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The Wingham Advance, 1911-12-28, Page 1
r t '3 I t 8 e b t i e I I t 0 i 1 a l p t d a g i t • t n b t e 1 g b o' t si p' 0 tl f b Allingham Advance. 4GT1t YEAR, NO. 18, WIN(ILAM, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1911. • 1178 O 1i>'TIipN$$11..600 17$110 us U 03. ► E*r Fr eErt�d• local Y,arce hoped There hag King Government Dominion store Conservative is redo ncrease, y. leen a rind rpgtttred, oasions<lly. t,sndaar, oraer aes. atrta,mtaut lee set tar rel i1'os sVas i • MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. 111 011 SCHQ4I, NOTES A Sad Christmas, The Christmas season brings joy , to many homes+. but Mr. and Dire. D, S. Scott of Hist Wawanosh hada sorrowful Cttrlstmas. Cn Sunday, 2ith inst., their little boy, Charles Harold, was taken to a home Where sickness_ and pain never come, The little boy was. only about a year and a half old. Interment took lace on p Tuesday. Can lie Do It ? Aaron Kirschlieif, a ranch owner at Edmonton, Alberta, is spending hie spare evenings engraving a prayer on a grain of wheat, There are 300 words in the. prayer, and Kirselliefi expecte to get thew all on the grain of wheat. When the work is cpm•nested. plett+d, he will bend the oddity to Hie Royal Iii bnese, the Duke of Con- y g naught, Governor General of Oa- nada. Remembered Scout Master, The officers and members of the %Vingham Boy Scout Association ramemhared the Scaut•maator, Df i'. R, E. N. Barron, on Christmas, and presented hits with a• pair of silver• mounted military hair brushes,en- graved with his. initials, Mr. Barron hastaken a deepinterest in the Bo - q Scout movement, and has been unt{r- i•ng in his efforts to train the boys in this worlt, December Wedding. A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage on the evening of December Met, when the Rev, Dr. Rutledge united in marriage Mr. Weir of the townshipofWill. Turn- berry and Mise Elizabeth H, Van- stone, dao ghter of Mr, Samuel Van- stone, also of Turnberry, The bride. and groom will reside in the township and have the best wishes of many friends for their future happiness. Hydro -Electric Meeting. Dia cir Spotton endeavoured to se- y P lion. Adorn Beck to deliver an address in Wingiiem on the Hydro- 'Electric. Mr. Beck could not come, but M. J. W. Lyon, Sec,-Treaa, of Niagara Power Union, and campaign g manager in the different towns and cities thus far, hag been secured. Dir. Lyon will address a meeting in tbe Town Hall, Wingham, on Thursday evening of this week on this' impor- tent question now before the people. There should be a full attendance• Past The Shortest Day. For some time, the sun has been gradually travelling south over the torrid zone since crossing the equator in September, and on the 22nd of Dec. had reached the farthest of point south be can go, and stood vertical over the tropic or circle of Capricorn, which is the southern boundary of the torrid zone, Here the god of day remained stationary for a few days, and then started to retrace hie progress. Soon the dors will grow longer and the nights shorter in these northern climes. Headed the Poll. . Bert Holmes of Belle Plains Sask., + son of ex -Mayor HoImee, in renewing his subscription speaks well of S.trk. He writes thus :-This is the place for a young man, so I made up my mind to do my best, in which I made a success asyou will readily see. I h;vs' been elected to the Council, and the of it ie,,,I headed the poll. I am euro if any of the Wingham people ever come West, I would sure be very pleased to meet them, Belle Plains is Just 20 miles from Regina, 18 from Moose Jaw, I often meet Charlie Rintoul, Charlie Hingaton and Leslie Constable; theyall work at the harbor trade in Moose Jaw. They are all doing well. I think I will have to close, wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a.. Happy New ear• I was lad to see Mr, Musgrove y gg ove elected. I think he is a most capable man, Yours truly-B•ert