HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-10-19, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 191 I.
New Styles. New Cloths. New
Tailoring Ideas.
See them before you buy.
Sole Agency for 20th Century Garments
McGee & Campbell
We Back Up Our Statements
With Qur Personal Repu-
tation And Money.
We are so positive that we can
relieve constipation, no matter hc.w
chronic it may be, that we offer to
furnish the medicine free df all cost
if we fail.
We think that it is worse than use-
ess to attempt to cure. constipation
with cathartic drugs, Cathartics
may do much harm, They may
cause a reaction, irritate and weaken
the bowels, and make conetipation
more chronic. ,
Constipation is often accompanied
and may be caused by weakness of
the nerves and muscles of the large
intestine or colon. To expect a cure
you must• therefore tone up and
strengthen those parts and restore
them to healthier activity.
The discovery of the active principle
of our remedy involved the labor of
skilful research chemists. This re-
medy produces results such as are
expected from the best of the best-
known intestinal tonics, and it is
particularly prompt in its results.
We want you to try Rexall Order-
lies on our guarantee. They are ex-
ceedingly pleasant to take and are
ideal for children. They apparently
act directly on the nerves and
muscles of . the bowels, having, it
would seem, a neutral action on other
organs or glands. They do not purge
or cause inconvenience, If they do
not positively euro chronic or habi-
tual constipation and thus relieve the
myriads of associate or dependent
chronic ailments, your money will be
refunded. Try Rexall Orderlies at
our risk. Three sizes of packages, 10e,
25e, and 50e. Remember, you can
obtain Rexall Retnedies in this com-
munity only at our store—The Rexall
Store. J. W. McKibbon.
About Salt.
Salt is about the oldest industry in
the world. In Italy, the cradle of the
salt industry, it has been manufactur-
ed commercially for 2500 years. Salt
is so necessary to existence that in
some parts of the world tribes will sell
the members of thtir families in ex-
change for salt. Salt has been the
cause of wars, and so important has it
always been considered that in some
places the passing of salt is established
as a token of friendship, and women
throw salt on a visitor as a friendly
greeting. In some countries salt is so
scarce that it is obtained through the
ashes of grasses and a species of palm
and other plants.
Is A Warning That The Kidneys
Are Sick.
A bad back turns every twenty-four
hours into one dull round pain and
misery—you are lame in the morning,
nagged all day
gg by a dull throbbing
backache, can't rest in the evening or
sleep well at
night, It hurts
to bend over,
straighten up,
get up from a
chair, or lift
even a light
weight. A n y
sudden twist,
turn or awk-
ward movement
sends a tearing
twinge of pain through the weak
Booth's Kidney Pills reach the weak
spot, kidneys are quickly restored to
kidney health and comfort. They are
guaranteed. All dealers and druggist
sell it at 50e. or postpaid from The R.
T. Booth Co., Lt„ Fort Erie, Ow.
Send for free box wliich will be glad-
ly sent on application.
$3,600 in Cash Przes for Farmers
WHEN you enter the Canada Cement Prize
Contest, your dealer will assist you.
Consult him in reference to conditions
of the contest. Refer all questions of doulbt to
him to decide. Confer with him when his ex-
perience and advice and his knowledge of our
Plan would seen! helpful.
Don't hesitate about doing this, We have
requested him to assist to the best of his ability
any farmer in his locality competing In this con-
test-- •whether it's a matter Involving the applica-
tion of cometnt, or how to go about winning one
of the prizes offered in this contest. Do you
reallze that yotf have as good a chance as the
next man to win one of these prizes? There are
four for each Province, as follows:
reRIZE "A"---4100.60 to be given to the farmer in each
Province who will use during 191] the greatoat number of
bags of "CAUADA" Cement. PRIZE "B"--f$10O,0e to he
given to the farther in eeoh Province Who in 1011 used
t,'AVADA" Cement nn his /arch for the greatest in:troller
of purpesee. PRIZE "0"--4100.00 tb t. ti Yen to the
farmer in sack i'rorince who furnishes us with photograph
showing the best of any Particular kind of Work. done on his
farm during ]911 with 'CANADA" Cement. Pit17.I: "D"
$100.00 to bo given to the farmer in each Province who
submits the best and most cornpleto description of how tiny
particular piece of work shown by accompanying photograph,
was done.
Contest will close on November 15th, 1911, and
as soon as possible thereafter, prizes will be
Ile sure and get a copy of our Contest Circular,
telling all about the contest. Ask your dealer for
one or use the attached coupon, If you fled it
more convenient.
