The Wingham Advance, 1911-09-14, Page 8---•..m .
P —
.,4+. E E \! 14 G U A
E. 13. OsLEn, M.P. - - President
W. D. MATTHEivS Vice -President
Otspital ..... , .............$4.000,000.00
Reserve $5.000,000.00
Total Assets ,....,.......$62,000,000,OQ
A Branoh of Ole Bailie has been es-
tablished in London, Eng., at
73 CORNHILL, E. 0.
This Branch will issue Letters of
Credit and Drafts on all important
forncoll diion,Canamaake�telegraphiols trans-
fers, and transact every description of
banking business,
Information will be furnished on all
Canadian matters.
A special department will be provid-
ed for the use of visitors and bearers
of our Lettere of credit,
C. A, BOGERT — General Manager
W. R. GEIKIR, Manager
VANSTONE, Solicitor.
Graduate of Toronto Con-
aservatory of Music,
Authorized Teacher, Fletcher Music Method,
Simplex and Kindergarten.
Teacher Piano and Theory.
Lessons in Theory by Correspondence to
out•of•town Pupils.
Classes Open September 15th,
The above reward will be paid fo
any person giving information lead-
ing to the recovery of a Scotch Collie
Dog answering the name of Bruce.
Lost May 14th.
' B. J. DOYLE,
National Hotel,
Property For Sale.
Two one-quarter acro lots, with four
roomed house and good barn, fruit
trees, No, 467 on west side of Minnie
Street, opposite the Park. This is one
of the most desirable cornors in the
Town of Wingham. Price, $1000.00.
Address all communications to
245 Victoria Ave.
2-5 Edmonton — Alberta
Faris For Sale.
150 acres, 2 miles from Town of
Wingham. all tillable land in high
state of cultivation. Two set of good
farm buildings ; two good orchards ;
artesian well ; wind mill ; water in
house and barn ; telephone connec-
tion. A desirable home in a first class
locality. For particulars apply to
. Bluevale Road,
8— Box 58, Wingham
Caine Astray.
On to my premises,' lot 31, con. 14,
East Wawanosb, about Sept. Oth, two
.young pigs, white. Owner will prove
property, pay expenses and remove.
3— Whitechurch P. 0.
Farm For Sale.
Seventy acres of land near the town
of Wingbam, good buildings, and well -
watered. Apply on the premises to
Wingham, P.O.,
'Sale By :Tender Of Property
11I i Clt rCh. Whte u
IL V,. Ilolmee le Lucknow vieitor
tide week.
Dr, J. Armstrong was in Wingham
on Tuesday,
Rev, J. W, and Mrs. Hibbert were
Ethel visitors ou Tuesday.
Mrs. I3. Perkins is spending a few
days with friends in Wingham.
Rev. J. W, Hibbert occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist Church in
Whitechurch on Sunday.
Mr, Wm. Stinson shipped acar of
cattle on Saturday last and both hogs
and cattle were shipped on Monday.
Rev, Mr, Walker of Whitechurch
occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
Church on Sunday morning and even-
Miss Irene Sheriff' of Lueknow has
been visiting her friend, Mrs. Thos.
Bradnnck, for the past week, Miss
Sheriff was junior teacher in the Ger-
rie school for the past three years.
Mrs. Lorne Shier is spending a few
days in Port Elgin this week with her
mother and sister and on her return
will bring home her little daughter,
Alma, who has been visiting there.
Me. Christopber Collins died at the
home of bis sister, Mies Collins, on the
0th con. He resided alone at his home
on the 10th con. The funeral will
take place on• Wednesday to the
Fordwich cemetery.
Mr. Wm. Bradnook of California ar-
rived in town on Monday and is visit-
ing his brother, Thomas. Wm, in-
tends taking his father back with him
to California. The old gentleman is
now in New Ontario visiting his
daughter, having arrived there only
last week.
The public library' is being moved
this week to Mr. J. R. Williams' shop
next door to the Post Office. Mr.
