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See U:
For All Lines
Men's Wear
It is now time to be on. the lookout for your
Christmas Gifts. If it is assortment and quality
you want, come to this store,
Neck Scarfs, Suspenders, Armbands, Garters, Ties, Hand-
kerchiefs, Collar Cases,. Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrel-
las, Shirts, Collars, Cuff Links, Underwear,
Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Hats,
Caps, Fur Cap;, Fur Collars,
Fur Gauntlets, Pyja-
ma Suits, Night
And don't forget that we sell the Suits' and Over-
coats that give satisfaction.
McGee & Campbell
. 1 1 I 1'1 ■ 11 11 IUI 1 1' .. ■
'lliifl lltlll'��ii lig �1f lll�llllll lillli INNNN Iiiftif1lili01111
We have just opened out a direct importation of strikingly
attractive novelties in. Jewelry, such as will command the
immediate interest of shoppers. The values are really ex-
ceptional and include the very latest ideas in
all marked at popular prices, The real merits of the goods
are so positive and Ho much in your interests we want
you to make is point of seeing the display early before
the hest styles are picked up. Never before have we' seen
anything like such Jewelry for the money --nor have you.
will like 'the fine
flavor of Red Rose
Tea, It has the cup
goodness that comes
only from Red Rose
quality—the reason
why it holds first place
in thousands of Cana-
dian homes. Will you
try it.
Your Grocer Will
Recommend it Ss
An old resident of con 13, Culross,
passed away on Sunday in the person
of George Newman; aged 60 years..
Deceased was a bachelor, of a retiring
Friends in Teeswater were greatly
ehocked on Monday when they learn-
ed of the sudden death of Mrs. Wilbur
Webster of Lucknow. Deceased was
the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Button and -spent her girlhood
days here where she was held in the
highest esteem by everybody. Her
death was very sudden and entirely
unexpected. On Saturday night last
she retired about ten o'clock after an
evening spent with her husband and
children with music and singing. At
10 30 she became seriously ill and
medical aid was summoned, but she
passed away on Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Acute kidney trouble was
the cause of her death. The funeral
took place on Tuesday afternoon at 3
o'clock. She was in her 32nd year.
Deceased was married about 7 years
ago to M". Wilbur Webster of
Lucknow. Two little girls, aged 3 and
5, and the husband, are left to mourn
the departure of a devoted mother and
W. N
L+i ill illiaiais•f11Millilll at,6Ii111111111.63W1111111i111111110hilt
The matter under this bead is auppned
by the Wingham W.O. T. U.
A parlor meeting was held in even-
ing of Nov. 7, in the 0, O. F. hall,
under the auspices of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, when
Mrs, Follick, County President, gave
a very pleasant and profitable address,
and urged the superintendente to
greater perseverance in. carrying on
their work. Three new members were
added to the roll, After a delightful
time spent at luncheon, the evening
closed by singing a hymn.
Ori Nov, 14, the regular monthly
meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held
with nineteen members present, Presi-
dent Mrs, Ross presiding. Mrs. Bos-
man and Mrs. Brock took charge of
the devotional exercises. Reports
were then given and the meeting
closed by singing ; to meet again on
Dec. 12tb, 1911.
Putting up with things that cannot
be helped means courage ; putting up
with things that can be helped means
Your Money Back For The Ask-
ing. You Promise Nothing,
We are so confident that we can
furnish relief for indigestion and dys-
pepsia that we promise to supply the
vnediciae free of all cost to every one
who uses it according to directions
who is not perfectly satisfied with the
results. We exact no promises and
put no one under any obligation what-
ever. Surely nothing could be fairer.
We are located right here where yon
live, and our reputation should be
sufficient assurance of the genuine-
ness of our offer.
We want every one who is troubled
with indigestion or dyspepsia in any
form to come to our store and buy a
box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets.
Take them home, and give them a
reasonable trial, according to direc-
tions. If they don't please you, tell us
and we will quickly return your money,
They have a very mild but positive
action upon the organs with which
they come in contact, apparently
acting as a regulative tonic upon the
relaxed muscular coat of the bowel,
thus overcoming weakness, and aiding
to restore the bowels to more vigorous
and healthy activity. Three sizes, 25c,
50e, and $1.00. Remember, you can
obtain..Rexall Remedies only at our
store—The Rexall Store—J. W. Mc-
EKeep Christmas Buying In Mind.
