HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-11-30, Page 8THE fi 'rNGRAM ADVANCE THE `n M x: M t ND)N 8AK. �iqv HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. E, 13. OSIER, M.F. - President W. D, MA -THEWS - Vice -President Capital .....11.11. , ..$&700,000:00 Reserve , ,• , .. , . , ,$5070000.00$5,7000,QO Total Assets....... ..... . $69,500,000.00 A Branch of this Bank has been ere taablished in London, Eng., at 73 CORNHILL, E.0. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important points in Canada. negotiate Bills sent for collection, make telegraphic trans - fere, and transact .every description of banking bueiness, Information will be furnished on all Canadian platters. A special department will be pro- vided for the use of visitors and bear- ers; of our Letters of credit. 0, A. BOGERT -- General Manager WINGHADi BRANCH; W. R. GEIRIG, Tanager. R. VANSxoNr, Solicitor. ONTARIO Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the authority of Ohapter 4, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1011, invites subscriptions from the public for a loan of $1,000,000 on bonds of the Province of Ontario, or "Ontario Govern- ment Stock." Tho bonds will be dated 1st November, 1911, and payable on the 1st November. 1941, in denominations of $2,000 each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of four per vont. per annum, payable half -yearly on the 1st May and the 1st November in each year, a the office of the Provincial Treasurer. Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal. in Montreal, Canada, and in New York. N.Y.. at tho holder's option. Bonds will bo made payable to the bearer, hut on request will bo registered in the office of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to tho order of certain persons or corporations, and on request of holders will be exchanged for "Ontario Government Stook" at any time. The issue price during the month of November, 1911. will be 102 for each 8100, and after the 30th day of November, 1911, the issue price will be 102 and interest accrued from the let November, 1911. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCIR ISSUED UNDER TUE AUTHORITY OF THE SAID ACM ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES, CHARG- ES,, •SUCCESSION DUTY AND IIVTPOSI- TIONS 'WHATEVER, Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will be required to send certified cheek with tho application. payable to the order of the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario," This loan,is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. of Ontario, and is chargeable thereupon. • A. J. MATHESON, Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, 1st November, 1911. Newspapers inserting this advertisment without authority from the Department will not be paid for it. CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 BUY FRUIT NOW The market for New Fruit is mop - timidly firm and looks like higher prioes, We would advise getting supplies now, SUPERB QUALITY. What fruit we have already received is excellent quality and for the grade of Fruit, prices are ROCK BOTTOM, Currants, ohoioe, per W ...... .,11.10 Currants, extra choice, 2 lbs. for..25 Raisins, tip-top quality 10 Lemon & Orange Peels (imported)15 Cboice Seeded Raisine, 2 pits for. ,25 Figs . . 05 SEE THEM WANTED, --Choice Butte, Fresh Eggs, Hand Picked Beans, and Potatoes. TOWN OF WINGHAM.. PUBLIC NOTIOE Take notice that ; the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham intends, after one month from this date, to pass a By- law closing up a portion of McDermott street in the said Town of Wingham, Any person wishiug to protest a- gainst this action must file their pro- test with the undersigned before the 29th day of Dee., 1911. Dated this 28th day of Nov.,1911. JOHN F. GROVES Clerk. Teacher Wanted Qualified teacher wanted for S. S. No. 9, Turnberry. Duties to begin after Christmas holidays. Apply stat- ing qualifications and salary required. JOHN WRAY, Sec.