HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-09-21, Page 7DOMINION NOMINATIONS - ; • Riding. ONTARIO WESTERN AND CE NAL DISTRICTS, Candidate Nemin.ated. Coueervative. Brant .4 ..brautfind 1$J140 e0 0064 4.4 S 1/notee SO 064 4.• e114 ,uutteria 64 4.40 AAA 44 .uuroasu .• ..AA 11.1011, NY. IV, ht. /1640X.. 4e. 0,4 1,16 urey O. 6444 411 A. eiley Se 44,4 e.• • Urea", 44. OAS •4 t.itotk Sialdimaud Hamilton 83, Hamilten W. .• .1, 11. Huron W. 1-04r01/1 114 0.4 01, 4 6 Huron S. ,.. • • • Lent W. . Kent E. .... . larrabton, W. ..... Lainbtou E. • Lincol „ „ , London . Middlesex W. Middlesex N.... hitadlaseit • Muskoka Nerfolk Ontagio N. . Ontario S. Oxfoyd .. Oxford S. Parzy Sound ... Perth N. .. . • Perth EL Peel • . . • . •••• Sinecoe S. 4 ••• .. • .. Simcoe N. .; . Simeoe E. .,. Toronto N. . 04 4 1.1 Toronto C. Toronto S, Toronto E. .. 6ve6 ve Toronto VV, .efe .:1 &114, Vietoria , , Waterloo S. Waterloo N. Weiland Wellington, 5, Wellington N. Wentworth %6 Sees 6,6 York N. . • A. 'York CL .. YOrle S. • , • 66 Alpine E... Algoma W... ... • • • • • Nipissing- Th.under B. & R. River . Brockville •,. Carleton... IbmIjas... Frontenac e Glesigarry Grenville ...... . Hastings 'W... • • •• Hastings E.., ..... . Kingston . Lanark N.. ... • • • • • Lanark S,.. . Leede„ . Lennox & Addington .Northumberland %V., Northumberland E... .. Ottawa Ottawa . . Prescott.. . Prince Edward . . Peterboro W . Peterboro E.. .. Renfrew 5............ Renfrew N eve ..... fee Russell ... Storraont ..... Riding. ..... Antigonish.... ..... C. B. and N. 'Victoria .. Cape Breton South.. .. Colchester.. • Cumberland.. Digby . ...... Guysborough. ..... Halifax ..... . Halifax ..... Hants. ...... Inverness.. Xing's. qv. Lunenburg.. *II• Pietou.. ..... . • Richmond............ Shelubrne and Queen's.. Yarmouth Riding. Carleton............. Charlotte.. ..... . Gloucester ..... Xing's and Albert...... Northuraberland .... . Restigouche St. John Oity ..... St. John. City and County Sunbury and Queen's 1 lotoria-Madawaska.. Weetmoreland ..... Liberal. Hon, Wm, Paterson T. IL Proton Jehis Tolmie . Rube'Truax • ‘. • • D. B, Brown .. T. Ale,xander Kelly Denald Macnish D . IP, 11. 1ij1er Dr, A, P. Dower .A. H. Clarke ...... F. W. Harrison ,. • .. H. H. Miller • .. • .• . C. W. Hartman . . W. H. Smith „ • • R. F. hillier . John Peelsles , J. I. McLaren 11. Diekhout (IndeCon.) M. G. Cameron ... Archie }Hemp M, Y. MeLean A, /3, McCoig D. A. Gordon ,. . 1S, F. Pardee „. . D . C. 0. Fairbank E. J. Lovelace ... . J. M. :McEvoy .. 1), C. floss A, W. Sniith . 1)r, G. A. Routledge G. H. 0. Thomas . W, A, Charlton . If, M. Mowat, K, C. ,. F. L. Fowke E. W. Nesbitt .... . M, S. Schell . George Morrieon Dr. J. P. Rankin . • G. I. McIntyre ... W. II. Lowe ... Leighton afeCarthy, K. ( Manley Chew W. H, Shaw .. ...e Alfred Maguire ..„ 1. J. Ward „ James Pearson . „ James Richards (Ind. L Gordon Waldron ... James B. Begg . , „ Dr, Moyer ..... Iion. W. L. MeK. King Wm, M. German (accl,) , Hugh Guthrie.... A. M. Martin , . .W 0. Sealey.......... T. C. Robinette, K. 0. H. H, Dewart, K. a L F. Heyd NORTHERN DISTRICT. John L. Regan... . 0, N. Smith „ . • . • • . . A. J. Young „. .„ James Conmee .. • EASTERN DISTRICT. Hon. G. P. Graham ,.. D, H. McLean_ 3, A. Canipbell . Robt. H. Fair... . . John Angus McMillan.. S, T. Martin W. H. Hubbell... P. P. Clarke ...- . 3. MeD. Mowat Thos. B. Caldwell G. F. McKinun... . Firman Cross . . . . . . . . Dr. 3. P. Vrooman 3. B. McColl_ ... Alex. Weatherston... HS B. McGiverin J. A. Pinard • • vev AV* Edmund Prottlx. • ,. . Dr. Morley Currie .. J. R. Stratton ... . F. D. Kerr . Tho. A. Low James Munro ... .• Hon. Chas. Murphy-. . Gs I. Gogo... NOVA SCOTIA Candidates sNominated. J. H. Fisher „ . W. Coekettutt (Sol. Hugh Mark ty. J. Donnelly ... J ehn Best ; C. J. 'Thornton ..... T. W. Crothers David Marshill 0. J. Wilcox Dr. Fred Clarke .. . W. S. hliddlebro, X. C. . It. J. Ball • • 'I'. S. Sproule .. . 1). liendersen . V. R, Lalor Stun. Barker 'IS J. Stewart . E. N. Lewis , James Bowman .. .4. f *eq. ee11 J. J.. hiet•uer... Ward Stanforth „ . . If, J. French ...... R. E. Lesuettr E. Armvatrong IS, A. Lancaster Thomas Beattie . J. Cobbaii George Elliott ... , • Peter Elsou . Wm. Vright A. hIcC'all ... • 'Major S. Sharpe .. „ . 'Wm, Smith ... J. G. Wallace, K. 0. Doeald Sutherland . Jame e Arthurs . „ B, Alorphy, K. C. .. Dr. M. Steele Richard 131ein . Ilaughton Lemnos . Thomas Hammitt (R ee. Major J. A. Currie 11. Bennett .. lion. Geo. E. Foster, Edmund Bristol , A. C. alacdonell . „ Joseph Russell ... , A. E. Kemp E. B, Osier . Sam. Hughes ... 