Williams has been appointed librarian
and will be on band to change bdoks
at any time. The public Iibrary con-
tains some splendid books of all classes
and should be better patronized than
it, bas been. If people would spend
more time reading profitable and in-
structive books it would be to their
Sealed tenders will bo received by the
• undersigned up to the 21st of September,
A.D.. 1911, at 4 o'clock p:m., for the purchase
of the property in the Village of White•
church known as the "Kew Property and
being part of the south half of lot eleven
in the first concession of the Township of
] n about • acre of land.
Kinloss, cbnteini
There are on the property the following
buildings, viz:—A frame house 18 x 24 and
16 x 24, with kitchen 10 x 20, and shed 12 x 18,
• and also a stable, hen house, pig pen and
•drive shed and a good orchard. A portion
of the purchase money can be left on mor-
'tgago at reasonable interest. The highest
or no tender necessarily accepted.
1-3 Winghanl P. 0.
Robt. McAllister spent Sunday with
Toronto friends.
Mrs. James Hogg and family left
last week for their new home in
Roe's Church has been undergoing
a remodeling and will be re -opened
next Sunday.
Master Fred Heath) is attending the
Fair at London.
Mrs. W, T. Elliott is at present
visiting friends in Milverton and
. Mies Mae Elliott of Milverton was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hattie
, last week.
Next Sunday is "Children's Day" in
the Presbyterian Church. A large at-
tendance is expected.
• Mrs. Oliver Smith, who has been
Visiting friends in this locality, return-
ed 'to• her home in Hamilton this
week. `
• Rev. Mr. Collis preached in /amides..
bore last Sabbath as Rev. 3. R. Oster-
• hoot was Breaching anniversary ser-
mons in Belmore.
'Mies Perrin of Detroit, who was
holidaying in Kincardine, spent a few
days at the manse, She returned
home on Monday.
Mrs, J. L. King, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. James Elliott of Moles-
worth, left for a visit with friends in
East Wawanosh..
East iawanosh residents will re-
gret to hear of the death of J. E.
Robertson of Craik, Saskatchewan, on
August 3let, especially es Mrs. Robert-
son was a daughter of Mr. G. Tisdale.
The Craik paper gives the following
account :—"A gloom was cast overthe
town when. it became known that J.
E. Robertson, one of Graik'e success-
ful business men, had suddenly passed
away. Some weeksago be had to go
to bed sulfating with typhoid fever,
and during the last week it was
thought theft the danger point bad
been passed. but suddenly taking a
bad tura, and nothwithstanding all
that medical science could do, he
gradually sank and expired, J. E.
Robertson was born in Elmo, Tp.,
Ontario, and received his early educa-
tion at Atwood, being a gold medalist
,of the entrance examinations. After
completing bis high school education,
he decided to take up drugs, spending
some time in Toronto as a clerk and
later graduated from the Cdllege of
Pharmacy there. He then went to
San Francisco and engaged with the
Owl Drug Company for three years,
and after going through the trying
experiences of the, eaathquake, he
moved back to WInnipeg and teen-
aged one of Gordon -Mitchell Drag
Co's. stores for two years. Later he
purchased the drug business in Craik
from Chas. Davis. In religion he was
a Baptist, having joined the church at
the age of 14. There being no Baptist
church here, he attended the Metho-
dist church and was an active worker
in the choir and Sunday school, being
president of the Eureka Bible Class
mad leader of song in the school. He
was also a member of Craik Lodge No.
55, A. F. & A. M. Two years ago he
married Miss Josephine Tisdale, who
with his sorrowing parents and family
have the deepest sympathy of the
community in their sad bereave-
Mrs. Emerson Vipond of Dougal re-
turned home last week after spending
a few days with parents and friends
on the 4th con.
Next Sunday will be observed as
Rely Day in the Union S. S. at S. S.
No. 4. Rev. Bell of Molesworth will
address the children ; time, 3 o'clock.
