HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-08-03, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1911 WEILTREATYou LUKE AN OLD FIEND A-16TRYirolvtAKE ON ":� OF YOU fly ar;:.(•';� MR. SWELL " DRESSER ; IF you ONCE GET INSIDE OUR .,'TORE AND GET INSIDE OF ONE OF OUR ,SUIT,?'. WE WILL GET INSIDE OF YOUR POCKET- BOOK.. BUT WE WON'T TAKE OUT ANY MORE MDNEy THAN BELONGS; TO US, BECAUSE WE RE.NEm.zER THAT YOU ARE HEALTHY AND WILL HAVE MANY SUITS TO BUy .DURING YOUR LIFETIME. BUY YOUR CLOTHES FROM US AND YOU WILL BE OUR FRIEND FOR A LIFETIME. ' McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS u MEN'S FURNISHERS THE WING: A A I ANO CALEDONIAN DAY. Lucknow, Monday, Aug. lib, 1911. Lucknow's Old Tiine Caledonian Games, Which Were So Suc- cessfully Revived Last Year, Will Be "Greater And Chander Than Ever ~ Best Attieletes In Can. ada have Been. Secured, And Attrac. tions Will Be Unequalled, What promises to be the best pro- gramme of sports pub on in Western Ontario, will be given in Lucknow on Caledonian Day, Monday, August the 7th next, $3000.00 will be expended iu attractions, prizes, etc, The famous Galt IUltie Bernd. dressed hi their Scottish Costumes, has been secured. In addition to this, the musical part will be supplied by the Loeknow Pipe 13and and the Lucknow Musical Soule'y Brass .Band. The following athletes have been secur- ed ;-Bobby Kerr, the fastest sprinter in America, who ran 100 yards in 9 4.5 seconds at Buffalo, July 4th. Frahk Halbhaus who won the British Empire Championship at the Coronation Sports in the 100 yard dash and the 220 yards ; Jack Tait, winner of the one mile and champion of the British Empire for that distance ; Mel. Brock, who won the half mile in 1.57, the fastest time that has been done in England this year ; Alex, Cameron, Champion vaulter of Canada ; E. MacDonald, the coming champion walkernd the o a h only one who has been able to make it interesting for Goald- ing ; Geo. Lister, Follinshy and many others, Several athletic slabs have written that they are sending up their athletes and the running events should prove the most interesting run off in the province, A novelty has been secured in four whippets which will race 100 yards and 120 yards. The whippets will also race against Haiti - bans who will be given a good handl- cep. Bobby Kerr will undertake to run 120 yards while MacDonald walks 00 yards. At great expense, a splendid attraction has been secured from New York, Japanese acrobats and other perforwez s, These will put on their show both afternoon and evening. Good prizes aro given for piping and dancing, and the best pipers and dancers of America will be here to compete. In the evening a grand open air conceit will be given in the Caledonian Park, consisting of piping and dancing : performances by the Japanese acrobats and others of their Co,, and to be concluded with the best display of fireworks ever given in this part of the country. Special rates are given by the railways from all the larger centres, single fare from all points within a $2.50 single fare radius and a special train will be run from Palmerston and back. See large bills for further particulars. Don't miss the Caledonian Gaines this year, "the best ever," SPECIAL TRAIN. Leaving hate Palmerston 8 35 sant, $1.50 Gowanstown 8 44 1355 Listowel 8 52 1.25 Atwood ... 