HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-11-23, Page 7IRU T BRITAIN'S FOREIGN POLICY Ifama,a10.0aaaa Country Surprised at Ger many's Anger at Britain, aa,••••••ma., Parliament Wants to Be Kept Better Posted, $ir Edward Grey to Make Statement on Nov. 27, 1,4•••••••1••••••••1•• London, Nov. 20s-Tiritielt foreign poi - icy may be on the threshold of a new and most important phase. No state - Merit in regard to deelings with other netioni bete for inauy years been await- ed with such greet interest is the one M. Asoulth, the Premier, hes premised the House of •Commons that Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary, will make. The eertainty which every one now admits that England was within a beer's breadth ot going to war against Germany to support Prance in the Moroccan. trouble, aud the Govern. Merit's apparent consent to Russia% ad. Vance upon Persia, have raised a great storm of criticism. This svill takethe torn of e. elenunciation of the extreme secrecy with which the oreign affairs .ot the empire hnve been emaductea during the mat deeade, ana more par. tieularly since Sir Edward. Grey took- eliarge of the Foreign Office. . An impertant fact in this agitation *4 Widen has sprung op within a week, and luta taken on great impetus within the - post 24 .boura, is that almost all the Liberal newspapers wbielt are the Gov- ernment's strongest supportera are lead- ing it, while the Conservative journals either on In the outcry or maintain silence. The agitation lute now been cryetal• Need into a demand that both Parlia- ment aud the country should immedi- ately be given implicit information re- garding the Gdvernment's recent deal- inge with Germany, and as to the ex- tent and nature of the Anglo-French agreement, aleo conceroing the attitude of the British Cabitiet totvard's Russia's threatened invasion of Persia. John Dillon, the Irish meanber of Par- liament for East Mayo, has given no - tic* of a motion on the foregoing lines which embodies the demands of the Liberal papers. Siriee the conclusionof the Morcicean •. agreement the country has been ask- ing whether war would in any way be justified, and also whether the entente • cordiale with Frame amounts to. rm. ,alliance, and is not altogether for tbe benefit Of Prance. The revelation in the German Rola. Stag of the intensity of Germany's feel- ing againet England was a surprise. Even one or two of the jingo organs are asking whether it is not possible for England to keep on good terms with Germany without impairing the Angle- • French enfeute cordiale, and •suggeste ing that assurances be given to Ger- many so as to disabuee the minds.- of the Germans thatthe entente cordial is really against lier. Mr. Cliambeelabi's old proposal for the formation of a foreign affairs com- mittee:44th whieh - the .'Citliiitet theiild. •eon:milt; thus geeing:Parliament smile 'share in the conduct of foreign affairs, is now being revived, • ... elfr, Aisquithe 'Ode afternoon disapa. painted tbe House of Commons by the Announcement that Sir Edward's state- ment would be made only on Nov, •27a • buthe promised that a dee, .alitield be • •*.giVen. for a,•debate • on. the .stiteeet. . . . . a .e. .. egTH. . ..i 0 No DEAD. Toronto Couple Suffocated at Memphis, Tenn. Wife Perished Trying to Save Husband. Memphis, Tenu., , Nov. le, --Prone upon the floor of a bathroom, the hod- iee of Gordon S, Graham and his wife, 270 South Third street, were found cold in death at 2 o'clock yesterday af- ternoon by other occupants of the house. The mute forms disclosed a pathetic story of the wife's heroic but vain. efforts to rescue her Mu:band from death. Her body lay across his, where elle had probably fallen in her 1'4 attempt to lift him from the The theory of the police and .the physicians I. tb4t ine husband died first and that the wife finding him, Made an effort to take him from the room and was herself ()venom°, by the alio* of finding hint dead Or dying um the lingering fumes which re• inained in the room, Deathcould have occurred as early at 9 is'elock, as no one had been to the room after that time, until the bodies were diseovered. Whea the pollee examined the heater it had been turned off. It is believed that the wife seeing the pre- dicament of her husband, instinctively rushed to the heater nna ehnt off the gas then began her efforts to get him out of the room. The theory Is that She entered. the bathroom and elosed the door behind her, thus holding what gag bad Already esceped before she stint it off. Lettere found in the room indi- cated that Gralmines father Jives in Torooto Canada, and that he had brothels dud sisters living in -other parts of that eorintry. Toronto, Nov.. 20.-Graliam was for- merly in the eniploy of the Toronto San- itary Towel Supply Co. William Graham of 1.320 Bloor street wed, is deceased's father, and he also has- two Osten liv. ing here. 'Mrs. Maleolni Gray, wife of the •ceretaker of the Wanton Aped - meats. Roeedale and Mao Gintee Gra-- ham, who rives at 665 Qiteet ;street west The police reteived word of the tragedy lamt night from the Memphie authorities, end the relatives were eons- rottnitittNI With.Theterriains• will "likely be brought here for interme itt. Debutante Deughter---"Shnll 1marry the poor youn man whew T lovo er the rich Old Walker who het On Itier Weekly Mother ---"Better be tniserable with mortey than. without it.". -Tialtt. more State CENSUS FICURES Returns (liven of a Number or Smaller Places • Ottawa. Nev. .20. -The 'Cajoles bureau has completed the oompilation of cenlitte returns fee citiee, toW114'and ION*. The figures for meat of the larger place e WOO given some time ago, The number of people in other photo is 110W- inede know, shown' ley the, re. turns celleeted in Jame last, as well as 'conipleted returns foe. some eitiee unit towns that. have previously beeo given, sod In whiols revieion ehowe chango. The figeree toe Ontaeio are as fellowe: Torouto.