In writing us, mention whether you have received runt
Copy of "What the harmer Can Do '',%lth Concrete," a
profusely -illustrated 180 -page beak, Which tells you
how to tad with concrete, so that you can do
much of the work yourself. It's a nighty handy
and wiefal hook, and shoula save you many a
dollar. Partnere who have received i:, say
It is splendid, Write tonight and it will
go hack to you wkh Pelle Contort
older, by return mall.
necla Cement Company, Limited, Montreal
tend Cir.
vular and
Addrtilt. .•,,•••,
These three cooks differ widely in ability and experience, but all are agreed that the
prime essential in good cooking is the stove on which to cook, and all concede that every
stove necessity is met in a
For no matter how much or how little cooking is done; no matter what the experience
given or required, there are certain prime requisites for every kitchen range. Whether the
cook bo a professional chef or the young bride with only 'hint" to please, the stove mutt
Iurnish these three essentials—steadiness an, control of tient, even baking facilities, and a
grate that gives plenty of air to the fire with p saving of fuel and convenience in handling.
For these three problems—on which all cooks are agreed—the GURNEY.OXPORD
RANGE has three answers, three good reasons why.
THII OXFORD RCONOMMIZRR is a small lever for the steady maintenanceorheat,
licensed for use only on Gurney -Oxfords. It effects a remarkable saying in fuel as well all
labor. Nothing can go up the chimney but smoke and odor.
The Divided Flue Strip dlstributea the heat evenly,
front as well as back of oven, thus securing against failure in
baking. There is no better test of practical stove work than
this oven control.
Are you always dustingP The Gurney -Oxford Revor-
eible Grate eaves dirt and labor: one-half a f to n
r and the ashes
are out, while the interlocking teeth grind the hardest clinker.
There are plenty of other "reasons" for the advantage
of the°Gurney•Oxford, as a call on us will convince you.
Come in and see our varied line, end we will demonstrate
all these features to your entire satiafaction.
Brussels. .�.
Theyesidence of T. Farrow has been
leased by G. C. Manners, harness -mak-
er, who is now in posseseion.
The Orangemen of this locality will
celebrate the anniversary of the Gun-
powder Plot by a public entertain-
ment on November 7th.
Sabbath, October 22nd, Rev. A. W.
Avison, B. D., of Guelph, formsrly of
Brussels will preach Sabbath School
anniversary sermons in connection
with the Methodist Church here,
Wednesday afternoon Rev. De. and
Mrs. Oaten went to Toronto where the
latter will undergo treatment with a
specialist for nervous ailments, which
we trust will speedily culminate in
complete restoration.
A canvas was made for the purpose
of erecting a skating and curling rink
in Brussels. The proposition comes
from Messrs. Trench & Duff, who pur-
pose erecting a cement building 80x170
feet with metallic roof. It will be ar-
ranged with curling rinks on each side
and ice for skating in the centre.
George Jeys has disposed of his fine
roadster mare. She won in two classes
at Wingham Fair, and 1st at Blytb,
Brussels and Gorrie, in large classes.
Mr. Keys says she is the best high
class mare he ever owned and he has
had some good ones. Messrs. Keys &
Galbraith have purchased the fine
bred trotting roadster stallion, "Henry
Winters." The same firm bought two
fine chestnut standard bred delvers
from. J. C. Tuck,
A Good Farm.
Mr. henry Rundle of Osborne dis-
posed of his 100 acre farm in that
township, on Thursday last, to Ed.
Knight of near Exeter, being lot 11,
South Thames Road. The price paid
was $8000. This is an excellent farm
and it has fallen into good hands.
Landlord And Tenant.
A peculiar case has come to light in
Owen Sound under the Local Option
law. W. S. Bradley ofLittle Current,
is owner of the Pacific 'hotel, Owen
Sound. A man named Kelly was
the nominal lessee of the bar, and was
charged With keeping liquor, for sale,
and before the trial, he disappeared.
Later Inspector Beckett found a
quantity of whiskey hidden in the
hotel stable, and then the occupant of
the hotel swore that he did not own
the liquor and had no jurisdiction
over the stable. Inspector Beckett
then laid information against Bradley,
owner of the premises, who was con-
victed and fined $10, The latter took
steps to have the Conviction quashed,
but by his judgment given recently,
Justice Middleton refuses to interfere.
"Undoubtedly," soya his Lordship,
there has been a flagrant breach of
the lett+. Lignor has been kept for
sale in the etablee forming part of the
hotel premises. The question is
whether the aocused, the landlord of
the premises in questloin, who lives in
the village of Little Current, and who
in no way authorized, nor was aware
of the violation of the law taking
place upon his property in Owen
Sound, Is, by virtue of the statute, to
be conclusively guilty of the offence,
1 have to accept the law as 1 lend
it,. and it is no part of my duty to
orit1 lse either its 'wisdom or it.e
Zam-Buk Has Cured These
Friction on the hemorrhoid veins
that are swollen, inflamed and gorged
with blood, is what causes the ter-
rible pain and stinging and smarting
of piles. Zam-Buk applied at night
will be found to gives ease before
morning. Thousands of persons have
proved this: Why not be guided by
the experience of others ?