The Harvest Home services at Roe'e
Church will be held next Sunday at
10 30 a.m. and 7 pm. The pastor will
take charge of both services. On
Monday evening a sacred concert will
be given, at which an excellent pro-
gramme will be rendered by outside
talent. Do not miss this treat.
The barn and contents of R. Mc-
Leod, 6th con., were destroyed by fire
last Saturday morning from lightning.
Ile had threshed a few days before,
hence lost his season's crop. Mr.
McLeod had some insurance in the
Howick Mutual, but that will fall far
short of compensating him for his.
On Saturday afternoon, while work-
ing in the gravel pit on the Robt.
McDonald farm, 9th con., a cave-in
occurred, by which Roy Cunningham,
had a close call for his life. His father
was alro working' in the 'same place
and was caught too, but was able to
clear himself by his hands and rushed
to his son's rescue. The latter was
injured in the back, right arm and
right leg but will soon be able to get
about as usual his many friends hope.
It was almost a miracle he was not
killed on the spot.
Mrs. J. Watson visited friends at
Londesboro last week,
Miss Anderson of Dundalk, who has
been visiting here, left for her home
last week.
Mrs. Wm. Scott is suffering from a
nasty fall on a buggy wheel ; her
many ,friends hope to see her out
again soon.
Mrs. Richard Corley is very i11 at
her home at Burkton. Mrs. J, Coultes,
Mrs. G. Irwin and Mr. J. Vancamp are
with her at present.
Mr. Wm. Bates has disposed of his
lot south of the village to Mr. W.
McDonald, who gets possession Octo-
ber let. Mr. Bates intends moving his
family to Cobalt.
The regular meeting of the Belgrave
Branch of the Woman's Inetitute will
be held at the home of Mrs. Robert
McKenzie on Tuesday, Sept. 19th,
commencing at 2 o'clock. The mem-
embers of the Brussels Branch will be
present and supply the program.
Two papers will be given by Mrs. W.
Rands and Mrs. John Robb on "The
White Slave Trade." Refreshments
will be served. by Belgrave Branch,
Meeting to commence at 2.30. The
ladies of the community are invited
to attend.
Mr. Howard Spencer is attending
the London Fair this week.
Mr. Bowman, the Conservative can-
didate, is to etieak this Wednesday
evening, in the Town Hall. No doubt
there will be a good. attendance,
W. 3. Plain is at present spending
some holidays at his home at the
manse before entering on bis poen
graduate studied' at the University of
A good many (trite and some Con-
aervatires from thle locality attended
the political meeting addreiteed by
.lion. Geo. 1?. Grehain and Archie
Hyslop at Wingham on Monday.
. (4. Ii. and Mrs. Hail left for Chicago
. on Monday, where they will spend a
two weeks' vaeation. Mr, Aitoheson
,of Hamilton is acting manager, in ills
thecae* at the Traded Batik host's,
Our Seven Colleges havebeen
established during the past 30
years. The largest trainers in
Canada, Owing to our connec-
tion all over Qntario, we do
better for our graduates than
any other School.. You may
study all at home or partly at
home and finish at the College,
Affiliated with The Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada, It would be well for you
to investigate before .choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the wprld-famous Bliss Book-
keeping System, which is ttn-
equalled. It is Actual Business
from Start to Finish, and the
student keeps same books as
Ohartered Banks and, Whole-
sale Houses. Enter any time.
Individual instruction,
Fall Term From Aug. 28th
Write, call or phone for
PIONEER SII Memo ED.—After a resi-
dence of 56 years in the towesbip of
Morris and Grey, David Brecken-
ridge answered to the Roll Call, to
which all must respond, on Saturday,
Sept. 0th. He was in, his 03rd year
and was born in the county of Ar-
Ireland, coming to Canada
when 16 years old. After reaching
Oakville, he started westward, settling
on a farm in Wellesley township,
where be spent 21 years. In the fall
of 1855, he pushed westward into
Grey, where be settled on lot 5, con.
