HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-10-05, Page 44 THE WINGHA.M ADVANCIE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 19E1 °ociety, Worth the Money *" iN�" STOR 1 { E 1 1 1 1: Y V ' i,J i 1w TH PROFIT SHARING E WING 11A31 ONT. ' �, s •, Special Ni.N,,. 5, by the for herd Schmidt; Baldwin, C OQ+i . eOUCIS __ Produce Wanted � ';:: ,..' : r°► , of beef.cattle, to owlet of one male and three' ee s:Ice, nqo.. Webster, t . P. Gibbons, J. A. Brandon; lien Davis, James Alton, A Schmidt; B:enheim, G. T. Robertson,P. FALL 6000s��'� i��..•',�a 0 l •1 c ►'j�(„ w�G?ru V Inc, �h80, Hall Proprietor. T. Robertson ; Special No. (3, by H B, p H. Elliott, for dairy cow any breed, (.'P Robertson, SHEEP. Leicesters-Aged rain with pedigree, Purvis Bros„ Robt, Currie ; Shearling Gibbons; Canada Red, Jr s , t; A. Schmidt, Alton; Colvert, Jas Alton, A, Schmidt; King, Robt Currie, Geo Orvis; Lowell, James Henderson; Maiden's Blush, Wm Maxwell, Geo Orvis; Mann, Robt Currie; Northern Spy, Jas. Henderson, Wm. - Nice house, barn, trait trees, gar, den and 94 of au sure of land, on ont- skirts of town. Will be sold right, Just the place for retired farmer or blame" man, Mrs. Herdsman's cottage on Cas tharine St, Lately renovated through- Immediate asea810n, Good •value, Bird. n vase • BUJ3SORIPTLON PRICE.. --$1.00 per annum in ram with pedigree,. R. J. Sanderson, Purvis Bros. ; Rauh lamb,; R. J. San- Maxwell; Rhode Island Greening, Jas. Alton; Ribaton Pippin,Wm. Maxwell, .. • Never before have we made such a display Of P y beautiful Fall Goods. Every department is full of the Newest and most Up-to-date Goods that money p can buy, Join the. ranks of the manyhighly• . P leasedpatrons of this establishment, and share in thegreat values always to be had from us. 9 - advance, 31.50 If not so Paid. S nts 10o per no and other cas- d advertSINGisements nal advcrtisemente 10o per nonpariol line !or first insertion, Sc por line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the local columns are charged 10o per line for first insertion, and 50 per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements of strayed Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.ti0 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for oaoh subsequent in. sertion, CONTRACT RATES, ---The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods: -We SPACE 1 Yr. 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. derson, Purvis Bros. ; Aged ewe, rail- ed lamb in 1911Oat. , R. J. Sauderson 1 and 2; Shearling ewe, J, B, Tyreman, R. J. Sanderson • Ewe lamb, R. J. Sander- ' son, 3, B. Tyreman., ram,withJas Downs-Agedpedigree, McEwen Bros„ C. G, Campbell & P Son ; Shearling Rana with pedigree, 11, Perdue, Purvis Bros. ; ram lamb,Par- vis Bros. 1 & 2; .Aged ewe, raised lamb in 1911, H. T. Perdue, A, Copeland ; Shearling ewe, McEwen Bros, 3 Geo Cunningham; Russet, Roxoboro, Jas Alton,P. Gibbons; Russet, an ' Y other, P. Gibbons, W. J. Currie; Snow Jas Henderson, J. A. Brandon; St Law - rence, Geo. Robertson; Tolman Sweet, Henderson P. 20 Oz Pi ,Gibbons; p- pen, A. Copeland, Wm. Maxwell; Wag - er, GeoOrvis,James Alton; Walbridge,A Schmidt; Yellow Belle Fleur, G. Cun- ningham, Scott Bros; Hyslop Crab, Jas. H. Linklater, Wm. Maxwell;. Any oth- er Crab, Robt. Currie, F. Anderson; Coat Sweaters To The Front. „ Western Properties $IOQ,Q00,0Q0 made during the past year in the inorea6e of