$1.50 Men's Winter Gloves 85o
Men's Winter Dress Gloves—warm wool lining, protective gore at
wrist and cape leathers, sizes 7 to 10 850
Fancy Scarfs Less Than Half Price
Fancy Read Scarf—with silk grenadine centres, wide silk borders
and striped silk ends ; reg. $2 00, for 950
Men's Pea Jackets
Heavy Grey Frictze Double Breasted Pea Jackets, storm color ; reg.
$3 50 to $4.00—for $2.81
Very latest shapes in good quality Silk Ties, in bias and cross
bar patterns, in greys, greens, bines, browns, reds and lavender
shades—specially prided 65o
Men's $bitted Mufflers—the newest and most popular Scarf for
this season's wear ; reg. 75c for 35o
$5.00 Sweater Coats
A variety of new shades with contrast trimmings, double storm
collars, Varsity shape collars ; some are V shape with piped
edges; everyone a bargain, all sizes in the lot; reg. $5 for....$2.95
S. ROBINS sroae'"
This Council met Nov, 20; all meta -
bore present ; minutes adopted.
Bylaw was passed for holding muni-
cipat elections; nomination, Dec, 22,
The Medical Health Officer's report
for the current year was laid before
the Council which showed that au
epedewic of scarlet fever bad occurred
in school section No. 7 and that the
school had been closed for 2 or 3 weeks
and disinfected before opened again ;
also that a mild case of diphtheria had
occurred in the 7ch con., a nurse was
engaged and the house disinfected and
no further cases occurred, No further
cases of contagious disease occurred
and no nuisances were reported during
the year.
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued ;—Tom K. Powell,
L. B. of E., $4 00 ; Chide, Jobb, L. B.
of H., $4 00 ; Wm. Cruickshank, L. 73.
of H., $4 00; James Elliott, L, B. of
H,, $400; John Burgess, L. B. of H.,
$6,00; Adam Oleghorn, sanitary in-
spector. $4 00 ; Dr. Agnew, M. I3. 0.,
fees, $100; Chris. Jobb., inspecting
bridge, $12 62 ; A. Hili & Co., per 0,
Jobb, work at bridge, $350; A. Hill &
Co., per Duff & Stewart, work at
bridge, $10 00 ; Duff & Stewart, work
at (lemmell's bridge and filling hole in
Bluevale, $11.00 ; Paul Powell, error
Robert Roland ass'mt, $5 77 ; Paul
Powell, error Luke King's ass'mt,
$3.00 ; Paul Powell, error Geo. Finlay
ass'mt, $1,00; Paul Powell, pt. salary,
$50 00 ; Elliott Bros., gravelling, Mor-
ris to pay $1'1 75 for tile, $30 58 ; John
Abraham, repairing culvert, Howick
to pay half, $1 00 ; James Kirby,
Turnberry, Howick, Culross to pay
each, $17 40 ; McKinnon Bros„ gravel-
ling, $12 91 ; D. Holmes, inspecting
gravelling $712; Sam. Vanstone, da-
mages, $2.00 , Wm. McMichael, dig-
ging drain, Morris to pay half, 810 SO ;
Duff & Stewart, box in road, Morris
to pay half, $1 50 ; McKinnon Bros„
Turnberry share culvert, $1.75; Mc-
Kinnon Bros., tile drain, $3 50 ; Peter
Hastings, saving timber in river, $1.00.
Meeting adjourned to meet in. the
Clerk's office on Friday, Dec. 15, at 10
o'clock a.m.
John Burgess, Clerk,
Bi -lingual Schools.
Hon. J. J. Foy, speaking in Toronto
on the bilingual school question, said :
"My views are that the English lan-
guage should be thoroughly taught in
schools to every pupil by teachers
fully competent to teach Eeglieh ; that
no other language should be taught in
those schools ; that such is the law
that should govern us ; that there can-
not lawfully be any bilingual schools
in the Province of Ontario, and if any
are found, they must cease to exist,
and care should be taken to make all
schools conform to the law."
Disinfect your Hen House with L. -H. Fly Chaser: It
will banish every insect. One quart and Spray Pump
for $1,00.
Bath -room Specialties—Paper-holders, 15 eta. to $1.00.
Towel Racks -50 cls. to $1.75.
Tooth Brush and Tumbler Holder -65 ets. up.
Silver Key Snow Shovel, galvanized steel --25 cts.
Furnace Shovels, long handles -35 cts.
Next Saturday, we shall offer for sale a The lot of
Canary Birds in cages, at prices from $3.00 to $0.00.
See these Songsters.
Woman's Institutes.
