HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-01-18, Page 141k, T— TIMF THS �I\ t`i Ali VOL. XLI.--NO. 2085. TIlo'i WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1912. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE NOTICE. Henceforth our Drug Store will not be open at all on Sundays. In any case of illness or emer- gency myself or clerk will be pleased to answer any call promptly no matter how small the article requited or what the hour. Phone 107 or call at our resid. ence Centre street (directly be- hind skating rink.) Wishing you all a Happy 1912 dalton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST 7210' Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. The Best Ever FOR 37500 A 200 acre farm with first class buildings and 50 to 06 acres of hardwood hu -h, C1o:,e to school, church and post office, and only four miles from a good shipping point. Land nearly all in grass and in first class shape. A SPECIAL CHANCE Thirty five to forty acres near town will be sold at a right pence All in grass, good land, a few acres of maple bush. running water. Very suitable for a small grazing farm, IR,itchie 86 CoseiiS REAL ESTATE ANDSNSURANGE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy harem, cattle, or nags to feed for m .rket can have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agouti, on favorable Orme. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going, ChrisIie's �ocery PHONE 59. Our Own Blended Teas Are Worth Every Ceijt We ask for them„ We Claim Nothing More. 'Fhe quality of our Mack Tea. is I'n,:ity generally known. They come lo u in original packages ge :; an J the G[.) erden Brandt ilrf' of the i i4he,t grades awl ltie st 1-iEliiil?�5. AFTER RUING 'I'hr flavours fere. distinctive and most Iaalat,.hle. Our prb es are. 30c, 40c and 50c Give them a trial. You'll get a good cup of Tear. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Read Willis & Co.'s Adv. on page 8 The Kent Block Sold. / L O. O. F. nstallatign. 6 Mr. Wm. Martin, of Brussels, D. D. G. M, for this d•:trict attended the meeting of Maitla . Lodge, L 0. 0. F. on Thursday evens g last and installed the following offi ers:—N. G., Wilfrid Reid; V.G., Joh msbur • Fin. -Secy., n Y, n y, W. J. Haines; Rec.-Secy., John F. Groves; Treas., .B. Elliott. The ap- pointed officers ill be installed at a future meeting. At the close of the meeting the m mbers adjourned to Kennedy's rest urant where oysters. were served and a pleasant hour spent in social convers : tion. The property on Josephine street, known as the Kent BI ck was lastweek purchased fromMi s s Wm. Davies Co., of building will be used 1 as purchasing headqu, way conflicts with th Ings on Edward street ulmge by the Toronto. The y the company rters and in no it storage build - FEED CORN.—We always have corn on hand. Get our prices before buying. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK. Auction Sale of Horses. Geo. ' T. Robertson, con. 10, East Wawanosh will hold an auction sale of Clydesdale horses on Thursday after- noon, February 1st. There are twenty choice mares and geldings and some of the mares are in foal; also sixteen head of cattle and one thoroughbred Shorthorn bull. If you are looking for choice stock attend this sale. John Purvis, auctioneer. Overshoes and Rubbers for Men Women and Children—All the good styles and best makes. W. J. GREER. Sidewalks -` ere Cleaned. The Street Co ittee on Saturday last issued orders o Chief Alien to not- ify all parties on . osephine street that sidewalks were t. be cleared of snow and ice by noon . Monday. Chief Al- len delivered the warning to the people and the work w:: pretty well carried out. It was i .ossible to clear the walks"in many ,.laces, but the ridge was taken off a d this made a great improvernent. FOR SALE A new; small seat i at a bargain. A good cutter, almost front. Will be sold ply at TIMES office, , Purchased otel in Toronto. The Humber Be ch hotel at Toronto has been purchas by Mr. L. W. Han- son, formerly of Wingham from Mr. T. J. Boland, the consideration being $25,11'0. The Hu ber Beach Hotel is one of Toronto's best-known resorts, frequented by tho sands who visit the Humber in the s Omer months. The land which the ho el stands 'on is valued at $100,000, and c vers 512 acres from the mouth of t Humber westward. Mr. Hanson has yearly lease of $8,400 per annum. FARM To REN ship of Turnber cultivation. Ap Wingham, P. 0. 