Holmes. Fenn Correa--'btl'e always have corp on hand. Get our prices before buy- ing-Howson & Broclebank, Wing- ham, The Future Farmer, The future of agriculture in "Can- oda depends very largely Upon the braise and energy of ite farming population. This means that the farmer of the future must be a busi- trees and ha must conduct his farm upon h{s businesslike b - therefore, first of all, that he must know iiia business. .Ile must know how to care for his soil, how to re• plenish it, hate to protect it from erosion or washes, and how to colli- vela it. Ile moat be intelligent enough to know the tremendous {m- silence of reforesting, lie must be keenly alive to the neceeelty of good seed. He must be mechanlcai enough f to utilize every possible labor-saving machine and implement in order to take the place of the hired help whit& Appearp Eo beDatae smarm ail the time. Eta must be broad-rminded enough to know that good road will being him tenfold far all that; he era invests in thein in the sawing of time► and {n weer carrot tear crit Isle stock arid 'ehlo1ea, The ;poaalbllftiee of pra8t, sictxt'fiarrb atdd Ira re, in the plra rugx•I' culture of the future flialtinl only 'whets try the ► ,"/ fediAlLeogattegforam in its, S"^" Women's Artica. Storm Gaiters and "` The Year 19111 iii •\/ti•1A�,�,/�r'f+Si Is almost gone, and already Pie. • • *some of our subscribers have re, e! Hewed for 1013. We appreciate 't` these prompt -paying subserib- : ere; they bt•ing sunshine to the Al * office.Wm, * How is Your .subscription, dear 'es ,'� reader? `here are some who 0t forget to renew: and let the ; editor wait a whole year for one 0 'd dollar•. That knacks the very m small profit off altogether, Qih- ere let it run for several years +*n and put the editor to expense es mailing their accounts, That m !K mettle not only -no profit -but !+! es es a Would it not not be a good qTi #8 plan to start 1912 with. a clean !11 fitsheet. Try {t, go far as the local m m newepaperIs concerned. a fie Wishing you all a Happy New 44' '� Year. Yours Trul IS !t! y !n es et THE EDITOR !n f ipuis:eceimelia:a.340,3?a, 34 At 7.30 Friday evening, Town. Clerk T y g+ Groves opened' the nominations for Mayor, Reeve, Town Councillors and School Trustees for the Town of g * win ham, The following namipa• tions. were made ;- FOR MAYOR Bone --by V. Van Norman and . . I'" Kennedy. Geo, Spotton•-^by W. F. VanStone , and R. Clegg- During the evening Dir. Bone stated that he tied no intention of contesting the Diayoralty, This leaves Mr, Spot" ton elected Mayor for 1012, Folz REEVE D. E. Macdonald -by J, W. McKib- bon and J, A, McLean. There being no other nomination, Mr. Macdonald was declared elected, Fon Couatissto:�Ixlta V. R. 'Van Norman ION Writ, Bone and D. Bull, J• A. Morton -by Geo, Spotton and, Wm. Bone. . • •""-'"""" The Literar Societyof the W. q Ii S, held its final session for this term on Thursday evening, Dec, 21st, and never in the histor y of the "L{t'+ was there a more successful gather- ing. President Dore, who occupied the chair, was at bis best and delight• ed the crowded assembly with his y flowing eloquence. A feature of the evening was the presence of a number of ex -students, of whom H, Green, R. ' Lloyd, R, McBurney and R, Stack house gave short, amusing addressee, and lFiies Diarguerite Homuth render. ed an excellent solo, T`he oratorical talent of the societywas represented by Wm. Haines, who spoke on "Gold- win Smith, and J. 0, Stothers, whose subject was "Oliver Goldsmith," Mt F. Buchanan chairman of the Board + made soma congratulatory remarks andgave some good advice to both teachers and pupils, An interesting part of the programme was the pre- sentation of a slight Xmas remem• i �`' "'burcb Mews ....,........... ����� ��b� �r Leggin e, GOc to $1.50 in all styles andunt sizes. W.J: Greer, I` � . ��4 {B p ;R Rev, Dr. skewart, for thirty years pastor of Clinton Presbyterian church, has resigned owing to ill -health, C}ood Flour.