HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-12-07, Page 6FORCE OF HABIT.
"What slid Senator Lark say when the
teeertera Informed hitil WI his wire hod
br.ought suit tor divorce?
Uonfor (totem*, but not one
cent tor alimony!he thunderea, rising in
Ms most imprewallee Manner.
(Slack end White.)
etillY;0e1-11-ou MaidEi?
Witness -With law brother.
Cs:wet-And your brother !Ives?
WIthees--With rne.
Ceunsel-Preciaelybut you both live
(Beaten Transcript)
Wife-e-Solut I gave Vide one of those
wrullere I made end he went and burlea
an not snrprised. Ile proleate
ly took it for a bone.
ItIercyl Do you allow your husband to
smoke in the house?
Well, if 4 didn't let him timoke 'teal
fume, and that would be a gooa deal
Bragge-What is the meaniug of the
word "mug"?
Waggs-It means a man Who ie fat
and sled of et▪ 41*,
Gibbs-Baks married his wife be
MUM she 'Was a good couversetionalait.
Dibbe-Yee, and divorced her because
*be talked too much.
(Brantford Courier).
It's the voice of the householder,
We hear him `exclaim:
I've shovelled in coal,
Rot to do ft again.
(Baltimore American)
"Jobely brags that he is a self made
"I thpUght he was a, little beggY at the
, • ALL OFF.
Talkative passenger -(trying to get in-
to converaation)-1 see-er-yoirve lost
your arm. • •
Clentlettlan--.(trying to read) --So I have.
How carelese et me!
(Emporium (Pa.) Independent)
The Independent stated a month ago
that 301ui Fridette and family were get-
ting ready to.Move to Niagara Falls. The
family lett fee that place Tueaday morn-
ings bag and. Nonage.
(Philadelphia" Record)
"You would ,be surprised," remarked
the statistIcal, person, to know how
Pura water Is, wasted in a big city."
"I suppose so.' reiilied the man with
the Imprestientistic nose. There are
some people who drtnk it, rou anow.e
(Boston Transcript)
Intending Parisenger-eHow long does
the next train, stop at this place?
Station master -Four minutes, E'rom
two to two to two two.
Intending Passenger (100kIng up) Beg
Peirdnp; was that you just tooted or the
• - • ---
(Pliengende Bletetter)
"My future mother-in-law is realiy a
tit too carotid. So that my fiancee xhall
know what to buy after we are married,
sho takes us both with her to the mar-
ket every morning."
"Weil, but evhat use are you?"
"Ob. I paYl"
(Detroit Free Press.)
'4Ho you were auccessful in your efforts
to break Your uncle's wiji in which he
left you only $20,000,"
"Yes. I won out easily." •
"Aad how much did you finally get?"
"After paying the lawyers / took down
(Wetehington Star.)
'T suppose you Mid living less expell-
ees° since you took to gathering your
own mushrooms?"
srA little." replied Mr. Groucher. "We
don't save anything on the mushrooms,
but all our friends ha,vo quit accepting
invitations to dinner."
Poet -Why do you call your cat
"Manuscript' t •
Ilackwritera-No matter how often or
Itow far I send him, away, he always
• tomes baekee-Judge.
• all s *
(Washington Star)
4.roti don't seem to be making ranch
progre,ss In golf."
"No" replied Mr. Cumrox. "It worries.
Do you know. 1 aonsetimes wish I was
back in tha office •sel ete to have aothethIng
to take My Mind off the game."
•e, •
(Boston Transcript.)
Marks -$o your Harlan barber refused
to shave youY Why Was that?
l'arles-I told him I'd -just had a Turk -
1P11 bath.
(Chicago Recerd-Herald.)
"Does your husband ever lose his Min-
"Not any moreno lost it permanent.
ly about two years atter our inerriage"
"She married him ter refernt hint"
"And what was the result?"
"He's so good now that he's shocked at
uarly eVerything she does."
' • 1.. •
Wk End' Sportsiriari-I ujiit shot a
deer. old chap!
211$ Pal-Greatl Kill him?
asale PiWnd Briortemene-I, think not, Ile
phot back!
" a '•
(Philadelphia, Record.)
labbs-Do you think we shall ever a
unlvereal language?
S.oble2-We have now when inoriev talks.
e s- • e..s. sla 4
(Chicago News.)
"De 19 the men of the hour,"
"Irn't there ever a woman of the
"Tot. but it takes her an hoer and a
"Why tio rmi argue with your vile?"
*eked the bactrek,r. "Don't you know
thP futility of ft7"
"OE mom," reviled the nuirried man,
"bat t have to allow her a iittle !measure
once in while."
964, -
Dogs 11 WITH A SNAP.
(Boeton 'Drama -tint.)
"Feek'm wife walks an over him.
velescyou might tall a teleecinst.
at do you
a (1r*w ita oeft. :err; ,hrousli
eat *lora MAI
xtzx Sybirs Doornxzz
"No," gild flu* fairy; "bemuse there
Isn't one of them half so big er so
beautiful as you, Cousin Cyril. The of -
Beers from Speckbaven come here; but
eome of them aro ohl, and meet of them
are ugly, fuel I dmat like them at all.
Oh! What a 'Pie° evening it is, and how
sorry I am you are going away!"
-They were walking delve the long,
tvindiug avenue that led to the •portio
entrenee of the house, the etately trees
Meeting OM their heads, the golden
stare esglitter in the -cloudless blue.
Verer beautiful -mysteriously beaeti.
iut-looked the black depths of wood-
land, the yellow groves of fern, the
glimmering pools and lakelets, the oel.
Vet Sweeps of ewer&
The young mar sighed An he looked,
then le.ughea.