-Trea8: 12— Glenfarrow, P.O., Ont, FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Howick, situated on the 13, line, lot 15, containing 100 acres more or less. This farm is a first- class pasture farm with spring creek running through it. There is also a large quantity of cedar and heading timber. For quick sale, we quote $2,000. Foi' farther information apply to H. HENNING, 13-16 Wroxeter P.O., Ont. HEAD QUARTERS ....FOR... Xmas Presents New dear's Gifts AT KNOX'S 'We have the largest stock of Goods suitable for Xmas Presents ever shown in Wingham. Call in and have a Look at Our Goods Before Buying Elsewhere Our Stock consists of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Diamond Wedding and Engagement Rings, Jewellery of all kinds, Fancy China- ware, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Military Sets, Brushes, Combs and Mirrors, Jewel Boxes, Leather Goods Goods, FancyStationery,Books of all kinds, Toys, Dolls, and Games of all kinds, also many other articles too numerous .. , . -40 mention.— OasaleierieffitiksailWriailialmmeartsosiamlaWalsolairsaimilmo R. KNOX Phon' SS. Opposite Brunswick HoteL Ons Door Mors tit of Kin. '* Oorrie. Mr, and Mrs, Shier paid a visit to Clifford on Monday. Rev. R. Collie of Wroxeter visited with. Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong on Fri- day last, Rev, J. W. and Mrs, Hibbert spent Thursday evening .at, the home of Air. and Mrs, It Brawn in Wroxeter. The directors of the Uowiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company held their regular monthly meeting in Gerrie on Saturday, Hogs and cattle were shipped on Monday and although the price of hogs was low, being only $5 85 per hundred, 150 were. shipped. The members of St. Stephen's Church are busy preparing for their bazaar, which will beheld on Friday and Saturday of this week. The Sacrament. of the Lord's Sup- per was dispensed, in. the Presby, terian Church on Sunday afternoon last, preparatory service being held on tbeFriday afternoon previous. One of the pioneers of Huron Coun- ty passed away on Saturday in the person of Mr. James Wiley, Oth line, Turnberry. Mr. Wiley was an uncle of Mrs, Richard Eaengey, east of Gorrie.. The many friends of Mrs. W. 11. Gregg will be sorry to hear that she has gone to Toronto for treatment, but we hope soon to hear of her Com - plate recovery. Mr. Gregg accom- panied his wife to the city. A team of horses belonging to Jas. Douglas rats. away on Friday after- noon, They were frightened by the train, Fortunately they broke away from the waggon near the railroad, running down town where they were captured, Very little damage was done. Mr. William Evans, who has been in Toronto for the past few weeks having one of his eyes removed, has returned and is much improved in health, although he is not as well as could be wished. Mrs. Evans, who was with her husband in Toronto, re- turned also, Mr, John Sharpin, who has been ill for some time, died at his home on Friday evening, the 21th. He is sur- vived by hie wife, a little daughter and son and two grown -up -sons by a form- • er wife. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon. Interment taking place in the Molesworth cemetery. Rev. J. W. Ribbert officiated. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoperaft visited friends at Clifford last Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallaher at- tended Mr. Hubbard's funeral at Lake - let last Friday. We are sorry to know of the serious illness of Mrs. Geo. Dane. We hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mr. Robert McLaughlan has dis- posed of his farm, containing 94 acres, to Mr. Ed. Bennett of Hawick, for the sum of $6,250. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Johnston, from near Fordwich, called on the latter's MrsJos. Kitchen ho grandmother, . , w is not improving very rapidly. Russell McIntosh returned last Sat- urday from the North West, He looks as though. the country had agreed with him. Mr. Cleveland Stafford returned from Buffalo last week. He has been undergoing treatment for his stomach, these past two or three months, We are glad to know he is about all right again. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer'e little son, Worden, last Monday. The little fellow died very suddenly. He was laid to rest in Wroxeter cemetery. Deceased was 3 years and 7 months old. Another of the old pioneers has. gone to his last reward, in the person of Mr. Jas. Wylie, sr. Deceased had been in poor health for the past two or three years and passed away on Sat- urday last, aged '70. The sorrowing widow and the rest of the family have the sympathy of the neighborhood. He was laid to rest Tuesday, Nov. 28, in Wroxeter cemetery. Jamestown. Mr. ,and Mrs. D. MacDonald and Miss Donalda visited at Brussels last Sunday. Mr. 3, D. Miller had a successful wood bee last Thursday. The Trustees of Victoria Hall, at