HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-12-21, Page 6+,•-• •
Sybil's Doorn
WittrOMIntlit21122AMIX Mal=
A little boy *ate bad often heare
rether talk about the Civil War rinellY
Asked: "Father. ditt anyone help you
Put dove the „rebellion?'
"Faison ease We aieep too muelho
avvoall-Well. It len't hie Multi bas
lavented enougli thinge keep us awake
(Wateltinitton fitara
"A man ebooll, attend etrietly to one
thistx et A MP.'
'Wow about eatieg a alsh of spaghet.
tis" .
Magee. Trartecripla
laete-Tbe verralatest is tee Often,:
Met:a-Another atyle to make men "rub-
(Fligeadet Blaetter)
Anxious Wietia-aaer heaven's ea.ke, deal
fell down there, teeerge. I shall never
lame inY way clown by myeeit.
tIiiraer's Reser.).
stetie.-Ia It a, one-piece frock?
Lento -Nee she Aced 'me hereelf that it
lecludee three ple,ces or her hummed's
(Lonaeza Opinion.)
Beete,se-Ilow de you flue the meat
;tin Jones?
aone.s-Ottly by ethe gaeatest persever-
•-••• _•••re....1••••••
(Riniart Sete
'It was a poweeful serznon."
"WY•at WWI the teXt?"
dorrt recall the text, but I know he
thoroughly discredited it."
- •
Mestere Transcript.)
Mr. Spooner (to, her kid brother) -May
I hope to see yeter sister, pretty soon
Kid Brother -Yee% see her pretty, all
right. She's flatlh' alp to beat the band.
'4. o
(DetraltsFree Press.)
No man so Mei or famous is
But ,aome conductor blunt
W111: ettclt hie head Inside the door
Aald at him borl this awful roar:
°Her. YOUlie. raQY0 up in front!
(Clevelapd Plain Dealer.)
'Peer Jane Le in. despair,"
"What's the matter with Jane?"
"Why ehe haa Just begun to realize
that she's too fat,for an actress and not
fat enough for a prima donna."
(LondOe deinion.) -
iaervante-No. the vicar le not in Just
now. Is there -any message?
Old Woman (eheerfuliy)-Well. tell him
that Martha Iiiggine would like to be
buried at 2 o'clocielo-raorrew afternoon!
(Philadelptact, Record)
Zealot -My vela thinks It's wicked for
me to play tot:thee...
Slobbs-It Is. eaa way YOU PIRY It.
ears. Grarnerayeatt's aterul to have a
Jealous huoband!
Mrs. Park -But. it'e werie, dear, to
Olive One wha estate lasildt(aa-
(New Yoik Snri).
l'irst little girl-TiOdf Ytio want a dolly
that tallesa _..•• • • ea' •
Second Mahe giro-aoo, wint 'one that
breaks eendows.
muck) -
vote yott think ef -acting meeting, eh?'
"Yes. what's thesproper costume?"
al really don'a keow. However, 1 should
wear my bestatockingslo
"Yes." said the literary Man with a
eigh. 'style is a •fine thing for a writer
to balm. but where his wife's!, got it too,
It takes alI the Profit away.
(Boston Transcript)
She --I 'want You to moderstand before
I marra You. that 4 believe In equal
Privileges and responsibilities. '
right. dear, I was intending to
give the minister late se you'd better
band over five.•
(Philadelphia Record)
O.Sell-Does Mailde do any . chaeltable
eteele-aohe yes. , She once heard of a
otarviag family and sent them a hook
ta410,-Pifty Ways of 'mint a, Chafing
• (Tit -Bits)
oaReleettorse OverMr--.Willianr. Pon see
too Leave', Can't you take something
Jotkey-I'm wearing my lightest suit
apd hAvent' taeted food tell day.
Owner -Then for neediness sake go and
gat shaved!
Crhe Smart Set)
Old elen-Now, don't that lseat ail: t
heveret Omni off this neat ten uunutes
end now, there isn't Me egg left in it.
That's; Suet the way; a body can never
lind a thieer where she lays It.
The marriea atan-/ tell You, It's when
le roan falls into mlefortune that he ap-
Preelates a, woman. -
The single matt -You bet! It Must be a
bandy thing sometimee to put ail your
orezserty in your witeoi tame.
'elate!. new toOk 1 iseeuree is certain.
1Y Quiet." eakt Mr. Dobbs, haopily. -One
vrould never know the le about the plate,
"She !stet," chimed In Mrs. Dubbe,
"she left ibis meeting."
411. flp '
itandal tremble 'What Is Me
oronneed to nay lirown 110 teattee
orot it. and he knowe I'Ve get
a WOWS know be knowe
tot It."
= oak
, Sweltering letesetuter ton railroad
trabo-This Windew taielta se f can't get
it tire
Cenductor--Yee. Wood is terollen a
Iltie by the rale. It'll be all right in a.
tow des e.
(Everybody's liegasine.)
Pne day Mark Twain wadtioing Motved
ter a very talkative amber and wee tet-
te-a to lisle*, to many 0 hie aneedoteve
The barber 17141 to strop hie razor, seta
evert be wax ree4r, betteh in 114111/1,
&marmot" Main, asked:
"maw r over It eareiret"
"Ns. thanks." drotwled Mark. atter
learhir nehemelerr. ttiok coil re:am-
t.* tame ire,rdi.
Lying 14aele in the softeet of Iminglime
chain, smoking an unexceptioneble hub -
ale -bubble ---a supper worthy the Treat
Freree before bun -Cyril Trevaition sat
gazing out at the falling Januttro (mow
and the lighte of the towa twiukiing
feebly througa the 'white drift.
For it was January now, end the font
of the see, seen from his 'window, wile
uot whiter than the etreets of avightou,
It had beeu eharp etruggle between.
life aud death, durIng thwie weary weeke
of brain fever, but hie strong, young
manhood, his iron eoestitntion, had van. -
(wished death. lie was coovaleseent
uow-the pale ehadow of bis darkly
luetuleome self, but with life beating
strongly in the strong heart that only
latew its own bitterness. The haggard
taco looked very still And rigid-aitztoet
limbic -like in it$ estate calm. was
facing the luevitable, as All brave men
must, with stoical endurance and quiet.