"I ean a modern Lara going forth from
his father's litaBs, the "world illbe-
fore me where to choose. And m.y e
Sybil is sorry I am going away? Weil;
it is pleasant to know that, even though
you do usurp my vighte by and by,
%Vhat it charming little heirese you will
make, my pretty Sybil, and whet dam-
ege those big Mack eyes and flowing
ringlets will do after awhile! You don't
like the officers from Speckhaven now,
but you'll change your raind presently,
my little one, Me forget even the ex -
%fence of Cousin Cyril,"
"Forget yon!" cried Sybil, Indignant-
ly. "Yon know better than that. I wish
I were grown up it young lady now, and
then you would marry me, woladn't
you, Cyril? And I might go With you
always. I should like that. I shoola like
to tie with you always, and go with yoa
The shrill whistle of intenee amuse-
ment with which IAeutenant Trevanion
greeted this piece of intelligence scared
the nightingales chanting vespers lathe
green zloom.
"By Jove! for it young lady of five
years you know how to pop the quoit -
non astoundingly. Highly flattered as
I inuet be by your honorable inten-
num, Mies Lemma yet permit me to
flecline. This is not leap year, and ma-
trimonial propositions emanating from
your sex are not for an instant to • • be
tolerated, Besides, M" precious little
oeautvi / have one wife alroady." • ,
Syhil's Week eyes opened to • their
widest, but before she could express, her
iurprise or disappointment, there start-
ed out from the coppice Aear it tall,
gaunt oId Woman -a weird figure, half
elad, with naked feet, area streaming
Iron -gray hair, gleamIngi eyes, and
dusky faee.
Sybil recoiled with a little cry, more
angry than startled.'
"it's old Hester --Cracked Hester!"
she said. "How, dare you come back,' af-
ter what Uncle Trevanion said to you
yesterday? She tried to steal Inc away;
Cyril, and she snares the rabbits; and
umee says bell have her transported
for poaching, if she comes here any
says it, but he won't do it, ray
little gneen," replied the woman in- a
husky treble, harsh and shrill. "He
won't do it; for I know his secret, and
the curse that is to fall. The Trevanions
haveflourished long, but their end is
near. The doom is at hand; and -then,
my handsome soldier -then, 103' pretty
Ihiie lady -look to yourselves!
tate turned away with a tragical sweep
of one bony arm, a spectral glance of
tvarning out of the gleaming old eyes --
turned sIowle away, chanting as she
'el be Doom shall fall on NIonkswood
Cur Lady and her grace!
Dark falls the doom upon the last
Fair daughter oi the race.
'The bat shall flit, the owl shall hoot,
terini Ruin stalks with haste.
'.1.11e, Doom shall fall when aeonkseiood
Ir changed to Monkswood Waste."
"She aiwaye sings that," Sybil whieper-
ed, •with a little shiver., "But, them she
is mad,. poor thing! Her we are at
the gates, and there is your fly. Will
yell come back soon, Cyril?" wistfully.
"I may never come back." Ire stooped
arid kissed her tenderly. "But don't
quite forget me, my dear littIe Sybil,
and, remember, 1 will always have a ten-
der spot in my heart for you. Come, we
will exchange love tokens, little ape!
Here is this ting. Wearit retina your
neck until these fairy fingers grow large
enough for it. If I meet you it score of
yeara from now,, a stately and gracious
young lady, I will know Cowan Cyril is
*till remembered by this token."
Ile kissed her again' and sot ter dove.
"Will you be afraidto return. Sybil-
afraiii of Cracked Hester?"
"Olt, no! I will run all the way, And,
Cyril, I will wear your ring, aad love
you forever. And when I am a young
laxly, please come back for rue, and I
Pill go with you anywhere in the wide
Wt. rid."
"'You will 'live with me and be my
love,'" the gay hussar said, laughing.
"rt wouldn't be proper? Sybil, unless they
bit roduce polygamy into this narrow -
!minded country, pending your groVeing
up. Good.byc, my little one. I May
remind you of all this in years to come.
:Meantime, fareweil-a long farewell --
my darling Mt% Sybil."
Ile leaped into Che fly awl was gone,
itiel the pretty fairy stood regretfully
geeetig after him, with -a solitaire dia-
mond, flashing in her handa-to meet
spin -ohm I
"But he will surety relent, Cyril, Von
eVs! hie oniy son."
'He will never relent, Roie. You don't
know My father. We Trevanions are a
, bitter and vindictive race, atul, as Shake.
inane says, 'Fathers have flinty hearts;
no prayers can move them,' No, my
deer little bride, all hope is over there.
I %%wild die of starvation at his Ores -
hold -die ten thousand deaths -before I
waald ever stoop to sue to MM. more."
"send eee me die, tool" Rose Trevam
ton said, bitterly; "for it will (mine to
that, 1 suppose. You have uotaing but.
you,- lieutenant's pay -ea brilliant pros.
pect for the future."
They were at Brighton, wit:tiler the
hamar had brought his bride, walking
On the West Cliff. The November (333'
WAS shortening fate; a chill wild Ilew
over the sox. Few were abroad hi the
raw, autumnal twiliglit those feW
strangers to them. He had brought his
bride to Brigliton--thie digt,:trilled heir
Viet slic naght be near, in else lilt fa-
ther eoneented to see her.'
'I hat hope wat over TIOW. lIe had hut
Stet returned from that fruitleee pia
gebhap to Monkittiemil, lo find their
loaeitigit &soled end hie three -weeks'
e. sauntering drearily eti and down
the West Cliff.
'Or 1 mey go on the n (age kola -
her to rouge and ispangles once More,
• Ann eern the, daily bread awl damp beef
mery-rity life." she said. Atilt mot'.