values in the West. "Did you get any of it ?" have the sole agency in this district for a number of rapidly grow- big towns on the Grand Trunk Pacific properties in nearly all the older aides. Man fortunes will be made in the y next few years in the Wonderful West, Yon may be one of the lucky ones invest now. , if Boys' All -wool Coat Sweaters in Maroon and Grey, Grey and Cardina, Navy and Cardinals Brown ad Green, Tan and Green etc. A opo colnhix,atlUn of colors ati , g ' only $1.00 $1,.10 1.26. ' ' Men's All -wool Sweaters in Tan and Green, and Maroon and Green with warm wool collar. Splendid vales at Heavy Hosiery for Men, in Greys• of.. all shades and weights ; the best value for the money, at only 15o, -20c,25e and '35c Per Pair. "Llama" Men's Hosiery, extra heavy, finest yarns, pure black, and a very comfortable sock, . at 50c Pr. °' (�j�",,, rr ; � Northway's ' ` .' Ladles .Cootsp - One Column,.,.,. sro.00 340.00 322.50 38.00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00PP �no In Column20.00 12.50 2.00.50 3.25 no Inch ,,.• 5.00 3,00 1.25 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged ao• cordingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. :, ,'..,. WINGHAM FAIL FAIR and 2, Fat Sheep, -Ewe or Wethr, not ex•Duchess hibited in any of above sections, H. T, Perdue, A, Copeland; Pen of sheep, ram, aged ewe, shearling ewe, ewer Iamb, McEwen Bros. °'you PIAS. Berkshires -Boar of 1911, not lees than four months old, James Four varieties Winter Apples, P. Gib- , bons; Pears, Fall Jas Alton; Pears,also D'An cisme, Jas Alton; Pearwestern g any other Winter, Wm Maxwell; Grapes white,A. Schmidt, W. Maxwell Grapes, P red,Wm Maxwell. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS.. Bread, white, by girl under 10 years, G. T, Robertson, A. Schmidt,• brown .�® Ritchio & Cosons REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE . � This line of Ladies'Garments PRIZE LIST■ Alton; Haar prior to 1911, with pedigree, James Alton ; Sow of p g 1011, not less than 4 months old,Jae, bread, W. R. Ferrier, E. W. Orvis, W. T. white bread,A. Schmidt Naylor; � Theo Finnen,Jno Menzies & buns, Son; is acknowledged by the trade Alton; Breeding sow, Jas. Alton. John J. Moffatt, Geo. Orvis; tea bis- bis- >J h�" to be the mostperfect in work- HORSES. Yorkshires -Boar of 1911,not less ' than 4 old, Jas. Alton;, Boar cuits, Mrs. McCarroll, W. R. Ferrier; asoma, Geo Orvis, E, W. Orvis; bread .1 ,s. w f�, © t✓ ` manship, style and texture on �' the market. 1 General Purpose -Brood Mare, foal at side, W. R. Ferrier, Saml, Burchill, Jno. Elliott ; Spring Foal, Semi,The Burchill Scott Boa c , Bros., A. Schmidt one -year-old Filly, Isaac J. Wright,Breeding months prior to 1911, with pedigree, J. Alton ; Sow of 1911, not less than 4 months old, Jas. H. Linklater, Jas. Alton ; Sow, Jas. Alton: dough cake, E. W. Orvis, Mrs. H. B. Elliott; graham biscuits, A. Copeland, W.R. Ferrier, Johnnycake, Jno Men- zies & Son,John J. Moffatt; light lay -Clothes g Place Where Good Come From s Do You Get Your Children's 'Winter Hosiery Here If you don't, we are both losers. We have the beet Hosiery line of Hosier for Women and Children that we could recurs -a dandyrange of Wool, both Plain and Ribbed P g —another- asplendid line of Ribbed Worsted. Come inand be satisfied that we know whereof we speak. , . 1 ~'' _.; �!Jvil - • •'�i , r'" r . 