The news bad fled apece-borne on the
very winds of heaVen. ' The lateet eensit-
then at the clubs and the mess.tables,
among goesiping dowagera and chatter-
ing young holies, was the mad marriage
of General Trevanioias only son. "Poor
devil!" the ruen. said, with a laugh and a
shrug, "what art inconceivable idiot the
fellow must be. He has sent her adrift,
they say -no doubt the little ballerina
heti made a capital tbing of it." It had
flown down even to Monkswood Priory,.
to goad the fiery -hearted old eeigneur toa
tater madness -to make him ease, ine
bis passionate pride, the hour of thart
once idolized sons birth.
And Cyril Trevanioe knew all thise,-)
they dal their best, Major Powerscoura
and -Captain Hawksley, in their Iriendly
good mama& but they could not keep it
teem him. Did it not stare ea runt from
the very columns of Bell's Life, with tell-
tale initials and droll conamente? If his
pale face turned a shade raore gltastly,
if his teeth loeleed bard together -he
made no other sign.. His six-shooter
ley ready to hie hand, but ha never
looked that way, In tbe first hour ot
Ms madness, those pistols, lying loaded
on his table, were to have blown mit
Ills infatuated brains. but he had been
+laved, as by fire, and 'his thoughts never
turned to that escape now. And not
once, since lie had been strieken down
by that Unseen Hand, had the tatel
name of the golden -haired traitress es-
caped his lips.
He sat alone Oils evening. Major
Powevieouot had left 'bine to enjoy his
Manila in the keen January air. He sat
alone, smoking steadily -the book ue
had been.readiag /alien on hie knee -hie
dark, dreamy eyes fixed on the darken-
ing sky and sea, It was qtate dark
when. the Indian officer strolled in. fill.
itig the warm room with a rush of win-
tery air,
"Musing in the gloaming," the majov
said, cheerily; "reinitiate, dear boy, .but
uneonunnoly eonducive aismals and
blue devils. We'll light the gee and
send you tie bed; invalids always go to
rooet with the ehiekens."
"Never mind the gas, Powerseourt,"
the younger znan said, impatientlyr
• "there is light enough for what I want
to say. I bave played invalia long
onough--P11 be off to -morrow."
"Ahr said the major, taking a seat
near, and lighting :mealier weed. "You're
off, are you? Well, I have no objection,
provided your destination is alonks-
"Monksevood I" Cyrile Trevanion re-
e.eated, bitterly. "My. lest visit to
konkewood was so leleaaant, that
likely I will haetenteo return, The role
et Prodigal Son; ie -.not an the least ill
my line, Mid Genetal Tie...onion is hardly
the sort of father:to, kill. the fatted calf
end robe the penitenain oold and pnrele,
Powerseourt, I bavelooked my last
on alonkswood. I am the firet of tho
race who ever disgratied the name' of
Tievanion-a name that never was ap-
proached by shame until bore It. 1
know how my father reeeived last -
one hardly cares. to brave that poet of
thing twice."
The major listened very quietly,
"What, then, do you mean lez ilo? Vim
WWII Some plan formed, I auperieer
"Yes, I shall exchange -go out to In-
dia. One always finds hot work out
yonder, and the sooner A Sepoy bttllet
'ends one MOre fool atit of the world,
the better. I was coward enough, that
first night, to meditate selfanunier. I
arn. thankful, at least, that that tlastard-
iy deed woe spared me.. It would be a
fitting end, no doubt, ler each a besot-
ted life as mine has been."
"Don't give it such terrible eernest-
IICN, My friend," Maier Powerseourt
fund, puffing etthala at his cigar; 'Omni,
ing is ever worth a scene, Yon will go
ont, Of eouree--on any ease you could
lardly do better; bett let ue hope for a
More agreeabla ending than a, licP037
let. And °nee father Is one's father;
if were you I would rtio down to
lIonkswood and say a(lieu. Even Gen-
eral Laves Tetiveilloil may have been
guilty of follies In his life -time -elf not,
then he elms been mod eonfountlealy
elanaered. Let him thiek of the past,
mid tot turn SO tremendottely Spartan
and etifi.neeked. 1V -e all have Oor little
weaknesses where pretty Women Are eon,
cetned-the best of 115.'
Cyril laughed sareonieally.
"But you don't merry them, my boy,
reiglit have been enamored of ail the
grisettes and :ballet -girls in London; so
that I did not etoori to the madness of
wedlock, my rigidly morel father might
have dieepproved, but he, assureillY
would net bave disearded me. Uowevea,
ea eott say, it- feeler onee, father al.
ways; and the dear old governor hits al.
ways acted like it trump to me, Pli go
hlown, if you insist very etrongly, Pow.
ereeourt-/ owe you more than that,"
etretehed forth hie hand in the
derkeees, mid hie friend. graved it In A
etrong grip,
"Be a man, and live kiwi the present.
We will laugh over it together out there
la Indlti, wheh you win your colonteley.
Arid ehe-have you no curiosity abbut
aer, Trevaniont"
eYou dealt With her," Cyril responded,
*ory quietly; tisk to ktiow mo more. I
don't think the day will ever ettrue when
.1 emit hear her name ouite unmoved,"
"lt was is quiet e$ possible,'" the met-
ier IWO; ewe had no seem, She went
.itt *nee, and ehe itemented, readily
enough, to drete year tiatne eral trouble
ycit no more, eihe will letraly folio*
aoo to the interior of India, eilkhothooa,
hot mid pigatieking, And now, my lath
I dont went to hare' „roar daPartilata
yon loom but I Wetly think the miter
yetu qtat Brighten end thew yoarself at
lionkoinitel, the better. And the eooner
yen are GB for MB*, the better still.
