HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-12-07, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911 " *INGILAIS ADV.ANOE r See U For All Lines •• Of Men's Wear It is now time to be on the lookout for your Christmas Gifts. If it is assortment and quality you want, come to this store.• Neck Scarfs, .Suspenders, Armbands, Garters, Ties, Hand- kerchiefs, Collar Cases, Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrel- las, Shirts, Collars, Cuff Links, Underwear, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Hats, Caps, Fur Caps, Fur Collars, Fur Gauntlets, Pyja- ma Suits, Night Gowns, &c. And don't forget that we sell the Suits and Over- (coats that give satisfaction. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS .ME.)1►".S FURJVISHE?tS ...1=11111111111111...1111111111.0MUM MOO ..0MOB • ;figs �,r Lit The People You See Above Are Wise They Are All Going To PATTERSON'S JEWELLERY STORE They know that they will find the, e the best goods at the lowest living prices. Hence, they go there for CUT GLASS SETS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, BRACELETS, BROOCHES, PINS, NECKLACES, CUFFLINKS, DIAMOND RINGS, ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS, GOLD. HEADED CANES, FINE UMBRELLAS, SILVERWARE ANI) A LOT OF OTHER CHRISTMAS GOODS. IA VERY CHOICE STOCK AND MORE ON THE WAY HERE XMAS NOVELTIES ABOUND W. G. PATTERSON: THE GOAT WATCH DOCTOR OP O$Ili QUEEN'S 10TBL dllrAllllMMi i 111M IM ` in tea may mean to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness, Red . Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combinaation of all three points 'of merit. Will you try a paclage. l NEVER SOLO IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It Results Of A Sneeze. A prominent Malahide farmer while milking his cows recently, suddenly sneezed, and the vigorous way in which he performed this very common action of nature, dislocated his Few. He didn't stop to finish his milking, nor have his supper, neither did he ap- pear to be very talkative with other members of the family, but it didn't take him long to get to Aylmer, where a physician put his face into shape once more. The • Express says it is reported that since then, when- ever he feels the symptoms of a sneeze coming on, he rushes fur a stone wall, or the side of a barn, places his chin against it and with one hand on each side of bis jaw awaits the explosion with confidence. Cattle Shot, Five beelW/ioattle belonging to Maurice Ohap Ill of Saugeen, roy- eteriously died r 4,tly, No suspicion WAS aroused when the 'eft three died, but on examining the of was found to have been sh the lungs and the other th heart with buckshot, two one through gh the Why "Cive Away." A Paeadena (California) minister de- nounces as heather,;leh the custom of fathers giving away brides. "Is shea bag of onions or a sack of potatoes r' says he. This minister says he refuses to permit the giving away of the bride in the marriages that he solemnizes. However, the bride does not often object to that sort of "give away", Rules For Consumptives. Consumption is curable if taken io time and handled properly, The first duty of the consumptive is to see that he does not spread tbe infection to to others. The first point in curing the disease is to live, work and sleep in fresh air. Eat only moderately on easily digestible foods. Stuffing the. consumptive patient is simply pro- longing the disease. As strength re- turns take up some easy work and gradually increase the labor as the patient becomes stronger. Harvesting And Plowing. F, Ackroyd moved from Kingston to Wainwright, Alta., in .1007, and took up a homestead of 160 acres. In a letter to The Standard of Empire he says he uses a 45•horse power gasoline traction engine on his new farm, and with this engine he draws a binder and gang plow at one time, thus doing the harvesting of one crop and the plowing for the next in one operation. The tractor is set directly in front of the gang plow with the binder along- side of the latter. Thus the binder is drawn through the growing grain while the gang plow turns under the recently cut stubble. How the sheaves are got out of the way of the plow is not explained. Keep Christmas buying In Mind HERE ARE GREAT BAR6A1N5 $1.50 Men's Winter Gloves 850 Men's Winter Drees Gloves—warm wool lining, protective gore at wrist and cape leathers, sizes 7 to 10 85o Fancy Scarfs Lest Than Half Price Fancy Head Scarf—with silk grenadine centres, wide silk borders and striped silk ends ; reg. $2 00, for 95o Men's Pea Jackets Heavy Grey Frieze Double Breasted Pea Jackets, storm color ; reg. $3.50 to $4.00—for $2.81 Very latest shapes .in good quality Silk Ties, in bias and cross bar patterns, in greys, greens, bines, browns, reds and lavender shades—epeoially prioed 650 Men's Knitted Mufflers—the newest and most popular Scarf for this season's wear ; reg. 750 for 3555o $5.00 Sweater Coats A variety of new shades with• contrast trimmings, double storm collars, Varsity shape collars ; some are V shape with piped edges; ?veryone a bargain, all sizes in -the lot; reg. $5 for, ...$2.95 S. ROBINS T REIN The Hand That Cooks The Dinner is the hand that rules the world. In spite of what they say about "cradles; the' slope is the all -import- ant factor in "home -rule," A is the best guarantee that the "hand" will keep your home moving in the right direction of economy and health. ?lease call and sec our line of Gr1RNLY-OXFORD STOVES and MANGES that are built and sold on honor. The Chancellor and Imperial Oxford are equipped with the Oxford Economizer. 'Come and let ut show you how this marvellous device saves time and fuel by t single touch of the lever; how it holds fire, and directs odors up the chimney. The Dividing Oben Strip guides heat equally all over the oven• ---a fine baking insurance. Tlie Reversible Grate eaves time and fuel -waste. These, with other star features make us proud to show the Gurney -Oxford line. Design—finish—workmanship—ell these details we want to demonstrate to your entire satisfaction. rrt MORA pLUMBING " h "C"liilN!