HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-08-17, Page 7STRIKE FEVER 18 EPIDEMIC IN BRITAIN Sunday Riot in Liverpool Was a Bloody Affair -Scores Were Injured. Great Lockout To -day --Glasgow Situation Threatening -Railway Strike Probable., Loudon, Aug, U. -The istrike fever ifrom, them eurued upon them byi, the crowd. By degrees the pollee has becorne epideirae in Great Brie tau. From one teal o fthe couutry ecroawred sthue Streets end dieperseel the Speakers to the other men either have struek iet the or are threatening te do o and evea the women aud the 1.0118 id the email. e factories of the luta: iea are de- manding better conditiOns of labor. The streets of London are commenc- ing to resume their nerdy.' appear-. wage, The yen men began work early ia the day in ae endeavor to make up for lost time. At the docks may a portion of the Irina returned to waik and a good deal of uneaeiness pre- vailed art limey of the men xefased to accept the fiettlement arrarigest by their leaders and ',demanded nucon- ditierial ettereneler on the part of their employera. The same description fits the situ - atoll. At the riti/veny stations where many of the parters Ana (tartars are demanding greater conceseione than had been agreed upon. Great mien - Utica of Meats and provisions lield up at the docks and the railway sta- time last week were found, 'where dis- charged thia Dior:deg to be damaged and were taken out to eerie and throw everboard. The meat Shope are being coaled and the refrigerator plants darted again, Quiet•has been mitered at Liver- pool following yesterday's rioting when a policeman. wee allied and some 200 officers and eivilians wound-, esl, Reinforcemeate •of police have been 'brougla to the etty and they patrolled the streete to -day dispereing the crowds wherever there ivae an at. tem,pt to congregate. •Glasgow, where the etreet railway men are on strike, was also quieter, but the atmosphere was charged with strike and the cars for the operation of which the, eity has: obtairied more than enough noiennion drivers and 41e1*- .conductors, were guarded by police. • The •railway men throughout the country have assumed a threatening • attitude and a complete tie up of the railroad traffic is poceible. To -day the locomotive engineera adopted a resolution in favor of a eational etrike. This following the action a the 2,000 London railway men em- ployed on the Midland, Great Cen- tral & Metropolitan lines, who last night decided to call a general stsike on all the eurface railwayand eub. way lima in the London distriot next Saturday unless their grievances were adjusted in • the meantime. A aUNDAY RIOT. Liverpool, Monday, Aug. 14. -The labor unrest culminated here yester- day afternoon, when the street's, were turned into a battlefield. The thor- oughfares were crowded in all direc- tions from Bt. Graorges Hall; •out- side of which 100,000 transport work - ere had gathered for a demonstration. The crowd was excited from the be- ginning, but everything went 'Well Until a resolution. to fight to the bitter end was carried. And then a itorlsparati soly trifling incident start-. ed an affray. Tao police removed several boys from 4. window sill upon which they had perehed. The net of the police infuriated the 'crowd, whioh begon to atteek the police with belts, bottlee and atones. A detac:hment ef Birmingham po- lice became hemmed in, +andel short order their truncheons were wrested Very soon the whole area wag in a stale ef panic. Mounted police were rushed to the spot, and then the eeene took on the likenees of a battles field. Men, bespattered with blood, lay unconscious on the pavements. A magistrate arrived and read the Riot Act. After rime the :Warwicksaire Yeomanry eame on the double (prick, and soon the streets were eleered of all but the wounded, who were res moved to hospitals in ,ambulances as fast ea they arrived. But, the rioters, though •clispersed, were eullen, and they went away they muttered %reties of reprieal, One policeman died as the result of the fightiug, and others are in a bad way, among theta Superintendent Dent. Scores of strikers were injured. DOOXISIEN LOCKED OUT, verp ol, .Aug. 14. -The threatened lockout by the ship owners became et.' feetive to -day, when 80,000 dock men were refused employment until they de- cide to abide by tbe terms of their ra. cent agreement. Last week the employers complained that in spite of the compronage effected, sectional strikes ead taken place, sea lonely inconveniencing the trade. On Friday fifty of the leading ship owners formally notified the dockers' union that unless all notions of the strikers resumed work by noen to -day, steps would be taken to stop all wpra at the port. Many of the strikers aecepted the ultimatum and returned. to work this morning, but the coal heavers gener- ally refused to obey the meters of the union officials, to resume their occupa- tions. Accordingly the employers re- solved to carry out their threat. The lock -out applies to the whole port of the Mersey, but 'does not affeet the passenger traffic, The Cnnard Steam- ship Corapa.ny is arepering to disenbark all of the Lusitania's paseengera end as much freight as possible, at Fieliguard, where the steamer is due at 9 o'clock to- night, Col. Concannon, of the' White Star Steamship Company, issued a statement to the effect that the strikers, not hay- hig reaumed work in a body, it had been fount necessary to close down all work en the cargoes for the present. ,Although there has been no recrudes- cence of the state of war that existed last night, matters were so threatening to -day that the War Office practically took charge of the situation, and large military, reinforcements were •expected. One of the parks was prepared for an encampment. The only way of mewing provisions was to convoy them with strong detachments of soldiers-, who were provided with ball eertridges. The Strike Committee has written to the railroad companies suggesting a con ference with a view to a settlement. STRIKERS CALL A TRUCE. Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 14. -After a. Sunday of rioting, the striking employ- ees of the municipal street ear system called a truce toeley, pending the out- come of a conference between represent: waves of the two parties to the disputa A restricted service was permitted without molestation of the ears, and their non -Union drivers and conductors, but the authorities prepared for all eventualities. Alt of the infantry and artillery were confined to their barracks under arms. QUAKER LYNCHING, •0•6•••*• Great, Indignation Over the Action of Mob. araraFtwara , Coatsville, Pa., Aug. l4. --A fearful work of a frenzied mob here last night, when it dragged a negro from a hospital and burned him to death for the killing of Edgar Rice, a policeman, Saturday night, has aroused the greatest indigna- tion in this °immunity, and everything possible will be done •to bting to justice the ringleaders of the mob. That such an affair could occur in A Quake; cone inanity like that of Chester County, was not believed posable. Thousands of persons journeyed out to the scene of the bureing today. Noth- ing is left of Ezekiel Walker, the vic- tim, but hie ashes, all unburned por- tions of the hospital cot •that formed part of hie pyre had been gathered up Ly Sonvenit hunters. triirrir*trir. New York, Aug. 14. -Governor Sohn X. Tener, of Pennsylvania, received word here to -day regarding the situation at Coateville. "I am going to Philadel- phia thie afternoon," said the Geyer - tor, "arid if I decide to do anything it will be after the arrival of the °incise reports of the affair there, 1 cannot condone lynching in any eircunastanceS. I am grieved to think that Suck a erinie amid happen in Pennsylvania, under any circumstanees, for any reason," s. LONDON KISSERS' PINED. London, Ont., Aug. 13.e -Thirty-five melee, leaving from apse of 15 to 50, wete in the Polite Curt on Saturday eharged with administeting • hitiette tipoli members of the fair vex during the big walked street carnival which wound up the Old Boys! reunion lost night, Those who admitted their guilt were fined while those compelling the bringing of witneesee WOror fined $3. All the kissers paid up, LINEMEN Otilt WORN, Calgary, ABA., Aug, 13.--Clailuing that the Governmerit is too elew in paying them after their wages are due, the fifty linemen and tale then Amployed ht Calgary by the Alberta Government telephones did not work yetterday, and at a TM:feting head in a labor hall at 10 e'clotk Intile morn. in they tleciaftd that they walla not welt epee nntil theft rrn PK rite Avtgast 1st, and stilt nnpekl, are fortheorsing. TO AMEND TREATY Vo. •••••*.raa U. S. Senate Committee Strikes Out Clause, trawarawa Washington, Aug. 14. - President Taft's general arbitration treaty for the peaceful Battlement of all international disputes is threatened with failure as the result of action taken by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The cOmmittee struck from both the Anglo- Amerieen and Franeo-American treatriest now pending hefere the Senate for rata fieation the iollowing paragraph lit ar- ticle 3: "It is further agreed, however, that On the cases In which the parties Vs- egree as to whether or not a difference is subject to arbitration under alaiele 1 of this treaty, that the question shall be submited to the Joint High Com- MiS6107i of Eriugiry, and if all, or all butt Inc member, of the committee agree and report, that such difference is 'within the leases of artiele /, it shalt be referred to arbitration in accOrditnee with the pro. visiens of this treaty." IS IT CHOLERA? or.AAisAr4. C. P. R. Steamer Lake Erie Is In Quarantine. Ottawa, Aug. 14.-Tsvo Pest thips are in quarltutine at Grow: Isla off Quebees Ottawa has been hotified 'that the C. P. R. steamer 1Ja1ce Erie is Obtained with 37 caees of what Is suspected to be Aei. en° eholtra. /The German vessel Witte- kind is held at the eafne places with a large number of enualpox patients. ENDED HIS LIFE. Totonto, Ang. Norrie, a, polisher, employed in the inetru- merit seetion of Whaley, Royce at Company'e factory, committed suicide on Saturday by drinking a ellantity of cyanide of potassium. Norris, who Wee 37 years old, lived with a brnther at 18 Morley avenue. Coroner Dr. W. R. R. Atkins investigated, aud the evidence showed oveclusivedy that it ware a delibersee sevee 0,1 Sul- eiae, Tia he *lathing of the decatteeet Iris • d the fellerwitg reiee: to itre fhertikeil iechool, and by liM sld. wae Iy1n e.broken cup, fn wbf4i lr bed ike* the ptristen, ONTARIO FAIRS SEASON OF 1911 ittratonarFat A14,0110)10 •*41 Arr, r* Oct. 4. Abingdon Qat, 14 14. .6 04 aa If* Sept. 80. 27. it -Ulster% *009 40..4 41444.004. Of O. 41Vinettat • • • • 04 Nt• 8, 4. Arnheretbura' ,..Sept. 20, 21, AncasterOt 44 Sept, 2,6A 27. Arnprier .ept* It 3. Ashworth .................Supt. 29. Asti:amino..............Sept. 29. AtwoodSePt.,21t 2,2. Aylmer •. •. 