Tao VOyettetaothe oew lifee-the &voice to
ilethelftilek .yourself, will do evou a world
el good. Pli fedio* eoa Myself in two
Or threaramouthe. I find, thle weft of
Van atry
"' liter. Heighten tomorrow.
cloeeil in my face; but still -and then
sbould like to say good.bye to little
"Who may 'little sybir her
"Lady Lemmas daughter, Ali! I for.
get, yeat don't koow Lady Lemon; :The
wee Trevanion-ot distant mein or
something -and elle ran away with Lad
Lemox at the age ot etiventeen.
had nothieg and he had lesit-a title
AU4 a ruinous Highland castle, alia the
ptide, of the Miltonie Lucifer. Ere wae,
good enough ea give up the gheat a year
or two ago, leaving, MO the newspapers
Ray, a tdisconeolate widow and two chile
Oren to mourn their irreparable loss.'
aetee then, Ledy Leiner, little :beet, and
,• ' have spent their time pretty
evenly Aiming their friends. *they wove
at alonkswood oil the occasion of eny
last visit, and my father Was good
enough to inform me that Sete. vas to
be hie aeiress. Every rood he poseeases,
every sou he commend*, are to go to ber,
Monkewood, of course, is entelled anti.
out a his power, but that is to be left
to desolation and deeny. The Teevanions
show themselves to be good hutere,
"Then," the major said, wieh a half
laugh, "your plan le to marry the heir -
eta. How old may elle be?"
"Four or five."
i "That gives you thirteen years to for-
tget the fats* of the falee. The Sybil it
pretty, of cottree? The women of your.
race aro. and always hare been, 1 be-
lieve. Coine home covered with sears Rod
glory ih thirteen yore, and marry the
petty Sybit out of hand, Girls of eigh-•
teen are all bereavorehippere; she 'won't
be able to tetty no. Courage, ray friend!
You will marry a high-born bride, and a
splendid dowry yet, and the worthless
little Rose rimy go au diable I"
"I will neree marry," Cyril Trevanion
replied, goletly. "I mean it, Powers -
court. I could Dever trust earthly wo-
mall again; I could -never place my name
and zny honor in the keeping of things
so light and frail. They are what you
men make them -toys of an hour. Welt
drop tbe subject, if you like Powers -
court, and for good. I'll ruu 'down to -
Morrow, take a last look at the dear old•
place, at my bright little Sybil -Who
will rnake a much better use of the
Trevanion ducats then ever I wouid do
--say •farewell to the general, and de-
patt. And now, as I am about tired
smoking, and MI you. must be wearied
nearly to death, playing sick -nurse,
be merciful and go to bed."
"Ana don't quite go to the dogs with
aeepair," Powerscourt suggested, etre!.
Beg out. "Yeu know what the most
disconsolate of, all poets says: 'The
heart may break, yet brokenly live one,
Itts oreeedingly true, dear boy. 'the
'heart may break,' yet we smoke our
Manillas and enjoy our 'tease, a Oeux
temps, the staties at mess, our bitter
beer and Cavendish as much as ever.,
'The heart may break,' but we eat, drink
and be tarry, and laugh at the peep-
shows;the daneing dervishes, the Alines,
and the merry-go-roupds of Vanity
Fair, with as keen a relish as before.
There's nothing in life worth all this
tremendeue earnestness; and , one may
hope no mu& for young subelterns of
nineteeen. Pardon, the prosiness for the
sake of the moral, and the consideration
that it will he my last lecture. Be A
good hey; go down.to Monkswood and
do the.'peniaenf toethe governor,. In the
immortol Words Oarthe copy book, 'Be
virturnati -aittioyou- will be happy.'" ,
And:;,thenethie military moralist stroll-
ed langeidft Mae ritther surprited AS WS.
own elequetieeatind went off to a game
of ectotte _aliatseasield last te the very'
smalleat of tha. small hours.
Ettrly next' Morning Lieutenant Tre-
vanion biO his friends adieu, and started
for Monkswood. Very bitterly came back
tl lam the memory of that other jour-
ney teas ;short months before, when ItOse
had been his ideal cf all that is true and
pure aitd worn/telly. And nowl
'7 rather face the maddeet
that ever gored the life out of a gladi-
ator," he thought, "than lay tathee. But
I hAve promised Powerseourt, and 1. will
keep my word."
The January sky waa all one living
glow With the glory of sunset witch the,
young man paged through the park
gates, and up the stately avenue of oak
and elm to the grand portiao entrance of
the house. The massive turrets of the
Priory loomed above the tall tretotops,
its western windowe grittering redly in,
the eunset light. But everywhere strange
stillness reigned -no joyous harking of
dogs, curling wreaths of smoke, me paSS.
ing of - stableelieys or gardeners to be-
token life, As solemnly still as that cas-
tle Of the Sleeplug Beauty, alonkswOod
Priory lay,
aAlaaaey," Cyril thought, hia heart
sinkinO-aAlready the desolatlen hes be-
gun, My father keeps his protalse be•
He pausea in front of the mAssive Le•
cede and looked up. Deathly etIlineal
everywhere, curtains Orawo, bailee clot -
et), no face at Ally of the winaews, no
twinkling lights behind those imilliOnea
casettients. Deed silenee,-,eolitueo as
deep AO theugh he etooa in tee heart of
sotne prliaeval forest. Aa he lingered,
spellbound, a loeul eloele, over the 414r
tent stiairs, etriking sat, ardusect
"There must, he some One left'," he
theuglet; "Mrs. Telfer, at least."'
Made his -way voiind to a smatter
door deep in a stone areltway, ana rattle
a bell, No oue tame. Ile reng egatu
more loudly, alai after a time -a wear-
ily long titne-a hey turned lu the loek,
and an old num's faee looked mit,
aWitat's yer weal?" this old man atik-
ed, in broad Gaelic, daring hard at the
tell, dark rigure looming up In the twa,
"Don't you know me, 'Slaver?" Cyril
said. "Where is the Louseleeper?
