HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-10-05, Page 8t
E. 13. Osten, M.P. • - President
W. D. MATTREWS - Vice -President
Capital ..,.$4.000,000.00
Reserve $5.000,000.00
Total Assets $62,500,000,00
A. Branch of this Bank has boon es-
tablished in Loudon, Eng., at
73 OORNHILL, E. 0.
This Branoh will issue Letters of
Credit and Drafts on all important
points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent
for collection, make telegraphic trans-
fers, and transact every desoription of
banking business.
Information will be furnished on all
Canadian matters.
A speoial department will be provid-
ed for the use of visitors and bearers
of our Letters of oredit.
C. A. BOGERT - General Manager
W. R. GEIKIC, Manager
R, VANSTON10, Solicitor,
Our Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 30
years, The largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion all over Ontario, we do
better for our graduates than
any other School. You may
study alt at home or partly at
home and finish at the College,
Affiliated with The Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. It would be well for you
to investigate before choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous Bliss Book-
keeping System, which is un-
equalled. It is Actual Business
from Start to Finish, and the
student keeps . same books as
Chartered Banks and Whole-
sale Houses. Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
Fall Terin From Aug. 28th
Write, call or phone for
Chas. W. Burns, Principal.
Farm For Sale.
Fifty acres, being North of the
South of lot 31, 32, let Con. of
Morris, adjoining the village of Blue -
vale ; good buildings, best clay loam,
and altogether a choice farm. For
particulars apply on the premises.
5-8 Bluevale P. 0.
In the matter of the estate of William
Little of the Township of Morris in
the County of Huron, Yeoman, De-
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the
R. S. 0., Chapter 129, that all persons having
claims against the estate of the said Wil-
liam Little, who died on the 23rd day of
April, 1911, are required on or before the
21st day of October, 1911, to file with the
undersigned, a statement with full particu-
lars of their claims, and of all tho security
held by them (if any) and that after the
said date the Executor will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets among the persons entitled,
having regard only to the claims of which
he shall then have notice.
Dated at Wingham this 21st day of Sep-
tember, A. D„ 1911.
6-7 Solicitor for Executors
IN THE MATTER of the estate of James
5'. McGillivray of the Town of Wingham,
in the County of Huron, Merchant, Insolvent.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the above
has d Insolvent 1 as made an assignment
of all his estate and effectsg
s o to me for the
general benefit of his creditors.
Creditors aro requested to file their claims
with proofs and particulars thereof as re-
quired by the Act respecting Assignments
and preferences by Insolvent persons.
And Notice is further given that after the
21st day of October, 1911, the Assignee will
proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which notice
shall then have been given and that he will
not be liable for the assets or any part
thereof so distributed, to any person or
persons of whose claim he shall not then
have notice.
Dated this 22nd day of September, A.D., 1911.
Dudley Holmes, A. E. Smith,
Solicitor for Assignee. Assignee
Church 'dew$
Anniversary services cea
f Bethele
Methodist Church,
Whitechurch cir-
cuit, will be held on Sunday, October
15th. Sermons will he preached at
2.80 and 7 pan., by Rev. Selby Jef-
ferson of Lucknow.
Next Sunday and Monday,
8 and 0, are anniversary and re -open-
ing days in connection with White-
church Presbyterian church, On Sun-
day, Rev. Dr. Tailing of Toronto will
preach at 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. On
Monday evening, the annual tea -
meeting will be held and Rev. Dr.
Geggie of Toronto will give his pope-
lar lecture, "The Rose, Shamrock and
Thistle," and Mr. Ileo. Neil of Toronto
will furnish suitable music.
Ballots are now in the printers'
bands, to be sent to the Preebterian
membership throughout the Do-
minion in order to obtain •their
decision on the question of union with
the Methodist and Congregational
churches, There will be sent to every
Presbyterian family in Canada, the
number being about 100,000, a sixteen
page pamphlet giving the history of
the union negotiations and the bases
as approved by the general assembly.
The ballots will accompany the
pamphlets, and they will be issued as
soon•as possible in October.
Children's Day will be observed in
St. Paul's Church next Sunday. The
S. S. will attend the morning service
in a body, meeting in the school -room
at 10.30 a.m. Rev, T. B. Howard,
B.A., who has lately been appointed
Secretary of S. S. and A. Y. P. A. for
the Diocese of Huron, will be present
throughout the day and give ad-
dresses. The teachers and officers of
S. S., the members of the A. Y. P. A.
and Brotherhood of St. Andrew will
met in the church at 2 30 p.m. fr'r
special service and address by Mr,
Howard, A special offertory will be
taken at the morning and evening
Mrs. Topham is visiting friends in
Blyth this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Allison visited friends
in Clinton last Saturday.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.,
Will. Crittenden is very ill.