00000 at 44 Oct, 'St .• naneroft .. Sept. 28, 29. ••*t 40. 4* 00 Sept. 25. 20. 27,. Aleysviue ••01. .4. 44 4.444.44 la Beachburg Oct, 4, 5. 0, .kleaverten -Oct, 3, 4. Belleville •,• • .• 6/ .4 Sept. ie Berwice •A4r4 00 • A "Sept. Olt 28. Ucthel .• . get. 14. Binbroelt • 11 .41. ::Oet. 2, 3, Wei/helm .• -Oct. 5, 6. llobeargeon „ ...... Sept. 26, 27, Bolton .•4 ...... tot Ott. 44 "COL Oa 6, Botlowell'e Corners ...Sept. .29. eloei wenvele 4•00t. •• " g Sept. ete seg. Itratunten ....• .•., .1P4 13r*den • • .61. o. 04.4 ••Oett 2. Brighton ept. 28, BrIstelee .......................Oct. 11. Brockville„ G, 8, Bruce Mines .• •• **• •01 Sept. 21. Brussels .. Oct. 3, 6. Burford ..,• Oct. 3. 4. Burlington ,. ,4•4 rr .11 04 Oet0 1. Celedon Oct. e, 0. Caledonia, Oct. la 13. camptienford Sept, 26, 27* Carp Qat, 4, 6. Castleton „ „ „Sept. 29, 30, Ca)rege Sept. 28, 29. Centrevitle 00. 0.t. •• SePte 16. Chariton .• .. 6 t SePto 194 zu. Clarksburg ..Sept. 21, 22. Cobden ..,. .. Sept. 28, 29. Colborne Oot. 8, 4. Comber . . .0ct. 10„ 11. Cookston . . . .0ct. 6, 4. COORtiVille .40ct. 4. Data. „ Sept. 25, 26, 27. Delaware ......Oct. 4. Demorestviile .„,Oct. 14. Deaboro Sept. 21, 22. Dorche.ster ...Oct 4. DrairtOn 46" 44 .1•._ot Oct. 4, 4. Dresden Arre •r At •• Sept. 28, 29. DrOmbo Sept, 24, 27. Dundalk .. " Oct, 12, 13. Dunnville Sept, 19, 20. Durham .• .• • • • • - Sept. 20, 27. Elmira..................Sept. 26, 27. Montvale ..• •Oct. 4. Ernbro .. Oct. 6, Inulo •• .4 or, SePtl 21, 22. „.. . . Oct, 12, 33. Essen „, Sept, 26-28. Exeter ..• Sept. 18, 19. ' 1....:enelon Falls -Oot. J.'S. eenweek e. Oct. XL A, Fergus .., Sept 2$, 29. reversham .. Oct. 3, 4. Florence Oct. 6, 8. Fort Erie .. • Sept. M 27, Fort WIlliaraSept. 12-15. Frankford .. Sept. 14, 15. Franks...111e .. . .. . Sent. 23, 29. Freolton r•r4 •• r• r• A. rr Oct. 4, 5. Galetta Sept. 26, 27. Galt Georgetcrovn ..Oct. 4, 6. Glencee .. . Sept. 20, 27. Gordon Lake .. ... Sept, 29. Gore Bay .... Sept. re, 27. Gerrie ..••• •. ,•,. Oct., 7. Grand Valley .. ....Oct. 17, 18. Gravenlourst .. "Sept. 14,1,5. Goleta .. Sept. 19-21. Haliburten •• Sept. 28. Hamilton .............Sept. 14-16. He..nover . Sept. 12, 13. Harrlston •. SePt. 28. 29. Harrow ., ... Oct. 10, 11. Holstein . . . . .. Oct. 3. Huntsville „Sept. 26, 27. Ingersoll ,..,,. . .....Sept. 19, 20. ItoVerary..15. Jartis r... ...........Sept.ot. 8, 1, Kagawong ,. Sept. 28, 23. :Keene . ..... Oct. 3, 4. .. Oct. 4, 5, Tremtoville...........Sept. 20, 21. .. Oct. 5, 0, Kincardine...........Sept. 20. 21, Kingston.. Sept. 27, 28. Kinmount .. Sept. 14, 15. Kirkton ... . . .... Oot. 5, 6, Lakefield Set. 19, 20. Lakeside ................Sept, 29. Latnbotro . "Oct. 3. Lanark ..„ .„ Sept, 7, 8. Langton . Oct. 14. tansdeTene . ..... . Sept. 21, 22. Leamington .. Oct. 4, 5, 6. opt. 1, 22, 23. Listowel -.Sept, 10, 20. Lombardy-. ... Sept. M. London (Vesiern Fair) Sept. 8-16, Loring . . . sept. 20. TryndburstSept. 14, 11. Moberly Sept. 26, 27. Made°. Sept. 27. 28. Allognetawan Sept. 26. -,1. Itlanttowantng Oct. 2, 3. MatawaMarkdals ..Oct, 2, 4, Markham Oct. 4, 6, G. Afassey . .. Sept. 211, Manville.. Oct, 3, 4, Meaford „Sept. 28, 22. Metcalfe..........Sept. 19. 20. Oet. 6. Midlnad „. ,,Sept. 28. 20. Trilidmay...........Sept. 25, 26. MIltOn -Sept. 26, 27. 2,111verton ....... .. Sept. 28, *. Mitchell .. Sept. 19, 21 Morrisburg ..Aug. 30. 81, Sept. 1. Muncey .." .”Oct, 5. McDonald's Corners .. Sept. 22, 29. Alt. Bridges -Oct. s. Mt. Porest Sept. 28, 29. Neustadt ',Sept. 21, 22. Newboro Sept, 2 and 4. New Hamburg .. Sept.*, id. Newington ..........Sept. 18, 19. New Liskeard Oct. 6, 6. Newmarket Sept. 19-21. Norwich Sept. 19, 20. Norwo:d Oct. 1.0. 11.. Oakwood .. Sept. 23, 26. Odessa . . . ..04t. 6, Obsyreken Oct. 4, 6, e. Onondaga., ..........Oct. 2, 3, Orangeville .. Sept. 14, 13. Oro .. ‘. Sept. 19. Orono .. ... . . Sept. 14, 15. Oshawa Sept. 11, 12, 13. Otterville Oct. 6, 7, Owen Sound ., ..Sept/2. 18. 14. Paisley Sept. 28. 27. Parham .. .. -Sept. 21, 22. Paris .... -Sept. 28, 29. .... Sept. 28. -2s. Parry Sound. Sept.. 20, 21; 22. Perth .. Sept. 11, 12, 16. Peterboro Set. 14, 15, 16. Petrolea, .............Sept. 21, 22. Philtert0To .• t• V• Sept, 22. Port carting...........Sept. 21. Port Main .... Sept. 28, 29. Powassan . ..... Sept. sr, 28, preseott Sept. 26, 27, 28. Providence nay oct. 6. Otteensville f4 Ire 44* 11( oer• 11. 12. Ralpharn Centre of to C4 Sept. 21, 22, RamOna....... Oct. 4. Renfrew Sept. 20, 21, 22, Ilichard's Landing .. "Sept, z. rudgetownOct. 10. le 12. leitoleY “ 1.0*• 66. • % 0 1,1 Sept. 26, 27, Rebna's .. Oct. 7. Rocklyb.•.. ie •• 0 et • 5, a Roakten .. Oct. 10. 11. noeeneatie ..Sept. 28, 29„, Sarnia, rite. so • 64 4 44 Stipt. Bata Ste. Marie......Sept. 20-22. Seaferth .... Sept. 21. 22, ShanoTObVille Sept. 16. Sheaulndah..........Oct. 4, 5, Shelburne .... Sept. le, 27. Sirticos. .4.. tg *v.. •• 44 Det• 11490 ..4 • • 66 00 • • 04t, 6, 8, South Mountain ......pt. 14, 16, Sotith River .. Sept. 28, 20„ Spencerville .0 46 *166 Sot. 26, 27. flOringflaid Sept. 28, 29. sprucedale Sept. 24, 27. Stella, ...to 1.0.44 • • Fr J. '44 Oeritt 24. Stitinn, Sept. 21, St. St. Mary's .... 2s. 27, Stratreravine „Beet. 20. Stratford .. Sept. 14, 15. etutgeon rails „. Sept. 22, 26, Sttathroy Sea. 18, 10, 20. SteettevIlle Sept, 21 Sundridge Oot, 3, 4. Sutton We* Sept. 28, 29. Tara ..•, .• Gat. a, 4. Tavistock .. Sept. 111, 19. TeetwistOr oet, 4, 5. TbameavIlla Gin. 2, 2. 