HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-11-09, Page 3*1
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In a M10-10rISIA Ha C`01 (
--,------, , "
I $011ie Toilet , M, ethOdS___,_r11,1Ps,0yed by , the i
Women of the Orient. 0
"Wo &,it lit PL comfortable little room
Cltvisb and is still in almost imiyersal
!it the harem of it wealthy Moroocalips,
Use throll0out tile ()"!Pat.
wrltf4 B,Isfi Alluna irt the ilousekeeper.
"It it Moroccan lid),, perhaps fron,
6 pending too nineh, time, in her beautiful
"The whitewashed walls were panolled
garden or on the i oof of ilia housp, where
with blue silk ornamented, with A. bright
the inmatQfs of ilier bareat love to Curl
colored figure in the form of 4 Moorish'
till on a Carpet In the slut Illm 0,tt4 and
allow themselves to get deliglitfully
1,The areas vaulted root allowed, ftrtistle
,warmed through, tins grown too brown
mil"Ies in blue aud gold and, Vic floor
was. Spread with a great Fev, rug. All
for her Tasto lip that of lier liusband, or
if those hateful �.Potq called freckles
About lay large cu.shlons provided ,%%,iih
clovit, covelings, skills of Animals and
havo put in -ill appearancol iihe takes it
nur"bar.of fresh peas awl beans, perhaps
smaller C11,9114011%
A. handful Ill all, crushes thoul, Inixes
"The four beautiful 'wolaoll whose
gue'st I was s%l; on the Cushions In the
thew with tile whole contents of an egg,
griails, flie whole if,., in it Porcelain Illor-
Indoleutly graceful, halt lying poaltiou
which the oriental loves so much. Chad!-
tar and allows the product to stand Ili.
the hot sun until it is dry andl Its fine
chall, the Idest, presided over ilia � tea
urn which stood before tier on .it dainty
8 Ineal.
A j.Thrnt' she Mirs the white, of v
"" M
little table P-1 high as it footstool, And a
lemale slave ran Itere iand there offer-
"'to h I � Adds
alf a teacupful of wliter,
teaspoonful of the. powder and cover.4
Ing us the costly little China Cups or-tite
1wr face tbiek with the mixture. The
next morning the laver is washea off
,Our conversation had turned. to a
with -warm, water. '.this treatment ill) -
plied several times in 4niceession 18 stlid
theme which Interests women of -the
Orient, anil of the Occident; alike --the
to have it. wonderful effect on the com-
question of dross And the arts of the
toilet. I had sout my uIR14 Habibil, to
"In tb# meantime Habiha, lily maid,
bring rqy tollet outfit; NvIalled to rualto
Itad Appeared Nvltlk my toilet outfit. 1.11he
four women pressed Curiously aboub me
my hostesses Acquainted wkth, the Bard-
pean. womwes arts so that they might �e
while I , opened tile cover -find Showed
more talkative, for I had long been att-
them the boxes with tooth powder and.
face powder, tile bottles -with varlous
Ing for au opportunity to elicit from
tho beautiful INlooresses something of
face washes, tile Instructions for the eare
their own toilet secrets.
of tale nalls And the anlubs ana, bruallas
curling irons, spirit lamp and anti pa-
"Over broad, richly embroidered.trous-
eri, which do not reach to the Ankles aa
Por. The lamp wits quickly lighted. Fati-
with the Algerian women, but only
ma dropped oil a cushion before me and
I loosened her splendid luvir to do it up
little below the knee, the 3foroocan wo,
man -wears a bright colored long ilmss
agaill, according to the latest European
,.%-till broad open sleeves -whose embroid-
cred front is never Concealed by .the ad,
I faahlon. .
"Then such, astonWiment, such ques-
ditional garraent, or two -garments, Ile-
tioning, such -hilarityl Two s4vos -were
ordered -to kuael before the vain little
cording to the warmth required.
"Those garments have sleeves of vari-
c-reature And hold it great mirror while
ous lengths or no Sleeves At all. A loose
the curling irous did their work, Titen
it little more po der oil bar cheeks, my
bright girdle of silk or a
leather encircles the hips of the thin
.. - throvni, ov
cloak or liar shoulders and my
tra,uspa.rent maxitle of tullo or white silk
bat secured above liar raven. looks. in
'whicli process the adjustment of 1 -ho twa
completes -the toilet And scift,ons the col-
ors of the other garments, Anid All this
Ion ,, hat pins Startled her into a fearful
clothing is of the same simple cut which
0 . cry or two—ftnd a piquant little
. alisial� As pretty as a picture stood be -
haa been employed for centurlea. Yet
the dress of the 'Uoorish women does not
fore us making one grimace after anoth-
" degree produce the .effect of mon-
-11, 11
er and evIdently uncertain of the pro-
"dum. necessary to balance the unwout.
tO47 evert when they axe together in
)%rge eompa:nies,
ad %velght on her head.
"Then 'Hadji
i(The la0l,fif it btorck�can harem, who I
tho-alave girl slipped in-
Said is Coming,' '
may have &c. household, to supervise,
but who, never works herself, is frequent-
"The -womon looked at each other with
!y of dazzling beauty. She is goneral�ly
frightened faces on which tbe U-41na of
laughter still glittered. Then Ave -wont
,ather small of Stature, but her shape is
wonderfully sylilluetrical, slender mud
ansform Elle little
graceful, her fikin is of a gold. brown
Parislan into our brown P&tbna again."
I _..
,color and downy and soft its it peach.
"Afonth And nose ara regular and classic
lit outliu,c, null in the great, beaming
the addition of a very sniall quantity �f
deop black eyes legions of good find evil
Some Say It Began With Our Monkey
Apirit's. laugh, and eharm. I
I Ancestors,
"The first and most Important busi-
The further Away Nye j6urney from
ness of the odallsk,ls day is the batth.