Mr. Howard Brunsdon epent Sun-
day with friends in Dungannon.
Mr. and Mies Bell and Mrs. Jno.
Loundsburg visited friends in Auburn
last Monday.
Mr. J. Cartwright and his grand-
daughter visited with ,the former's
daughter, Mrs. W. Andrews, in West
Mrs. Boyd, who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Adams,
for the past few weeks, returned to
her home in Chicago last week.
We are sorry to state that quite a
number of our citizens in and around
Londesboro are indisposed. The
symptoms strongly point to hydro-
phebia. It is supposed it is caused by
the recent change of Government, and
the cases are quite hopeless as Dr.
Laurier has gone out of practice.
Girls wanted -
$5.00 per week
to start with for
girls of eighteen
and. over. Ap-
ply at once. -D. S. PERRIN &
Co., Limited, London, Ont.
At Wingham Junction, a good frame
house, with stone cellar, kitchen and
woodshed, and one acre of land. Terms
reasonable. Apply to
4- Wingham.
Tenders will bo received until October 21st,
for the purchase of a stook of groceries,
crockery and fixtures in the Town of Wing -
ham. The stock and list can be examined
on the premises at any time.
Terms of sale :-25% down and the balance
in thirty days on approved security.
A. E. SMITH, Assignee.
IN THE MATTER of the estate of William
Baird of the Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the
R. S. O., Chapter 129, that all persons having
claims against the estate of the said William.
Baird, who died on the 5th day of Juno, 1911,
are required on or before the 28th day of
October, 1911, to file with the undersigned,
a statement with full particulars of their
claims, and of all the security held by them
(if any) and that after the said date the
Administratrix will proceed to distribute
the assets among the persons entitled, hav-
ing regard only to the claims of which she
shall then have notice.
Dated at Wingham this 28th day Of Sep-
tember A.D., 1911.
Solr. for Administratrix
Our Millinery is different,
It is of the distinctive
kind that appeals to criti-
cal buyers.
Never before have we dis-
played such pretty models.
East Wawanosh.
Mise Ella Taylor Is visiting friends
in Toronto at present. .
James McClinton of Goderich spent
the week -end with friende around
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
Jefferson, sr., of Donnybrook, is quite
poorly at present.
James Nethery of Belgrave spent a
few days this week with hie daughter,
Mrs, Jas. Noble, ,Oth line..
A fine baby boy came to stay at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson
of West Wawanosh last week. .
The ladies of Westfield are sparing
no pains to Make their fowl supper
and entertainment on the 9th a
Corn cutting is about finished in
this neighborhood, and the farmers
are busy getting up their mange's and
Mrs, X. Parks, sr„ of Westfield, 18
very low at present. Owing to her
advanced years her recovery is
The Westfield Gun Club had their
last shoot for the season on Saturday.
Marvin McDowell, 6th line, was the
winner by seven points and will be
the proud winner of the Silver Tray,
which was the prize offered.
The Methodist Church members of
Calvin held their anniversary services
on Sunday last, Rev. Miller of Auburn
preaching at both services. An Mon-
day evening they gave a first-class
program to a large audience.
The following is -the report for S. S.
No. 11, East Wawanosh, for the
month of September :-5th-Mary Mc-
Burney. Se. 4th - Ella McBurney,
Eddie McBurney, Christy Robertson,
May Shiell, Charlie Shiell. Sr. 3rd-
Rhea Currie. Jr. 3rd -John McBur-
ney, Willie Young. Sr. 2nd-Phemie
McNeil, Maggie Robertson, Gordon
Irwin, Alka Walker, Rena Deacon.
Jr. 2nd -Mary Robertson, Violet Mc-
Burney, Luella McGregor. Sr. Pt.
2nd -Donald Young, Norman Shiell.
Jr. Pt. 2nd -Harry Deacon. Pt. 1st -
Doris Walker, Bessie Deacon.
Eris and 'Wesley Armstrong of Luck -
now are visiting with their grand-
parents, Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong.
Mrs. Jno. Hamilton, sr., who has
been visiting friends at Chicago and
other places, returned home last week.
