HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-08-03, Page 8— _ _-AIM_ 8 TI -IE BANK. 0DOMINION HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. E. 11, OsLsit, M.P. - • President W. D. MNTTnews - Vice -President Capital , , , , , .....$4,000,000.00 Reserve . , ,...... ........65,000.000.00 Total Assets ., $02,500,000.00 A Brannh of this Bank has been es- tabltshed in London, Eng., at 73 QORNHILL, E. C. This Branch will issue. Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent ter collection, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact .every description of banking business. Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters, A special department wilt be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers of our Letters of credit. 0. A, BOGERT •--- General Manager • WING/1431 BRANoII: W. R. GEIKIE, Manager R. VANSTokx, Solicitor, a Blyth. Mrs, N. B. perry and family y y of Fort William, are visiting friends in town. Mr. G. 61, Vhamberr has sold his residence on King street to Mr, pras- by of Morris. Thursday. Aug. :3, is civic holiday In town ; all the Sunday Schools in town will picnic at Goderich, Miss Lottie Bentley will go to .Olin - ton as assistant during the Model School term to Principal Hartley. She will render good service. s There was strong talk this spring of a Flax mill corniug to Blyth, but the .natter was dropped, and it was stated that thecompany were not going to do any building this year,. but might build next year, Mr, Wrn, Begley, Past Grand, will represent Blyth Lodge No. 860, I,0.0. - F„ at the Grand Lodge held at Niag- ara on August 8, 9 and 10. Mr, S, A, Poplestone, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of I,O.O,F„ leaves on Monday for Niagara to complete his office for the term. He assumes the office of Grand Master after ses- sion of Grand Lodge, THE TORONTO NEWS Is now recognized throughout the Dominion as the chief Newspaper Advocate of the forces under the leadership of MR. R,, L. BORDEN, which demand - A CANADIAN AND BRITISH POLICY FOR CANADA THE NEWS WILL BE SENT DAILY BY MAIL TO ANY ADDRESS 1N CANADA FOR ONE DOLLAR AND A.HALF A YEAR THE " GREAT EXHIBITION OF I911 THE Western Fair. London, Can., Sept. 8th to 16th $28,000.00 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS Exhibition of Live Stock Best ever seen in Canada Many Unique Special Attractions, including AERIAL, MILITARY AND HYDRO ELECTRIC FEATURES JUMPING AND SPEEDING CONTESTS BIG CAT AND DOG SHOWS FOUR SPLENDID BANDS A 'MOST ATTRACTIVE MIDWAY. ---BEST EVER SEEN IN LONDON FIREWORKS DISPLAY EVERY EVENING Reduced Rates on all Railways. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and other information from W. J. REID, President • A. M. MUNI, Secretary - - - - - - - - - - FO °_ 15 DAYS COMMENCING JULY 22nd . WE WILL OFFER OUR LARGE, NEW STOOK AT UNBEATABLE REDUCTIONS on all lines, including Men's Snits, Boys' Suits, Pants, Hats, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Belts, Ties, Straw Hats, Boys' .Knickers, Suspenders, Shirts, Underwear, - Overalls, Working Shirts, Socks, &o. Big- Values And Small Prices 11 a Robins SEE TH1 t AND BE CONVINCED. SALE COMMENCES ON .JULY 22. THE BARGAIN STORE • MAITLAND PRESBYTERY. At a special meeting of this Presby- ter held at Kincardine, a large ,locket of business was transacted. A call from Dungannon in favor- of Rev. P. Walker was sustained and ordered to be transmitted to Mr, Walker. ire has since declined the call. Rev, Mr. Duncan of Lucknow is interim moderator. Rev. Mr, Moyer's resignation of Sb. Helene was accepted with much re- gret, and Rev. Mr. Hardie of Lochalsh was appointed interim moderator. Rev. Mr, Edmieon was released from the charge of Knox, Kincardine, to become Secretary of Florae Mission Committee. The Presbytery regrets the removal of Mr, Edmieon, who has done excellent work during the past two years in Kincardine. A call in favor of Rev. rdr. Tait of Teeswater. from fort Dalhousie was presented by the Clerk. The Gall was laid on the table to be dealt with at the regu- lar meeting of Presbytery