~t' - THINK THIS OVER.. This Offer Should Oain The Con- fldence Of The Most Skeptical. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipa- OM We_ take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way what- ever, if you accept our offer, That's a mighty broad statement, but we mean every word of it, Could any- thing be more fair for you? A most scientific, common-sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies„ which are eaten like candy, Their active principle is a recent scientific dies covery that is odorless, colo less, and tasteless ; very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in every way. This in- gredient does not cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping, or other inconvenience, Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persona. If you suffer from chronic or habitu- al constipation, or the associate or de- pendent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Remember, you can get them in Wingham only at our store. 12 tablets, l0c ; 36 tablets, 25e ; 8Q tablets, 504. Sold only at our store—;.Che Rexall Store, J. W. McKibbon. Telephone Competition. According to the Grand Valley Star, there is keen competition in the telephone business\down that way. The Star says ;—"Competition in phone business in parts of East Luther is resulting in a cheap service, one lire charging as low as $2 00 per year, The regular rate is $5.00, a' very moderate one indeed, has not been too large, from a dividend paying aspect, and if the rate gets lower, there can only be one result. What is needed more than a slashing of rates is united effort to supply telephones over the country, without unnecessary dupli- cation, and arrange for connection with all competing lines. One tele- phone in any place is all that is necessary." To Promote Agriculture. The Toronto World is authority for the statement that the government is working, upon a comprehensive echeme under which the provinces will be subsidized for the benefit of agricul- ture and for good road building, the money to be ear -marked and the ex- penditure to be made on definite lines to be laid down by the Dominion Gov- ernment. In order to prepare tbe way for the granting of the subsidies and to ascertain exactly what are the most pressing needs of the individual provinces, one, nor perhaps two com- missions will be appointed, to be com- posed of appointees of the federal government, to whom the represen- tations of the provincial governments and the farming interests will be made. It has not apparently been finally determined as to whether there will be a separate commission to deal with the roads question, or whether one commission will deal with the two questions of roads and encourage- ment of more ' productive agri- culture. Horse Had Rabies. On Tuesday morning James Clark of East Garafraxa had to destroy a 4 - year -old Hackney horse, valued at $200, which was affected by rabies. About the 14th of October last, a large black and yellow bob -tailed dog came around his place, and .after a tussle with his dog early- in the morning, went away and came back about ten o'clock. This time it entered the stable, snapped at the horse, and run- ning straight ahead got into a pig pen and began worrying them. Mr. Clark came in from the field; and with a stout stick killed the animal. 'de was suspicious about the dog, and kept a close watch on the pigs, but none ever showed any effects of the biting. Nor could he find where the dog bit the horse. On Saturday he had the beast in town and it seemed all right, but next day noticed it was a little off on its feed. In a few hours it manifested every symptom of rabies, snapping at every person coming near, and at tithes giving evi- dence of intense pain. Dr, Reilly pro- nounced it rabies and the horse was destroyed.—[Grand Valley Star. For Huron County. A committee appointed by the Huron County Council waited upon Hon, Adam Beck on Nov, 28, to ascertain whether the hydro -Electric Commission woald favor their scheme of developing the water powers of the Maitland River for the purpose of power transmission to various places in that part of Ontario. An alterna- tive proposition''was suggested by the deputation that the commission sup, ply power themselves. Mr. Beck as- sured them that the commission were willing to undertake the development of the river. The new transmission line would become part of the PtUvin- Dial hydro -Electric system, Connect- ing with the llydro line at Seafot th. It is Important that the Ilydro•E1ec- trle system should get control of the water powers on the Maitland Elver and its connecting there, the Saugeen and the Beaver, in order that power can be supplied to the whole of County Grey. The cost of this extension to this system would be front sw,nfi0,o00 to $2,000,000, The total amount of power that eau be developed on the three river* is estimated at from twelve to fifteen thousand horeepow'er daring the high water seen, and three to four thuueand horsepower in the dry sin, A CLASSIC ON CONSUMPTION Words of a Prominent Canadian Citizen as. He Hal viewed the War Against _Consumption "Men,' women, and children are all being *Bowed down every day by this fell disease—consumption.