-370246 Fort William, 10499 Ottawa,. -$0,340 Port Arthur .11e10 Leaden,. ..40177 Orangeville .2340 Brantford,. 23095 Shelburne ,. ..1113 Hamilton., .81881 Grand Valley -775 St. Catles-12460 Cheeterville 883 $t. Thoeute..140e0, Thornbury 791 le _17819 Owen Sound 12555 Kingston. 4881,5 Irorptia . • -.949 .,0372 Morrisburg „ .1690 Kincardine, -1930 Wincnoster. 1143 Wiarton..,. e2264 Bownutriville 2$11 Port Eight. „1230 Port Hope -5089 Southampton 1681 Millbrook -793 Walkerton, . 1681 ..Noweasetle ,. 005 011esleY- ...1736 A.yhner 2099 Port Stanley .806 Carainal ,. -1111 Springfield .. 454 leemptrille -.1192 Vienee., Alerriekville 901 Rodney • 570 932 Dutton, .„ -.836 Dundalk .,..689 greet Lorne...740 Meaferd , . -2811 Sandwich., . .2302 Durham . „ .1579 Wollierville..3302 Chatsworth 357 Belle River .. 520 Hanover. „ , .2342 Airtherstburg.2556 Neustad 466 • Essex,,.,, „.1350 Caledonia.. - 952 Kingsville.- .1427 Cisyuga ....730 Leamington, .2052 Dunnville .. „e8e4 Tillbury.. Hagereville 1100 Alexaridelie, :2318 Jarvis.. _510 Lancaster., -010 Milton .. „1657 efaxville.. -.759 •Acton.. , ,1720 Prescott 801 Burlington .. 1831 Georgetown -1574 Clinton, „ . 2261 Oakville.. -2372 Goderieb.. .. 4522 Deseronto- .2018 Bothwell .. ....600 .,105$ Dresden _1551 Tweed.... , .1308 Ridgetown„ 1905 Belleville.. -9850 Wallaceburg- 2438 Trenton.. -3994 Thameaville , 809 Lucknow .967 Chatham,. „ 10761 .Bancroft1320 Blenheim -1386. •865 Tilbury ..,. 962 850 Hepworth ; . 309 Wingham.. _2238 Portsmouth 1786 Birth. , ..-.805 Forest .. ,. 1444 Brussels.. 902 Petrolea .. 3018 Wroxeter 366 ANinston . 800 Seater& _1983 Paisley, , 830 Bayfiehl 400 Teeswater , . 853 Exeter- .1554 ThedfOre..' .. _559 Hensall- Almonte ..2452 Watford ,...1092 Carleton Place 3620 Lanark. • 737 Wyoming •. -309 Perth, , .3571 Courtright .... 379 Smith's Falls.6461 Park -Mil _ 1289 Newboroe . -469 Allem Craig, ....508 Geteanoque.. 3764 leucee ..,. 709 Weetport.. S03 Striethroy.. e2,821 Napanee.. -2807 Gleucoe ......841 Bath • -347 Newbury.. .... 377 Newburg., _465 Bracebridge . 2770 Niagara, 1319 Gravenituest ,.1021 Beainsville1094 Huntsville .2368 Grimeby1069 Port Carling ,. 382 Athens..„ 800 Simeoe...... 3227. Merritton1670 Delhi.. ... .. 82o Port Dalhousie.1177 Port Dover ,...1138 Tara '.. 551 Waterford ....am Tiverton...-. 342 Brighton . ; .1318 earnia, .9936 Port Rowan 721 Pont Edwarti, 87* Caanpbellford ...3051 Hastings 883 Mitchell .. -1706 Colborne.... 009 St. Mary's . - .3393 Cobourg 3073 Havelock „ .1433 Uxbridge 1433 Lakefield .,1397 Beaverton...1016 leorwood 811 Cannington 034 .leiterboro .. .18,312 Oshawa7433 Hawkesbury ..4391 Whitby, :2247 L'Orignal„ .. .1351 Port Perry.. 1145 :Vankleek Hill.. .1577 Woodstock.. e9321 Picton .. • .. 3561 .Einbro. , • 471 Bloomfield .. .. 610 Engersoll.... s4757 Wellington 786 Tillsonburg, 2258 Pembroke .. ..0624 1100 Cobden ., 762 13rampt0n3412 Arnprior ,..4395 Bolton.' 707 Renfrew . ...3846 Streetsville543 Egariville ...I188 Stratford- .)2,929 Caseelman „ 950 Listowel.... -2289 Rockland .. Milverton. 820 . 4660 Preston .. .3883 Penetingene3508 Ayr .... ... 823 Coldwater. 051 New. Hamburg .,14$4 Co1lingwood7077 Niagara Falls -,9245 Stayner • -1029 Thorola .2265 Creeraore..... 643 Welland .. Alliston. ,.....1270 Bridgeburg ,I770 Barrie... .6428 Chippewa 707 Beam- . 504 Poet Erie ....1147 13radford..„ . 946 Port Colborne ..1024 Tottenham.... 507 Harriston . .1491 Cornevall......6598 Mona Forest...1837 French...v.... 411 Palmerston .. ..1605 Paris 4095 Arthur .. -1099 Berlin... ... .15192 Bellwood .. .. 246 Waterloo 4360 Clifford ., ..' 595 Elmira...-. 1780 Drayton .....706 Galt 10,299 Guelph .. 15,153 Hespeler......2348 .. -1197 Erin.. .. 511 South River ... 593 Fergus-. .. . .. 1534 Sundridge .. 420 Dundee .. ,.4297 Powassan - 638 Waterdown... 756 Lindsay .0956 Markham..... 909 Boboaygeon -1002 Richmond 11411 652 Fenelon Valle-, 1056 Weston...„..1875 Haliburton 492 Woodbridge-, 807 Omemee.. 006 Mimieo......,1407 Richmond . 428 Aurora.... „ .1901 Fort Prances....1043 Newrnarket-,2968 Arkona.. 426 Holland Land'g 605 Oil Springs ... 646 Stouffyille. „ .1025 Dryden .. /14 N,Torouto... 5362 Keewatin - -1242 Parry Sound. 3400 Kellen% 6159 Kearney 812 Blind River -.2558 Burke; Palls08 Thessalon „ ,,1045 Depot Harbor657 Chelmsford .s . 550 Massey.. 864 Matteova „1523 Little Current 1208 North Ray .-7715 Webbwood657 Sturgeon Pall 21s Gore Bay 1703 Sudbury .. ...4139 Prime Mints- 685 Bonfield .....484 S. Ste iii,rie-10080 • Cobalt ......5030 Steelton 8088 Englehart 670 Cadie Bay886 Ilaileybury .. .3874 CopperCliff8086 Latchford 428 Cochrane 1714 New Liekeard -2107 South Essex- 406 Tilbury Village 952 • - see* THiaves TO SE DEPORTED, Cobalt, Nov, 10.---Osear leolvit and Vector Bourke, the two men attested on Friday for having in their poeees. mon high- grade ore waited at over one thoneand dollars, were sentenced by Magistrate Atkinson to six months imprieorunent, ana to be deported at the end Of their terms. Xolvtt is an American citizen, while Bourke, who elabete to be hie brother'has only been out from Finland for a little whlie, atid will be sent beck to that country. Aadoisaaawakaartiadibalb. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL. Toronto, Nov. VI -Owing to the en eroeity of Mrs, Tintothy Felton and Mr, John C. Eaton, who have undertaken to provide the whole wet of building, the new Methodtet Cltureli at the cor- ner of fit. Oleir avenue and Drolvegan toed, thelart fday isehoal of Whith Waft COSTS $16,000 Tfl BE CARDINAL insignia,and TipsRegulated, Paid by Loans. •••••••,,,,•••• Coming' Consistory.Sudden. ly Decided on by Pope. Rowe, Nov. 20. -The elevation to the Cereinelete eoste ie hats, rings and tips, reuglated by a fixed tariff, no less than *10,000, which tilde eminences ere oblig- ed to borrow and pay bade b, lletelments out of their Werke if Curia Cardin:de- $200 a month besides perquisites -or cut of their episcopal revenues if they fue diooesan bishops. The forthcomiug consistory was de. eided von suddenly. The Pepe held a 'caret eoofereocia tvith Cardinals kierry del Vel, Vivesy TIAD, OT14 Le talon Sat. uriloy aftermion, °et. 2$, and. a few hours later tio Qsservatoia Rontatto PO. Belied the list of the Pew Cardinals evil, anoOnneed the date of the censietory. The appointnients of the Archbishop of New York aud Boston, were exclusively,: due to Cardlual Merry del Val and their mimes were included, in the list of caudie dates at the eleventh hour, A Cardinel de C'uria. assered en American blend two months ago that the Pope still hesi, tated whether to .appoint two or fatly. one _American Cardinal, and said that very likely the ArchInshop of Chicago would be the peat American Cardinal. Thaacreotion of seventeen new Car. dinals, twelve of whom are foreigners, unprecedeuted in modero times, and naturally it ha e been interpreted as an Attempt to prevent the election of Car- dinal Rampolla as the neat Pope, the more sm as the Cardinal's right hand man and most influential friend, Mgr. Della Chiesa, Arehbiehop of Bologna, was not included among the original 1.ist of the new cardinals, although oceunesine a post beretofore held by a. Cardinal,. Itis maim, however, was added a few dap liter. Out of the seventeen new Cardinals only five are Italian, itnd their Appointment was accepted as more or les e they were all entitled to promotion on account of the pasts they held The Archbishops of Paris and Westminster have not been in high favor at the Vati- can owing to their decided liberal tend- encies, and they owe their creation to the importance of their dioceses. Thethree new 'French Cardinals be- sides the Archbishop of Paris are noted, as intransigeaets. The Jesuit father, Billot, who is a Professor of dogma at the Gregorial University of Rome, has , taken an active part in the recent mitt - modernist campaigu. The two Austrian Cardinals, the Arehbishops of Vienna and Olmutz, owe their creation to the Emperor Francis doseph, who submitted their names to the Holy See some thne ago. • Father Van RoSsum- is the fleet Detchman•that enters the Snored Col- lege. As the elevation of a nunzio to the Cardlualate implies his recall, the ap. pointruent of Mgr. Vico is significant, in- asmuch as it suggests that the relations between. Span) and the Holy See have interruption, The most significant result of the forehcoining consistory will be that the Sacred. College will now consist of 63 members, viz,: 34 Italian Cardinals and 92 foreigners., Of course, Mgr. Falconio in considered as an Italian here, but he 'naturalized American citizen. Con. sidering that five American Cardinals are octogenarians and in very tad health, if a conclave be held before the &aged College is further increased, the possibility of the election of Cardinal - Rampolla is greatly diminished, while.cei the other hand, that of the eleetion of ly •foreigner as Pope cannot be excluded. If, in fact, the foreign Cardinals vote for e, foreign candidate, as their vette • will be practically equal to those of the ' Italian, it is sufficient for one-third of ••.the ItUiau Cardinals to join the for- eignere in order to melee up the two - 'thirds of thetotal votes necessary for • an eleetion. It is true that during the laat three conda,ves a foreign candidate lute never been puteforevard, but then it must be remembered Viet the great majetity of the 'voters were Italians. It has been coujectural that as Cardinal Merry del Val can; count on the votes of the Car- ditials, created under the present Pontifi- tate, it is not at all unlikely that be may • become the future Pope. It is signift. cant that even if the Pope will ereate seven more Cardinals and bring the num. ber of the Sacred College to 70, which is most unlikely, the customary proportion of the Italian Cardinals, tescethinle of t vtal number will not be ranched. • COLONIZATION How the Work is Done by Roman Catholics. .111••••••*••••.