HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-10-12, Page 7NEWS O.F. THE
YQUA(Woznan Accidentally
Drowned in Pond.
Stole Auto While Employer
Was Honernooping.
-,FiremenArrested on Charge
of bisobeying Orders,
Lieteoln Conservata'ne nominateil Di%
.rteeeop for the Legislature.,
- The Aylmer Fair get° raceipta were
.only $7.50 owing te the stereo.
A new type of lifa'aoat was success-
fully Watched ae Pea:one'. Toronto.
The Ileutuotical. Methodist conference
_discitssed the relation of labor and eapi-
'Mr, George W. aleteKay, son of "Mac-
Kay of Formosa,' was ordained at Knox
A. day 'expert says that Toronto's
ia good when it tome the.
ames Acum, a Toronto coil dvivete
,committed suicide by taking • carbelee
The _First Presbyterian Church at
Brockville celebrated its hundredth a*.
»iversary, '
Bisbop Sweeney eonseerated St.
Geergias Churela Weider, and conduct-
ed. eonfirmatime service,
Alrilliam F. Remain, one of the oldest
'eatiZeus ni Oakville,. died there at the
age of ninety-three years.
The Canadian Light and Power Com-
pany, .11f outreal, bas pureluteed the Do-
• eniaion.Light, Heat & Power interests.
The Winuip.eg Telegram has epologized
to Mee Olowner, whom it mused of a
aitetupt offer van Judgeship in a recent
The body of a male infant was- found
in the ravine back. of Castle Freak, To-
ronto, by boys. The body was wrapped
in paper and placed in a shoe box.
Mr, T. H, Ptestum, of Brantford, has
been -compelled to decline the invitation
to. represent the Canadian Press A.sso-
eitition at the Royal Durbar at Delhi.
The passenger St00.11101' Missouri, of
the Northern Navigation Company weet
aground lietween Round and Boise's Is-
lands, la Lake Huron. Site was released
Pee death Occurred at Sarnia, of one
af the pioneers ot Brooke Township,
*Willituu Smolders, aged 83 years. Re
was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, and went
to 13roo'ke Towliship in 1850.
Richard.. P. tain»ing, when arraig»ed
befove Megistrate Houston at Chatham,
-on the eharge of paseinga forged cheque
for $2,407.50 on the Dominion Bank here,
declared be never wrote it.
W. He Waller, of St. Catharines, a. AI:.
tractor who is building Welland's new
waterworks, has received a contract for
ttoe lock work ou St. Peter's Canal,
Amounting to about $250,000.
The death omitted. at St. Catherates
of Captain Patrick J. Gellitglter, one of
• the old-time lake captains of that dis-
trict. Deceased was at ono time among
the best known men of the great lakes.
'Mrs. A. Springer Mason, who has been
for some time past soloist of the Nor-
folk Street Methodist Church, Guelph,
has been appointed choir leader, and Co -
ail Benue Metcalf, Metropolitan School
of etetsie, Toronto appointed organist.
• -Following an operation at the
Hotel Dieu, Windsor, Ont., Police Sere,
James. I'. Jackson died. Serge. Jackson
was 47 pars oklaand had beett connect.;
ea With Windsor forec for twenty -two: -
Kenneth . 'Martin, barrister, Char-
lottetown, P.M.., has been appointed
judge of the City Court of Charlotte-
town. The appombeeitt el dated in the
official Gazette announcement Septem-
ber 20..
A private cablegram from Liverpool to
John. N..13,,,announces the death of
leavid ilatdine, of the shippiug and lune
ber firm of Farneworta & -Jardine, and
a former New Brunswicker, at the age
Of 81.
Air, J. W. Diek, excisc officer, is at
St. alieltael's hospital, Toronto, in a cri-
Uteri condition as tbe result of an assault
by an ma:flown man.
Rev. John Elmore Hanes offered to
give '$30:000 to Bloor Street Baptist
Church,. Toronto, if the congregation
ratified a similar amount.
The steamer A. D. Hayward,, of De-
troit,went ashore near Harbor Botta,
Miele, and after much diffieulty lier mas-
ter and nine of the crew were rescued
by the life-savers. The vessel will be a
total loss.
Christopher Brian, 75 years old, who
has been it resident of Windsor, Out,
for 40 years, died suddeniy following a
timid Bluets of pneumonia. Mr. Brian
wee a bandsmen during the Crimean
The Grata Trunk has itt operation be-
tweeit Bridgeburg and Port Colborue a
steam motor ear with a capacity of 68.
people, :oil being used for fuel. H ts
claimed tine will be tut ceonomical and
etteceeeful experiment.
Miss Fawcett,twenty years of age,
daughter of Mr. Mamie Faweett, of
Xupitrasia township, WAS aeeiaentally
drowned in it pond near her home. It is
believed she fell into the water while un-
der ari epileptic seizure.
Waterloo's assessment will be shown
to have increased during the past year
to tlie extent of $557,023, almost 26 per
cent. of the total, ant the population
figures allow a evils of 180, bringing the
member of residents to 4e800.
Contioller James Davidson, probably
the best known of Ottawa's eivie fatlie
toes,, (lied at his epartments In the Hotel
theil aftev it i1ciss histitig only two
weeki, lac was seized with Ede hide.
gegion on Set, 23.
S. P. Cranage, manager of the (Iran
age Steamship Compaty,.finnOttheee that
no, fuithereffort will be made to re-
cover the graindaden steather,. Thonnui
Cratiage, wbieh went an the retire Off
Tiffin, Georgia'. Day, two weeks ago.