9 01 1 10 Henfryn 914 95 Ethel 021 85 Brussels 0 at 70 Bluevale 9 40 50 Winghain 0 50 $5 Whitchureh ....10.02 25 Arriving in Lucknow at JO 15 a m. Returning will leave Lucknow at 10 30 pan, Canadian National Exhibition August 26th - TORONTO - September 1 lth 11.114.1414.11101 CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL Lin Stock and Agriculture— Art --Gems from Euro - Greatest show on contin- pean galleries -masters entl Special Prizes of from best collections in $500 each. Increased Canada and Unite,d Prizes in all classes. States. Manufactures -- Greatest display ever shown in America, Goods man- ufactured while you wait. THREE GREAT SPECIALS Festival of Empire—pictur- ing the glories of the Cor- onation ceremonies, 1,500 performers in uniform. Coldstream Guards Band Musicians of the Royal Household, by special permission of the King. War Beneath the Waves -- Showing a battle between a Dreadnought and a Submarine, HOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS L.Y,R.A, Regatta—Athletic Sports—Boy Scouts Review—Vaudeville—Japanese Fireworks— Twelve Massed Military Bands—Trotting and Pacing Races, etc, MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS a For all information write Manager J. O. ORR, City Hall, Toronto, I. NQ QOMAAN• Un, 0 MO TnEA,. Twenty -Five Victims. - Rev. George IllcLennan,, a former Brant boy, who has charge of a church in Porcupine, Ont., conducted the burial services of twenty-two of the victims of the fire which swept that district two weeks ago, Most of these men perished in the West dome mine. New Canadian Coins. A special of The Canada Gazette is- sued July 20, contains a royal procla- mation covering the designs for the the new King issue of Canadian fifty cent pieces, The obverse impression of the new coins will be the efflgy of majesty, head and bust, wearing the imperial, crown and robe of state with the collar of the Garter, and looking to the left, with the inscription. Geor- gius V. Rex et Ind. Imp," The re- verse gives the denomination and the word "Canada" with the Imperial crown and maple wreath. Marsh Burned Over. During the recent dry spell the Luther marsh caught lire and before the rains came to extinguish the blaze, the whole property was burned over. This will stop the huckle berry crop in that district for at least three years. Salt The ' Cows. It has been noted that an experi- ment was carried on at the Wisconsin station as to the effects of salt, and lack of salt on cows, Salt was kept away from some cows for a long time -a number of months -and a condi- tion of low vitality ensued, which, when continued at soma length, re - suited in a.general breakdown. When salt was again supplied, they recover- ed at once. It was observed that the time of breaking down came about the time of calving, and the best cows showed this tendency most. And so these facts show the value of regular salting of milk cows, which should not be neglected. swA{tntinw..--W1e.w i-sx.v4- T2,1,1seX Y143C4..X. ,1111 aaau. MRG..ssrr + .I.'+/wswassa� �Isssr:._w-xa. F,.r9r a;a >ret104111 _raye..xrnmatvz��+ts :1110 ,4AVA1ane r.r1•11 e 111111111111 Oil 011111 0111111111 IIIMMUIMIIIII !!l 1111110111311111111111111111111111111iliiiiiiiii ! ° Iill yN111N ill � . , ki (t 4 -�. ..� 1, -'4' r , l 5 \ '•' . ;ks, i •{ ., ,( , r' '� . � 1 '' . j l IIII . Peep again in your oven. See those loaves, those pleasing loaves you've made, How fat -rounded ---substantial, No, they wont fall when colder. Because the Manitoba strength that is in FIVE ROSES will hold them up till eaten. This sturdy elastin gluten has keptthem, from dropping flat in the oven, Na unsightly holes 'twist crust and cx tttpla--7 never All risen euenl ' y-�tar stay risen. Never heavy--sadden--soggy-indigeat bio. Yours ere five FIVE ROSES loavet- %t Crinkly and appetiztng of crust. Golden brown and tender. Snowy of crumb --Light as thistledown. FIVE ROSES helps a lot Try it soon. ti 0 ' Capital Paid Up . . . . '$ 3,75o,000r Reserve and Undivided Profits . . 