HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-12-07, Page 7SEARCHING FOR THE M NAMARAV BACKER8 What Effect Will the Confession Have on the Elections? Who Hired 4ihe' MoNamaras?—liarry Orchard Talks. 'Lee de»getee, Cale Dee. 4.--Iturther tletatte wero learned to -day of the al. ;Med plot to influence the McNamara, ,Iery, OM Supposed frustrAtien of which, the arrest of Burt IL Franklin, a de. tectlye of the Me-Nan:are defence, Is to ItATe been an impotent factor in forting A eouleesion of guilt front the MeNamara brothers. The Mentraarae are to be sentenced to -morrow, but the 'work of the "'rase'. ention Imre to appreltena other persons involved will see, on as a •corollern to tho investigation of the Federal Government, which to believed te extend over a much width: field. :de. far at the Times explosion is con - honed Ida At Schmidt AM Davis Kaplan, gainet whout itellettnents jointly with alte IfeNamaras were reteraml, never ret\ leave been captured, bat information to - 'hay front Authoritahlvo sources was that they soon would be arrested, Deeldees those initiated, the etate la reaChiug ottt to arrest other culpable per:setts, and some of these are sald te Li e tut of the state At present, .dt is considered poseible that the probe 14)2 the Federal Gievernment into the ia. teratate, conspiracies ratty 'cover t'he ground' that will brim; results also de - tilted ny the authorities here, and the Aisle and Federal Governmentwill reelereeate in the handling and gather- ingetf evidence. Winn Ortie E. hteafttnigal, the atato las cibtained possession of such informa- tioneotteerning ether explosions, and ulthentgle for the last few days there here` been rumors that the MeNa-nutras tett Make a full confeseion implicating Yeteeenspiretors, it was eaid by Attorney Joseph Scott, of the McNamara, defence,' that'. Dietriet Attorney Freaerieks did noteekteatiel a. full coidession whee the neetingemtus were made for them to •oktect guilty and obtain clemency. A4ter- ,4 hey:Scott', has been with the prisonera most ef the time since they.inacle their confessions. ' "Whet do the MeNtunaorts eay about tha Attacks ninde upon them by labor- heseletra tees a•skeel, t-dilVell, they lave not said anything 'or publication as yet, aad they don't haveto make any more confessions just yet,- but John j., 1 think, will make a atetenient some time soon, expreseing ideeviewe and telling u.d what' he sought toYaccompliste Re had eertain ideas On •howeite make his fiolit in the wortd and tps. Vas hon.estly• oonvinced that thee lewiatitte best." The effect of -elm atleNanotea, cession on the' eleetions to-toorrow is'a tuetter of geiterel discussion here. jeb .11arrnuan, the Socialist candidate for Mayor, has stated that as an aesoeiate vountel for tile MeNatnaras, be knew enditinh of their guilt, and was not con - nutted" in .0.0imection with their • eon- heeeion- "When we get through hero," de- elereel Assistant Distriet Attorney NV. joseph Ford, today, "and when the Feder -al Government •finialtee its inves- eigatioa, people will realise -how inane - (mate are our lanes eoveringdehe bring- ing to trill of pupletiment of people -who cola* A oritlt€ in ono State and flee,. to ahlothdr, or who lire in ono htete. and elireet the commission of Mame la hther'''States." tdAnd as to the lalier unione," Tontinued, "we of the prosecution bear no•tnaliee tos.rd them. We tried to .ethite in eotirt that we were prosecuthig iudreiduale and not any partieular ekes. The confeasions however, rind thing that will follow, erertaittly ought to .how the laboring ruenttliat they should be more eareful, in the selection of their leadere, They 'also should keep hater. watell on the activitiea of the leaderetl ' Ats to the 'rewards which were or- • dered throughout California. for the at- teet-of the puilty.petschhe who destroyed te Time building, Mr. Ford deekted Ite 'thought Deteetive William. turns woe 'entitled to all of them, hicluding these offered by labor organizations, ned subedguently withdrawn -when the MeNangaras were arrested, if Burns caree to sue for them. • 11.AD BACKERS. Indianapolis, Dee, 4. --"Some persons that' apparently hive beeso astound - 1 by the pleasof guilty of the aileNatm- l' 'ara, brothers at Lee Angeles may eomet he still further amazed," said a repre- emetatiye of tine of tile employers' or- g„auizations watehhig the federal probe Iterc into the alleged nation-wide dyne - totting eonspirifey to -day. "Xo one at .all •informed believed the AteNatearas 'were alone in operations that covered one huhdred exploeions front toast to coast, and cost an en- &mond sunt of money." OltOltARD 13Olse,/dabo, Dee. 4-11arry Orchard, tervieg a life term for the essaseina- tion of former Govereoe Steven Steure enherg, of /dab°, a crime eyhich he el -Alined he was paid, to- tenon -it by of - fifers of Um Westernjederatien of hfiners, who were tried and equitted, said to -day ho Wag glad the lifeNamaras heti pleaded gality. Samuel Compere, Orchard said, 'Wee ftet, irt his opinion, udeleed of the 'dynamite schemes etre ployed. These, he deelered were formed and carried ottt by an -organized, inner thole, as be had said, was the the case with the Viteriterre Federation of Miners. HISTORY OF THE ORime. How ths Los Angeles Tintet Was Eleven Up With- •Elynarnito. Nov York, Dec. L.