' To test her speed under her new en-
gine :equipment. the steemer Gerenia, of
the .Ontario. it; 'Quebec Navigation Com-
pany, made e eperiat trip from Mien to
Kingston and established a satisfattory
epee& averaging eixteen tnilee an hour.
'William Trehetin, the Viroodetock,. Ont.,
man who bought a horse in that city
laid went to Guelph, *hero he Watt itr-
reeted after he had sold the horse arid
felled to settle le Woodetoek, Wag found
.guilly by the 14lagietritte. Ite vete not
et -Menotti.
The Evangelical Alliance of Canada
has arranged to .,,end out ten thmisand
copies of document relative to the "ne
tettiere decree to the ministers and
editors of 'Canada, and. this will form
aperlies to be delivered at
While William :ones, owner and inan-
!neer of the Jones Farago, St, Cattier -
Ines, was in New lork on his honey -
Awn: Jitittes Stewartl who had been left
in charge of the garage, departed. NVitli
his employer's best automobile, It was
found abandoned at Stamford.
Tee $1,400 embezzlement charge
laid against John B. Smith, the young
suicide after his arrest, once by ateellow.
ing his watch einiin, and mite by jump-
ing from a Wlittleor ferry, was with-
drawn bv the Fletcher Hardware Com-
pany, of betroit, restitution having been
The Canadian Northern Railway Com-
pany has asked Toronto for permiesioh
to close Chaudos avow% Lichbouree
avenue, Ptiiisrose avenue, it. Clarens
aveime) potion of Dunbar ttiad and
about 000 feet of Keeley street froM a
point about 400 feet itortil of St; Clair
Melt the steitmer Midland ling, of
the liked Line, arrived at Sarnia the
captain caused the arrest of two let his
firemen, who had created, trotible on the
boat because, they elehned, their pay
wits being withheld, The charge against
the men la refusing to obey orders while
on the high sees,
e • ea
Aleriden Citizens' Appeal to
High Praise tor Canadian
Merideu, Oet, tle -The high price
of sugar Is giVeli for the reation
nember of Meridentitizeue today ad-
dressed on appeal to Presideitt Taft to
investigate the "sugar trust." Amon,'
tliose who eigued the letter to th;
President were Dr. E. AV, Smith, a class-
mate at Yale, of President Taft and Wil-
liam It. Howes, who was prominent in
local chic reforms: The letter in part
"We wish to call your attention to
the fact that since adjournment of Oen-
ode the piece of sugar has 'wetly
doubled. No reports have appeared in
thc publie press of alit. shortage in the
stieretr crop and no reason lute been given
tor, the increase in priee. But the sugar
tru'st has been to great expense for do -
folio+ of charges of grafting end for
heavy fines for being caught with the
geode and we believe the price of sugar
has beea advanced to cover these ex-
"Recent investigations have sbown
springs Wider settle
that front corset
beams to bribery of Milted States of-
ficials, nothing. has escaped tile notice
of, the sugar trust that ebuld be used
to aril) the people. Within a short Itinte
one of the gang's trust magnates laid
pains to do business hi Canada. The
Canadian Clover»ment did not let them
skin the people for forty years before
indicted. The trust magnates were no-
tified that if they started and. hold-up
operations they would go to jail, ae soon
as they could be found. The trust mag-
nates decided not to clo business in Can -
ad a.
`We admire the splendid spirit of the
Canadian officials. The jail is the place
to punish the trust pirates. Fines have
no More effect than shot blown from
a bean blower. We are heartily sick of
seeing the American people stand like
helpless cattle and be robbed by the
4 -
Arrives in Egypt Amid the
Booming of Big Guns.
Lendou, Oct. 8.-Lord.Kitchener left
England quietly, as an ordinary tourist,
but showed his knowledge, of Egyptian
temperament in his manner of arrival in
Egypt. Ile went front Malta on a cruiser
and was welcomed by a salute of gime
at the entrance to the harbor of Aleetto-
drialioeBritish agent ever arrived on
anything but an ordinary steamer and
never reeeived a salute. °
The Egyptian aNtionalists squirmed at
tippointineut to succeed Sir .Elden
eiorst, but never such a crowd of natives
came forth to welcome a British agena.
They were all eager to catch a glitimse
of Abe alienate. which, beim,cinterpreted,
tneeue "Father of the Moustaches," The
reception aceorded him at Cairo also
eclipsed anything before.'
Thecorrespondents say Cromer's. Veal
drive to the stain and then the Me-
diae's return from Mecca paled In signi-
finatee as far as public interest.was eon.
' •
Montreal, Oct. 8, -SL James' Method-
ist Church and grounds were sold yes-
terday for $2,000,000. The ehurelt had
the target seating aceommodetion of
any Methoclist auditorium in Canada.
There is abottt 77,560 squat feet, with
frontage on St. Catharine street of
235 feet; on Alexander street, 325 feet;
on Mayor street, 236 feet, and on City
Councillors street, 330 feet, or at the
rate of about $26 per square foot. 'While
malty guessea have been made as to the
sale of this big property, it is Safe to
say that the .sale was ratified yeeter-
lay. Mr. J. C. MeGreevy, of Winnipeg,
is the purehater.