--Q.wde's, Wingham, , Wear Greer's Slxoes and 1ubUtrs. --^�---- own Ot Wingham. , • // ••fir �•. �M , N.,v;+�. ate. _.. / .� ,,� In the near or immediate future, six more Anglican missionaries will leave for work in the foreign field. Of the one m{Ilion dollars to be rate. ed by otic a 3nilytedan ohurcb in Ca- nada to carry on the entire missionary work for the coming year, Toronto Presbytery is asked to raise $180,000, Might have Been Eaten. Rev. W. T. Currie and Dirs. Currieq Read Willis ds Co.'s advt, on page 8, Exeter people are reported strongly in favor of the Hydro-Elnetr{c scheme. Messrs, Will, and Milton Thede of Saugeen out 73 cords of wood in dightC?1' ho hours a d claim i a record 0 u and a m r c rd f r'their work. r The Royal Black Preceptory will meet' next Tuesday eveningat., 8 VOTEAND INFLUENCE respectfully requested as G'O11i1Clllor 1 12 --•FQR-^-•' (� • G. Yen Lone. , �, MAY ]. 1 p (� "{ E YEAR ` a L c'a l\ �` BE TO A.,�,,Y CUSTOMERS of Toronto, who have been stationed in the Portuguasa. Province of Angola, o'clock ; a full attendance is e.e- q . . To •the Citizens of Wingham. g BRIGiT, HAPPY on the west coast of Africa, recentl y carne back, and told of having been surrounded by man-eating native,• "We We we making a fourteen -month trip into the interior," Dr. Currie ex- plained, "when on one occasion WaN�Ep,--Youu men to learn the g 'h furniture business and upholeterin •v-- Apply upholstering's- pP y to Walker & Clegg, 1'Vinghar�t, There will be a meeting of t e Scouts on Friday next at 7.30•p.m. f i. I wish to heartil thank the cod Y g pf 'FViu ham, who created such a slips u g public feeling cu my behalf, that I was returned as Mayor by acclamation. to best -that best I wish Wellow AND PROSPEROUS armed cannibals. surrounded ns and made preparations up re arationa to serve us for a Chriatrnaa dinner. It looked pretty serious ,for a time, but I called the chief over, and finally talked him out election of officers, All. are request to attend, c eLe ' A treatise on tuberculosis in cattle has been prepared byCJommiesionar P P Rutherford at Ottawa, Any farms desiring this book have it free b citizens ftboudst in the coming years. Let "1 a a close boast n leachour of us' be, am a citizen of Vin ham," g Your obedient servant, Geo. Spotton. • JCK ► J. W. Pure Drugs, Prompt . n end CourtOoas Txemtm, • ed at SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. Of these, the first has uo intention of remainin i g n the field, and fhe second was out of town. Expecting brance to Mr: Kerr, our genial janitor, g g J He ave a few wards of thanks in'has own characteristic -Like many other counties, Huron shows a decrease of population owing to removals to the West, or to Ontario cItiee. In 1001, the population accord- At to the ant os'{al census, was 61,820, A t the repent census, it bad dropped to 63,014, or a decrease of 8,806 in the ten years, • e e A revision of the Health Act for )ntario 11 on the way, and will probe- b1y come before the Legislatures. Some ihange was needed, for in many places, Boards of Health were simply a and made no pretence of looking liter the health of the people. The iroposed plan is likely to do away with these local Boards, and seven 'impeders will be appointed whose tuty it will be to devote their whole hue to the work in their districts, Cher will bo wall qualified medical iractItioners, who will be paid enough o let them devote all their time and to the important that the Commissioners would be voted out of business on Jan, 1,t, the rate- payers a eared indifferent, As it PP stands at pre t. there aro no Dom- miseionere in the field, and if the B law to abolish the Commission should be deftlated, and the ratepayers wish b retain that form of municipal man- agement, a new nomination for Com- missionera will have to be held. Fon, Covi.cetme xs Dr. Price-hy A. Cosens and T. Hall. C. G. VanStone-by D. Bell and D. E. Macdonald, Wm. Bone - by T. Hall and A. Cosens. Theo, Hell by D. Bell and Wm. Bone'•and J J. W. 