0. A. Clare ...... . W. G. Weichel J. Kelly Evans .. W. .A. Clarke ... ... • 0. C, Wilson ... •••• • • 3. A. M. Armstrong ... , ("pt T. 0. Wallace W. F. Maclean W R. Smyth. A. C. Boyce ... ..• Geo, Gordon ... 3. J. Carrick ..• Sohn Webster .. Edward Kidd. ..-. , Andrew Broder ... 3. W Edwards ... Duncan McMartin . Jas. D. Reid E. G. Porter. „ „ W. Is, Northrup.. , . W. F. Niekle . r W. Thoburn lion John Yfaaooart n Geo Taylor , „ • W. J. Paul,MI*,, Is, P. .. 0, .A. Munson H. J, Walker „ „ Dr, J. L. Chabot ... A. E. Fripp ,„. E. J, Quesnel B. R. Hepburn ... • „ . 3. FL Burnham „. J. A. Sexernith „ Dr, Maloney . G. V. White „ J. U. Vincent ... Dr. D. 0, Aiguire . Liberal. S. W. W. Pickup... , W. Chisholm,. ' ..... D., D, McKenzie.. .... . W. F. Carroll.; S. D. hfeLellan.. IL 3. Logan A. E. . . J. II. Sinclair .. .. Hon. A. K. aclean„ Dr. Blackadar.. ..... 3, B. Black .. ..... A. W. Chisholm Sir F. W. Borden 3. D. Sperrys. E. M. Macdonald.. 0. W. Kyte...1 .,„ Hon. W. S, Fielding , B. B. Law .... ,.. • NEW BRUNSWICK Candidates Liberal. F, !I. Carvell .... • .• W. F. Todd., ... 0. Turgeon ...... A. Legere..... Dr. McAllister.. W. S. Loggie Jas. Reid.. ,.., Hon. W. Pugsley„ Jas. Lowell 11. n. McLean . P. Michaud.. .... IT. It. Immerson Datitert04.- ..... Conservative. A. L. Davidson .... J J. Cameron.......... .1. McCormick - A. McKinnon (Soc.).. . J. W. Maddin ..... . J. Stanfield ..... E. N. Rhodes.. ... . 0. Jamieson, . , 0. A. R. Rowlings„ R. L. Borden .. • . ..... A. B. Crosby IL D. Stromlo. • • • • • , T. Gallant . E. D. Foster ..... Dr. D. Stewart.. ... . . . A. C. Bell .1. A. Gillies . .... F. 13. McCurdy.. K. E. Crosby ... Nominated. Conservative, B. F. Srhith.. . .... T. A. Hartt ....... T. M. Burns..... F. J. Robidoux. G. W. Fowler.. .. . D. 'Morrison .. W. S. Montgomery ..11. • .A. Powell... ... . .. . •L W. Daniel......... Luther Smith , M. D. Cormier.. M. G. Siddall.. 0, S. Crocket .14.4Wc4 Riding. Argenteuil Beget ........ IP *wave Beattharnoie Bellechasee Berthier Honaventure .... , Broom Chambiy & Vercheres- • Charlevoix Chateeuguay Chicoutimi & Saguenay Coinpton ........ Dorchester Drumhad & Arthabaske Gaspe Ilochelage, Huntlegdon Jacques Cartier Joliette • ..... •• • • Kamouraska Labelle .......... .• Laprairie & Napiervilfe .ssomptiou Laval Levis .t/Islet Lothiniere .... . .. Afaieouneuve Maskinonge Megantic Missiequoi Montealut Montmagny Montmorency Montreal - St. Ann's St. Antoine St. Mary's St. Laearenee St. James Nicolet Pontiac Portneuf Quebec - East Wet Centre County Richelieu ..... Richmond and Wolfe • Rituouski Rouville Shefford ..... Sherbrooke Seulanges Stanstead St. Hyacinthe St. John and lberville Three R. & St. 3Iaurice Two Mountains Temiscouta Terrebomm Vaudreuil Wright Yamaska • • V Riding ..... . • • f• QUEBEC Candidate* Nominated, IOppoeitieu. G. H. Perley M. T. Mereil (Nat.) Dr. Cloutier ....... J. G. H. Bergeren - Lavalee J. Barelle (Nat) ..... , e Moseen, ,,,,,,,,,,,,•, 0. H. Baker (Nat.) . ,. J.. Reinville P. 8. Nowlin (Nat),„. it. rget Jas. )orris (C'on,) ,^... It IL Desroaiers (Nat.) le. Levesque (Nat.)'.,,,, le. 11, Cromwell A. Sevigny (Nat.) A. Gilbert (Nat) 0, P. Gauthier L. Coderie . 11 W. Walsh . le. I), Monk (Nat.) ... .... R. IS, Goilboult (Nat,) , W. 0. Potvin R. .Aellizu (Nat.) G. Monette .... ... , .. j. L. S. Morin (Nat.) • J, 1.71e Es Leonard (Nat.) 3', Begin E. Paquet (Nat,) . , W. Laliberte E. W. Villeneuve (Nat) A, Bellemene L. II. Haunt F IL Piekel N. Marion (Nat.) D. 0. Lesperance (Nat.) ,. R. Forget ........ .... .. C. J. Dougherty .... IL 13. Ames ...... 3. A, Masse (Nat.) ..„ Cl. le. Johnstone .... , W. TJ. Cdtton (Soc.) 0. Asselin (Nat.) P. E. Lamarche (Nat.) G. H. Brabazon (Nat.) IL Grenier R, Ledue W. Price .... . .. Juke Hone Hon. L. P. Pelletier • „ . A. P. Vat:Jesse (Nat.) .. Dr. Hayes Dr. H. Boulay ..... ., H. Boulay (Nat.) ... , st J. N. Davidson Chas. D. White J. A. Lortie (Nat.) . , Geo. P. Paige . E. Guimaut (Nat.) .... J. B, Lareau (Nat.) .... Dr. Normand (Nat.) - A. Fauteaux (Nat.) ... L. Lebel B. Nantel (Nat.) De L. 'McDonald Louis Cousineast (Nat.) A. X. Mondoux (Nat.) Liberal, A. Tanner ...... J. E. Afarelle Beland L. Papineau 0. E. Talbot A. leArement J. J. Denis (Ind.) Hop. Mandl ... . Non. 5. Fisber V, Goeffrion A. Rousseau L. Gannon J, P, Brown Girard ... A, II, Hunt J. A. E. Roy ......., 0. Brouillard Hon, R. Lemieux L, A. Rivet 3. A. Robb L, Boyer J. A. Dubeau .... . 13. Lapointe C. B. Major R. Lenctot P, A, Seguin C. A. 