Toronto, Oct, O. -Following a tire 151
their store at 470 Richmond street west,
on October I, Jacob Stiitzer and Ms
wife, wao now live at 126 Portland
Aired, were arrested oil Saturday after-
noon by Detective Turner. The charge
againet them is alarm end was laid at
the inetante of the iniottriace companies
intereettel. Both Sniter and hie wife
deny the theme and elaint that they
were at the Sentagogue wheti the tire
broke out. They were allowed out on
bad of 82,000 each.
loronte, Oet. 0.-Conduetor Albert
Burns, of the V. P. It., had a nate* eta
eape front death on Saturday, when he
fell from the ItOntreal train at North
Parledele. As it it he was badly bruised
tied cut, find had It not been for .toeeph
lteteiblion, of 14 flee -forth Avenue, he
would bate rollea under the *heti». Me -
Gibbon was gemlike, on the step e told
{limed the coridattor j1)5i; 414 he WOS
Ecumenical Conference Dis-
cusses the Subject.
Phe Practical Side of the
Question Emphasized,
Ex. -Vice -President Fair-
banks of U. $.% a Speaker,
Tooriao, Oct. 0. -With pithy periods
and strikiug eentences from the sermoos
and addressee of yesterday's meetings
reletive to the relations of latter and the
church eropping Oat afi quotations in to-
day'S 'discussions, the Ecumenical Meth°,
dist Conference continued is work by
considering under numerous subdivisions
the general topic, "The Study of the
, The addresses include1 in the proceed.
ings of the morning session, of Which
Rev. J. Scott Lidgett, editor of tee
Methodist Times, was president, were
those on "Permanent Besults of BlIaie.al
Criticism," by Prof. A, S. Leake, et Mc
Primitive Methodist Church; "Vertfieei
tion. of Revelation i55 Experience," by
Rev. 4. A. Goilbey, • of the Methodist
Church Mission, and "Alethosis of Bible
Study," by Rev. 3, Oliver Park, of the
Irish alethodiet Church.
As heretofore, the practical Side sum-
med .up in the word "Service', was eue
phasized by the speakers. Chancellor
James It. Day, of teyracusa University,
had tersely inepressea the sentimeut of
the delegates on that subject in the
morning sermon yesterday -"Tho Church
has enough theology to last until the
millennium. What we need is the old-
fashimied sense of duty on the part of
every men ana woman, not of things to
be gained, but of things to be given."
Cluteles W. Vail -balks, eornierly Vice -
?resident of the United States, telt that
individual service is most effectlies When
eceoberation with that of the Werth.
elf there is to be it eessatien, of con-
flict between labor and, (melte', it will
have to come through. Oneceristien re-
ligion Lula its churches. '1e1ugioxt bas
touched. the problems of thild labor, bet-
ter surrouedings and woman labor. But
its ideate aro a long way from realiza-
tion. Religion demands thet.;for the
same service a woman shOulaareecive the
same wages as men receive. • A people
cannot rise higher than its woinanhood
'rises and it is the church's piteitege 50
lift women into her true dignity."
The tuitount of inteorst taken, in the
proeteding *of the Eetinteuicat. confer-
ence is not' abating and this morning
the galleries of the Metropolitan Church
were well filled by the public. The topic
of the mottling "The Study of the Soma
tures," Ives dfscussed with considerable
warmth, Prof, A. 8, Reake gave an
eseay on the petmanent results of bib-
lical criticism. This paper is 'a clear
and frank account of the results of mod-
ern criticism and was heard with deep
attention.The old and new schoels came
into open conflict at once.
Prof. Je If. Moulton, of Manoliester,
spoke for modern criticism and in the
course of his remarks paid a tribute to
Prof, -Geo, jaekeon, of Vietria ,College,
as one whom they -reverenced highly on
the other side..
Bishop Carman, of the - Methodist
Church in Canada, was on 1)15 feet at
the first opportunity, and challenged
the .higher critics. "I believe ia criti-
cism," he said, "but not in shady. and
cloudy enigthas to bother the public."
He believed in freedom, but said
there were alliances which militate
against Christianity. He was sorry to
bear a line of special:pleading. Bei.,ieh
Methodism is not going forward,. he
declared, and it was due to biblieal
tieism, The Meeting at large, hewever,
allowed a sympellietic .attitude toward
modem echolarship. -
"The Verification of the revelation ;,n
experience" was the first address deliv-
ered by Rev. V. A. Godbey, D. D., of
the Methodist Episcopal Mita, South,
folloWed by Itev. J. Oliver Park, B. A.,
of the Irish 'Methodist Church, with a
well delivered address on methods. ,of
hibliel Study.
- -
Touch Una Judge Who Was
Assaulted on Street. .
Toronto, Oct. O. -loan Walter Dick,
an excise officer, eixty years old,
who acted as touch -line incite at the
Hamilton-Argo-naut Rugby gania at
Rosedale on Satruday, woe etraelt
doevn hy a, man with whom lie get
into a heated argument hitOr the
game. Whoa Dick fele hi $ bead
struck on Inc stone step le front of
the Quebec Bank, on Toronto street;
His assailant fled emit Dick was taken
In the hospital, where he died this
morning without regaining 0011fi0i01.16-
1106S. Deteetives ire note acouring
the eity for 'his ,assailfant. This morn-
ing they Bemired it warrant hgainst
an unknown man charging leini with
causing the death of Mr. Dick. So
far the only deseription of the man'..
aesailent is that he woe short, etout.
and wore a blue milt, Tht police are.
making a thorugh investigation and
an inquiry will be held at the morgue
to -day. Tho dodoes found a. Wood
clot on his bettin wben they tre-
painted his skull but the operation did
not save his life.