11tcSibbon-by H. Davis and Jahn Wilson, V.S. A. E. Porter -b J. Ste henson and y P S. Mitchell. Simon Mitchell -by F. McDonnell and J. Stepheneon,cora H. B. Elliott -by T. Hall and Geo, manner. Inatru- mentals were contributed by re. mine and S. Donaldson in duet and the Harmonica blind in its own iaimit• able way. The girls fu,niehed a Christmas chorud, and the (flee Club a patriotic selection The„ mixed quay- tette lad by Miss N. Fowler "Sweet tlGenevieve," Gordon Young a was there with a Scotch reacting, and Mies. M. Perrie with an appropriate recitation. Last but not least, we mention The Journal, which was the beat yet. The editorial staff have lived upJohn to their motto 'Txcelsior.' The members of the Society were much gratified to see so many friends of the students and school present, extend to them a hearty invite- tion to come again. -Press Reporter. The High School will re -open on pn requestedPI January3rd. It is that all intending students register on the o enin P 8day. of his intention of eating Mrs, Gurria and myself, It ended up by the can- nibals us a may applying to the commissioner. PoutTux WANTgrh-Highest ' To the Electors of Wingham. • ` ; �' �^ rhe .St01.6 giving pig and a gourd of native beer," On other occasions the cash Prices paid for all kinds of poultry 'Ladies and Gentleman ;- were surrounded, but the still h y a e the same arms and legs with alive or dressed•,-Gurnes' Tommie)), Phone 10, . I am seeking re-election as a member of the Town Council and solicit your --S which they started. Dr. Currie has scant twenty-five years in Africa, and his wipe has been with him for eighteen years, He said that the natives of Angola, practise polygamy, but die card all their wives, but one when they become Christians, He told. of The last.census figures place the population of county of Bruce at 50,E as against 68,020 ten years ago. The male population of the Count is P P y 2" 0,455+ the other sex numbering• 2t,580, •Xours. Overshoes and Rubbers for Dien, votes and influence on Monday next. I have served you for three years, and if you favor me with re-election. I will give you as faithful service as I have donne Inmteiinekpast.h Wishing you all the mp i soft a season. faithfully, Bone. • """'�` t�iWiAAIY�,llfdf►'i6liAiYi3tVt'VY1'rlVf+tihFNrhl't'iOfJr'rtVifitili one chief who had twelve wives, and seemed to be glad to get rid of eleven of them. pine Musical Women and Children. All the good styli's and best makes. Lowest prices. -FV, J. Greer, The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co, "- To the Electors of the Town of Win ham, g s,e Programme. The services in the. Methodist Church last Sunday, partook of the joyous character of the Christmas season. In the morn{ng, the pastor reached an a P appropriate Christmas sermon. The . chair brightened the service by excellent singing, and Mies Marguerite Homuth rendered a Salo, The evening service was largely muni- g Liinited, have purchased the Listowel Furniture Factory... This actorytis a splendid one, capable of employing 50 hands, It will be taken over after the new year. CORN/ CORN! A carload of Feed Corn for sale at our warehouse en G, T, R,- TIPLING &MILLS, .Dir. John Glenn has had a severe attack of rheumatlsno, and has been Ladies and Gentlemen :- beg to announce that I have con-. rented to stand for election to the• Town Council. I herewith solicit your influence and vote to assist in my elec. tion on Monday next, and if elected, I shall endeavor to discharge my dirties to the best of my ability, Respectfully yours, J. A. .Mills.o `. i9i2 • WE EXTEND TO EACH. sl OF OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. attention work of afe-guarding the public health. Ay iriefly outlined, the change promisee be .a necessary y progressive step, .., * Theyear 1011 is nearingits close, ,nd in some respects it has been :a aistory-making year. There has been n upheaval in China, which it. is will start the wheels of progress a that somewhat