The congregation of St. Stephen's
Church intend giving a dinner in the
Town Hall on Fair day, Oct. 7th, also
an entertainment in the evening.
Mr. and Miss Dobbs were at Wier -
ton last week attending the funeral of
a child of Dr. Foster, L.D.S., of that
place. Dr. Foster is a brother-in-law
of Mr. Dobbs,
Rev. R. Collis of Wroxeter occupied
the pulpit in the Methodist Church on
Sunday morning, while Rev. J. W.
Hibbert preached anniversary ser-
mons at Salem.
The re -opening services in the new-
ly -decorated and re -modelled Episco-
pal Church were very largely attended
on Sunday, afternoon and evening.
Rev. Mr. Brownlee of St. John's
Church, St. Thomas, a former rector
of St. Stephen's Church, conducted
the service in the afternoon, and Rev.
T. H. Farr, also a former rector,
preached in the evening. The choir
sang appropriate music at both ser-
vices. Mrs. Farr and their little son
accompanied Mr. Farr.
St. Helens.
Miss Tena Murray moved into the
village this week.
Mrs. Robt. McGuire is under the
Dr's. care with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Hetrick of Cargill
visited the home of Mrs. Hyde last
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Joynt of
Seaforth spent a day at the home of
Mrs. Joynt.
Mr. Sam. Durnin has returned home
from the West, after spending the
summer there.
The funeral of the infant nt child of
t a
Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson took
place to Greenhill -on Sunday.
An auction sale of, farm stock and
implements, the property of Mrs. D.
Todd, sr., will be held on Oct. 10th.
The Thankoffering meeting of the
W. F. M. S. will be held in Calvin
Church, St. Helens, on Oct. 5th. Rev.
R. W. Craw of Fergus is to address
the meeting.
Mr, Phillip Thomas returned from
Cochraue on Friday. •
Mr. S. Paul shipped a carload of
hogs on Wednesday,
Mrs, Wm. Messer has moved into
Mr. 0, Brinker'a house,
Mrs, Robt. Musgrove Is visiting
friends at Ethel this week.
monthly report of our public
school will be found in another
Mrs. Jas. Nichol has returned from
avisit to Kingsville, Essex and
Mrs, A. Morrow is at present stay-
ing with Mrs, R. Moffatt of
Rev. J. E, Cook is attending the
Ecumenical Conferehce at Toronto
this week.
Mrs. (Rev,) W. J. West returned on
Friday from a visit with her mother
at Whitby.
The sale of Mr. Jermyn's stock and
implements was well patronized on
Mr, Robert Lesch of Detroit, broth-
er of the late Joseph Leech of Blue -
vale, died last week.
Rev. W. 3, West preached at the
opening service of the new Victoria
hall, Jamestown, on Sabbath.
The plasterers are at work on Joe
Breckenridge's new residence, which
promises to be both neat and com-
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Watson of
Cochrane have returned. Their home
and contente were destroyed there in
the recent fire.
Mr. McCaul has taken possession of
the store formerly kept by Mr. Wm.
Messer and purposes doing a good
business in Bluevale.
Our school took a 'holiday last
Friday id order to give the teachers
and scholars an opportunity of at-
tending Wingham Fair.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be dispensed in Knox Church
next Sabbatb, Oct. 8th. Preparatory
service will be held on Friday morn-
ing at eleven o'clock, when Rev, D, A.
McLean will preach.
Victor Jermyn has disposed of his
farm to Mr, Thos: Spears of Lucknow
and on Wednesday had a clearing
auction sale of stock and implements.
We understand Mr. Jermyn is going
into business at Clinton.
Knox Church congregation will hold
their anniversary on Oct. 22nd, and a
grand shredded wheat banquet will
be given on Monday evening, Oct.
23rd, at which a good programme will
be rendered. Everybody is invited to
A very pretty event was solemnized
at the home of Mrs. Jas. Nicholson on
Wednesday, Sept. 20th, when her
eldest daughter, Susanna Beatrice,
was united in the bonds of holy
matrimony to William Ward of
Bracebridge, by the Rev, J. E. Cook.
At 4 o'clock the bride and groom, who
were unattended, entered the parlor,
to the sweet strains of Mendelssohn's
wedding march, played by Miss Jessie
Moffatt, and took their places under
a beautiful arch of evergreens and
wedding bells. The bride looked
charming, gowned in navy cloth
skirt and white silk bodice, and car-
ried a lovely bouquet of white asters.