'Wilson L. A.. Carrier A, Bourgeaud ES Fortier A. Verville (Lab,) ' 13. Mayra pd L. Paeaud IS W. Kay D. A. Lafortune Dr. Beland .0, Parent ...V. ... • . 3, C. Waleh hi, If, Hersey ...... .„ N. Allan (Lab.) M. alartin ....... „ R. Bickerdike L. A.. Lapointe . . Dr. G. A. Tureotte G. F. Hodgins (Govt.) F, 0. Cahill (Ind.) e M. S, Delisle „41,. Sir Wilfrid Laurier W. Power A. Lachance T. B. Caouette J. Cardin E. W, Tobin ...... Dr. J. A. Ross Hon. 11. Lemieux 0, 13. Boivin F. N, MeCrae Sir W. Laurier C. H, Lovell ..... , L. J. Gauthier J. Demers Hon. J. Bureau J. A. C. Ethier C. A. Gauvrean S. Desjardins G. Boyer E. B. Devlin 3. E. 0. Gladu PRINCE EDWARD King's... . Prince .. e:* Queen's . Qneen's . Riding. Brandon ,. Dauphin , I.isgar Macdonald Marquette . Portage la Prairie .. Proveneher . ...... Souris „ „ „ , Winnipeg, . 00. 01111 441 R4dins, Calgary . Edmonton............ Macleod .. . . Red Deer.. , Stratiscona- Medicine Hat .. ... Victoria Comox-Atlin Kootenay........... Namaimo.. . . New Westminster Vancouver .. Victoria Yale•Cariboo.. Riding Yukon a- • Assiniboia „ Battleford Humboldt ... Masktinzie „..e .4 Moose jaw Prince Albert $u'Appelle 0.• Regina v. We.. tes Att Selteoati ........... . • • * ISLAND - Candidates • Liberal J. -J. Hughes 3, W. Riohards . • • A, 13, Warburton . L. E, Prowee. MANITOBA Candidates Liberal sa. 13. Hill. R. &Rise ... J. F. Greenway J. S. Wood (Ree Con) G. A. Grirson... G. A, Patterson J. P. Milloy A. R. Breslin ... A. M. Campbell • 3, H, Ashdown . . •. Nominated. Conservative. A. L. Fraser Dr, P. C. Murphy..... A, A. McLean_ . D. Nicholaon Nominated. Conservative, Je:A. M. Aikins Glen Campbell_ W. HS Sharpe W. D. Staples . , . . W. 3. Roche . A. E. Aleighen 3, A. I% Bleau G. H. Bradbury . Dr, F, L. Schaffner IA. Haggett . 113, A. Rigg (Sim) ALBERTA Candidates Nominated, Liberal, 1. S. G. VaniVart • Hon. F. Oliver.. Dr. N. Warnock.... Dr. M. Mark ..... J. M. Douglas W. A. Buchanan....... W. H. White .. Conservatiye, R. B. Bennett-. , . A. Masters (Soc.) W. A. Griesbaeh John --Herron- . Ed. Fuleher (Soc.) A. A. McGillivray.. G. B. Campbell.. . 0. A. Magrath „ Is A. Morrison BRITISH COLUMBIA Candidates Nominated, Conservative, H. 5. Clements „110 . . ... A. S. Goodeve. , .... .. . F. H. Shepherd.. . „ . S. T. Kingsley (Soc,) 3. D. Taylor.. ..... H. H. Stevens,. it. Barnard M. Burrell Liberal. D. toss............. J. IL King.... R. Smith ..... 3. Oliver.. , 3. H. Senkler.... Hon. Wm, Templeman • Dr. K. C. McDonald.. . YUKON Candidates Noininateii Liberal, E. T. Congdon.. SASKATCHEWAN Candidates Nomitiated. Liberal J. G. Turriff. A. Champagne ... D. B. Neely E. 'Cash e W. E. Knowles A. W. Riatan.. . S. Tho▪ mplain W. M. Martin... ... T. MaeNutt.„ . 0 E. hteCritnevs. •• Conservative. ' • Conservative. 3. C. Sinith.., I M, td. J. IL Hearne .4. C. IX Livingstone ... . S. K. Rethwell /as. lieKsty, K. C . R. S. Lake.. „ 4. Dr, W. D. Cowan ... Ilieh, Fletcher (Ind. Rec. Jas. Nixon .. Dr. MacLean r -es (RN,. et) CAD Assailant Found Winnipeg, most furious in of the West en terday Morning the *earth last 1,000 armed in abductor of captured in a mouth of the Sheriff May, the arretst. Th house of a fa asked for foe but he Wes re was given food tG *have. Th pledone, and the iseitee from mobiles end esti He refused to out requietition 1HT HIM. ..10..1 ..1...1.4 $300, offered by Manitoba on Friday, will be peid to the Hannah peeve. The prisoner will not be returtied before next week. Be, has eonteised hillirl',11.' ye hie name is S. Davie, and in 1901 lie was in sentenced says to 35he years jail at Poison, Cal, lie i s- coped on ,Thly 27, 1000, with tettlete prieene to otherrs. He. Id fully the etsity of kidnapping Mite ?rite an eel a ittegh over IL STONE OF Dr°1411kly Lie./ I I III I as such it was, considered se Ives earried from pled° to the Israelites in their want the wilderneles. The at '' t the eh eaeen 4 ehow•ed o ar d the baOk of the rodk, from said,. he believed that the 1 guelted efter Moe,e4 had e atone with hie, kStalf. The stone, it is believed, ' to the temple of Solo mon, its destrudtion, to Jertteale Zeruetaiern it avas taken by . Spelt'. Thence it reachet later wait take rt to Seotland brought to London by PAW Dr Gla,dys Price In Ita,ystack. ---- Archdeacon Wilberforce's Remarkable Statem• ent .--,, e--.......- aan., Sept 17.