The lhamaze—bath hous,e--is a. holy
the days of Eve, the more assiduously
tile world seems to have eultivated the
placo and. cannot be entered by those of
aii6thor faith. it is well known tlitt-t
habit- of kissing; Ili other words kissing
the Koran enjoins upon the faithful to
is it mark andom test of civilization. Be,
fore the coming of the white mail it ap.
battle only in howing water, lionee never
in basins or tubs, Imagine a hall with
parently was totally unknown among
oAtions. ranged about walls adorned
the Indians of America and tile savages
of Africa and Austrtilia; but who shall
with mosaie work, as is the Calling'
which is supported by great pillars.
trace Its beginning among the peoples
"Earthen vessels with utyrrh find
fraijkInce-jise fill the air -with dizzying
of Europe and Asia? As far as,we may
go amongf,these ancient white urttions
p-e-iflune. In the Contra of the room
splashes a fountain, The air is kept
we shall lid no age when this big
unhygienie practice was not popular, In -
At a high temperature, and the bathers
deed, Darwin attempts to trace it back
lie on the c%%hions, aipping now find then
to the liabit of our belated ancestors
from cups of green tea. From time to
had of grasping prey with their teeth.
time they allow a slave to pour cool Wit-
This business of osculating became so
ter over them At the edge of the foun-
popular Among the Greeks that it is
tain. Then the body is dried with -warm
said many husbands, before starting out
cloths, anointed with salves and =%a.
for the day's work-, compelled their
s"aged. .
wives to eat garlic—a most effective
"It was here that Fatima, tLe young- *preventive,
we cannot doubt. The Ro-
eat of the women—she had,been married
mans attempted to be more cold-blooded
only it mouth and was )lot more than
apd dignified. They -were At least more
thikeen years old ---showed me how they
systematid, for they divided all kisses
give their -eyelashes the deepest of
into three kindsii the msculum, the kiss
blacks. A mineral pigment ,which is
of friendship; tile basium, - the kiss -of
found in the mountains in very sma.11
ceremony; and the suavium, the kiss of
pieces .and is called by the Moora 'elk
love. All of ,whlob simply Implies that
hill,, is into Die. finest possible
the. Romani had three chances to our
powder nd applied to the eyelaslies
one, The ancients, however, were -not
with a silver crayon, the eyes being clos-
in favor of a public display of the bust-
ed during the process.
ness; spooning waa decidedly bad form.
Many woman line the inside of ilia
Plutarch says that Cato expelled tile
lids with tile powder. The arch of the
Senator Ifinlins for kissing his wife In
brows also is helped out a little 'With the
the daytime and Ili the presence -of his
crayon .when rfocogsary=:�-ag with -its, lipt
thW method is different. Experience
I This Same Plutarch is our authority
seems to prove, that the 'khill' is a, apec-
for the statement that 11 ' 011ie founded
ific, at the same Child against certain All-
the now antiquated custont of wives Sal-
ments of j -he eye,, which are current ill
uting their husbands with a kiss. The ;
north Africa.
women, after sailing many seas and
"Still Another metboa for beautify-
reaching this place, refused to follow
Ing tile eyes did little Fatima betray to
their husbands further, and uider tile
Tue. Thko and mix together a dvied root
leadership of Robla—a "now womali'l—
of the African mistletoe, three grains Of
burned the ship. Then says the histor-
black popper and the seed of all olive;
Ina, Roms invented this pleasant raethod
heat the mixture Olt the hearth find
of appeasing the wrath of the husbands,
grind up the. ingredients. Then mix in
gaid. the remedy has been used with cbn-
a little oil",. oit., bring the compound
siderable efficacy until comparatively
to the fire And stir constantly till You
recent years.—Carl. Holliday In ffune
bay# a thick- porridge.
Smart Set.—
"'I'llen let this porrid,ge cool in .It dark
place into -which the allulight cannot
If Yon Want to Xeep Young M%tk
penetrate. Apply Ellis to your eyelids Ili
Well These Essentials.
the everting, closing yo*v eyes as you
, ated
apply it, And this p. ocess, Tape.
,aUth Henry.)
(By Elio,
three nights in succession, not merely
Hold yo%lng thoughts persistently.
enlarges the pupil And gives it a deeper
Avoid fear in all its varied forms of
black, but make-, tile whole eye beaming
and.great fhal 1'eine schinis (lil,e the
simply refuse to grow old by count -
eye. of the ,still).
Ing your yeara or anticipating old age.
"Pittinfa Assured. 'me eagerly Anti. look-
Don't allow yourself to think oil your
ed at tie At the same time so eloildently
birthday that you are 0, year older.
and convincingly that As I VVII750d Into
� I Refrain from till kinds of Stimulants ,
her abihIng eyes I did mot afl�le even to
and sedativei, they will shorten your
doubt the efficacy -of the peculiar and
porliaps slightly diing6rolls dogmatic.
,loop "I the sunlight; nothing bdautl-
"I had alwayq adlialred the Atilendlily
ral IV Sweet ripens in the darkness.
metallically 'bright, luxuriant hair of the
Nature, Is a great vejuvenator, )for
�Arootjsh willilon, -which surrounds tlieir
facegift tile soffostwavda and is p alt-
spirit i's ever young. Live with bar;
(4 into braids on both sides anti be-
Andy liar, love liar.
Avoid excesses of all kinds; they ar4
hind. 'the two brajdA, however, whiell
hang down the back Are ooveroA I)v the
Injurious. TI)c long life must be A tem.
Alk holtdcloth, WhIell dro,llff further tbart
they do, A sort of carth which is found
perate, regullir 11h..
Keep mental oobwe'bs, dust And brain
in soverti.l. parts of Irorbeeo givos tile
ashes brushod off by frequent tAlpi to
tile country, or by travol.
hair Its splendid tone. It is 'gold Ill tho,
markets in ';Ntoroeto in bard pieces under
Xever look Loll the dark side, take
the name oll rA431101.
, ,*Bound up Ili a calubtle bag the at'l.l.
sunny views of everything; a sunny
thought drives away the shadows.
Ito inust be loft oil the 1104tth fOr si%v-
611tivitto Elio spirit of Contentment;
all -discontent unit dissatisfaction bring
oral minutes till it J,4 completely hard-
oned and dried; then it i,t plaeed lit hob
Ago furrows prematurely to the face.
water, where Ili % few inlnuto.,i it be.
Insidd Life bag.
Think beitutiful thoughts—harmouy
thouglits, truth thoughts, thoughts of
1101,441s, it actili-liquIll Illass
Tho Scalp Ana hirr ard rubbed willb this
llluo&rwo, of youth, of love and of kind-
1mg, wailied, out And rin"d with .,(, wonk
liallotion eif ro." wator and w6liherhillY
Keep vour wind young by fresh, VIN-
toft, fluffy, vidiniing lutir bi tb0 T09111t,
4,tn epaing f6r their teeth tho. Ars:b4
orous, thinking, and your heart souna
'Cl thivating A cheerful, optimistie (IiApo. 1
iinA their wiv(,A Al&lo U10 -0-CAlled '9011110
v,hich is tbo bark of tile witInUt triet,
Altlon' ,
. Don't live to eat, but ont to live. Marty I
- .
"Aftned ft.m then 6-Aweil i'61:6 small
Of our ills arts due to overoating, to eat-
ple(vs. The `wwk' hf%4 'a, horirbly bitt#r
Ing the WON," thing*, find to Irregular
tmr�te, but 410,44 aptually 0i'an And pro.
f"NIVO file teptli, whiell firit davilingly
1)(Aft be tod 4111bItIOM; 00 CALM,er
lle�lutlfut ill tile mi,putbs (It film6mt ftIt
Votwart wninen. They thAlP fift-
of sill overvaulting. ambition Ilits Oateli
I UP tile 1kAI)Pin0S& Of 11111117 A life snil
11`111= vell(,wiall vM with %,dw4lon
i xMiltenvil. Hit yeallt.