4 vdark A THE FIT , (1 This feature of the garment is �I' g 1`� , 1iE •.. in a class by itself—none others are near it. Come and let us - . • :- show you. - 'J•� Miles McMillan ;eue-year-old Gelding, A. Schmidt, W. R. Ferrier; two-year- old Filly or Gelding, Scott Bros., Sarni. Phillips, Too, McBurney P . y ; team n. Harness (1st prize by Dominion Bank) M. Lockhart & Sons, Scott Bros., Jno. McBurney. Agricultural -Brood Mare, foal at g side, McLeod Bros., Adam Robertson, Jas. Barbour; Spring Foal, George Tamwortha-Boar of 1011, not less than 4 months old, Jas. Alton, Scott Bros, i POULTRY, Andalusiana, Alf. Haggitt,.Jas.If Henderson ; Bantams, F. W, Angus, Alf. Haggitt ; Brahmas, F. W. Angus ; Ducks, Alf. Haggitt,P Jas, H. Link- later ; Dorkings, Jas. Henderson ; Rhode Island Reds, F. J. Hill; Geese, er cake, E. W. Orvis, John J. Moffatt; layer Y cake, Geo Orvis, E. W. Or- vis; fruit cake, with eggs, John J. Mof- fatt, E. W. Orvis; fruit cake,without, eggs, John J. Moffatt, Geo Orvis; gin- ger bread,Mrs. McCarrol W� R. Fer- er; apple pie, A. Copeland, John Men- zies & Son; pumpkin pie, A. Copeland, G. T. Robertson; lemon pie, Geo. Orvis, �- Mrs. McCarrol; any other pie, E. W. Orvis, John J. Moffatt; doughnuts, E. LET US POST YOU ��.• on y get your alotli from ns, yon are sure to get Clothes made to fit ' Clothes neatly made Clothes well made Clothes that look well that wear well Clothes that last well Clothes in latest style Clothes that please Clothes that satisfy • ' How About This ? • Neat little Red Felt Hats for the giddies, at only 40 and 50 cents each. • 4 f • '� ' •is- . e7/' cY/18d/ DUNNVILLE. . ST.THOMAS S?CATHgRINESy CANADA., rSjwtu, !i IIIN I lilliiil��i''IIIpl �+ &, KNITTED KN �� ✓T - .` �' p� ,' t ;, } �Y rr tolin1{'}i A� I a ' �: ( b / �i L ITTF '• \ 1�1 �- - c %/N�, BUFFALO,Any NEW YORK. �,�w 4 I� ' f/%a / " :4,/..y . � t' '••, D . ,4,„„ ss ,�__%/ n� j W/i�/�lm�zalcl 6,' •u,ne.wr� s — -. •= ' 1 1. ' ' ��fj, s t t / K� ...-- D� J-. �+�I'lti, � '3; r, 'ff.'s �• tt .� �SA �� ' „ 1,,� , � ly•Jae. ew.xtq ,,, -.�....� \ �� �: 11141 ,r pp �, se;„ s t Fla I y F� �! II' / �,. ' ? "Society Cruickshank, Jas. Barbour, Adam Robertson ; one -year-old Filly, Wm. Maxwell, A. Fitzpatrick; one -year-old Gelding, Jno. McBurney, Sarni. Phil- lips ; two-year-old Filly or Gelding, McLeod Bros., J. A, Stewart, Olive Hemingway ,three- three-year-old Fill or g y' Y Yg Gelding, Ales. McDonald, Wm. Max• well, Jno. Menzie's &Son; team in harness Pete Moffatt Wm. Watson, + A Schmidt. Heavy Draught -Brood Mare, foal at side, Levi Good, Wm. Taylor, O. B. Wilkinson ; Spring Foal, Levi Good, C.B. Wilkinson ; one -year-old Filly, Wm. Cruickshank ;ens year-old Geld- ing, Jas. Barbour, 1 and 2; two-year- old Filly or Gelding, H. Halliday, M. Lockhart & Sons, Adam Robertson; three-year-old Filly or Gelding, Thos. Davidson & Son, W. Cruickshank, Geo. B. Armstrong; team in harness, Wm. McKenzie, Geo, B. Armstrong, Forster. SPECIAL HORSE PRIZES. _ No. 1—By J. %V. King, for four best colts sired by Drum- "Mascot,” burls Chief," or "Goldlink", C. B. Wilkinson; Geo, Cruickshank, W. J. Currie, Wm. Elston ; No. 2 -By the -$8.00 for the four best colts sired by any one heavy draught stale lion, 4 colts sired by "Mascot", W. any•variety, Alf. Haggitt, Jas. Hend- • erson ; Houdans, F. W. Angus ; Ham -k burgs, Jas, Henderson; Leghorns, brown, Jas. Henderson, Alf. Haggitt ; Leghorns, white, Jas, Henderson ; Minorcas, A. Paterson, Alf, Haggitt; Orpingtons,F. W. An us, 1 and 2; Plymouth Rocks, barred,. Alf; Hag- girt; Plymouth Rocks, any other, Jas. Henderson ; Turkey, any variety, E. J. Jackson, Jas: Henderson ; Wyandottes, any other, Jas. Hender-e sun F, J. Hill other Standard Any A. Ha itt.. variety, F. W. Angus, EE Chickens, pair of each -Bantams, F. W. Angus ; Brahtinas, F. W. Angus, and 2; Ducks, Alf. Haggitt, P. Gibbons; Rhode Island Reds, F. J. Hill; Houdans, F. W. Angus, 1 and 2; Hamburgs, Alf. Haggitt; Lang- chane, Sas. Henderson ; Leghorns, brown, Alf. Haggitt, 1 and 2; Minor- cas, Mrs. McOarrol, A. Paterson ; Orpingtons, F. W. Angus, 1 and 2 ; Plymouth Rocks, any other, Jae. Henderson ; Wyandottes, black or 3' white,. F. W. Angus ; Wyandottes, and other, Jas, Henderson, 1 and 2; other standard variety, F. W. An us, 1 and 2 • Four Cockerels, bred Angus, g ' for export, W. G. Gray. LEATHER. Double harness, Thos. Kew; single W. 'Orvis, Geo. Orvis, oatmeal cookies,Clothes E. W. Orvis, A. Copeland; oat cake, Geo. Orvis, E. W. Orvis; short bread, Mrs. McCarrol, E. W. Orvis; jelly, A. Copeland, G. T. Robertson; maple syr- John Menzies &Son Scott Bros.; up, ' maple sugar, A. Schmidt, E,J. Jackson; P g ' extracted honey, Mrs, enziesol; un- fermented wine, John Menzies & Son,, W. R. Ferriers preserved fruit, Mrs. McCarrol, Geo. Orvis; Tomato catsup, Jas Henderson, A. Schmid; any other catsup, Mrs. McCarrol,E. W. Orvis; a p'the sweet pickles, Mrs. McCarrol,Jas Henderson; vegetable pickles, A. Schmidt, Mrs. McCarrol; fruit pickles, E. W: Orvis, John Menzies & Son; mixed pickles, Mrs. McCarrol, A. Schmidt; mustard pickles, Geo. Orvis, E. W. Orvis; hen'sleggs, Miss Ander- son, Issac J. Wright; butter in crock, T. H. Taylor, Miss Anderson, Theop Finnen; butter in pound prints, Miss'/.�G2Z'Ur//�il�.:O.C���� Anderson, G. T. Robertson, Thos. H. Taylor; ornamental butter, Miss Ander- son, Jas Alton, E. W. Orvis; butter, 5 lbs in lb. prints, made by girl under 1,6 years, G. T. Robertson, A. Schmidt; eight articles of food suitable for work- ork- ingman's supper, E. W. Orvis, Mrs. Tamlyn; five o'clock tea, Mrs. McCar- rol, rel, Mrs. Tamlyn; collection of baking, baked by a girl under 16 years of age, Geo T. Robertson, Please Dont Forget • That we keepTurnbull's Underwear -the reliable .kind - just the kind for sensitive people ; it rices not scratch. p p We excel in Children's Underwear -soft and warm, in all various qualities, at unbeatable prices. ' We understand our business • We have the goods We know•the styles Oar charges are right •• The Nifty din's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand Dame Fashion's Newest Dress Trimmingson Sale Here `)� �f�� Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON. ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND seasoni upwards SUBJECTS. Registered last season of 300 'students and placed every teachers. Seven specially qualified regular One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter 'any time. Cacalortuo Free. Forest City a College Shorthand J. W. WESTERVELT, m. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, PERVELi, Vice Principal 15 EarlyFall ShowingOf DRESS 6.000S, -�— . • ' �r18 most complete StOCk Of Ladies', Gents and Children's Knitted Coats &e, ever shown in Wing- > > g ham, and at prices to suit everybody. SPECIAL-- Two dozen Ladies'Knitted Coats,. in three-quarter ,length, Grey with assorted `trimmings; regular $3.00 —for 1.69. Come Early. a J. Currie. John Armour; William Elston, George Cruikshank ; No. 3 -By the Society, for best animal shown in heavy Draught, Agricultur-g al and General Purpose Horse Classes of Prize List, McLeod Bros, ry Roadsters -Brood Mare, foal at side, Jas. Nichol, Scott Bros., J. 3, Fry- fogle; Spring Foal, A. Copeland, Scott Bros. ; one-yZar-old Filly, J, J. harness, Thos. Kew, B. F. Carr. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Timothy,A. Schmidt,Jas. Alton; red fall wheat, A. Schmidt, Jas. Alton; white fall wheat, A. Schmidt, W. R. Ferrier; spring wheat, W. R. Ferrier, P. Gibbons; white pea, W. R. Ferrier, P. Gibbons; any other peas, Jas Hen- derson, Jas H. Linklater; white oats , A. Schmidt, Jas Henderson; black oats, A. Schmidt. FINE ARTS. �' Oil painting --Animals, Miss Livingston, Miss Agnew; w; fruit or flowers, Miss Liv- ,n sten MissA Agnew; e g w; landscape, or mar- ins, Miss Agnew, Miss. Livingston; any other ' subject, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Tamlyn; on glass, Miss Agnew, 1st and 2nd; on plaques or trays, Miss Living- stop, Miss Agnew; on silk, satin or •Miss •Livin r • - LMA ILLUSTRATED L a dies:::• cA`r�ocilz>: •r 0LLEGE FREE 011 MUST St.ThomaS,ont. ' We have now in stock all the leading •Shades and Weaves in (`1 Dress Goods, including Serges, • Cr Dia oval Weaves, Etc. a GENERAL MERCHANDISE. - New Dress Goods," Trim- mings, Underwear, Hosiery, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Staples, Yarns, Fars, &c., &C. All right new and SECOND TO NO ONE. Fryfogle, Scott Bros., 'A Paterson ; two-year-old Filly or Gelding, A. Schmidt, A. Paterson, Miles Mc14fi1- fan ; single driver, Levi Lott, J. C, Johnston, ; team in harness fat size Bank of Dr,vey, ( P by Hamilton) Agnew, Scott Bros., 3. J. Fryfogle.Pen Jas Henderson, Jas Alton; 6 rowed barley, A. Schmidt, Jas Henderson; dent field corn, Thos. H. Taylor, Jas Henderson; flint field corn, Geo, Orvis, E.W.Orvis; collection ofgrain andBETWEEN seeds, A Schmidt, Scott Bros.. velvet, sten Miss Agnew; collection of oil paintings, Miss Agnew, Miss'Livingston: Water color -Land- •scape or marine, Miss Mulvey, Mrs. Tamlyn; any other subject, Miss Mul- Miss Agnew; collection Miss Livingston; Miss Agnew. Drawing- MAKE YOUR DECISIONr SUCCESS AND FAILURE. A COURSE IN THE POPULAR ' ELLIOTT �' / �� i TORONTO. ONT. Will prepare you for an• excellent posi- tion in the Business world. The first atop is important- YOUx esolcE of ASC liege our catalog explains why this collage ranks among rho best y. this Write for.one today. JandAleOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. YonQe and Alexander Ste. . All Kinds Produce planted Eggs 22c ' ' KING BR ' Carriage -Spring Foal, Scott Broe.; one -year-old Gelding, J. A. Brandon,, y g Levi" Lott ; two-year-old Filly or Gelding, R. G. Taylor, J. A. Brandon, Edgar Higgins ; Single driver, Geo, Keys, R. E. McKenzie, Thos. H. Taylor; Team in harness, Olive Hem- ingway, Robt. Law ; Pony, 1$ hands $ 3s, ycontinent. or under, in harness, Kent Smith, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Small white beans, Scott Bros. W. R. Ferrier; large white beans, P. Gib- bons, Scott Bros.; long beets, A. Cope- land, A. Schmidt; anyother beets, Jno. Menzies & Son, Jas Henderson; field a carrots; Robt Currie, A. Schmidt; short table carrots, Jno Menzies & Son,J.W. Pearen; intermediate