4. aherford Oa. 3, 4. Then/Mon .... Sent. 28. ThOrthi " ” Ser.. 19, at Tumonbutg Sept. 3,, 14, et Toronto .. •, August 24 10 Sept, II, Tweed .•. Itr 104.11... Vit. 4, IL tinderwood 11,6 Oet. 10. Vittertinn •• •... ort. a, 4. Vatiklerik HIli Sept. 12-2i. Verner ..„ Sent. 19 at, Walkerton' „Sent, 1%1-15. Wallaethurg Sept, ea, V. isalletetesen Sept. es, 20. welter* Valle ..„ 3ept._243, 27. Walsh .0 At Or 00 •* ...... Uerd 20. Wettt5ria 0 t •0 000 Of O. Warren Sept. PI 21. Waterford ,,, . Got. E. Wciler4 Oet. 4, 5. 'Wel/arm-port *sr* I,. ftig0111, 1100 an4 eseellerley ,.Seot. is, IS. Weeton ....... ... Se . 29, tO. Wil..14:41 04 • • 0* .• • 0 r 24. 27. 1 Amartown 24 2. Iligt • *. e *1 e "eV 4••• .14 tot. 1.1 1,0 if Ir. t It IF *let lot NONE FOR AMERICA Archbishop Quigley May Not be Cardinal. • The Condition of Pope Pius • Continues to Improve. walwaratat Rome, Aug. .14.-T11e paysiciens !mud Pope Plug X teeley changed out little from yesterday, when a slow bat grad- ual improveMeut wee perceptible, As el- waye in the morning hie temperatore Wait slightly below that Of the ' night during which, it was 03.7. The weather was cooler to -day and this had a pod effect upon the patient, who was more ebeerful. The Pontiff sat up again and Dr. Petacci and Dr. adarchlafava suggested. that he remain longer in his armeltair as they thought this position 1u:epee to restore his strength the wasting of watch continues the most unfavorable symp- tQl11, in the 'ive.y of a complete recovery. After seeing Cerdinal Merry del Val, the Papal Secretary of State, and Mgr. • ansleti, Major Domo of the Vatiean, the Pepe asked for Sardine' le Lai, Sec- retary of the Consistorial Congregation, with whom he %visaed' to discuss several queetions relating to the Church in America. The -reports thee Arebbishop James Edward Quigley, of Chicago, has been elevated to •the cardinalate are stated, to be wholly unfounded. The Pope, it is (*.warted, has never even con- sidered holding a eonsistory for uell a purpose. It is generally known that because of this year's celebration of the Jubilee of Italian Unity a consis- tory would not be held, before December at. the earliest, and is more likely to be held next year, At that time, although there are twenty-two vacandes in the Cardinalate, it is believed that no Am- erican will receive a red hat. ALLEGED THEFT. mamma**. Bookkeeper ofBeaver Mines Arrested at Toronto, Toronto, Aug: 14, -George Bourne, 4 bookkeeper, living at 84 Bismarck avenue, was arre.eted on aaturday night by Detective Miller On. a charge of stealing 15;000 shares of mining stook, representing $5,000, from tbe Beaver Consolidated Mine. Limited, with headquartexa in the Lumaclen building. As the result of the alleged pecula- tion ef atock there are believed to be about 13,000 shares of the stock out. standing over and above the amount which. has been legally issued. The procedure alleged to have been adopted, by Bourne was carried on in Joeh a way that detection was almost impossible, as hie books were always balanced correctly. Bourne, it is said, has done every- thing in his power to aid the investi- gation and has of his own accord re- covered and returaed 2,000 shares, making the total excess outstanding 13,000 shares. The value of the mis- aap:opriated ehares was placed at 05,000, which is on the beige 'of the value of..the etock at the time it was taken. At present the total would amoura to between $6,000 and $7,000. • SPECIAL PRAYER Arehbishop of Ottawa Asks Guidance of Voters. Ottawa, Aug. 14. -The Anglican. Arch.* bishop of Ottawa has jostled the follow- ing prayir, to be said in all the churchea of the Diocese of Ottawa during -the per. iod for the election of members of Par- liament: "Most gracious God, we Numbly beseech. Thee, as tor this Dominion of Canada in general, so espeetelly for all her people, who are at this tisoe engaged in the eleotien of true and upright ana faithful men to represent them in Par- liament. Save •us Trent all ignorance, eiror, pride and passion, and lead us all to the exercise of e Sound judgment and the meintenience of true principles, so that justice and righteousness and hon- esty may everywhere prevail amongst no, to Thy honor and glory, and our own everlasting profit, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen," CANOE SWAMPED itrrtmtortattre Three Drowned Near Carle- --ton Last Night. a Fr a•Fir Calf -ion Place, Otte Aug. 14. -One of the saddest drowning accidents in the history of this part of the Province oc- curred at about half -past eight o'clock lost night in Mississippi Lake, three miles above here. The victims ate Mies Belle Rithards, daughter of Mr. James Richards, of the 0..1'. It. shops here; Miss Annie Ellit son daughter of Mr. Thor:. Ellison, Carleton Place, and Mr. Rudolph ,Therg, son of Mr. Martin Join, ef Condertport, Pa. Both girls were about eighteen years of age, Ana were inueli beloved by the people of their town. Ma Joerg is a young electrielan *who crone here recent- ly to visit friends. The accident totetir- reil. through the swamping of the wino° in which the young people were return' ing to town. The mese Was beteg towed by a motor launch. Many citizens are engaged in the :rear& lot the bodies. MIRAOULOUS ESCAPE, Toronto, Aug. 14.--lohn Ileynolde, aged 20 years, fell from a third storey window in Bornstehee llotet, (wrier of York and Adelaide :streets, on 43ate uray, but is progressing favorably at St. Michael's 11o/spited. Ile is Asia feting from a slight cone/assign Of the btain, but it is thought to will be all tight in a few deye. The Mark fell out of the window while walk- ing in his. sleep. 