••• Toronto (Rolle: The existence of a uetwotk of organizations under the su- pervision of the Roman Catholic, Church for the purpose of ae,sisting direct- ing the colottization. of the Dominion by planting Roman Catholic settles Merits through Ndvr Ontario, Quebec, w the 'est, and even the _Maritime Pro- vineee, has beet explained to the•Giolie by a priest' corMeeted with a promin- neat Catholie organization in Toronto. Efficient work is being carried in prin. eipally Among PreneleCaleadianie and from pulpit to hearth, through tne more populous distriets of Quebec, and the prieste ate spreading the news that the' best opportunitiesort into of teee° lie in the tower districts of Canada, and not ie the 'United States, ana offeridg tbe like. Ty young FrencleCanadiane every faeil. ity to remove to the settlemeata wlikh have been otgitnized by the church, gise ing hien congenial co.religioniets for eeighborsoand practically guaranteeing him the protection of the church until he his made good. "Cailadies toloniza. tion and the enhancing of the power of the -churell" is the slogan of thaw so- eietite, and little strings Of settlements along the lite of the Idatiorial Trauseon- tinental, end T. & 0. in 'New Que- bec, in NoVa Scotia, and in the far weet, where atract �f over 1,800 square milee has been purehatled by it Catholic CI' Aonization Soeiety, all testi- by to the thoroughness with which the work ie belize*earriejit THOTtOUGHBRED8 BURN KO. Ira:Ulan, Nov. I9. -A. barn helot ing to A, Z. Dove, on the reel 6 Farm, Missitiotioholt, was de. strayed by fire early this morriirw, end thirty heati of cattle, teeny of them thorouglibrede, were burned to death, There Was besides 190 tons el liptnra yesterday, will be Galled the hay in the barn. The barn and coatetits "Timothy Patron Memorial Cfrarete" Were pertielly covered by insuramee. APPEAL TO BRITAIN Persia and Russia Break Off Relations. Teheran, Nov. 10.-Diploinatie rela- tions with Russia have ceased. The Re• - gent has purisuadea Samsaireo-Sultaoela the premier, Whe resigned an November 13, to torn! a now Cabluet. London, Nov. 20'.--A Teheran de- spatch to The Times ears that Sem- earta-es-Sititanch attempted to form a Cabinet, with. Afolitashon Bultateh as Foreign Minister. It was arranged that the new Foreign Minister should con- tede the Russian demands, hat the ,Porlianient objected to this policy and refused to ratify the Cabinet.. The Per. elan Government, says the correepon. (lent, has sent an appeel'addressed to the Eing of England, asking for media. tion With a view into the suspension of _Russian action until the Cabinet has been formed, 4'S'. ACQUITTED •HIM aaaaaaamaame• Commander of Niobe Gives Account of Voyage. Rad Asked Admiralty for Court Martial. • Halifax, N. S., Nov. 19. -The court; medial on the Niobe on Saturday alto: - mien concluded the aeries of three trials which have engaged its attention, by giving' a 'decision that the charge against Commander W. N. MacDonald, of the Canadian cruiser, was not proven. The president of the .court, in rendering this juaginent. and handing back nis sward to the commander, stated filet 4 gave hire great pleasure to announce tied Commander 'Iteactionald was honor- ably acquitted, It came out In the do - 'fence of Commander MacDonald that the courtonartial had been personally asked Tor by him. The oommaneer explained this in the following. terms: "On October 19,' not baying heard that any steps had been taken by %vetch I could vindicate my eondect, and realizing that it was a critical time iu lily imperial service career, I sent the following telepram: 'Admiralty, London, -Respectfully submit, when convenience of serviee permits, loiels commissioners of the Admiralty may be pleased to try Me by courtmartial, grounding Niobee Commander IgruiDonald submitted a statement of what occurred from tlie LIM Di leaving Yermouth up to the time of the grounding and the subse- quent steps which were taken to save the ship, and which, in • part, was as follows: • "I beg to state that the cause of our ,e-roueding wile an abnormal tide, due either to the gale the previous night in the Bay of- Fundy, or, perhope to a .hureicanein the West Indies. el would ask the members of the court to place themselves bonier -position on theeight itt question; to remember that at 1.15, when I gave my order boele ana in- struetions to the offieer of the first watela the night was exceptionally fine, excepeionally clear, that no abnormal 'tide had been experienced, and that I was kept In ignorance of the fact that the Cape Sable ig1it had .not been seen whert we were candy approaching it. That when t was 'called, about the time 1„expected to me, I was definitely in- formed. that the buoy bad been eon and. the ' whistles heard imniediately before the fog closed doWny in the posi- tion I expected a to be seen. ' I am ok. the opinion that neither the (everts, tidetebles, nor sailing direetions give the searoen, not possessed, of local knowledge, any idea of the danger of the locality, I arn not elohning to hese grounded. , on an uneharted rook, though this rimy well be the ease,. and / think thetthis locality probably abounds in uncharted rooks, which' only ships of ,deep draught dtscover." The squadron ealled in the afternoon for Bermuda 4• . NEARLY FROZEN Soo Line Passenger Train .Sinks in Swamp. Duluth, Minn, 'goy, ',le, es-. Great erowde greetea the arrivel here to -day of the relief train bearing 100, persons rescued from it Soo Line passenger train, which mink seven feet in the swamp 20 miles cast of Moose's Lek°, The passengers spent the night on the ear tope and, when rescued, were al. meet frozen to death. Most of the track- age ih Demme:id County is over swamps built up by years of filling, When mie the most tie:whew:ma part of the way near tilaekhoot, the entire train begroa to settle. It aht not take it long to sink to a depth of seven feet, The. 0/igloo turned over as it settled, and Only the roofs eel the tOaelleS Were Vieible above the nistsli. Aid was minimoped by one of the pas. sengers, who neelked the entire way. 118 dated that the passengers were suffers ing front leek of 'water and food. ra4 - McNAMARAS' TRIAL Practicelly Half the Jury Chosen for the Case. Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 20. -With • practically half the jury cluseell, the 'Me:Namara, murder trial Went slowly on toalay, beginning He seventh eveek. , Seven men NVDre 111..tbd box, eomprising five wont turore And tWo tolesmen passed. for eause, and when five addl. tional taleemen satisfactory on prelimin- • ary oxaminetion to both illeee are locus.. ed peremptory challenges again will be in order. At 'present the state ha e but five left and the defence eleven, so that the exercise of these chAllengeeart tided of which is expectect to ecur this Week, will re.daeo the tuother to the point where a complete jury will hove in eight, . Fifty morn veniromen were ordered to report toelay'besiclee the Aix reautbling • of the fourthvenire. 0.•• ' 4••••• .1(4,,-; 4... • The Panama Plena} gone utter 24,000 grillers of etude oil it month to destroy emequitoies. NEWS OF THE DAY IN BRIEF Rhodes ,Scholar Called to , Inner Temple Ban t•••••m•••••••Y Berlin ManAppointed Sud- • bury's Police Chief, 19,•1••••101,,a, AylmerSohootBoardGrants Increases. , .• The Montreal 'longshoremen's strike has been settled. • Toronte Y. M. 0. A. has. started a campaign to raise $4,000 iu three days. Etaft York Liberals deeided not Wen- ter a candidate in the Provine tesnd cop. jack L4111 Twig, a Chinese atudent at Trieity College,Toronto, died following an operation. Rev. Dr. G. .M. Milligan, leaving Toron- to for New Zeal:Led, urged his congrega. • tion to vote for Muriel union. News • was received hi Quebec of the sudden death of the Rev, Elzear Pie • fresne, :nye of Cape Chaffe, (lave Comity. ° P. L. Gillespie, of Guelph, went to Per - gins on%a, business trip and disappeared. 'It is feared some accident UM happened to him,. • Michael Burke, Viee-Preeldeut of the City-. and Distriet Savings Rank, died at Montreal, lre baa beeri a resiclopt of the .city for many years, If. R. Li Henry, of Winnipeg, it Rhodes scholar, and the only Canadian to get a full blue in...ogee; has been called to the Bar in the Inner. Temple. 'The Japanese' Antarale expeetion, Which returned front the frigia zone east spring, has darted again for the far smith, strengthened by men and dogs. e Sergeant john W. Walker, of the Ber- lin police force, has been notified of his • appoietment of Chief of Police at Suit bury, at it salery of $1,200 per annum. Christopher George Harris, an old re- sident of Toronto, passed away. Mr. sine. ris came from Dublin, behind, nearly sixty years no, and at once engaged in the -hotel business. Fire in tbe' Mill' of the leuebee 4 tit. Mauriee Industrial Compaey, Darvey Junction, Que., last nigh e dld damage to the extent of $15,000. Crossed elec. tri e wires started the blaze. Rev. A.. R. Schnitz, pastor of at. James' Ligheren °hunt', Elmira, Ont., for thirty-five -years, died suddenly ot heart failure. The late Mr. Sehultzeis survived by his wife and two sons. Per an offence which he"is' alleged to have committed two years ago, William Lamb, 10 Larch street, Toronto, was Oetested in that city. The charge ligainst hint is assault and robbery. .AccOrdineg to a resolution adopted by the (Melva allied Trades and eLabor Counell, Labor candidates for•the Board of Control, Cite, Council and Trustees Boards- will be. plaeed in the field at the coming niunicapal elections, Middlesex County Coulson wilr have 32 members when reeves and deputy reeves convene after January electione. The inc.:vase in population of Westmin- ster Township, which adjoins London having brought abOut an addition of ,one. Wage matters in New Brunswiek be- tween the Canadian Pacific Reel:Way and the Freight Handlers' Union were ad- justed at it conference). The men form- erly-received•17 centsper hour and ask- ed for 26, An agreement for a year at , 21 cents VMS, reached. IL Shay, a bell boy at the Tecumseh Rom, Londouois sought by the police as it result of a complaint lala by the, proprietor. It is alleged Shay was given .$35 to take to the local bank to pro- cure change. Ho has not been seen since, W. IL Williams, who has been'Acting 'Principal of Berlin Collegiate and :Aely Ideal Institute Since the apoiottnent la• Forsythe, 13. A.; as it member of the Royal Commission on Eductielon has been appointed. Principal of the insti- tute by the Board of Education. The Aylmer, Ont„ Public &hoot Board has granted increases in.salary,t0 all the Pftblie School teacherre with the expo - Gm Of the prinelpeeto take effeet the first -of the year. - The kindergarten tencher has been given an inerease of 325 and other teachers $30 per year. ' In order that it may do more to as - shit the poorer Presbyterian tongrega- tions .in that city, Knox Chime, Spadina avenue,.Torotto, has given netice that it may make application fo' the 'Ontarie Legislature for permission to create a speeial fund for the purpose, GOODS ROADS Taft Sick and Unable to be at Convention. -aaa,a-aaa.