—The erime tor which (tunes D. htedtainara and his hrother, John J., who was seeretary Ariel treasurer of tho Internetiotial triage and Structurel Iron Wolters' AeeoeiatIon, et -ere arrested and phosed on trial. irt Los Angeles was the blow. Mg Tip of the Los Angeles Thaee trotalettper and printing plant. At a few •minutes after 1 ottlock on the morning of October 1, 1010, white the Tieves kat wee getting ont thee paper, the ledidiag t Bowie -ay and ?Int etreest was vrreeked be an evplossion, Ilene eleek totteles hid hem used aryl wcre found later. The caret of the exelesiera vs frightfel. One whole wall of the Wild- ing collapsed. Eloore gave way and crashed to the cellar, rlahlea Arose from the lower part and opread swiftly. The firemen abet the police toole 21 bodies one of the wreekage. Some laid been killeel instantly by the exploelon, Others caught by the ince* •of flame were burned to -death, A number of the dead were nuion men. Ittany a them were eiterried and had children. *Later in the meriting a bomb was found in the Wine of General Itarri- son Grity Otis,, proprietor And •editor of the Times'Ana an uncompromising opponent taf the elosed shop. This • bomb let go in the street just after detectivewho had been examining It were frightened away by the rattle of its mechanism. Other bombs' were fottnd, cunningly eontrived mechanisins,. in wbielt at) alarm elock, a fulminating cap and a elm ,of nitro-glyeerine were the chief contponents. The trAgedy of the early morning, together -with ttie diacovery of the betult ht General Otte house and another bombe near the secretary of ili!) Meridians' Rae Mantle ciatichtuhreer4s 3A,. seemtion, thoroUghly alarm. The City 'Council approptiated, Itati,000 for the purpose of tracing the them - where and Murderers, and offered a reward of $2,500 for tho arrest of any one reeponeible. The California Legisla. tura Added $10,-000, And the ,tate atulld- ing trades voted $7,000 t* the fwd. The 'Mayor of to Aligelea,, George Altman, der, kettle of a .detective who Ilea made a 'hest -class reeord in the San Fran - else° graft eases, 'William J. Burns was hired; looked around Les Angeles and disappeared after 0e:endu1ng the bomb picked up at the home of F. J. Zeetianttlintr, the Merchant,' Association sectetary. It was a long time before Burns wr.s heard of. When he real -Meet - ed lie: had his men and the evitlenteed ele a mattee. of fact Burns had been busy on dynamiting: eases before the Los Angelee Thnes building was de - strayed, Iu September, title, a folitidri In Peonitt, atieking by the open shop principle, had been blown up, and Burns was pet en the job to 'retch the eirne Mat. The investigation of this crime led by a curious- and interesting, eerlesdoi. steles to the Arrest of the Malt:Maras for the Los .Aitgelee Thitee Outrage. All of the elites thetas Were to the Peoria explosion Ale a clockwork bomb that had not gone off, a machine containing teu-pottnd can of nitro-glyeerirte, There Were. few marks of any sort on the ai1, no Mug to prodeee tiettain identi- fication of seller et buyer. But a do- scripthot of the can went through the newepapers anti fell under the eye of an agent for an explosive company, Ite truesecU it might have been one of his earls. When be saw It Ito was sure. Burns began. to get ender rapid head- way. He- &towered that a man ceiling himself 3. W. McGraw had hiltehased the nitro-glycerine in Potiand, saying he wanted to use it in a stone quarry liner Itellanapolis. • turns traced McGrew to Untiele, Indiana; and there to tittliatienefie: Ile learned that MeGillat had bath. Nett talking with Jnh 1..',Ititattlafira, sec- retary end teetteuter bf the Interna- tional tilitati and Structural Iron Wee:hell' Association, a union that was fighting hard for -a closed shop. Darns heard that John j,htettantare, hail been active M warning* emptedillis net to use • non-union meth With these shreds of a ease it his renters, the detective sha- dowed Meld:Immo. Night and day the hem Workers' official was watelieth tle never got out of sight of ft detective. At this very tittle the Los Atigelea Tittles explosion occurred, Miteoe Atekander, in hiring Burns, had TM, urea ++) hoivolittch progress the detective had, nook Al- ready, ' the bomb recentred m LOS Ankles was an extrethely powerful ee- plostve—O0 pet holt gelatine. Burns, located the powder company frinn which it had been oliteined and was told that a man named J. IL Bryce had bought it for the purpose of blowing up etumps, Later on Bryce and it melt named Leon- ard, not 1,000 potteds of the same kind of atuff, :tea received it at the cone patty's works at Giant, California. The tWo, -with a third, named Morris, ear. tied the explosive away in a power boat and turned up part' of the exoloslye in San Francisco. TWO SCALED TO bEATH. Winnipeg, Dec, 4.---4wo titen were scalded to. death seeterday in the powerhottso a the Winnipeg ltkotrie Street tailway. The vietime were George Donovan and John Foireevar. They were in a large boiler making some we•pales, and the steam was tarn - ed itt oo. them before they could 'get out, An intemett is to be hold, and the men in Merge Of the work teeaid to be in daseer of a. retene/Aughter tharge. ENGLISH -OANON DEAD. London, Dee. 3. --The Rev. T•hornas Teignmoutit Shore, Canon of 'WO. tester video 1801, s'ind Chaplain -in - Ordinary to the King, elled to -den. Ile was born in Dublirt in 1841, He Wask Honorary Chaplain to Queen Vidalia. it 1878, Chaplain -in -Oreille - ere 1631-1001, the Choplain-in-Grelint ery to Xing MA'AM VII. He tette te. ligioue instriretar to tlie eittughtero of Xing Petivard. *et ENTEREO NURSES' ROOM. Guelph, °lite Dee. 0.-4Mis$ Arkell a.nd Miss Ferro:sort, nurses in the General 1.10EDitele were aroused yes. • terday morning by finding o. man in their room. The burglar threatened them, bttt ono young lady Made An outtry, and the mon disappeared, Later, a :Attlee, tYC011ilOa*, Mho tame here about a week Ago from Detroit, wee plaeed nutlet arrest. . SRANTPORO SUFFRAGETTES. Brantford: Dee. 3.