3,r5o,0001 Total . } Assets . . . . . . , . 40,000,000 �t The average man or woman seldom developes the habit of saving until a Savings Account has been opened, The possession of enoh an account acts as ani incentive -your natural desire to see the d if t 1 0 'M1 ,(,a1E111P on r. iIIIIfII m. II 1 IVII .� �ilil: 1II1 ado rd '; p IIIIIIiIiI I Q i ,`. III: IIN I 1 I1111111111111111111111111 �►' (imii �X I II IINI�N�mIIIIIII��II(II�� �IlI III1IIliI1gII1�IlIlP1l1t!1I11hIl1I1IIlt1t11H�.1 Vin. i Bili I "ny ;:1,_ llNllll + i 1II MItIINtlt�±ty)tiH�in dil I iii tll.11lil J.„..i.{�o� �l,v I III � �aiil .' (lJ l (illi0., 1111111111i1111111111 dirot I ... u, (( IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII( Bte'u4ed I q 1 I(IIII(6�IIIIIIIIIIIIIII(I'IIII��II�I((IIII(IIIIIIIINNIIIIIIotmcwIIIII! iiI It + .. X04; 7 11101100i1I iii Min N I Miliii ininilii„;;;;;;„„iilliM INIIIIMMMEE � illil1111111111>INIIIIIfINlllll ll I. NQ QOMAAN• Un, 0 MO TnEA,. Twenty -Five Victims. - Rev. George IllcLennan,, a former Brant boy, who has charge of a church in Porcupine, Ont., conducted the burial services of twenty-two of the victims of the fire which swept that district two weeks ago, Most of these men perished in the West dome mine. New Canadian Coins. A special of The Canada Gazette is- sued July 20, contains a royal procla- mation covering the designs for the the new King issue of Canadian fifty cent pieces, The obverse impression of the new coins will be the efflgy of majesty, head and bust, wearing the imperial, crown and robe of state with the collar of the Garter, and looking to the left, with the inscription. Geor- gius V. Rex et Ind. Imp," The re- verse gives the denomination and the word "Canada" with the Imperial crown and maple wreath. Marsh Burned Over. During the recent dry spell the Luther marsh caught lire and before the rains came to extinguish the blaze, the whole property was burned over. This will stop the huckle berry crop in that district for at least three years. Salt The ' Cows. It has been noted that an experi- ment was carried on at the Wisconsin station as to the effects of salt, and lack of salt on cows, Salt was kept away from some cows for a long time -a number of months -and a condi- tion of low vitality ensued, which, when continued at soma length, re - suited in a.general breakdown. When salt was again supplied, they recover- ed at once. It was observed that the time of breaking down came about the time of calving, and the best cows showed this tendency most. And so these facts show the value of regular salting of milk cows, which should not be neglected. swA{tntinw..--W1e.w i-sx.v4- T2,1,1seX Y143C4..X. ,1111 aaau. MRG..ssrr + .I.'+/wswassa� �Isssr:._w-xa. F,.r9r a;a >ret104111 _raye..xrnmatvz��+ts :1110 ,4AVA1ane r.r1•11 e F I ' ' Capital Paid Up . . . . '$ 3,75o,000r Reserve and Undivided Profits . . 3,r5o,0001 Total . } Assets . . . . . . , . 40,000,000 �t The average man or woman seldom developes the habit of saving until a Savings Account has been opened, The possession of enoh an account acts as ani incentive -your natural desire to see the d if t 1 0 _ ii,a lJ ad J ,Ri I R 4`; /' At( r1 1:h fund grow encourages that tendency to thrift so necessary to suttees. No mat- ter how little you can afford', to lay aside from the weekly wage, open a Savings Account in the Bank of Hamilton, t^.. ( l"' �� ,T ;r" 1 , ' ti,. ,. C. P.. SIV1ITH, Agent - 'II WIAL ... ...... _..Wat1,• 4111 .-,.�.. ,.d.,.. �.�m..�. ,.....0.�..._...10..4.4...-..a..,....mm..,.uom..te. ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSO. CIATION. The object of the Ontario Plow- men's Association is to advance the interests of Agriculture (a) By encouraging its member to give greater attention ' to thorough cultivation of the soil. (b) By establishing branch Associa- tions throughout the Province. (e) By disseminating useful informa- tion with regard to the fertilization and cultivation of the soil, (d) By interesting farmers' sons to become first-class plowmen, thereby largely increasing the yield and quail- . ty of the field crops of Ontario. (e) By encouraging annual Provin- cial, County and Township Plowing Matches. (f) By awarding premiums at such competitions. (g) And by such other means as may be desirable. A branch Association may be form- ed in any township in Ontario. The membership fee for the branch Associations shall be one dollar --fifty cents to be forwarded to the Central Association and fifty cents retained by the local branch. '447 Bach branch shall be entitled to a grant from the funds of the Central Association, to be apportioned on the basis of actual cash prizes paid to prize -winners at plowing matches held by branch Associations. Brussels. 4I0 acres are encompassed in the limits of Brusseie, Civic holiday Will be observed in Brussels on Tuesday, August 15th. Sunday School exeuraion that day. A: ear of horses was shipped on Tuesday for the West, by„ Messrs. Galbraith & Keys, from Brussels. P. Scott's speedy mare "Lesa Vale," captured 1st money in the 230 trot• ting race at Listowel. Thursday after• noon of last week, in straight heats and did not .have to extend herself to -do It, 2.21. was hung up as the best time. At the recent Entrance examination 16 pupils belonging to Brussels school Were eondidates alt of whom, with one exception, passed, 10 taking honors. At an additional honor, Truitt' Dead• man captured 807 niatka out of a pnaeible & 0, the highest In the Co, at this exam. ALLMA, L a dies ALLEGE Str `f D RM Ortt 1 rl.LuSTRA MU OB ISARD S ROUSING SALE ! GREAT CRASH IN PRICES Commencing Saturday, August the 5th. Ending Saturday, August the 19th Prices throughout the store will be reduced to a point where buying will be so irresistible to all who come that our stock will soon be reduced to its normal size. We are determined to do triple the ordinary amount of business in these two weeks and PRICES have been made with that idea in mind, Come and see what, we . think, will be the greatest values offered anywhere. You'll think so too, when you see the remarkably LOW PRICES we heve placed on STRICTLY NEW and yip -to -the -minute goods of -all kinds. Attend this Sale and you will be DOLLARS ahead. Extra salespeople to wait on you. Read the list ---only room here for a few of the many Bargains awaiting you. Grocery Royal Yeast Cakes 03c Canada Laundry Starch07c 12 Bats Laundry Soap25e 10e Bottle Extract 10e Red Salmon, per tin 15c Fresh Pot Barley 03e 6 Bats Santa Claus Bargains Corn Syrup, per pail, . 25e 10e k , .. 08e Ceylon Tea,„ 25e Jap. T., 25o asns..... ,,.100 Fancy Cakes. Corn Starch, p. 35e Black Ceyr 35s UncoloredSeeded 11ii Soap 100 Clothing Dept. Our large stock of Ready-to-wear Suits. Pants and Overalls at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Men's Strong Overalls $ .50 Men's Feeney Tweed Suits, reg. price $8 00 --for O 00 11t:en's Fine English Worsted Snits, $15 value for 12 00 Mens Plain or Fancy Suits, reg. value $10 --for7 00 Men's Fine Worsted Pants, SI 00 value for .., Boys' 3•piece Suits, Well made, regular $5 --for 4 00 Boys two-piece Suits, at,129 Youths' Fancy Tweed Suits, reg. value $8 --for ,.., (11)0 1qen's 2 piece Sumner Suits, reg, $f-•to.ciear at0 00 Men's Fancy Striped Pants. $21)0 value for 1.50 Men's Strong Pants. for 125 Boys' Short Pants for •.50 1110I'S ItATN COATS. -All kinds and prices an sale at 20 per Bent cif. Corsets Lois of new atyle of Comets in broken Ilnar, now on oantre tables. Valuta up to $1.00 and $124 -now in Iwo lots --your choice far WI and Oil,;. See torn. Bargains In Ribbons Plain Silk lk tbb one, alcolors (very wide) 15a qreiity, 1 10 20e Fancy Ribbons -- Sale Price . . .. . ........ . 15e 20e " .1 Ids 25e Plain Wide Silk Ribbon for 20e 85e Plain or Paney Ribbon for 25e 120 Plain Sok Ribbon. 10e Whitewear White Underskirts and Lawn Waists $100 Underskirts $ .75 $3 00 Underskirts $2,40 $1,25 " ...... 1.00 $3 50 " 2 15 $1.50 11 ...... 120 51 25 Lawn Waists,.., 100 $2 00 " 100 $150 " .. . 120 $225 1.15 $2 00 11 .... 100 Corset Covers - to elear .25 Ladies' White Dressee, nicely made and trimmed, regular $5 00 -- far 400 Children's White Dresses -'to elear at $1,00 and 125 Boots and Shoes of worth of Two thousand dollars' Shoes to be sold at cut prices ; your fall supply .... A number of regardless of cost ,... See Boxes 00c, $1.19 and $1 the Best Beets and a good time to buy odd lines to be sold of clearing lines at 40. DRESS TRIMMINGS -- to match 20 per cent off all all our Dress (foods. Lines. Table Linen 1 piece Bleached Linen, 51 in, wide, Sue value for ... 28e 2 pts. fine quality Bleached Linen, OOe quality for ... 45c 2 pes. Table Linen, very wide, new pattern, 75e for, .. 03e Extra tine quality Linen, 2 yds. wide, $1.25 quality, .31.00 Table Napkins, all sues and qualities .....20 per Cent off PRINTS Crem's Regllsh Prints, all nese patterns, dark and light colorings. Regular prices aro 12} and 100 150 --your oholco of our large stook for TERMS OF SAL :.—Cash or produce at time of kale. No goods eilarged at Sole price. No goode Rent on approbation during the Sale« Remember the date -Saturday) Aug. etil. Out prices in fifteen dopartmenta. Shop in the morning if ponntille« W. E. ISARD & CO. - Wingha Gloves Big stock of Gloves to be sold quickly at greatly reduced prices. All our Long Gloves in Black, White, Blue, Green, Brown, Silk or Lisle, at 20% off our close prices... DRESS GOODS Huy' your Tall Tfrese or Snit . now-. Big stook to choose from. During thlt Salo you ear' save 20.'•: en your purchase of the latest Dress Goods. Gut pprieea in all linos of Silks. Wo have the kind that wear well -- Taffeta, Mescaline, Pailotto -al1 widths, See our 36 inch Chiffon Taffeta, regular dollar quality -Clean Clean Sweep Sale, Ilio LACE CURTAINS assist St 2' and $1 10 dt zing tl is S to the of odd pairs Curtains to Regular prices 'aro t t a y ga at 700 12 pairs Lace Curtains. 2.50 value -Sale Pr111 II ice $1'5) 8 ., ,. .. 3,00 ,. .. .. 2.90 12 " • " r. 3.75 a .r a 9110 Summer Perasola in Plain and Fanny eolorings - must bo sold at a. discount of 25 per cent. CARPETS and RUGS .Rig Stock of Carpets and Rugs to cheoso from -- comprising new patterns in Tapestry, Wool, Brussels, Velvet. Wil• tons, also is largo stook of I.inolourns in the best makes. 20 Per sent oiT during the Salo . t,JNDFIZSKIRTS Two doz. Underskirt's, made 0f good quality rfµultd Msreen full width, reg. $1,26 -for 1tpSateen doineival1 Underskirts 41,50 vahre for 41,25,, Bargain in Bleak Silk skirts, Special 4.5.06 quality for 4.'311)5, 25 pes. whits Torchon Lace and In'iortlon, reg. 6c --tar 50 English Lonsdale ('arnbrio, flim quality, yard wade, reg. ids for 01 20 pea. wide atriped Flannelette!n, new patterns --only . do A lot of mill Ends Factory Cottony --to 'sitar St 55 Window Mattes, Linen en the lerfc, oamplate.... tie Smrm uer Vests, Mae 36 -to clear at . 100