fossilized nation, has been a disturbance in south- rn Europe caused by the attack of lair upon Turkey's African territory. n Canada, a new Governor-General come topreside in the guberna• oriel chair, a •scion. of royalty, the son f Queen Victoria, brother of the late Edward. and uncle of the reign- ng monarch, George the Fifth. The mg regime of Sir Wilfrid Laurier time to a close, and a Conservative was, placed in control of affairs. The Ontario Leg{s- was dissolved; the Liberal Op- oaition chose a new leader, but the .administration was 808- aimed by a very large majority, The n&tbial census of Canada was taken, ad the figures show satisfactorypro-. PgYours reds, The Canadian West continues rapid development, and Canada's Stat{et{ce show very pleasing In Oatar{a, the Hydro-Elec. no has proved a boon, and its useful- ass is extend{ng. The mineral de- elopment of this province also lice ecuvery encouraging, and throughout has Dominion, railway buildieg and :aerobic has been progressing rapid- Canada, at the commencement of )12 stands well and during thecom{ri ps gea. ear, there should be very satisfactory rowth and development. Spotton. A. Oosene-by Qeo, Spotton and $. Bennett. D. Bell -by A, Omens and S. Ben- nett. J, A. Mills -by T. Hall and S. Ben- nett. W. H,• Rintoul-by 3, Ritchie and W. Grierson. a Of.these, Mr. Cosens resigned during the evening, Of those nominated, the following remain in the field, and the Hama$ �tll appear on the ballot in the following order:-• 1 -David Bell. 2 -Wm, Bone. 3-H• B, Elliott, 4 -Theo. Hall• S -J. A. Mills. 6 -Simon Mitchell. • 7-J. W. McKibben. 8-C. Garfield VanStone, Electors may vote for any six of the above ; to vote for more than six will spoil the ballot, SCitpoL TtwsTBi s Of the eight Public School Tru tees, the term of office had expired fur -A. P Rose, Wm. Moore, John Galbraitls, no G. Vanatone• The following were nominated. For Ward 1 -Alex. Roes, by Wm, Bone. and P, Campbell. Declared elected. For Ward 2 -Wm. Dloore, II. B, Elliott and W. F. VanStone. Mr. Moore was declared elected, For Ward 3L -, Kennedy, dy, by W m, Bone and D. Bell. John Galbraith, by R. Dingley and `�' T1- . -4, Mr. Kennedy retired, and Mr. Gal- braith ie elected. In Wedlock's Bonds. On December 2ffi,b, Mr. Wm. Dae- sells of Wingham was united in mar- riage to Miss Frances Foxton of Cul- rocs, The ceremony was performed at the Methodist parsonage by Rev, Dr, Rutledge. The young couple were unattended, but departed immediately for the home of Mrs, Wm: Foxton, the brides mother, where the wed- ding breakfast was served. Many kind wishes follow them for a happy and prosperous married life. Monday's Polling Places. Ward No. 1, at Johnston's tailor shop. W. J. Haines D. ,R. O. ; A. Carson, Clerk: Ward No. 2, at Gan- Hell's implement -shop. A. Alderson P p• D. R. O. ; B. Jenkins, Clerk. Ward No. 3, at the Town Hall. 0. N. Griffin, D. R. 0.; A. Fi•al{ek, Clerk, Ward No. 4, at Ritchie & Uosen's office: J. W. Dodd, D. R. O. ; J. Ritchie, Clerk. Ward No, v, at Park Rouse. A. E. Porter; D. R. O. ; J. Cloakey, Clerk. Hydro -Electric Pays, The installation of the Hydro-Elec. trio in Mitchell has proved a success. The Advocate of that town says :-. Over a year ago a By-law to borrow $0,000 was curried by the ratepayersHaziewooc, •by to cover the ezpense of installing the Hydro -Electric power in Mitchell,best Many predicted that the amount was not eulcient, that the figure would be exceeded by $1,000 at least. Ae- cording to a report presented to the council by Electrician Ord, the total expenditure only reached $5,285 02, or $714 08 less than the estimate, The' call, and the choir, assisted by MissTown Gr,flin and Miss Farquharson 'of laid aside for several weeks on account of the pain ; we hope soon to report of Wingham. HEARTY GREETINGS town• and Mise Chapman of London, numbered thirty singers. The an- theme were well rendered, and tbe parts well sustained. A double male quartette, and appropriate solos by 'Miss Griffin