.i.rt:wr WM:WI Of IfIZI protes.
glen de it. ted lieee d J":14 .-0.,•Ity lot It
MI'S. Cyril Trevanion will be a taaing,
and high-sounding 11;1111(3 1011 1110 1111184'
L'eutenent Trevanion !oohed in wort -
der at his wife. She stood gassing at the
Julius rising on the Sea, her pretty yel-
low curls blowing beck, the rose bloom
bright on her cheeks --youthful
sweet aft a dream, But 1150 fair brows
were Unit, the dark eyegleamed an-
filciltilei.xecleXte rosebud mouth was rigidly
"It will hardly come to that, Rowe'
he said, gravely. "Cyril Tree -animas wife
Will never tread again the theatrical
boarils, ana she 1:newts have Witt,
one' friends, my Rose. They will Use
their influence in my favor, arid, obtain
Inc an appointment, abroad -it Imitative
one, in mime of the colonies. Yea will
iiao Itlina
obj.eet to going abroad with me, my
Rose Trevanion .shrugged her graceful
"It is that, or starve, 1 suppotte. If
we meet become exilea, we must; but I
confess I hardly looked, forward to this
sort of life, Lieutenant Trevanion, when
I married you." '
Tim young mates powerful dark eyee
feted full upon her in a look she felt,
hut did not meet.
"Then yon regret your mar.
riage, Rose? YOU loved the
name, the wealth, and the position of
General, Trevanion's heir -not the :an
who loved you?"
"If you, wish to put It so -yea," the
bride of three weeks answered, vith
bitter recklessness. "Of one thing you
may- he certain'sir; if I had -known
this was to be the result, I should not
have been your wife to -day! Let us
talk no more about it, It is too late
She turned petulantly away frein high
and leeilted anoodily seaward. Very fair
and childish she appeared -very sweet
and delicate looked the rosy tneuth that
uttered such cruel words. Her youeg
husband stood beside her, hie ho.na-
some fao more darkly stern than Mor-
tal mazi had ever seen that face befoie.
"It grows cold. Do you not wish to
return to the hotel?" he asked, bilefly,
after A PRI1100.
"Ne. What does it matter? The soon-
er I take cold and get my death, and
make an end of it all, the better," -
Ile took no ponce oi the taunt. Hie
face eould hardly grow more darkly
rigid than it was; but he turned to
leave her,
-"In that ease'then, you will have
the goodness to excuse me for a mozne
ent. I think I see some oue. yonder ' I
He walked hastily away in the direct'
tion of the read. Friendly faces had
very little interest for aim just at
that moraent, but anything was better
that% standing with his wife's frowning
brow before him.
Left alone, Rose Trevanion drew her
mantle about her, shiverhig a little in .
the bleak blast.
' "Was it worth while," she thought,
moodily, "to risk me much to gain so
little How much better off shall I be'
out yonder -in some dreary colonial
town, the wife of it besotted, enoont
struck simpleton, than I was before?
Better to have remained Mate Adair yet
awhile longer, and waited for the' uck
that must have come."
Lieutenant Trevanion joined his
friends -two military mee-one 51
young and eminently handsome man,
the other a tall, fine-looking, powerful
personage of nearly forty, whose bronz-
ed faee and scars told of battles lost
end won.
"Major Powerscourt," the young hus-,
ser said, holding out his hand. "they
told me you were home on sick leave,
but I confess I hardly looked to see
you at Brighton in November. When did
you arrive?"
"Cyril Trevanion, by all thee ser.
prime' exeirtinsed the stalwart major.
"Why, how the lad has grown since I
ssie him last, and as like the' general,
ill lit old commanding officer, es two
initts! My friend, Captain Haat/ley, of
"ours' --Lieutenant Trevanion. When dal
T arrive? This afternoon.' to please
Ilawksley here, who kite friends in the
place, and if I had known we were go-
ing to have Buell beastly weather, I'd'
have seen my friend Hawksly very con-
siderably Inconvenienced before I
came." •
"There'snothime the nuttier with the
weather," said Captaia Ilaveksleyt
"rawish, to be sure, but what would
you have hi the middle of November?.
If a man leaves his liver out there in
India, lie has no right-ehl by .Jove!
it's net possible, is it? I say, look there,
- Both men stared, tor Captain liawks-
ley' had all at once fallen into it state
of alarming exeitement in the middle of
his sentence.
"Look there, Powerseburt! Rose Daw-
son, for a ducat!"
"Eh?" eried Powerecourt; "little Rose,
tbe girl who was with you last year
deer -stalking in the Highlands! Where?"
"Yonder -alone on the Weft Cliff,She
doesn't see us -how she will open her
big black eyes when she sioesi And
so haw the little sorcerees is dressed --
got up regardless of expense. What's
the name of the latest moth whose
wings she has singed, 1 wondert"
"Latelles was speaking of her the ono
er day et the club," sala the major;
"tom nte she had foiled some rieli foot.
in merry her. Poe devil. Way didn't
slut cut bis throat at once! Let's go and
congratulate her."
"Stop!" said Cyril Prevenient. Ite
wits deathly pale, and his eyes glittered
like live coals, "1--I happen to know
that lady, and I --for Cioda mike, Pow.
erecourti" with a midden fierce cry,
"what is it you meanie
The two men looked at hint then at
each other. Major Powerseotirtihad been
smoking -he took hie ellen trent be-
tween his lips, and laid his hand on the
young hussara shoulder.
"You know the lady?" he said; "delft
eaiineej Trevanion, that yea have
"I have married her!" Cyril Treven.
ion tyke, loudly and pitesionately; "she
is my wife -what then?"
"Why then," replied Powerseoui t.
dropping hie hand and replacing his el.
gar, "I have nothlog more to say; only
the tooner you take your /elite1 and
blow your bredrie out, the better. Hoe
yene and earth, TreVarli011, what all
egregiotm young ass you have beerii"
e"Stopi" the young man exclaimed,
liesreely, "even sueb, old friendship
as your'. Poweraeourt, giVel
sight-.--" He stopped -short, liter-
ally unable to go on, almost suffocated
with the horrible emotion within him.