Mr. Thomas Pearson of Prince
Albert, Sask., writes—"I must thank
you for the benefit I have received
from Zam-Buk, Last summer I suf-
fered greatly from piles. I started
to use Zam-Buk and found it gave
me relief, so I continued it, and after
using three or four boxes I am. pleased
to say it has effected a complete
Mr. G. A. Dufresne, 183-185 St.
Joseph Street, St, Roch, Quebec, P.Q ,
writes — "I can highly recommend
Zam-Buk to everyone who suffers
from piles." •
Magistrate Sanford of Weston,
King's Co., N. S., says—"I suffered
Ioug from itching piles, but Zam-Buk
has now cured me."
Mr. William Kenty of Upper Nine
Mile River, Rants Co„ N.S., says—"I
suffered terribly from piles, the pain
at times being almost unbearable. I
tried various ointments, but every-
thing I tried failed to do me the
slightest good. I was tired of trying
various remedies, when I heard of
Zam-Buk, and thought as a last re-
source I would give this balm a trial.
After a short time Zam-Buk effected
a complete cure."
Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for
skin injuries and diseases, eczema,
ulcers, varicose veins, cuts, burns,-
bruises, chaps, cold sores, etc., 50c
box all druggists and stores, or post
free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for
price. Refuse harmful imitations.
Try Zam-Buk Soap, 25c tablet.
"Dr. Miles' Nervine
Raised Me From
the Grave" -Mrs, Taylor
. This is a strong statement to
make, but it is exactly what Mrs.
Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas,
said in expressing her opihion of
this remedy.
"Dr, Miles' Restorative Nervine
raised me from the grave and Ihavo
much confidence in it. 1 Can never
say enough for your grand medicines.
If anyone had offered me $T0000 for
the second bottle of Nervine that 1
used 1 wouldhave sold 'no indeed."
Ilium, 'Tex,
Nervous exhaustion is a com-
mon occurence of modern life.
The •ti car and tear on the nervous
system is grater now than at any
tittle since the world began. For
sleeplessness, poor appetite and that
t`run down" feeling, nothing is so
good as
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Your nerves are your life and
lack of vital energy makes existence
a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will
tone up your nervous system.'
Ask arty druggist, Iftho?hat bottiefslls
to benefit, your money 10 returned.
MILllf$ OARO1CAI. 00., Toronto, Oen.
Good Counsel Which If Followed
Means Success..
Success in dairying comae not by
any mere chance. Thoseabout to
start in the business will do much to
ensure success if they give heed to
the following words of Counsel;
Sart right where you are.
Take the herd you now have,
Both work and study are essential
to success.
The head of every herd is the sire.
No matter, what you may have in
that line, get something better, and
get it right away,
Look about you until you find some-
thing just as much better asyoupos-
sibly can.
With this, start.
Make it your business to save the
best calves from your sire, and from,
your best cows; that have actually
proved by the pail and the test that
they are the best.
Have every cow tested.
Turn off the poor cows as fast as
you have something better to put in
their places.
Meanwhile, it you have a chance to
buy a ehotee cow out of the herd of
some neighbor, or if you have the
money to spare, go to some reliable
dealer in the kind of stock you like
best and buy now and. then a nice
Shape all your plans to be ready
for success when it comes,
Build the best buildings you can.
Have the stables as warm, as light,
and as well aired as you can.
Do a lot of real hard thinking.
all these problems with the
courage of a veteran 'soldier..
Study the art of feeding.
Grow crops that will enable you to
get the best out of your cows.
Keep cheerful and do not get dis-
couraged if you sometimes have poor
In the end you will win — and It is
the end that counts.
The boy immigrants brought out to
New Zealand from England under the
care of Mr. T. Sedgwick, and placed
on farms under the supervision of the
Labor department, appear to be well
satisfied with their new homes. Each
of them undertook to write every
month to the department, and the
following excerpts from the first
batch of letters may be of interest:
"I am getting on fine," writes one
boy cheerfully. "Can plow, harrow
and disc harrow, and can drive two,
three or four horse teams." "I thank
you very much for putting me at this
farm, as I like the people very much.
I also feel quite at borne, and have
not yet begun to be homesick. Since
I have been here I have learned to
milk one cow twice each day." "I
am getting on fine and the work is
better than I thought it would be.
"I am better off now ror a good home
than ever I've been for the last four
years,"'says a third.
A city lad, whose verdict on farm
life is that it suits him "down to the
ground," already asks how he qan
nominate his sister, because a place
1s awaiting her, and he thinks ho can
"raise the wind." "I was told farm
work be dreary, but I have not found
it so," reflects another youthful im-
Cattle Struck by Lightning
When animals are struck by light-
ning the shock usually kills them in-
stantly, but where they are mildly
struck and they continue to live, they
are usually in a partially paralyzed
condition. Paralysis is brought on by
the shock to the nervous system and
they naturally lose Control of certain
parts of the body or limbs.