in Septem- ber. Rev, 5. S. McMillan of Belmore tendered his resignation, owing to his wife's illness. The resignation was accepted and 111r, West of Bluevale appointed interim inoderator. The resignation takes effect on the third Sabbath of September. Rev. 0. M. Rutherford of Reid's Corners, is interim moderator of Kin- cardine. Most of the members of Presby- tery are on their vacation—Messrs Petrie, West and Bremner are enjoy- ing the Huron breezes at Bruce Beach, Messrs, Tait and Hardie at Oliphant, Mr. Perrin at Niagara, Mr. Wishart at Fergus, Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Mc- Eachern at Toronto. 60,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA .r Going$18 Additional for Return oz*k.0Triip Following Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST ard-••From all stations on all lines on and South of theGrand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including all stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Detreit and Branch Lines including Guelph tub -division from Guelph South and Brampton South. AUGUST 12th—erten uing L Pix pointy Bolton jct. Trunk nd wclst ;n also GraToronto d Trunk points, Toronto to Calendar inrlusivr:. AUGUST lath ---From all stations ill Ontario, Toronto and Fast, Odilia and Scotia Jct, e Ontario. R. r]so A this and Eastern Ont and Last on G.T, zt and West. Toronto a North Ba ir.?•u.Ive a t stations 7 r ' rnulY AUGUST 23rd --Aro A AUGUST 23111—Prom all stations Toronto and Fast in UntaN.o and Quebec. also East of Willa, Scotia Jet. and North Bay. O1 -WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WILL OE SOLD /0 WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern. stents will meet end engage Laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. Frear transportation wilt be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacific where laborers are needed, tact of Af,i(tse. Jaw and Saskatoon, including breaches, and *t ene cent atilt each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and Athena. A crrtttkate is furnished with each ticket, end this certificate, When executed ivy farmer lowing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will he honored front that point for * secostarting tints in Ontario, at $111.00. prior to Nov. Seth, 11111. mid ghee ticket. back to tr ars good oy on special Farm l.aborrrs trains, which will be run from Toronto mid pointe to �llnntptg without .hangs, making trip to *trout 36 hams, and will be Sward to women es well art to .nen, hat will not he issued at half fare to children. Far fall pi. t4catira ta! ~at C.P.R.geriktr N. L. BON. k1,lI.A.. C.P.II. Inroad. • 3, 2t, Aonarr 1,1:11GBA.M Wroxeter. Mies Harding of Orangeville is visit - her brother, H. Harding. Edith Harris of Toronto is holiday- ing under the parental roof. Mrs, Kieler of Ayton is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Archie Mofflt, The Misses Lulu and Clara Ruther- ford are visiting friends in Hamilton. Mrs. Dr. Jackson has returned, after a two weeks visit with her parents in Toronto. Mies Wright of Brantford is holi- daying with Mre. 0.. F. McLean of Locksley Hall, Mrs, Stewart and children of Fort William, aro visiting Mrs. George Harris of this village, Mr. Stephens of Gorrie occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday morning, in the absence of the pastor. The pupils from our school who tried the entrance examination were nearly all successful ; several of them took honors. Rev. Mr. Bell of Molesworth preach- ed in the Presbyterian Church on Sun- day afternoon. His discourse' was very much appreciated. Mrs. G. K. Hall was "et home" to her friends on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Therewas a large at- tendance, and a very pleasant time was spent. THE WINGRAIVI ADVANCE THIRTY YEARS Onr Seven Colleges have been established during the past 80 years, The largest trainers in Canada. Owing to our connec- tiers all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any .other School. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Edueatore' Association of Oen-- ada, It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It Is Actual Business from Start to Finish, and the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Houses. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Fall Term From Aug. 28th Write, call or phone for particulars,. WINGHAAfI BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON,PRESIDENT. Chas. W. Burns, Principal, West Wawanosh. Mrs, Doughty and grandchildren are visiting friends at Donnybrook. Mr. McEwen and Miss Poulter of Hamilton are guests of Mr. Alekander. Mr, and Mre. John Kinahan of Ot-,, tawa are holidaying at his father's home. Weare glad to learn that Mrs, Tis- dale is recovering from the effects of a fall. Mrs, Anderson bas returned after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Barbour of Stouffville. Mrs. Cunningham, of •Guelph, . is spending a few weeks with her broth- er, Mr. Geo. Wallace. The barn of Mr. W. J. Foran has been improved and enlarged. The framing was under the able 'manage- ment of Mr. Jos. Flynn. Last week a large number of the neighbors as- sisted at the raising, and shared the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Foran. The young people spent a pleasant evening, being entertained with music and dancing. Morris. Tho township. Council will meet on ,Eluguet 21st, at 10,80 a,m. J. B. and lairs. Scott and 'son are here on a visit from the 'West. Mies G. Doughty of London is visit- ing her cousin, Mies M. Galley. Misses Beatrice and Olive Turner of Wroxeter ware gueets of Mrs. J'gbn VanCamp, Quite a number in this townnbip intend taking in the S. S. excursion to Goderich front Blyth, 1+'[r, • and Mrs. John Cloakey of Wingham are visiting at the former's home, 4th line. We hope Mr. Cloakey will soon be felly recovered, Master Theodore Morris of London and Master Mark Caseels of Wingham spent their summer holidays with the latters uncle, James Golley, 2nd line. Mrs. E. E. W. Mills and two child- ren of Grand Forks, B. 0., and Miss Mary Srnith are visiting their sister. Mrs, F. H, Kerney, 4th line, Morris. We are glad to report that Mrs. R. Warwick, 3rd litre, who has been i11, is. making favorable progress and her many friends hope she will soon be convalescent, The meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity dturch has been postponed on account of the funeral of Ed. Nicholson, but will be held Thursday of next week, at Mrs. Me jll's. Howick. The farmers are through with the hay crop and a good one it was. The wheat too is cut, and it is but a fair crop, not an -average one. Mange's are good, so are the potatoes if the beggaring bugs would leave them alone, but many of the turnip fields look very slim. Council met in Brown's hall, Ford- wich, pursuant to adjournment ; mem- bers all present. Minutes of last regular lnenting and . Court of Re- vision on the Minto municipal drain was read and adopted, A petition was presented to the Council by John Darroch, signed by eight ratepayers, asking for a grant for wire fence, east of Lakelet, as the road drifts in the winter ; the Council took no action, The report for cleaning out the Hislop drain was then read by the Clerk. It was decided that the Court of Revi- sion on the Hislop drain be held on the third Wednesday in August, the next regular meeting of the Council. The contract was given to John Tilker, jr., to build abutments be transferred to Charles Schafer, he having satisfied the Council by de- positing the necessary marked cheque. frhe Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Coun- cillor Hyndman are a committee to look after building the 'new , arch culvert over the mill race in the Tillage of Fordwich. Tenders were then opened for building the arch culvert. The tender of Schafer Rogers was accepted to do all the work and provide all material for the sum of $5 per cubic yard. Salem. A number from here took in the excursion to Kincardine last Thurs- day. ' Mrs. Elijah Higgins and son, Nelson, ` from near Belgrave, visited friends in these starts last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Warwick