-1,1,„ "' an Iltilit in the history (led at 10 o'eloek yes- , When, as a elimax to ng four daye, in which in were involved, the Ls e Gladys Priee Wag haystack three mike order. Dr Hanneh, X. D., made s fugitive welt to the ener near Halliday and a. /lc eecc notArmed, mote,' at out. itc and asked for a mot i farmee became sus- man fled to it hayeterk, Bennett tante in mita- rounded the etttek. return to (*nada with. London, Sept. 17. -It has been left to the gOth century to add one of the ntott amazing traditions to the many surrounding the tamous "Stone of DeatinSt," Whien for six eemturies has reposed beneath the British corona- tion chair The Meet familiar of the medieval, legends is that the stoneH wila th6 one used by Ise6b f°1' hi4;* pillew at Bethel. Treadling tO-day ttt Wectrninater, Arehdotteort Wilberfaree eAtoniched the eertgregStien by tBieCtlg rt *Irene own antiquarian, vrho lute specially, studied Atones., iss saying- that the, gone Of .destiny it aleo the rock front whidh Moats ettruok water for the thirsting chikiten of Israel. . a n tionll f Th. name oh ' t 6 antIonsrom wan not meat ed by the rwcheleteorte but he Witta 411110ted as Saying that Itte W AA convineed thet the etnnee weft, at,_ 4, k N y N I TER A 10 AL CONGRESS • Chicago'Sept. Dr -Informal inspection of the exhibits of tfee owl inatitifae. toreS marked the opening of the Inter- national Municipal Congress mid IbCpo- titian in the Colisium here to 1i%' Mstyor Carter n. Harrison, of Chleago, and Jebll M. Ewen, Chairman of the expoeition, Were teheduled t� officially open the event, et g e'elock thie afternoon with addreeses of welcome, CLOSED ITS 1001 1 h' . Pinta& p la, 6ept18.-1 me'* Trust Co with a. eaitl''$ o P 000 and deposits when the 1 "4 5ll1d6. of $1028,000, C105( Ulla morning. 41.4, MAY SUCCED SIR W W Toronto, Sept. IR. -Thomas ter of trannportation on the *Ill, iteeording to railway ro replitee Sir WM White eft t ete eemeteee, lt,',..., .eto, I., --------..«.------.... ..COASt TO COAST. Elmira, X, Y e e h• t " St18 1) • "'Tarn" Witt& on is rota to toamt flight, flew over Elmira, at 11.15 thit mornieg, liavitix left °metro. thirtv.edv yeliee 0 VIII tr 4 4, Pa eri. £ rswrd 0 10.44. ladi ae itp k.s. Nally Zatdob'a p3Uow. Aftertesus w na peg, cred, and place by eringe in tiquariari cleft in Welt, he veter had ruck the vas taken. and, after m. Froftt Titus to Ireland, and wee d 11 S. te 1 Of fist report NEWS OF THE O. O. F. CAMP. BAY IN BRIEF SingingG_od_ Save the King to I ndianapolis, Berlin„ Germany, Has Had a Bad Season, Outbreak of Typhoid in a Mining Camp. Bones of Man" Found in Porcupine District. 4.1.01••••••11•1100•1. Mimic() voted in favor of Hydro-elec. trie power. A. serious outbreak a typhoid fever epidemic at Mond Nickel mining camp, near Sudbury, Fifty cases of fever have already !been reported. An award of 523,000 has been made by the arbitrators in vanneetion with tne expropriation of what is now New- ton's; llotel, Humber Bay, by tire 0, T. R. 3, G. Waterfield, night telegraph op- erator at the Mimico Station of the Grand Trunk, was struck by a pad en- gine while welkin along the track on his way home. He was badly shaken up. Looking forward and baekward Ber- lin, Germany, is not well pleased, The season has been had, so much so that on some evenings recently the waiters at the big hotels have been more numer- oue than the guests. Rev. Frank Vipond of St. Barnalios' Anglican Olturoh, Toronto, ha a accepted an offer from, the Society for the Pro. Pagation of the. Gospel of London, Eng- land, the largest missionary society in the world, to take up work throughout England, George Mitchell, 18 years old, a brick- layer, living with his parents at 21 Pendritlx avenue, Toronto,.was arrested on a serious charge, preferred by the parents of three-year-old Lillie Hill, of 18 Psndrith avenue. _A. broken rail caused t the derailmen of the Mader, baggage car and a passen• ger coach of the Pere Marquette morn- ing train, just south of Westminster. The cars were not overturned, but ran on the ties for a. considerable distance. No one was hurt. A. Toronto prospector mimed Jones, while taking,a short cut through the jinn -Bind claims in the Township of Deloro to the Township of Ogden, dis- covered the bones of a man. Indications are that the man was frozen to death, .and not a victim of the fire. Wm, Warwick, 41 Shirley street, To- ronto, employed at the works of the Gutta Pemba Rubber Maoufacturinge Company, had one finger torn off and the rest of his right hand crushed by the wheels of a car in a freight train, under which he crawled to get to his work, FIRE CHIEFS. J. S. France New President of Association. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Supt. 17.