'if ; tho. mnie, plarit which WA.q
I Titke, regular oxerIbok, in tho. oper Air
rmwd by tilt, Ygyptian wom(on for the
every 4ay in all wof,thers, wslk, tide,
samo pillpme biiillroth of yeltio 1*fore row; ,iwlm, or play-, but, wbatpvtr you
. do, kliep out of doors AS much It% posil
lint some beituiy into your life pvoi��
I 1100111fl, bcautifill w011,13 of art,
I!`1!,yUt1311II lilts of eoenerv, or by reidln,q
$(line unifier lJoLlIll r a In prose,
,it' s,+;jio '
Xecit hu�y; idiciless; Is A. great frienil
of agre, but Lin, enettly of youth. Itegu.
fill' emplu'vale"t And luental ocellpatioll
are nl,lrv�llotie youth preservers.
Pare air both indoors And outdoors i4
Absolutely essential to health and lot).
govity. Never Allow yourself to remaili
in IV i)o1soned or vitiated A till osp) 1 ere,
Never compare yoursclf IN-ith oLher�
of tile Santa ap,j 01"tilink tbat you must
appoar as (lid aq. they because Volt have
Marked thA, Battle nuinber of yol:44.
111011% let anyone intorfere with. your
regular hours of wort, And rest, blit ,get
ph�ntv of 'aleop. especially What Is c4tllt�
"I 't .%I
)NI111 y Stool)," before k(Ini"ght.
lic-61-90 to Allow tile mind to WEfen
tile 11111110108 by tile Suggestion of ilgp
likilitatioll, AtWO is. It InkIntitt state
brolig1kt, abojl� liv mental convk-Lioll.
'Volt ;ire only AS old AS 'ylou feel.
LOW, Is it areat licaler or till lifel& Ills,
tile broat s , Irengthenor anti bearitif , Jer.
it YOU would dri'll, at tile. fountain of
pelpetual ,youth. fill your life Ivith it,
Avoid anger, discord hurry or tiny.
thing else �I)at e-ghansta Vitality or
overstimulates, whatt'Ver frets, N4orrle.q
01' robs yuu
. of peace or ,deep will mftLo
Yolk prematurely old, '
I 4 0
fi (A `Xrue Story.) .
A You. get out, this IF, nly cornor!"
nd tile older newsy slung his bag
at the newcomlj�r,
,Tile newcomer, a slonder under,
sized boy, didn't .want to get in any
other, fellow's t I erritory, and yet wh4t
,could lie do? Leaning back against
the building and blinking hard to
keep the tears back, he was accosted
by a passing gentleman,
"'Why didn't you stand up for your
Own rightsF" lie asked the lad.
'The boy's Chin quivered as he made
r�heply: "You see, mot -her was took to
e hospital yesterday -and she asked
me to promise not to ,fight—anyways
till she comes home again. You see,
it's this way: The kids call me names
Ocause, I belp her with the Avashings,
and I fight 'om, and ilia don't like
tt. Now that I didn4 have to help
tier I thought maybe I could earn
money selling papers to buy flowers
tor her." I .
LI i(Well, boy, I'm going to lunch at
ie club, -and you come with =,e. We
�Ndll sell those papers," said the man,
Sall them they did, and -the follow.
1n.- morning the boy was ordered 'to
report at the man's large mercantile
�onge, where lie 'was given a position.
Somo years have gone by, and wo
Und this boy, now grown, the junior
partner of the firm. He his risen, the
man say, because he can always be
iepended upon. If he says he will,
�a will. It he gives ft promise one
may rest assured he will keep ii,
4 � 0 .
A number of gentlemen wert discuss-
�ngg the question of early inarriagps to
�Jle lobby of the New Howard.
"Ill the great Ity of cases," said
ye W T lll:�iol`4
Ind ft ' Ch n;an, of San Fran-
aisto, '41.4 I� just its wall to encourage
aarly matrimony. Some time ago my
)ld,est son, who )lad just attained his
list year, came to Tile and wilited -lily
ipproval of Ili& union with it sweet and
iensible girl a year Ills junior, I looked
tt him hard, for tile proposition did not
1ppea� to tile, and than I said-, 'You
Wit of marriage when you are only it
lily, walt till you. get older and wiser.' "
I'll 'I am nearly As old as you were
Atelf. you got inarried.1
. I
11 lVes, but I was a full-grown man,
,vhilo candidly, my boy, you ire y*t. not
nuelf. more than vk child."
11 'That is just what grandpa told you
ivhen ),on went to hint for his consent.'
11 'But how about supporting a wife;,
I doesn't seem that -you lift-ve reached
Lho point where TOUV abl!ity As a ray-
nute-produter wairants you� possession
A a bride.'
Atell, .air-, grandfather gave.you a
e of you And mother
for two years, And I thought you might
10 as much for me,' .1
"This last shot frorn lily young ivan
kvassopenotirg,ting%natrtie'th,�tlliad ad
more to say, but joined the rascal in the
latigh agaiiist myself. I got even by tell-
ing him that the only reason I yielded
Was that the girl NY" so, trutelf. better
mud smarter thdit he and that Ito got so
inuoll the best of the bargain, 1 feared
she might throw hint over for another
gu1tov.-'1—Baltimort American.
- Making Love to the family.
srot long ago, the question Was Asked
concerning v, hollsehola where there .Are
seeveral unmarried daughters, -wililleit Of
undoubted charn), "-why those BlY016
gil-1011a remained singlo?" Tile Answer
I "in the eyes
given by % neighbor wag.
of their Mother they Arc children still
stitholigh their girlhood is long past. 83110,
overahadowis them oil every 816. She
dictates what they shall do, where they
shall god with whoul they shall assoel-
ate, Art What tlkt4V shall wear, pteC1801Y
tile way of tier (litughters, development
.as Ore, did when they were In their te,0114,
it a man bappen.to call at tile hollso, lie
(.ail never see Lucille, Cornelia or Der: 1
otily by iterself. 110
, ig obligpil to UleeL I
It lilialil,n,.c of woulen with Mrs. Blythe I
At Vitir head, find tile. ordinary InAaeu- �
line vallor i -i frighttinc(l awav at 011ce."
'Ibe mother is tenderly lov�d, yet Iifl�
,0fish anil gentle tyrainiv li.i.; AM! In �
tho way 'Of llet d1tigbtft;1 development.
A featlitr-bod tyrailliv 1111ty be lit 1'0%1-
ity ftA
� , dpprtmlji�g ill'itt results Aft tile
t.yranuy of tin Iron bina.-2rhe Clalstlin
� #ff � L -
(Alogende IllaOtt0r.)