100 acres in Town - y in a good state of ly to R. VANSTONE, Annual • urch Meeting. The annual c: ngregational meeting of St. Andrew' Presbyterian Church will be held nex Tuesday evening in the lecture room of the church and all members of th congregation are in- vited to atend t meeting. The past year has been . very successful one and the contri • tions to the various funds were ver liberal. The envelope contributions :, ousted to $2162.80, compared with : 013.21 for 1910. The contributions t. the church schemes amounted to $ 56.49, practically the same as in 1910. The Ladies' Aid So- ciety raised 53 .c.3 during the past year. The t. al receipts from all sources amountd to $4300.72 and the total for 1910 w• - $4360.26. The She p industry. The report o£'th the sheep in ltiett Britain and 7Yiit 1910, Messrs•,.Dre :appointed as a s investigate the sheep raising in t tries. It is believe Iwhich the commis io the re.,ults of their i eo amissioners upon ' in Canada, Great .,S•tates: In July, len and Ritch were sial commission to nditions affecting is and other coun- th t the report in r ere ,•: have embodied vestigations is by Cold and tormy Weather. The records 'r cold weather oyer Ontario for is veral years were broken during d e past week. The tbermometer is r ported to have drop- ped in Wingham rom 24 to 28 degrees below zero duri last Friday night, the coldest during the severe cold spell. Some people report the lowest record to have been 18 degrees below zero. The storm which ontinued up till last Thursday was al'.o one of the worst ever seen in this ction and the coun•• try roads were b d1y drifted. Trains managed to get tl rough, but were from one to four hours ehind time. WANTED. —A good general servant; one who understands cooking. Apply to Miss Mathews, Superintendent of Wingham General Hospital. County Cou cil Next Week. The first meetin_• of the county coun- cil for 1912 will be held in -the court house, Goderich, Tuesday, January 23rd. The first usiness will be the election of a W rden. In accordance with the very s nsible custom which has been in vo e for a number, of years, by which . Liberal and a Con_ servative are app.inted alternately to fill the Warden's hair for a year, the position this year will go to a Conserva- tive. It is prett generally understood that Reeve Stet rs, of Ashfield will be Warden of tl e County for this year. STOVE FOR SALE.—A good base burn- er coal heating stove; almost as good es new. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to Jas. Phalen, corner Patrick and Shuter streets. The Times' • nniversary. The Advance las week in referring to the TIMES' anni ersary very kindly says:—"The anniv rsary of a news- paper is to its prop ietor, an interest- ing milestone of th journalistic path- way. Last week, our neighbor, The Wingham Times, e tered its 41st year. After four decades the Times appears none the worse for its age; rather—it is in the prime of li o and vigor. Grow older, we must; tha cannot be avoided, but added years br g experience, and experience opens a 'eater possibilities. For Mr. Elliott, the proprietor of the Times, the editor o this paper ha°s the most kindly estee . The • Advance tenders congratulat .ns, and expresses sincere wishes for he future success of The Times, and • s obliging proprie- tor." WANTED. -- To live in Toronto as companion help for traveller's wife, a refined young lady opf neat appearance, good wages. Addeess, MRS. W. C. TAYLOR, 14 Hazel vet, Toronto. Telephone in oat Office. "There should be telephone in the post office. We do n t know whether it is the postmaster o the post office department that she d look after this, but whichever it is he people should demand that this commodation be furnished. I1•does s em very absurd that while nearly eve ;y other business house s and office in to n has ane h 0 P , the most important siness po tant .mess place of all should be so far be iind the times as to be without one. T ere should be a phone in every post office. Many of i far the most exhatt t ve treatise which small country post o laces have them novr and still such imi ortant points as has yet appeared in Canada, relative Seafortl:, Clinton,' gbarn, Goderich 1 to the raisin; o, ,.het s and the produc- ° l and other towns of li .e size are with - tion of wool. la vie of the indifferent' out them. The post office department should with t..p et to the keep- should wake up. A • ig surplus on the ing of , sheep, ma infested by too i wetlyCanadian ',•al ers, this re ort year's operations is 11 very well, but p the aecommodatio. of the public is appears at a vee ; opportune time. much better." Th 'TIME:; eau heartily I The connuniseioecre, t the end of the endorse the above .rom the. Seafortli a reporS, have male - nutnber of recorea- ; expositor. There re telephones in all mendations, the option of which the village post tikes surrounding would, in their opin ;.n, lead to the en-, Wingham and we ee no