There is great danger of live wires
falling from electric lines on to wire
fences. This will charge the entire
fence with electricity, and if an ani-
mal comes in contact with it, it is
usually instant death, The writer
recently observed a case of this kind
where the entire fence surrounding
the small paddock was charged by a
fallen wire during an electrical storm.
Three cows were killed in their tracks
while coming in contact with this
fence. A cat attempting to jump
through the fence was instantly killed
and roasted while partly through the
Where a nanimal has been shocked
by lightning or electricity, and has
not been killed, it is advisable to ad -
administer to it such ingredients as
will have a tendency to tone up the
nervous system. It is advisable to
give a laxative, , stimulant and tonic.
Old Methods Won't Do Now
The time has passed when apples
dumped into barrels and topped off
will fetch a price. Today they must
be sorted into gradeh .according to
quality, sorted again according to
size, and then hand packed in boxes—
SO many to the row, so many to the
tier — and honestly labeled. It is by
this means that the fine -colored apple
that tastes like a turnip and comes
from California is displacing the de-
licious apple of the state of New York
in the markets of Now York city,
while the orchards of New York are
being abandoned.
Nearly everyone nowadays .snows
something aboilt Western Canada.
Most people who have not an in-
timate knowledge of the country think
that the West is all alike. So it is
generally speaking, all except Central
Alberta, which 1s radically different
in many important respects.
Most people are ready to admit
that Western Canada produces the
best hard wheat that can be grown
anywhere. But comparatively few
have any conception that a portion
of Western Canada not only grows
hard wheat, but also has advantages
over the high-priced farm lands in
the eaotore provinces of Canada, or
in the Central Western States, in
their own kind of farming, that ;a to
say in the raising of cattle, horses
and hogs in conjunction with the
growing of various grains, and dairy.
Jas.Walker Et Son
VG a are speoWly qualified lender.
takers and ICmbahners, and those
emtrusbtng their work to aft may rely
en tit betg well done. Night caput
reodiwed eb retdd0n0e.
011roS Phone 108 Bosse 'Phone 198
Where Newest Styles Aro
Always Shown First, Come
Hero For Your New Coat
and we'll sell you one that is
just right for you—one that will
exactly suit you—one that is ab-
solutely correct and dependable
in quality. You'll surely like
the styles we show at $10.00,
$12,00, $15,00 and $17.50.
Come and see t li-e new things. The
styles are so attractive and the extra
values so apparent, you'll be sure to
remember us when you do get ready
to buy. This store is in competition
with City Stores and Mail Order Catalogues
—values matched here and in some
oases beaten. Try ns and see.
If you are thinking of a new Dress or Suit for
fall or winter wear, be sure you see our New
Weaves in Dress Goods and Suitings. We
are showing several lines at Reduced Prices.
We can save you from 15 to 20 per cent. on
New Goods.
In the latest assortment of patterns, stripes and
floral designs in various colorings; will make up
nicely for Shirt Waists.
All the best makes of Hosiery, Gloves and Under-
wear are now in stock. COME
H. E. Isard
or barrel. before t
OME people have attempted to judge PUR-
ITY FLOUR, before knowing the ftti,.cts
about it—before using it. So we ask You
to be fair and to buy a sack` or barrel of PURITY
FLOUR and give it a thorough try -out before
attempting to arrive at
a judgment.
Look at the beauty and
loftiness of the golden -
crusted, snowy -crumbed
loaves, fit for a king.
Count them and see how
many more of them PUR-
ITY yields to the barrel
than ordinary flour does.
Taste the creamy, flaky pie
crust, r,nd the deliciously light
cakes PURITY FLOUR rewards
you with. My!
[Tow theymake
Such high-class
'//1 results can only be
obtained when
using a flour con-
sisting exclusively of the
high-grade portions of the
best Western hard wheat
And remember, that, on
account of its extra .
strength and extra qual-
requires more water when making bread and wzore
shortening when making ,astry, than you are
accustomed to use with ordinary flour.
�i and hotter b:" _;a . "
More bread�t..�, � '1,)-2cad"
fluy a bag or barrel of PPP ITV 1 i):)U11. 'Fest
it for a week. Then pass judgement.
Add mil rilY 1 I OL R to the grocery list right now,
Sold by Wm. Bone,. Ring Blush„ Je P. McGillivray, Wingham
aisaimalawl sialmminiab 11 ea es* dimssi I Illnlll fIM
- 117-...
Capital Paid. II
P p • - $ 2,750,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits . . 3,150,000.,;,�
Total Assets . . . . . .. . . 40,000,000
r •
r , % .
1, -� •
Many a fortune can be traced back
. to the day its owner deposited the first
dollar in a Saving Account.