,*Do lupt, like bionde, Jt�jir or, brown
" itic vour frieftil EtrilnY. Slu, lvil?l OMNI
blonde, thon bitinette, and new bol''hAir
14 enil blovk. Slift nu!lt In know."
lit union there is shpuptli, but it matt
nover rotilly.eks It till he forms a mattl-
rlloyii4tt ttillionf-e with a strongmindod
Say, 00orgle, did yor over ketell It flAi. wh-at wuz big vnou,�h for
yet't,er eatle"
"Yet), Ileally; Once." .
"How (lid lie taste�" �
"I duarlo; the eat Ate hint."
_-_� -,..- .....�., .� . . - .. - I I . I .. .1 _ I ..
I . I.- I . . I I I , , ',
11 . : , " , ! , _. *,
. I
- . , � . I - a 1,01,
- .
11- K Ili , � � � N %. Y 11 .11-
.. I . I . I .1 .
. . �. i
IBM-li =
Most Concentracted
Form Of Energy
Loudoii.--Speaking at the Authors'
equal to abotti; ono.-iltowialidth (if the
Club IASL -.%fonday nimit on tile. suly 1 ec, t
livdro- it atom.
wahs of a . ,a
of radio -activity Sir WiMaul Itain.,;,i),
The Beta rays 'were being investigated
and it hall been found that they play an
abotilb radium And its enianatioli-A,
important part in the composition of
6tarting with a definition O� 010 LUMA
illat.ter, It platter w,tii not msde up
concentrRU011 and energy, lie tracad
of Beta particles r,zvo16ng vound each
briefly tile dii-Wovery of "adium by Mine.
other like the planets of tile solar sys-
Curie and the nietitods of its extriletion
teal. these particles wort) revolving
from urapluni ores. Then After it d.,6-
Around Something or other or, According,
cription of tile cathode rays And Ow, dis-
to Sir J. J. Thomson, like small suns Or
coverles of M. Becquerel he pointott ont
planets revolving around each other. Re -
how all inaterial hunnin progress really
turning to ,tile Alpha particles Sir Wit"
-onshits in the first plaea Ili the concen-
liani proceeded to say that vhelt radium
'ration of energy, find Ili the second
emitted these particles it lost energy.
place lit raislag what wits ternied tilt,
It was always losing energy itad it could
ecoolnuical. e0off,ciont.
not be stopped frola doing that. It was
Becquerel found that there were tbrec
true it. went on very Slowly and it WAS
different kinda of rays given out from
An interesting question hf�iv long it
radium, First tlioxe ,iry rays which c -All
would take to cluit all the Alpha parti
be easily kelit Ili it glasii tube, which pre
Cleg Willett it contained. The first flues
known as Alpha ray.i. Then Come it see.
tion was: I-Viiat were these Alpha par.
ond kind, called Beta rays, whith call
ticles? The second was: Into what did
pass through glass and which tur-i ouc to
radium change After emittinna these par -
to the same as the cathode Tiys of Leff.
tioles'.1 Tile third question was: How
ar( The third kind, or Gallium rayi, ftr,t
long di d it take to uild.-rfyo theu
very penetrating aqd Appear to tLive
901ne analogy to light, exitept that till-
Tile first change appeared to Ile, into
like light they Cliff pa6s through III),,.
tills gas—tho so-called Alpha rays. Quite
traMarent substances.
two-thirds of the energy of the radium
These ray.s Can pass through about .six
Was tran-,ferred to the gas which it gave
in0fles of lead, and poewiesa tatie nower ot
off, This raised Lite question. of (It( -
discharging ail electroscope, head, lit
transmutation of ail eleirient.
fact, Ili moderately tritwiparent to the
It was long believed to be ll.)sslble
Gamma rays. It wits not quite clear
to change one element- into.another, Ile
whether the word ray ims quite applic-
%"Its not going to throw Cold water oil
able to tucae rays or ernairation4, a,
tilt, ancient alchemists, because it waQ
there was a doubt as to wticpl�r tl,,y
possible by the addition of small quanti-
were really given off or were Aniply tin.
ties of ceAnin substatuees to change alto-
dulations or waves in the other.
gather the appearances of certain met-
Ile should say that the _A,lph% and
RIA; for instance, by the addition of
Beta rays were sonlethin" liko Illillute
a sinall quantity ot arsenle you. could
particles shot out froil'i Lite raditim,
Change co�per into it white, britstle sub -
whereas the Gamma rays. corresponded
stance altogether unlike the malleable
more to waves in the inkitill which Qur.
Copper which was there. before, and by
rounds tie ,And which is ternipil e0ter
the addition of a very sniall quantity �f
As regards tile Alpha rays, Prof, Ilutl,,,.
yeast you could change a large itiRintity
ford was the first to poi��t out. that tl,Ls,.
of sugar into alcobol. These -were cltang�
wel'a due to a gas, but a sintRar ob-wr-
as of ail alchemistie. nature and radium
vation was iLiade by it Corman Dr.
W011L on continually doing what the al-
Selimidt, in connection with th� , I i lint
el"I'llilits of old trich to do,when they at-
�nother element discovered by t1w sp.,ak-'
tenilited to change various elements in -
ell to be capable of disellargi'lig the ,J,v.
to gold or silver. Radium went oil cliang-
troscope w1len placed near It,
I -
ing and you could not stop it. .
11rof. hutherford gm,e the name of I
The fact reinained th�t I..tdiull, %vag
COUtinrally giviri(r otit g,%S. 1,11,t N,,�
. .
emanations to tile rays given off by
why tile Alpha rays could get out of n
vessel containiti.- radium. The Beta
se lie Ldid not recognize
thein as gases, but it really was ordiA,'
rays were Also articies--strialler tliall
ary gas) of, ,rather quite an, extraordin-
the Alpha rays, and travellhkg at ail en-
ary gas, It came off radium At It regu,
lar rate, attil, fliat brought It! fit to the
orinous velocity. Ilia Gamma rays were
not particles but waves or lindala-
question, How long would radium last?
tions in the ether, Theso latter ruy,
were still being Investigated.
Ills answer,was, forever.