4 r* KILLED ON SWITCHBACK, MontreeI, Aug. 13„ -The third tidal switchback accultub to occur at local Nowa° padre, title fermium' took Oat* to -night on the, eoefile railway at Duillitlitd). Park, when 1. X. Lone, 32 yesre of ere, a bond ealsremen in tlre Royal seettrit40 Oonipany, was fitment Mem his heat *t the Wok of the ear on a steep incline and was Instantly killed. KING'S PRIZEMAN. Clifford Given a Warm Wel- come in Montreal. Fratatatalt liloixtreal despatch: Prieete W. J. Clifford, of Toronto, the hero of the Bisley meet, winuer of the Kitten and prince •of Wales prasee, 1Tc1111rOed to Cando, aboard the steamer Victorian to -night. Commenting on bit. trip, be said that the only thin of which he had to cone Plain Wae the interference of florae of the inexperienced range officers, who had evidently not emeteree the whole book of the somewhat complicated Ills- ley rules. HO said, that he had been somewhat handicapped in the Xisiga, es- peel:illy by range officers, Who took ob. jectiou to his Wig the low position. in this meta, he old, a range officer street over Min at every shot an(1 timed him with a stepavatch, whieh natural- ly proved eomewliat discertitig. Apart from this, however, he hail a royal Utile. Privates Clifford will not proceed to Torouto until Monday night, Re was given a splendid reception by the Quebec rifle shooters attending the Quebec meeting. PRIEST MURDERED Dismissalof Teacher Caused • Rim to Lase Temper. Writt..*•••••••••• Paris, Aug, 14.1--a. Paris priest, the Abbe Heuri Grimier, cure of the ()Mach 91 'Sainte Genevieve des Grandes Car- rieres, in the aIontrnartee quarter, was murdered yesterday ba a sehoolnmater named Joseph Leveaques, Levesques tits been for three years the teaeher of the sch000l dependent on the Caureh of Ste. Genevieve, but it few days ago be Was informed by Abbe Garineathet he would be dismis.sect at Inc end of the term ow- ing to his irritability and violent charac- ter. Yesterday Levesques called at the vi. mirage end was shown into the sabbas office, After a few minutes' conversa- tion the teacher drew a, revolver and fired three time/i. The murdered on ac- ing arrested said. he muck regretted kis act. He wail that upon las expressing .0. desire to know the real reasons for las dismissal the priest insulted ,him, whereupon he lost control of himself and fired. •• AV1ATOR$. Thirty-five Ready for Big Flight at Chicago. „sae. Chleago, Aug. 14.-A &ilk, dismal morning, with frequent thunderstorms, threatened to mar the opening of the Inteenational aviation meet here this afternoon. In spite of assurances by the Weather Bureau that nine days of fair weather and clear skies were due, the 'present • outlook is that but few flights eon be made before .th-morrow. Nevertheless, the thirty-five aviators representing Europe ana this country were up at daylight making their final preparation, overseeing their machines and assuring themselves that no mechan- ical defect would prevent their having a given, rentral for the $80,000 in prizee to be The programme, which was scheduled to begin at 3.45 this afternoon, vas framed to give every known land of fly- ing machine an equal chance at the prizes, whether it was built for endur- erica stability, lifting power or ease of control. dIP, ORILLIA MURDER. Alleged Murderer Captured by a Farmer. - romo*.rarow* Orillia, Ont., despatch: Arthur Sheri- dan, who is alleged to have etabbea Rose Ford to death, was captured about noon yesterday near Lake SL, George, about ten miles from town, by a farmer named' alerbeit Justin, who saw him come out of the bush and dodge buts again. Ite was -brought to town by Chief Reid, lido organized the search, and is nota lodged in the town lock-up. He broke down aa ter hie arrest. The inquest on the body of Ford was °Plied yesterday afternoon before Dr. McLean, but after hearing the evideara of Chief Reid ana the undertaker us to finding it lying by the roadside, an nil- journment was made till 'Monday liter - noon. 41 ' SPAIN DISTURBED. Conditions Are Bad and Un- rest is Threatening. Madrid., Aug. 14. -Recent events, in- cluding the mutiny Mt the Sp:shish bat. tleshiP Nut/sancta, strikes and republiean demonstratione at Cadiz and Bareelona, indicate clearly the peliticel tiniest in Spala and the serious difficulties met ay the goverimient in its attempt to maintain order. Although the preeent Liberal ministry has done emelt to meet the denaterattic opinion. 'of the country, the agitation :velvet the ministry and the trio/lordly increases, The censorship over the press and tele- greplac eornetunieatiou is more severe than was in tome under tlie Conserva- tive itanistry. Proseentions of the Deese art merle relentlessly when oeeasion de. mends. Dubai, feeling is disturbed at the outlook. • A NINETY -MILE ME. • Perron*, Pia., Ant/. 14.-4Vith wind at ninety miles au hour, eceritalmnite• a terrific downpour of rainaPenetteola today experiented the worst storm since the 'West /Milan hurileant of September, 1000. A uotalier of beater were blown ashore an1 numerous small vessele suf. • fered, severely. The Waxiest loss will be • to the timber Interests, intraffifit quan- tifies of seport timber, hold in Imotat. :furring been strewn along the l*y shore for milt*. There lett bete rte less of life to la 141 Oan 1* ASeettitined. NEWS OF THE OAY IN BRIEF .