London, Ont., Oct, 8.--1ire troubled
life of George. Baker comae to a rime
Alt Saturday, when lit succumbed to
tuberculosie '15t Vietoria Hospital.
Baker left the hospital some montlie
ago anti made hie way to a tam
waere he tried to work, but found
himeelf too weak. Ile then returned
to the -city, but not deeiretie of going
to the hospital, lay for homes helpless
, on the river balk, where he wits found
by boys. It wee thought that he would
die right amity, but be lived four months
tenger. He ow here from England WW1
htta no friends or relatives in this emit -
In the sitteenth eentry tlo AVOUToin in
%trope was considered in full tiresft un -
lege She wort a mirror in her imeent,
The, glass wee nettelly of ae oval entitle
and measured about four by 151X irtekes
ift thee,
Campaign forgivilNarriage
Toronloi (At, yigorOnl Campaign
to overthrow the No 'Xemere. decree and
to make the inarriegetio a evil action
hos been started.. Maes ineetinga are
being ?lance for, Ifteet'ore settle* torth
tho eituation in pliat. enmeitetkatile lan-
guage 15 to be dlet,ributea dmonget all
minieters in the Dominion awl to the
newspaper editors,
This Was the mOst unanimousmitten
of the gvaaigelleal held a
special meeting to consider the matter
from an unbiased standpoint,
41 is expected what it petition consist.
ing of millions. of meows tt1 seortiy be
forwarded to Preialet Borden at Otta,
wa, requesting hint to briug the matter
before the House of 000141011$ and use
Itis influence toward setting aside the
No Tenter° declitre fot all time.
The petition will 00 be sent to tilt
premiers of each province wait a request
that the matter be fought out in the
Provincial Legislatures. As prince ltI
ward Island and British. Columbia one
trol their own marriage lows, a petition
will be sent to them asking that they
else enter upon a similar line of adieu,
In Attempt to Overthrow
Portuguese Republic,
Royalists Engaged in a
Vigorous Campaign.
Lisbon, Oda 9. -The Royalists, alter
their defeat at linhaes, Metre they
lost fifty men, entreoche,d themselves
in the rough country, and 1110 awaiting
the arrival of another colunm under
Cepa Couciere. It le reported that they
have eight field pieces and four maxim
guns, A party of monarchists command-
ed by a priest attacked an express train
whieh wee carrying troops to the north,
near Monsanto, They placed, an obstruc-
tion on the tracks, which woe discole
ered by the engineer,- who stopped his
train when it was within fifty yards
of the pile of stones, and, railroad ties.
As thntrain halted, it was fired upon.
The troops responded and drove off the
Royalists. Four hundred, Royalists at-
tacked Macedo de Cavalleiros, which
ha.s been reinforced, but withdrew
after a fight that continued for two
hours. Priests are taking an active part
in the organization of guerrilla bands
and are leading them in the emnbat
with uplifted crucifixes. The .a.foutir-
chist flags aro flying over the eiturcliee
at Castello, Branco and. Santo,. Thyrso.
The Government is finding difficulty in
handling the cavalryand infautry in
the mountainous districts.
Buffalo Man Bringing His
Wife to Hampton.
Harry W. Briggs' Exper-
iences on the Road.
. -
Niagara Falls, Oct. Sea -Harry W.
Briggs, of No. 2,933 McKeon avenue.
ticket agent at the Tenth street sta.
tion of the New York Central Railroad,
is wondering what caused a series of
incidents witieh nearly led to bis losing
his wife on a trip to Hamilton, Ont.,
Briggs arranged to go aboaad the
Michigan Central at 1.30 'teeloek in the
afternoon. Ito was takina hes wife for
it shore trip. and had safely put her
aboard the train when he happened to
remember a pitexage he Was to takO
along. He got off and Tautened to the
°Him Some difficulty was encountered
in locating the package, and before
Briggs got back to the platform the
tram was steaming down the line needed
for the cantilever bridge. .
The tieket agent carries much avoir-
dupois, but that mattered not to him
when there was something at stake.
Ho marathoned after the speeding train
pursued by a, flock of bop.
At the entrance to the bridge he was
held up by the Canadian immigration
inspeetots, but was soon reeognized,
and permitted to continued his strides,
pantie's the while.
At Niagara Falls, Ont., the train
stopped as usual, and Briggs 'Was
lielped abetted and soon recovered his
At Fraser, a station wen melee up
the road, Briggs stepped to the rear
platform of has ear to say "hoitad'y'de
to it brother agmit, when off blew hie
hat. It- was one of thepreeions de-
signs, and Briggs was not disposed to
lose the precious kelly. Off he went
after the dieer, whieli he eurrounded
with both arms just•tts the big M. 0.
lotomotive coughed her way triumph-
antly out of the depot.
It Wag no User follotvilig the train
afoot, so the ticket agent got a rig and
took it cross country ride, and fitter -
opted his train at Welland.
At thie station Briggs deelared hint.
self: "If my shirt blows off, 1 won't
leave this train again until I get to the
end of my journey," he said, and kept
Itis word.
London, Oct. 9.--4Hesha Strecton, the
novelist, died 'here today. She was never
marriaa, and site and her sister, Eliza-
beth Smith, lived together all their lives.