After the ceremony the guests sat
down to a sumptuous fowl supper,
prepared in. Mrs. Nicholson's good
style, and about 8 o'clock these dis-
persed to their homes, after wishing
the bride and groom many years of
health and happiness. Then a number
of the young people gathered and
spent the evening in games and
dancing. The gifts to the bride were
numerous and beautiful, testifying to
the esteem in which she is held.
This is the fourth daughter of Mrs.
Nicholson's to be married within a
year, which is a record unusual.
The young couple intend taking up
house -keeping in Wroxeter, and all
join in wishing them prosperity
through lifs's journey.
SEN101t DlvlstoN.
Subjects examined in Arithmetic,
Composition, History, and Spelling.
Maximun 400. Students marked *
have omittedpapers.
one or more a ers.
Sr. 4th -Mabel Raby 207, Louie Pat-
ton 275, Ethel Jewitt 2555. Carrie Dia-
mond 217, _Vilma Shaw 103. Jr. 4th -
Grace Curtiss 293, Charlie Black 251,
Melrose Grey 197"', Malcolm Black 40'.
A. and B, Jr. 3rd -John Gray 242,
Ethel Churchir ll 201., Parkerry CSrelee tzcr,
204, Cora Jewitt 260, Harvey Haney
193, Harold Holmes 101, John Nichol-
son 181*, Leonard Elliott 1704, Earle
Gannett 158, Ruth Breckenridge 121,
Frances Ogram 02". Average attend-
ance 10.-L. A. Posiiff', principal,
The following names in order of
merit: -Sr. 2nd -Cameron McDonald,
Rhona West, Annie Smeltzer, Harvey
Robertson, Willie West, Harvey Mee.
ser, Garnet Casemore, Merton Case -
more George Champion, Jr. 2ad-
Stella, Elliott, Earl p.Elliott, Stanley
Gallaher, Cecil Elliott, Russel Barret,
Bertha Gannett, Pt. 2nd •'- Marie
Lawheed, James Hogg,Clifford El-
liott, Mary O'Neil. r. lot --•-James
West, Archie McKinney, Wilbur
Caeemore. Jr, let A -Isabel Watson,
Garde Robertson, Jim Breckentldge.
Jr. let B - Kim McDonald, Jessie
Gray'., Jean Meek, (Gordon 'pillion,
Oharlfe Gannet Lottle Champion,
Genie O'Neil. Average attendant*
O.-Floranoe T. Alteberon, teioher,
Minutes of Council meeting held
Sept. 25th ; members all present ;.
Reeve. -in the chair; minutes of last
meeting read and adopted onm motion
of Mergers, Mulvey and Rutherford.
Moved by Mr, Rutherford, seconded
by Mr, Mulvey, that we spend $10 on
Culross boundary, opposite lots 24 and
25, provided Culross expend an equal
Moved by Mr, Mulvey, seconded by
Mr. McBurney, that the .Clerk be in-
structed to write to the Municipal
World asking what steps are necessary
to compel telephone companies to re-
move their poles to where their agree-
ment calls for them on the highways
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued ;-Jas. McDougall,
gravel, $1 80 John W. King. gravel,
$4 20 ; A. Ringler, gravel, $2.40 ; John
Burgess, revision voters' list, $58,73;
Elliott Bros., tile, $7.25; Mrs. B. Holm-
es, gravel, $13 50 ; McKinnon Bros.,
gravelling, $80,75 ; Robt. J, Dickson,.
inspecting gravelling, $7.550 ; H. B.
Elliott, advertising, $1; Arthur Lin-
coln, brushing, con. 11, $0 ; T. Weir,
culvert and repairing road, $10; Ed.
Higgins, repairing approach to Gem -
mill's bridge, $8.25; A. Hill & Co.,
abutments Jobb's bridge,' $400; F.
Carruthers, repairing bridge, $1.50;
M. Wilson, repairing 25th sideroad,
$$ 28 ; R. Shaw, revision voters' list,
$1.50; Geo. Casemore, culvert, $7.
Meeting adjourned to meet in
Clerk's office on Monday, Oct. 23, at 10
o'clock a.m.
The township Council met Sept. 25.
A request was made to have the bush
cut on the road at lots 11 and 12, con.
14, as it was overgrowing the road ;
the request was granted..