- Officers were elected yesterday by the Onttirio Fire Chiefs' Association, as follows: President -J. S. France, Woodstock. Vice -President -]j',. N. Wetmore, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. Secretary -L. G. Finch, Woodstock. Treasurer -John Keys, Galt. Board of Directors -George W. Bain, Owen Sound, George Murray, Windsor, and Alex. Borland, Woodstock. Auditors -A, S. Calvet!, of Cobalt; A. 13. TenEyck, Hamilton; II B. Graham, Lake Superior Corporation, "Soo:" The chiefs were unitedly of the opin- ion that a pension fund under provin- eial auspices should be founded, and at the morning session a committee headed by Chiefs Thompson, Toronto, and TenEyck, Hamilton, was named to frame the -desires of the firemen and present them to the Legislature. The next convention will be held at Windsor Ont. NINE KILLED And Many ITurt in Auto • Race at Syracuse. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. I6. -Nine per- sons wort' killed and 14 injured, some of them (seriously, as the result of an aecident during. the closing miles of a 50 -mile automobile race at the State Fair track this afternooh, when Knox ear, driven by Lee Oldfield, leap- ed from the track crashed through the fences e,urrounding it and plunged into the throngs that lined the other tide of the speedway. Six of the nine people Were killed outright ahd two others were so badly injured that they died en the way to the hospital. The list of dead may be increased, as It Is believed that several of those who are- numbered among the injured. are so badly hurt that they eannot live. The track was wetted down- to pre- vent President Taft from being cov- ered with dust as he went around! the trade, Tsu his wee ch as to calve drivers who were to compete in the Ge- ntile event to protest against it. MR. LOUD TO RETIRE, hiottreal, Sept. 10. -It is announced that Mr. Sohn W. Loud, freight traffic m manager of the Grand Trunk and Gra' Trunk Paeific Railway.% wilt seyer nis eotniection With Ulm companies on Sept. 30, after a period of service extend- ing over fifty yea184 He astAttMed his present position in May, 1900, Mr. Loud retires on reathing the age limit, with a Mm gerteris •pension frothe road, INJURED BY AUTO. Montreal, May 1S. -While going at high speed nar ethe chrner of Green and .1 lts doors St. Catherine streets, Westmount, an automobile driven by O. Drenin motmesil the sidewalk and jammed Al. A. Bour- zeil, n hy-stereler, between the nuicitine and the window of a hardware store. Tait, Inas. I3ourzei1 nueteined a broken toitarbotte, 1 0. P. ft„ an injury to on log null severe Menefee more enetger of The trouble with a trein of thought advierters is tlsat it doesn't elwitys rnn on echedule time. HITE Indianapolis, Iulj., Sept. 18. -Thou. sande of Oddiellows from all over e'en - ado and the United States seine to Indianapolis to -day for the openieg of the Grana Sovereign Lodge lencampment. Arrangemeuto nave been made to enter- tain 100,000 visitors. Aniong the business to come before the Grand' Lodge is the cittestion of the prapotied merger of Use IPatriarchs Mili• teat, UMmilitary branch of the order, with the encempraent branch, as a meatiS of curtailiug expelasee, it is sail the Patriarchs are strongly opposed to. the nterger. Throughout the decorations of the city the British flag is displayed prons, inently in honor of the many Canadian delegates, and in the inusic.L programme "God Save the Xing" is to be eeng with "America." 14 • TRADES UNIONS 1••••••••••••••.... Lord Claude Hamilton Severe on Them. .•40•000.•••••• London, Sept. 18. -Lord Claude Irani- ilton, chairman of the Great Eastern Railway for the past eighteen years, was the principal witness to -day before the Railway Commission which is inquir- ing into the differences between the companies and tbeir employees. He made a sharp attack upon British trades unionism. , He asserted that of the Great Eastern steff, only len per cent. belonged to the Anialgameted Society of Railway Servants, whose officiala, he declared, depended for their mainten- once on creating ill will and indiscip. The witness expressed the opinion that a recognition of the unions would re- sult in a chaos that would be followed by commercial disaster. Hardly, said he, hadthe seven-year cenciliation plan of 1007 been concluded when the leaders of . the unions realized that a long period of conciliation meant a lose of member- ship, and they immediately started a campaign for the repudiation of the compact. Thereby they had forfeited all