'Where is Mee. Telierro
"The Lord be. gude till us!" the old
mart geeped; "den in it if it's no eta's-
ter Cyril himseal The housekeeperh
gehe, tbe auld glnerars gene, me lesItiy'S
gate, ata the two waine wi' her. They're
all gam, 'Meister Cyril, but auld Janet',
and tneehied trith We'll gee outset's
afore lang; for, oh! We a grewsome
pleee aria lonesome. And we've 'cane
beek, Matter Cyril, and we niver thoeht
to elep re on ye mairat
The young man lettnea heavily against
the grenite oirebway, very' pale. He wee
weak still, slid he bed tot expteted this.
alio you know *here my father hat
mter bp asked,
'Melt tak' me if I dol Ile Was of
Med stonseeh arta teeeper *l-
evee% and Ws no like he'd Lek' meld ate -
Ler into his confidente mi. tell him
his piens like a hex -heeded emir. I
aatister Cyril, where any ams
s' them's, 114; but litistrees Teller sheae
abaaeta ere fifty to, oste taat toy tat met to Won 'Perk, end a' the salve
WO not ete ma.-titat Win tita deg TIM* lirr ktle ear; haattl thateta tahl
setaaa a inee A$ the glueral
may eee feet to oelue
Alai Joust mid taa, we're left hare
teel further maitre. end bile la it,
but I think the m'eld, prior o' &Wetly
moment stelke free room te seem, tell-
ing his bead* and-"
The garrulous old keeper of Monks -
woad was eta sheet hy finding hilesell
suddeoly alone, The youug heir had
wrung himself ahruptly mita and dia.
appee red.
"Hitch, sire!" muttered McIver, Oar -
tug after him into the twilight; "deli to
inv emit, if he'd no ganei litrai no MO
like a speerit himeela stalkin' up pale
and dark. ,and vanielling in the clapping
o' en. ee like a gimlet la the gleeming,
Weel, I mann gang back to Juliet end
thieloPairarlirtkile.'d the doer, wagging Ide
hoary heed, and Cyril Trevanion atrode
doyen in the wintery etarliglit, solitary
and alene as he had come. The moon
aad eitten above the tree -tops -a round,
white, silver sbield, numberless
stets cleaving clear aud keen around
her, aud the myetie glades of fern and
underwood black with bitter frost, the
dark eXpanse of beech ana elm anti oak
looked wondrouely beautiful in the
Batman Eight. The discarded son turn -
ea to take one parting look, ble heart
very bitter.
"Wilt eyer see it again?" be 'mid
aloud,. between his set teeth. "A noble
heritage lost through the mad folly of
a mad boyl My pretty Sybil may take
this* with the rest; I will never retura
to claim it. Seven feet of Indian soil,
arld•afe Indian bullet to do its merciful
work, is all I ask of Fate now!
"And even that you will not get, dis-
honored son of many Trevanions!" said
a shrill voice at his elbow, "A soldier's
honored grave is too fair a fate for
your father's own. The curse of the
murdered prior, shot down like a. dog
in yonder green glade, will fall on the
last of the. race! And you and Sy-
Letnox are the lasti"
Re lied turned round and found bine-
lett face to face with the weird witch
4....whot;dhoadessteurr.prised hint on hie last eleit
"You again, 'Tecate?" he said. "Yea
can thespass with impuuity now, h sup,
pose. Mut hadn't you better keep civil,
and hadn't you beet not play eavesdrop-
per? Suppose you go home, my venerable
beldame,. if you poesess ouch a thing.
.Tvoheeaeteivneigobiteirleiewusmaartetegu.„neommonly pro -
Ile Nvalkeci away rapidly; but ola Hes-
ter stood Where he haa left her, shahing
her bony fist after him impotently.
' "The curse will come! the doom will
fall! T see it in the future -your fate
and the little Laey Sybil's. I have read
the stars, and I know what they Bay,
and the time is coming fast.
"The bat shall flit, ehe owl shall hoot;
grim ruin stalks with haste;
The damn shall fall when Monaswood
IS eitctIlged to llonkswood "%Vaster -
And with thcominous crooning of this
hoary ,old raven, Cyril Trevanion look-
ed his laet on Monitswood• Priory.
Two weeks later, among the crowd
Assembled on the pier, tvetelting the
steamer bearing the troops to the trans -
stood' a little iaoman, closely veiled,
port father down the Thames, there
whose eyea 'were steadfastly fixed on
ligure etanding a trifle apart on the
deek-a, conspicuous figure, the lofty
head towering erect, even among those
italwart old veterans -a figure that
itood with folded arms, the military eau
drawn over his moody brows, looking
litirseviattanitonon England -Lieutenant Ceti!
As the steamei puffed its way out
of the solitary gazer on the deck turn -
and returned, tbe band playine gaele-
Me Girl I Left Behind Me," the little
woman ozz the pier, with a sudden •mo-
tiOrl, fluent back her veil and mate ler
wveto ahe front.
copte inade room for the pretty,
islaefetatealighted with ite brilliant azuro
eresaetiod shaded by glittering ambee
As•bi Mesmeric force, the dark eyes
of the eolitary gazer on the deck turn-
ed that way and encountered the bright-
ly a:Wiling eyes, the dimpled, roseate
"Bon aoyege, Cyril!" called the clear,
savery voice of the siren. "Until we
meeragain, adieu and au revoir!"
Ile never moved. The steamer snort-
ed and puffed her noisy way aoreese the
Thames, until the pier and the eroevd
were but black specks against the sun.
lie February sky. But the last sound
OyrileTrevanion ,heard was the musket
rotee, of the Woman Who had driven Lim,
an'auteaet and an exile, from his native
lend; .the last face he was doomed to
see on English soil, the fatal face of
Rose,lis wife,
."And after fifteen years of absence -
fifteen years of boardIng-sehool, of sun-
ny Franca- and Italy -it is home Again
to dear old Trevanion, to reign
ad infstress of an inheritAtice
to whiell I possess not the sha-
aow of right, Oa, Cyril! hero of
My Childhood, dream of my life, will you
eVer return to Mahn your own-thoet
hroad'aeres which I would so gladly re:.
elan; yet* long -lest birthright? Where,
'Weary tvandever that he ha in all the
wide earth is Cyril Trevanion toolut"
She leaned agairtet the easement, and
the violet eyes that gazed over the wide
eXpalese of pleasaunee, of swellitig mem•
dew, of deep, dark woodland., of velvet
lewp, filled with sloW teant. A beaut
Wel girl of nineteen, tela.stately etia
delieete at a young rineen; the gracefol
figprea with He indeserienthle highbrea
air, the emelt teed Itela erect, with a
haateue that was as uneonselous as It
Wee beeoming; almond eyea of deepest
violist, that coula soften or lighten, mete
or Bola tee you Willed it, lo the mutt
instent; weves and reassee et rich,
darkazroven hair, setae warmer shaae
of 'black, worn in coils Mid curie in a
griteeful negligent way thee of ,itself
might bave belditelted you. A beautifpt
girl, a trifle proud of het long lineage,
the saag azure in her patrician veins,
it may be. A trifle imperious and pas-
alopate in the assertion of her rights,
or the wrongs of othets, but sweet and
true and tender to the core of her heart.