When the latter died lag February, it
Was preilietea that the author woied
not survive iqr very long, as she Was in
feeble health at the time. The father
of the novelist Wa4 is Shropshire book-
Ottawa, Oet. 0.--Thetr Eseelleneies
the Governor-General and. Countess
Grey, Lady Sybil arid tidy Evelyn
Grey, Mr. ern] Mrs. Dongeld Maleotri
end Captain Ilingliton leave Ottawa via,
it speciid train over the C. P. R. for
einebee int 4.30- this itfternoort. 'Vile
Vieteltegil party go through to Quebec,
where they wfll embark far England.
Mysterious Tragedy as Ped,
estrians Look On.
TaxicabRapidly Disappears
After the Shooting,
Chicago Police Hunting for
the Shooter,
fehicego, Oet. la-Gtiorge ;Reyna, who
is described as is menufacturer'sangent,
4142 West North avenue, was shot ana
probably fatally wounded at Twelfth
and Leavitt streets at 10 o'clock last
night by an unidentified assassin.
Bryant was shot from a taxicab in
which he had been riding. The xebiele
bad drawn up at the curb. He aligated
and Malted away. Ile wee called back.
As he turned bystanders saw a flash of
Dem, beard it shot, and saw Bryant
tel to the curb. no fell in the street.
The chauffeur of the motor ear throw
on the high speed at the command of
his passenger and sped away in the
darkness. The shot had pierced Bryant's
Before the man who did the shooting
was whisked away bystauders thought
they recognized him as "Dayton Red,"
a =navel! known to the police through
a long criminal record.
The shooting took place at 10,15
o'cloek. It was witneseed by only a
few persona Beceume of the rain the
usually busy cor»er was almost deserted.
Attention of those who were braving
the storm ivas attracted by the sudden
stop made by the maehine, The chaff -
/time who mid been driving his 0111' at a
high speed, suddenly pat on the brakes
in response to it sharp command from
The maebine skidded eigainst the curb.
The door was flung open and Bryant
leaped out. He evidently was anxious
to put distance between himself and the
other -taxi passenger as ,quickly as pos-
A call from the man who' stayed in
the car caused *Bryant to turn just be-
fore be had reached shelter. Sharp words
were exchanged. The next instant there
was n. flesh and it report above the
ehuggine of the inachine.
Brytait fell, fee° forward, a bullet
through hie abdomen. Then the taxi's
wheels spun around on the wet pave-
ment and the machine was gone.
The few passersby had sought cover
when Bryant *jumped -from the mysteri-
ous machine, When the ear swung
aeound the corner they went to the vic-
tim's assistance.
They carried the woutided man to a
store,. A few minutes later detectives
front the Maxwell street station and
an ambulance from the County Hospital
Bryant was rushed to the County
Hospital by police of the Maxwell street
station. Ile is about 50 years old and
of good papearance. Ire was conscious.
While in the ambulance the police asked
aim who shot him. He would not say,
nor would he tell ale -thing about what
led to the assault.
At the hospital be was taken immed-
iately to an operating room. The sur-
geons said the chances for reeovery wore
Connaughts' Servants Sur-
prised at Sight of Shanties.
Ottawa, Oct. 9., -"Can this possibly be
Ottawa, the Capital . city of Canada?"
gasped the advance guard of II. R. IL
the Duke of Connaught's household, as
their special train of three Pullman
sleepers, diner, day coach, three baggage
cars and express car, were shunted into
the yards at 7 o'clock.
The outlook from their trains to the
rows of shacks and dilapidated buildings
in Gm vicinity of the yards was mident-
ly not their expectations of what their
home for the next few years should be,
and they ilia not hesitate to express_
their views on the matter.
There were .twouty-eight servants and
three aide -de -camps in the party, which
arrived tit Montreal on Saturday morn-
ing by the S. S. Victorian, There was
one baggage car of personal ebaggege,
tied an express ear containing two high-
power automobiles. There were 221
pieces .of baggege in all, and about 450.
additional pieces are expected with the
royal pertparty,whenit arrives on Satur-
Pinkertons Close Their De-
fence Against Russell.
Montreal, Oct. 9. -The defence in the
now famous David Russell vs, the Pink-
erton Agency completed their ease this
morningand the ClittIOUCr, in reblittal
will begat this afternoon, ,
aft J. W. Macriamata, oite of the do,
fendants in the ease and the superin-
tendeet of the Pinkerton office in Mont-
real, oeeupied the stand for the bolt
part of the day. He was examined as
to each different itein which goes to
make up the bills fot services that have
been rendered to Mr. Russell by his
apace, for work perfortnea last October,
and which Mt. Remelt has refused to
pay. The expenses were Watered in
shadowing Mr. j. 8. Pattereon And Mrs.
• Allan both in New York Awl in Mont-
Mr. Russell.bad told elacnomara, to
go and get his Money from the people
he had been working foe.
Judge Archer evidently wanted some
more light thrown on certain points.an1t.
questioned the witness himself for some
five initiates.
Dettoit, Oct. 8.--M1.. and Mee eeeee
Kraft, proprietors of a roadhouse 410VOn
eines front Detroit, were murdered in
their saloon last night, anti the polle8
are searehing for Charlet Fuller, a tome
C) employee. A daughter of the murder- .
Iell 44)111411 PlitiniS 'Puller sillot at her fa -
Cher and litiqqta, foul then 'killed her
pa ten te.