**••••••*.F. Toronto's Intake Pipe Cost- , ing Much Money, Fort William Merchant Dies Suddenly in East. rter••••• Ireland's Lord Chancellor Dead at Dublin. Flat:nage to the extent of $1,000 WAS • wrought to the Qellt Theatre, Toronto, Congreesnuee Henry C. Lotidenslainef, died at hie residence at Paulsboro, N. J. The Orangemen of York County ote served the anniversary of the relief of Londonderry. The Interurban Company has claimed an exclusive right to light the streets cif North Toronto. Joseph Israels, the famous Dutch painter, died at Brussels, lie wee born at Groningen in 111e4. The Right Hon, Sir Samuel Walker, asord Chancellor of Ireland since 1805, dird at Dublin. Ele was 61 years old, The Redpath Hotel et Tupperville And the condensed milk factory at Char- lottetown, P. E. L, were destroyed by fire. The eensue for the Union ef Soutb Af- rica ehows a population of all races of • 5,938,409, of whom only 1,278,025 are Whites. Mrs, Robert Green, ofs49 Grandview avenue, who Was severely burned is sloWly sinking and her recovery is not expected. • Six years' extension of tiane, in witich • to oesc:mspelneatt. eethe Alaskan Northern Rail. way was granted in a bin passed by the James Stephens was arrested at the Union Station, Toi•onto, by . Detective Miller et theanstance of the Chief of Pw°Itiliteefr:ettd.(4"41Y"d. Be is hltrge4 Among the severely injured in it street ear eollisien at Fat Wayne, Ind., is It. 11, Ituasell, of Toronto, who had his right ear torn off, his face smaeleed, and his collarbone broken. Fourteen -year-old Themes Sandwell, of 73 Caledonia rend, Toronto, waif found, unconscious on the beach at the Sunnyside baths. The lad had been over- comesitt.by heat while swimming. While -spending his vacation at Brackley Beach, Prince.Edward Robert M. Ramilton, it well-known dry goods merchant of Fort William, Only succumbed to heart failure, T 11. Rogg Bo. Se., it young civil en- gineer, will shortly resign. his position with the Ontario Power Company of 'Niagara ran. to become managing edi- tor of The Canadian Engineer of Te- rmite. The Toronto Board of Control et its next meeting will have to vote more funds to cover the cost of the intake repairs. The whole $10,000 voted for this work in the early part of the year commodore of the To- hacsapbte.eisp wi iiileanmas, t•onto Ferry Company's fleet, was seiz- ed With an atteck of sciatica which com- pletely prostrated him and he had to be carried off the Trillium when she reach- ed the Bay street dock. FINNEY'S DEATH. American Actor Was Not Burned in Rotel Fire. London, Aug. 14, -The Westminster coroner opened the inquest to -day into the death of James Lee Finney, the actor who lost his life in the Carlton Hotel fire Wednesday evening. As it was the Intention to higuire thoroughly into the cause of the fire, and the means taken to extinguish it, about thirty. wit- nesses were called, while the hotel man- agement, Mr. Finney's friends', and the fire depertmene were all represented by atrotheys. However, the testimony of the fire- man :vim found the body; of the doc- tor, who determined the cause of death, and of Miss Ada Dwyer, the actress, who made the identification, was suf. Beloit to enable the Deriver to Moue a certificate permitting the cremation of the bode* at Goldoni Green crematorium on Atoriday. There will be a brief ser- vice and the ashes will be teken to the United States during the week. Miss Dwyer, who was associated: with Finney professionally and is charged in hie will with the disposal of las Way and belongings, testified that the actor had tea with her at 0.30 &Clock on the evening of the Ike. Though the body had been badly charred, there was no doubt in her mind as to the identity which was made sure by the jewelry worn. In answer to a question by the at- torney for the hotel management, the witness arad that she had never heard that Finney suffered of asthma The plarsician who extenidect the dead Man wild that he had feline the body naked and blackened by heat Ana smoke. It had not been in eortiad with the flamer euring life. The eallSe of death, he mild, wee suffocation and strioke polo- oning. KEPT OFF FERRY. **Wait:FY*, IL Si Sailors Not Allowed on Excursion Boat. arrn W*I•wirir Detroit, 'Mich., .Mtg. 14. -Capt. J. C. C'autWell, of the revetme cutter Morita, has made formal eomplaint to the local federal officials against the Detroit alla Windsor Ferry Company because two Sailors from the revenue cutter were not Allowed to toad the etermer umbia on it moonlight eXeurodon ly- The two mon were clad in their Tare- Istion simmer uniform, but the eft:. dais ef the sompany elaim that late et - tire nf the bailers was not consf.1.,ted setafectory to allow the men to min- gle with the exceneloilists. T a hie eomplaint Capt. Cantwell elelms the men were clean and *ober, and Le - minds redrere TRICKED GUARD. "'British: NewsNotes -Convict and Brother Tied 41110 to a Tree, Cedar Rapids, Is., Aug. 14. -Two bun - died penitentiary gnarls, peace officers and eitigens are surrounding a deep weoee near Viola, la., wuere two des- peradoes are hiding. Tim men are Ghee. Smith, a conviet, and his blether, it for- mer convict, veil() helped Charles to es- cs.pe frOM Guard William Thamakere near the State PenitentlarY, eerie:Moly WellOing the guard. The prisoner was in it querry near Amemosa, when eu eider Mlle to bring him to locet it Visitor. ifilmeker start' ed