reason why co•.r°agemu nt and 6 velopreent of the e VV nj haatnites slime not have thin very whole indnetry. T e report is now l match needed ior,v nience. available for distri ution and a copy may bo obtained 1 y any inter.sted party upon address g the- Lire Stock The Dominion/ Government will in-' Commissioner, Del : rtment of Agricul- crease its frantl to seed grain associat- ons to $35,000 a0.aually. tore, Ottawa. District L. O. L Meeting. The annual meeting of the Turnberry District L, 0. L. was held in Bluevale on Tuesday,afternoon when the follow- ing officers were elected:—.Dist. W. M,, J. Walton McKibbon; D, M., A, Bryd- es • Chap., - g p , R v e . E. H Croly; Ree. -See., Wm. Brydges; Fin. -Sec., Thos. Brydges; Trees , John Casem re; D of C„ Wm. Guest; Lecturers, eo. Thornton and Geo, Tees. Woman's nstitute. The regular mont Wiligham Branch o stitute willbe neld nary 25th, at the ho Robertson, Frances p. m. Subject for t al rights of Worn Wilson, also questio ent requested to tai All members and otl cordially invited to al half hour will be of the programme. ly meeting of the the Woman's In- n Thursday, Jan- e of Mrs Marion :treet at 3 o'clock is meeting, "Leg - n" by Mrs. John drawer. All pros - part in the latter. ers interested are e present. A soei- ent at the iclese BONE, Sec'y. Men's Mass eeting. . A mass meeting to in the Wingham Tow day afternoon, cornm The meeting is being with the Laymen's and similar meetings the cities and towns same day, making i and song throughout the interests of M Wingham meeting a being arranged and t looking for a large men of Wingham an man in this distrie meeting. men will be held Hall next Sun- cing at 4 o'clock. eld in connection issionary Society will be held in all f Canada on the a day of prayer the Dominion in ssions. For the good program is se in charge are tendance of the district. Every is invited to the Tax Mail .Or• er Business. A bill providing f the taxation of mail order and catalogue business done in all towns and cities by depart- mental stores loca ed in some other town of city, will b introduced, at the approaching session of the Legislature be Mr. Wm. Proudfcot, K. C., of Gode- rich, M.P.P. for Ce tre Huron. First action in this directi n was taken by the Board of Trade . Goderich. This body asked Mr. Pro dfoot to introduce the bill. It is proped that the taec be made equal to the verage taxes paid by ordinary retai businesses. The business done by t. e large department stores through cat logue and mail order is claimed to be u fair to local merch- ants. Bank ornotions. Mr. J. E. McGui e, formerly of Wing ham has resigned as manager of the Bank of Hamilto. at Lucknow and has moved to Winnip: g and will engage in a new line of busi ess. Mr. Glennie, of Blyth goes to Luc now and Mr. Geo. Gregory, who has been accountant in the Wingham ban , and who has work- ed up step by step here has been ap- pointed`manager a Blyth. Mr. F. S. Sturt, who has been teller here for some time is promoted to the position of accountant and Mr. Telford, of Milton becomes teller in the local branch. The TIMES heartily congratulates these young men on their promation and the wish them all contiuued success. Newspaper Publicity. "Newspapers are vital things in the Iife of the people, and especially for business men, and that is the reason why we are contemrilating their use a .n an advertising medium in preference • J magazines," said Wen. Wm. Kam of the Star Safety' Razor Company. "The real value o advertising any- thing intended for ise by men comes from using a medium which enters into their daily lives. I' er . man reads a Y newspaper, and an • vertisement in it prepared in an attra Live way is bound to be read. We can dvertise daily or as often as we feel i clined and in the course cf a single m nth could tell our story in ninny differ nt ways." Fly. The Ronert Docks • estate paid 33'.e cents on the dollar to the creditors. J. Leckie, of Bruss is was the Assig- nee, Mrs. Lamb and e iildren, of Newdale, Manitoba, are he e on a visit. The former is a dau'eltt r of James Brown, a former well-kno}n rosidept of this township. Itutherford & Riddell disposed of a 3 year old gelding o R. 11.. Hays, Lis- towel, for the handsome sum of $300. This horse was sinal by "Baron Fife" and raised by the,. 