?Minty a num with a coat of arms
Wears baggy troustre
Lacrosse, VVis, Swept by Flood and Two
Thousand Homeless,
Laerosse, Wis., Oct. eittuition
at Week River Falls, the prosperous lit -
tic city of 2,000 inhabitants which was
swept by a flood yesterelay afternoon,
when the waters of the. Black River,
swollen by recent rains, washed through
the mnbankment of the LocraSse Water
Power Company's dams at Ilatsfiehl, was
Inst night worse by far than was even
feared when the flood swept upon the
ciltfYti'lf the business aection and part
of the residence aistriet have been de-
stroyed, and it is said by the townpeo-
pie, who have taken refuge on aigh
lands, unable to make an effort for the
protection of their stovers and homes,
that the city will be wiped out.
Mather or not lives Iteve been lost
is not yet certain. Two persons have
uot been accounted for,
At 7 &dock lest night between twen-
ty-five and thirty busmos lotuses, tenue
prising all the stems on both sides of
two streets, had been destroyed, with
an equal number of houses.
At that hour the waters were gill
rising rapidly end the destruction of the
stores on the other two business streets
before morning was predicted.
The water, -flowing in tremendous
voluxne, undermined one big building af-
ter another and as each collapsed the
debrisfor the most part was carried
away. The Tremont. Hotel, it three-stor-
ey structure, was the first to go.
No 'precaution could be taken to stop
the wrecking of the town, the residents
Reding it difficult to secure eafety for
lves,families and more veleable
None of the ;docks in the stores was
saved and little of the heavier furniture
in the houses.
The dam 11155 a solid concrete litrue-
tare, sixty feet high and 100 foot deep
at the base. It was considered strong
enough to hold any flood of water
which might be tamed against it.
Chipposaa Falls, Wis., Oct. 9. --The big
dams of the Star Mills on Duncan Creek
in this city weut out yesterday. .The
dant of the big flouring mills at,Bloom-
or, on the mane stream, also washed.
The comitry is flooded ht every diaec-
tion. The .Chippewa River has risen
eiglit feet in the last ten hours rind is
overflowing its hanks and water is run-
ning in the streets as the rise of en
eighteen hour downpour of tale. The
city is absolutely isolated by railroad
'e river is still riehig, as the etiretuus
in the upper euuntry ere all flooded.
Two latedred feet of male track of the
Mioneapolie. St. Paul & Sault Ste, Marie
Railroad, eight milee west of Chis• city,
bas been wasbed. ont. There Is also, a
bad washout near Colfax, and land-
slides in cuts in the vicinity of Alberti
ville have covered, the tracke.
Trains from the Twin Cetiee eannot
get through, and tettins from the south
aave gone to Ladysmith and west over
the Canadian Soo tracks.
Lacrosse, Wis.e•Oct. 9. --The two thou-
eand inhabitents 01 Bleak River Valls
to -day are without food or shelter after
spending it night at the hills watching
the waters froin the Roods of the Black
River over -run their town. Through
Mayor McGill they sent out an appeal
to the people of the country for assist-
*tullec'ell'e town continues cut off from the
world by regular telegraph and tele-
phone, and it was only by again resort-
ing to the expedient of sending is man
up a telephone pole on the edge of
the town that the cry for help could be
sent out,
alayor McGill said tItat the people
needed both food and tents bt Wide))
to live unt.il their homes could be re-
Tpopulation fled yesterday without
.stopping to take extra clothing. alley
spent a disagreeable day under it pita
less rain, but in the evening the weath-
er cleared aed there was less suffering
from exposure (intim; the. night. • ,
All along the 'title camp fires burned,
while below in the darknese could be
heard the rush ef waters engulfing the
The Mayor of Black River Falls to -
8 151(1 it woold be several days before.
the flood receded sufficiently to permit
even an examinatiou of the ruins and
that the need of relief was imperative.
:immediately after. his messege was 'M-
edved here a special meeting of the La-
crosse COlineil \MS called to consider
relgicrIonsesaerallieiZ Oct. 9. -The flood from
the broken dam is- now sweeping the
couutry just north of Lacrosse., and is
increasing the height of the Missiesippi
River here at the rate of an 11161 11.11
110lir.. Early to -day the Mississippi
here stood at eight and eight -tenths feet,
above zero, a rise of almost four feet
since Saturday morning.
Tim% Black River Fails which was
wiped out bym
the flood,
iay not be re-
built at all, s the opinion of many.
Dr. Webster May Refuse to
Plead in Court.
Man With Black Moustache
Now Blamed.
Oregon, Ill., Oct. 9. -When Dr. Harry
n Webster, accused of murdering his
wife, Basle „Kent Webster, is arraigndd
in ;Qua to -day, it is said, he will refuse
to plead. The court will then oe re-
quired to enter a plea pf not guilty for
the prisoner. Attorneys for the defence
say they expect to prove that Bessie
Kent Webster was murdered by a mys-
terious person, with a black moustache,
while Webster and it woman detective
wete followinir the couple in pursuit ef
evidence, which the Beged nut:tient ex-
pected to use in reopening his divoree
cart. Dixon rivalry has sprung tip ee-
tween two livery men, according to the
defence, both concerns claiming owner-
ship of the rig that Convoyed Webster
and the woman to tbe pasture-a.vliere
the body was found. The detince nBl
eontend that both liverymen are right
about renting it vehicle to Chicago peo-
ple, and tat two different couples
hired rigs.
Chronology of the Los An-
geles Dynamiting Case.
Los Angeles Cab, Oct. chron-
ology of the 'Los Angeles dynamitine
case, whieh is Bet for trial next. Wed"-
needity, Oct, 11, is as follows:
October L -Times newspaper pleat
destroyed by explosion and fire. Twenty
men killed. Bombs found at 'tome of
General Harrison terey Otis„ peoprietor
of the Times, and Felix Zeohandelaar,
Secretary :Merchants' and Manutactur.
ers' Assocuttiom
October 9. -Experts Appointed by
Mayor Alexander to investigate muse
of disaster reported that hogh explosive,
such as nitro-glyeerine, had been used.