with the convict. When about half- way to tile prtson. the convict's brother stepped from behind it boulder and Pr- ilereoi the guard to throw up his bancla or be -shot. Humaker drew las reVolver as the &weed% but he was wounded, gagged and tied by the brothers to it tree in the smelt) ne3r by while the two esceped in a buggy. litunaker managed to call for help. The aullet las beea located, in The =keep liver, but be has a chance to AIR MAILROUTE. France Will Begin One on Sunday Next, • De447111e, Franee, Aug, 14, -Jules Vedrines, the aviator, yesterday made a, praetical demonstration of the use of eeroplane as a 111411 carrier, Ite flew hoxeprerefors s otiraParis, a distance of about 112 mare,•in au hoar end ferty.three Ates„, it speed muck greater than that of tn accordance with praarmaged plans Vedrines dropped bundles ef despatches en. route at Nantee, Evreux and eAseue, while over the beach at DeauvMe, be seratered thousands of email Ftench flags. The feat is the forerunner of it regular service of four airmen for Paris newspaper, which oi ..Aug. 20, wilt inaugurate the delivery of letters IfIseihmehPaanruiseitoante dh.thb:aciklicasealotfwtae oe)3gen4n: guaranteeing seat delivery within seven hours, PRICE $1,025,000. straartaat•••• What Government Gets for Toronto Properties, Toronto, Aug. 14, ---The Ontario Gov. ernment has disposed of the bulk of the Cetera! Prison and Asylum properties, for which teneers were invited some time ago, to the Grand Trunk Railway for $1,025,000. The Grand Trunk Railway has enter- ed into souie arrangement with the Mas- sey -Harris Company, by which the latter secures it portion of the Asylum grounds for their works. According to the terms of sale, the Government will give posses- sion from time to time Of such portions as they may be in a position to vacate. The part lying outside the Asylum walls, eovering about -eight ueres, has already ben turned over to the purchasers. A small bloek on Queen street was sold to another pureha.ser for $15,000. The remaining two lots, including the one known as the old pumping eta tion, are still retained by the Government. 44o,' G. T. R. DIVIDEND. awwwww••••••• Surplus of$1,250,000-Echo of the Strike. Frartaarrtn• London, Aug. 14. -The Grand Trunk surplus is 2203,000, and the directors promise a full dividend, the first and second preferred stocks carrying .for. ward about 411,700. The G. T. R. (West- ern :Shows a deficit of X31,482 owing to to, the strike in July and August, 1910: it has been decided to carry the bal- ance forward' next year. • 4 • APPLES !)LEN1IFUL. DetrOit, Mieli., _Aug. 14,-Accor4Iing to the official forecast of the Liternatiotal Apple Shippers' Association, which clos- ed ite -annual convention here yester- day Canada end the United States will have a bumper Apple Mop this year, ex- ceeding last year's .erop by at least 35 per cent. or 5,500,000 barrel% The eas- tern section of Outride shows an in - Crease of at least 100 per cent. The crop is reported to be gaberaity of good quality. The 1012 &invention will be held in Chicago. •64s. FATAL PARACNUTE STUNT. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 140 -Charles Bennett, a yOung balloonist of Newark, fell more than it thousand feet with his parachute last evening, and crashed through the Skylight of the Ifarlhbroligli liere, Guests of the hotel, punk -Stricken fer a brief moment, picks ed the men up And tried *Vainly to re. vive him, Tie was Sent to a hospital, where he Vas feund to have a fraeture :fa:di:: nevi:et:11 at the base ef the brain and multiple other injuries. Ite eta SCAVONEIt WENT., kOWN, at. Pierre Miquelon, Aug. 14. ---The erew of seientani melt Of the French fishing itelloonets Lani E Nfiliti Were brought into port yeetereey by the French barque at. Driace and reported the lass of their :hip. The Leon E. Mille, which hailed from St. Pierre, Sprang a leak off the St, Pierre. banks on Saturday, asna despite litre work - at the mimes Ott the port et -the reeve went down. SECOND BODY POUND. Toreato, Aug. 14. --The letterui vic- tim ea the double drowning leeident in the Humber ore julv 2.2 *was found yestertley afternoon. The bode was floating in the Isle and Wan after it had been taken where the pollem were eatistted as to the identity of the man.11 was taken to the morgoit awl Iset evening, Ur, liarn 3. ),Ielttly, of 1421 Bleor etteet west, identified it is that et Ilitte verdiet of eeeklental erreth MIA ri. tented at the ineureet OA Allred BeViett, of Burgos* hill, who wile throw* trona his eyete owing to it oolllilert with it efe destriare and fraeturiug skull. A gang el platelayers were ittying hetween. Spittal Crossing end %into, Seerbrte, when one of them, John Oxen - dale, 2.0 19,6 .14119eha4 dime Rad killed by the engine of an cereal from Lead* and Xork. T4eut. Rogers, (Raba goghlauders, is lying in the Military Roseate' At OW- obaster, suffering from Seriolpi 4niltrieS 04114e4.4 by riding Itie motor bier** into a flock or sheep at Clinglioe hill, 04 'MO °Net= read. While air. Waiter Leteh, a farmer of liedlieghane Essex, Was turning * boll Into it meadow, tlie animal knooked hire dowu, broke WS leg mad peel him. Atter ten minutes Mn lateli was rescued by it • 'Deemer namsed Bereham, Whtzet erosseig Ludgate Came), it middle-aged man was seen to reel era • fall under it heavilyeaden paireltorse van. The driver was upeble to pull up and it • Wheel pissed ever hie body. Tao Ulan, who has not been identified, rifed before St, Bartholomew's I19spital R141.