Hematitic, too, ite it ill in the nettle°
Of nineteete to be; given to dreatning
over Tennyson, Ana ,Alfred de Musset,
and OWen leferedith, mai gentlemen of
that ilk; a hero-worshipper and a arcane-
er of &emit, all beatinful, and mostly
intpritetiefible, Theit, was' Sybil Lemox
Trevenion-Ampetuous, high:spirited,
higlotehmered, maybe, at theta; feat -
leo and free, mid lovely Ae your (beanie
of the Angela
She *as General Trevanione
adopted daughtet and heirese tow, bear-
ing his tame and. aestined to reign mis-
tress over all taw fertile Mee Of the
In the Perislan boarding school where
she hid been "finiehed," the gay little
pensionnalred hia dubbea the heuglay
Entlish girl "La Primate," mid the
raffle beanie ler Well, But Ito hawo
f the forest was ever gentler, ever more
yieltinee then mama "IA Prinetimelai tO
tiros° Whom she loved; mid, Plee 4 trete
Treyanlon, she email love tout hat,
with * leteusity st
att be i•lattutatti
You May ha Writ
Ant Not Know It
Catarrh le Treacherous -e -When Fully
DiveloPed la a Horron-Note Its
"fa your hreath bad?" ,
‘‘Is your throat sorer
"Is your VQ1C4 raspy?' i
"Do you cough at Pigtail?"
"Doe0 your wee Mop up?" : aal;
'WAYS you naeal diecbarge?" "
"Doa yon spit up plOegm?"
"Has yaw nose an, itching feeling?"
"Have yon pain stereos the eyeer
"Is you. throat irritable, week?"
"Are you eubjeet to eneezing BUT'
Yy: ea: Wolith:1410.111;ropen?"
"Do your earti rear and buzz?"
If you haVe any of these indlektions
o /Catarrh, cure the trouble now -stop
it before it gets into the lungs or bron.
ehiel tubee-then it may be too Lite.
The remedy la "Catarrhozone," a direct
breatheble cure that placee antiseptic
balsaenti 'Ana healing medication on
every opot that's tainted, by eaterrhal
There can be no failure with Ca,
tarrhozone-for years it has success.,
fully cured otitis that resisted other
remedies. "No one can know better
than I the enormous benefit one gets
from the very fleet day's USe of Ort-
tarrhozonea, writes T. T, Hopkins, of
Westvaie, P.Q. "I had for years a
stubborn case of Bronelliel Catarrh,
ear noises, headache, sore eyes, stop,
ped.up nose and. throat, It affected
my appetite and made my breath
rank. Catarrhozone cured quickly,"
Get Catarrhozone, me it, and you
are eure `Of cure -beware of hnitetione
and eubstitutes. Large size Catarrh -
ozone, with hard rubber inhaler, lasts
two ItIonths, and is guaranteed. Price
$1.00, at 411 dealers, or the Catarrh -
ozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingstan,
ore and 108,553 tons from foreign ore
In 1010 the lead. production of this
country was 372,227 tons from domestic
and base bullion. The printepal produe-
ing States Were: 'Mamma with 101,639
tons; Idaho, 99,824; Utah, 57,081, and
Colorado, 35,085. Seventeen other States
I it •
Minarce's Liniment Cures Colds, &c.
t'a h•
rORESTRY PRtSS 0111.11TIN NO. 44.
An interview watt erteineer elven
reetatie In A western paper to the *Beet
that there le abunearet Umber on the line
et the Hudson Bay litalwaY bi an illus.-
tration of the misapprehension In regent
te this matter that °mete the publio
mina. Became there ere large areas eV
larel on the north on whiell there le tim-
ber of 1301110 1413(1. O011011$1011 le mech.
ea teat it iti all of present value and
that the country' ham an unlimited sup-
ply. As a matter ot fact caretul in-
spection of the timber along the line of
the Ilueson alaY Railway Made id tlie
yeare 191e and 1911 by the Departinent of
the Interior, eitowe that Otero Is not en,
°Ugh mature timber along the line of
that railway to build the road. There
are no prairie distriets of any extent
along tile route. there are trees every-
witere. but owing to repeated fires the
forest Is, except on the merest fraction
or the area, too small for commercial,
purpoees aed unless It can be protected
tram fire until it recithee maturita
never be of anY uee to the eountry. Ex-
Otorations izt other parts of the northern
foreeted distriets tell the same tale. Dye
erYwItere fire hae worlfee havoc, and the
fete's!. is a. mere wreelt of what it might
have been if fires could be Prevented;
Ana uniees adequate measures are taken
now to protect the young ane immature
foreste which *form the most part of the
Mama the outlook for the future is none
hern forests aro to continue
to be a permanent source of wealth to
tho country, 11 is agsolutely necessary
that the Ore ranging tweteni shoula be
applied, Ana public education to the
value of the forest.is even more neces-
ell Sweden, whieh has large .extents ot
northern forest, praetically uninhabited,
eimilar to those in northern Canada, has
about eliminated the fire danger in such
districts mainly by educating her people
to the value 01: the foreste.
tTake o or aws: yester-
ea r
(Cineinna al Trliolue.) .
Better a n a set back.
A wise man may forgive, but only a
fool will .fo g
And a lazy man will take ante Jane ot
0,1ob he can
IvIetLeamrelypdaill gbeautiful things are eapees.
eaes win take Care of themselves.
Fientness is reminine and obstinacy is
masculine -so says a wt.man.
Bow a man does like to have people
tigit4rkeltilemiese sevegalitihygrestssaieet4litiewisititi'lt.it per.
ststent young num by meowing hint.
