The Wingham Times, 1912-01-25, Page 6• • .wwis•.aa. THE WJM BAI TIMES, JANUARY AB 25, 1912 ' jitney -.we ...w ;URIOStTY Prompted Many Women To Try PURITY FLOUR rEY were curious to see exactly, what re- ul s would be produced c ed by do u'comisting n 9 entirely of the high-grade portions of the best Western hard wheat. They were curious to know more about a flour They i d of the rade portions, that contained none low-grade �,' which are found in every wheat berry, but which are separated and excluded from the high-grade in the processof g milling PURITY FLOUR. TREY were curious to know svhether. an ALL HIGH - GRADE hard wheat flour w a s really superior to a mixed hard and soft wheat flour. They were curious to see and taste the kind of bread, buns, biscuits, cakes and pies PURITY FLOUR would make. Curiosity prompts you to seek the knowledge they discovered. It's urging you to try PURITY FLOUR. REMINDER: : On account of the extra strength 4 and extra quality of PURITY FLOUR it is necessary, for best pastry -results, to add more shortening than you are accustomed to use with an ordinary flour. Add more water when mak- ing bread. -_. Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now *URiTY FCQUi 99 PURITY 6, 'E 11. Pte+ 3 1 pY- �� •_ 9•�' a ,seau t'o BOLD IN BY' WJi. PONE AND RING BROS. KEflNELS FRUM THE UMW MILL t:resi-1u,;, Paragraphs; from our Exchanges.' When cutting bread and butter very thin, dip the knife occasionally in very hot water. An onion for soup should be stuck with six cloves and added afterthe soup has been skimmed. Eczema and Sore Byes. "My daughter suffered from inflamed eyelids and eczema on her head," writes Mr. H. W. Lear, Port Planford, Nfld. "The child was in a bad state and suffered greatly. 'rhe doctor fail- ed to help her, and on recomendation of a freind, I used Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, which made a complete cure. With a grateful heart I write you this letter." Dr. Gustave Tasse is running for Mayor of Montreal on the "wide-open" town platform. When choosing beef press it with the thumb, and if it rises quickly, it is of good quality. Do not suffer another da with Itching' Bleed- ing, or erotrud. Ing Pilo. No surgical oper- ation required. Br. Chase'© Ointment will relieve you at once and a5 certainly euro you. sea a box all dealer.. or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. a de ti lose Zoo. sttamp�toypaypostage. his Ella Perry, aged seventeen,- shot her father in Wood lover, Sask., when he tried to chastise her. The poatoffiee and railway ticket office safes at Tecumseh were cracked by burglar, who got $00. When buying a cough medicine for children beer to mind that Chamber- lain's hamber- . ' , tai eCtt most effectual Cough ltelned is mo for eol ls, croup and whooping -cough and that it contains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. Silty tents a pound for butter Was said to -day to be the price to which retail dealers in Chicago loomed for- ward. Quotations reached forty-seven cents the highest in the city's Market history, This additional burden on the eost of living was blamed by thestore- keepers to scarcity of resulting treat the recent severe Weather conditions, but other persenswere nut so slow to secribe the advance of an alleged trust which hes been ander investigation by the Federal authorities. There was but one newspaper in Jan, - an 3O years ago;; now there are about 3,000. Convi the British risons are not els to p allo:ved to see a mirror during the en- tire period o f their lacareerat-o . Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cod or darnp, or chronic rheumatism p, and require no internal treatment whatever? Apply Chamberlain's Lini- ment freely and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all dealers. should_ LSO curtains shod soak for two hams before washing in cold water to which a little borax has been added. They are much easier to wash after, and it rids them of the smell of smoke. Several deputations from western points waited on (don. Col, Hughes to ask for drill halls, rifle ranges, etc.. Children Ory' FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA - Qne of the King of Roumania's fav- ourite pensioners hascommitted suicide at the age cf 119 because he couldn't sleep. He might have waited. A golden -headed eagle, a rare species of the bird, is on exhibition' in Queen's Park, New Westminster. It was cap- tured at Pitt Lake. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Right Hon. R. L. Borden has resign- ed from the directorate of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Washing tubs which are not in con- stant use will crack unless some water is kept in them. Clean windows with newspaper slightly moistened with methylated spirit, and you will be surprised with the result. Occasionally a woman seeks a divorce on the grounds of incompatibility -be- cause her husband's income isn't co m- patible with her ideas of comfort. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in re- storing the system to a healthy condi- tion. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold by all deal- ers. If coat in a stove be sprinkled with a strong salt and water solution less soot will collect In the flues and chimney and the fire will burn brighter. HEALTH RESTORED TO THIS FAMILY Mas, \Vw snow's Soorntieo SYRUP bas been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTIHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE T1:ETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SQSTeem the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and to the best remedy for DIARRHCLA. It is ab• entutcly harmless, Be sure and ask for "airs Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no. other Kind. Twenty-five outs a bottle. An English bishop suggests that con- gregations should be made to stand by during the sermon. They would cert- tainly find it more difficult to sleep. "The best people are those who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow," remarks an American millionaire. Some people will want to know who told him. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the past 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi, monials sent free. Price 75c. per bot- tle. Sold by alt Druggist.. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. The Royal Bank of Canada caused the"arrest of three Kentueky men on the charge of getting $15,000 by false pretences at Toronto. Benjamin Weaver, a prosperous far- mer of Chatham township, committed suicide, leaving a note directing the neighbors to look in the well for his body. A. Weak Ohestett Boy. "My boy Frank seemed weak chest- ed and took a very severe cold," writes Mrs. D. Stevens, Ninga, Man. "The many medicines used did not seem to benefit him, until we tried Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and found it to be exactly what was wanted to cure him." No treatment is so thorough and effective as a cure for eroup and b.onchitis. Rear -Admiral Chas. 'Henry Davis, of the United States navy was retired four years ago, having reached the age limitation. He is now a success- ful painter of water colors, although he had never handled a brush before he left the navy. He has not had. a teacher, but is already regarded as an adept, and has 32 paintings on exhi- bition in Washington. Children Cry' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1 A • es Protection for the Press. (Stratford Herald.) Our local contemporary is defending itself in a libel suit caused by its hav- ing been imposed upon by a bogus "personal" which had the effect of scandalizing respectable people. The Herald received the same item; accord- ing to recollection it had a signature, but something about it had aroused suspicion and it was With -held, fortu- nately for us. We should like to see the writer of such 'a missive detected and trade a warning example of. No !natter how diligent the care, it is hard fora , editor or his staff tobe 1 dalways n rs y on the keenest guard, and sympathy should go out to a publisher se imposed upon. Every publisher lives in cen- stailt dread of being taken in in some way or exposed to loss by some limo - debt and ostensibly genuine item which May come to him, The law should be amended to allow an easier way out to publishers who can prove exercise of reasonable care and who do all in their power to right wrong they have lin- Wittingly committed. The service" rein, Aldred by the press to the public. through rapid daily work, is so varied and in, nalculable as to entitle It to this tnttcbt preteotionr Wife's experience with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food led to husband's euro. "Since childhood I was afflicted with biliousness and sick headache." writes Mr. A. K. Van Wyck, Park Frill, Ont., "and as all thedoctors' medicines and prescriptions failed to do me any permanent good,. T had lest faith in all medicines. It was by an- eident that 1 came to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, for it bad been recom- mended for Mrs. Van Wyck and did' her so nlueh good that sho wished lno to try it. "I did So, and was surprised at the remelts. It is now three years since 1 discontinued the medicine and I hat% not had an attack of the old trouble. 