from near 13elgrave spent Sunday last with Mr, and Mre, Thos. McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Merkly and fami- ly from Wingham called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher last Sunday. Mr. Joseph Higgins had the misfor- tune to lose a mare last week which had indigestion. She left a colt five or six weeks old. There will be no service or S. S. at this place next Sunday, owing to the Sacramental services which are to bo held in Belmore at 10.30 a.m. Grey... Mr. and Mrs. lobt. Peoria' spent Sunday with friends at Donegal. Mrs, (Rev,) Henderson was a wel- come visitor in thla locality over Sunday. Collie took c Rev, Mr. Co charge ge of the services atIl a Roe's Church last Sabbath morning very acceptably. D. Halliday of Walkerton, a000m- panted by his mother and sister, spent Sunday with hie uncle, John Jaekeog, 0th eon. They made .the trip in their auto. Mr,R ait Weir of To ranto, former teacher 'of S. S. No. 4, was renewing old aequatnta need In this losaliby. Mr. Weir has 1221a13yl f7ri'M& baste who saw Always glad to welcome 1rden book. Iiowick Boundary. Mr. Gallaway is spending a week with friends in the States. Mr. and Miss Earl of Corrie spent Sunday at the home of W. Cathers. Mr. and Mrs, Ross of Turnberry spent Sunday last with friends in Howick. Miss Eunice spent Sunday Howick, Wm. and Mrs. Weston of the; 15th con., called on friends in Turnberry on Sunday last. The painters have put the finishing touch to Geo. Doubledee's fine new residence last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bush of the Oth of Turnberry spent Sunday last with their daughter, Mrs, W. Dane, 15th concession, and Mr. Arthur Neil last with friends in Teacher Wanted. Por 8, S. No. 11, hast Wawanosh. Ditties to eommenee after summer vacation. Applications received up to August 12th. Stateexperience and salary expected. JOHN SIIIELL 47-9 Sac,-Treas., WInghana P. 0. W. Ii, Mc0utcheon, Oth line, owns a very industrious hen, who not only gets busy in providing one egg a clay, but does stunts of two a day on vari- ous occasions. She evidently has her eye on the market report. The barn raising on the farm of Mr. Chas. Taylor, 8th line of Morris, on `Friday afternoon, came off with suc- cess. The structure which• is 40x60 foot in size, is modern in every parti- cular, having cement foundation, floors, etc. The construction work was done under the supervision of Mr. M. Mains of Londesboro, who by the way, has a couple of other contracts for barns and etrawsheds in this neighborhood to be erected this season. After all was in readiness, Messrs. R. McGowan of East Wawa - posh and John Mills of Hullett were selected as captains and with about 65 men on a side, a contest was com- menced and resulted in a win for the former by a considerable space of time, owing it is said, to one of the timbers in the bent on Mr. Mills' side being warped. As is customary, a bounteous supper was served and after justice had been done, a genie of football was indulged in by the boys of that neighborhood. • Bluevale. Mr. F. Grant and son of Joliet, Illinois, are visiting Mrs. Stamper. Mr. Grant is very favorably impressed with what he has seen of Canada, and likes it well, A serious accident occurred recent- ly in this vicinity when Milton Smith, a prosperous young farmer a mile north of Bluevale, fell a victim to a hayforkSmith accident Mr.was engaged in pulling the big rope' of the hayfork into a more suitable place when without the slightest warning the fork instead of going into the car, came down and the rope with it. The force of the rope threw Mr. Smith against the side of the rack breaking four ribs. • Fordwich. fiowick Conservatives should give a good account of themselves in the coming election, and roll tip an old- time majority. We regret to report that Mr. Wat- tere, editor of the Record, bad to un- dergo another operation. We hope for his speedy recovery. Rev. L: Perrin will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, and not in the mornings as formerly announced, There will be no morning service. 