A rolling stone gathers no moss -and
ft man who Is going downhill gathers
on; ice°1an'eempany that will insuee ageing
What some women AN' mita like to hear
loss ef allmono.
Fortunately girl's graduating essay
deesn't have to mean anything to matte
her familY mend of It.
Most of xis feel that we eottld get along
nleely ou double tam Income.
A girl toys it is better to have been
engaged and hava braken off than
never to have stern a •solltalee at all,
haft* f$410;* "sr Isetioot lea otielza o#e hum
NATIONAIO IMUCI Cill101.40444# CO, or cArt4.1)A4
SWIM NO, 50, 1011.
44444w.044^~ .41"0"0.00."""
•C). Prance LaundrY Tablete, Welshing
without wavhboara or washing machine.
etakee clothes as white as snow. Blues
them and will not iniure.the finest sine.
Katon'a and Simpeon's sell them; also
Manley Mills Co., and ce, W. Itobineon
Company.. of Hamilton. Write IL Ar-
land. ealie Queen street east, Tomato,
agent tor the Dominion.
Without Hanger & Almost Painless,
A Boon to ProspeotIve blethers.
Nurse Mir MATIMIXIkgRernovesthe
Perna of hildbettring *Strengthens
Motherand Child. Mailed with tavola.
olds Information: SG or throe for$12.
The Eeleeline Remedy Co..
'Underneath one curve of the intestin.es
is it little fishy tube known as the verm-
!form appeutus. Wirier' this becomes In-.
Vented, it gives rise to a disease known.
as appendicitis.
Tina inflammation is generally brought
on by the use (testae Many cold drliete,
or Ito other means watch will have a ten-
deucy to chill tee ape:male, Smelt bits
of food Or seeds lodging' in the apendix
alSo cause appendicitis.
Tito first eminent of appendicitis is
a severe cramping in the right side, to
relieve which the leg is drawn up close
to the bedY.
The severe pains may come and pass
away shortly. Two or three such at-
tacks are not unusual before the (Meese
really becomes dangerous.
It is the wisest course ht the case of
apemidieltis to consult a physician at
the. first intimation of the disease. Ile
may adVise that the organ be removed.
It ibis is the case his advice had bet-
ter bo followed, because et the beginning
of the disease the operation Is rarely
fatal. If it is not attended to the mal-
ady becomes so serious that an operation
Is. useless, Then death will follosv.
Removal of the appendix has no effect
ou the body as tho appendix le a quite
useleee organ,
find that my husband has been hav-
ing the ofttce boy tall Me up every day
and mumble terms el endearment. That's
a nice Way to tool hie wire. IM's been
""111114coet•oisthiet btlaiant g:t" e.:11iin't WWII on to
the voice?"
"Well, I'm busy at bridge' every day,
and I've been having the cook answer
the telephone."'
C7E9-0. at&
A Good Grade
of sugar eosts but little more than
se poor grade. In
you get the Beller that money can
buy. Its recognized .econoray-Its de-
lightful flavor and its erystal. purity
ntake it a favorite wherever it is used.
Order St. Lawrenee Sugar and note
the decided superiority there is be-
tween it and the ordinary natetelesa
sugar. St, Lewrence Sugar Refilling
Cd., Limited, Montreal. .
The most notable of a novel dealing
with a GOIllitry widen the author had
never seen was shorthouse's "John en-
glesant." The second voiume of that
rerrarkable romance deals in the most
detailed way with Italian manners and
Italian 'scenery. "%laity of tbe tlescrip-
tions-tht of Umbria, at night, for In-
str.:ice, and the scene In the petition In
the ferest-are charged with the very at-
mOenhere Of Italy; and Plorence dUrtng
the plane lives horribly before our eyes.
Yet .Toseph Iienry Shotthouee had never
-been in Italy. Enthusiasm and the gen-
ius for assimilation evolved it all in a
tiolet house at Ergbaston. - London
Ileinoved for all time and without pain,
by applying Putnam's Corn and Wart
Extractor. Containe, no .ncids, never
burns, always cures, -prompt and ef-
feetually, lase only "Putnam's." Price
4 0,
Florida, lute the greatest amount of
swamp awl overflow lands of ally ante
States. These COM' 18,500,000.
Domestic exports from the Unitea
States for the year ending Syne 30 ton-
ount te more than $2,000,000,000.
NO eeceptgele hal ever aeon made with
euffielent etrength to resist the burst.
lug potver of frotee water.
At the beginning of the present year
theft were 25 irrigation projects under
Gevernment patronage in the tours° of
constructioe. Four have been finleited
lie the notiotime.
l'-'1-C'lakt‘slAKE STONE.
la most aeeouuts of snake eharming
India the snake stone pier. an importe
ant part. When the. charmer is bitten
the stone is applied tie the bite and i$
supposea to ai4 in las recovery, Writing
to the London Field, Lieut. la Meckenele
gives some notes on two of these stones,
, Which he had the opportunity of seeing.
They were triangular in shape, flat and
roundea, with effluent petalled Meek
surfaces. They are said to come from
the hills of Thibet end to be the solidi.
fied saliva of the maikbor. 'This aniume
is. spoken of in Lieut. Mckenzie's note
as the "Persian snake .eater." Its saliva'
is thougatt to contain Alt antidote to
snake poison. The markhor is a speeles,
of wild goat found in india,.Thihet and
!Cosh mite
Do You
WW1 4 Genume
oskcf Cones Watch
and Hodson= Silk rob Froe?
11,0 1.11Ves W•4.11 w404, for
genuant itor.koiT IIIMFCtli.413 With WOOl$
efidOltd I.a glasfa Gins mould, with Cali:
maw fine btu& gauwietal or solid motel. poweluin
dant and fano, hand, stem•wind And eiern,wt. kw for
helping as w tntroduoe oar wonderful remedies.
