HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-12-21, Page 44 CLOD. COON KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED Iteatteeeteissmionteme A MERRY XMAS TO ALL. 11 For acceptable and serviceable Xmas Gifts whatwould be more appropriate than something to WEAR, whether it be for Man or Woman or Child. FURS MAKE SUITABLE PRESENTS t. it ', PERSIAN LAMB SETS specially priced at $31.00 Also— Alaska Sable Blue Wolf Mink Marmot and White. Thibet at popular prices. MEN'S FUR COATS Prices $18.00, $20.00 $25.00, $50.00 up to $135.00 MEN'S FUR LINED COATS Prices $35.00, $50.00 and $75.00 Fur Caps all prices. HEADQUARTERS FOR SMALL WARES FOR LADIES Fancy Collars Fancy Belts Fancy Mufflers Fancy Handkerchiefs Long Kid Gloves, all sizes,white and black, extra value at $2.50 FOR CHILDREN Small Fur Sets Small Fur Caps Mitts and Gloves Muffers, Clouds Coats in fact almost everything. ONIMIIIIMIMMAIMI MP. FOR MEN Fancy Shirts " Socks Braces Ties Mufllers cc cc cc Scarfs, Etc. PRODUCE WANTED ite Butter, 26c; Eggs, 35c; Potatoes, Dried Apples, Fowl, Feathers, Raw Furs. KING BROS. Subscribe for the Advance now You will be proud of the bread you'll make with PiJRITY FLOUR FTER seeing a bateh 'of big, golden -crusted, snowy - white loaves, that you have baked from PURITY FLOUR, you will, indeed, be proud of your cooking -ability -- and proud of your wisdom in deciding to pay the little extra it costs to procure such high-class flour. You will admit, too, that we are justified in the pride we take in milling this superb flour. PU NT FCOUR "More bread and better bread" PURITY FLOUR is milled exclusively from the best West- ern hardwheat—the world's finest. More than that, PTYRITY FLOUR consists entirely of the high -grate portions' of the wheat, The low - grade portions are separated. and excluded during thr, PURITY process of milling. Stich liighr.class flour, of course, ei;pands more in the baking. "it makes "more bread and better bread." It makes lighter, flakier pastry, too, if you just take the pre- caution to add more sb orlening. On account of its unusual strength PURITY FL'i)UIt, for best results, requires more shortening than ordinal 7 flour. Progressive dealer', everywhere, sell PURITY HOER and take prkie in retort mending it. Add PM1.ITY FLOV: t to your grocery ,not right now itm 1 WO 1114 WINGNAM BY WM. YISONIZ AND KING UCL. aseetomaamoiatioNtwomormaitfit'dirifl'teSeib i ' Prince Edward Election. A general Provincial election will be held in Prince Edward Island on January 3rd. At present the stand- ing of the two parties is 16 Conser- yatives and 14 Liberals. LARGER THAN EVER. TRE WINGRAM ADVANCE tIURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The County, Commit of the County of Huron 'Assembled at GGoderich nn Tuesday of last week. After prelitnln.. try business, letters from Crown Lands Department and front the clerk of Turnberry relating to the devia- tion road west of Wingham were sent to the road and bridge committee, A memorial from the County of Halton, asking the council to co -aper. ate In petitioning the Legislature to so amend the law, that when accidents occur on railways and an inquest is necessary, the railway company ehall bear a portion of: the cost, was. sent to the special committee, A circular from the Good Roads Association asking that the Dominion Government be asked to aid in high- way improvement was sentto the road and bridge committee. The Council decided to send a letter of condolence to Mrs. Sweitzer ex- pressing the sympathy of tbe mem- bers on the death of her husband, Reeve of Stephen, ° Hon. Adam Beck Addressed the council on the work of the Hydro. Electric Commission and the project o£.having cheap power in the district, On motion of Messrs. Taylor and Stothers, the thanks of the the council were tendered to the Hon. Mr. Beck for the able and instructive address and carried by a standing vote, The Central Business College of Stratford is one of the Ieading schools of its kind in Canada. The manage- ment wee oblidged to enlarge their quarters to accommodate those who will enter after the New Year. The Stratford School does more for its students than do other similar schools, and gives courses which. are much beyond those of the ordinary Business College. It has an up-to-date Telegraphy Department, as well as Commercial, Shorthand and Type- writing Departments. The winter term opens on Jan. 