• October 13. ---Job Harriman., attorney
representing labor Innen initerests,
'questioned avitnesees before coroner's
juty, elielting statement that in their
.opinion explosion WAS 'caused. by gas.
October 25. -Special grand jury, bit-
peitellett by Judge Boritived, began
sifting alleged evidenee thatathren irtee
kUoAVII AS 3. 13, Briee, Milton A. Selindat
and David 'Caplan, had blown up :110
Times with "eighty per cent, geletinc,"
purchased September 20 front Giant
Powder Works et San Franeleco. Five
hundred pomuis oi dynaraite, later
identified as part of that purchaeed by
trio, was found melted 111 hOUSO itt
South San Francisco, October lit
Decentber 2.1.,--Liewellytt Iron Werke
partially wrecked by eeplosion.
January 8. -Grand jury reternea
secret nutietmentri Bri00,
Sehmidt and Caplan.
March 14. ---Coroner's jur,'r filed vet -
filet &cluing victims met Oda bt
wreok and fire eaused by dynantite
Aptit 11,--Jamee 13. McNamara nnd
Ortie 1. Meatanigal arrested in De-
troit ined taken to place of hitting- in
April 15. -Secret aidietmente alai by
grand jury agaimit donee la me.
Nomtrit, 011ie 'H. MeMattigial aft.t John
3. McNamara, chergittg them with dm
etruetlon of the Thins.
April 22. -John J McNamara ar-
rested in offices of International Asso-
ciation of Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers in Indianapolis. Extradited
immediately, and rushed aeross the
oe onn tmhaie;tbyt o aLaonise sA Anigeevaeasm, abreai
Afanigal. Joseph Ford, .Assistant Dia-
trict Attorney of Los Angeles who ob-
tained extradition, arrested later on
charge of kidnappiug. Detective Wil-
liam 3, Burns and Detective Jemes
Hostel:, of Los Angeles, subeequently
indicted on same charge.
April 26. -Prisoners arrived in Los
May 4.--aleManiga1 taken before
,grand jury, where Ile made sworn
statement accusing James B. MeNamera
of having grown up the Times, and
declaring' himself responsible for Llew-
ellyn Iran Works explosion.
May 5. -Grand jury returned indict-
ments accusing MeNtunara, Schmidt,
Caplan, John Doe and Richard Doe of
Times explosion, and holding eleMani-
gal responsible jointly with John J.
McNamara'for attempt to ,vreck
Llewellyn Iron Works. MeNamaras
arraigned. Bail asked-. This denied
May 9.
' May 23. -Clarence S. Darrow arrived
from Chicago to become chief couneel
for MeNamaras. Time for entering piens
deferred to July 6,
July 111-Insteed of enteriug pleas,
defence assailed jurisdiction of judge
Bordwell, denying his right to try Num,
and moved to quash indictments.
July 12.-Bordwell overruled both
motions. Defence filed exceptions. Mc-
Namaras pleaded not guilty. Trial set
for October 11, Rill,
Victoria. College to Confer
Degrees on Delegates.
Toronto, Oet, 0. -The Charter Day pro-
coolings of Victoria. College bare
added interest this year owing to the
conferring of honorary degrees upon the
following representative members of the
ecumenical Conference:
Rev. James Chapmaa, Principal oi
Soathliteds College, London,
Rev, Edwin Dalton, lune President of
the ?Hilaire Methodist Church of Eng-
Rev. Henry Haigh, Newcastle -on -Tyne,
President of the Wesleyan elethodiet
'Mona, England,
Rev. 11. T. Lewis, D. D., Weethanater,
Mai ylaod, President of the Methodist
Protestant Church, United States,
Rev, G. Packer, Leeds, President 01
the United Methodist Chetah.
Ilex, John 0. Park, 13. A,, Vice -Presi-
dent of the Melt :Methodist Confereeee.
Rev. Bishop Smith, D. D., Detroit,
Mich., African :%lethodist fan scope I
Rev. Bishop Walden, D. D., Cineunuali„
Ohio, :‘iethodist Episeopal Church,
Bev. W. Williams, Vietoria, Australia,
ex-l'resident of the Australian Mahe -
d' Choral.
Rev. Bishop A. W. Williams. 0. D„
Baltimore, mit., Methodist Epieeopal
Churelt South,
fee Catharines, Ont.. Oct. 9. -nowt!
Athrow, it young Englisiman employ-
ed at the Ontario Whiery ot Barnesdale,
is still uneonseione et the hospital here
. after it fall from his bieyele upon the
(Mario street pavement at midnialit on
a:10May. Ills reeovery is doubtful.
-. ......i ...a.m.
i Toronto despatch: lloy trim:len, itp.
1 peering in the I oltee t mut yeeteidaa i
on the ellarge that he did "kill ana slay :
lnue Elizabeth eetIter, of Oshawa," who
watt ruu down by his motor on Tonto I
Street, on Thuredev MAL, was refused -
bail by 3Ligistratt`Donison .
Italy May Limit VVar Oper-
ations to Tripoli,
Praying for the Success
of Italy,
Loudon,. Oct. stealing item of
wav news to -day tomes front Constanta
nople to the effect thet the Turkish Gov
enter of Saint jean de Ilfedua ou the
Albanian Coast, hasinformed the Porte
that it vessel flying the Austrian flag
and carrying an Hallett officer and
Ian soldiers has been sunk by the forts,.
all on board perishing.