On motion of Falconer and Ballagh
$40 will be spent to improve the hill
opposite lot 31, con. 2. $10 was grant-
ed to clean out ditch on con. 14, On
sideroad 20, don. 11, the bush over-
growing the road will be removed, and
the bush on the boundary between
Culross and Kinloss will be cut pro-
vided Kinloss bears a share of ex-
pense, $10 was granted Woman's
institute towards putting A well on
park grounds. The rate for the town-
ship levy was struck at 1 mills on the
dollar. Accounts were passed amount-
ing to $350.74, and Connell adjourned
to meet on Monday, November 6.
The sad news reached here last
Week that 141r, John Carter had passed
away in Denver, Colorado, on Sept,
21st, and was buried there on the
23rd. The deceased was a brother of
Councillor Carter, and up till a few
year ago, was a resident of Blyth,
oonduoting a harness business.
The new Rectory in connection with
the Anglican Church is fast nearing
completion and it is hoped that anoth-
er month will see it ready for occupa-
tion. The church people have given
very generously for its payment bbtb
by dubsoription and at the Ilarveet
Thanke rvtoe. The ladies of
glvitt g se
the alsureh purpose holding a supper
and a "Made in Canada" fair in the
new buliding as a00A las it is bampietedw
John Burgess, Clerk.
A number from here attended the
Wingham fair last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir and family
have been laid up with la grippe late-
ly. We hope to see them all around
again soon.
Mr. Geo. Bentham's sale was a suc-
cess last Wednesday. He and his
wife will leave shortly for England.
We wish them a safe journey.
The Harvest Home anniversary was
a success, On Sunday morning, Rev.
Mr. Hibbert of Gorrie preached. Ow-
ing to the inclemency of the wea-
ther, the gathering was small, In the
evening he preached to a full house,
On Monday evening the weather was
all that could be desired, The supper
given in the basement equalled, if not
surpassed, all previous records. The
programme was a success.. Mies Hiles
of Kincardine gave a number of good
selections; The Belmore male quar-
tette entertained the audience also.
Miss Hazelwood of Wroxeter gave a
couple of solos, also Mr. Harding of
Wroxeter sang asolo. Rev, Mr. Per-
rin of Wroxeter, Rev. Mr. Hibbert
of Gerrie,• and the pastor, gave brief
addresses. The church was crowded
to its utmost capacity. The proceeds
for the evening were $60.
On Wednesday, Sept. 27th, at high
noon, about 50 guests assembled at the
comfortable home of James Bowman,
M. P., to attend the marriage of his
eldest daughter, Miss Lizzie L., to J.
Russell Wheeler of Southampton.
Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B.A., of Brussels,
performed -the ceremony, the bride
being given away by her father.
Wedding march was played by Miss
Mae Wilkinson. The bride wore a
most becoming costume of white
silk and lace, trimmed with insertion
and applique and carried a bouqut
of roses and maiden hair fern.
Groom's gift to the bride was a pearl
pendant and to Miss Wilkinson a
crescent, After hearty congratula-
tions the company sat down to an ele-
gant luncheon prepared in the best,
style of the hostess, Following this
was a short program -of toasts in
which the officiating clergyman, ex -
Reeve Turnbull and the bride's father
took part. The wedding gifts were
valuable and -useful, bespeaking the
popularity of the parties concerned.
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler will make their
home' at Southampton and they carry
with them the hearty good wishes of
many friends.
tiowick Boundary.
Mies Anderson, teacher, called on
the Miss Gailaways one day last
Miss McKersie of Turnberry visited
Mica Longley for a few days last
Mre, 0. Jobb and Mise Reatinge of
Turnberry called on Mrs. W. Weston
one day last week.
Mrs. C. Nichol of Carrick is spend-
ing a few days with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Gray, on the B line.
Mrs. Hays and daughter, Mre.
Galbraith, of Bluevale, called on
friends In Howick on Monday.
Mr, and. Mrs. W, Dane, 15th 'con.,
spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bush of Turn-
A number from this vicinity at-
tended the Harvest Home supper at
Salem Church on Monday night; all
report a.good time.
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving
services were held on Sunday, Sept.
24th, at Trinity Church, Belgrave,
The church was beautifully decorated
for the occaeion and great credit is
due to the ladies, who kindly under-
took the work, The Rector, Rev. T.
H. Farr, was assisted by Rev. C. E.
Jeakins of Clinton, who preached
a most appropriate sermon, taking his
text from 65th Pse. The sermon was
a very hearty one and the church
was filled to overflowing. The sum
of $85 was asked for in aid of the Mis-
sion Fund, and $00 was received.