The, Amount of gas was always proper -
it Arnai poiisible Ili ailine degree by
tinnate to the amount of radiula PrIt.
sent. Suppose lie took ,it slice of bread
means of calculation to ineasure the
wars of the particles of tiv! Alphil, .and
'%I'd out It Ill 'E'N'01 taking a minuto to do
Beta rays, Suppose a c,lillion to be
it, and- then he put the half lit two Again,
and so wont oil Continually cutting each
pointed horizontally And loaded wlth
a certain known charge of powder and
I ple". in'lialf, how I Ong Avoula it, take Jilin
a shot, if the cannon ;as fired the shot;
to cut that bread entirely tip'? He could
I never do it. Ile would be always halving
would not go in A straight line, but
would d,oscribe a parabola, the ilia-
I Cc, infinity, and the operation would take
tance to whilih the shot would travel
hilu all eternity to perform. That was
1 tim Case with railluni. The amount of
would depend upon its masci, tipoll the
explosive force of the powder and 'upon
I gas produced was always proportionate
-ad it
the attraction of the earth in dealina
! to the amount of radium there it
wits always being Produced.
wit -It the Al�ha particle, and find on,
how much it wili deviateit front a
When woul(I Tfi-dium. be half gone?
I TheAs halt just measured It in his label--
straight line.by the attriletion of tile'
:, .
atory, and it would take 1,750 Years, So I
electric field, and ascertain thp I -ate At
I titat it any one invested in radium be I
which it was propelled, they e3uld C'tll:"*
- would retain fit least half his Capital at I
late how heavy"it was, -And its IuAs I
I Elio end of 1,750 years. i
ProL Rutherford Sir J. Thant-
The Austrian Government some time I
And ,T.
Ago entrusted him with about half 0,
son made such ail experituplit, and'i011ad
i wramine, or one fifty-fifth. of An ounee, I
that while the Alpha partieles—that is.
0 r1ldirill, for, private lisp. It did not.
the gas which escapes froin radlvIln--.
belong to hun, but its value wa4' About
have a very considerable mi;s, solilt�
thing about twict- that of -lit aton, of
I C.9.600. Leas than it year ago ])I,. Gray'
� And himself performed the experiment of
hydrogeti. the mass of tile Beta p,trtl(.I
0 e
1 isolating tile Alpha emanation of radium
was exciedingly small, atia %vas ('111V
I . I
.And they enclosed it Ili a fine glass tube
Architeet--Aull how woubl ,.-6ue w ife Wave thi-I F.b. '0111 IIIIII.-P do-
'Sigiled? We nau;t, plealia tile 'lmlie." you 1"llow. .6.1%
Mr. Itad-d Lee 11itelmd --0-t tho f iazt floor sht. wante it larl..!e living
roorn, A 4le-ii, a diiiing, rpout, it pan try. it kitchen, it T'�k�vlltioti room, 'A
coiis,�rvatory and it TONChig r0ollf; It It 010 (�Cetllld flasir sho uatit,4 four
bodrooms, A biathroom, a ,sewiiip� roa Ili oittl a nun -,pry.
Arclliteet—Great 11pavems, man, I 11 that I,-' illip"'Ablo ill 't QIX-t-16m
Mr, Lad Lto 71aeked 4 ltiww it , I know it—but you tell lj#r�
- lnuch filler than tile ffnp�,t- thorraoulo-
tir tuLe that eve'r wij Ill'til" 'I'lley
i-w-ItIll0fil it itml lilluified it,
Wholl lLlulfivil it sholle 10to. ti plirplistl
11"ifht, tlkou�g!l it w&4 q-.1414 trall';J111.1 '111"
1111" W.ltf 1'. .It ShoVIA W4(11 a li,�F'lt of it%
11%vil. w1hell r�,#.'?-�,C-1 ti., a tt".ppi.,ratank
'if 611111,13 Slidy centli'llade it .,,,)lidifi:.il.
allgi then it g#JoJ%'k'(l with fill QN,tlt�,Dpl%
I .
I 111"111311t lit'nit lltkt- a minlattire Orelight.
I The qualitit.y wikq hitil w,ls. pXtI,0,nfq%,
RI -11411, bilt, flicy it-wett-Alne"I ltj ll'A"ill,
poillt, its violting point Ruil Its FillQU41,
cull I*ality, and Al '1104 wag .410110 witli a
I r, 0 - Lity than tilt. poillb (,f the
I1`0.1"t, nel-Mo. 'Of eotirst, till -y us,.4 it
I'M " r "" "'
I This Sill" wtanel, was t14(1 1110"it t1ollf-1.31.
I iralod Ann; of ( livi-gv 11,1jou'll. It was
I ;,. stll,-�Wnvf. wlli&') Ar'Plit ,in 4.1mil0lig,
Into nthcr obigq, Lo lvlt,t,�!l vasjou�;
1111111th'i %\VIV o;yi-11 'I'lli-ce 0witallee,
� I
were nallit,cl iaXiiin A. ia(Funi It, rt4lialu
C� And ho til vp to r�%ililtlu 1". Sollit. of
thPul ball a %7f-V,V 1,11.�)r� PX!jtpn�*D, lilitilig
(jilly hii,li .111 hour In 01rot.-Iltiartcri; (41.
an belir " aill lit, 11"Al. ill-vor Scott Vlovl.
lf,� lia'I -tell 1%,dillux P., It sllll�-Illnev
whi'll 8voill't be galle 1.1 till(Ill. foax
Y(Ill." 11,11 uavt� lillp thno to 1414, 'It
1 . it$
I I t W. ;i, st0r,tanee rath�-r (401 lool:.
hi,ce. like lim-1, �Rajl tilai. w.v; ll-arl.i II'l
I lie (.0uld t(:Il thoul aboat it. Thprp worp
other �mbs,taiwes, pro!,ably w.c. till..
pol'.1fluill di's�orene4l by .AlIiI�� 17% rie.
I - Purilln", t1wic cirlaull".011�, rRilit"Ill gave
A "
great deal of energy, geyurally niatti
-�d a -, L * c ,
fl -f i -i light it( its a Inattol. (if filet.
ra-dival l,ept itself lint, llwro wa�i .1
gleat (14041 (it li+nu generated. It eoa:d
JX' i'alelllftt(!d�, Mild it V�'Q,1� fUluld that it,
11AVO ,off libillit 3,S)OU. 0 ti '
, .01) wes a.4 intleh
heat as wo-uhl. be g;vPn off 1),NF III,-
oxyli.ydrogeu blowpipe, NVIlIch gave 11
teltip'Aratitre of Orel, 21,000 dogrcfA Cen-
t1grade, Thcre they ]lad, surdy, the
greatest (-Queelitration o,f ener.-y ev4or
ksown. 110 doubt,ed if evcr tlli,3� would
get anything greater.
�Vhab di(Cthis�energy do? IL a-nt
01(t tile. Alpha, rily-A at a veloolty of
about 4OA00 infles a secon-3, and these
particles naturally carri,rd. a great d, -al
of energy. The Beta ray;,;, although only
about, oue-thousandth the size, also
carried great energ, owin.- to their
enormous volocity, wlikh wa-4 still higdi -r
than the Alpha ray,;.
There were pleuty of things they
could (to with this onergy, T-Iwy eoula
decompose -water awl inetRIlic .sub.
