE/1110 Eva Patterson, and soine workmen were close at hand and the two -were rescued. Buncturz-SCOTr -At the home of the bride's narents on January. 17th' era have renewed for 1912, and we beg --A 'urge tunnher of TOMS subserib- b7Rey, A. C. Wi'sbarti, erten* , A., omhiry. 11red. Burchill to Miss Al * to remind those who have not that now daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott, You first gather the erop and then pay for the Fertilizer. Gives three•times the yield of barn- yard manure and is easier applied to the land. Compare the analysis of barn yard manure with National Fertilizer. Barnyard Manure Nitrogen 0.64; Phospharie Potash 0.53. National Fertilizer Nitrogen 8.50, equal to 40 ammonia; Phosphoric acid 5.75,equal to 1.20 soluble phosphates; Potash 8.50 Introdued by FRANK W. EVANS Box M. Phone 101, Clinton, OM, Agents wanted .for Wingham and .surroundIng cotintry. is the proper time. The paper that is Brussels. paid for is always better reading than the one you owe for, Therefore, re- new, and you will appreciate the paper better, and we will -try and di1y appre- ciate the money. 0,28; unto. Rottman. -In- Winghant, 'on %Tann* ary 18th, Jane Henderson, relict of the late Robert Rutledge, itt her 82nd year. 1 - tee. 041) o =1*• 04 Money makes Marey • VOW' money win work while you Sleep touttod at good Interast, and you earl itnd Sate and Sethi. factory borrower* by placing a. ntoWt•loan ad, in our Meet, fled Want ookininta A first mortgage le as sale al a bank end the litterest11 tiVide 04414415444 055E5 145440 ev—iimparnim—esiimiatimp aocals) RING BROS.' PRICES RIG= EXTRAORDINARY DISCOUNT ON MEN'S WEAR ill c., 1. Men's Cloth Coats, well lined and best of work- manship at -a saving from 15 to 25 per cent,. all sizes and qualities, from $8,00 to $2o.00, 1 Men's Heavy' Winter 3 - Piece Suits, all sizes in broken lines, to clear at Big Savings. Fu' Coats, all kinds and siz : Coon, Dog, Calf and aska Beaver at Big Sav mgs. Men's Underwear, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Heavy Smocks, Rubber$, Leggings and Overshoes at Clearing Prices. PRODUCE WANTED Eggs, Beans, Feathers, etc. H ighest cash prices for Raw Furs. Butter 28' Cents. Selman101011.0. I 1', 2ROSI INNIRalr PRODUCE WANTED I WE WANT YOUR TRADE tatanalleelianeeleammetaweatalemelmhellimaiseellemelewlowalwl ••••••••••••••4•••••••••4.4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • e, • 4.• • • ing Sale 4. 4. 4. 4. • 4. 4.• lreat Stock Re I form Feby, I 81 10 29 I at Knox's t • • I 50 I Per Cent 4. 11 555.505modoilimoli • Our large stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewel. lery, Silverware, China- ware, Fancy Goods, Leather Goods, etc-. Wall Paper and Win. clow Shades. Special bargains in all left over of Christmas Goo& 1•11.10111111111101.111011111 20 I • to 50. .4. Per*Oent Off. OppOsito Brnnswielt Rotel, Phorio 66. One boot North oft King'. LIBERAL .REDUCT1ON$ • ON ALL • -WINTER • .. FOOTWEAR • SOti Slibd MiNfill01•11111•1111111.0400.1.1....00.• WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. - for Ladies. commotrirmiervtcsrmFgrva% tymermmitileNSTem•yrynten 25 Per ent. Discount We will give' 25 per ct. discount on all our Men's and boys' -Overcoats 3 before stock taking. We have a large assortment to. select '11 from, and must be clear- ed Out to make room for Spring Stock. fussineahavr3ogseveraloat.sMen's IMen's Quilted Lined Coats with German Otter Collars. Calf Skin Coats, BulgUrian t, • Lamb and Coon, all to be eleared out iegardless of cost 111.1111181111141MILIMMar Also a few Women's Astri- can Coats perfect goods worth from $30 to $45. Your choke for $15 cash. WANTED—All kinds of gay; Furs. Also Potatoes in large quantities, cash or trado, The hest Hour, Bran and Shorts, always in stock, -14-114 * SUCtitilittr ttk tAMifls ?ON t 89. gousomiummomumusatts twate-taritatAtistmatoUso