Just rend us your ianie and adaircsi :not nio...e to
Ai lug. Agent ROMA V.0 smul yon is weft 01 our
Neu. Lae Palls is sell a, only sioi per 1.A. The
Remedies ate wonderful and ea.:0y soil
Yo4 seli theta %ery quickly. as ea..ti razioricr
oho buys a boa of as.iscina from you is ta
reowe front us a hondsortne {dew 412•000.ne,
finished cid links or liNT. that truss this grand
When said mad us We weary. only $1.so, and oo
will send you h.:soca:at V.l.0.11 and FA v.Ithoot
WV. 10 7,01, nOW
Miro, G4•L nw Rtmcor co. 7..4,, ch..
• . 'ate eeeete,ree,ee.t .reee•esiee,
That the suifirrel earzies eempass and
a sextant in les little head along with
marseilous memory can unly ue explain-
ed by the wonderful fatality direetion
which he shows %then travelling along
the tree tops. Gray squirrels ara mi-
gratory, travelling sometimee many nines
until they find good fall of "mast," as
the fall of uuts is called WIltin they de-
ckle to locate a home there. A equirrel
may be entirely ne wto the woods, but
ninny old Minters wit recolleet the nutter -
log any in whieh he can make his way
tineugh the thickest tee tops to Ms home,
and that the syjortest W•ssible route.
In times of ftiod scarcity he has been
caught foraging fuly half a mile from
Ms home. If the hunter happens to have
it dog the gray never touehes ground all
the way home, but traYOIS through the
thick tree tops almost as fast as st man
a 0 run through the thrush below. --New
York Press.
A threugh train running after dark
alata nffles all hour rounded the
calve In a suburban town, eau the en-
gineer tine sea rEa nearly out or ilea
boob*. for there Cleating above the pita -
Term he saw a beillient red something
hy the raye or the headlight. Petting
on the air and rtversing his engine he
came to a quielt stop, shaking up the
nataengers like popcorn, but even he had
lo smile, for It was a society eame wait-
ing for the local, and In her hat site wore
three enormous red estrich Mumps,
IfretbanS,It would be better for women
standing on statIons-where lightning ex-
presa trolus ness-to have the plumes
green and widie, Anyhow, it takes a
pretty hot Lat to 8100 a lightning ex -
Press train. -New York Press.
aVrite for particido.rs.
of Canada.
Correspondence Dept.,
King's Hall. Montreal, P. Q.
(cineinnati Ceinmerelai Tribune)
More namett get into the paper on too
eount Of divorce eases than good deed's,
It teems hard for some women to have
Mith their husbanes tinless nobody
else has,
A man can telenhono and find his wife
is them, but she tan telephone to his
balm and find he Imet.
Apparently nobody ever made a fortune
without thiniang, when he settled down
to enjoy it, bow small It WWI.
MotleY aim burns a hem in the pocket
el Most men seems tO be a double lining
for the Deeket of a certain kind ot man,
Minsird'a °tires Distemper.
(Chicago Tribune)
tit the Patterson matter trial the chief
Counsel for the prosecution began his
adAtirtiseselt o titiheerejuwaefuoallowhes;made
/)"Yeeti; yen ite you and I)
et.0 it rag anti ft bone and a Wolk of
(tirehitelariled.Ler the woman who eid not
Put the 1001 he tolled ber iiie lady fair.
"430 she shot him in the letter," Inter-
le7ltaintedtheMfro.lnloeZirn.flower of eloqueneez
Ave the counsel ter the detente; indulge
Vonsider her yoar daughter, lust butte
ding into vonnualood. Isn't it a travesty
upon raen, bathed in the Moore of the
Great Pallier, that there never bloomed
a. Illy to fair that therewas not a heel
etw0Ne7/11 out ti be unjust. They
iiirectee Miele" ta. these
'teem only making use of the IteenSe per.
*Witted under our eyeteni of legal Oren*
*line It ir 'not symtem that is wrong.
.4f 41'- -
Hierilatt City Journall
ow Is MI for ente rise? avery
e 4 Topeka uudeortker ears of some
one being shk ee pentls au invitation to
the faintly to Inepect Yds undertaking
ems and inemet ti.e tine lot of imp.
la and his up. Vadat* method!' et
arng eta the deed.
I was cured of painful Goitre by CILN-
Cleatham, Ont.
WaS cured of Inflammation by MIN.
Walsh, (hit.
I was cured. of Faeial Neuralgia. by
Parkdale, 'Out. 3. II, DAILEY.
(Chicago Tribune)
'Orhis is Mr. Johnson's house, !stet it?
Here is that ton of coal you ordered an
ho..trreollre.tstioe augleo.t" the janitor? say earet
you shut Off the heat somehow? We're
ro.a,iztiteintigneteo. ditant111 itItept ligese•eie.;
to eat any
more of that painted canclYi
"Y'elatylt daehal.tt: ‘s.`oliTilerin'''t think of any-
thing yru'd like for a birthday. present.
Tal..e enclosed cheek for Mu and buy
it for.Yourself."
"Yoki want me to name the day, do
you Harry? 1Vell how will to -morrow
"Pew, woulde't you like to go to Seto
day School with 100 this morning?"
Susant male the last payment yester-
dt`yllri.:re's the mortgtage on the house,
or Rod. w.at, we.", Watery Eyes am& (
Drueshis SsIl Magee Eye Remsly, Livia. 2Se, SOc,
Marine Eyo Salve. in Aseptic Tubes. 25c. 31.00
California, tanking second ift the mat-
ter of activity the development of
water powers, has 1070 wheels generate
ing 400;a14-horeepower. There are seta
eral States with more wheels, but less
• hereeepeWer.
Millard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
"Ail arrivais are waelted,* explemed
the warden of the prison. "And If they
piek up a fuss?" "Then they are iron-
ed." -Pittsburg Post.
Work on the Chit teen Leitrim Ottawa,
the new $2,000,000 hotel, maltreated. by
the Grand Tana( SyStem, prOgreseitin
Ver y favOrably,
Nearly all the plastering of the tote'
is now eompleted, and there :maim to
be elone only thek, lobby, bar mut grill
room ceiling., atosteef the marble More
for the dining roan), corrldor are beid,
awl after the plaster work of the May
Is completea work will be started on
the marble work of that floor, Ifttitt
and light have been in the building for
the lad two months, ana when the plain
ter la sufficiently dried in the 'Mimi
public rooms, the decoratore will be able
to -commence the Interior decorations.