1 Tope thaLothers may benefit by my experience. The cures effected.,by Dr, Chase's h!ervo Toed are lasting because. it builds up the velem and removes the cause of trouble. 50 cents tt bot, i1 for $2.50; at all dealers, or Ednlabson, Bates & Co., Toronto. DYSPEPS1A CLAiMS MANY LIVES. But John Mitchell's Life Was saved by Mar riscy s No.11 Dyspepsia ' u e tt S Sl!a Cure. R P Woodstoek, N.B., Aug. 10, 1910, " 1 had a very severe case of stomach trouble which caused me great pain, and .'► Int of distress. 1 tried several doc tor. s,liut could. get me relief. 1 also tried Aout all the patent medicines- that are recommend- ed for stotue h trouble, and still 1 was getting worse --in fact, 1 felt like dying, and had to .step work. My friends thought my days on earth were few, and I thought so myself. I had heard a great dealabout the wonderful skill of Father Morriscy, and thought li would go and see him. He prescribed his No, 11 Dyspepsia Cure for me, and 1 took his medicine as he directed, and soon began to feel relieved, and to- day I am a very well man; have gained in flesh— have no pain in my"stomach, and stn feeling first-rate. There is nodoubt but that be saved my life, and 1 only wish. I could find words to express my gratitude, I hope all who suffer as I did wilt use his. mat'eetous No. 11 Stomach Remedy." John H. Mitchell. The above prescription isnot a "Cure - All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Nor- Aso), orriscy prescribed it for 44 years, and it cured thousands after ether doctors failed. Price, 60c. per box at your dealers or Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited., Mon treat. sho THE YEARS. [Beatrice Redpath in the Jannary Canadian Magazine.] Within old cloistered walls I hear leaves fall ee As slowly as a weary, quiet rain, The earth lies silent 'neath its leafy pall While years tread softly where dead hopes are lain, Ah, hear the wind that whispers to the fern; The footsteps of old years shall not return, And some passed swiftly as a pulsing flame, While there were those that dreamed 'neath slumbrous skies; Some sped white -winged and others stumbled lame; Some years were as a wheeling flight of sighs, Ah, hear the wind that whispers to the fern; The footsteps of old years shallnot return, Ah, time of hidden pain, oh, time of tears! Now would I rest, for 1 am weary quite, The years move always, old, old drift- ing years, Beyond the shadow of the Infinite, Ah, hear the wind that whispers to the fern; The footsteps of old years shall not return. ' THE SETTLEMENT OF THE WEST. The annual report of the interior de- partment for the last fiscal year, laid before the House of Commons a few days ago, calls attention to the fact that the total cash revenue from all sources collected by the department during the year reached the Iarge total of $5,093,140. This is an increase of $384,126 over the previous 12 months. The revenue of the department is now fourteen times as large as it was in 1901-2 and ten times as large as it was ten years ago. A corresponding increase is noted in the number of homestead entries- dur- ing the year. There were 44,476 en- tries, representing a total acreage of 7,166,640, which is an increase of 3000 entries over the previous year, which had been the largest in the history of the department. Those entries repre- sent a total population of 107,834 sett- lers and their families. It is regarded as very satisfactory from the immigration standpoint that over one-third of the total immigration last year can be accounted for as hav- ing engaged in agricultural pursuits in the Western provinces. WANTED, -A good general servant; one who understands cooking. Apply to Miss Mathews, Superintendent of Winghain General Hospital. �1E=DACHE Seems To Be Habitual With Many People. THE QQwEiQY'a TIKETS. They Were Good on the 'resin, but only For a Little While. 4 bunch of aid time traveling then. Were visiting: at at Topeka hotel, , # nd talo turned on to c•ouraileuua Midge, tors "t Have known," et. story was told, on John secr:er, for years a contluotor on. the Sante" Fe. Flew .. r ' awarded age us pitchcall y palm for being the bravest "soli" wtlo ever set' toot ou a through iiansaet train to the old and perilous Jaye. One: day, ,lust after the Santa N'e tial.. bdleft audbo city, Beerier pasit. ea through the ear to taste up the pasteboards. Two cow boys had board. ed the trate at Dodge, anti Becker went up to them and said. "Tickets,. please," For an answer the cowboys whipped out bib revolvers -the Coil's bice steel braud,. 