HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-10-12, Page 44 TILE WINGHAM ADVANOtE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1911 Ciood 0oads Fxaduce Wanted Sensational Values Men's Fall and Winter Necessities ifiVpgAg Men's Unshrinkable Underwear This season we are showing a splendid range of MEN'S HIGH GRADE UNDERWEAR from the cheapest to the more expensive. Special For This Week 100 Suits Men's Un - shrinkable Underwear, sizes 32 to 44 -to clear at 63c Per Garment 25 Men's Winter Overcoats to clear at $5.15 This lot consists of fancy Tweeds with velvet con- vertible collar and worth in the the regular way from $1o.00 to $i5.00. 15 doz. Men's Heavy Winter Socks, black or grey, to clear at 17C pr. - Special Fur Announcement We invite every man in the country to come and inspect our Fur Stock, Compare Our Values with others and be con- vinced that we lead in Fur Values. ' Eggs 25 Cts. KING BROS. Prices Right Wu Want Your Trade tionsmonamommummommiam ("! iJrii Imam `. bbane Theo. Nail - Proprietor. semenUrTlox Puticer,--11.00 per annum la advance, $1,501, not so paid. ADVERTI8INU RATE..8.-Legal and othor cas- nal advertisements 10o per nonpariel line for first insertion, 30 per lino for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements In the local oolumne aro charged loo per line for Bret insertion, and 5o per line for eaoh subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $i,4o for first three weeks, and 25 oentsfor eaoh subsequent in- sertion.. CoNTRAO'r RATES. -The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for speoitied periods: SPACE 1 Yr, 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. Ono Column 170.00 $40.00 122,50 18.00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 16,00 6.00 Quarter Column20.00 I2.50 7,60 3,00 One Inch .... 5.00 3.00 2,00 1.25 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged ao- oordingly. Transient advertisements muet bo paid for in advance. WINUTAM PUBLIC SCHOOL. Report Of Standing Of Pupils For, Month Of September. Dept. 1 -Honors 210; paes 168. Maxi- mum 280.-W. McCool 215, Theo. Mc. Donald 228, F. Moore 192, 0. Wilson 195, E. Pocock 201, P. Gillespie 183 J. Angus 258, M. Brown 125, 8. Read- ing 163, B. Isard 247, W. Stapleton 128, J. Richardson 219, N. Rush 215, V. McDonald 175, V. Bradwin 140, 3. Robinson 247, G. Newman 108, R. Rintoul 108, P. Bloomfield. 107, Z. Hines 236, M. Harrison 211, V. Armour 218, A. Robertson 210, S. Maxwell 239, M. Groves 207, N, Taylor 259, W. Irwin 234, C. Crawford 73, W. Morden 176, H. Gould 220, W. Biuecliffe • 200, H. Gray 231, H, Nier- garth 229, B. Blackhall 101, F. Lock - ridge 210, L Gibson 251, N. Gracey 273, M. Murch 228, F. Murch 251, N. McLean 208, K. Pringle 238, L Allen 259, M. Cartwright 91, E, Patter- son 105. YOU PAY LESS HERE Spacial Bargains In Ion's and Boys' Boots « Men's Pine pIigh-grade American Boots, in up-to- date styles for wear, also Patent Leather Ox- fords in newest styles ; all Goodyear welted ; Sizes 6 to 11. ;Regular prices are " k 2 z $4.00 to$5,00---dor. w . c .. 6 ....... . U. Men's Eine Oxfords, regularly $3.O0-for....$t.95 Boys' and Youths' Soots and Oxfords, Box Kip Boots with dull matt, heavy soles ; �4 sizes 11, 12, 13, 4, 5 ----Special Pike.. ROBINS sir R�tN Helpful Hints Oa Hair Health, Scalp And Hair Troubles General- ly Caused By Carelessness. Dandt uff io a contagious disease caused by a microbe which also pro- duces baldness, Never nee acomb or brushbelonging to some one else, No matter how cleanly the owner may be, these articles may be infected with microbes, which will infect the scalp. It Is far easier to catch hair microbes than it is to get rid of them, and a single stroke of an Infeoted brush or comb may well lead to baldness, Never try on anybody else's hat, Many a hat -band le a resting place foto microbes. If you happen to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we believe will completely relieve these troubles. We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the under- standing that it will cost you nothing for the trial if it does not produce the results we claim. This remedy is called Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly believe it to be the most scientific remedy for scalp and hair troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for effectiveness, because of the results it has produced' in thousands of cases. Rexall "93" Hair Tonics le devised to banish dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair naturally silky soft and glossy. It does this because it stimulates the hair follicles, destroys the germ mat- ter, and brings about a. free, healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tight- en and grow new hair. We want everybody who has 'any trouble with hair or scalp to know that we think that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the best hair tonic and restorative in existence, and no one should scoff at or doubt this statement until they have put our claims to a fair test, with the understanding that they pay us nothing for the remedy if it does not give full and complete satisfaction in every particular, Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Remember, you can ob- tain Rexail Remedies in Wingham only at our store -The Rexall Store, J, W, McKibben. Sr. 3rd Dept. 2. Examined in Arith., Geo. and Spell. Total 350- 3, Maxwell 328, P. Holmes 305, A.1 Dore 205, M, Bennett 293, C. Isard 273, M. Cassels 267, S. Hamilton 263, M. Reading 254, V. Patterson 252, F. Car- ruth 251, W. Schaefer 249, M. Smith 215, E. Erskine 240, V, Webb 240, 0, Canthlon 235, T. Bottrell 230,. C. Hir g- ston 228, M. Christie 225, C. Brooks 211, L. Hoffman 210, 0. Rintoul 208, D. Hines 208, H. Kennedy 203, N. Mc - Ritchie 201, E. Hart 200, 3, Currie 109, A. Taylor 191, E. Rogers 190, S. Mc- Lean 185, H. Denis 182, N. Haugh 175, K. Smith 168, N. Vanalstine 148, M. Pocock 96. Jr. 3rd -Dept 3, Sr. Division. Marks obtainable 550. E. Cook 444, N. Mc- Lean 442, A. - Williamson 430, I, Hewer 422, C. Newman 419, A. David- son 417, R. Hewer 413, V. Schaefer 412, P. Johns 896, F. Sturdy 803, W. Dear 384, O. Smith 374, R. Mills 362, L. Currie 357, L. Zurbrigg 354, V. Stricker 353, J. Christie 341, L. Bell 337, J. Nicholls 329, W. Walker 327' V. Davidson 323, H. McDonald 3I3, H. Angus 297, C. Angus 280, L. Sturdy 275, N. Drummond 262, Jr. 3rd -Dept. 3 -Jr. Division. Marks obtainable 500. G. Allen 360, M, Piper 339, J. Sell 339, T. Murch 327, A. Imlay 321, 0. Isard 308, E. Huffman 302, H, Aitcheson 302, F. Robinson 299, B. Williams 275, L. Stevens 262, 0. Wild 253, R. Forsythe 239, 0. Merk- Iey 231, H. Mann 225, M. Allen 203, Dept, 4 -Sr, Second. Marks given 512 -G. Irvine 453, H. Angus 453, S. Bell 422, E. Musgrove 417, M. Coultes 416, M. Passmore 415, P. Joynt 403, H. Miserner 402, E. Angus 401, T. Sanderson 391, J. Dobie 390, F. Hinscliffe 390, G. Fryfogle 383, H. Mutch 382, E. Hamilton 360, D. Clark 356, L. Jarvis 349, R. Anderson .339, C. Lloyd 304, W. Aitcheson 291, V. Johntson 287, H. Hamilton 249, E. Johnston 163, Sr. 2nd -Dept. 4, Jr. Section. Marks given 490. M. Walker 453, S. Robin- son 423, L. Duncan 394, O. Adams 388, S. Brown 377, V. Hamilton 356, E. Hayles 348. W. McNevin 343, A. Ken- nedy 343, 3. Saint 336, E. Dobie 327, 0. Pocock 322, A. Bloomfield 321, K. Nicol 310, L. McLean 279, 0. Bell 253, C. Hardy 202, 0. Dickson 170. True Pig Story. Colchester north, in Essex County, is the latest contributor to a. genuine big story. Peter Gibb, who ie a pro- minent and truthful resident of that fertile township, claims to be the possessor of a Jersey sow, which on Sept. 13, 1910, gave birth to 13 pigs; on April 1 (no fooling about this) 1911, she gave birth to 13 more, and on Sept. 15, 1911, she still clung' to the hoodoo number and raised 13 mora,. making 39 pigs in one year, and out of. this number 34 still survive. The northern part of the county has long been noted for its pork productions. Mersea and South Gosfield at one time bid fair to equal or probably outdo the north in the pork industry, but a strange disease appeared a year or so ago which was the means of turning a large number of the porkers "blind" and has bad a tendency to somewhat cripple the production. WHO'S. wRo IN CANADA ZION. L, 'WETMORE When the Habeas Corpus Act was extended to the North West Terri- tories in 1887, Hon. Edward L. Wet- more was chosen one of the judges called for to fill the seats of power in the five judicial dlstrlcts then created to form the Supreme Court of the Territories and filling that post to the satisfaction of