and Mise Chapman added to the variety and interest of the ser- vice. The programme was the best musical presentment ever given in the church; and Mr. Hill, the choir -leader, him rid of the disagreeable and pain- ful trouble. CORN FOR SALE. --A carload of Feed, lag Corn t exceptionally good, and ai reasonable price, Come qulc&,--J, L, AWD&, , , )here seems to be money in raising beans in Huroti county as well as in counties along Lake Erie. Roderick McKenzie near Brucefleld, received To the Electors :- 1,respectfully solicit your vote and influence to help secure my election as Councillor for 1912, I have served you in the Council two yeare and if you think me worthy of another term 1Z will be pleased to serve you to the best of my ability, Yours respectfully, J. Walton McKibben. AND M� BEST I� I Cf H ES• $$ (� WISHES p FOR A and his singers are congratulated on the music well prepared, and ,so ex- cellently $715.00 for the.beans he raised on twenty acres, besides keeping $50 worth for seed, e-•---- TO the Electors o� Wingham. g HAPPY AND rendered. The pastor gave a brief address on the influence of Christ in the world in the home {n > the school, in charities, and in the' Church. By request, the greater part of the music will be repeated on next Sunday evening, . Mr. Baird, purcbaser of E. Merk- ley's mill, is getting settled with his family in his new residence near the mill. Mr. Baird and his sons will endeavor to do business in a courteous and satisfactory max),ner, and hope soon to meet all the customers of Ladies and Gentlemen :— I have served you as Councillor for three years, and complying with the request of a number of ratepayers, I am seeking re-election on Monday next. 1 will appreciate your vote and Influence, and if elected will work honestly and faithfully in the best interests of our progressive town. I v. PROSPEROUS OS EROUS • NEW YEAR A Good Shot. Ralph Diaper of Dungannon is pro- baht the best marksman for his ago y in Ontario. At a rifle match in that village recently, he scored two possi- the mill. WANTED, —Dining -room girl, -Ex- change hotel, Wingham. boy A little was born in Mt. forests on election day, Dec. 11. In memory of the event and the success of the cannot make a personal canvas and will depend on your support for my election. I wish you all a bright, happy and prosperous New Year. g very truly, H. B. Elliott. 'V w' "", �• hies in succession making fourteen consecutive 'bull'a-eyes." He is only fifteen years of age, and has only been practising a few months. If he keeps Conservative candidate in that riding (Mr. Chambers) the little boy was named -Whitney Chambers Tory And when he is old To the Electors of the Town of Wingham, " on, we expect to hear of his going to England some day with Canada's crack riflemen, and bringing home the enough to vote, it may be that he will wonder why he was so named. Ladies and Gentlemen ' Having been urged by many of my fellow -citizens to remain in the Muni-G4NAf4MAflRN�fUP,�N1!@i I V a 111lllJJJ..J//JJJJJJ trophy to Huron county. Property Purchased. cipal Council a second year, I announce inthe Good Janitor Remembered. At the closing meeting of the High School "Literary;' the pupils did not forget their genial and obliging ja.ni- Mr. Robt. Mooney hag purchased the vacant lot from Dr. Chisholm; where the fire occurred. a few months ago: We expect to see a new build- , myself field. nor I cannot make a personal canvass, do I wish to do If you wish to record a renewal of your confidence in me, your support in•.the campaign, and your vote on n1ected nest will be appreciated. If elected, my best judgment and effort CALL 'PHONE 52 . FOR forth Trying. Of course, a tender fowl is the best, ut if you do happen to get a tough ns' try this plan :--Tr>7aa as usual, infold it completely in two #hick- eases of nicer fine wrapping paper,gThere manly fastening the paper with tesesofstring. Put the fowl on tbe tek over a shallow bake pan and sat the oven,. roast for three quarters fan bout. At the end of that time ne paper may be removed and the owl returned to the oven in the pan, roasted as long as it would have lead it been tender ire the egtnning; bade often and turn oc• When •dans it should ase Thin • is something ext the of paper•bag cookery. Vatc.