44 ealiberrand replied: "Here they ares" Someare seldom, if ever, free from it, suffering continually and wondering why they can get no relief. Headaches ate generally caused by e e e an emen of the tomacir o. some d r g t 5 bowels, or both. Burdock Blood Bidets removes acidity of the stomach, improves digestion, regu- lates the constipated bowels, and pro-, motes perfect circulation of pure blood to all portions of the body, thereby curieg the headaches by removing the cause. 1VIrs. L. MaguireKinmount, Ont., writes:•-�"/ am writing you h few lines to tell you what your Burdock Blond l3ittefs hat "done for me. 1 used to be greatly troubled with hcadactles, but after using two bottles of Burdock Brood titters I was cohtp!etely cured, This was two years ago and I have had he return 'of headache since." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactufed only by The T. Miltairti Co., Litlnited, Toronto, Ont. "1 bey're good," said tteclter quickly,. with a deprecatory wave of his band, and be passed on thruiigb the car. The cowboys chucked their "irons" buck into their bolsters and settled back comfortably, thinking thatthe train was theirs. Becker walked on back to bis ;tittle wardrobe at the front end of the nest car and, unlocking it, toots out a sawed orf double barreled shotgun loaded with slugs. He coated both balniuere-for. It was before tine bam- merless automatic days -and, getting the gun properly placed in frout or him. he marched bat'k into the cur where• the cowboys were. He stepped briskly in tront of theist and shoved the big gun into their faces, bolding it itt such an angle teat a shot would have swept off the beade. of both. ]'ben be said again. gently. "Your tickets, please." The banda of the cowboys twitched convulsively toward their pockets, and Becker interjected, "Give the those tickets, please, that brave handles and shove 'em at me with the bandies to. ward me -toward me, understand'?" be added. bearing down bard with the emphasis on "me." The tickets came across with the handles in the requested direction. "Now, dig up the coin," he demand- ed, "to the next station where we , stop." They dug. "Now. at the next station you fel. lows unload. Understand?" The saw- ed off was still at a dangerous location and the hammers still up. - The cowboys nodded vigorously In the affirmative. and they unloaded quickly and without words at the next stop. Becker made no fuss over the mat" ter; didn't tall; about it at all. Be just accepted it as part of the dny's busi- ness and seemed to see nothing in it that was extraordlnary.-Kansas City Journal. Life Rings an Mountains. An extraordinary example of the way in which a mountain may afford on a small scale an image of the earth's climates, arranged in succes- sively _higher circles, bas been found In the San Francisco peaks. These ancient volcanoes rise out of a plateau haring a mean elevation of 7,000 feet above sea level. The peeks peitks are encircledwith zones of vegetation Which rim almost like eontour Titles around them. Between 0.1100 and 5.500 feet the yellow pine is the dominant tree. From 8.500 to 10,300 feet the DougtaS (ir, the silver tie the cork tir and the aspen share the available ground. Between 10,300 and 11.500 feet the Bbgelmnnn. spruce and the foxtnll pine taste possession and ascend to the tree Iimlte-Seientitic American. 1S A CURM FOR cANG$R. 1N MUT. The medical correspondentof the Daily Graphic says that a satisfactoryisfac for Y result hascome to light regarding the treatment of cancer by the radIu• m method at King's College Hospital, A large cancer growth had to be dealt With. h. Anoperation ion revious 1 had been performed, but the cancer return ed with renewed virulence, Krays anti other treatments were then tried without success, and finally 260 milli - grammes Of pure radium b omids were applied for twenty-four hours. The tubes were se arranged that the diseased parts were subeeted to a regular cross fire of the curative rays and the spplication was repeated once Only, As a result of the treatment it is stated that pain quickly ceased and growth rapidly shrank up so that at the endof five weeks it had disappeared, A doctor in describing the case says that if this result can be repeated and the treatment so improved th t even. deep seated tumors can be brought un- der the radio -active influence there will be very good reason for supposing £hat the long