—.1t an entlitm- taketiomeetinte. of Remillard women, bold at tho censervatory of Mask hero on Saturday„ a, broachof tiro 8tilffre40%. 14430-10 w ohattatithd, with Mre. S. W. Seeord as Presklent. nicionOittionol. work eonduestad here to help sattrre strensn'a sinftrags. Bevetral pzesednon4 woman in Brant. ford ,society are inoluded in the 11)9179 1414. BACK BROKEN Mormons Bring Convert FrOni Old Landst it, John, N. De Dbe. d;--Dit the Allan liner nett:Math which arrived here NW ttattight after A rough trip across the Atlantic, WAS a party of .Mormone for pulnts le the United States, pritteipally The large party watt putdoup of Eng- - lath, Dutch, Seatellnavlanaand tiWedes.. With thent were tweitty-tivo Motet or • Mormon misslonatioa, and Elliet dale an 111 eharge. There' Were in all elaty-three, (Males being slightly to the majority, S-onte there were who 'were a healthy leolting lotv Elder Teesdale saki that lie and the other twenty-one missionaries luta been engaged Iti,,‘‘'ork for Pole chureh on the other side or .same Gum, hjs offOrta ho- bo", eonlittell to the hiaeottiall- ecnittr- wet'. Othars Ywetittel in Variona, parts of Fannie. Prealdent• Itud,gar ClaWaou, Ito said, was in charge of Ettropeen mis- sionariee and many converts had head Med° tu Decent r ears*. It was Ville the: storitt was at its woret that the stewarth.A. Tholues, Was thrown violently to the' (leek and oust. tainea a broken hack: When he was dis- covered he was being washeilhaiross. the deck from rail to rail, Tim man Was taken Ashore- at Halifax ited plecea in a hospital. • He hes a wife and family fa England, PP • • ° r King 'George _arid Otkeen . Nary Visit Bombay.. Durbar Camp at Delhi De stroyed by Fire. • Botubay, Dee. 4.—Baiug George, Queen Mary and their suite Attencled• divine novice a,beard the :Mediutr yhtseerday and Yieited the Odilltient HOUSC in the etternooe. They werd -wildly „cheer- ed as they drove through the streets. They attemtea seretee it• the' cath- edral and retured to the •Medinae To -day they will attetel the fpte of twentyeeix thousand eldidttli at Alto grouude of the Borabity exhibititai They will be reeeiveet by the Gordeatiotehlilany Indian Pelheee bout nietableta And will then vleit the Armes and relies of old Bombay. 3)IIIII3AR CAMP BURNED.; Dec,,4.—The splendid Det)Mr •camp, oreete(4. iteftl tor SiieLottis *thane. .Lieutellent-tiovernor of the: Punjale bas :been deetreyed by fire. duo to detlective electric light huntlatioa. The blaze started in the main pavilion, "'Troops 'fouhht vainly to coutrol the spread of the.flames. Sir Louie, 1oo a allthit eeervice, ear- ho-te dael pietures valued.at 80,000 ru- pee% THE YORK LOAI • OVer 100,000 Cheques :ent Out to Depositors;,'. • 1oroitto k3ii4e-h-Ate. liquidators of the thitk County Loan, 'the 'National Trust' sent out on Friday 10`2,000 cheques to persons now residing -all over the worla,. some of the thequet hahlitetlt direeted t Itht,eleparttGermaity• and Steeden, whither shareholders Who re- turned from their terepotary hones in Canada. The amount of the diVidend van $14/.000 auil the hellatatte.litolifs bf postal thattet lienifted or $11500 la potter% . There ette etili Wheat •ft1,thake. Wide* halo have reeeiVed nothing. Thede le thine $150,000 reserved lot: them •ia ease their books turn nit. Those who sent ia thole bookeobave hot all received their first eltetaiee' be- cause their thitidese was .itisdflitleett te may have to be &Rad titling tiie shareholders \Wolfe : adeireesch .are knohii, It is not too late for tthyone who has a book to send it in. As soon as it is reecireel %Or dividend first and second, will be torwarded to. thene TWO INJURED. One Lost ThnizAb and the Other .Lost a Hand • Fergus despatch: Oa Tueetlay, while Mr. William J., Dymoele, a; young man, 20 years of age, Was working for Mr. W. 41. Jackson, hear Alum, he had the misfortutte to get Ws left hand badly crushea in the ehaftheit of a power wind- Dymock had Ilk mitt on anti, thinking the mill almoet stopped, lie put' ble hand on the revolving shaftIn an instant the thtunh was caught and torn from Itis left bane end the forearm on the sante tide was broken. Ide was re - tooted tit the Royal Alexandra, Hospital here, where the thumb was ark -Mated and the fracture attended to. Another atehlent of a serioue nature took place at Mundell's factory, Elora, when, on Friday afternoon, Mr. Abner Braine *whose home Is near Arthur, got eight hand canglit in a planer -and an instant it was so badly mangled that it WaS later amputated at the Royel Alexandra Hospital, Fops. • WANTS LOOAL OPTION. Toronto, Dee. 4,—A motion was made before hie, Instiee Sutherland at Osgede, Hall on Saturday mottling to tompel the township of Brant to :submit o local teition ley-le,w to the eitizene at the netet theinieipal oleo - Mona. The inotion f mole by Mr. Keeling, n, ratepayer, The Connell elaime there etre not enoegh nexus to the petition, ono of the siteuere hoeing >dropped out, Ilie Lordship reeereed jedgment. OHOKED TO DEATH, Smith's a11s, Dee. Metier -a Clement, art elderly teeident a .Ches. tervillo, died very tAnsirl*Ifilo. While eating hie dinnse apieoe of food ed in bis windpipe, and beforo foal aisl eatild resuti him he halted to death. Deceased was 71 years and, I highly roopeeted rest. clout of tho ST. AtirS DEAN ON DEMOCRACY The Twentieth Century Liv • hg on the Nine4.-eenth. New Zealand and British Ships. of War. The Smoke Nuisance -Open. In of Panama Canal. - London,. Dee, g.