$ reache4. Five sisters artst two brothers, alt of Who are old age pensienere, are living itt Foulsham'Iteffolir, A Russia/14page named Pascua Wria. al, 91 Elui road,. Itampsteaa, was Med, by a motor ear yrbile cycling down North End 11111, gatrapatead. Four Nationatineurbere of the Dubliu Corporation have offered to resign in order thee Lard Iveagh might be elected it member and thus aualife foe tha po- aition of Lord Mayor of the city. Virhile service was in progress on Sun- day at the parish church of lappeeby. near Oaelislt, the dead body of a young married parishigner named George is- ving was found suspended from a tree in the churchyard. afatabester resideuts are' officially requested to avoid waste of Water, as, according to the figures given at the Waterworks; Comittee's meeting at Man- ceester Town Hall there la 55 days less Supply flian at this period last year. On the verandah of it cricket club paillien near Birmingham the body of a young woman'ims ben. found With 14 knife /Amapa into her heart. The affair is a -mystery, but a sensational develop- ment has occurred by the girl's lover, who bed been &lasing, giving lareself up to the police. The Burley -in -Wharfedale troop of • Boy Scouts on Saturday threw a trestle bridge forty feet long over a stretch of water in forty-one minutes. Quite heavy weights dould be. taken across the bridge, and some of the lade wheeled over several of thtir• eemrades in 4 hifrodea rt. On Saturday: -the last (Ley that West- minster Abbey' was open for tile put'. pose, 10,408 people took advantage of the opportunity of seeing the corona- tion 'decorations. The total pumlier of visitora for the "three -weeks during which the Abbey hal been _open for inspec- tion is 145,140. , Over 800 :nee engage▪ d in the Dublin earl trade Re Mem and carters have been looked out. Two bunched dee:Meal laborers struck work at Newcastle on Saturday for an advance of wages. In consequence of the distress prevail- ing in the Leicestershire' eolliery district, owing to the elle having, been working so badly, a bellot has bee» taken of the members of the mines' association as to whether tiara should' be a grant from the funds of Xe per full member and X1 and 10s for other members, &word- ing to the length of their term, of mem- bership. The result of the ballot, as- certained on Saturday shows a majority of 4,527 in favor of the grants. The Leicestershire eefiners'- Association has paid away in grants since 1946 a total sum of £84779. • • Lord Knollya; celebrated his seventy. fourth birthday on Sunday. The .King hies appointed Mr. Edward James Reid to 'be it Page of Honor.. The Duke of Fife left London on Tuesday for Eitilmeny Park, on a visit to the Earl 91 Rosebery. Mr. William 'Gladstone, of Hawarden, the new Lord -Lieutenant of Flintsbire, has just celebrated hi* twenty-sixth birthday. Sir Ernest Shackleton, the Ant -Antic expl' orer became the father of it second son on Saturday. He also has a little daughter. Dr. W, 0. Grime, the veteran cricket- er; 'celebrated 'his sixty.third birthday on Tuesday. Ile scored 139' for Etas= against Bromley on Saturday. Ai Prince Ledpold of Battenberg was proceeding to the Territorial camp at' Lulworth on Saturday, his horse fell, and his Highness 'sustained several eats on the head and arms. The Marquiseand afarelionesa of'Butre have been unalile, owing to Lord Butt's attack of diphtheria, to be present at • any of the ceremonies in eonnectiou with the State Visit to Editiburglis Queen Alexandra's sister having gone valt her Majesty. to Sandringbam) ber departure for Itusela bas been deferted, and it is probable that she will eenuila another fortnight or three weeks In Rug - land. The Xing hail become an honorary member of the "American Cross of Here or, 'which numbers among It. other hon- orary membeni the German Emperor, the Xing of Italy, the Presideute of the Freneh Itepublic, and Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, At Guilford, Frank Barker, a laborer, was sentenced to seven vats' penal itervitude tor plaeing it logruan."3 hut on the raihvay line at Coulsdon on 244 TjjIjSm Apt11. Remy 1teevft an ex -peace - man, who was ssenteueed for bigamy et the Old Batley, Wag said to hive in - ducal, his Wire to make hire a white tie which he wore et his secorte wedding. At Nottingham a eoroner's jury re- turned a vadat of wilful murder agalust Vidor IferOld Chapeau 25, formerly of the 5114 Leneete, ter sh4otrug BalpkThtl with it revolver at local mailed. In the talkie in whieli a men antl wom- an were eitaiged with blektrialling Col. Belli, the male prisoner, wee eenteuced to five years' penal servitude emd the women to eiglaceu mohthe' hard Wert% The lion* 'Secretory has &Mace to arivlee the Xiug tor interfere with the senterat passed on Willient Palmer, "Ifitnehester men, Whit wont emideinned to death for tat murder of Uzi, %wit at Walcott, Taleestet. dustlet Setutton, at the %Vett Aiding Atelees ta Leeds. referred to mimes re - *Ming from bettime and temarktel Out if tee Postmeeter-Genetel would step bettlest telegrams reed simulate IA114 at this great ualitmal evil would large- ly dieappeer. Allee .Sstiar, the ycong demotic, ser. vent who ItteOrne ilitiorieng as the "gitl Ihrglitr" in lam Dettearter tlistriet. end who trite to commit ettleiste in a 1 toll and In a irate, Wier et the Wee ' Ridies Attires sentenree to three roan in5 11E141 larstitetiee.