a meeting on Monday night, elected John Cutt as chairman, and D. Mc- Donald secretary for the ensuing year. The Union Threshing Co. bad quite a time moving their outfit from D. McDonald's, first line, Grey, to Robert Hamilton's in Turnberry, the roads were so bad. Mr. Robert Shaw of Bluevale took the service in the Hall, Sunday night. Take One Pain Pill then— Take it Easy To get the best of Backache Get a Box or f:�r. Miles' Anti -Fain Pills Otherwise Backache May get the beat of you Nothing disturbs the human system more than pain whether it be in the forth of headache, backache, neuralgia, stomachache or the pains peculiar to women. Dr, Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are a standard remedy for pain, and are praised by a great army of mien and women who have used them for years. "A friend was down with LaOrippe and nearly crazed with awful backache. leave her etre Anti -Pain Pill and left 'mother for het to take. They helped her right away, and the says she will never be without than aEtire " Mils. G. II. West, A.ustieburg, 0, At sail Ortet;glata-46 doses 28 nets; Lite ail it4sItAt. 00., Terenta,Oaf. Bluevale. Mise P. O'Neill and family left for Sturgeon Veils thin week, Russel Andrews of Fordwleh visited friends in the village this week. l:+'our car loads of hay were shipped from Bluevale station last week. Mr. Eli Elliott will sell his fartn stock and implements this week. Miss Annie Rutherford of Lucknow spent Sunday with Mise L, Shaw. an Galbraith gone Torrance G 1 re►ith bas q to n London where he has secured a posi- tion. Mr, Awde of Wingham ehippe4� a carload of potatoesfrom here this. week. Miss Patterson and Miss Tipling of Wingham visited in the village this week. W. J. Duff is home from the West. Mr.. Win. Robertson also returned a week ago. Mr. Neil Rgbb and. Miss, Gladys Brooks returned home from the West, last week. Mr. Daniel Lewis of Hagersville spent a few days last week with friends here. Miss Cora Messer has retureed home from visiting with . Milbourn. and Newbury friends, Rev. W. J. West, M. A., attended the meeting of Maitland Presbytery at Kincardine on the 23rd. There will be no service in the Methodist Church next Sunday, ow• ing to Anniversary services at Ebenezer, conducted by Rev. Wren of Ethel at 10 30 a.m, and '7 p.m. Mr, Giddus Jones and bride, who have been spending a few days with their cousin, Mrs. R. Musgrove, left on Friday to visit with friends at London, Windsor, Detroit, before re- turning to their home near Port Hope. Mr. John F. Messer of the east boundary, Morris and Turnberry, has purchased from Wm. Robinson, the hundred-ccse farm alongside his o n for $5700, Mr. Messer will now have a fine block of land, that well worked should bring in plenty of cash every year. Mr. John Johnston met with a serious accident one day recently. He was accompanying the hay press, when the machine fell over on him, pinning him to the ground. The bones in one foot were broken and the other leg badly bruised. He will be laid up for some time. The people of this vicinity are look- ing forward to a very pleasant time in the Forester's Hall on Friday evening, when the Parish Club of Wingham will give a humorous drama, "Finni- gan's Fortune." From report of its grand success in Wingham Town Hall two weeks ago, we speak for them a full house in Bluevale. We congratu- late Knox Guild in .securing this very amusing entertainment. On Monday Mrs. Munns had the misfortune to break through the well platform and drop into the well.. There was a .cross piece about level with the water on which she managed to bold and keep herself from going to the bottom. She was in this position for considerable time before her cries were heard by Mr. John Raby, who went to her rescue and assisted her out of her perilous position. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. David Jewitt met with an accident. He was cutting down a tree, and had taken the saw out and wedged it to prevent it falling acrossthe fence. Mr. Jewitt was chopping a little at the front to prevent it falling across the fence, when it broke off and fell sideways. It slid down the stump and struck Mr. Jewitt, throwing hint several feet from the tree and break- ing both bones in his right leg, the small bone penetrating the skin. The teachers and pupils of Union School Section No. 4, Turnberry, are to be congratulated on the success of the public examination held in the school at Bluevale, on Fr•:1ay, Nov. 21th. The numerous visitors spent a very pleasant and interesting after- noon that'inade them wish they could •start to school themselves. The school -rooms were decorated for the occasion and an exhibition of writing, drawing in pencil and watercolors, etc., aroused much interest. -It is evident that some future artists are getting their early training at .the Bluevale School. It was a pleasure to all to witness the efficient instructions ef,the teachers, Mr. Alfred Posliff and Miss Florence Aitchison. and the bright work of the pupils in their, classes. When the schoolwork was over, Mr. Posliff on behalf of the teachers and pupils expressed pleasure at meeting so many friends, and their anxiety to do their work to the satis- faction of the community. Rev. Mr. Cook and Rev. Mr. West gave bright addresses of encouragement and good counsel ; they referred especially to the excellence of the teaching methods and the neat appearance of the pupils and their evident interest in their studies, Refres'hmente were served at the close of the examination, while Mr. Chas. Elliott kindly provided music on his gramophone. The visitors were greatly pleased by the courteous way in which they were entertained by the boys and girls. There is no doubt that the public examination will be followed by warmer sympathy and co-operation between the school and home, Wroxeter. Mies Johnston, Grand Valley, visited Miss Hall over Sunday. Mr. John Strachan, B,A„ of Toronto University, whose parental home is near Jamestown, preached moat ac- ceptably in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning and evening. His many friends 'sere were very pleased to meet him. R, Aitcheson. of the Traders Batik, was united to Miss Parker of, Clifford in the holy bonds of matrimony, on Wednesday, the 22nd inst. They are to occupy the reaidenee lately vacated. by G. X. Hall, former manager of the Traders Batik, We extend emigrate - lotions to the happy couple and wi.-h them a very prosperous journey through life. We regret to report the demise of an esteemed resident of Turnberry on Saturday night, in the person of James Wiley, er. The funeral took place ori Tuesday afternoon. We will give a more extended account of Mr. Wiley's life next week. Stewart Meereher, who is attend- ing Wingham High School, visited the parental bolus on Saturday. The C.P.R. station is being painted and decorated, which will add numb to the appearanee of the waiting room. A Rocker. Ooneh, Morrie Chair Centre Table or nice Picture, would tars tl re w nuts gift t *geed variety tett silk'":, Wi'rlirhat, Whitechurch. On Nov. i 8rdd, the annual rine match of the Whitechurch Rifle Association was held on the range at Whitechurch,. Although the weather conditions were. very unfavorable, there was a fairly good attendance. The opposing teams were captained by W. J. McOlenaghan and Gordon Shiell respectively. Mr.. Mc0lenaghan'a teens made an aggre- gate score of 308 points, and Me. hiell's scored 353, making them the winners by 45 pointe. In addition to the lively interestusually.t token in this evena feature of special interest was a number of valuable prizes, given by Capt. O. G. VanStone, L. Kennedy, Messrs., McGee Se Campbell of Wing. ham and Miss Carrick of Whitechurch, also liberal cash prizes by A. H. Mus- grove, M,P.P„ Mr. Cash; travelling salesman of Stratford and others, The following are the prize winners ;—R. Carrick, $5 sweater coat ; S. Elliott, $5 sweater coat;. Gordon Shiell, $5 pipe; Geo. T, Robertson, hand -painted satin cushion cover and 50o caeb. Cash prizes' --D. Beecroft $200; S, Deacon $1,75 ; Chas. Elliott, $1 50 ; Jae, McOlenaghan, $1.25 R. M. Shiell, $1.00 ; John McGee, 75c ; A. Robert- son, 50o ; E, Walker, 550c ; W. G. M. Reid, 25c. In addition to the rifle match, the Dominion Salver Competi- tion was also finished for this year, Mr. Gordon Shiell being the winner of the coveted silverware. Whitechurch Rifle .Association is rapidly coming to the front, and under the able manage - menu of Capt. Carrick, bids fair to become one of the crack clubs of the county. They are the winners of the County* Association Cup for this Sear. An oyster supper will be given by the club, at Whitechurch, on Dec. 5th. The following are the leading compe- tition seers s :—Gordon Shiell, 229; R. Cat reek, 213; Jas. McOlena;;hau, 200 ; Gen. T. Robertson, 190 ; W. G. M. 11.4d, 180; D. Beecroft, 170; S. Deacon, 172 ; E. Welke ,171; R. M. Shiell, 169; John McGee, 165; H. McGee, 162; P. Leaver, 128 ; H. Irwin, 128. Blyth. Mips Maud• King, superintendent of Deac, ne is home at Portland, Maine, is hoil a for the winter. Mr, S. Popplestone is paying an official visit to .,the Oddfellow lodges in the northern part of Ontario. Rev. George McKinley of Lucknow will preach Educational sermons in. the Methodist Church on Sunday. Reeve Hill has purchased Mr. E. Livingstone's sawmill and intends having it in running order in a short time. A. political meeting in the interests of A. H. Musgrove, M. P., Was heal in the Industry • Hall on Monday night and was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kelly of Gado - rich and John Kelly, Sr., attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Ryan on Monday. Mass. was celebrated at 9 a.m. in St, Michael Church. Inter- ment was made in R. C. burying ground in Morris. NOW WEAK WOMEN May, Be Made Strong at Small Expense and No Risk There are hundreds of women in this vicinity, weak, thin, run-down, tired out and nervous. Such women need Vinol just as much as did Mrs. Jane Pepper, of 2307 Howard street, San Francisco, Cal., who says: "I have used Vinol for some time with. particularly gratifying results. I was run down; weak .and debilitated, and my appetite was gone. After tak- ing several bottles of Vinol I found my condition greatly improved, and de not hesitate to recommend Vinol to anyone similarly affected." Vinol is not a secret nostrutti, but a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, which will create an ap- petite, tone up the digestive organs, make pure blood and create strength. Try a bottle of Vinol with the un- derstanding that your money will be returned if it 'does not help you, 3, W. McKibben, Druggist, Wingham 1 Girls wanted -- $5.00 per week to start with for girls of eighteen and over. Ap- ply at once. --D. S. PERRIN & Co., Limited, London, Ont. Shorthorns for Sale. Nine choicely -bred Shorthorn Bulls, h to 13 months, reds and roans ; big, smooth, sappy, styli4h fellows, up to 1100 lbs, ; also Cows and Heifers in calf, or with calves at foot, at lowest prices for quick sate. Come and see them or write DAVID MILNi, 14--17 Ethel, Ont. Shorthorns for Sale. Three young Balis, two dark reds and one roan, from nine to twelve months of age, all sired by my -took bull "Huron Ohief" (63840). Those are choice, young bulls with , good Scotch breeding, and of a low down, biooky type, and out of good milking dams; will be sold reasonable. Write for par - deniers, or give me a oak. Farm. 1g miles south of Wingham. 3. G. him, 14tt Vinghitiln, Ont Farm Ear Sale. Consisting of 110 acres Of good land, tieing lots 12 and 14. con. 4, Turnberry. There ere 90 acres cleared, and there is a good 'bank barn and new house. Situated one mile from Bluevale, four miles from Wingham and Wroxeter. Vali plowing done, fifty acres fresh seeded down, and fall wheat eown. Small payment down. For further particulare, apply on the premises. 13-10 JOHN W. GALBRAITE/. FARMS FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his two farm!. Lot 3, eon. 7, Turnberry, containing 107 aores; oln this property is situated a good house and barn, drilled Well and windmill, weber in hetet and barn, end good cement stabling. Parra is 83 miles from Wroxeter and'5 miles from Win1ih��air►. The other term, lot 110-, eon. 8, Turnberry, oontairss teptvarda of 100 Wrest, and has good barn and fair toast and is eltnated 1 mile froln Wing - hint APpiy to tanoti.Tta, Glriai'a rt'o P.0., taut'.. ANADIAN, NC TO WINNIPEG AND WEST TRAVEL BY THE DIRECT I ONLY CANADIAN THROUGH ROUTE CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE Solid through train Of Coaches Tourist and Sunders Sleepers and Dlntng Card, Toronto to Vancouver 10,20 p.m. daily. Fun particulars from J. II. DEEMEIR, Agent, Wingham or M.Q. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the corporation of the. County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tueeday the 5th day of December next, at 3 o'clock. Parties having accounts against the County should place same with the Clerk be- fore thie date. W. LANE, Clerk, Dated Nov. 20th, 1911, • QEA.LED TENDERS addressed to the nnder- ►7 signed, and endorsed "render for Wharf at Qoderich. Ont.," will be received at this office until 4 P.M., on Monday, December 11, 1911, for the construction of a Wharf .at Ooderioh, Huron County. Oat. Plans, specification and form of contract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Department and at the offices of J. G. Sing. Esq , District )engineer, Confederation Life Building. Toronto, Ont. ; H. J. Lamb, Esq District Engineer, Windsor, Ont. and on ap- plication to the Postmaster at Goderich. Ont. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed supplied, and caisctualsignue. stating their upton and places of residence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the °coupe- tioo. and puce of residence of each member of the firm must be given Bach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honoorablc the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 pm 1 of the amount of the tender, which will bo for- feited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, ee fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted, the cheque will be returned. Tho Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any leader. By order, R. C. DESROCHSRS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, November 13, 1911, Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- tisement it they insert it without authority from the Department. sou .._-essita asafa frammissixatwo iVARIETY STORE i 1 Newgooaa are��v�og Mair ; goods arriving daily ; call and see theta. SEE OUR JAPANESE CUSHION TOPS I. AT 25 CENTS EACH and our CHRISTMAS GOODS which are daily arriving. You know our prices, nothing over 25c. H. J. MARSHALL ssw sMarea- aet1110 atttt1111111totfisier wi THIRTY YEARS Our Seven Colleges have been. established during the past 30 years. The largest trainers in Canada, Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other School.' You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It is Actual Bueiness from Start to Finish, and the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Houses. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Pall Term From Attg. 28th Write, Call or phone for particulars. WINGIfAM BUSINESS COLLEGE . GEO. SP0TT0N, PRESIDENT. Chas. W. Butes, i'tinelpal, r,..,,,,,......,,,..„,„,„,,,,,,,,„,,„„,,,,,,, it s . , lel W ti,LT 1 Canada's Double Track Linc THROUGH TRAIN snavio' AND PULLMAN SLEEPERS BetweenTORONTO and PO1.CTYPTNT+ NORTHBOUND—Flea train leatieri Terentei 3 $0 pail. Dee. 2nd. arriving Senth Peron - pine 4.20 p.m, following afternoon. SOUTHBOUND—Firsttrain lettuce South Porcupine 12.90 p M. Ileo. 8t'd, arriving' Toronto 7,80a.M. following rooraing. The attraottve toute to 'Winnipeg and W'esternCanada is via Grand Trouk amt Chicago. "Ste mabtp ttoke's en sale via alt Ma*" Weeper t teelrvatiena deer, 0lbt7, x►Ild'0 THURSDAY, NOV. JUST 20 MORE SHOPPING' DAYS AND THEN CHRISTMAS It is not a bit too early to start Christmas buying, in fact it is THE VERY REST TIME Stocks of merchandise are at their best and there is more time at your disposal now than in a couple of weeks later. START RIGHT NOW is our advice to our customers and friends. We believe there is nothing more suitable, sensible, or appropriate to give as Christmas presents as ASU O E S e i For instance what could be more appropriate for a young lady or an elder- ly lady than a pair of warm, cosy, comfortable Slippers, for house wear, just like this illustration, or for a young lady a pair of good Hockey Shoes. We have several nice lines of these, and a Hockey Shoe to a young lady is always apprecia- ted. Many, other good things .for Christmas presents in this Shoe Store, and we are always pleased to show you, . THE. SHOE STORE 1~11 - Sole Agents For • The Co. FOR Sh'OE LADIES Highest Prices Fowl and Potatoes WINTER SPECIALS Butterick Patterns - Phone 70 HANNA 69 CO. 20 Ladies' Coats This week to clear in Tweeds, Blue and Black - all suitable styles for this winter's wear, sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, regular 15.00 and dncn 12.00, to clear at . 7. Children's Coats 15 Children's Coats—odd lines in Blues, Greys and Fancy Tweeds, sizes from 4 years to 12 years, regular 7.50, 6.50 and •5.00, to clear at.. .. - ttp3.v� Men's Overcoats 25 Men's Overcoats ---in Greys, Blacks and Fancy Tweeds, the newest patterns for this season, ' with College collars and Chesterfield styles, regular 15.00, 14.00, 12,00, to Blear 611 cit at ......... ... i Men's and Youths' Suits 20 Men's and Youths' Suits to clear—winter patterns, 3 button style, in Dark Greys, Green and Brown, all sizes, regular 15.00, to cit 14.00, 12.00, to clear at .............. U These Prices for One Week Only