7arnbuk the best. edy rw for i i„ , raxeczema, �� sore feet., stings acid Misters. A skin toodi T'brrf k find trans -404. NOTICE; TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Estate of John Taylor, late of the Township of West i'Vawanosb, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. The Creditors of the above named John Tayior, wlao died on or about the 17t1 day of March, 1011, are requested on or before the 15th day of August, 1911, to send to the undersigned Executors of the estate of the said deceased, full particulars of their claims against the estate, after which date the as- sets of the said estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard. only to those claims of which notice has been received as above, This notice is given pursuant to Chapter 120 R. S. 0. 1897, Section 38. hated at Wingham this 15th day of July, 1911. TILOS. IL TAYLOR WM. A, TAYLOR } F,xoeutors. FOR SALE. i I have for sale some first-class farms (on easy terms) in Central Alberta. Soil, black loam ; sub- soil, clay ; in well settled district with good water. For information and terms ap- ply to East Wawanosh. The Council met in Belgrave July 26 ; Members all present, minutes of last meeting read and passed. The Treasurers half yearly state- ment to June 30, showing a balance on hand at date of $851.77, received and filed. The Collector presented his bond, the same being accepted as satisfactory. Directors were again present, solici- citing aid from the Township on be- half of the Blyth Fall Fair, but the Council, as formerly, were firm in their refusal in giving any assistance, and the request was accordingly re- fused. The Treasurer was instructed to ad- vertise for sale the bridge Debentures; tenders on the same, it is expected, will be opened at the next meeting of the Council. Com. from Co. Clerk Lane received stating that the amount required from the Township this year for Co. pur- poses was $2728 15, being $320.95 more than last year. This extra for Co. rate, along with the additional pay- ments made necessary in connection with the building of river bridges, show plainly. that the ratepayers of E. Wawanosh mast expect an increase in their taxes for 1911 at all events. The usual rates to be struck to raise the necessary amounts required laid over till next meeting. By -Lav No. 6, . 1911, ratifying the appointment of Collector, and By -Law No. 7, 1911, authorizing the Collector to charge and collect 3 per cent, extra on all taxes remaining unpaid after the 15th of December next, both read and passed. On .notion of Courts. Campbell and Scott, the following accounts were ordered to be paid :---The Municipal World, Collector's Roll and other. sup- plies, $2.93 ; H. B. Elliott, part print- ing contract, $21.00 ;, Wm. Johnston, material and putting fonee at river con. 9, $5 60 ; A. E. Quinn, work on Toll's hill, con. 3, $21,00 ; R. Buchan- an, drawing tile and repairing culvert, cons, 3 and 4, $8 00 ; R. G. McGowan, putting in culvert, con. 3, $2 50 ; John Deer, repairing culvert, con. 1, $3 00 ; Henry McGee, drawing tile and put- ting in culverts, con. 12, $12.25 ; for gravel --R. Wightman 20c, D. Cham - nay $5 70. R. Craig $1.40. Stuart Mc- Burney $0.70, Ed. Ruins $2 50, P. King $3 50, W. Wightman $16,50. Geo, 0. Naylor $1 00, A. Patterson $580, R. A. Scott $14.60, J. J. Kerr $10.20, Wm. McDowell $9 50,. John Redmond $6.50, G, Fothergill $7.30, D. Cook $1.20, J. Ansley $4.50. J. Cruikshank $3 10, G. Jenkins $2 90, W. Dobie $7.30, J. Pfeffer $6,70, Mrs. W. Beecroft $3 00, W. Fitzpatrick $6,50, W. G. Salter $3 00, Wm. Purdon $4 00, R. C. Mc- Gee $9 r for shovelling gravel --:Herb Shiell $1.50, Gieo. M. Robertson $3 00, R. H. Scott $3 00, Robert Currie $3 00, John Howard $2.50, a Carter $4 50. The Council then adjonr,ned to meet on August 21, when the engineer's report on the Blyth Creek drain, af- fecting certain lands in the Township, will be read and considered. The r a 1 n rsr ono the Toa drain r Court of Rev n i Will also be held in the afternoon of the same day. A. Porterfield, Clerk. b/w& C. N. GIIFFIN Rohl Estate and Ineurttnco 'INGIIAiI Y, M. C. A, BLDG LONDON. ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firma maploy our trained help. Collage in treasiom Sept. 8 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Etee. !t Forest City 'a ge d. W. WsernevrLT, alt Cita. c t, CH RTSTTE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 Our Teas Are Leaders. Notwithstanding recent Tea advances, we have been able to maintain our High Stan- dard of quality. " THE BEST. TEA EVER I DRANK" , • has been said over and over again by our customers. You'll Come Back Again if you once try them. If you are not one of our Tea customers, drop in and we'll talk about them. Buy only a small quantity and bo convinced. 30c, 40c, 50c Per Lb. Coffee Specially Blended This Is The Tea And Coffee Store Fall Term From Aug. 28th CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. There is a great demand upon us for trained help. Business men state that our graduates are the best. We have throe departments— COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY Tuition for 0 months is $55, And for one year, $80. Investigation will prove to your satisfaction that there is no bettor Business College in Canada. Get our free catalogue NOW. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal Tawtanew, AUCiy ST 1911 Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th in the Popular and Progressive ELLIOTT TORONTO ONT. This school ranirs high among the best business colleges• of this continent. Proof our r ton tont is found in large Of this stnRR catalogue. WRITE TO -DAY FOR ONE.. Salaries offered our graduated thift year larger than over before. It pays to get TILE BEST PRACTIUAL EDUCATION. W. J. FLLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor, Yonge and Alexander Ste. Ts u.I• �WA 1 _ f. Farm Laborers' Excursions $10,00 TO WINNIPEG and pertain points in Western Canada via Chicago, Duluth and Fort Frances. 118 00 ad- ditional retnrnIng. AUGUST U Tunnel,inolnn ve 1 Toronto a Stratford rand all stations in Ontario South thereof, AUGUST 12•rit -- Prom all stations north of, but not including, nd ng, Main Line To- rento to Sarnia 'runnel via Stratford to and including the Line frem To ron- to 10 North Bay and West In Ontario AUOTIST Nh'u -•,- Front Toronto and sta• lions east in Ontario, also nett of Orlllite and Scotia Jet. in Ontario, AUGUST • anall ti`tit, Norh Bydw nOntn AUGUST 5brxr--•N'rom all stations Toron- to end oast of Orillita and Bootie Jot. in Canada. t�tost•at and full information frons only � IIF A , k Apr to Al 1W. DO YOU WANT A SUIT CASE OR TRUNK P • We've Just Placed Into Stock An Exceptionally Good Selection Keratol Suit Cases. Excellent • Value. They will wear better and are lighter than leather. The price is • one-third cheaper than leather. HERE IS. A Good Trunk Value Just like the• centre cut on the left hand side only without straps. Iron bot- tom — brass plated steal dome corners. Size 32 1.$4.00 41 34 ' 4.50 cc 36 5.00 Several other lines of equally good value Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR SHOE LADIES •N•N•�N N♦N 4.11*******4141441•11.1144.011.0040 ERA�.L UNiFORi ! Clearing Prices For August 10 Pieces Foulard Silks New patterns and colors -27 inches wide— Goods which will make a , very stylish Dress. August Price, 18c Yard. 25. Pieces Gingham Regular price is 12;4c and 15c per yard. Checks and stripes In many different pat- terns. Special Price, 9c Yard. P 200 Yards Embroidery. Big assortment -- all good patterns. Reg. to and 12 r 2 cts. For 7c Per Yard. Ladies' Plain and Lace Hose 25 dozen -- in pink, blue, white, tans and blacks. Reg. 2 5c & 35c. To Clear at 19c. 200 Yards Print Light and dark , patterns. At 8c Yard. 6 Dozen Men's Wash Ties . In light, white and black stripes, blues and greys. Reg. 25c & 35c. To Clear at I9c. 5 Dozen Men's Knitted Ties All colors. Regular 5o cents each. Plain and fancy stripes. Special Price 35c. Men's Odd Pants In brown and grey fancy Worsteds. Reg.. X3.5 and W40o. New semi.pegged shaped. For $2.95. 1 Hanna & Co. tx pit -� r. a-..•._ . i..ctia