-Plnding Machine. ` The hazel twigas a water -finder has erBn supplanted by a tanaaraeble in- ention, aons'ieting of a simple appetite The prfnoipld on which the in- works, is the iu urieg o#. strength in elootrtc, curretita wluicla' +rCouncil betas►een the earth and the at- peers. These are nitro slipsb o" i+si the vlraiirtt.y of ru4itasrra can wa• fir, the flowing waters of in sere chance with aalootttotty' to eere,eln degree. Tire a Acme teikee 2growing limn of A b=oar shaped instrument. sual o n a tripod, A dint on white Por Ward 4 -John 'Corr, by H. B. Elliott and T. Hall. G _ bt. A11an, by Geo, Spotton and ' VanStone, • Mt Kerr retired, and Mr. Allen is elected. When the hour foo nominations had closed, liir. Cosens was chosen Chair- man,. and the Mayor, y Reade, and Messrs.VBoneeVanStone,Hall, Mitchell, Norman and Elliott, briefly ad- ares sed the meeting; rhe meeting passed cif very qu{etty, and there was •no criticism whatever of the doings of the'Council of 1911. TU•RNBEIURY For Reeve--lohn Mn1veyt Tom LC Pptivel'1,, Fo3F i}ottnoilla�iat- • FV, A. McGill , J. J. Moffat, John Mci3ttrneq, A. Wheeler, John Rutherford. i-, EAST WAWANOSIf tyouneil of 1911 Bleated by acclaim).- .tion. WEST WIiWANOSI4 Council of 1011 re -selected- AS13li'IEL,D by aool�amtttion. MORRIS F°i` ba "' 3, Mo aeken, John Shortreed' • Pew Gennep •w -Win. Thuell, it m. Hinton. W. I , F.rrubar, Wm. %alttlrxw, t: eo*'Glp. trtootor. running expenses are also most grata- eying, as the receipts show $1,400 in excess of the expenditure, and this too,• after paying thouusers of the light a dividend of 20 per cent„ besides furnishing street lights, lighting the town Ball, library and two factories. Both electrician and commissioners are to be congratulated on making such an excellent showing, and the town should sae that their services are retained for another year, at least,g Fortieth' Anniversary. There was a pleasant family re- union at the hone© of )Fir. and. Mrs• James Doty, Inst Wawanoeh. on Christmas day, the occas'inn of the fortieth atan{versar of their tear• 'nese y riage. Mr. Dow atad Miss II GI fila were united in holy wedlock on Christ• mart day, 1871, at Molesworth, and moved at once to East Wartanosb, where they have since resided. On Monday last, there were present, among other 'friends, all their lshild- ren :-Mrs. Martin of Cobalt, Mre, Bloomer of Toronto David of Wing. ' g ham, John of Westfield, Jame! and' Wellington of the old home, The 'g t►etebraticvxr of Mho anniversary, re- called the fact that the Methodist ()hatch in that nei�ghbothood (where 14ir. and Mia, Dow have been faithful workers) was opened on their wedding day, forty tor, Mr, Bradshaw Kerr, and sum• meaning hire to appeiar before them handed him a box of chocolates and a cash gift as evidence of their good- g• g w{ll. Mr. Kerr and the Sigh School me. there. Christmas Reunion. Christmas was pleasantly spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Small, in town, the family having shall be given in all matters affecting the interests of this progressive Town, Sincerely yours, Theo. I�la1L -�- IlL•-------..------ BEST PRICES. pupils get along very pleasantly to- •to ether. He is tactful and courteous,P and we are inclined to think that the �� pupils think the janitor is just all gathered spend the da with their itrents. y p were present :--Dir, and Dlrs. T. Smelt of Listowel, Mr, and Mee, J. E. •Haines To the Electors of the Town of Wingham. g Print or Roll Butter ALL KINDS OP right. Just now, he is taking a day or •two Kmae ho1{dayP, but he won't feel satisfied, until he has his big faint- ly of over 150 all around him again at there -opening after the holiday. and family of Rtversdale, Mr.