2nd, and those in- terested in business eoIIegework its write the College for free catalogue. It will be asurprise to the majority of our readers. when they learn what the Central Business College of Stratford is doing. GIFT OF A DYING TOT Savings of a Little Child Dying o! Tubercular Trouble Goes to Help the Consumptive poor and Turnberry the two notations decide between themselves where the road should be. In regard to bridges between McRillop and Hallett, mentioned in the engineer's report, recommended that tenders be asked for,' to be open- ed at the January meeting. Recom- mended that the fence at the approach of the Afaitiand bridge at Goderich be repaired in place of building a new one, as a new tight board fence would have a tendency to hold the snow in the wjnter. With regard to motion of Messrs, Baillie and Stothers that the county aseuwe and pay for bridge between West Wawanosh and Bruce County, recommended that county engineer examine same and report at. January meeting. A Big Potato., Mr, Hembly of Toronto .bad a big potato sent hint from Ashcroft. British Columbia. It measured 11 inches long, 104 inches around and weighed 2i lbs. Teachers' Certificates. The "Vancouver Province" remarks thus: --"To cheek the exodus of On- tario teachers to the West, it is pro- posed to make their certificates con- ditional on one year's service in the Province. Realizing that many can get a marriage certificate in the West in six months' handicap will prove a dead letter. Mr, Leckie, chairman of the special committee respecting Maitland power, made a report of the work of the corns reittee, Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Goven- lock that while this council approves of the scheme of Hydra -Electric pow- er, the county of Huron, as -a cor- poration, is believed of further action in connection with the Maitland pow- er scheme, as the Ontario Hydro - Electric Commission bras concluded to. go on with the scheme of delivering power to the municipalities. Moved in amendment by Messrs. Taylor and Stothers, that owing to the fact that the Hydro -Electric Com- mission has taken up the scheme of delivering power on the Maitland River, this council is in favor of leav- ing the whole question in the hands of the Commission. The motion car- ried. Moved by Messrs. Kernighan and Bailie that the address of the Hon. Adam Beck given in Godericb on the 17th of August be printed in pamph- let form at once and a copy sent to each member of the council—carried. A motion by Messrs. Munninge and Kernighan that a board fence six feet high be built from the west end of the Maitland bridge to the bank, a distance of about sixty feet, was sent to the road and bridge committee. A delegation composed of Messrs. Johnston, Tigert and Field addressed the council on the necessity of im- proving the appearance of the county, by way of planting trees of suitable variety, keeping the roads in good condition and free of weeds, and setting aside park lands in urban municipalities. It was moved by Mes- srs. Baillie and Winter that Messrs, Glenn, Stothers, Sanders, and Ker- nighan report on this matter—car- ried. Messrs. Reid and Livingston were appointed delegates to the Good Roads Association at Ottawa. A motion by Messrs. Stothere and Smith that the Council place on re- cord its appreciation of the services rendered by the Warden, Mr. Owen Geiger, was carried by a standing vote and the worthy Warden was presented with a gold headed cane suitably engraved. REPORTS. The county engineer reported the erection of, the following bridges this season, viz.:—$intail and Garvey's bridges on the Lake Road, Ashtied Tp. ; Graham's bridge, in Colborne Tp. ; Turner's bridge, over the Bay- field River; McQueen's bridge on the boundary of Usborne and Hibbert, and also the bridge over the Aux Sauble River, on the boundary of Huron and Middlesex counties. The bridges on the boundary of Hulled and McKillop have not been erected, but wilt have to be during the coming season. Re- commended also that new flooring and joists be procured for the Malt - land bridge. How true it is in many different walks of 11fthat S'a little child shall lead them." We have been shown a copy of a letter written by a lady of St. John, N.B., who only a n ntit ago lost her little child, a girl of nine years, of tubercular trouble. The mother's own :verde tell the story Netter than it can be told in any