all lovers of law and order, there carne, in 1907, the higher honor of appointment as Chief Justice of Saskatchewan. Born at Fredericton, N.B„ in 1,841, young Wetmore got the ground work of his education at the local grammar school, following on to King's College 'there, now the University of New Brunswick, and at the early age of 23 wax .called to the bar. This was a Particularly good beginning and the townsmen and other admirers who took the liberty of prognosticating, were, as results proved in no way rash when they scheduled for the youthful son of Fredericton, many honors under the legal banner, to arrive well in, advance of the average retlral stage. Following on a number of years duty as deputy clerk of the Crown, Mr. Wetmore became a Queen's Council in 1881; was presi- dent of the New Brunswick Bar- risters' Society in 1886-87; and for the same term acted as representative of Explorations In Rockies.' Mrsere, Dr. N. Collie and A. L. Mumm of London, England, have re- turned to Edmonton after two months spent in the Canadian Rockies on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way. These gentlemen have been been exploring a hitherto unknown region in the vicinity of Mount Rob- son, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies, and were accompanied by a train of 20 pack horses, and they state that in some places, the forests, were so impenetrable, that they had to cut their way through. Several dis- coveries were made. In one locality they came across two great glaciers larger than any known in the Rockies, and sighted a towering peak that had the appearance of being even, larger than Mount Robson, which is 13,700 feet above the level of the sea. One of the glaciers was 40 to 50 miles in length, and 7 to 8 miles in width, and of striking formation. Jr. 2nd -Sr. Section. Marks given 400.-0. Hutton 850, P. McLean 340, C. Stapleton 312, R. Sanderson 305, M. Duncan 200, A. Williamson 285, M. Hickey 280, A. Taylor 270, K. Wilkinson 273, L Reid 270, E, Rintoul 261. M. Carruth 250, L. Lennox 225, A. Blackball 207. M. Walker 206, 0. Pocoek 205, H. Gannett, 204, G. Holmes 203, S. Donaldson 200, 3. Davidson 170, A. Galbraith 165, W. Currie 135, M. Dalgleish 112, E. Taugher 112. ,. o Jr. 2nd -1r. Section. Marksgiven 400.-G. Cruickshank 390, O. Robin- son 385, V. Hill 384, M. Reid, 880, C. Armour 879, 3. Lutton 373, Lillian Eltacott 362, I. Simmons 360, I. Day 350, Laura I t 1;1 acott 350 B. Sevens 315, J. Atd 330, 3. Allen 320, G. Misener 312, V. Nixon 800, D. Lynett 290, H. Huffman 280, A. Sturdy 262, E. hart 253, J. Taugher 250, let Book -Sr. Section. donor roll -Jean Vanstone, Doris Fells, Allan Gould, Richard. Madigan, Nelson Morden, Clayton Zurbriggr Maudie Soli, Kirkwood Hutton, David Perrie, Marguerite Johns, Freddie Piper. let Book ---Jr. Section, honor roll --Gordon McRttehie, Earl 'Wild, Freddie Sell. Wilfred Ellaoott, Har- riett Williams, Carrie Mingeton, Charlie Henderson. Division 1-.-Fourtbe---oh11 Sternol, George Fitter, Gertle Simmons, Marie Pelon, Delville Dennis, Scott aobineon, Hartle Tuckey, Arthur Irwin, -Division 7--Thirde---Georgle Bow- er, Leila Nicholson, Velma Arm- strong, Marie Tougher, Myrtle Den- nie, Edna Taylor, Charlie Mason, Manuel Schaefer, Divieten 7 Seoondsl--Arthet Car- ruth, Ecltl . Stevenson, Vera Robin- son, John Casemol, Wilfred Cong- r'aen Ea tereolt Artni ur, Elia Lutton, Gordon ,Alfie, "Dr. Miles' Nervine Completely Cured Our Little Boy of Fits." A family can suffer no. greater affliction than to have a child sub- ject ectto fits or epilepsy. a father or mother would give their all to restore such a child to health. "I am heartily glad to tell you of h was completely ' lebo w v our flit Y cured of fits. He commenced hav- ing them at to years of age and had then for four years. I tried three doctors and one specialist but all of them said he could trot be cured, but Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills made a comptete cure. He Is now hale, hearty and gay. It has been three years since he had the last spell. I shall give Dr. Miles' medicines praise wherever I go. You are at liberty to use this letter as you sec fit and anyone writing to the I will gladly answer if they enclose stamp for rely. 13. M. BOGUE, Windfall, Ind. INVESTMENTS We are to pl.tce a limited amount of money on mort- gage at 6 per cent. Absolute security. HON. EDWARD L. 