right to be trusted in the future. . Lord Hamilton thought that both di- rectors and members of the unions who broke their contracts should be fined or imprisoned and that organized labor might be pecuniarily answerable for en- couraging breaches of contracts. Strike picketing, he said, should be abolished, IRISH STRIKE. Railway Employees Declare a General Strike. Berlin, Sept, 18. -The discontent which has been evidenced for a long time am- ong the employees of the lrish railways reached an acute stage last night, when a general strike on the Great Southern and 'Western Line was declared. This is Ireland's largest railroad, and it is fear- ed thot the strike may become general, although at present the other railroads are only slightly afffected. lit Dublin itself large numbers of freight handlers have gone on strike, while at Limerick no trains were sent out last night, owing to a strike among the men there. AVIATOR KILLED. Lieut. Cammell Fell 60 Feet With Machine. London, Sept. 18. -Light. R. A. Cam- mell, of the British aviation school at Farnborough, was killed while Making a flight at Hendon, whieh is. six mites from the centre of London. Cammell was an experienced aviator, and competed in the British aviation circuit raee recently for the Daily Mail prize,- but yesterday lie was making Ms first flight in a new machine. He com- pleted the first eireuit without a mis- hap and it is supposed that the accident Was due to his taking a turn too quick- ly. The machine turned over and fell ninety feet. Comma died of his injur- ies before reaching the hospital. 4 * WET OR DRY? Latest Figures Say Wet by 136 Majority. Augusta,, Me., Sept. 13.-0overnor Plaisted lots called 'a epeeial meeting a the Governor and council to be held next Monday afternoon at which the official returns from Monday's election will be opened and canvassed. It may be as late as Dec. 1, according to the provisions of the law in regard to constitutional amendments, before the official result is announced, but Governor Plaisted makes it plain that there will be no unnecessary delay in determining just how Maine has voted on the prohibition amendment of the constitution. The figures of Secretary of State Davis were eompleted last night and Mr, Davis announeed that they ahoy - ed a majority for repeal, of MO, • * • - c KILLED FAT MAN 111.440.60.•000 1 Flying Knife Blade Pene. trated Itis train. middli.borri, mw.m., Sept. 1l... ..t few ounces of steel flying front n machine killed Frederick E. Rebbine, who weighed five hundred pounds. Rob- bins wee the heaviest man in Ply- mouth county mad had refused many °Here from unnsetun managers to ex- hibit himself, preferring the simple life of the farm. He VMS feeding t (wit to a grimling machine for ft eilo when one of the knifts blades broke off, the flying eteel penetrated Robbins' brain, killing him intently. Ile wes 41 earc old and unnlarrried, THE CANADIAN MISSIONARIES co They Are Arriving at Chung King From Outside,, No Foreigners Molested at Cheng Tu. Will Not Decapitate Leaders of Trouble, Chung King, China, Sept. 18. -The Canadian miesionariee from the sta. tions at den -Show, junglisica and Ts& int -Sing are comiog into this city to- . day, The missionaries mentioned in the above despatch were sent out by the Missionary Society of the Methodist Caurch, of Canada, the headquarters of which are at Toorntes Ont. Secording to the records; for 1011 the workers ore as follows; At jungshien-Revs, E. Smith, R. S. Longley, W, II, Albertson, and their wives; Dr, James R. Cox and his wife; MAisst E. sen.1.Ia 641110Iw-liand vIs. Ren,man, 3. R. Earle, 13. B. McAnunond and their wives, Dr. F. F. Allen and his wife; and the Messrs. Ashton, Elderkin, M. R, Swann, M. E, Switzer, Edna Spiers. At Selinsing-ltevs, R, 0. Joilife apd G. W. Sperling and their wives and Dr, W. J. Sheridan and his wife. Peking, S'IteEpItG, NlESR,-STShAre .1311;atish con. sul here to -day received a despatch from Chem!. To, dated, Sept. 13, readleg: "Foreigners have not been molested and are being treated oivilly. There has been no fighting within the city since Sept: 7, but there have been several engagements outside the walls, the in. surgente losing considerably and the loyal troops inconsiderably. Apparently the proclamation issued by General Miao Erlt Peng has not been heeded, Despatchee to the French and French legations from Cheng Tu, dated reepectively, Sept. 10 and Sept. 11. indicated that the eominander of the troops at the capital of Sze Chan, had attempted to eoneiliate