-• Itielonoviid, \Tee Nov, 20, -,The first American good roads, congress opened, here' to -day. President Tat, who wee expected to be present, telegraphed the managers of the convention that Wellite House phesieiana forbade him to risk the visit to Iticlunona because' of the de- velopment of a cold, whieli the Presiderit took on the last dewof his westeris trip, me Secretary of Agriculture, James Wilson, mono on as the Preeitlent's rep. teeteitative. About 300 etlegates settled down to the first dayes work. One of the objects a this cotigrees is to set afoot an organized road-bnilaing move- nient Within the States. No Fedetal aid is to be Asked, but emili locality is to be stimalated to share itt a, general plan. • FOOLISH LAD Must Pay $100 Pine or Go to Central Prison, Sault Ste Marie, Ont., Nev. 20,---Con- vieted of bureearonely entering the 1401 - ton hardware store, itegli`street, Thigh Reid, aged 10, WO WS meriting ordered to pay a fine of ltieti or go- to Central Mum for two yeme.. Reid entered the store arid took 41332 front the safe, Also a revolver and two- mineral glaeeee. The evidenee :hewed that in the 86 hours he spent in the 'Michigan Soo with flh. other boy that he had spent over SIM ThO ehum wae fined e60 and theparents must ineke reetitutien for the $139 not • scented for. THREATEN HIM Deputation of Sulfragettes See British Premier, London, Nov. 20,-1'or5Suffrag- Ottee interviewed Premier MiiultIe hi Dewnisig street toelay, and attempted • bb oytalitatrea4tspowfolazevetniemivtal000f h000etylloitoiniebert orlF40,rriturc'nttalc:0 vatasatIlea e.'f71:11211, suffrege to the sexes. They re- celyed Pewit eatisfactiOn. Mr: Asquith told the esomen that be etood as alwaye againet woman suf. • beige bootee° he thought it would not • be for the good of the :state. Ile Added that the women nevertheless Lad a eemedy in 004 0W4 hande. The goy. eminent would leave the Home of Com - mew free to Amelia the proposed met• lova fraud:lee bill :so as to 'extend the franchise to women, if the latter were able to persuade A majority of parlie- meet to admit their cause, THE NE TEMERE Archbishop Bruchesi Talks on the Decree Tne Regulation Merely for Th3ir Own People, ••••••111•1011.1••••• hionteral, Nov,. 19. -"The marriage ,SLiss Graham to Mr. Shaughliesser had nothing to do with the ne temere decree," seed his Grace Areneishop 13rueliesi to your correspondent to -day. "Peoptbr misunderstand this whoie question, and the statement that the 1;e temere decree has been altered or broken is it mistake. The ne temere,- decree is made for Catholics only, ete hae • nothing to do • with Protestants. It is it measure requiring' Catholics to be married before a °ethane priest, and declaring that if this le riot houe their marriage is invalid and is. not recognized by the Catirelle Chereh. A Catholic to be validly married ihOSt sbeve IiIhrellried by 'a Cathelic •priest jit the case of it Catholic ma.P rrying a ro- testant a special dispensation must be itte (Glilo'll:leilittinsnl regulations have not been tas ,avnit isahatluoighcnaessesy, o altered in any sense. ..1 have, how- ever, for a variety of good reasone, given it dispensation of mixed religion in their case, as. I have done in other cases in the past. Their wedding ceremony 1VRE; performed in eonforno nay with all the regalations -of the Catholic Church by a. Catholic priOat, the Protestant party signing all' the regulations of the. Catholic Mirth. These regulations require that all the children shall be byouglit up in the • Catholic faith, ana.that no other wed- ding ceremony shall ever be performed before a Protestant minister." "In fact," laia the Archbishop, "ev- ery regulation demanded by the Catho- lie Cherch was conformed' with; -and to all intents and purposes the Protestant became a Catholie. The yonng lady signed air agreement agreeing to abide by all the conditions imposed -by the Catholic Church." . „"It is not true," ceptintied the Archbishop, 'that when. I made thp. regulation prohibiting 'mixed' mar - ridges I said there would be no mixed marriages. I specially 'dated that under certain 'eheitmstances, or under conditions which • appealed to me, I would grant dispensation. In the past three o1. four a -eats 1: have • granted sevenor eight dispensations, • but as these were all for poor people, there Was no ncitica• taken of them. In•the present • case the people are well knoien, and the matter has trot into the papers. 13ofore I passed °the re- gulation prohibiting mixed marriages, the intermarrying of Catholics with Protestants became far too pre'valeet and left too ninny abuses. • In 'one year before I Issued my -decree I granted no less than 170 ilispensations. Now we grant but one' or two a year, and. then only when we are eatiefied that it ispar the best." Continuing, Archbishop timeliest" stated that the "no temere deceee applied only to Catholies. "Ali the. Protestant Ohurchee'letve regulatione governing who they shall or shall not 'marry. I believe that the Clutch of, Engiatut inielsters are forbidden te marry divoreed people. Well, the Me temere' is decree made by us tei r govern ouorin people. Of tioinse, it ha4gtIt ihi0 the civil courts; but It was. intended solely for our own people." ' "I would likeit understood," ,he eontinued, "that the marriage of Mr. Shaughnessy aud Islise Graham hali nothing to ao with the 'no temerie decree. Neither.was this dispensation granted because of thelr Aoeial promie melee, but for speoial reasons whiehap- eealed to my reason. So far as "oar tellerch was, toncerned, there was notla ing Irregular about It. It was perforree ea- -before it priest btly efter all midi. Untie denutuded by us had boon fulfills *de' wee his conclusion, . .MORG:AN'S FALL a...4.aararaiwa. a Collection Plate and Money All Over the Floor. .aaivarai•aia New York, Nov. Pietpont Mor - gait tripped up lit &utak to -day, arid falling to the floor spilled a eolleetion plate piled high with money. The banker was uninjured, Mr. Morgan, who is senior warden of St, George's Protestant Episoopal Chureli and wits about to pests the plate to Bishop Greer tor the offertory benedie- Hon, when he stubbed, his toe over a raisplated pew cushion that lay onthe floor Just hehind the ehaawee rail, and fell on hie hands and knees. Silver taint, bine caul envelopes containing obermete which Mr, Atotgan had oolleeted from the con,gregation, were eeattered over it wide area and the silver plate, whieli it jugt gled with desperately for a moment, went rolling away, ogmu OF PEROY O. SEDOAD. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 10. -Perry C. f4e• (-era, fifty-ttvo years ola, sent to be ft lawyer from Toronto or Galt, Ont., fell Ideed to -night in his afire here. Death was pronounced to be clue to heart fail- ure. Ac he reeeheti for his overcoat to- take it off the hook he fell to the floor with it groan, ana when help was hernemoned Was iourel to be dead. PERSONA EP FOR YOUNG GIRLS Urge That Plan' to "eight White Slavery. Discussion at Illinois, Con federation Convention, Miss Mary Snow Attacks Present Education. Galesburg, Ill., Nov, 20. -(Special.) - Not to patronize, eot to preach, not to etand. aloof and criticise, but to help. to make a little "island of affeetion" itt the game impersonal sea of it young g4iststalmitpe and V dt Ibyllittolt:Vy-thistetriti tdetbelp to is service walcb, will largely oecupy the gooi women assembled at the Illinois elee,deration and the 35,009 women they repreeent during the wining. year. Judge Edwin LC, Walker, of the Court of Domestic Relationto-ley suggested smelt service in a sweeli under the eltair- inthaansdbei,ar0tiinetItno. RerVieelst. L. McCall of This work next to the coneerte4 ad - vane on tuberculosis probably will con- Oititute the higheet aervite which the women will offer, toward the, world's betternieot for this and many a year. w:1,1Vikeer',ha,,,,d,;4ao conacloa," livedsaidwi4Ithdguse and did the work., Hee father was a drunkard and we•persuaded her beetle - el, to let him go. Mrs. Walker didn't treat the girl as a servant, but lied her dine with us and go about with her.. People said, 'Why, Mrs. 'Wollser allows her hired girl to go out on the street • with her.' • ••:- • "When the girl grew up she merried a professor iu a college out west. Her sister married a high eehool teacher. I • can't tell you in what +sordid surround - Inge those girls lived -while their father • and mother were together, Of course, they might have pulled through With - 00 moral support, but it is frora just itiduachlte Mtraatfefircianl orristiiheeis. txhhilettetlhveoulevdlit be eneh barge orreetive 'measures nede- eel along the road of life if larger pro- tective measures were used at the be- ginning of the road. "We of' America lave a worship of the , law. We are prone to think we have done our duty if we elect a mayor and policemen and a jatege. There are certain great sociological and peyoho- logieta laws which A polite:man does not enforce, and society will progress only s*. far as it squares Itself with theee forces, The most uncharitable persons toward women are women. .eThe white slave traffic in Chicago has abatede'yet the ranks of scarlet women are steadily augmented. In 61 per cent. of the victims the first dap has been taken in :march of those little islande of affection in the vast imper- sonal 'sea of life." If women have been slow to realize this the women of tbe convention real- ize it now. Mrs. Minnie Starr Grainger, president of the state federation, urged that the 35,000 Women represented make it their personal work to supply mime Of thoee littleaislands of • affeetion. Miss Mary Snow, in taking up the "Essentiais of Education," announced flint elm was utterly sick of "culture." "Present editeation is not practical. Culture 4s the knowledge of things re - mete' in time and .space. Why.bring over the te.aeliings in the monasteries and uo them in Chicago? Chicago is no monastery. The chief thing for no to kern iserespect for. the power that lies in these hands of ours. Nothing so mil- tivates the will as manual training. "Nothing so surely develops the lat- ent arts in a people as accurate ewe of the bands in manual training Different teachers hold one to different stand- ards, A pupil may slip through' it goo - grapey test on the minimum of Mete: and still feel that he has done pretty well, but if he makes it joint that does not fit he Is confronfed with the great undisputed fad that he has not done his task well. .11•••••41.• ERE_KILED Tien Tsin Depatch Confirms Former Report. Recruits for Nanking -For. eign Sailors Landed. -London, Nov. 30.-A news despatch to the Exchanee Telegraph Co. from Tien Uzi, states that the report of a mas- sacre of foreigners ot Sian Pm capital of Shan Si, is confirmed. Confirmation from other sources, however, is lack- ing. SIEGE OF NANKING. Canton, Chieti, Nov. 20,-11evolution- ary recruits totalling 8,000 bore been massed, hen) preparatory to their de- epatch to Vonking, where they will co- operate in the siege of the city. LANDED MEN. Berlin, Nov. 20.-A despetch to the German Cable Co., from Tsi»estao, as. serts that the lapaticee and. American warships have each landed it force of 80 men at Chi Fu. The German eruiser Emden has :strived et Chi Fn. MISSIONARIES. MASSACRED. Leedom Nev. 10. -The sables from China to -day brought the startling news that there had been a massaere of white miesionaries itt listen Pa, which is the capital of the Provinee of Shen Shi, So fer as van be learned the, slaughter fol- lowed the capture of the town by the rebel,' who have boon 'concentrating in that neighborhood for several days, end who have been making threats of von. game against the foreigners. So far as known here tit this time, the foteiga nib:slot:tries hi the territory referred to, and who were the probable victims if the messacre did take plare, were Seaudinaviens and English Bentlete, How runny of them were there le not dieted. BETTER PAY FOR SOLDIERS. Ottatins, Nov. 20... -The Militiit Depart - :Smut will raise the standard of pay for men from tiny tents to nee dollar a (ley end eampleg will be lengtherte4 from 12 to 10 tlaya, exclusiVe. FAST TRIP. 0 P. R. Train Broke the Record to Lennoxville. olifittreal, Que., Nev. 2.0.