--"Deineeraey is per. lutp4 tine siniest of ail fetishes serleaSly . worehlehied ateoine, kis." . , This ettteranee of Die • Inge; Dad of St. ELWIN, before an audieueo of women at Sin College has eterted a wide- apretth toutroversy In tho pulpit and pre to of England. The statement Waft made awing' the filet of a series' of lee - twee on "The Co-operation of the esnureli With the dpitit of the itge, Dr. Digo efter referritigto the great achievements or tliOnineteenth ontute, said that that great epoeh wets noW o'et). and etVilitation was sittilig petisively in tlie tetelet of btt eectilettiatierite like Die claret' that the ere Of. sieleetifie 'die- covetlez wee bappily teat, (sleeted) but in 14,611r7otattpeptafriettildts. sigite„Of eahatistion trete . . '."FOt thb 4aali ill Lite steeet," midi the speaker, "the tottering of the great in- dintria; hibrie - of .the .oineteenth cow tau aoluluated all other Issue. ' A .pop- uletton of forty-eight millione-had been mimed on two small islends,while Ung- lisibmen were inalthig England Lite worlo sliop of elte wtrtIi,1t Ide then expiated that Oh netchil advantages which had made Great Britain master of the ,cour- tnercial world had either passed or were passing, and that America, had now. become the natural centre of toonoteree. "Irt this eepetere" he eontlenteat "the twentieth Century is the speudtlititt heir . of the nineteenth. The working man seems to have resolved to make himself 'comfortable by taxing eapital—in plain toms, by- looting the aceuntulatioae el Queen hdetorothreieti end thrlith ail the rates mid hetes; He would Who' 4 ehott life Add a Inetry pile: Ali eteri.werae fate will ptottithly ottertitht Aiitthilln; a neatak. ellintY eolitinellt , witted. eaty roach of the indestrially, the Mere tfli- clout yellow raees, guarded gratis by the *Well fleet lot- a Mere llahdfdhOf initabitente. For Wee rethotte I &fillet Joan in titt hhorns .of laY and ekriealad. yocates, who, when -they :tell us to co- operate with the viaef -the age, really mean that we should ch -operate with the labor movement and the epirlt Of soeialletil, Set:tali/sill Ot Oiliest Oh dtilet experifeetit Might aiihttet bit 'Xhw .t ea, .land it'll, the, 111.4aalt ," UFO: hiVied to Patial the tingefetlee, after elect' the yellow math would make 'short work of the pampered trade unionist, but in Eng- land the renditions, I fear, ere ideally unfAvorable 'for those ,whp „Wee to pee e denee pOpillathill witlt ltigli iteties And short limns: tOtit soil Al net mippett Dion. Wiesn we attet id, edtwohle, rota uudertell With Antral tliti nakilig clasileh hitlat emigrate or etarve." Dr. Inge said that the belief that the ).allot box deeided questions wisely, was , only the e1d superstition of the aivitte eight of kings stf andin qn ite heag, He aoft And flablit; ante O modern human'. aleo (Welded Whitlidte ethiteti.td ne the etarlitnism. The present horror of tuking life, ke said, seemed unnattmal and. was •probably temporary. The state of the future, he believed, would kilt more mer- effully, but morp „ D1't ingb Opi'C'eates the storm which A lecture detivered before a modest or, ganizatiod of women has aropsed, but be is standing by his. guile, Although :fellow ehurchmen have delmetieed liis statements Agatilitig tieliMilaq lit dii- veahred teftli§: . a t. ' .. 1. ':Ti,il'`. '. ' 'll" -- '' Thet.. be -Wb It Melte a Menton 'and fog proVelitioik is well beyond the leXperimental stage is one of the, things .winell sanitary engineers will attempt to rove at the international smoke abate - runt exhibitipp, wilieli Will be hulti 111 -- Politkialle .aild ilitAbat 4Aiii3O.AVO, Loitiloti libkt Aintt!llt as tlighieiV„ .i, littlif, iliterOttd .thennleNe ill' the eehibitiott and are actively 'at work on the various -committees. The delitonstirations Will show hoW emoke is Limed And the loss it enteile ott the householder in wasted fuel and the cost for eonstaiit telloeittion. Fitakee Melt- eet: Will tie it iaaleltd- tit tali 'dditietinitt- dolls, add t6 pfdinoteee phontieete ex: plede dim Dainty that Steel tadriot be • tneptifattilied Wiehollt„tilidkhe , •Tliat; the thoVedielit fitt atlidite add idg • abatement -hes not been without effect Is eliown by the statement of a London . - expert that since the movement began the average number of dome fogs hero Itas deereased by over 00 per cent., while the average A:mot:let of winter sueshine lit the metropolis lies Mooted by 50 per cent, He -belle-ems that' If the .getteral . tetblie catt be hideted to take the matter • eerlottilitt the totelett pert -asap fog can he abolished: ehlOwitete ate ptepailtig btit ou a large scale, to participate in the development of trade that is ex - petted to follow the opening of the Panama Canel. A embination of otee of the largo anti Smaller coMpa.nisi has " recently bort effeetech witiett, it is be- lieved, will give to tritish eotnintillte a zoremanding posi ion in the competition tor the trade which will me the eanal. The new concern will be eontrolleh by, Lampert it Holt, a Liverpool shipplug Erne According to official figures, 00 combination eoutrols get -otters aggreget- trig -058,12t tons, A timelier of men entployed on the eitlentle and other litters which melte Liverpool their home part, have oreeni- ized a untem tyhich has for He ohject the prevention of strike% The tutiou hopte to avoid strikes by the formation of eonciliation boArds in every dietriet for the organieere believe that the idea will be taken up in every port, P. E. I. GOVERNMENT RESIGNS. Charlottetown, Dee. 3.