2, in the region here known as the
Queen's Bush. After two years resi-
dence there, he married Miss Jane
Lee of Toronto and settled down to
face the hardships of frontier life..
After a residence of 22 years in Grey,
he purchased what was known as the
Cowan farm, con. 1, Morris, where he
spent the remainder of his life. He is
survived by his widow, 0 children, 31
grandchildren and 5 great-grand-
children, The children are as fol-
lows :—Mrs, Henry Cowan, Croswell,
Mich. ; Marsbal of Iron Bridge, Al-
goma ; John R. of Sault Ste Marie ;
William of Turnberry ; Mrs. Robert
Messer of Morris; James M. of
Philadelphia, and Walter, who oc-
cupies the old homestead. All, with
the exception of Marshal, were pre-
sent during the last sickness of the
deceased. The funeral took place on
Monday to the Brussels cemetery.
Miss Bernice Shaw is attending
Wingham High School,
Mrs. Bruce spent a few days this
week with relatives at Toronto.
Wm. Mitchell and bride left for
Mossbank, Sask., on Tuesday morn-
John Casemore left on Tuesday
morning for the West on a prospect-
ing tour.
Mr, S. Paul and daughter, Alice,
took in the Western Fair at Londou
this week. •
Mr. Jas. Aitcheson has secured the
mail carrying and will commence
October 1.
Reference to the death of Mr.
Breckenridge, a pioneer settler, will
be found under Jamestown.
Wm. Holmes of Wingham has pur-
chased the old Holmes farm from Jno.
Casemore. The sum paid was $4,600,
Possession given March 1.
Margaret, the eight-year-old daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis, of
near Bluevale, has been taken to the
Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto.
About a year ago, she was afflicted
with infantile paralysis, and it is hop-
ed that the treatment in this Institu-
tion will prove beneficial to her, and
fully restore her to health.
Blyth Fall Fair will be held on
October 3rd and 4th.
A number' of our citizens are taking
in the sights at London fair,
Dr. Milne, James McMurchie and
Elam Livingstone attended the meet-
ing of Sir Wilfrid Lanrier at Stratford
on Friday. -
Mr, Isaac Brown has started his
apple evaporator this week and is
employing a number of hands ; he has
a well-equipped evaporator and will
be able to handle all the apples that
come in.
The teachers on the public school
staff are :—Principal, Miss Powell of
London ; assistants, Miss Welsh of
Guelph, Miss Thompson of Goderich
township and Miss Black of Bluevale.
This is the first time the school has
had a lady principal.
. Morris.
Miss Jennie Mirehouse and Miss
K. McKenzie left on Tuesday to at:
tend the Fair at London.
The iron for the 12th line bridge
has arrived at the station and is being
hauled to site by local teams.
Mr. John Eggleetono, je., arrived
home on Friday night after spending
about a week at the Toronto Exhibi-
Mrs, Robt. McOlenaghan and Miss
Lizzie Mirehouse are delegates at the
W. M. S, convention at Brussels this
Mr, Win, Salkeld, station ttgent,
met with a severe accident Tuesday
evening. In +some way he slipped and
fell off the station platform, to the
track and struck on his right shoulder,
fracturing hie dollar bone,
Aman those who attended the Tor-
onto Pair last week, were ---Mr. and
Mrd. T. G. Gaunt, Mr. and 11 Ire. Me-
Eachern, Mr. IT. D. Henderson Mr.
and Mrs. A. MoT,ean, Me, Robt Sirnp-
son, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hutolrier►n,
Mrs. John T. Helmet, Mrs. K. Peter-
srm and ohhilclren, Mies L. >vgman,
Mts. .A.f+" , Mr, and Mrs, 3 H. Spar -
ling end �4 and Mrs, , G. O es,
Chas. W. iiurns, Principal.