other way. She writes to the Secretary of the Muskoka 1 reo hospital for Consumptives at Grave:theist in these words : " While my loved onewas ill, 1 one night opened some literature from you at her bedside. ,She asked rite what it :vggg� 1 told her it was a paper asking for Sufi- sscriptions.to the Muskoka 1 ree lfospital for Consumptives, and showed her the pictures in the pamphlet. She asked if tthe could not gyve what site had in her little savings bank. I told her `Yes'- -to give it to the doctor and he would send it. But she was too sick when he came again, so I am enelosing an express order for they, amount 1 found in the bank, viz., $1.707 a small subscription, hut trust you will receive it in the spirit in which it was given." The letter is typical o£ matt"r that are being conetantiy received at the head office of the Muskoka Hospital, 847 Icing St. W., Toronto. These come from all parte of Canada, for patients) are received from any- where in the Dominion. .At the present time there are IM patients in reeideree In the Muskoka Free Hospital, 128 of whom are unable to pay a Angle eent, and the ether 28 only nominal saris—mach lone than actual cost of maintenance. baring the nine years that the Muskoka Free Rospital for Oon- 5aDnpt,ivre hest Weer opt , not a size t bee" ever l Wood usable pet, Rabies In Wellington, Owing to the prevalence pf rabies in the north part of Wellington County; action may be taken by the Government to once more have all doge either muzzled or tied up. In the vicinity of Grand Valley several farmers have loet°valuable horses due to their being bitten by mad dogs, and they are up in arms over the matter. In Eramosa township several cases of rabies have been reported, and the farmers threaten to shoot any strange dog that may come upon the pre- mises. Chickens Gone, Money Found. An amusing incident is reported from Raleigh Township. A well, known farmer lady had a flock of about 200 chickens that she was pre- paring for market. She went to the barn ou a ,recent morning to attend to them and ' discovered to her surprise that during the night thieves had visited the place and cleaned out the entire pen. She be- gan a search at once for tracke, and picked up a roll of bills in a rubber band amounting to $210. Later in the morning a well-known man visit- ed the place and went straight out to the henhouse. He returned to the house in a few minutes however, and asked the lady if she had any chick- ens for sale, "No, sir,” she replies, "I sold them all last night." The in- cident closed with that, and the man drove away. Western News Items. The English sparrow has reached the Stocan, B. C....A 25 -acre farm near Chilliwack, B. C , was recently sold for $30,000..., Lethbridge is to have a $200,000 postofflce building.... Calgary was the.lfth city in building in Canada during the month of Sep- tember....There are over 10,000 voters in Greater Edmonton. Of this num- ber, 7,000 reside within the boundaries of the municipality....A property 150 by 250 feet, located in the business section of Swift Current, Sask., wee sold the other day to Winnipeg parties for forty thousand cash....Moose Jaw has the smallest tax rate in its his- tory, 12}- milla, Reports show the city assessment to be $20,000,000..... The cordwood prices in Winnipeg have been :—poplar, $6 50 ; epr, uce and pine, $7.50 ; and tamerae, $S 50. The special comnittee reported that while strongly in favor of the work undertaken by the Teachers' Associa- tion of West Huron, we recommend that the matter be laid over until the various muticipalities in the county act. Recommended that request of the Good Roads' Association be grami,- ed. That the warden and. clerk sign the memorial to the Ontario Legisla- tive Assembly. The House of Refuge comtnittee re- ported they had found everything in the House In satisfactory condition, That the report of the inspector, keep- er and doctor be printed in the min- ute*. That Jos. Smeltzer be commit- ted to the gaol for another term, as 1 e is not a fit subject far the House of Refuge. That the Inspector be given power to sell or exchange some of tbe House of Refuge harass and replace them, That the services Of Mrs. Sin►pson, as assistant matron, be dis- pensed with, as the ditties of the peti- tion are too heavy for a •perbon Of her age, and that the clerk advertise for an assistant matron for the Home'. That a grant of $100 