—Preinter Patin- er and the members of the Pratte(' ltd- wata Movement sent yesterday aftetnoon their reeignatIous to the Licutenant•Governor at CharInttetown, the Premier toornmending that toe lat- ter tell upon hlr, histthieson, leader of the Conservative Opposition, to form a Goverment. A meeting of the COn4frf- ontive party will be held toenorrow t discume the situation. The perms in the Howe f Aeoemblee after the rettent ON. time ;deed fourteen Liberale to s;xteell Conserratit cc . C. P. R. HOME fI1(WO fit Til At Winnipeg for Ptillman Car Employees. tIontreal. :Dee. 4. --An announces:ant of Rome importance was made yesterday afterwen by officials of the &in,- And tieping .ear department of tile C. P. 11. A short time ago there. waa -opened by the O. IL at Winnipeg a bedding for the .use of the euiployees of tuif.. lepartment while ou the various -tints, through Winnipeg. The. object -of tile etunpany WAS to prOVido adementodatant g to a train& hinder old conditions' elnployees running through Winnipeg hal to seek board atitt itotela ot nrivete Thla Was eoineithat the eutplodeee who arrived fit VAn liOnS teems and whotie etay wile ehert id the: eity; The etectiott of titta stew building by. the C; P; B. Changed. this otate or affairs; its tir einpleyeca weft to the P. bill ;hit. tiled tiff dee', and fount: there tith. very best stedun todele- Dee et a very low rate. Being en loweatiou on Aeueriean. rail - se wee thle new atop to willow) work lets been closely watched by the railway treerld. Same the .echeate Las terned out to be a big 914ecess . was yesterday stated by the C. P, 11, offictelaJtat the work uotild be hxteadtid. ' Item ding to luitornation given out • yesterday it ia the lute/that a" the rail- way to Out sidillat beihliage -to .that Willillptte At ail itrietittalita veldts thorn eoast td Thene lotildings al1 be ereete1 ottae, bnt It is Intentied to eventitelly extend the eeheme agedilio whole getout. Thia whi „await hig,ak.pedditato Of /reeky, bet the C. P. R. believe that as a -result Its service to the- paha MI 1,0 rendered evert more -effieimit than it le prestet. BRIEF ISmall Boy Drowned in a BreweryMin, Last Boat for Season Leaves NOntreal Port, for ita en1)10 ees eolith) on a* ff it BORNEO TO DEATH Awful Death of Beverly Township Nan, MartinLoher'sBodyin Ashes of his House. Galt: Dee lia-htlinditt Itolteri tid .yetirtt old, it Man latoWth threughoiltVt loo add otigitbornig chanties b3; the stone feints Which , he hits bayt .cin mitt 'Of thtl 411101 hartithi to *death yesterdey." afternoon, Qrer it week ago the old num beau(e very eick, and was vetted- at hie Item in 'lovely by Dr. Varlm, ef tkorlt, who eeillitibilleAted itith iteslaa Joliet) ilf Limiete tean refareitee to laving 06 tV,e Yegtrilat meriting Wits to Oait to see Vardon, and whet.): lie turned. found. the little atone house in whieh the old man Jived a burning mass of ruins, and the charred rentable of !di father gavei evidtnce of the aWful tro- ocly, that had, takeh plate+ In the dinte nutihe eke -ache etere two *odd eke -het and it it aupdeeed that tile iitet asigleett: ed from one of these. The sick nein lei on his bed in an Wier room and it is likely that he was suffocaed while sleeping, or else was eut off by :the flames, beingsicareely able to more ow- ing to hig house Wile' aittididd t1beil ittallelitott and Sheffield, isolated'in the Welt, and the ueighbors had no idea of what was be.ppeinng until it was too late to be ef apy aid. The funeral was held Shef- field tit aftetadotte Te .; ee •e funeral was. hel<1. on . tteday at- ternoon, the remains being buried quiet- ly and privately, -Beverley ilo'st auother of lie -well- knoWli reettferits this t�.'11iftig Jil the death. of (Viol* Wel, Of Trey, Who ,$7,eak inyfitiltg :health; ltd nee about 70 yea -h e.„ hege, and had friends bi all parte of Acute worth. lie leaves a son and four bugle. ' LIKE CHICAGO r IRE P,Pa Colt Kicked Over Lantern. and Barn. Buried. .tit a itle pleat die- ttetrotts firat th the Macre of the ilatii. rn patt of WidlitigiOn..cotaity.oectiired • when the fitte hank Barn Of mi.. 'Win, lay, of Wt Lti1bieJ wiid,le fda It @tem to Damascus, was burnee tothe ground with 8ractiia1l. alt it eoutents. The fire started in it eimple manner, 'Mr. nay -having gone to the barn with . tan - tern to lie tip ft Volt, 1104d:teed the laii tern *hells tlie dolt was utile to tipst.t it, and tho straw lying etotbia *14(14 fire,.the hawse sprealiug so- tepidly it was unposeible to tette tita r.d,.;,r,ng: :tidy managed itheittli oik, Writ Of liorSlell dud several head Of tattle; licit hilt Rix hide horses, a tumber of tattle, the ettasonh crop und all his implements ••••44***1111,ai....m.r. WINDSOR FIGHT ,4•414tAr.m. Harry Maisonvill in Mix -Up With Jos, Kilroy. Dee, 3.—alr. Joseph Kil- roy, it well-known, local politick% is laid up itt hie home es a vomit of be- ing twiee asseulted on the street Lett Finlay night, Ite names as hia as' sealant Harry MeleonvItte, foenterly eecroary to Hem, J. O. &tannic, The ties:tulle warred in the afternoon and evening, Kilroy wee itt n print- ititoffiee arrangmg for the min -thee _ , pobtleal welders, whee Matson- ville entered, ant is alleged to letve *tenet: him. Later Kilroy was tvalk- leg on the street with Ottetonle Col - teethe Smith, wheu Maleouville steed: him from behind. The quarrel is said to have eriginatea by Kilroy publiele lag email Italia bilis on behalf of the iedependent patty and its conaidate in the provnicial eleetIone. %ahoy made ellueione to the bidingual school epos - thin and :kleisenvilie's connection with the controversy as it result of whkh the latter hest his ponition with Dr. RealAnnae. rt is expected Kilroy will lay an Mame-thin toteloet his assellaut when