(By a Boy of 16 Ware)
The Dominion electlone are now
in full swing. The fate of Canada de-
pends upon the votes of the Canadian
people. Will they not seize the op-
portunity to tern down the recipres
city agreement, the child of annex,
ation. Remembering tbat this is not
a party, but a national question.
Do not be silent en .hie, imperial
question and let. the United States
have half the battle before the first
shot is fired, It le hard fighting when
the odds are against you. One Arneri-
can senator has said—"When we get
reciprocity, we will rush our troops
into Canada and will take her by force
before Great Britain knows what we
are doing."
Are we Canadians going to sacrifice
our noble heritage, and sell this fair
land, which the Lord 0o4 has given
us, which overflows wish much milk
and honey, for a few dollars and cents,
which we have no guarantee for?
When we asked favors of the Unit-
ed States, they positively refused to
help us, we were in dire necessity
then, but we are in better circum-
stances now ; we can run ourselves
without them. They see how we are
going ahead as never before, and they
now want to give us what they refus-
ed when we needed it.
Voters of Canada, if you were in.
need, and asked a man to help you
out, and he insultingly refused you
and told you to get your help the
best way you could, what feeling
would you have towards that man, if
after you had grown rich by the sweat
of your brow, and he had squandered
all his money, he should come to you
for help ? I for one would tell hint to
help himself out of bis difficulty the
best way he could. This is the exact
position the voters of Canada are in
at the present day; and it is up to
them to say whether they will help
the nation which tried every possible
means to steal our country from us.
Perhaps dear readers, when the
United States Trusts raises the high
prices on food, so high that you can-
not reach them, and when you shall
see our natural resources depleted by
your hungry neighbors to the south,
you will repent after you have seen
your mistake when it is too late, like
Judas Iscariot, in the good Old Book,
who sold his master for thirty pieces
of silver.
As I have said before "There is no
use fighting when half the battle is
won," but I ask you not to Gell your
country for a mese of porridge on
Sept. 21st. It is not a case of com-
pulsion unless your conscience com-
pels you, and I say that the man who
is not moved to vote against this
death-trap has no conscience.
The reciprocity candidate toile you,
Mr. Voter, that Canada prospered in
the ten years from 1850 to 1866 when
she had reciprocity, but you must
remember the Canada of today is not
the Canada of the past. We had not
then what we have now ; we had no
means of transportation, no market of
our own, no West, no steamship lines,
no railways or means to carry our
food to the British markets. The
Canada of the past and of the present
is best described in the Premier's own
words—"The nineteenth century was
the century of the United States. but
the twentieth belongs to Canada."
The pro -reciprocity people tell you,
my dear friend, all about the higher
prices prevailing in the United States,
many people believe them. People
who have never read do not know
about the trusts, the cold storage
men, the grafter or the express and
railway rates. The Liberals never
tell them about these, Oh no ! They
ought to tell about the grafter, the
trusts, express rates and ete., which
are the cause°of the higher prices.
Dear fallow Canadian, do not listen
to any fascinating fairy tale about
what you will get for your produce in
the Boston market. The reciprocity
can give you goods with a nice out-
side appearance. but when you ex-
amine the inside you will find a
poisonous substance called reciprocity,
with a very easily broken cover called
Canadians, . are you going to pull
down the Union Jack and raise. the
Stars and Stripes. Has not the moth-
er country given us a good market,
has she not also protected us againet
the attacks of the other nations,
hecause we were under the folds of Old
Union Jack ? Are we going to be
traitors? Are we going to sacrifice
our liberties for higher prices, and
become slaves under the Stars and
Stripes,or are we going to vote against
reciprocity on Sept. 21 to keep the
protection of Great Britain and keep
the Old Union Jack still waving in the
breeze, and "those dear rights let
us yield them never." Let us show
our loyalty to the mother country,
and that it is King George we want
to rule over us, not the President of
the United States, and also• seize the
opportunity of sending a
of Independence from Atlantic to
Pacific throughout the English speak-
ing world,
Mr. M. Lockhart of East Wawanosb
bas just returned from a visit to
Michigan, and givesbis impressions in -
a letter to the Goderich Star. We
quote from his letter the following :—
Tse staple products of Michigan
seem to be potatoes, sugar beets, corn
and beans, with some of the cereals.