The one dollar affords an incentive to
deposit more—and, as interest is added
to the small
1 ;73'f ,
r 4.1gkg
•44 ie
ii:f BFI1'�.
'��j '
principal, sum grows more �.`-,
and more rapidly, until it finally becomes
a competence. • i
One Dollar will start an account with i
the Bank of Hamilton..i,J
- • .z_
t` 'th
a •
, .. a,
i 4 `
- ,las.,..; ..,....-.
We Back Up Our Statements
With Qur Personal Repu-
tation And Money.
We are so positive that we can
relieve constipation, no matter hc.w
chronic it may be, that we offer to
furnish the medicine free df all cost
if we fail.
We think that it is worse than use-
ess to attempt to cure. constipation
with cathartic drugs, Cathartics
may do much harm, They may
cause a reaction, irritate and weaken
the bowels, and make conetipation
more chronic. ,
Constipation is often accompanied
and may be caused by weakness of
the nerves and muscles of the large
intestine or colon. To expect a cure
you must• therefore tone up and
strengthen those parts and restore
them to healthier activity.
The discovery of the active principle
of our remedy involved the labor of
skilful research chemists. This re-
medy produces results such as are
expected from the best of the best-
known intestinal tonics, and it is
particularly prompt in its results.
We want you to try Rexall Order-
lies on our guarantee. They are ex-
ceedingly pleasant to take and are
ideal for children. They apparently
act directly on the nerves and
muscles of . the bowels, having, it
would seem, a neutral action on other
organs or glands. They do not purge
or cause inconvenience, If they do
not positively euro chronic or habi-
tual constipation and thus relieve the
myriads of associate or dependent
chronic ailments, your money will be
refunded. Try Rexall Orderlies at
our risk. Three sizes of packages, 10e,
25e, and 50e. Remember, you can
obtain Rexall Retnedies in this com-
munity only at our store—The Rexall
Store. J. W. McKibbon.
About Salt.
Salt is about the oldest industry in
the world. In Italy, the cradle of the
salt industry, it has been manufactur-
ed commercially for 2500 years. Salt
is so necessary to existence that in
some parts of the world tribes will sell
the members of thtir families in ex-
change for salt. Salt has been the
cause of wars, and so important has it
always been considered that in some
places the passing of salt is established
as a token of friendship, and women
throw salt on a visitor as a friendly
greeting. In some countries salt is so
scarce that it is obtained through the
ashes of grasses and a species of palm
and other plants.
Is A Warning That The Kidneys
Are Sick.
A bad back turns every twenty-four
hours into one dull round pain and
misery—you are lame in the morning,
nagged all day
gg by a dull throbbing
backache, can't rest in the evening or
sleep well at
night, It hurts
to bend over,
straighten up,
get up from a
chair, or lift
even a light
weight. A n y
sudden twist,
turn or awk-
ward movement
sends a tearing
twinge of pain through the weak
Booth's Kidney Pills reach the weak
spot, kidneys are quickly restored to
kidney health and comfort. They are
guaranteed. All dealers and druggist
sell it at 50e. or postpaid from The R.
T. Booth Co., Lt„ Fort Erie, Ow.
Send for free box wliich will be glad-
ly sent on application.
$3,600 in Cash Przes for Farmers
WHEN you enter the Canada Cement Prize
Contest, your dealer will assist you.
Consult him in reference to conditions
of the contest. Refer all questions of doulbt to
him to decide. Confer with him when his ex-
perience and advice and his knowledge of our
Plan would seen! helpful.
Don't hesitate about doing this, We have
requested him to assist to the best of his ability
any farmer in his locality competing In this con-
test-- •whether it's a matter Involving the applica-
tion of cometnt, or how to go about winning one
of the prizes offered in this contest. Do you
reallze that yotf have as good a chance as the
next man to win one of these prizes? There are
four for each Province, as follows:
reRIZE "A"---4100.60 to be given to the farmer in each
Province who will use during 191] the greatoat number of
bags of "CAUADA" Cement. PRIZE "B"--f$10O,0e to he
given to the farther in eeoh Province Who in 1011 used
t,'AVADA" Cement nn his /arch for the greatest in:troller
of purpesee. PRIZE "0"--4100.00 tb t. ti Yen to the
farmer in sack i'rorince who furnishes us with photograph
showing the best of any Particular kind of Work. done on his
farm during ]911 with 'CANADA" Cement. Pit17.I: "D"
$100.00 to bo given to the farmer in each Province who
submits the best and most cornpleto description of how tiny
particular piece of work shown by accompanying photograph,
was done.
Contest will close on November 15th, 1911, and
as soon as possible thereafter, prizes will be
Ile sure and get a copy of our Contest Circular,
telling all about the contest. Ask your dealer for
one or use the attached coupon, If you fled it
more convenient.