Geo. A. Putnam, superintendent of
Women's Institutes for Ontario, re-
ports that there are now 631 branches
of the institute, representing 97
electoral districts, with a total mem-
bership of 19,091. "The Institute has
already done much towards perfecting
home -making in this province," says
Mr. Putnam, "by guiding its mem-
bers in a more judicious of selection
of household supplies, simplifying
methods of work, widening the in-
terests of the women, and providing
healthful social advantages, where in
many cases isolation was the rule."
Seedless Apples. .
Now with wireless telegraphy and
telephoning, horseless carriages and
smokeless powder, there is also pros-
pect of seedless apples. An accidental
discovery has been made by C. S.
Leager, in an orchard in Modoc Co.,
Nevada, of a tree bearing seedless and
coreless apples ; it is hoped that with
the assistance .of Luther Burbank, it
will be possible to propagate seedless
apples. The tree is . seven years old,
but has been nibbled back each year
by cattle. This year it bore twenty-
ftve perfect seedless and coreless epeci-
Ordinary Cathartics And Pills
And Harsh Physic Cause
Distressing Complaints,
You cannot be over -careful in the
selection of medicine for children
Only the very gentlest bowel xnedi-
oine should ever bo given, except In
emergency, cases. Ordinary pills, cath-
artics and purgatives are apt to do
issue herrn than good. They may
cause griping, nausea and. other die*
tressing after-effects that are frequent-
ly health -destroying, -
We personally recommend and guar-
antee Rexall Orderlies as the safest
and most dependable remedy, which
we know, for constipation and as-
sociate bowels disorders. We -have
such absolute faith in the virtues of
this remedy that we sell it on our.
guarantee of money back in every
instance where it failsto give entire
satisfaction, and we urge all in need
of such medicine to try it at our risk,
Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable in action, may be taken at
any time, day or night; do not cause
diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They hive a very mild but positive
action upon the organs with which
they come in contact, apparently act-
ing as a regulative tonic upon the
relaxed muscular coat of the bowel,
thus overcoming weakness, and aiding
to restore the bowels to more vigorous
and healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies commonly com-
pletely relieve constipation, except of
course when of a surgical character.
They also tend to overcome the neces-
sity of constantly taking laxatives to
keep the bowels in normal condition.
Three sizes of packdges,' 10 cents, 25
cents, and 50 cents. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in Wing -
ham only at our store—The Rexall
Store, J. W. McKibbon.
Former Editor Dead.
A. W. Robb, postmaster of Walker-
ton died on Wednesday morning,
rather unexpectedly. Mr. Robb was
born in the Township of Eiderslie,
about fifty-six years ago. He taught
school in hie younger days and after-
wards bought and ran the Chesley
Enterprise for twelve years. Remov-
ing to Walkerton, he bought the
Telescope, which he sold three years
ago last June, on his appointment as
postmaster. Ile was ex -warden of the
county, police magistrate of Walker-
ton, and contested South. Bruce in the
Liberal interests on the death of the
late Henry Cargill, but watt defeated
by J, J. Doedelly, the present mem-
ber. He was a prominent Methodltt,
a Mason, and a member of the High
School Board.
Commission Government.
Vancouver is to be governed by a
Commission instead of a Council,
Under the cotnmiseion form of gov-
ernment the city will be in the hands
of aboard eansisting of the mayor
and four commissioners, the present
aldermauie body being dispensed with.
These will be aubject to the direction
of the ratepayers at all times. by
means of the initiative, referendum
and recall. Each of the four corn-
nlissioners will be in charge of one or
other of the late departrnents and
ill meet every day y for he
transaction of buslneete The Mayor
will be elected for two yeast, and two
of the commissioners for ttvo years,
and twa for four years. All will be
paid salaries, the amounts of which
have yet to be derided.
Care Of Orchards..
W. F. Kydd, who was last summer
employed by the Department of Agri-
culture in Ontario in looking after
demonstration orchards in various sec-
tions, said that in the course of his
work he had covered the older part of
Northern Ontario pretty well from
Penetang by way of Orillia and Barrie
to Walkerton. He says :—"In all that
distance," I did not meet more than
three or four well cared for orchards..
In Simcoe county orchards do not
yield more than an average of $25 an
acre profit annually, while they might
be made to average at least $100."
In support of his statement Mr. Kydd
said that one man who, prior to last
year, had never obtained more than
$50 from his orchard obtained $225
from it last year as a result of the care
given to it by departmental officials.
Another man, named Hamilton, who
had never obtained more than $250
from his orchard, with an average of
$200 a year, in 1910 obtained $510 and
this year has obtained $1,250.