The farm stock are not nearly equal
to ours ib Canada, being mostly com-
posed of dairy cattle, very few good
beef cattle raised. Very considerable
interest is taken in the raising of
swine, though prices are not nearly so
good at country points as in Canada.
We refer you to buying quotations in
Port Huron Times -Herald, August 23,
1011. Hay is quoted $11 to $14 ; Beef.
dressed, $7.50 to $8.50, alive, from $4
to $5 ; Pork dressed, $7 50 to $8 50
per cwt., live weight $5 25 to $0 00
If you compare these prices with
prices paid in Londou, Ont., you will
see at once the farmer of Ontario is
getting better prices for hie products
than are paid in the United States.
Even 'compare these quotations with
the market of Goderich of the same
date, the population of Goderich not
more than 5000, while Port Huron is
30,000, making the comparison result
favorably to Goderich. The natural
resources of Michigan, your readers
will know,' were timber, copper, salt
and iron. The timber has disappeared
before this time, the luwber king
has sought other fields. Georgia pine
and Florida cypress have been exploit-
ed and are nearly done. We read
that the copper mines are about ex-
hausted. The timber man and the
miner are naturally turning their at-
tention to the timber areas and mines
of Canada, and are delighted with the
decided advantages afforded by the
action of Congress in passing the
Reciprocity pact and both parties
laud President Taft as being the great-
est diplomat of the age.
The people are not divided as Re-
publican and Democrat on great
national issues, as seen by the support
given President Taft by the Democra-
tic faction for the Reciprocitst bill,
It is true a number of petitions were
circulated and largely signed by the
farmers of Michigan, and presented
by their senators, but the whole of
Congress were thunderstruck when
the report of the Commissioners of
the United States was read before
Congress in what is known as the
White Books (the only compilation of
facts and figures placed before the
United States and Canadian states-
men at the time the Reciprocity 13111
was drafted and negotiated) to find
that on page 100 cattle varied in the
United States from $14 30 to $27,40,
while the same class, same age, was
valued in Canada from $31.00 to $34.
On page 110 of the same United States
report by the Commissioners we quote
the following :—"The price of swine
slightly higher than in the United
States." On page 109 of the same
book it was found that the price of
horses was much higher in Canada.
The people learning these things from
their representatives, and being quick
to know a good thing, thereafter
offered little or no opposition, and to-
day are almost a unit in favor of this
The farmers of Northern Michigan
grow hay for market,
'the low clay
lands, and believed that Canada
would inundate their market, but it
was found that the Canadian farmer
(especially Ontario) had been taught
by Farmers Institute workers to con-
serve the fertility of his land and feed
his produce on his farm and sell the
furnished product in the form of beef,
pork, eggs, butter, etc., and therefore
not much surplus hay is available in
Ontario. The price of loose hay is
about the same in Goderich as in
Port Huron. The method of growing
large fields of potatoes, sugar beet and
beans, leaving nothing to return in
the form of manure to the soil, is not
progressive agriculture, and soon
deserted farms, as seen in New Hamp-
shire and some of the other New Eng-
land States, will be comtnon in Michi-
We remember the late Mr. John
McMillan, whom the people of Huron
delighted to honor, always counseled
the farmer to feed his produce and he
would be a bold speaker who would
advise any farmer to the contrary,
yet, contrary to the teaching of our
best farmers we find politicians advis-
ing Reciprocity so that farmers might
sell their bay.