the besieging forces, by promising not to decapitate the leaders of the anti -rail- road movement and offering to indem- nify the families of the insurgents who had been killed. The above despatch vecetved by the. British Consul is the latest newe dir- eet from Cheng Tu, the capital of the Province of Sze Chuan, which is besieg- ed by rebels, The agitation was begun by the Railway League, which opposed the Government's policy of borrowing foreign capital to further railway en- terprises in Sze Chuan. THREATENS PUNISHMENT. Peking, Sept. 10,- The British Consul at Chengto, in a despatch, dated Sept. 11, says that the viceroy has insisted upon the re.opening of the shops and the transportation services. In a pro- clamation the 'Viceroy grants the right of protest against the railway construc- tion, but threatens swift punishment to all who do not return to peaceful pur- suits.eNo foreigner up to that date, the despatch adds, had been injured. 4 • CLAWED BY LION. Little Girl Terribly Mauled by the Brute. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 18. -Clawed and bitten by a huge lion in a side show at the State Fair this afternoon, Laura Bores, 7 years old, of Morrisville, is hovering between life and death to. night at Syraeuse hospital. Speeators were not supposed to get nearer than lour or sive feet from the lion's cage. The little girl climbed un- der the rope barrier. The lion reached out its paw and fastened its claws in her head. He drew the child to the cage, while he screams rang through the tent. With his other paw he claw- ed at the child's face and tried to draw her through the bare, The Mtn; girl's screams of terror at- tracted throngs to the tent. People crowded through the entrance and jam- med against the cage. Attendants beat the lion with bars and prodded the in- furiated aniinal until the child was re- leased. When the little girl had been finally freed it was found that the lion had torn out one of her eyes, torn off an ear and lacerated her face and the up- per part of her body. The great throng and the shouts of the crowd and the attendants fright- ened the rest of the beasts in the camp. Keepers moved among them with loaded weapons, fearing that they might at- tempt to escape. • FARMERS BANK. Clark H. Smith Arrested in Vancouver. ToOrnto deSpatelt - The pollee are not through with the Farmers Bank eases yet. This morning a telegram was received by Inspeetor Duncan that Charles H. Smith, who has been wanted for some time, had been arrested in Vancouver, and Was being held there rtutil the loeal police were heard from, To -night Detective Guthrie will start loile,„tthe long jaunt acvoss the continent M lo bring the man back to ee a. Charge of "eonspirieg, eonfedereting and agree - 3»g with Dr. John Ferguson, Alexander Fraser, John Wetson, Alex, Lama, Hon. 3, R. Stiotton..T. J. Warree, W. It. Lind. say, 1)r. Beattie Nesbitt and others to obtain by false representatitm, deeeit and fremi from the treasury of the Board of the Dominio» of Canada the eertifirate required to open the Partnere Mink to the detriment of the pule By the attest of Smith, ft only loaves Dr. Beattie Nesbitt end Gismo Wisitart, who have exeaped the elutches of the pollee. Smith nal one of the promoters of the bank and acted as secretary for e time. art: Smith Witi tediered ity rile grand jury," ettid ineeeetor Doman this toted to-dey. end 5 will mend a -detective alter him to.nlitbt." DEAR FOOD RIOTS. The Troops Shot People in Vienna Yesterday. Vienna, Sept. 18. -The vity wan quiet to -day, following a Sunday of rioting. The meeting of the Socialists outside the Rathehaue yesterday was ite pro- test against the high prices of the time - eerie& of life and to demand that the Government permit the importation. 01 foreign meat and otherwise control the sale ot food products. A disorderly pot - tion of the crowd soon began vtolence, stoning house e and street ears and over- whelming the police, Troops were call- ed out and in sone instaneee fired iipme the rioters. The number of caettaltiee mutat be stated definitely, but unofficial reporte are that eis persons were killed and more than 200 severely injured. An official account statethat one person was killed, sixty seriously injured and several wounded. A$ a precautionary measure a police proclamation was is- sued oraertng that until further notice all houses in the Otakring districts where the disturbance was most seri- ous, be closed at 8 o'clocle in the even- ing, and all saloons and cafes closed at nine