he reeovers from his injuriee. ilroy i over 410 years old, ubilc Mate- olltille is about :M. Turkey is sending a sixth ormY corps to the Persian, frontier, 'W, Jones, writer of Welsh verse., to dead, in New Pour peison$ repotted dead in eel - listen at Kent, Ohio. A hundred and ten sheep Were eliddied to death at Craig, Cut, last night. British ralleety uma areetaltdatt et forthing Alt Armored proteetion league, ttnited Stater]expeeeto pliiitt Lemma at _Jersey City this morning, $1,000,Q00 da meg*, One of the Maredo's lieutenants 18 Held to to involved in Keyes revolu• flattery plot. • The Union Xationel Dank, of Colonsbue, Ohio, posted make' of suspension t°'ataY. lr,11 Stokes, who is prosecuting • the Noy 'Stork thew giris tor elleoting bine is eeriotiely ill, - The tatepayers. of North Torouto.WitI Vote upon the question Of getting whim at Lemonville, Fivecents a bushel was the coutract tote tried6 taj heseela for wheat tergeee from hand WlIliitiH th The Berlin Post advoeater treiTta7rd • buildieg flee Dreadnoughtsearly, eo a8. to head off Britain's "two keels to one" °Delaitilex.ender Ittinnuell, it yoting leen, was OxrrSt041 At Toronto at the hestance of the Chief -of Ihnitee of Perlin 'trireme he is wanted on it eliatate 61 gtodling 19113. The first 'appointmeet made by Arch. • biehep Sprott was that of Ilett. Father Killee, of Pieton as Ids on succeesor as perish priest of St, hi:14ne1%. Belle. yea*. • It i$ preparing to double its terse -muted. $100,00d for tho next' ten pviltielilit:y, Comm is asie Dot' mediae. Locomotire Company to grant • it' a flood ' 11 ! ' Sliphitt, on the pettlitent et the, miner of Poiliatiteet and Oele street% welds way lioitiee,Retiblin .1111teei of 172, lileek- er sheet,' Totentet Mid ft...tittered hie iige. a1.eyeiat 'X; ietelmien,,ofe.h lstiltu, has almourtel %het at the Oat Ofthe Year be will retire hem itnttivitiil H:iWorship hashad a suceesfl ca - An otter -in -council leas been -Passed retiring W. O. Fischer as trade emends- eionet pi Cletteetiyowith he.atIgnarters lu- Bettie. lie Watt 4tdqnte mem end was appointed lit 100g; Wide no of t:cial annoamement has yet beet' me.46, It. ld datterally uneerstood that the NatIonal Thil/ieiNfinentaii,ttail• way Commiseion will be reorgodeed dtue ing the present month. Rudolph Blankenburg was inaugurat- ed mayor of 'Philadelphia to -day and for the 'drat time hi 27 years the eity is bfe it Mali elm watt not elect- ed lth t bit ittihtiblieen bit:titles:Won. Edwin fteidel, twelve-yetti-ahl iii1of Peter 1te'd21, while skating on the Rock brewerydent, at Preston, broke through the ice aud was drowned. It took about ten minutes to yecovet the. body. . Henry ttOttees SAlited of heart failure at 1,ls hon.te at St. thitlitttlitee, • Of, to about as usual, though he had been suf. the very momeut elf his death he dote. ferhig tem heart disease for some 'With lid: ttifilitt id the Jtoty, Head for Irish porte, the season Of navuiti-titin to Moutreal cloned. Decentlew 3 is tin. esually late for the last .seiling, It being Solne ten years since a -boat left oIl. so late it &the itfre. tenignetille it•ife. of Jae. letinettetir, of St. chtir aventte,,Toteete, died Xew York Citte telitre the 'Wont: detthilpatied by her husband,to untleritd all datiettion. She had been ill for some time, .and sue- cumbea to the shock. William Lyon, 70 nineteen -street, had his arnassohands and face badly burned in the 'WOW Hallway Company's powei temp dit kront stteet. Man had • vullell out a iv,iteh;, hut had not. dolitt it fiktfpikikt dn si moo-olit fol. lowed. A man who fell ill in Vote* street west, Toronto, and died a few minutes aftei wards, Was identified at the morgue as William Brittoe, taboret, liviog- at 750 Ciattlott street, Ile is forty-soen" yeafe Olefe god le anttited by it wife and two. chlifiteM; The apeoxidiate vAlue of 86iitw buildings in Toronto so far this year, based cqt. the permits issued by the City Al'entteefi 'is 1042.03,507.,. This is an Increase of $2,808,11.0(h tot; emnpayed with thefigures for the first etc tiff miT'Iltstelisitottflihirtetset- :"CA•ort.tunission bas Isseed an oder -that the Grand Trunk stied re- plitee the diartooti etoleitig .wItielt it tore up oit noir atteet, Welland, ciWtod by the NlailnAti Welland & take Erie Rail- way to et•osa thd (I, Tr It. stritelt into the M. Bedtty h. Omen ehipdarde; The atchiteetl.,willi are., Wilding To. ronto's new V. M. ti, . bktid bap in- vited to prepoe 'Titans for it building at Leedom The Lenaon btalding eteede to te remodelled and new bath% erne oasium and other equipixtent /use:Well. The proposed etruettire will he wolth. $100,000, 414 PASSED AWARD ....... Of County Judge re Town,- : Ship Assessments . ........„....„. After paesing 'without a word of pro - tot the equalization awara of Judge Snider, the C-ounty Cowell .tieljememed • title morning until next Tuesday, tile day 'after the eleetions, The membere filled the commit. eltambere After an ale .sence of nearly eix months, and efter dillyeletlyieg half of tbe morning away in township gesqip, they took up the new. rate of'county e ftestu eat. Not a Votuteillor laututured it worth and 'With it erash of his CA Warden Lawson announced' . 12 paeteil. There . may be.80.1111'.2.111101114.11t01Lite later. . { RANOHEItt ENDO LIFE. Okotoltz, Alta, Dee, 3.—Edward • -Iiellatleav, a well-known varietal* (2 :111illarviIle, eammittei finial& (Ma ' morning it the Grand Central Uotel by Cowing Off the /tole 44 hie head trifle a ellottenei, 1141, discharged both barrcle, end ricailr wm inetuntancow. CATTLE PRIZES Canadians Carry Off Prize at Chicago Show, OPPAPPP,_ cl,tivAgo, Dee, 3.