In writing us, mention whether you have received runt
Copy of "What the harmer Can Do '',%lth Concrete," a
profusely -illustrated 180 -page beak, Which tells you
how to tad with concrete, so that you can do
much of the work yourself. It's a nighty handy
and wiefal hook, and shoula save you many a
dollar. Partnere who have received i:, say
It is splendid, Write tonight and it will
go hack to you wkh Pelle Contort
older, by return mall.
necla Cement Company, Limited, Montreal
tend Cir.
vular and
Addrtilt. .•,,•••,
These three cooks differ widely in ability and experience, but all are agreed that the
prime essential in good cooking is the stove on which to cook, and all concede that every
stove necessity is met in a
For no matter how much or how little cooking is done; no matter what the experience
given or required, there are certain prime requisites for every kitchen range. Whether the
cook bo a professional chef or the young bride with only 'hint" to please, the stove mutt
Iurnish these three essentials—steadiness an, control of tient, even baking facilities, and a
grate that gives plenty of air to the fire with p saving of fuel and convenience in handling.
For these three problems—on which all cooks are agreed—the GURNEY.OXPORD
RANGE has three answers, three good reasons why.
THII OXFORD RCONOMMIZRR is a small lever for the steady maintenanceorheat,
licensed for use only on Gurney -Oxfords. It effects a remarkable saying in fuel as well all
labor. Nothing can go up the chimney but smoke and odor.
The Divided Flue Strip dlstributea the heat evenly,
front as well as back of oven, thus securing against failure in
baking. There is no better test of practical stove work than
this oven control.
Are you always dustingP The Gurney -Oxford Revor-
eible Grate eaves dirt and labor: one-half a f to n
r and the ashes
are out, while the interlocking teeth grind the hardest clinker.
There are plenty of other "reasons" for the advantage
of the°Gurney•Oxford, as a call on us will convince you.
Come in and see our varied line, end we will demonstrate
all these features to your entire satiafaction.
Brussels. .�.
Theyesidence of T. Farrow has been
leased by G. C. Manners, harness -mak-
er, who is now in posseseion.
The Orangemen of this locality will
celebrate the anniversary of the Gun-
powder Plot by a public entertain-
ment on November 7th.
Sabbath, October 22nd, Rev. A. W.
Avison, B. D., of Guelph, formsrly of
Brussels will preach Sabbath School
anniversary sermons in connection
with the Methodist Church here,
Wednesday afternoon Rev. De. and
Mrs. Oaten went to Toronto where the
latter will undergo treatment with a
specialist for nervous ailments, which
we trust will speedily culminate in
complete restoration.
A canvas was made for the purpose
of erecting a skating and curling rink
in Brussels. The proposition comes
from Messrs. Trench & Duff, who pur-
pose erecting a cement building 80x170
feet with metallic roof. It will be ar-
ranged with curling rinks on each side
and ice for skating in the centre.
George Jeys has disposed of his fine
roadster mare. She won in two classes
at Wingham Fair, and 1st at Blytb,
Brussels and Gorrie, in large classes.
Mr. Keys says she is the best high
class mare he ever owned and he has
had some good ones. Messrs. Keys &
Galbraith have purchased the fine
bred trotting roadster stallion, "Henry
Winters." The same firm bought two
fine chestnut standard bred delvers
from. J. C. Tuck,
A Good Farm.
Mr. henry Rundle of Osborne dis-
posed of his 100 acre farm in that
township, on Thursday last, to Ed.
Knight of near Exeter, being lot 11,
South Thames Road. The price paid
was $8000. This is an excellent farm
and it has fallen into good hands.
Landlord And Tenant.
A peculiar case has come to light in
Owen Sound under the Local Option
law. W. S. Bradley ofLittle Current,
is owner of the Pacific 'hotel, Owen
Sound. A man named Kelly was
the nominal lessee of the bar, and was
charged With keeping liquor, for sale,
and before the trial, he disappeared.
Later Inspector Beckett found a
quantity of whiskey hidden in the
hotel stable, and then the occupant of
the hotel swore that he did not own
the liquor and had no jurisdiction
over the stable. Inspector Beckett
then laid information against Bradley,
owner of the premises, who was con-
victed and fined $10, The latter took
steps to have the Conviction quashed,
but by his judgment given recently,
Justice Middleton refuses to interfere.
"Undoubtedly," soya his Lordship,
there has been a flagrant breach of
the lett+. Lignor has been kept for
sale in the etablee forming part of the
hotel premises. The question is
whether the aocused, the landlord of
the premises in questloin, who lives in
the village of Little Current, and who
in no way authorized, nor was aware
of the violation of the law taking
place upon his property in Owen
Sound, Is, by virtue of the statute, to
be conclusively guilty of the offence,
1 have to accept the law as 1 lend
it,. and it is no part of my duty to
orit1 lse either its 'wisdom or it.e
Zam-Buk Has Cured These
Friction on the hemorrhoid veins
that are swollen, inflamed and gorged
with blood, is what causes the ter-
rible pain and stinging and smarting
of piles. Zam-Buk applied at night
will be found to gives ease before
morning. Thousands of persons have
proved this: Why not be guided by
the experience of others ?