—and it is a mistake." These words of Mr. Edward Gurney, spoken at a gathering in Muskoka a year ago, may be fittingly termed a classic on consumption, Tho records of the Muskoka Sanatorium, as do those of other institutions of a like kind, on this continent and in Europe, show very clearly that this much dreaded disease can be, and is being conquered by the treatment followed in any well-managed sanatorium. Iu our own 1'reviuee, within the time that the hospitals in Muskoka have been in existence, the death -rate from consumption hasbeen reduced twenty-five per cent. The life-saving possibilities of the sena- toriuin in Canada are limited only by the means required to carry on and extend the work. For this reason we very cheerfully ask our readers to help in the great and growing work that is being done at Id uskoka, It is a fine statement for the trustees of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives to be able to make, that from the month of April, 1902, when this institution was first opened, up to the present day, not a single patient has ever been refused admission to this hospital because unable to pay. Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman of the Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Ave., or the Sec.-Treas., 347 King W Toronto; will gladly . receive and acknowledge contributions. A Holstein Sale. At Watertown, Wis., a sale of one hundred and thirty-three Holstein cat- tle was recently held. The highest price for a bull was $1,200 and for a cow $775, and the entire herd brought nearly $30,000. A Good Bargain. It is announced that an agreement has been made with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, under which the transcontinental road gets running rights over the Provincial Railway from Cochrane to North Bay, on terms that will yield the Govern- ment line a revenue equal to one- half the interest on the entire cost of con'strnction. This arrangement will afford fresh trarisportation facili- ties to the North country, and possi- bly may permit the reduction of freight rates to and from frontier communis ties. `• Wonderful, To Them. A unique experience was tliat of four Indianapolis prisoners, who Were taken for an automobile ride of ten miles the other. day, and saw in an hour the developments which have taken place in 40 years. One convict had served. 40 years, one 35 years, one 17 years, one 13 years. All are lifers. The ride was from Michigan city to Laporte, where two of the prisoners saw for the first time trolley cars, automobiles and many other evidences' of modern achievements hidden from them by prison walls. So great was the sur- prise that' two of them utterly col- lapsed from nervous excitement. FOR. YOUR HAIR. Here Are Facts We Want You To Prove. When the roots of the hair are en- tirely dead and the pores of the scalp are glazed oyer, we do not believe that anything can restore hair growth. But, when the hair roots retain any life, we believe there is nothing that will so surely promote hair growth as will Recall "93" Hair Tonic. To prove that statement, we promise to promptly return all the money you pay us for Resell "93" Hair Tonic, should it not please you. Resell "93" Hair Tonic destroys the germs which are usually respon- sible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating.and, by promoting circulation, nourishing tbem. Rexall "03" Hair Tonic helps to relieve scalp irritation, to remove dandruff, to prevent the hair ' from falling out, and to promote an in- creased growth of hair. It comes in two sizes, prices 50e and $1 00. Re- member, you Can obtain it only at our store—The Rexall store. J. W, McKibbon. Narrow Escape. Three little Lucknow boys, Wilfred Hughes, Gordon Fisher and Stewart McKenzie, one not six years of age and the youngest only three, stood last week by the very valley of the shadow of death and ran laughing on its margin, as it were, unconscious of their danger. It happened in connec- tion with the first considerable snow Call of the season and the first freezing of the grist mill pond. One little fel- low thought the pond vas already frozen over, and he and his companion ran off together to 'enjoy a 'skate, There Wag ne ice on the water ; but from one side of the pond to the other, over the deepest parte of it, a lot of snow hard drifted and become Water soaked, and the little boys walked right out on this and across the pond to the farther side. When they were discovered there, they waded into the eluehy mixture again and return- ed as they had gone, At any instant the frail footing might have given way and plunged them to their death In the deep water beneath. They had no skate that day; but they had their fun in the snow, and they returned, safely and Water soaked, to three homers which oauab very nearly being made desolate by their innonbnoe, (i,ualavro l I11;enztirial, Isard's Alteration ...AND... Business Extension Sale We are VERY BUSY making alterations in our present store and fitting up the adjoining store 'to the north, lately used as a- drug store, This store is being remodelled and put in FIRST- CLASS shape, when completed it will be used for our MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR DEPART- MENT. Everything necessary for Men and Boys in HEAD WEAR,CLOTHING and FOOT WEAR will be carried in the NEW STORE. BIG BARGAINS Are being offered in all de partments while improvements are going on. CUT PRICES On Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats, Men's Pants and Overalls. LADIES' WEAR Dress Goods, Furs. Ready -to - Wear Suits, Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Coats, Top Skirts. Call in and see what a saving you can make, buying at CUT PRICES during this sale. 6_ H. E. Isard & Co. HEAD QUARTERS • ®tea .ar• ....FOR.... Xrnas Presents AND New Year's Gifts AT KNOX'S We have the largest stock of Goods suitable for Xmas Presents. ever shown in Wingham. Call in_ and have a Look at Our Goods Before Buying Elsewhere Our Stock consists of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Diamond Wedding and Engagement Rings, Jewellery of all kinds, Fancy China- ware, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Military Sets, Brushes, Combs and Mirrors, Jewel Boxes, Leather Goods, Fancy Stationery, Books of all kinds, Toys, Dolls, and Games of all kinds, also many other articles too numerous —to mention.-- 0 Phone 6, 4110.11111110441441004.41444 KNOX Opposite Broomstick Hotel. 1 sae Door North of ►iris*.