Captain lletwaeley looked at Mnit tniM*
pa Asionately.
"I IVIll leeer noir with your friend,
Powereceurt," he seal, "'I will go bock
to town, and islet ter yea on the Par.
sae, Devalth ugly pave rt hominess thig
altogether i" In a (ow vriee. "Pre gad
to be well ont of it.",
Ile bowed to Ineranion, but the lats.
sar never saw it. Ilie filo Wail ghastly,
am Major Powerveourt took his grin and,
led him away.
VIII sorry for yea. Trevanion," the
deer officer said, gravely; heorrier al-
most than if I saw yon dead, before Inc.
a 004 heavemil whet will your father
say -the proOdest old martiPet In the
three Itingdoras! Was there no friendly
voice to warn you --nu friendly hend to
rettelt out and save you front the made
-deg act or a madinall'e life? laeellee
told me some one hart inarried her, but,
by Jove! 1 . couldn't believe it. L
couldn't iinegine the esietence of so in
fainted an lillotl" .. .
Lieutenant Trey:Won blirst into
harsh, diseordant laugh.
"1 have heard of aole's comforters,
Powersourt; they should loam had you
to give lessons. Speak the truth, meal"
turning upon ban with gulden fury,
"and speak at opee, or lell tear it frelia
your throat! Who .and svbat is yonder
w om an ?"
"Shels the most vicious and unprin.
cipled little adventuress the wide world
hold.. T met her in Parte. Ilawkostey
and I both know all about her. Did you
;lever hear of her first marriage -of the
poor fellow who was her Brat husband "
"Her husband!" .
"A bad business, oldboy--yes, she ime
a -husband. Ile was a private in Hawks-
leyai onipany-thates how Phil got to
know aer first. It apepers She was orig.
inally a Miss Resale Lemoine, the only
daughter of a drunken Frenchman, an
actor, a savant, A broken-down l'ORO,
and she ran away with this soldier -Joe
Dawson, I believe he called hintself-at
the precocious age of fifteen. He was a
bruite, •I must say, a port, of the lowest
order, and when she left, him and his
youngster, three years after, for life in
Paris -Well, I for one, who don't see up
for a rigid moralist, did not blame her.
She returned to him, however, four
months later, and a heavenly life he lea
her, if the truth were known,ina state
of &Arnie and beastly drunkenness.
banallee after a flogging, he deserted,
taking his wretched little drab of a wife
with him, and the next we heard of him
he was dead." .
a door 110,1a -murdered -struck
with a stone' right, on the teinple, by
some one allat home In the anatomy.
Don't ask me who did it -give the devil
las clue -she had earned it richly. There
was search made for his wife, but she,
had vanished -the authorities at Leam-
ington never found her from that day
to this. They buried poor Joe Dawson,
and sent his child to the work -house. A
year later, a pretty little actrees, a Mies
Rose Adair, appears, and the initiated
knew her at once, but kept their own
counsel. Why should Hawksley, and
sueh fellows as that, turn Ithadaman.
thus, and. haunt to perdition a poor lit-
tle wretch who never injured them.
There's her story for you, and the soon-
er and the quieter you get ria of her the
better. You may depend upon Hawks-
ley a,nd me, clear boy -very few know
or your mad marriage, very few ever
need know. I will muzzle her effectual-
ly in five minutes with the threat of the
rope and the hangman. Come, cheer up,
Trevanion," with d. hearty slap on the
shoulder. "NO aesperanatim:
• But Cyril Trevanion WAB staring
straight before lam, with an awful, blind,
vacant stare. It was fully five minutes
.• before he spoke, his fade wearing ,the
. dull, livid pallor of death,
"Let us go to her," he said, in a
hoarse. breathless sort of way. "Oh,
my (kid! I can not believe what you tell
mei There is some tnistake-some how.
rib! e mistake. Let us go to her, Powers -
court, and, telt nie you never saw her
sbteiftnowl,„ or I shall go tuna where I
• "My poor boy!" Major Powerseourt
said, compaseionately, "heaven knows 1
would spare you if I could, But it is
best you shpuld know the truth. Let us
go to her, as you say."
They spoke no more; in .dead silence
they drew near jho lonely little figure,
'still gazing moodily -at the gathering
hniste upon the sea. She recognized the
clank of the spurs, and spoke without
turtling around,
"How long you have been, Lieutettant
Trevanion," she 'said, in a tone of pee-
vish imminence. "I am famished and
half frozen. Let us go back at—"
Sbe never finished the sentence. She
had turned erovaid, and was face to tate
with the Indian major. He -stood .be-
fore her, tall, stalwart, stern as doom,
and, like a galvanized corpse by his side,
Stood her :deluded husband. Her face
turned of a deadewaxen vlateness irorn
brow to chili, and the word s she was ut.
tering froze on her lips.
"Major Powerscourti"
"Yes, Rose Dawson," Major Power -
court auswered, sternly, "It is 1. You
hardly expected to see me again
eo soon, when we patted in Paris,
did you? I confess, for my part, I
Amnia es soon have looked for the Em-
press of the French promenading the'
leeest Cliff at Brighton. I thought it
was an understood thing you aid not
come to England, Mrs. Dawson?"
She rode uo reply; she stood white
and trembling to the very lips. The ma-
jor loomed ilp before her, big, stern, pita
leo as death itself.