—Caltmlian etMegsS won tittle out of fire trials le the. -col- lege team judging contest ,at the Ltste Steele. -Show Saturday night,. tn trial No. 1, "all elaSici of live etoce," elite. donald College, of Quebee, won tlret 11011- rM1eltoba College took setenet Vito, end Missouri. 'University won a &dose third, lit swine -judging, 151anitobt Voliege won first place, _Agricuitatal College' took second, and Alaedenaid College, of Quebec third. In sheep -Vag. lag Ontario, MAcitegald and Alanitobe Collegeolt 2ir4, second and third re. speetively. Thiele Sam woe first houolle in torso and cattle judging, but the Canadian cot. loges .wou tlegona ma third, Vac() In both chit,ses. Title is the firet -yeat the Mae- donald Cellege team Was entered. For. soot dap the --slam wilt emitinue at the, resilient at Halstead 4114 Itorteh third StreetS. The Paging onitest la for -the .$5,040 in Seltolarships offered by 4... Ogden Armoui!. Thera were 5,000 blooded annuals, in. clueing cattle front Conade luta .1.lrititin, Sheep front Scotland and Auetralle, anti liorees from France. .One of the features of the show wilt he it sheep•herdin,,,,,,,nontest between ttained doge, 'the international champion will he chosen. It will bo the first eoneest of the ktea ever hole lo the Dnited States. ALFONSO'S AUNT Refuses 1.0 Submit HerBook to Censure And Sends a Telegram Snubbing Spain's King. Peris, Dee. 3,—The Teems prints the partietdars Of a right royal row betweea King Alfonso of floale dna ".10,14 aunt, the .Infanta Vmlalle, a. Pelicans With hold and maeonveirtionni views. The Infante, who resides in Paris, to -day received the hollowing telegraitt from istiog Airtime), dated /rote the -palace at Metitid. Deeetaber 01 • tI tun astonished to With lront the newspapers that yen have published it book Under the name of Countess J suppoee thie trill. cause a great seneation. 1 order Von to Suspend publication :until I have tahou cottft- ance of the eenttents and. give my -per- misaion to publiett." To this telegram tne Infanta rePlied as follotts. "I ant groatly aPtonishecl that my book should bo adjudged without being read. 1:1; is a thing that could only happee in Spain. Never having a liking for Court life, from heve rdwaets held my- self aloof, I take thia opportunity to 'send you my adieux. For, after this' proceedings, which is wortky of the inquieitiou, I consider neyself, so far as my prieate life In concerned, free to aet as 1 eteete fit. Tlits fqtUtAri has given orders for the sale of all her estatelt iil "I shall live in Paris add OAR be tutu+ happia in so doing," the Prineeez stated. The book to which King Alfonso 'alio ceeeptiolh fuel witieh bears the title, "The Thread oi Liffft" lois the name of Cotuttess Avila on the heti pege. The preface, in which the nether tak63 the responsibility for the' views ex.pressed, is signed W ' olfe Infants of Spam. The work it it'fittitititt French. It is a sort of distursive, independent treatise on morality. The chapter tentlitioa in. elude such subjects as "The Principtel Callao of Happiness," 'The Development of Will Power? "Complete Indepen- dence of Women" --for the Princess is a melted ftwinfet--"Ileuality of (gass- es i#.11ttueatiolt," "Religion and Mere riage." Tho Royal moralist nutkee n deter- mined onslaught, on the traditionalfste. She is in favor of divorce, but tatags that it *Weld he. "a law based on ma- th+, not. to ofteu happens, on itteit agreeing CoVeting lust," The Princess holds, theft Wotnan 111 principle is tho equal el eltd easiest that she should teeothe tile 14441 collaborator without ceasing to he the geeerwe dem- minion of men ie the Joe§ end. labors of life. . O. 4. 11P—ppp•-•• FIRE LO§ESS The Value of Property De- stroyed in Canada. Horouto,-Dee. 2. — Tie% Monetary • Moen' estimate of Canada's fire loesee during November ,amounteil to $1 500, compared With $380,750 for Oetober and $1:043.708 for the eorrespondingt period fast pet. The followlag is an estimate of tite :November teems; Vim exceeding 810,000, $1,222,000; email fire, $88,000: 13 pet cent for ortreported fires, $190,500. 'retail a1,o00030. The number of deaths from fire last month were 20, it teenpareti w".tit 17 for October, and 10 for the etteremponding period last year. tido-atoned, the number does not show any signs of tii- minfahing. The lite lutists for the eleren moetit$ ending Nov. 3(1 totalled $10,171,375, com- pared with $2t,118,455 for the fame eleven 'menthe 1010, ana $17,471dea for 1001 July tide year, as leg, showed -heavier fire lotoee than any other mottle $e,3leleteit ' MICHAEL FRASER. tASE Turoyito 'Dec, MdLeen Mae - Donnell, 13. C.. comisel fee the pleintiff, took the ease front it medieal standpoint when argunteut 1VaA reenined In the letteer oleo helot elf) C14111 of Apneal toeley. thaelhommil tried ta show from tke evidence that the, old nem Fraser was it.eompetent to menatre his ;Malls. The inguntent eemt erowlude e;I tbl4 afteention. BRITISH OFFICER DISOHARGEO„ Loudon, Dee. 4.,K-•-• Tlee eontenselent of Herbert Montagu ea a second, lieu. tenant of the Fifth liattallou of the Vilsillers WAS- t*OttiNtl ln to. nightv 35500 of the London thteette, his actitm itt jnktlttg the Turkish forces in Tripoli hies sdPultled breach uf neutrality, DISCOVERY ON MOON' Of OUVES Remains of an Ancient Church Were Unearthed. .Desoription and Dimensions, of the Building; First of Three Churches Built by Helena, jeruhtlem, Paleetine, Dee. 4.