Whitney On Taxation.
When `speaking at Durham on No-
vember 23rd, Sir James Whitney dis-
cussed the question of taxation on
improvements aria announced that an
assessment committee would be ap-
pointed during the next session of the
Legislature, who would during the
coming summer's recess go into the
whole question of taxation and find a
rejatedy for existing evils. "It is a dif-
a It subject," said Sir Jaynes, "and I
don't like to talk anything more about
it than I can help. It is altogether
different here from what it is in the
West. Different municipalities are
liable on bonds, There are old debts
outstanding, and the limit of taxation
for ordinary taxation is two per cent.
If you say that only land should be
taxed in a township, you will get into
such confusion that you won't get out
of it for years. But I have said it be-
fore and I repeat it, that when the
farmers of Ontario want such new
conditions of taxation, no Govern-
ment will refuse to give it to them."
Are Your Hands Chapped ?
Zam-Buk Will Cure Them.
The particular danger of chapped
hands and cold cracks (apart altogeth-
er from the pain) is that the cold is
likely to penetrate and set up inflam-
mation, festering, or blood -poison.
Directly the skin is broken by a' cut,
graze, or scratch, or chafed and crack-
ed by the action of the cold winds and
water, the one necessary, precaution
is to apply Z un-Buk freely.
The pure herbal juices from which
Zam-Buk is prepared are so perfectly
combined and relined that the immedi-
ate effect of these Z on -Bak dressings
is soothing, antiseptic, and healing.
Pain and inflammation are allayed,
disease germs expelled from the
wound or sore, and the latter is quick-
ly healed.
Zam-lank is not only a powerful
healer and skin purifier; it is strongly
antiseptic and 'germicidal, and so
forms the ideal protection for the skin
against disease germs,
It quickly heals cold cracks, chaps,
chilblains, cold sores, etc,
Mrs, O. M. Phoen, Neuchatel, Alta.,
writes : —"I must tell you how pleased
I am with Vann -Bak, My husband
had an old froathite on his foot for
many years, .and had 'tried almost
every known remedy without any ef-
fect, but the firet epplicatinn of Zun-
Buk seemed to help him so much that
he persevered and the sore ie now cur-
ed, We would not be without Zara-
lluk In the house,"
Zein•11uk is also a sure cure for piles,
eczema, ulcers, abscesses, scalp sores,
blood -poison, bad leg, eruptions, etc,
Its purely herbal composition makes
it the ideal balm for babies and young
children, All druggists and stores
sell Za.rn-Bak 50A box or post free from
Zarn-Buk Go., Toronto, for price. Try
also Zaxu-Bak Soap, 25o tablet,
Isard's Alteration
Business Extension Sale
We are VERY BUSY making alterations in our
present store and fitting up the adjoining store
to the north, lately used as a drug store. This
store is being remodelled and put in FIRST -
()LASS shape, when completed it will be used
for our =MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR DEPART-
MENT. Everything necessary for Men and Boys
WEAR will be carried in the NEW STORE.
BIG BARGAINS Are being offered in all de-
partments while improvements are going on.
On. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits,
Men's Overcoats, Men's Pants
and Overalls.
Dress Goods, Furs. Ready -to -
Wear Suits, Coats, Fur Lined
Coats, Fur Coats, Top Skirts.
Call in and see what a saving
you can make, buying . at CUT
PRICES during this sale.
H. E. Isard & Co.
e Fair. lay a sack
9: barrel before judging
OME people have attempted .to judge PUR-
ITY FLOUR before knowing the facts
about it --before using it. So we ask you
to be fair and to buy a sack or barrel of PURITY..
give it a thorough try -out before
attempting to arrive at
a judgment.
Look at the beauty and
loftiness of the golden -
crusted, snowy -crumbed
loaves, fit for a king.
Count them and see how
many more of them PUR-
ITY yields to the barrel
than ordinary flour does.
Taste the creamy, flaky pie
crust, and the deliciously light
cakes PURITY FLOUR rewards
you with. My!
How theymake
Such high-class
results can only be
obtained when
using a flour con-
sisting exclusively of the
high, -grade portions of the
best Western hard wheat
And remember, that, on
account of its extra
strength and extra dual-
requires more water when making bread and more
shortening when making pastry, than you are
accustomed to use with ordinary flour.
"More bread and better bread"
Buy a bag or barrel of PURITY ITY FLOUR. Test
it for a week. `Then pass judgment.
MAMMY FLO 1T tL to the grocery list right now.
Sold, by Wlik Bone, Ring Bros., Winghar