•ALSO and Mrs. Hugh McDonald and family of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Colgate of g St. Catharines, Andrew Small of �V oodstock, Roland of Brad ebur Edwin Win ham, :- La es and Clentlemen :- I have served you to the beet of my ability for several years in the Council, and offer myself for re-election on Mondaynext. If elected I will do my' beet tserve the Town faithfully Fowl tuIVO Ei 9 „ i 1!J t7 OP Dressed Short Course Bee Culture. There will be a Bee Short Course at the Ontario Agricultural College, Jan. of and Me Bow- roan 'of Listowel, Christmas cheer prevailed. Overcoming peer. May you have a prosperous 1012; . Yours truly, David Bell. :......_. a �j T'"e uO, a m Denies 41 to 7.0, 191G• This course is free to all who are Interested In bees and The Christian Heraldhas this para» graph :-"What is meant by auto•aug- Township of Turnberr . Limited ted SrrCCEssOns TO WIt, AnIt011it ESTATE every session from beginning to end will be full of Information on the care of bees and how to make money from gest{on ? The phrase simply signifies self suggestion to good ends. For in- stance, 3fyou y dislike to TO the Electors:- On Monday next, you will be asked to elect l+ottr Council, and I wish to say �r WINGHAM _ them. During this course Mr. Morley Pettit, Provincial Apiarist, will give a reties of edam�+astmt{ons and il- lustreted leoturea` coverin all the g Yasin features of practical manage- mentis a way that will be helpful to experienced beekeepers and be inners P iJ g..._....- as well. Lectures will also be given fear particularly p do something you ought ,o do, you may conquer the disinclination by resolutely saying over words express- in the necessit. of doin iha thin . at stood 6 y g g fn once, and with pleasure. The person ; who is afraid to go upstairs in the dark may, it Is said, overcome this by saying, "1 am afraid, that tam in the field. 1 shall s reoiato pp promise t and eatt r to and if elected promise to endeavor to due uy per- Porm my dntles, with a due regard to government and economy. ygiah, a Iia g youpay New Year, l am Yowls traly, Wm. A. McGill. _ y, your pr BEroor poultry, butter, or poultry, alive ail t be to ytyur advpitL Hoes, -••• Arija= , t �V{ngham. 11 rii4H. n on allied eubjessta by other ms!Ltibers of the teaching staff, slid it few ex- not darkness le friendly, nothing can hurt me. The underlying idea is, that the. Township of Turnberry. O est -i pert bee epee�lalists will be brought in' from outside to teal how they have that tsdaide a eneseas in their •ptirsial litieay mob as the breeding 0f queen bees, the produeti�on of beeswax, etre: Bpeaial time will be devoted carets day by sOONnoapa3atlrPd, to the ftleessgaianri of p r+sb{ada 1 t lrrs mind is the real ruler of the body, and by Allooving the mind to take oammatad of the situation from the candidate higher and not the lower Dint of If , evil may vaaqulshed and good every mode snook; bellow-Eteetors -•• _ -,�' I annnunon my: elf in the uetd as' a for the Township Oaanoli' insisted, I shall tie my beet to sestet in way ovrnshtp�heYraur infl encs est intereets to help my elawtiost will be sppxsyolttrd. to Barley ---70 to a Pte --$106 to 1. Ha''q•-°•$11.00 to 12 Bo er-- to Me, 118. �� • to 30 ° 1 er Tare Ha ••-•6. . rib +tlhlekenb-10tri 12 et needle le used to iasaMaeatar the pro -"toe of t� If the needle reunehaar s it may be teultra n gttaarted Ste ��na t r nig > `' • '" ; ' t� f; ' I t., r� ;; ate Mg of ° I� col l t ► sat t ode tqt t Thy t tti , , ` s {,. a„ years ago, ma of those who then worshipped there, grily 0fr, and Mrs. Desi rennin. Meary leave re« rout e, owe tot their long home. 'J Bri+ 1Srdtratyrae a Mr. aaAaatl Mrrw law b 3> osrlar• tf Oh* i , me f 'Ontir tin' Val t l41th bar rar•icsriistrts of the and oar 1s' set *WA for * fibra. '. Is fear _, I T Deo. 211.kr, to marraL 'jt 1 4 ii ,/ We•iting you the ilALid plltnetlati of the �� Respeetfally' yam, .Y J. Ct'GrtSlt-10 tt1 1� to II eh Tin ya--I to tiro Tomo o' , •