NoTI.-The above report was re-
ceived last week, but not until the Ad-
vance was printed._[Editor.
One At Night Makes The Next
Day Bright, No Charge If It
Because of its extremely gentle and
effective action, Rexall Orderlies have
become the most popular Remedy for
We are so positive that Rexall
Orderlies will do all that is claimed for
them that
positively to
hand back the money you paid us for
them upon your mere request, if you
aro not entirely satisfied.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
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do not gripe, cause nausea, or any
other annoyance usually experienced
when ordinary cathartics are used.
Rexall Orderlies have a positive re-
gulative effect upon the bowels and
tend to provide permanent relief from
Constipation and the myriad of asso-
ciate ailments, Besides, they help to
overcome the necessity of the constant
use of laxatives to keep the bowels in
normal condition,
We honestly believe there le similar
medicine so good as Rexall Orderlies.
eepeotally for children, aged, or deli-
cate people. They are prepared in
convenient tablet form in three sizes
of packages. Price, 10c. 25e and 50e,
Why not try them at our risk otl our
guarantee P
Remember Itexall Remedies oan be
obtained in this community Only at
fair ittore-The Retail Store, i, J.
McKibbob Wirighant, Oat
I have for sale some first-class
farms (on easy terms) in Central
Alberta. Soil, black loam ; sub-
soil, clay ; in well setttled district
with good water.
For information and terms ap-
ply to
Real Estate and
Try Us For
Please You
This Is The Tea And Coffee Store
Return Tickets at Single Fare
OCT. 9th. to NOV. 11th
to points in Temagami, points Mattawa to
Timiskaming and Kipawa, Que., inclusive,
also to certain points in Quebec New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Maine.
OCT. 19th to NOV. 11th
to Muskoka Lakes, Penetang Midland,
Lake of Bays, Maganetawan River, Lake -
field. Madawaska to Parry Sound, Argyle
to Cohoconk, Lindsay to Haliburt.on.
Points from Severn to North Bay, inclus-
ive, and certain 'points reached by the
Northern Navigation Co.
All tickets valid for return until Thurs-
day, Deo. 14, except to points reached by
steamer lines, Tuesday, Nov. 14.
To Spokane, Wash.; Nelson, B. C.; Van-
couver, B.O.; Westminster B.C.; Seattle,
Wash Taeonta Wash.; Westminster, Ore.;
San Francisco, 'Jos Angeles, San Diego,
Cal., and Mexico City, Mex.
One way second class Very low rates
Full particulars from any Grand Trunk
Agent, or address
A, Tt, DUFF, D.P. A., Toronto.
$41 0
Seoohd Claes, Sept. 15th to Oet. 15
Throtgh Train Toronto to Vanoouvor
*Mt p, et, daily.
13111/1/0 1111.0 Agent .w 'lisps*
Swell Shoes For Women
At Very Moderate Prices
This cut represents the very newest and latest.
Note the short vamp, high arch and high heel.
We Have This Style In Three
Different Leathers
Gun Metal Shoes -
Fine Patent Shoes -
Tan Calf Shoes •
Price, $3.00 Per Pair
- Price, $3.25
▪ Price, $3.25
The above are exceptionally good value
and are on display in our north window
Wilhis Go.
Sole Agents LIr Y 1,4040eA
For The
♦N 1,444•••••••••••••••••••••6
Potatoes •
50c bush.
anna � Co. � � bo��
Fall And Winter Goods.
For Ladies, Men and Children
Ladies' And
Children's Coats
We've a big range of Ladies'
Coats to show you before buy-
ing your . Winter Coat ; we can
please nearly everyone; we take
special measurements both for
Ladies' Suits and Coats.
Best ,Fitting Suits and Over-
coats we've ever had in Tail-
ored and Ready-made Clothing.
Leave your measure for that
new Suit or Overcoat ; we take
all measurements and guarantee
all fits. Prices from $to.00 to
The Fur season is starting and we are
showing a large assortment of Furs in
Mink, Sable, German Otter, Isabella Fox,
&e. Muffs to match in the new large
shapes. FUR -LINED COATS ---For Ladies, with Canadian
Sable collar and Rat lining Mink collar, quilted lined --�
Canadian Sable Collar, quilted lined. We can procure for
you any style in Far Coats for Men or Ladies. Prices
*20.00, $33.00, $50.00, *55.00, 4185.00.
Highest Prices Paid For Butter,
Eggs and leans.
All kinds of Trade Wanted.
anna& Co.