"I came here with another old friend
of yours, Rose--Captein. Philip Hawks.
ley. Ana I have told Lieutenant Tre-
vanion all. Do you hear, Bose Dimon?
for I deny yout claire to any other name
-all. That nasty little episode of poor
Jot Dawson among the rest,"
She uttered a low, wordlese ety of
abjeet terror, and hid her White, fright.
cned Mee in both heeds,
, "You're a clever little woman, Rose,
and I rather admire your pluck in put.
tittle an end to that tirttnlcert beast Daw-
sou; but, by Jove! when you delude in-
fatuated young nien into marrying you,
.You come it it little too ettong. Not
that you have the shadow of a claim
upon zny young friend Trevanlon; boys
Of nineteen can tot legally contract
marriages; but lett you slieuld grow
to farity you hove, I may ae well put an
oriel to year delusion at once. I give
you just One week to milt binglahile mei
dear airs. Dawson; if, At the and of
that time you are still to be Mewl, I
will have you In the Old liailey in four-
atal-tweetenhours. Ana I can heng you,
Urnolgshevaitiod lal do it, by ell that's
She droppee her bends from bolero
her Mee, and looked birn straight ill
the era, her Om brightly defiant. The
firet shock ever, and the little golden.
haired tioreerese could be as insolently
defiant et the bravest.
(To be Continued.1
Mervin Acker, el Deavertown, While
picking apples foutid imbedded In the
•gimp of net old apple tree an English
coin with the 'Menem of King George'
III. on one side and the emblem. of
Greet Britain on the other. The tein
is 136 yore old. It is iMppose1 the
I• min wtos Plated lit 'the 'tree for eine
lceping and toYetril by the weed, only
to be dieroverd Om.
enanny years by
the (Wally* elentrients of titrie.-joblite
town Democrat.
Ways to Coo
CIIICKRN Pike -Cut upsobicken; Place
in hot water enough mteif'eliVer, as it butte
01- with the chicken and a thick gravY
AWAY add ore, so to have enough
Mr the pie and for enty or gravy to
servo with it, enu hill until tender. Line
tile melee of a pan svitlt a rIelt biscuit
dough a miarter or n inch thick, then
weli seasoned wait salt, pepper and but-
ter. Lay a few pieces ot bacon in. Cov-
earvevvriltalieltifortlutt end Mate In a moderate
CHICKEN idtsT OASSE110M-Wine a
four -and -one-half lender fowl and cut In
nieces for serving. Surinkle IV tat salt
and Poem', SPreaci generously with but.
tee and place en caaserole. Adel one cen-
ftil or boiling water. Waft On cover end
hake until ohicken '18 tender; then seta
one cupful or cream, two ctinfulls ue resit
nwahrooms cut in pieces and one -halt
cuuttill or cooked pieces. Agan cover,
and cook anon minutes. Chicken saute)
'with one tableepoonful of flour diluted
with cold water to pour mese
CHIareasee efOnSeE-The day before
the mousse le to be eerved, cook one cup.
ful of rich chicken stock with the beaten
oats rig two eggs one minute; season to
taste with salt and pepper, and if the
flavor is liked, A intie celery -eau; all
one cupful of the pounded whtte meat Of
cola boiled chicken, one tablespoonful of
gelatin dissolved in a littye mild water.
Stir all together well, then 011/80 Ihr0110
A Sieve. Add a cupful oe whipped cream
and the dry whipped whites of three
mem). Beat well 'with an egg -beater until
nearly cold and then turn Into a wetted
Mold and stand on ice until firm.
• ....On .4111,11,...•,,,
"Hew has the old place been paying
this year?"
"Fine," replied Farmer Cerntossel,
"Me and 'Mandy got enough summer
board money to keep us in condensed
milk an' canned meat for the hull win.
ter." -Washington Star,
Well, Well!
THIS is a liOmE Dyg ,
can use
I dyed ALL these
1/4---;• of Goods.
with the SAMEpue„. 7=-1 used
DY -0-1A
. - •
OLEAN and SIMPLE to Use.
NO chance of Wing the 'WRONG Dye forthe Goods
ORO !WI to C0101: AU COIOTS from yOnr Druggist or
Dealer. PRIM Color Card and STORY Booklet 10,
The Johnsowalo.hardson Co., Limited, Montreal,
(New York Press)
Colonel E, H. R, Green. disgusting with
a N'ONV York reporter hie 4,000 propos-
als of marriage, said:
"My female wooers appear to be of a
mild, shrinking nature. They are not at
all like the wife of a friend of mine
down Texas way. This man beloime to
the Tarpon Club and I once heard two
clubmen talking about him.
"Poor George tells his wife every-
thieg he does' said tbe first clubmen.
, "Yes", said the smile. "end he does
everything she tells him."
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
b/ind or protrading Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you hoiv to
cure yourself at home by the new ab-
sorption treatment; and will also send
eorne of this home treatment free for
trial, *with references from e-eur own
iccality, if requested. Inunediato relief
end permanent mire assured. Send no
money, but tell others of this' offer.
Write to -day to Mrs. *M. Summers, But
P. 8, Windsor, Ont.
Lord Kitchener's French Service.
Lord Kitchener is to receive the war
medal bot having <Served with the French
taw in 1870; but though the fact ot
this service lies often been asserted by
the French, "Kea' la." himself has- never
either "admitted or denied." During the
war he Was a Woolwich Cadet, and in
the long ovation he joined his fatuity at
Dinan at Brittaint, to rub up his
Fronde Nearest the truth, perhaps, is
the writer who says; "Lord Ritehener's
/irst experience of war was tinder the
lereneh flag. In 1870 he enlisted as a
private in a nlObile battallion under Gen,
Chaney. He sew no fighting, but as
sided- in some balloon asceets that end.
ad in a ehil arid an attack of pneumo-
nta,"--Lonaim Chroniale.