The people of the United States to-
day idolize President Taft, and make
no attempt to disguise the intention
and meaning of his worde, when he
said "Canada is at the parting of the
Ways." When Clarke, the Democratic
speaker, and McCall, who introduced
the Reciprocity measure to Congress,
declared it meant annexation, the
bnubile men of the United States were
ut giving expression to the unanim-
ous sentiment of the people. The
people say that the public nien of the
United States have made it so plain
that annexation is the ultimaturn of
the Treaty, and if the Government,
and people of Canada consent, then it
will be' a tacit admission that Canada
wants to become part of the United
On page 450, Sept., 1911, Farm Jour-
nal, published in Philadelphia, we
find :•—"Pree trade between the two
Quite a number are taking in the
London fair this week,, .
Mr. J. and Miss L. Jenkins of Hun
lot spent Sunday at John Watson's,
4th line.
Mrs. John Watson, who has been
visiting friends in Grey and Mullett
for the past week, has returned
Solomon Oloakey of "the 4th line of
Morris is preparing his Ensilage Corn
Cutting outfit to start next week. As
the corn is a heavy crop this year we
hope to hear of his success.
The residence of Mr. Jas. McGee,
Oth linehad a narrow escape frons
destruction last week, when the roof
°augght fire. The blaze was extin-
guished in time. - Lose covered by ins
'Threshing le the order of the day
and grain le reported to be turning
out very well.
Among thous who attended the To
rto fair were—Mrs. Robt. Muir,
Mrt. John Mama, Mite B. Sadie
Mise' Ma ie Forttttre, Mrs. Georg
Portune, MleS K. 1101112141 and all re.
port a g time.
- countries will eventually follow the
St. Helens.
Miss. Lizzie Rutherford has resumed
her duties as teacher of Currie'e
School In Eaat Wawanosb,
Mise Mina Rutherford left last week
for Southampton to resume her duties
as Principal of the Public School.
St. Helena is still doing all it can In
the way of advancing education,
Among those who are attending
Wingham High Scboon from here
are : -- Miss Annie Rutherford and
Mise Greta Webb, returning for their
second year, and the following for
their first term—Mies Jean Webb,
Miss Edna Woods, Miss Christens
Miller, and Case Durnin. We wish
them all every success.
enactment of the present measure,
, and that will man peaceful annex-
e ation, There is no. doubt about that,
not of eoures, in this generation, but
It WW corns iti a later one The
great surprise to most of us is the
bold attempt at beclouding the minds
of the Canadian people as to the view
the public men and citizens of the
United States are almost unanimously
giving public expression to.
In an interview of an hour's dur-
ation with Mr, A. P. Elton of Jack-
sonville, Florida, (lumber mac) he not
only asserted that annexation was
intended, but that it was the beat
thing for Canada. The Rev. Morris
(Congregational) had the boldness to
congratulate us on our prot}pects of
becoming part of the Great Republic,
believing that frons the action of Sir
Wilfrid Lanrier and his cabinet that
this country was ripe for annexation.
Mr. J. 11. Lockhart, arailroad man, a
resident of Michigan for 30 years. liv-
ing in Port Huron, Mich., and now
residing in Grand Rapids, said he
knew of nobody who had any other
thought than •annexation. Being a
roadme,ater, he cornea in contact with
a ;treat many people,
In the Pott Huron Times -Herald, h,
column headed "Hard • Luck Tales
Now In Order," asserts that Flint City
"has now ten thousand less population
than in 1010." The above is found in
August 22, 1011, issue.
In Grand Rapide, a furniture factory
strike was closed With no concessions
made; the timber of Michigan gone,
the wages of the men cannot be rais-
ed. We foutnd that street ear con-
ductors (in Grand Rapids, population
70,000) were paid the same wages as
the men of Huron who are digging
post holes, yet the cost of living is a
great deal higher.
In conclusion, we think the con-
dition of the Canadian in town and
country le infinitely better than in the
States. The beat and the approved
authority by the United States, the
White Hooks, assert that wages are
better in Canada and prices higher
than in the United States. The farm-
ers of Canada were never eo happy,
eo prosperous and oontented. 1Jay we
love and cherish the land of our birth,
the noble heritage from wertby
aired, M, LOOK HAIM
r . Why,ubby
dear, isn't
this tea all right?"