. st"ees, and lit these deconipo-iitlons
they found elements; produced whielf
they did not imagine to exist in the
sulistances so treated, Vor Instance, ill
4,vomposing Ordinary copper sulphate
they were ,surprised to discover litlijum
in wliait remained and. no trace of the
copper salt. He had repeated this ox-
perintent five times, The experiments
I were still going oil.
The phenomena which he had de-
scribed were hardly capable of explana-
tion, Ile had nothing to do with it, Re
could only describe it as an act of God.
Ali &at of God had'been described by An
- eminent lawyer, who was a Scot,%man,
as ail act which no sensible man would
believe God would have perforined.
11104111A.'r With. tile ther"elltit' pro-
porties of radium, Sir Williant. remarlmd
that it had been said that radium cured
caticor. He did %lot believe it 6 be by
any means certain. It was exceedingly
d,oitlitful, though. it bad never been
ri.ghtly tried, and- all one could say was
that there Avere things which lia,d been
a n. Ili this
week's Lancet there was An account by
ase of tfulvei
which was fit Icast ameliorated and lift
prolonged -by radium emanations. The
Radium Institute was making inquiries
of -that kin -it -with large quantities of
radium and under efficient control. Ile
�!lmtght they might posttinne their d8ci-
non (is regarded the cure of cAncer, but
there was no necessity to postpone it
with the regard to the cure of rodenj
ulcer. It was a certitin cure for that,
We are all going to markeb.
That is, we all have something to
.the millionaire joins %'he hod car -
tier; the millionairo sells, steel Tails'.
perhaps; Lite liod carrier lies his labor
to dispose of. I I
Evoq individual has something—
either in a storehouse, art of-
liliap't �stored tip in Ills muscles, ,or
thoughts ill Ills bead that tire Salable
—if 110 Can find the Tight market.
And of those who have thou
or even alleged thoughts, to �,,ell we
Choose io speak, for the
tl y tire the most
holple&s. They are 10 only people
on the market who aro tLbsolutely
without organization or system.
Men (and women) with twica the
mental capacity, possibly, of soule
of those who are at the liead of big
busindss, do not know how to dlsw
pose of their only available means of
obtaining bread and butter.
Tile onlym,fty to fully Appreciate tile
I problem is ta like it ]ionic. Why
can't you Zell* tile idea. you. have
. atored away?
Perbalm 'It's A, rolary angino—a
suecessful niiWel of which iho Pligin.
"ring world hills been waiting for
those many years.
It may 60 that you have It "sellerile
In your boad which ,will revolutionize
. air nitviqation. It may If& that vou
are tile niall til out-wrlillt ilia Writillis
but you haven't the kritleil: of nolak-
Ing Plimebody utuierstand that you
have the Pee.ref, of the My& m4iiv
I your A eap.
Tlitso axe illustrationo of bill, two of
I the many thouf,ands of Idtana whiell
aro mat1ketabUh, and which are Ili
the postlession of somebody who will
read this,
Ideirs put lute plitin worils .ire ��.al.
111)10, XPel) that I- mind. Mort get
riell T�y iill�a,;; also tiles, he'e0lue fti,
, mou.qalld It,-% Who invell"o, it na%q lur-
narls ii "t-, illach it 9011ill's as lie Avlv)
� paints a pieturt% that iniglit pas:� for
Iiielluel Angelo'ti brn6h writir.
I10ffl01Ib0f—PIV4 thiO P-IrflPT-101. I'll
your hat --that tile worli �Will miver
I find out that vou. have fill Weil unlo"'a
you tell aboul it your,00lf.
I Shino your rlI,,),e.LA, borrow vour
friond's )�ifety razor, broah vourlitt,
ereftvA Vriur *.%111�0?,; 0.1.1�eea this
maltro-'s and tho ,,�riritl�,P it iioul,.,.4a!�v),
will .�,,tlrt filif. __**4____
rwon A Alawi nt Nior will nial,p %iwi
f0laws fl,)tlt at tile Illonth.
__ �;�� .;j��__�'_�_ ' '_ _'__�,;.�l ' '. 'I �� L * I 1.1'11LI '1' 1-
_ __ �_ :�_� _ �, __
001"i 11 I 11
I -.=I. .
� I . . , �P.!� , ,
I �. I 1. , ---T;-_ I I
q H: . -1 I
FE_ 7L_ D)
'By It. 11. Hudsoll.)
-Pu4lic Institutions are muo
,11 al'iLle.,
and each has if, chara2ter all its Own. It
iva,; o�o at the 11omo, for x,,liewiloss Bovil, �
%VIII.Q 1,ope WAS ,,f,l;, r ,,,, other rou�,h
, , 'P
0'amills gpitholvil froull 010 streets of the
vity. lie wad palle, sieldy anti dimillu-
Live. There was .1 .sticn�srth, fiall"Araligo
and cliverlitineli a)mut 16m, liou,aver,
Arlach distilq-1164ed )lint front .lit Cho
rest. Thek JRX Wits nover known t* 'Cinit-
PlAill. NVIlea vibitora caine, the nialitero
and ulatroua �Allwoil thent the, buildings
ttilit t4l)11�d al-L)lIt U10deril. MthOdS Of
mana"Yellient, blit .5ii'llaellow thkiie V14torb
ivarlably wout ais-ay iufprj.,.,s�,d by tile
h&lJ)J)A' face A1141 11tallner of a ,A,Qt%J little
bo�y �Olu alllilse�l Jilinsdi ulone Ami tile I
gitilwR in which the othe'ri; eugaicd were
J)QvoLd Iii,] btl-c-ligth. i
bue morning the teachers announced
tlt,kt tir,r" lAotild ln� lie solloal Ili tile
governor of the r,tate was to visit illo
lactillitioll. 'tile fiag Iya"I Inn lip oil
the luain iiiii1ding .till a jilo-liday 40-
clare(l, while Otl'.Lloor sports, ifie"11111ug
baseball, wpro Arranged, After his ar.
rival the clu,ek eve of tho ,yoternor took
. in ever y fe;JtJlr; of the fipirited Oa-
cablou, Later the, geoat iflan went over
anti talked svitit. tip4 little fi-itow wito
)lad not joined in the galao. Ile, patied
him oil the gioulder And sald; "Willie,
I am glad I met you.- 'Write in& a lvt-
ter now and the'll, And I lyl�'l find lime
, '
to ansiver." Baort, they parted lie.gave
the boy a coin.