-Ifitti be • traehe for a speed of over fifty-five miles an hour, a speeial tritin covered the distance between Montreal and. Len. • noxville to-dity in the time of two hours and twenty-five minutes. The epeeial train carried Dr. W. J. Jamieson, of this city, to Leunoxville, to perform • a critical operation on it patient in thet piece. Windsor station °Melees were given ordere regaraing the train at 11,40 a.m, for one o'cloek, and the train left there sharp on time. It is one huu. sired and ten mike from Montreal to Lennoxville and had it not been for the fact that the train had to stop at Lachlee Bridge and slow down for a number of level diamond crossings the time woulkt have been cut down a great deal lower than two hours and twenty. five minutes, At is was, the train reaeb- ed Lennoxville at 3,25 pen., after hav- Ing lost over fifteen minutes, Thi e is neatly 411 hour faster than the time or- der by the regular passenger train be- tween these points. Condostor Sheldon was In ebarge of the trate, while En- gineer Langstreth drove engine 199,019 for the distance. EXPRESS ROBBERS ••••••••••••••••,..... Murder the Messenger and Steal the Money. •10•••••,••••••••, Young Man Arrested Con- fessed the Murder. • Seranton, Pa., Nov. 20, ---Express Mes- senger Irving G. Barger, of this city, was killed and the money in his possession stolen lest night as the train sped be- tween Taylor and this city, on the Dela- ware, Lackawanna & Western Road. Bargee was seen by train hands at workin the CM' during the minute t 'et the train was stopped at Taylor. When the train ariyed at the Scranton station, four minutes later, Barger was lying dead in a pool of blood on the floor of the ear, with Ids bead battered in. Doc- tors later found a bullet in his birdie His revolver, usually worn in a bolster at his side, was fonnil ih the express safe and the safe was looted. It is understood that between $1,500 and $2,000 is missing, the United States [Express Company officials stating that several packages containing money ere missing, Barger was 45 years old, and lived. in South Scranton, CONFESSES TO MURDER. Scranton Pa., Nov. 20. -William Peter Biehie, 21' years old, of Kingston, Pa., discharged • Thursday from the lenited Stat ee Express service, was arrested this morning for the murder of Express Mes- senger Irvin C. Barger, on the Lacka- wanna Railroad between Taylor and. this city lest night. Bishie confessed to the killing. He was ridingeen the car with Baiger's permission. GABY DESLYS verwre... New Haven Stage Hose Quells Riotous Students. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 20. -Auger - ed by the sudden stopping of the per- formance at the Hyperien Theatre in this city to -night, a part of the audi- ence, made up chiefly of Yale students, took revenge by ripping up the chairs and other furnishings of the playhouse, breaking the stage footlights and sta- tuettes on each side of the stage, and doing other damage inside and outside of the theatre.,Seate .Were pulled from their fastenings, And many of them throwu on the stage. The distils -bailee Weide the playhmtee was finally parially_ subdued by the stage bands turning it 'stream of water on the rioters frone a large house which had been run on to the step; The performanee was being given by Only Deslys and her company, and only about half of it had been 'presented, when it stopped suddeitly. The audience waited for some time for the show to continue, but it tinnily became appar- ent that the performance was over for the evening, aud the trouble began. The police hied ordered certain line cut out of the play, but, instead of •oin- Uhler the objeetionable parts, the man- agement stopped the whole peel:wire awe. ACTIVE CRATER moo.••••••••••••• Explosions and Rumblings at Stromboli Yesterday. Naples, Nov, 20.-A correspondent at Stromboli telegraphs that at ten tairtutes to eight o'clock on Staiday morning a loud rumbling was heard, aria that at in- terviste of five minutes two explosions took place in the dater of the voleano. The explosions were about equal force erict shook houses in the villages. The volcano then began to belch forth large quantities of scoriae. Plaines and smoke continue to rise from the ere,tme TRIED TO HANG IIIMSELF. Chatheina Ont., Nov. 20.-Ifea,ring an unusual noise coming from the wires in the drying room of Sam 1.40$8 dry dimity after midnight, Noe Shung lairriea from bed to find hie employer, Sam Lee, hanging from the wires. Sane was eut down, still alive, and will re- cover, Despondency over the Ming of hie family ill Sun Niue:, China, during the rebellion is thought to have caused his attempted suicide. • 4. FOUR PERSONS FROZEN TO DEATH. Xandoopa, Nov. 10. --your persens were frozen to death Oh Thursday last lit it blizzard near thle eity. The vietime are: Jobn Keefer, n. ranelieti, Lizzie Keefer, aged 14, his time; 'Stay Keefer, aged 11, another blot, and James A. Trottel% hrotber.iti.law of Xeefer. They were overtaken by a Storm Athile re- turning to tits Keefer tan& from Kam- loops- in A Sleigh, awl lost their Wen The Bartle I have lots of 0 11'4616 My soul. The tditor-Ve is you don't keep it 0'