An Italian warsalp then came up and
bombarded the town, doing muelt dam-
age to property.
Italian reports tell of the sinking of
two Turkish torpedo boats, with a loss
of three hundred Turks at Saint then do.
. From all perts of the Turkish Empire
messages are arriving in Constantinople
urging the Sultan to declare a holy war.
Turkey -has scut another eote to the
powers, asking for intervention and of-
fering to grant every reasonable conees-
Wen to Italy.
The Turkish faces at Tripoli have
been withdrawn to the interior, witere
they will either await the Italians, or,
if possible, return to the attack. Rumor
has it, however, that they are already
short of provisions and may be forced
to surrender.
Chiasso, Oct. 0. -Besides the Duke of
Abruzzi, the war with Turkey has an-
other hero -eat least 01)0 Wit° 10 001181d-
ered to be such by the Italian people.
Although lte has not fought, William
Marconi, on all occasione where Italy is
concerned, teems the warmest patriot*
ism. Sioce hostilities began hp has de -
preyed the Turkish fleet 01 1)18 wireless
apparatus, not wishing it to be used by
the enemy of his country.
Mr. alareoui, having come to Italy to
sapereise the the working of it high pow-
er wireless station at Celstano, .which
communicates with Africa, has been the
object of frantic demonstrations when-
ever he appears.- The King asked Mr.
and Airs. 'Marconi to be his guests at San
Rossore, a few miles from Coltanol while
the wireless experitneuts were going, on,
Claim°, Oct. 0. -This morning's news
is gravest from Turkey, where Italians
are threatened with expulsion, [1 1) mass-
acre occur, war in that quarter will
again burst forth, as it would then be
impossiblt to prevent and on Albania,
lying as it does only it few hours front
the Ittilian coast. Soca tut event would
mean the intervention, of the other pow-
Rome, via Frontier, Oct. 9.- [1 18 un-
derstood that the powers will mite
representations at Constantinople noti-
fying Turkey that, Italy, with it view to
avoiding very grave complications the
consequences of which would be deteri-
mental chiefly to Turkey, has agreed
to limit the war to Tripoli. Moreover
that this principle will be abandoned
if the Ottoman government is unable
to restrain excesses against Italy on
Turkish territory, and thus forces Italy
to carry the war into other provinces of
the Turkish empire for the direct pro-
tection ,of her subjects and their inter-
ests, which Germany could not safe -
corded Tnrkish subjects and institu-
tions in
will be made with the treatment ac-
mparisOn of the situation in Turkey
dwithout using force.
Italy, where no attack has been
made. upon Turks, and no violence colli-
mated against the Turkish Embaesy
or consulate, while the Turkieh -vessels
in Italian waters have been unmolested.
Dowager Queen Marguerite, though
etill in deep mourning for her sisters -in -
tit', the tato dowager -queen, Maria Pia,
of Portugal, and Princess Clotilile, is
actively engagea in the preparations of
the Red Cross Society for service in
Tripoli, The Dowager Queen joins in
the daily !Haines ror the triumph of
the Italian army, and that it may be
spared the further shedding of blood.
Demonstrations in honor of Kin Vic-
tor Einniamiel, as he proceeded to Nap-
les for a farewell to the troop e em-
barking for Tripoli, inaleateetket the
war continues popular.
During the last night, groat crowes
filled the railway stations and lined the
route of the royal train. They carriea
lanterns and terehes, and whenever the
train stopped they wanted to see the
Xing. They refuse to iteeept the excuse
that Hie Majesty needed rest, having
little sleep for two weeks, and the
sovereign was compelled to appear re-
peateely. He Was reWarded Invariably
With an Outburst of applause.
The clergy have been directea to
urge their congregations to pray for the
eneeees of the Italian army.
London, Oct. 9,-Telegreens patted at
the Baltic :Mercantile &, Shipping Ex-
change to -day state that Turkey has de -
eared grain a contraband of war And
that the banks refusing to finance sale;
mote, the loading of vessels has been
Berlin, Oet. 9.-A circular note from
the Turkish Governtnent asking the
powers whether they 'consider that the
conditions, was presented to the Gethiau
negotiations looking towards peace* he
Foreign Office to -day.
Tripoli to Italy under certain mull-
:ours:as adrived to seek a baste for
tween Turkey. and Italy, and under what
The note contemplate* thc giving of
It is thought at the Foreign Office
that Italy may not be ready yet to ne-
gotiate. The decision to. expel Italians
from Turkey against which the repre-
eentations of the GOrinall ettabaesadoi.
at Consteettioople Baron Mareeltell Von
Bierbenstein have not beeit effeetive yet,
was designed ehiefly, it is thought,
here, for ffeet upon the emeleg
it(ions, Turkey hopieg that the threat
might 0111180 tile Ttalhrus to 111111415 lama
(irate terms.
KILLED ON 0. T. 11.
Loudon deepateli: The alian kilted
on the Grand Trunk tvaeks last -Meet
and whose identity vemainea utilit ,'
entil to -day, was junto McKeown, 'reale
Grey street, a laborer. Itis wife idea -
quid the lantana to -night.
Fashionable eitanen ildis *easily mill
JO litpless, etosetless, ekirthiee
nett knock more Illan ettstless.--Vtrash.
ington Poet.