o'Cloek. The leaden of the Social Democrats, in a manifesto, declare that the rioters were an undisciplined element of the City, and exhort the workmen to abstain from further demonstration and to re- eume their work. THREATENED TROUBLE IN PORTU- GAL. Lisbon, via the frontier, Sept. 18. -The recent monarchist conspiracy unearthed at' Vienna de Castello appears to have been more serious than at first thought. A great part of the troops and many civilians were impiiceted. The con.spr- acy reached as far as Braga and Oporto. It was planned to start a rising of the people of Vienna de Castella, Braga and Oporto, and massacre the garrisons in. these cities the moment the Royalists crossed the frontier. The leaders of the movement were confident that such action within the/ country would demoralize the Republi- con troops on the frontier and thus make easy the conquest of the north by the Royalists. The Government wan ad- vised of the plot and is making efforts to arrest all those implicated, Late advices from the frontier say that in view of the instructions batted by the Spanish Government, the mon- archist plotters have abandoned Galicia and the preparing to enter Portugal. They will proceed across the border without arms, and have arranged with bands of smugglers to bring into Portu- gal all their armaments and supplies and store them in caves in the meow. tains. The Royalist plan to .pass the frontier at night, singly or in groups, thus concealing their numbers and they will reassemble on a date fixed by Cap- tain Coueeire, the Royalist leader. The Government hopes to prevent the reassembling of the monarchists within the republic by despatching the Repub- lican troops, now concentrated at strat- egical points on the frontier, as flying columns, to .disperse the revolutionists before they are able to unite at one point. The latter count upon the in- habitants of the north to hide and de- fend them. ...*14.11.410.* GRAND TRUNK INTO BOSTON Its Trains Will Enter by Harbor Tunnel And Unload Passengers at Post Office Square. New York, Sept. 18.-A Boston de- spatch says: Trains of the Grand Trunk Railroad will be rolling into Boston within two years through a harbor' tun- nel, and unloading passengers at Post - office square, a better location than the New Haven poseesses in Boston, The Grand Trunk Railroad will be sending its freight cars out upon the piers to be built at East Boston by 'the New Bos- ton Dock Company Commission within the same period. 'These facilities are made possible by the Boston & Eastern Railroad, President Mellon, of the New Haven systems, said in an interview: "I do not know that the Grand Trunk is back of the Boston & Eastern, but I would. not be surprised if such were the fact." Charles S. Baxter, attorney and apokesman of the Boston & Eastern, said to -day "There is nothing in our charter to prevent our road bed. being used by the heavy trains of the Grand Trunk, if they are moved by electric power." "The Grand Trunk railroad, if it wishes to connect with us, can build across item- Palmer, -Mass., and so con- ned us with the Central Vermont, or construct twenty nine -miles and connect with its main lin; which runs direct from Portland to Montreal." The Grand Trunk Railroad is silent, but it is working swiftly. Two trolley roads stretehing south from Portland, passing through Old Ore.hard and enter- ing New Ilempshire, were acquired by the Canadianright under the nose of President Mellon, who was spending hie attention in Maine. From the southernmost point of the Grand Trunk trolley lime to the ter. initial of the Boston & Eastern in Bev• erley Is only 20 miles. 4 4 414 ' A LANGUAGE OF 300 WORDS lii uthe more inaeceeeible ports of the Sierra, Madre latoontititie, in Northern lieieo live it eurioue people alied the TarahuarnarlS. Many of them dwell in cavee, but they have also small village), all of the aabout 8,000 feet above sea - level. The Taraintamaria are email iri bedy, but nosseseed efinuelt enduranee, Their only food is maize, and they man- ufacture a drink called teshuin, from the Remo eereal. Their laegeage le limited to ebnut WO word% itUJ they etteuot eimat Invoni ten, For molding /enamel eare peie 0•1 pane where it hole hoe betel made oe tec enamel Lae been ehiptiel ti?; *Equal parts of soft putts.. finely siilea tat aeltett. and «Intel table ealt: »i1 11 te tether, pack it into the bele well. lnaeo Ili.' pot on the stove wit% a lit Ile wrote - in it until the renieet ;ode herd. it ttPN't*I` fails; it is as hard is !!,, eirttPht