• 9 a
Patient's Corn FXtractor is Warranted
tO cure Corns without, pain, In it few
hours. Give "Putnam's" it trial ana you
will be satiefied. It ie sure, safe &Ad
Painless. Prio eiie per bottle,
. •
"Peek's wife tease all over hint. Re's
what you might eall it telescope hus-
"What do you Mean 1"
'She draws hint out, sees through hin
and shuts him '
Minard'a Liniment Cures Diphth I
Mee are the nieln euee for the Spread
• ot ts,phold fever mimeo. infentutn and
all the bisenees of children that are call*
ed ,feurnrocr conmlaints,"
Stops a. Cough
By Breathing the Soothinge Healing
Vapor of Oaterrhoeone all Throat
*d Catarrhal Trouble is
Quickly Duped.
We simply wonderful to think how
quickly a bad, threat or cetarelt eau be
wed with Catarrhozone. Its rich bal-
ee0310 vapor is .carried 'nlong with the
breath into the innermost i•ccesses of
the lunge, broncilial tebeti aud chest,
Making it impossible Thr the germ of
any disease to live- Thee soreness of
the ehest is at once allevieted-plilegia
Is loosened and ejected from the throat,
old -standing einighs are removed."
"1 auffered from an irritable, weak
throat for three years. I had a severe
cough,s, pain over the eyes, conetant
bad etaste In my mouth,and noises in
my ears, It Was chronic catarrh. No.
thing gave permanent relief till I used
Catarrhozone. In one hour it reliev-
ed, and in a few weeks draise all trace
of catarrh from my system.
"No, 0 Lopez street, Kingston, Jit."
REMEMBER THIS - You breathe
Catarrhozone and it will mire any
throat, chest or bronchial cold. Largo
size, guaranteed, costs $1,00, and lasts
two niorithe; steelier gees, etic. ;slid
Me. Beware of imitations and insist on
"OATARRHOZONV only. By mail
from the Catarrhozone Co,, Buffalo, N.
Y,, and Kingston, Out,. -
While there are nineteen lady /WO -
oats -known as aavocates"---at the Par-
is bar, there are only a dozen avietriees,
or in, plain Engliela lady avfators. For-
merly there were thirteen, a Paris con-
temporary informs us, but they were
reduced, to a dozen by the death of
Mme, Denise Moore...* The present
"demos casettes" are hime. de Laroche,
who was the first to .attempt to fly;
Mile. Helene Dutrieu, Mlle. Use Her -
yeti; holder of the Femina cup; Bile.
Marvinght, Mlle. Marthe Niel, Mine.
Moisant, Mine, Driancourt, Nine
Franck, Mme, Hervartson, Miss Maurice
Harriett Quimby, Miss' Blanche Staart
Sott and Mlle. Deese.
The foregoing gives us six French wo-
men, four English, mai American, and
one Germau, Mme. de Laroche and Mme
Franck have met With serjous accidents.
The others have been more successful.
Mme, Driancourt as said to be the most
intrepid of this Maumee band, She is toe
mother of 'three children, and while her
exploite are credited With terrifying -her
husband, they are the wonder awl ad-
miration of avietoes. We may mei that
our contemporary ignoree Mrs. Maurice
Hewlett, who is not only an aecompit
ea flier, but also has a practical know.
ledge of aeroplanes sueli as not ad avt.
atom posses -From the London Geom.
lsioted food, scientiste have degidea
that alum is an unscea danger in food,
and as a result of their investigations,
rigorous laws have been enacted. and are
now being vigorously enforced in Eng-
land, Prance. and Germany, prohibiting
the use of altun iIt food%
• lentil suitable lime are passed in Can-
ada prohibiting the use. of alum baking.
powders, every housewife should be
elude] , to buy only a baking powder
that has the ingredients printed piainiy
on the label. .
I cannot see the Old plays
I saw long years ago, •
For nerve, alas, would fail me
And tears would surely flow;
Two dollars for a froat seat
I paid without a whine
To hear some mIscast- mtner
Exclaim: -The world is mine:"
I cannot read the old. hooks
I read in days of yore:
Ssmehow each ancient idol
Is now taught'by a bore;
1 used to tackle pages
Six .hundred in it hunch,
But pow I'm always looking
For etorles with a Punch.
I cannot spend the 0.1 dough -
spent in days gone•by;
cannot eat the oid food
Ere prices were skyebigli;
I cannot drink the old drinks
That used to be extant;
I minnot sleep the old: -sleeps-
cannot because 1 etsn't.
-13enVer Republidan,
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
, Gentienten,-In July, • 1905, t was
thrown from it roda machine, injuring
myelap and beck badly and was obliged
to use a mach for 14 months. In Sept.
1006 Ma Wm. Outridge of Laehute urged
me to try MINARDS LINIMENT, whieli
I aid with the most satistactory result
and today I am as well as ever In my
Years eineerely
been assigned to his room he telephoned
dowto e oftlee Mr OVA strips Ot 011-
e 1:tr'aen thSoo.a, after the new arrival had
"Another one," soli the .elerk, after as -
Miring the guest that the 61Ieloth would
be sent up immediately. "He Is a som-
nambulist. 9 suppose. We keep strips of
oilcloth in reserve for fellows like him.
They sOread it on the floor on either
side of the bed. EitepOing on oilcloth
avhen he gets out of bed is pretty nicely
to e.weken Um most confirmed sleep-.
andorkorevatinut: eoeturnal wauder-
Mb -lard's Liniment euros Colds, 80,
sickness there et!,ve been rid end, Alany
Of eutos and preventativee fee eat.
attempts Imre Also - been made- to di-
minish the rolling of ships, the meet
sueessful of which, perliape, has been
the applicetion of the gyroseope.