'proprietors. It pays to keep the good end. Curling Competition. The members of the Wingham Curl- ing Club have arranged for a curling competition and eighteen rinks have been chosen and the draw has been arronged as followsRELIMIS Y ROUND. A. Tipling W. Powell J. McGillivray N. Richardson J. Mason A. Hardie A. M, Crawford, sk Wm. Mitchell, sk. W. Frankum Rev. D. Perrie Rev, E. H. Croly N. T. Sinclair A. Nichol J, Murray R. Vanstone, sk. A, J. Alderson, sk. The two winninu.rinks. in the above will play off and the other rinks will play as follows:— C. M. Forbes B. Murchison E. S. Sturt W. P. Grierson J. T. Scott D. Fortune C. Mitchell, sk. C. Knechtel, ek. J. A. Cummings J. Henderson R. A. Currie A. Ross T. Hardie D. B. Porter B. Cochrane, sk. J. 14IcKie, ek. C. A. Rintoul H. D, Schaefer E. Small C. P. Smith A. Coling K. Rae J. W. Pearen, sk. Wm. Holmes, sk. W I ister B. J. Doyle P. eer A. Carruthers C. liott J. Pugh J. Stalker, sk. C. G. Vanstone, sk. W. H. Rintoul A. Walker G. Irwin J. M. Schaefer L. Binkley J. Hanna C. N. Griffin, sk. L. Kennedy, sk. R. King W. Jones A. Campbell J. A Currie J. Phalen T. Fortune D. Holmes, sk. A. E. Porter, sk, J. W. Dodd H. Walsh J. Lutton 11. Shane S. Elliott Jas. Carr V. R. Vannorman,sk D. Davies, sk. The first game in the series was play- ed on Monday ev ing when C. N. Griffin's rink won a, can L. Kennedy's rink by a score of 1 to 8. CRIMINAL ECORDS. (From the Winn: peg Telegram.) Last year there w committed in the 86 out of every 87 the extreme penalt times -as many mur as in England in pr tion. The United S re 8,967 murders nited States, and murderers escaped . There aro eight ers in that country portion to popula- ates has oyer sev- enty murders per million of its popula- tion; Italy has less than five per million; Canada has less that' eighteen per mil- lion. Statistics of c ime are interest- ing as pointing to th rise and fall in different countries, d perhaps indi- cating preventive m thods which may ameliorate the condi 'ons of the future. There is obviously so ething rotten in the administration f justice in the United States, and it seems on the face of it to be the fact hat the electric chair is more and m*e becoming the last resort of the law for capital offenc- es. As the terrors of death recede from the criminally inclined portion of the population it would seem that safe- ty of human life 1 decreases. The chances are eighty -sin to one that ev- eryone who commits murder in the United States will esbape death. This is a sorry comment o the much vaunt- ed civilization of oi4r neighbors. In evolving new methods of justice the United States is Poste. ing crime. There is a lesson Or Canada in all this. Here our mure er record is al- together too high at resent, and the only hopeful feature to which we can point is the fact that it is not showing aper grave increase. Reading of the n.i.taken sentimentality which has be- come only too great a feature of mur- der trials on the other side of the line, there may be a tendendy here, too, to let our sympathies get the better of our sense of justice This we must guard against. In the; effort to build up a virile people, strong physically, morally and intellectually, we must ad- here strictly to that administration of the law which has made British justice the synonym of safety the world over. Mrs. James McNichol, wife of s a Wadena, Sask., merchant, was asphy- xiated, with six of her children. The C. P. R. has appropriated $20,- 000,000 for improerements to western lines this year tutd 55,000,000 for its hotels. IRev, Clarence V T. I;,ieheson, who has been held char ,ed with the murder of Miss Avis Lien: 1, of:Hyannis, Mass., to whom he is sale to have been engag- ed, by poisoning, aat week confessed his guilt, aiding be had pleaded not guilty when arra gated, He has been sentenced to dea�h by electrocution cin May 19th. i KIND WORDS A PRECIA,TED, The following kin exchanges are very by the editor of the "The Wingham upon its forty-first established by Mr. words from our ranch appreciated IMES:— ines has entered ear, having been Robert Matheson, when he resided in, Clinton, and e+pub- fished the Ne» tra. After many , . hanges it came in w' the htanc}4y IL i': iiott, now hi treasurer of the C. 0. F., Brantfo father of the pre- sent editor, Mr. H B. Elliott, who has been editor of the paper fourteen and a half years. It s a well conducted, clean local paper..'—Clinton New Era. The Wingham times last week en- tered its forty-fi t year, having been established the fist week of January, 1872, by Mr. R bert Matheson, who was at that time ,a resident of Clinton and where he published the New Era. Mr. Mathel$lon, ho is now a resident of Chicago, pub ished the Times for only a short time and sold it to Mr. R. A. Graham, of ingham. The paper changed owners any times up to Jan- uary, 1888, who it was purchased by Mr. R. Elliott, father of the present editor, and since which time the press ent editor has b en connected with the paper and for th last fourteen .and a half years as !editor and publisher. The Times is ne of the best and brightest local pers in Western On- tario n- a iandtheEx osito has pleasure in t ror p s congratulating he present editor on his success and i wishing for the Times a long career increased prosperity under his fostering care.