"Oh, it's not bad!
But I wish you'd
order some Red
Rose -- the kind
we get at 99
the elub.2
I have for sale some first-class
farms (on easy terms) in Central
Alberta, Soil, black loam ; sub-
soil, clay ; in well settled district
with good water.
For information and terms ap-
ply to
Real Estate and
Better Than Ever.
Straight Grocery Values
Every Deal.
4 Packages for 25 Cents
This is a good Corn Starch.
We sell it all the time and
recommend it as one of the
Best Brands of. CANADIAN
Single Packages 7c, •or 4
for. 25e.
Expect To -day (Tuesday)
a large shipment of late
Crawford Peaches
This Is The Tea And Coffee Store
Sept. 9, 10,
11, 13 and 15
Sept. 12 and
Return Limit, Sept. 18
Special Train leaves Wingham 620 a•m.
Sept. 12, 13, 14. Return,' Special leaves
London 10.50 p. in, same dates
September 14, is, 16.
Round Trip Rates
From. Wingham to
$ 5,65CHICAG
Proportionate hates to Port Ilnron,
Bay City, Cleveland, Grand Rapids,
Minneapolis and St. Paul.
RETURN LIMIT. -- Original starting
point hsbr reached
tatOdo2nd, 9,
Via Chicago and St. Paul
In ooflfCetlon with
To Spokane, Wash.; Nelson. B. C.; Van-
couver,O.; Weetnilnater, 13.0.; Seattle,
wash.; Tacoma. Wash„ Portland, Ora;
anranootteeo LOS Angeles, San Diego,
., and SEPT.ri8titiTo OCT.ts, at vlsrn, low rates—
Pall particulars fret any grand Trunk
Agent, or oddness
d.. 2, null'I', D. p'. A„ Termite.
We are prepared to match the
price of any style of shoe as
advertised in any Canadian . Cat-
alogue, and in case you may
want some particular style which
we have not in stock we will
procure same for you at what-
ever price advertised, free of
all express charges to you, and
at the same time if they don't
suit, you are under no obliga-
tion to keep them, and do not
forget "rips sewed free."
Willis & Co.
Sole Agents
For The
k �
Hama Co. Buttoric
Headquarters For
Ladies' Mantles
This year we have _the biggest range
of Ladies' Mantles ever shown. All
the newest styles—Shawl or Military
collars—in blacks, blues and tweeds—
Sealette and Cony cloths—best value
and reasonable prices.
Misses' and tw
Children's Coats
A large assortment of Misses' and
Children's Coats—sizes from 4 "years
to 20 years—in blues, fawns, cardinal
— with and without capes -- newest
goods that can be bought -- from
$4 00, $6.00, $8.00 and $lo.00.
Sweater Coats
For Men, Women and Children. Now is the time to buy
your Sweater Coat before the nicest and newest are picked
out. For Ladies — Medium long in White, Blue, Cardinal
and Grey. Full length Sweater Coats in Greys, White or
Navy. Big choice. All sizes in Children's.
Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-wear
Department Up -stairs,
Men's- Rain Coats
10 only Men's Raincoats, waterproof, light -weight, in fawns
and Fancy Stripes ; regular $8.00, to clear at $5.00 each
Men's Pall and Spring lightweight Coats ; sizes 36, 38, 40,
42 ; i>a Gtreya, Greens and Blacks ; regular $10 and $12—to
clear at 37.75 OVERCOATS for Men, Boys and Children,
Our big stock has arrived ; big choice for those wanting to
buy Overcoats in plain Blacks, Fanoy Tweeds, and all the
newest shades ; close -fitting Military collars, convertible col.
,tars ; for Men and Boys. Prlceg to snit everybody.
Highest Prices For Produce, Phone 70