German engineer Minted Frahm
claims to IiitVe solved the ridie by
Placing a tank on each side of the we-
ed,The two 0 -Like are onnected by
e pipe providea with nay suitable d-
11(0 by varying it$ effeetive cruse.
toenail and the National teeistauce
i5fPitiPe" ivaity t 6thetheosifiltlawtiof • olfirattire;
of water from tide to side ean he le-
gulatea in perloa end phaee. SO that it
eolInteritets the rolling tendency of
the ship. The Prelim apparatus bite
given more succesAful results during
A Wel of two of the littmburg
,trica Company steemere - the !'pr -
intro arid the Coneortukt-mid Ss to be
Installed on their eoloetal new ilner,
the Europe. The Wee in net ft ilea
ene,though eprierently • rtaani Ilea i0.
proved upon the metliode of regulating
the witter flow. A /tanner ileviee wee
tried on It. M. brexib!a as far bark
ft PIK
(Forestry Pena, Bulletin aka 37.),
• Tbe amount of eooperage produced in
Canada daring 1010 has been coznpiled
by the Dominion forestry brangh at
IOttawa. Reports, were received from
one bundled and thirty-three firms, of
Mach niziety-four were in Ontarimeliow-
ing that the Week and tight cooperage
was produeed in Citnadit to the Value of
• one nallion seven litindred Intel forty
thousand dollars. .A.ti the bardwood for-
ests of Canada are already greatly de.
pletesl, awl as the Criendian products
transported in barrels are chiefly flour
and applea requiring only eleck, cooper.
age, the tight cooperage stock mann-
teetered in 1910 antennas to only one-
fifth of tile total value. Barrels made
front tight stock arc need as containers
of oils, alcoholic liquore and other lige
• uids, and as Canada has preetieally no
wood of Huffieiently clear quality for
stieh stork, the met of it hag to be
imported is staves or stave bolts from
the United States. Of the total, slack
cooperage Snade up one million three
hundred mid ulnety.five thousand dol• -
lars,' whioh is two hundred thousand
• dollars 'esti than the 1001 value. Not-
witlistaeding the decrease in value of
slack cooperage for 1910, the number of
pieces producca was five buntired thou.
sand more than in 1000, Practically no
cooperage is manufactured in Canada
for expert, end whatever quantity Is
sbipped out is the cooperage Mit on the
manufacturers! hands after the donnas.
tie market has been satiefied. In the
middle of the last decade the export
trade wee quite an important branch
of the ooperage industry, but . in 1910,
export of Staves, heading and barrels
aznouoted to only one hundred and fif-
teen thousand dollars.
Have Four Million Acres of Timber
and Pulp Lands.
A prominent. Montreal brokerage firm,
In a recent review of Price Bros. es Come
Pam', the large paper and lumber mer-
chants, established in the Province of
Quebec over one hundred years ago, give
same interesting information with regard
to their -.tremendous properties. The
company owns or controls over 4,000,100
acres (or 1000 square miles) of timber
and nulowood lands, excellently watered,
and estimated to contain over 100,000,030
feet of merchantable timber and 20.010,00n
cords, of pulpwood. The three companies
comprising Price Bros, show the follow-
ing earnings during the years mentioned:.
1908. 5283,528; 1909, 5196.766; 1e10, $448,401,
These ere net earnings after providing,
forclepreelatIon and all charges, except-
ing band interest. The actual earnings
ter 1910 were almost $50,(CO more than the
eetimate mede at the time the first mort-
gage bonds were issued by the Royal
Securities Corporation. It is stated that,
the new paper and pulp mills now being,
coustructed will increase this earning,
power $1,000,0(0 a year, or more than,.
double what it is a.t present.
The Securities of the company have
been very active in' Montreal lately,.
where they are very closely held. The
control of the company is in very strong
hands, and they (10 not seem to be
Ing to part with their holdinga at any-
thing like present market prices.
Ermine ith mole is liked,
-Opossum is used with caracul.
Ermine is lovely with Persian lamb.
131aele velvet trims one ermine set.
There's a white ,fox eollar on one
black lamb oat.
A rieh seal coat shove a lovely sable
A huge blaek fax oiler finishes a Per
Man lamb coat,
A skunk collar over it lager one of
ermine le on a broadcloth eoat.
Pointed black fox faces one faseinat.
ing•carrie,ge cot of whitest ermine.
When used to triin it black fur er-
mine looks the best with the talle.
But entire ermine garments show
therm toile as feinge, or in other massed
Seed tor free aample to Dept. H. L., Na-,
thmal Dru & Chemical Co.. Toronto.
The girl in a small apartment need no
longer crowd her rooms with an ungain-
ly sewing wahine or else run up long
seems by hand. There are faseinating
handpower machines that fit into small
boxes that cah he put out of sight iii
a bureau drawer when not in use.
Keep on hand a supply of needles in
all numbers, as it is Most annoying
when a needle breaks to have to send to
the store before a eeam can be finished.
Needles can have their life prolonged
be, rubbing 011 4 whetatOne to a new
'Mint when blunted.
The finest needle eau be easily thread-
ed by holding a white paper on opposite
Bids of the eye to make the hole more
oromizient.-Philaaelphin, Publie Ledgm,
swot Red, Weak,Weary,Watery Eyes and
�nigu,tsts S.11 bicatteEwrIlemeas,Ltssik2st,soc,si.ts
Murine Eye Sem in Agenda Tubes, 128c, 41.00
Some ehildren were onee asked by ate
hispeetor at a sebool examination wile -
tiler they knew the meaning of the word
"scaudal " one little girl, holding her
band up, attracted the uotiee of the in-
speetor. He desired her to answer the
quetion, upon which she gave this (lain.
ition: "Nobolly does nothing, ana every-
body goes round telling it." --From Ave
• rho *
fillnartrt Liniment Otires aarget 10
.(Xew York Sun.)