Mr. Thomas Pearson of Prince
Albert, Sask., writes—"I must thank
you for the benefit I have received
from Zam-Buk, Last summer I suf-
fered greatly from piles. I started
to use Zam-Buk and found it gave
me relief, so I continued it, and after
using three or four boxes I am. pleased
to say it has effected a complete
Mr. G. A. Dufresne, 183-185 St.
Joseph Street, St, Roch, Quebec, P.Q ,
writes — "I can highly recommend
Zam-Buk to everyone who suffers
from piles." •
Magistrate Sanford of Weston,
King's Co., N. S., says—"I suffered
Ioug from itching piles, but Zam-Buk
has now cured me."
Mr. William Kenty of Upper Nine
Mile River, Rants Co„ N.S., says—"I
suffered terribly from piles, the pain
at times being almost unbearable. I
tried various ointments, but every-
thing I tried failed to do me the
slightest good. I was tired of trying
various remedies, when I heard of
Zam-Buk, and thought as a last re-
source I would give this balm a trial.
After a short time Zam-Buk effected
a complete cure."
Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for
skin injuries and diseases, eczema,
ulcers, varicose veins, cuts, burns,-
bruises, chaps, cold sores, etc., 50c
box all druggists and stores, or post
free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for
price. Refuse harmful imitations.
Try Zam-Buk Soap, 25c tablet.
"Dr. Miles' Nervine
Raised Me From
the Grave" -Mrs, Taylor
. This is a strong statement to
make, but it is exactly what Mrs.
Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas,
said in expressing her opihion of
this remedy.
"Dr, Miles' Restorative Nervine
raised me from the grave and Ihavo
much confidence in it. 1 Can never
say enough for your grand medicines.
If anyone had offered me $T0000 for
the second bottle of Nervine that 1
used 1 wouldhave sold 'no indeed."
Ilium, 'Tex,
Nervous exhaustion is a com-
mon occurence of modern life.
The •ti car and tear on the nervous
system is grater now than at any
tittle since the world began. For
sleeplessness, poor appetite and that
t`run down" feeling, nothing is so
good as
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Your nerves are your life and
lack of vital energy makes existence
a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will
tone up your nervous system.'
Ask arty druggist, Iftho?hat bottiefslls
to benefit, your money 10 returned.
MILllf$ OARO1CAI. 00., Toronto, Oen.
Good Counsel Which If Followed
Means Success..
Success in dairying comae not by
any mere chance. Thoseabout to
start in the business will do much to
ensure success if they give heed to
the following words of Counsel;
Sart right where you are.
Take the herd you now have,
Both work and study are essential
to success.
The head of every herd is the sire.
No matter, what you may have in
that line, get something better, and
get it right away,
Look about you until you find some-
thing just as much better asyoupos-
sibly can.
With this, start.
Make it your business to save the
best calves from your sire, and from,
your best cows; that have actually
proved by the pail and the test that
they are the best.
Have every cow tested.
Turn off the poor cows as fast as
you have something better to put in
their places.
Meanwhile, it you have a chance to
buy a ehotee cow out of the herd of
some neighbor, or if you have the
money to spare, go to some reliable
dealer in the kind of stock you like
best and buy now and. then a nice
Shape all your plans to be ready
for success when it comes,
Build the best buildings you can.
Have the stables as warm, as light,
and as well aired as you can.
Do a lot of real hard thinking.
all these problems with the
courage of a veteran 'soldier..
Study the art of feeding.
Grow crops that will enable you to
get the best out of your cows.
Keep cheerful and do not get dis-
couraged if you sometimes have poor
In the end you will win — and It is
the end that counts.
The boy immigrants brought out to
New Zealand from England under the
care of Mr. T. Sedgwick, and placed
on farms under the supervision of the
Labor department, appear to be well
satisfied with their new homes. Each
of them undertook to write every
month to the department, and the
following excerpts from the first
batch of letters may be of interest:
"I am getting on fine," writes one
boy cheerfully. "Can plow, harrow
and disc harrow, and can drive two,
three or four horse teams." "I thank
you very much for putting me at this
farm, as I like the people very much.
I also feel quite at borne, and have
not yet begun to be homesick. Since
I have been here I have learned to
milk one cow twice each day." "I
am getting on fine and the work is
better than I thought it would be.
"I am better off now ror a good home
than ever I've been for the last four
years,"'says a third.