A few weeks later a J; -:eat pa�itioal
ClItntpaign, was on. 'Ilia goverair -lra.-
makiu,g hL greatest fight. Ills every
move, Nvas watelled by Jim enealles, and
hid stretieth ims taxed to the utulost.
it was 61 turning point in If;& career.
lie )yAs not fighting for i�elf alone, for
An army of followers had cgit, their for-
tone,ii with hini. After the ba,ttle, while
tile yot,eig were belarr collaw, tho call.,
didato for re-clectiZl salight rest and
gol.tude, in his priviAte offlee waiting for
'. ,'
rotilrais front olitlying districts, His fitte
would bo'known by midnight. If the elec
tion. went aguin-t him he would ba ruin-
ed. He ]lad noglocted Ilia busliteea inter-
eatq; Iiis hoalth was broken: and Ills pri-
vate fortune bad been swept Away.
4t Inst the message came. Re p1med
the receiver to Ilia car and heard the
word, "Defeated." The nerves of steel
relaxed, and if, quer light cam into the
tired. eyes. lie opened a drawer lit the
desk before hint and. taking out a re-
vol�er, eyed the instrument of deat.h. �
He cast � lingering look about him. His I
glance was attracted by all envelope ly-
Ing unopened among Ilia papers. It was
small and boiled. Re, tore it opert. and
a parcol, fell to the f�ioor. He stooped and
picked it up. Done up in.a. piece of
brown paper was a coin. He opetted the
letter And read the rough scrawl.
"Dear Governor This is from Willie.
I wanted to send you something, and
all I have is the boin you gave ma a
year ago. It will hell) you to romember
me. I may not be here when you come
again , as I heard the doctor whisper to
the -nurso that I would not live long;
but I ant. glad and thankful for every I
day. I of -ton wisIted I might beconte a 1
gr6t and brave matt like you. I am in
I all -the time now, but I ant very
happy because everybody is so kind ' "
Tears gathered ii� tha'eyes of the de-
feated candidate, He quickly, placed the
gun back Ili the drawer, Then he stood
erect and the old,gleam. of courage came
back into his eyes. He wrapped the oolal
in'the piece of browupilper, and placing
it lit the Corner of his wallet, walked
from the room to moot the, world again,
his face flootled. with peace and lli%PPi-
The coin ivas, the beginitilig of A now
hope which in future vaars blossomed
into renewed greatues and success.
-0 � 0
How Navajo Indians cultivated Scant
Patches in the Desert.
pillyalealiv, moraltv And intellectually
the N,lvaj� is superCor to other nouladit
tribes, Buell as tile Xllteg, .kpa�heg, Cc-
manches, Sioux and Cheyennes. 110 hAs
always been self -,supporting, recelvino 110
rations or other a9sistaniop from the
(,overnment. Whon there is work to be
had within their tatlacity the 'lien I'LbOl
willingly and efficiAltly, grading oil C",
railroad%, "nstruatlnc� * 11 TOW.
Ir ,
voirs and ditchck, antol 1%,�.el:1111_1.11111 or har-
voisting sugar beat,, Ili tilt, beet fields of
They cultivattA their sc.,%n!y initOies of
('.dru and beans on thooiands of plitcos ill
the desert, having been ceo.l odry farm -
ers" centuries before the ('11111Pball Sys,
taut waa borli of tile braitt ct the NO-
lwask,a experlitienter or tlw- lily FaratillP
congregs, that Ineets in oetobor in Bill.
jugs, 1�rollt., j�olleeived (if. They- build
, f "
their humble hogan-1 ar stono Of, o luill.
bar banked with clay, wher,wer there
happens to be water ior their fic.el.i Ana
They are neither 110,11a,li, lll..� the
1%,andering tilbes of tha. plailli, nor $et -
tied agrielliturl,til
� -, like tile Ilm-bloq, but
rather 11odoulng of the IniefieAft desOrt
I 111OVing %,JIjqI IINL�Ssar%l t.) A_-.ure bettal
pastulago oil it more .dintudkilit sapply of
IvAter fql, their li%e ,�t;lel_ 'llipir 1.1an. I
kietq, woviin endit4vely by tll�lr '(I�Ialrs' 1
hii,i-jl Itiad., their tr1IiA'nA;IIP -.,. bowiellold
W011,j 1�-Jlerevor batharl-i b,.�ality or iwxt
tif vverlai4hifo dnnabil'ty i-4 pli:-.1d. - !
Froul tile Las"AngAes 'I'llne,4. �
�� .-
Situday "011061 Tetwllf-l ".Now, 01111.
tholl. who iq it 1(lv", all mp-l"y ,
Utth% (Ar11111"Iellso, 111i,-;, all. wniuml.11
—16, 4 # —
Lady (hioldua for ,t (ra,110 "T WAI:t
I I'l %a 'kialuethillLif ill,it largo I".11-nell to
hal'I .It sn, ,ill � 1111,V, 14-,,%%- 1 fl-rti_ -
1`14(f -t a!4
S ,h- pilt countol'. fil " - cil t1to
*Ijglit."� Alvittgortiply _Uvi)rl "Pl,,
I Mns, : , � ,
no" , -
I -
� -_ - - - "-.-,
I krih-livittis, coultildwor, Okv#a, 00
� ert;J, Litilid And O"'Itanthammaw.
,1,414i ,"It ft.1. ,art- li�t 140 1.1's vit the lt: C.
� .gt lz.�, .1 � ,I V , g,'..ible. %, h-0404,; a " a M it.
. C�
ox rj#,� fa0l It afi).1:1;� n' -40a t:)- t.1414� 410
lf;, aw P, ni 11 fioviot.j Cf a phIn". If 01y
'111 left cil the 10H, t1wV fi-flatu-ILy
. .
itril inkii ball'i---,A;� Pin.,)!'. il!a�,Aj-)�.
ill',, -tittoulent h.Is itfereu,.-P V) 111"t
,9k,. -.vii oi til:�:If- La,wa as flu� glolm ,�r-
Dr,4olta,an eall(d life, 0 1411iVow.n. 1.0i.
iiilt�st tiower I., tile q:,r4.x% *riiili 6t:.*,,,.
olvia with aeviii-atp, for w:imi 1.4e �n,I,ar
"regetable," of 0xr nan;p are sotri,*.1
tbvy .ire untlillif. but 111A 1l1l:,X11.11;.-lI
flow,t,rr, I I -It vallety of ,�iblmge.
Among other Votv%.V� thAt -al'P. QA�
11arp(tTl'i Weekly In";ution-i Oovei "1714
caper,4, Tho first lianicil, art, t,lp fill:11.1-
ittre bto%"ouls tif it p4i'lit ,If t,4�� mys"l,
ordpr arolvin- Ili tbt,� )Tolai",:14. I If *,i
taki-s IW, f"l-ill of a Ileaut'.1'..11 ov�kre.eou
sGriletilues thirt v or f if i v fe, f lit !l7.-'.,, ll,.