—Seaforth Expositor. Editor Elliott, of the Wingham Times last week noted the completion of forty years'in the hi tory of that journal. The Times was established the first week of .Janna , 1872 by Mr. Robt. Matheson, who was at that time a resident of Clint n and where he pub- lished the New Era. Mr. Matheson, who is now a res dent of Chicago, pub- lished the Times or only a short time and then sold it t R. A. Graham now of Wingham. he paper changed owners many ti s up to January,1888, when it was pun hased by R. Elliott, father of the pr eent editor, and since which time the esent editor has been connected with e paper and for the last fourteen an a half years as editor and publisher. The Times has our congratulations n the success which its appearance indicates.—Goderich Star. LOST.—A triangle k ring with a bunch of keys at ac d. Finder will receive reward leaving at the TIMES office. CHURC NOTES A special vestri* meeting has been called for Wedne day, Jan. 17th, at 8.15 p. m. in th schoolroom of St. Paul's church Rev. H. T. Ferg• son, B. A., pastor of the Methodist hurch, Kincardine, bas received a call to the Wallcerville Methodist Church, It is altogether probable that he w 11 accept the call if the stationing corn ittee concurs in it. A commission ha. been appointed by the Executive Com ittee of the Meth- odist Mission Board to investigate the matter of the ins flicient number of candidates for the inistry. The ques- tion of salaries wil be looked into in the endeavor to as ertain causes con- tributing to keep t e supply of young men below what s required for the demands of the wo k. For the first tim since he tendered his resignation thr e weeks ago, Rev. Richard Hobbs i ha. e of the ser - bb charge vice in the Jam=s Street Methodist Church at Exeter n Sunday last. In- ternal dissensions, ' e told the congre- gation has led him o resign. Ile said that through the .ersuasion of Rev. Dr. Warner, head the London Con- ference, and a lar el • i ned petition of members of the hurch, he had de- cided to remain. It was decided b St. Paul's A. Y. I', A. on Monday eve ing to put on a con- cert for Miss Hou s liton in the course of two or three w elcs and thus show their deep sympi by for her. Mies Lucy Webling,-lat. of St. James, His Majesty's and Ter y's Theatres, Lon- don, Eng., suppo ted by Mr. Walter McRaye, actor, ta eller and raconteur have been engag for the purpose. Rev. T. W. Powell M. A, President of King's College, indsor says: "I greatly enjoyed th rare treat which you gave us. The evening was excel- lent. Your rend' ion of Dr. Drum- mond'I "Little I; Leese", "The habi- tant" and "Joh ny Courteau" were beyond eritk"cism; bile in "At the hall" and "The Silent System" both Miss Viebling and y. itself gave us a splendid treat. BARGAINS IN WIMP FOOTWEAR We have d• ecided to clean c•ut all lines of Felt Bo-ts, Shoes and Slippers in Men's, Women's, Misses and Child- ren's at. greatly reduced prices. Alio Clearhig dale Prics In Men's and Boys' heavy Kant Krack and Gum RUBBERS. There's a 14) st time to buy and that Time is Right Now. Don't delay ! Come at once ! W1 Ji GREE9 Where quality counts we win. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT b'II E LIFE ACCIDEN T PLATE GLASS 'WEATHER Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. e+� Issuer of marriago Licenses, Office over Malcolm's Grocery. Walter Gillespie nonville in Heidir his wife, aged 22, ed with causing a little girl, the sis The child is said with the greatest ed with bruises fr dignation in the c ed a high pitch. , a farmer near Ver - and township, with were arrested charg- tual bodily harm to a er of Mrs. Gillespie. o have been treated ruelty, and is cover - head to foot. In- nmunity has reach- 0 Stands for all that is .modern in Business Training. A ,Chain of Seven Colleges in leading actin towns t? and cities. c tie . Tw o thousand stu- dents in our Colleges and Home Study last year. We train from ten to twenty students for every one trained by most schools. There's a reason. It is freely admitted that our graduates get best positions, and the demand for them is "seven" time:; the supply. Exclusive right for On- tario of the famous Bliss Pook• keeping System. You may et nay at home, or partly at home and finish at the College. Abusina'ss Education pays a dividend every day of your life. Wirt ;r Ti rn from J gin. 6, Call or write for partieulars. I SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Cher`a. a1. _ urns, i'i en