A city lad, whose verdict on farm
life is that it suits him "down to the
ground," already asks how he qan
nominate his sister, because a place
1s awaiting her, and he thinks ho can
"raise the wind." "I was told farm
work be dreary, but I have not found
it so," reflects another youthful im-
Cattle Struck by Lightning
When animals are struck by light-
ning the shock usually kills them in-
stantly, but where they are mildly
struck and they continue to live, they
are usually in a partially paralyzed
condition. Paralysis is brought on by
the shock to the nervous system and
they naturally lose Control of certain
parts of the body or limbs.
There is great danger of live wires
falling from electric lines on to wire
fences. This will charge the entire
fence with electricity, and if an ani-
mal comes in contact with it, it is
usually instant death, The writer
recently observed a case of this kind
where the entire fence surrounding
the small paddock was charged by a
fallen wire during an electrical storm.
Three cows were killed in their tracks
while coming in contact with this
fence. A cat attempting to jump
through the fence was instantly killed
and roasted while partly through the
Where a nanimal has been shocked
by lightning or electricity, and has
not been killed, it is advisable to ad -
administer to it such ingredients as
will have a tendency to tone up the
nervous system. It is advisable to
give a laxative, , stimulant and tonic.
Old Methods Won't Do Now
The time has passed when apples
dumped into barrels and topped off
will fetch a price. Today they must
be sorted into gradeh .according to
quality, sorted again according to
size, and then hand packed in boxes—
SO many to the row, so many to the
tier — and honestly labeled. It is by
this means that the fine -colored apple
that tastes like a turnip and comes
from California is displacing the de-
licious apple of the state of New York
in the markets of Now York city,
while the orchards of New York are
being abandoned.
Nearly everyone nowadays .snows
something aboilt Western Canada.
Most people who have not an in-
timate knowledge of the country think
that the West is all alike. So it is
generally speaking, all except Central
Alberta, which 1s radically different
in many important respects.
Most people are ready to admit
that Western Canada produces the
best hard wheat that can be grown
anywhere. But comparatively few
have any conception that a portion
of Western Canada not only grows
hard wheat, but also has advantages
over the high-priced farm lands in
the eaotore provinces of Canada, or
in the Central Western States, in
their own kind of farming, that ;a to
say in the raising of cattle, horses
and hogs in conjunction with the
growing of various grains, and dairy.
Jas.Walker Et Son
VG a are speoWly qualified lender.
takers and ICmbahners, and those
emtrusbtng their work to aft may rely
en tit betg well done. Night caput
reodiwed eb retdd0n0e.
011roS Phone 108 Bosse 'Phone 198
Where Newest Styles Aro
Always Shown First, Come
Hero For Your New Coat
and we'll sell you one that is
just right for you—one that will
exactly suit you—one that is ab-
solutely correct and dependable
in quality. You'll surely like
the styles we show at $10.00,
$12,00, $15,00 and $17.50.
Come and see t li-e new things. The
styles are so attractive and the extra
values so apparent, you'll be sure to
remember us when you do get ready
to buy. This store is in competition
with City Stores and Mail Order Catalogues
—values matched here and in some
oases beaten. Try ns and see.
If you are thinking of a new Dress or Suit for
fall or winter wear, be sure you see our New
Weaves in Dress Goods and Suitings. We
are showing several lines at Reduced Prices.
We can save you from 15 to 20 per cent. on
New Goods.
In the latest assortment of patterns, stripes and
floral designs in various colorings; will make up
nicely for Shirt Waists.
All the best makes of Hosiery, Gloves and Under-
wear are now in stock. COME
H. E. Isard
or barrel. before t
OME people have attempted to judge PUR-
ITY FLOUR, before knowing the ftti,.cts
about it—before using it. So we ask You
to be fair and to buy a sack` or barrel of PURITY
FLOUR and give it a thorough try -out before
attempting to arrive at
a judgment.
Look at the beauty and
loftiness of the golden -
crusted, snowy -crumbed
loaves, fit for a king.
Count them and see how
many more of them PUR-
ITY yields to the barrel
than ordinary flour does.
Taste the creamy, flaky pie
crust, r,nd the deliciously light
cakes PURITY FLOUR rewards
you with. My!
[Tow theymake
Such high-class
'//1 results can only be
obtained when
using a flour con-
sisting exclusively of the
high-grade portions of the
best Western hard wheat
And remember, that, on
account of its extra .
strength and extra qual-
requires more water when making bread and wzore
shortening when making ,astry, than you are
accustomed to use with ordinary flour.
�i and hotter b:" _;a . "
More bread�t..�, � '1,)-2cad"
fluy a bag or barrel of PPP ITV 1 i):)U11. 'Fest
it for a week. Then pass judgement.
Add mil rilY 1 I OL R to the grocery list right now,
Sold by Wm. Bone,. Ring Blush„ Je P. McGillivray, Wingham
aisaimalawl sialmminiab 11 ea es* dimssi I Illnlll fIM