IvIth lovely arbli-a Co�i�iw'4,
The bid, are fir-�t light eoatre,l, 0 ;I
green awl finaill- ,.(Ill. .�t th.*,i v.taa tlpy
g 11 c
are gatherpa tv�d drt,.d. Th� (t*u1nuQye
ronflil, linob sit the velvv� o? il" eiqvp
N the unextimide(I of j,Ilzn,l bl-,%iora,
Capers, those fatu'.liar ti-1111-11,fleA Pw
mutton And other jnf�at-i and dlsihf�,4, ,ire
the unopened flowers of .1 in-ani'lle-11"
shrub that growq on tile .11v m; of tila
Nfediterraneau Sell, Tha (%-,0!mP plt-)t
show -i handsoall, pink I tv:1111. 1.013TC4
with long tiv-sell; of st,tio!J14. The
youngest and tenderest of 111" bll(t,l f-I)IIII
tile finest capers. kil011 'is a.)DI)II-e'l.
As the o"TT.0,
.� flosvel 01cy b.i.w.!" �llp'
capilein And capot cillier4.
The ellrysalitht-fullill I,: 11 'lV madcl-ille
basis of a salad serre'l w%h Il &%)I.,.
tuade of creani. Another r� -kyer. the lily,
contributes in a more -;,,"-d ,;:-rm tri tiv�
immu Ili certain parts of P!vin, There
the dried flower.i of i pqrl , le-olar sp�n&.,4
,)f Ills, are lilghly eAeow 'I ;ks it rell,ill
witil 'Inelit", t.%,q)6C1allv flork, .kt ('bill,
�-Iartg on Ole Yangtis�, thtmk; ]!IV Roworil
lecorilit for lieDrlv ono.f,)urt*outb of t4a
"Allup of the E,xp;rtq.
"Posteeity is a Pack Horse."
—Benjarnin Disraeli.
In tile (lebato in the House of Coin -
Indus oil the night of June 28, 1862,
Lord Palmerston. the premier, began
his speech by referring to the elo.
quence of the member from Stan.
ford (Sir Stafford Northcote) in de-
tence of the claims of "posterity."
"It reminded me," said P61merston,
.Cof art answer which was given in
the time of Pitt (said to have been
by Sir Boyle Roche in the Irlsh
parliament, and who was quoting
Trumbull's 'McFingal')
. to somebody
who was eulogizing tile plan of sink -
in funds on the ground that it would
begrelieving posterity of the burdens
of the, day. *3
"This answer was, said Lord Palm.
erston, "Why should we do anything
ter posterity What has posterity
done for us?"
On a former occasion -
,,,, in pazlia
ment, many years be he was a
famous !man in the estimation of the
�vorld, ilia future Lord Beaconsfield,
in a reply to Sir Robert Peel, -wao
was appealing from Ills adverse Critics
to the verdict of posterity, said "Very
rely people reach posterity. Who
RMO119 US May Teft0h. that destination
I presume not to speculate. These
gentlemen who attairt posterity are
not much more numerous than the
planat.R." . .
When following Palmerston. on
June 23, 186t>,, D'Israoll, among other
Impertinent and memorable thingA
said: "Tho last resource we should
adopt to -defray this expenditure is it
loan." "The noble lord," continued
Disraeli, "has Introduced -it stale,
story which involves It very demoral-
izing doctrine in finance. 'He seems
to th , Ink that posterity is a pack horse,
almays ready to he loaded."
.0 � 0 -
Kra. Russell Sage a Model Oity.
The management of the Sage Fouuda-
tioli Homes Company, which Is a side is-
jue of the Sage Foundation, has planned
to erect it model town Olt Long 1sland
at .it short distance from the metropo-
lis, Plans and specifications have been
1rawn. and itis expected that the enter-
prise will be ready by next fall.
The site chosen for the model colony
is at Forest Hills, A. beautiful and heat -
thy suburb on the new line of the Long
Istand Railroad, nine miles from the
Pennsylvania Station, Ili. the very heart
of Manhattan. A tract of 142 acres has
!Ieen purchased and artistically laid out
in lots find sections by Frederick Lay
Olmsted, the well-k-noli,ra landscape art-
ist. The architectural development will
be lit charge of Grosvenor Atterbury,
who is famous for beautiful and unique'
desigm. Every detail has been worked
out to combine a ma,ximum of utility
and beauty with a minimum of cost.
Though Mrs. Russell Sage has expand -
ad hundreds of thousands of dollars,
since ]ter husband's death, for phlian,
tbropic purposes and tile general better-
nient of the working people, the now en-
terprise will not be charitable in any,
way, nor is it intended for the poor or
laboring classes. Xor will It be manag-
ad on a charitable basis. Whoever wish.
esr to become either tenant or purchasert
will pay a fair price, It will be run soloo
ly ,its A, business Investment and Can --
ducted Ili fill details on the strictest
business principles. It is intended for
people of moderate salaries or incolnes,
tiles,.% ,whose means can enable them to
pay $25 per month And upwardS toward
the possession of their own homes.�Tbe
Christian Herald.
. .. 6 114110�
Oldest Man in Sc6dand.
,Thmes Grieve, believed to be the -tild-
PSI; matt in Se6fland, died at his dwall-
Ing, Corau-tee, Loch Eckolde, a few
nightq ago. Ile was it native of laver-
"C"gallirel where, according to his own
I'liol, 110 wits born. in the year 1800. lie
fixed the date of Ilia birth by his recol-
le�tiong of Waterloo. Ile Was than a
boy working in tile fields, and when the
uews of the vlatory nrAved lie, Along
wjilt ilia follow laborers, participated In
tile, general rejoicings, At that flifte he
was. 14 or 15 years of Age, He mMn.
. ,u
tAblesl [Ile 11,C of 1114 faculties allnost
lily to flia la%t, and %Vafv able to seewAil
, kitors- till Avithia a, few
Ippak with 11
lveekq ago.
Mr. Crieve h%d stpoken Whit mtlfk
who irld. %e(at Prinve Charlie, Mid Ivid
J)PAI-il JH4 gVnIldfAtbOr doscribe that his -
(01 -it, Peliowl.ge" ftud Ilia own father aml
hig unelp had take.ii. part Ili it IlightA114
flall. fmitl. Vor alino.iVninety-fiv# M11%;
k evott'%fter
lip wmi,eil as it slippliordAut
lie hall I-Olved from eoutifluolvi litlitir
ho continued (a nsai'�t ill thp field4l, lltak,
N't a tilm at Ill(,- hav", R -i 1w 1J1Ira:w,1
* � -
iteV1,01%) tiv� Nve,11111inster ila?otte.
- .1
. , I .
Wrong clatsRicatloft.
1, t1ri,ni -Thii j-,ap,r .i�z-k 1*p1)Qc,u i4k
I flui(P a L,melal lioll.
VV -I. flromk - --Autl hi; vi lie tqq he i4 ft
1wrfect brar ftt hom,*, I.,
" I