'WET.MOILE Chief Justice Saskatchewan Alumni Association in the University Senate. In 1863 he took the field as an active politician with designs on a seat in the New Brunswick Legis- lature. An interesting campaign re- tulled in his being chosen repre- sentative for 'York County, and during the session tiu.t followed he made a very acceptable leader of the op- position. The North West called him in 1887, and since then, in addition to the honors already referred to, the Honorable gentleman was selected Chancellor of the Saskatchewan University in 1907, and chairman of the Committee for the consolidation of the laws of the province that same year. Amidst his multitudinous legal and social calls, Mr. Wetmore finds some spare hours to devote to fishing and shooting, and has put up some good records under both headings. He is also a strong admirer of the game of cricket, and from the. earlier days brings the honor of being able to hold up a strong wicket, Farms For Sale Houses For Sale Houses To Rent Insurance Of All Kinds Prompt personal attention given to all branches of our business. Mr. F. W. G. HAULTAIN, INC. Son of Lieut. -Col. W. F. Haultain, R.A., and born at Woolwich, Eng., in November of 1857, Mr. F. W. G. Haultain of the Saskatchewan Legis- lative Assembly, .was an atom in the Dr. Milers' Nervine is just what it is represented to be, a medicine compounded especially for nervous diseases, such -as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul- sions and epilepsy. These diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak ;muds. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven most effective in reliev- ing these dreaded maladies. gold by all druggist*. If thl! first bottiS fail* to benefit your ref:MO 1* returned. SILO MEEDIOAL. 00., Termite, tir<rte Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE r The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU If yon get your clothes from us, you are sure to get Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes made to fit neatly made well made that Iook well. that wear well that last well in latest style that please that satisfy • We understand our business We have the goods We know the styles Oar, charges are right 71-Cdennkng The Nifty fan's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand _ed,tekt17--jafeeel Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Fre.: Forest City Shortheand College 3. W. WESTERVELT. JR. J. W. WESTERVELT. Charte*ed Accountant, Vico Principal. 15 0EEDERICK W. G. HAULTAIN Saskatchewan Legislature Dominion census returns while yet too young to take anything like a live interest in the proceedings, his youthful school days being spent at the 1VIontreal High. In course of time the young man passed on to the Peterborough Collegiate Institute, and subsequently to Toronto Univ- ersity with inclinations towards law, t and in 1882 was called ed to the Toronto age of twenty-five. bar at the g Y -five. Very early his interests centred on things political and half a dozen years later Ms friends -- and they are by no meansfew -- were r e able to con- gratulate him as member of the North-West Assembly, where ho re- mained until Its dissolution, oc- cupying the Premier's chair from 1897 until the division of the old North West Territory into two new pro- vinces. At the first general election following (1905) Mr. Haultain was returned to the Saskatchewan Legis- lature, and followed on from the general election of 1908. He repro- sented the North West Territories at pgl muss nt MU MAIM Ai% Principal. ' Ladies;.c. COLLEGI: St: Thomas;ont.. i MAKE YOUR DECISION TORONTO, ON . Will prepare you for an oxcellebt posi- tion in the Business World. Tho first step is important - YOUR CHOICE OF A SCHOOL. Our catalog explains why this college ranks among the best on this continent. Write for ono today. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. BETWEEN SUCCESS AND FAILURE. A COURSE IN THE POPULAR ELLIOTT Cheap Living. It coats 7 eta. per day to feed a prisoner at the Walkerton jail, ac- cording to e, report just fettled by Seller McKechnte. People who claim that the prlce of living le going up will not be able to Substantiate their statements by- referring to the Jailer'e fi,gures. And the humorous part of it is that moat of the prisoners are fat- ter when they leave thou when hen th e3 enter the institution. To increase a motes weight on 7 rte, a day le certain- ly a felt that few know the secret of,- (Bruer "Ilrtsr, THE PROFIT SHARING STORE WINGIIAM, O N T. Kerr & Bird Mufflers, Sweaters, Etc. Have you seen the new SHAPED Muffler with the V neck ; v e have them in black, white, navy, grey, etc., at 5o cts. each, The best 25C Toque, or Stocking Cap, on the market, in plain navy, red and white, or with fancy borders ; warm and rcomy, too, ar.d, any one at 25 cents each. More Coat Sweaters for Ladies, Men and Chil- dren. For Ladies we have a beauty, in red or navy, . with close collar, also two pockets, and a very superior make, at only $3 0o. Also plain white Sweaters, without collar, with two pockets, only $3 00. Children's Coat Sweaters, sizes 22, 24, 26, 28, in red and navy, and navy and red, at only $t.00 each ; a very stylish Sweater. HOW About Pure Foods Here are some Table Dainties Smoked Herring in Boullon, very tasty -per tin .. 10c "Purity" Brand Fresh Cod Steak -per tin 10c Delicious Canned Haddie-per tin 100 Some of the 57 Heinz Varieties -All A11 Pure Heinz Baked Beans, with Pork & Tomato Sauce tin... 150 Heinz Pare Tomato Soup -per tin 15a Heinz Pure Tomato Ketchup -per bottle 100 When You Get It Here, You KNOW Ii,'s Good CENTRA. STRATFORD. ONT. Our registration greatly exceeds that of previous years. Why, Our sohool is the btst of its kind in the West: Best in courses given, best in teachers employed and boat in assisting gradu- ates s to positions. Our graduates aro in demand. Business mon stale that they are the bust. In the post three days we had eleven applications for help which we could not supply. We have three departments-Commlrcial, Short- hand and Telegraphy. Octdo our free catalogue for full particulars. Com- mence your course at once. D. A. bdcLACULA1I - Principal DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER ()rotas -Corner Patrick and Centro etreets l 5saenee, Dr. Kennedy 1st Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy speelaliros in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Madam of the Eye, Ear, Nese and Throat. Byes thoroughly tested. (llamas properly a DR. R. M. MaeLaAN DENTAL SURGEON 0041210, O14'1. HonorToronto UniDepart- versity, me tsGraduate Royal col- lege of Dental Sbrgeees rif Ontario. At Wroiceter evert'rtiendar afternoon and edneaday hday --Otos in Grand Central eirAt OdwlFriday febeet %win need or h preforrattl acrd reettfflliN011 et the teeth, CARPETS AT HALF PRICE Great Clearing Sale of Carpets, Rugs, and Lin- oleums. We have a large stock and have decided to clear out several lines at .from 30 to 50 Per Cent. off regular price, and in some cases more. This is a genuine sale. No fake. Come and see, be convinced, and buy. CARPETS 200 yds. all wool Carpet, Reg. 80c -4o clear 40c per yd. 75 yds. Uuion Carpet, Reg. 60e --to clear.,30c per yd. 80 yds. Hemp Carpet, Reg. 30c -to clear 150 per yd. 100 yds. Tapestry Carpet, Reg. 85c ---to clear SOe per yd. 80 yds. Tapestry Carpet, Reg. 60c -to clear 40c per yd. 90 yds. Tapestry Carpet, Reg. 40c -to clear 25c per yd. SQUARES AND RUGS 1 only Axminster Rog, fawn color, size 3 x 4 yds., was $30.00 -now $23.00 1 only Axminster Rug, green Dolor, size 4 x 4 yds., was $35.00 --nolo $25.00 1 only Velvet Rug, fawn color, size 3 x 4 yd., was $25.00 now .. $20.00 1 only Velvet Rug, fawn color, size 3?, x 8 yds., was $22 50 now $16.00 1 Tapestry Rug, green ground dolor, size 3 x .4 yds., was $12.50 -now $9.00 2 Tapestry Rugs, green and fawn color, size 3 x 3i yds, was $12.50 -now $9.00 1 Tapestry Rug, green ground color, .size 3 x 3i yds., was $13.50 --novo $10,00 1 Tapestry Rug, fawn ground color, size 3i x 4 yds., was $ 15.00-n0 w 1 Taesti Rug, and fawn col Ors 8129 � x4 ds. was $15.00 -now « r. $10.101000 1 Tapestry Rug, green ground color, size 3x 3?r yds., was $9.00-now$7.00 1 Tapestry Rug, green ground color, size 21x 8 yds,, was $7.00 -now $5.00 LINOLEUM 2 pieces 16-4 Linoleum, was 600 per E. y'd.-nt)w........ 50c Large quantities Potatoes wanted; Cash or Trade. 'rio111.1+, 8 °Itwal J. A. (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WINGHAM 1