hoped for conquestof cancer is indeed at hand, Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life. miserable, Take Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid thesidiseas es. For eale by all dealers. Mr, George Sime of Grantl Valley, slipped while carrying a loaded gun and was killed by the discharge. Misleading Book Titles. Some boost titleeetire distinctly MIS - leading. Buskin's '"On the- Constrt1e-' tion of Sheepfolds" Is a famous exam+ pie of these. and there are others. Mt. llenry James' novel •'.fee Lesson of the :Master" bas more than once peen entalogned as a religious work. The same fate befell Sir Edward Hamil- ton's "Conversion and Iledetnptton," a highly technical study of schemes, for • the 'reduction of the national debt. "Disloyala; or, The Doubtful Priest." Was the title originally selected by Sborthouse for the book we now know} as "John Inglesant." It was pointed out to trim that such a title would lead people to regard it de an attack on Roman Catholicism; and this iii• duced hint to change It. --London Chronicle. NAD F.AO' $OttRE FOUR TEARS .74/014$111c HAS:1IEALED.ITI ---'-* z. ]firs, Wilson, 110 Wiekson Ave. Toronto, sem. sAbout tour years s as . a sore sl appeared on the right spot z side of niy taee. This spot increased in site until it became about hair an inch is diameter and very painful, ointment. e o till a . doctor, bu Iw�ntG a.. , he gave the did not have any good effect Vie sere contlnued to dig,* charge freely, and. was most painful. I had it cauterized, triedpoultices and all kinds of salves, but it was confirmed to suffer no good, and I cont front it ler four yearel "A sample of Zane -Melt -was one day given to me, and I used it. Although °the quantity was sit small, it seemed to do ine some Pod, so I purchased a further supply, "Each box did me more and more good, end;to my delight, before I had been using Zam-Birk three weeks, I saw that it was going to heal the sore, In less than a, month It was healed! I know a lady in the eastof the city, •• whose husband suffered for years with an open sore on his leg. On my recommendation, Zam-Bull was tried in that case. The other day, when I saw her, she told me that it had healed the sore completely. My daughter,, who lives in Leth bridge. Alta„ has also used Zara -Bok With the same satisfecterY result, I think it is, beyond all doubt, the finest healing balm known." Suoh is the opinion of all persons who have really tried Zam-Dula. 4 It is a sure cure for eczema, piles, abscesses, ulcers, scalp sores, 4118 - 'Worm, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, and all skin injuries and diseases. 50c. box, all druggists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for prica.1f In ease of skin disease use 'leo Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet. Subscribe. For The Times $1.00 a Year How an Ostrich Shows Tenper. When annoyed or angered by the ap' proaeh of a human ein b s, says ys a Write et in the Strand dagezine, the mate ostrich slightly arches his neck, and, drawing In a big breath, he blows out his neck and Issues a three nbte de- tlance l"bo=bo-bo-o-n"). It is in the last prolonged note that his neck swells. out so ubnormatly. The. hen bird never "drums," as the natives term it, though `1 have heard of one that tried very hard to ape„ the•maiet but the result was ghastly failnre. t` Nis Achievements. "After 1 ata gone," he corepla in"�spe1e w1 begin to ibilco 4h&t ' hairs done." . , "Well." hitt wife madly repu4 41 they do it won't tape theist 1onget to Chicago Record -)herald. ." 41';'1 -VA �l Shrewd Wotmlit'i• t • . '1 totviktd-1 can't get thy Vrifi to get stet bilis by check. Eldward--why nett, nowercl--Shs trays that she *Owl ' time the horrid bank people- . knew whit everything coat. hndge. ° fitieltheti ft.Vie NMgive eta t Mb oda world lex debt :!1r i PR[NTIN(i- AND STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES . • LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETEItIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS- AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best: stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING • We are in a better position.than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job. Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us • when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE .HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS • • CATALOGUES Or (anything you may require In the printing line. SUbseriptiens taken for all the Leading Newtrpapeat . and Magazines.,