table carrots,Jas Henderson, A. Schmidt; long and ink sketch,Miss Agnew, Miss g Livingston; pencil,Mrs Tamlyn, Miss g ' Livingston; crayon portrait, Miss Mul- vey; crayon landscape or marine, Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Livingston. China paint in Cu s and saucers Miss Mulve g P ' Y, Miss Livingston; plates Miss Mulvey, Miss Livingston; ornament or vase, Miss Mulvey, Miss Divingston; any (continued on 5.)W. � ILKS SILKS Our shipment of Silks direct from England p g has jusvery a t arrived, and are ofthe and. best quality. We are showing all the leadingshades of Pailette Silks for eve- ming wear, also the staple lines of Black, Brown and Blue also Minerva and - British Silks. Call and see what we ' are showing in these lines before buying elsewhere. , Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats in a number of styles to select from. .■ess..swi. '.. .®� Prices Right I We Your Trade Weir Elliott. CATTLE. mangold- wurtzel, A. Schmidt, Jas Henderson; page P g -.Want intermediate mangold-wurtzel, Jas Hen- •• - ' ••• •••. : Shorthorn -Breeding Cow, milking 1 or near calving,John Webster, and derson, A. Schmidt; parsnips, A. Schmidt Jas. Henderson; radishes, dima Only Thing .,............. // ; / ONT. Our registration greatly exceeds that of prevary, why t our school to rho ;Albtst oe its kind in the wast: Best in courses beadle beassistinteachers grades ares to positions. Our graduates are in demand, Bustness mon state that they are hadbelevennapplicpast tio nshf'or help which we could not supply. we have three departments—Cemmlrcial, Short- hand and Telegraphy. Wet our erect for full particulars. Com- mance your cents at once, D. A. fficLAosLAR - Pttncipit 2; Two-year-old heifer, Scott Bros., John Webster; One -year-old heifer, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; sugar mangold, A. Schmidt,Jas. Henderson;/ That Will RelieveOCENTRAI. �7- i YOU PAY -L LESS ETE R E John Webster, 1 and 2; Heifer under' 12 months, John Webster 1 and 2 ; Bull under 12 months, John S. Scott, 1 and 2 ; Bull over 1 year and under 2, swede turnips, A. Schmidt, Adam Rob- ertson; anyother turnips,. Jas Hender- p son, A. Schmidt. Potatoes --Rose Type,, » Neuralgia.2%%yam/ Thepiercing•ST1SaTFAIiD. pains of Neuralgia, which often follows a bad cold or s NIIIIIMOMMIM s• cola, Bargains aid • �.._� s ill mo Boots ; John Webster, Scott Bros,La Gfrades - Breeding cow, milk- lag or near calving, John Webster, George T. Robertson ; two-year-old heifer, Jno. Webster, J. B, Tyreman ; one -year-old heifer, Thos. Davidson, Jas. Barbour; heiferrcolo, calved since Thos.DavidsonR. last show, Davi& Son 1 and 2; Steer calf, calved since hist show, Jno. Webster, 3. B. Tyreman Jas. Henderson; Hebron Type, Jas Henderson, P. Gibbons; long white type, Jas Henderson, P. Gibbons; round white type, Jas. Hender- son; collection of potatoes, Jas Hen- derson. and 2nd' red onions A, S Graham, Yellow onions, R. A.Schmidt, ' ' A. Graham; white onions, J. W,catalogue Pearen, id Schmidt; dutch set onions, A. Schmidt; onions grown from dutch Grippe, are frequently almost un- bearable and few medicines afford any, relief to the sufferer. r I stn a rural marl carrier andy• have Yeen a user of the Dr. Miles ' for ears. Y medicines Miles'tars. +Pain Pi11S` can't be beaten. They are the• only thing I have found that will I have tried . j • rSon, Mens Fine High-grade American 'Boots, in date styles for wear, also Patent Leather fords In newest styles.;• all Goodyear welted Sizes G to 11. Regular prices are $3e 00 to$5.0C1—for.. • r Y . r . « .. Y . •. r .. Oxfords, Sfib Men's. Fine Oxford>� regularly 3.00-�-for.. , . r s $oya and Youths Boots and Oxfords, Box toots With dull inert, heavy soles ; s111 ` � ites 11,12, 13, 4 5—Special Price.. y �,, ,,,„..