--A ,dis- covery which promises to be et great ite tercet to the Christian world has been entitle on the top of the Mount vi °Ittivel itle the auspieeS a the Greek Catitolie Order of Monks, eidied. the "White Fathers/" exceoationa were be- gun recently iu the grounds of the in- stitoteon known as the Carmelite Gen - vent of -the "Ititer :Nester." The con- vent and the beautiful little chapel at- tached were built about thirty-six years ago by anel at Lee. expense of the late Aurelio de Amid, Princess de In Tour d'Auvergnis„ Duchess de Bouillon, end is leieDltivi- ole. ebec; gtri dpie itierdi, by Prenltnuns of .the .Cov. to the French Goyernntent. The 1;viti- turned over thiel!:eilnlItTnithaendjaitts rgrriolumneass4. tutionis consequently eoneitiered as 1.'renebproperty now. France, in turn,, placed it under the guardianship of OM • 'White IftlillerS," allowing theta a free hand in it Management 'botit epititual and temporal, aud in the carrying on of • exploratory researelles of exetWationa whenever the meetsion arose or on ote- , portunity offered,' The "White Fathers" have long Mee to the belief that the grounds must; cover the site of aonie buriedancient church ot• edifice in accordaece with long -preserved recent! ts in their possession, anti,' acting • on this belief, excavation:4 were cout- nili9ichvgrounds,ea b the Iirostern section of thxe e e • The excayatore were not loug in men- ing upon the broken watts of a 'ruined • church, and, juelgieg Dent the extent of .tialeellii,joet'ledne4glit liecti' 1 ibtehli•sal eitIlttio uirtceitnsillunet hvn;. 12 nteasureS some -150 feet in length from entrance to apse; the latter facing east- wards, aria ibs average width at the nave- ls Itheut 30 feet nue at the transepte„ 811 feet. The main floor --of the nave still_ re --- maths unearthed, hu.t those of the tran- sept% the .extent of whose Areite »usage ores some 15 feet square each, • Lac.; been. exposed to ,view.- They consist of beautifully •laid mosaics in a peefect state of preservatien. In the middle of the floor of the south transept ie sunk it baptisinal. inonersion noul, BOnle 2 feet in depth and 4 feet square, with it nice- ly roundedeand flaished 11111 all won- derfully preserved. The plastering on , the aidee of the wane enelosing this troves*. shows traces of e large paint - Mg. On tile floor of the north traneept were .found several shafts of eolunies 'mattered here and there among- the ilebrin, and at the junction of the west. ern corner Of the transept -with A eatet were uncovered two or three tombs containing human hones, on the tomb- stoue of one of WI11011 Is i»serilieh 331 Greek the name "Theodolite," Farther up the nava, northeast -o1. the eouth transept, another hit of mosaic - flooring WO Unearthed. disclosing that - there were two eeparate and dietittet floors: of different inotaie designs, the up- per lying some 2 feet 0 inches, -above the other, making it dear drat the ehereles history. covers two semi:rate period, ttnie1yi The first period lot - lowing itsorigami. conetruction by Queen Helene., mothho' nstantineer of. the Gveat—for there fe now no doubt. that this is ono of the filet three Chris- t -fait elotrehes- built in the lioly.Land by Queen Helena some time .dating the early part of the fourth century, 1120 other two being tbe Church of the ilely Sepolehre in Jerusalem and the Churelt• of the Nativity In Bethieltetnyeatel -the eceond period dating front the reitorite. eteionitItitg. ttliteeetdperteeoft vio4si.‘bedeifttwreol:et4ili origin:It church of Queen Helena. the 'destruction taking place probabbr dttritt4 the early part of the sixth century at the hands of the Persian King,Chosroes IT,, Or possibly some other Oriente' vandals. The latter view is Supported by the peetiliar construction in it Mfg!. eirettlar fdthion of thc wall of the apse-, which is characteristic of the Crusader type Of eltureh architecture. The church hes been giveu the name of hEleoue," in referetwe perhaps to oneen ifelena, :Is founder,. or agstitt. the "Cho:web of the Lord's Prayer," . for It stands, as tradition hes it., over the site of the Boot where Jesus taught his his.: °1y. 3)13eifte 3v.")•etvtorkoraceavation lie% hemi. touporatily*postponed beca.use of it leek of the Ude:Mary' fuuds, but 12 18 the. in- . tettion of the "White ltathere," en- tailed because of • the white -robes or some , fttlare date to restore the -eintrch to Re °righted grandeur. tunics which they iv:, to, _e_emiatto til ei I- egtdorotions as. soon tt4 nosSible, and at PINES DURING YEAR. v:TI,o7rooinztoo„NtDe ro iti—polsttidieelattstnoitti4netaiine;etaor se a tomtit of the activItiee of the On- tario provinetal police, roestables Which were turnea over to the provincial trees -ere.. totalled $4,133.14, 88inereastt of $1,370.7g. Daring the eeer L057 came covering 80 classes of offeewee -were handled by the eepartnient. In 1,251 inetatesee convictioes wera scored. p*,—.P—P.popiepipp,paPP.M. 1 CANON VERY ILL Montreal des.pletelo Though laving paesed it fairly eaay Xtight, f14,1% Canon illegood Was not improved thie neon- eitelity, though itteat, ha beeu30 Weal/1411H that 1114 e011111t11111 is at alt times twitted, STOP FALSE FIRE ALARM. Montreal, nee. .1.— Tim eitrt w'Ut it the Leglslattlre f or Amendittente to the new (-hatter, ittelteling a provi- 414111 itripesiug :t fine of $100 for tom ing iA a h&c alarm +.1 fire, and in derma six months in jail. 'The vond offence to eost $200 or 0 year in Jan. /111(1 two yetms in the peultentlary for the thira offence. (lfaruer'i Weekly) AN AOOONIN(ObATI N 0 CANN! BAL. . . "met suite uu*.'they raY tho Icor to A otylreitirortnnyst;rftvirdrec: tt•A Re' tli"Itgio11.4814111to'y b'All riftht, deetor." laid the littor. man's- heart Is through nts stoutrue:r. Word4 rut uretcr to 1.0 rmainol or broil- .etll'