Tho latest feature of the (termin) city
aystem is the introduetien of soap,
tcl,..113,1,t iaoads. nratiletle taihntlitinsse
diminish tho danger that 11121' arise
from dirt but also to ti nke in the eltridi,en
thi sense of eleanlIttese, mental as well
ift1:3'reeil))neLY:e1111-ietit'is. aittlitilerietckiseisiobnes°3fIr IAlfainnget
%sashimi, go en to explain how it Is done.
The great majority or mankind regard
tin SIT'OcenA Of washing tones hands as it
rittatiatetivelv ample matter, That is
net tbe view of tee German authorities,
Tete, tecogniee a perimaeory mid a.
la tit:e enithanent Meat to lie 131S11011 tO
1)',)?' (1' doing Ohio, tom with
'lthe' Wive nullified nail bnigh
Minard's Llnirtisit CAres Di:temper.
ISSUE NO. 48, 1911
XX Prance laundry Tablete. •Was'ilag
walls/tit washboard or washing Ma'. inee
Idakee, clothes as white as snow. Igiree
them and vein not injure the fineet
Raton.* and Iiimpsoire sell thei ; also
Stanley Mills Co., Mel G. W. Robinson
Colman:v. of rearaliton. Write Lf. Ar-
land.$521/4 Queen etreet weet. Tine:1V/,
agent for the Dominion.
Ube cannot SOPIAY th,
nAyIII.necnnt no other,
hat sandstamp for illOStratn4
tioolsa-sealel At Rive; fall pante.
Warsand dtrestioas Insalashis to balks.
iiiieescor. Qat. Orneral Agents At 0111)11
Every Woman
Is waattmuuti:Janaaalerktakcn.e„e
the wedefl
1Without Danger & Almost Painless,
A Boon to Prospective Olothcrs,
NurseEllies)MATRIXIME Rerneves the
Perils of Childbearing &Strengthens
Atotherand Child* Mailed with-Invalo.
able Information. Sb or throe for$12.
Tho Rebooting, Romegy. Co.,
en appearance and utility this silverware
Is exceptionally attractive. They are butter
polished as carefully as any pieceof Sterl-
ing Silver ever produced. A handsomer
line hi.gracefieness of pattern and richness
of finish is not found in the market. This
beautiful a piece set Ot SIX TEA SPOONS, BUT.
RACK BOX is given Ma for selling only $3,00
worth of lovely Gold Embossed Picture
Post Cards at a for 10e. The very latest de -
Signs in Views, Floral, Birthday, Comics,
etc. The fastest sellers, Just allow theta
and take In the money. Write to -day' and
get a package. Hurry now, for we_give AA
extra present fos prometeess. CoBALT
408 Toroato, Ont.,
• .
The GE
Truk Pacific Station, for-
merly known as Fiddle Creek, mile 997.8
west of Winnipeg, ,has been changed
to Miette Hot %Vying% it will be in this
locality that the first of the Grand
Truiak Pacific leountain Hotels will
be ereeted., and is -within seven or eight
relies of the Miette Hot Springs that
are situated just beyond the famoue
Roche Miette Mountain' * which looms
up to the west of this sattion.
The whole of the territory in the
vicinity of the Miette not Springe Sta.
tion will, without doubt, become one of
the greatest Meccas in America for the
ever increasing tourist traffie oath
the mountaine as an objective point,
as everything that goce to make up an
attraetive mountain resort is found in
this locality.
The Miette llot Springs will become
famous the world over as the efficacy
of the waters of these eprings for media
eina1 purposes has been proved, and
for bathing purposee are without 0010 -
There are four winos. with tempera-
tures as follows: 111 cdeerees, 116 de-
grees, 122 degrees, 127 degrees.
LittleDonald had a penny givenThim to
buy whatever he pleased. His three
years, of dignity thus had a new impulse.
thrust upon him. He deeided to visit a
bakeshop, and a doughnut wee; his choice..
In a 'lusty voice he called Mr one ,and
immediately passed the penny to the
"See here, my hey," saki the man.
"this penny luts a hoht ln it. I don't
kniew as I can take that penny,"
"But the doughnut has a bole in it,"
Donald responded, and he got the
doughnut-Nationa? Magazine.
V lb
The finest Ltunn Sugar ever produced.
These Sparkling Tablets, of the
purest Sugar are dainty and tempt-
ing in appearance, and are sold in at-
tractive 5 lb. Cartons and by the lb.
is 99-91100 to 100 per cent. pure.
The St. Lawrence Sugar Refinlag
Co.. Limited, Moetreal.
Prince Rupert, Brinell Columbia, the
Pacific Coast terminus of the Grahd
Trunk Pacific Railway, is going it pace,
and for a young city the -business that
IA now done there is remarkable. Dur-
ing the month of September there were
80 steamers railed at the port and 81
(Vancouver Province).
- The name "Connaught," imeordIng to
an authority. is aecented on the first
syllable, and Is pronounced as if snelled
Cou-nawt. This Is the Anglicized pro-,
nuneiation. In Irish, the"gli" is not an-
ent. and 13 pronounced.
like 'eh" In the
Seettish "lech" and "nicht," or in the
the German "nieht" (meaning noto
wpm' wikraiiiiReE
A beautiful small size LA1)IP.8' 'WATCH'
handsome LEA'rliEft BRAtELII alten
FEES tor telling only stet worth of le toren.
eat chrlotmas and New Year Cards art Folding
Booklets at a fork. These are the very late*t
and most exclasive designs. Embossed itt, t
Ilthographed in all the natural colors. .0.14)N,
prime mottoesmei versee,
Von lust show them take the Melte, „
Many or our opting not 41033ell ).301i0.2'3% 13
iMe Iron'tenisit I:11s woutlerfuleheiwis
Write, to dew Yon, may bet !we this:Allem toe.
initert again. COBALT tar,' PEN Pita
Det ees rottnto,Ont.
• as