=�;,------- up•to, Ox- 1. I e ; ��"" 5 ip f ; one -year-old steer, Jno. Menzies & Sohn Webster; Two-year-old steer, Sohn Webster 1 and 2; Fat steer or heifer, any breed, let prize by A.Celery, T. Loam, d'no, Webster. Jersey ---Breeding cow, milking 01' near calving, Mrs. Tatrnlyn, Miss Agnew. g Herefords -Breeding cow, milking Hear calving; IL T. Perdue 1 and 2; Bull under 12 months, H. `, Perdue 1 mad 2; heifer uutlei• 12 caanthe, H. T. Perdue 1 and 2. • Polled Angus ---Breeding cow, milk- lag dt neitr nsitvitig, G.'1`. Robertson; sets, E. W. Orvis, W. T. Naylor; any other onions, A. Schmidt; scarlet tome- toes, J. W. Pearen, A. Copeland; other tomatoes, A, Copeland, J. W. Pearce; white plume, R. A. Graham, Jas Henderson; any other celery, R. A. Graham, Jas Henderson; early cabbage, A. Schmidt, R. A. Graham; winter cabbage, Jas Henderson, A. Schmidt; pickling cabbage, A. Schmidt, . Jas Henderson; citrons, Isaac J. Wright, Sas •Alton; •eauhflower, Jas •Henderson; cucumbers, 'Thos H. Taylor, W. R. Perrier; table corn, Jas Heneeraon, J. W Pearen; musk melons, A. Schmidt; yellow pumpkin, Jas Henderson, Mrs. relieve myneuralgia and g most. everything, besides medicine from the doctor. I am willing to tell anyone what the Anti -Pain - Y Pills did for me." . CFIARLIiS HiLDERBRAr;DT, Iiox zo5 Wodvill. Ohio If you, like Mr. Hilderbrandt, t 'have „ • have tried most everything" in ht vain, why not do as .he did, fight our `aches and pains. with Dr. Miles Anti -Pain Pills. Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle. No matter how stubborn the con. test,theywill come out victorious. ii ��i Miles' Anti -Pain p11�51 DRS. KENNEDY CALDER OPmzess-Corner Patrick and Centro streets. PRONES— oosid eco, Dr'• lrennedq 1154 rtdsidenee, Dr. Calder 151 nr, itenriedy specializes in Surgery. attention •DiseasDes Calderntio nae. Eye tEar special d Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly ,s„®,L , Produce of all kinds wanted. . R O LSI L'.i 89 A . , Ja /1: (Successor to T. A. MILLS) „ NI R• CL' A ti�N pb Goma, /��y�. SURGEON YQ�1�IL.1 Vt�■Y menet 64raduate Toronto University. Depart. ment:of Dentistt'y. Graduate Royal t.ol. legs of Dental saraeCne of Ontario. t'tlgtwxetet evet•j� cede afternoon and W,needs/ (al sdp,�r ee i stand Centra1 k. As T rdWivkq evert day fo otra a the modern meth a ohs cif t►ast r�wthsraonoa tlw t04b vewtewrr�a au Ku iA f3AtN sTbR1NGHA 1 . • Balt over 12 mthe, G. '1tr. Robertson, B. Jackean; under 12 tithe, S.R. Jack- eon; Heifer under 12 months, G. T. Robertson 1 and 2;two-year-old old 1t b rtson y Llaifetr, tleoicg`aY Rt�llerteolwc 1 t►a'o- Pes►r-old Wart hl, �. $aak+iof1Y� Tamlyn: sunflower, Mrs. Tainlyn; squash, T'ainlyn, Sea Henderson; q water melons, Mrs. Tamlyn, A. SehtaidtY FRUIT Apples. Alexander, Odoit Bz'oeYl A► stand on their record, which is la Y long list of cures extending back lt' geri r`ationY Ciru'datrts IlverYwri,►te sail litetii. 11 Ehret paokiine fulls to Want, your deitga i•t .Witt, iw tnI at _fie .. �►il.�l�ii Iyi�ito��' �'O.j ;w"�r�fitir :oN�1.