Some of the woodwork for the big room
is in the hotel, and the' erection of this
is going on. The general appearanee 01
the various roonts is beyond expectatien,
and when completed will be of the rich-
est effect, artistic in design, onO wonder-
fully beautiful.
(Detroit a'ree Preset
But as to the caudal appendage 0,148
gatar.le maiesty. there is no evidenee.
scientific. theological, or Otherwlee that
he is not equipped with such an organ.
All the hest pertratts of the great artiste
approved by the highest authorlties,,that
we have seen, give him that usefullaid
ornamental equipment and we have Clatin
ed have seen him personally Gleny,,,'bis
possession of one. Hammond dm:inset
viable ever to have seen him at all. :We
are not personally acquainted with htny
actual eyewitness, but among theme sellout
whom we !lave consulted in the beoke
there eeems to be a consensus of opin-
ion that as to the actuality of the telt.
it is true the dramatic representallabs
of him leave oft. at least inkaust
similar performances, but it ia 1M-
derstced that in those musical Or dram*
atie pieces he is always in disguise, and
who knows but he has ft tail after all
carefully concealed away under toe
clothes Set* purposes cf deceit, as be is
well knomn to be an arrant liar and
(Leslie's Weekly)
Wily don't rich women pay their Mile?
The neglect lw women of eoclety and the
stage to pay their bills promptly has
driven a fashionable New York milliner
into bankruptcy. With monthly regu-
Inrity the bills were sent Out, but the,
theughtless amalen, away for the stun-
nter, paid no attention to their 'debts.
Butchers bakers, grocers and tailors or
the rich everywhere earl tell similar
Eanriels of embarrassment they have to
tiodergo through the neglect of their
wealthy patrons to settle their bills in
a hosIness-lIke way.
J.n. 'Great IBSritilinx ill'oaQ.Dne. is elIowea
to sell aimn hidden itt. leticing, powder,
because the English Isw protects the
people from this injurarus '
Canada has not yet cuactel a law
against the use. of al•aa, and ae tattle
!n baking powder cammt ha deteetei
by its appearanceamany maitufttetarera
are using this condeuotta acid became
it is a cheap adulterate,.
lt is Ft fact that alum in
produces the same dial reecales 'results
to the deliatte orgaa e ne om will
feel in your mouth by putting a tiny
pieee on your tongto Seisece elms
that alum reduces the a ,s hut gas-
tric juices and weakena.lheir. petver of
eissanalation, causing aitelegastiall. end
the ills that follow.
No housewife ehould buy a baking
powder made by a manufacturer' that is
afraid to print the ingredieets
on the label of each can, and the word-
ing should .state that there is no alum
in diegoise inside.
S IdletoYo tthi;ogne nt
toe-ts•te, of peace
And not a wave of anger roll -
Acrose the human breast.
The Boo and the lamb will sleep
Together side by side,
Ana eggs will live in :unity,
'The ecrambled and the fried.
• • 41
And Bryan and Bill Lorimer
Will love each other so. -
anti Teddy's Ananket Club
' AVM Cease to thrive tind groW;
&rid Edward Bok will join. in - song
With Lydia learkhaut dear;
And Charley Fairloinke love the drys
Without a cocktail near,
Doe, Cook and Peary will make
And Taft and Pinchot, to;
And Jeffries and Jack Johnson cry
`Sow dearly I love you."
011, it will be a gladsome time,
With all our fightingi done, •
And Bob LaFollette will he loved
By folks in Washington.
4 •
epanktitsedoes not cure chileren of bed-
wetting. There Is a constitutional cause
for this trouble. Airs. AL &unmet% Box
W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send tree to
any mother her successful home treat-
ment. with full instructions. Sand no
mono', but write her to -day it your child-
ren trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine Mt-
Ocultiee by day or night,
(Success Magazine)
It was a beautiful evening and Ole
who had scretted up towage to take
nMuse?r.t: for a ride, IVRS reader! awaY bY
ilea magic of tee niglit.
"Mary, be asked, "will you marrY
"Yes, Ole," she answered softly.
0,0 lapsed into ellence that at last be-
came painful to his fiancee.
"Ole," elle saloa deaperately, "why
don't you say something?"
much said alreatio.."4. a.,
alinard's Liniment Cures Govt. in
""Ay tank," oht oreopwuse.d, "they bane too
- • it 441
TIM snow is the lioly garment
Goa wraps around the earth,
That his dream may eemember
How fair itelooked birtb,
That on its perfect beauty
Ile may look unafraid --
The snowdrift glory hieing
The fame that man has marle.
- t
Girls, This Olook FREE!
gate toe eauttea tantei or desk door, a names es Weal we wig ithe
&toe to tomato leo fet stiller eeleatated Overawe ear& 'llas ohs* 14
Ole iritheibigli. slat** wade so 70.4 aut htinikt/S14414T0,11114N Val
tiontblosirdattrtavOldettioitinalsblitkOepOgoott etot4boo4444thotrottottal
Saluda bt see et the ralittlAs theatketerets. The tit *tattletale**
Malta idea et' the real Waster et ate *Iota, **too**. lie "Ili
yeenielt kb Mir arrroCtsten.XtrotiltIrO ta tot 014101thatI414110.0
#601% etst 111111(Ist•le pod mit st S les Se. Yea attester dents bolos
Oro emir sell en iliett. Vet -lope Ionian** owes* taw we Awe, 8.4
soil rote* vat ale tt mese trete eerie trem pa One zettieetooplitto ono
sot s babied te sal esti rein stellate teete-Artt ism Itogo ofteitiers130
Ms irate la teary sea we will Vett ttittalt.ret tikes" tatent
eatatesteseditetaareisystiseelets. mos seske *set egtsok
itrd &lighted with le Sta vre iwasalsissit pew stoweAsti
Jt4,4 tailikdotto itotadschall *Wm law Walt ice lat leo* 141 sear elm
oak" enetitia to tee esteem et war Noy Sae se tf setetes "no WIN
4161,44/ yaw ta11}11 00.1ti 11014644V tin gait lett *see *eel, *ewe se