be made for Mr, Ana Mrb, llfutob. The itottd and Bridge committee re- oomtnended that no aeti.011 be taken its the tnatter of building a county bridge at Wroxeter. That the report of the comity engineer be emeepted anti printed itt the mintxtee. Ream - mended that to regi to the delta- il:lrt. read between �T Rant ,*arra.h TAB OPTIMISM OF THE CONSUMPTIVE Perhaps there is no disease, whilst often fatal in its outcome, is yet) viewed with so much optimism by the patients themselves. It is well that it is so, for all know to what extent one's own feelings, whether cheery or the opposite, influence both mental and physical conditions. "I was certainly impressed with this thought," remarked a newspaper reporter, "in inter- viewing a. patient of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. She was a. pretty girl of 24, brown hair and dark gray oyes, who had come all the way from Saskatchewan. She said she felt pretty sick when she first arrived at the Hospital, and for two days the nurses had to person- ally feed her. I have been in bed all the time,' she said. 'I have been well cared for while I have been here. I am euro 1 amt going to get well, and feel better now than before 1 took sick. Everybody seems so happy and bright, and tells me whets 1 get up i am sure to liko it. Everythin is done to please me and make brie happy" One :nay well wish that so bright a patient should soon bo restored to health.` SALLOW SKIN Liver Spots, Pimples, Dar. Circles Under the Eyes. Mt all signs of the oyster's Win clogged. The Liver and Bowels ar inactive and the Stotnaoh is weal from undigested foods and ion gates. PILLS the great fruit remedy, will make yo1 feel like a Inewppereon. Winnipeg. Tune 27,1011 After taking three boxes of your Fig Pule for e-tomaeh sod liver trout bles I feel strong and well and able ]ti do toy own work. --Mite. A. Etttormart, Sold at *11 dealer's tri 211 and SO oentl long ti m aed t.h7 The Pig I t o, lil [HE A puildtngs push, 'oetofiloe; Ug n drat The ending rill Matte Ind f we fine bated scoount trick :thee bush. School, :hutch chance locality. Ritchie BEST EVER FOR $7,500 200 Aore Fa��witb Qrst•olass and 20 to 60 aeras of hardwood Cloee to School, Oburch and four miles from n good strip. point; land nearly alllo grass, and -class shape. values of Huron :arms are now upward, and the ebrewd men take advantage of present prices. a note of the above statement, in two or three years from now, see are not fright, DAYS - farm of 200 stores, has just been with ns for immediate sale, an of owner's ill health, Large house and bank barn, slap all necessary buildings. Fifty acres Never failing well and spring. 4s1, mite, Post office ;f mile, one to three miles, A rare toget a good place in a flue Price $8,600, or will exchange for a smaller. & Cosecs REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WE PAY CASH FOR USED CANADA POSTAGE STAMPS SOME STAMPS WE• OFFER AS MUCH AS $i00. 00 EACH. .- ''' ', ' Ia J4 � I I �J If you have Canada cancelled stamps to sell write for our illustrated catalogue quoting prices we pay for each- kind by mail to any address for 10 cents (not free). QUEBEC STAMP EXCHANGE (RECDI P.O. roe 170, QUEf3 EC, Canada, Of course we all have Candies and Nuts for Xmas, it wouldn't be Xmas without them, and we have a big range of ,simply delicious Creates, Chocolates and Taffies. Don't overlook our China Department, we have an im- '• mense stock of Beautiful China, and its always acceptable, , and more than that, its always useful. _? The Place Where Good Clothes Come From If LET US POST YOU 'THE PROFIT SHARING STORE WINGHAM, . ONT. " yon get your�al h a from us, you are sure to get Clothes made to fit Clothes neatly made Clothes well made Clothes that look well Clothes that wear well Clothes that last well Clothes in latest style Clothes that please Clothes that satisfy We understand our business We have the goods We know the styles Our charges are right • .vik(siennAnts The Nifty Ian's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand i < Winter Term from Jan. 2nd You risk nothing by attending this Col- lege. Its reputation for superior training and square dealing is absolutely clean and it will remain so, ELLIOTT 4 /i TORONTO= ONT. is In a class by itself when strictly first- class work is considered. Graduates aro sure to get good positions, owing to their proper training. `Mite for large Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. Winter Term from Jan. 2nd CENTRAL / // STRATFORD, ONT. Is the loading Business College in West. ern Ontario. It has three departments, COMMI:RCMAL. °I/ARTIIAND And TsLRa- AArIIY. It ie larger and batter than over. Our courses are much better than those of the ordinary Business College, and our graduates secure high grade positions. A. practical training is worth many times the cost. It you want a Business College course select this school and get the best. Our Catalogue is free. Write for it at once. D. A. ideLACRLAN - Principal DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Oyetees--Corner Patrick and Centre streets Nms-- Plums— no Offices Reeeld neo, Dr. rennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 161 Dr. Ifennedy seeotalizes In Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes speoial attention to ' diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly Atted. ... 1 , r. evel aii3Oed Y. M. t1. A. IiLt)G.. LONI)0N. ONT. •11fSI?;E'S and Sil'lltT.IANI) S11flJECTS. • ea,•stere+1 tae: spawn upwards of 300 .,ttlsntsand pl cad every graduate. Seven ;tscialiy quati(i;d regular teachers, One :rldred and fifty London firms employ :r t.o&nrr,t h.',p. Niece in session from .rt. 5 t, June tt",J. Enter any time. Cal 0loguc Fres. a's ! $tIntlI �i College 1. •ESIP:CVt:LT, JR. .l. W. WES'rinVELT. ,ca-r,daa•u+'fIAnt, l'rindpat r... Yr„rete:, 10 Jas. Walker & Soya WINOMAM UNDERTAKERS - We are Tees enetldb Under an o weabey fro' nut those torrf re 'r 1"iMvaat foil DU* r+u low THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 X, 1911 = DAYS TILL XMAS Whatare you going to do about it --buy" early and get a good selection—or, *ill you leave it till the last minute and take what's left i One advantage of buying here is that we have au enormous stock of Gifts suitable for Men, Women and Children; for instance, here are a few suggestions for Men; Stylish, Ties, Lined Kid Gloves, Best Woollen Un- derwear, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Mufflers, Cuff Links, Mirrrs, or a lot of other appropriate things. For a Womap--Very Dainty Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Scarfs, Warm Gloves, Bedroom Slippers, Note -paper, Hand Mirrors, Beautiful, Fancy Linens, Cushion Tops, Cut Glass, Etc.. And for Children—Gloves, Shoes, Cute Little Fur Sets, Dolls, Toy Trains, Airships, Rears, Autos, and a host of other things to gladden the hearts of all youngsters. Now we have in stock everything mentioned here, and its quite plain that this is the More where Xmas shopping is made easy. Of course we all have Candies and Nuts for Xmas, it wouldn't be Xmas without them, and we have a big range of ,simply delicious Creates, Chocolates and Taffies. Don't overlook our China Department, we have an im- '• mense stock of Beautiful China, and its always acceptable, , and more than that, its always useful. To be appropriate, Gifts need not be expensive, and of course, we are all judged by our Gifts. So let us, as a last word, say—come here and get something that your friends will be really delighted to accept. Snow Apples for Xmas 20c Peck e•rrBird 'THE PROFIT SHARING STORE WINGHAM, . ONT. " Don't Postpone the Purchase of YOU Christmas Presents UNTIL THE STOCK IS DEPLETED Come and see our stock of useful and novel Xmas Goods ; you can get something fine, right here, for every member of your family. Take a look at the following articles and you will have no trouble in making your choice. Handkerchief and Glove Boxes to match, of polished cherry lacquer, gold Jap decorations, with key. Note Paper and Envelopes in fancy boxes. Good French Perfume in fancy boxes. Ladies' Fine, Seal Grain Hand Bags, in different. sizes, also Children's Colored Velvet Hand Bags. Dolle, that's what the Kiddies love ; they are beautifully dressed and will close their eyee. A nice assortment of Prettily Decorated China, odd pieces and setts. Handkerchiefs, Linen and Lawn, plaits hemstitched, initialed, Swiss embroidered, and Venise lace edged, easily sent a distance and always acceptable. Table Linen, Napkins, Tea Cloths, Doilies, also lovely Linen Towels. Kid Gloves and Mocha Wool Lined, Motor Scarfs, Neck Scarfs, Ytmbrolla`s, Patent Slippers and Cosy Bedroom Slippers. These are only a few suggestions ; we will be pleased to show you many other good things, when you ca11. W� a ishin You All Happy Christmas