HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-08-03, Page 4fi THE WINO -HAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1911 THE QUESTION OF LARGE FARMERS MARKETS, AND RECIPROCITY! NO APPETITE THE PROFIT SHARINGSTORE i' t VNC� WING -HAM, fN7• ► ' LIVE STOCK PRICES ON TQ* ___, - F ,BETTER party Probably kers. One of the War cries of the Liberal in the ensuing elections will RQNTQ MARKET. If you have no appetite for meals, can't work, can't rest and are annoy - ed with too frequent urination and a be Laurier and large g That in itself would not be un. welcome, but theywill omit to *tate from in order to get them, the reclpro- Into (I'tam pronto World of July 27 y Nearly every day now live stock the 1Jnited States is brought Toronto, as• sages,burping, scaidtng pain in making pas- sages, If at of ht ou retire, g y hoping fox sleep that either does not came or is ' ` ' troubled ou nba e ...._ . Bird that oily Dian agreement surrenders the Cana• thereon, mamket to tho United Statue, and Alan also to twelve or more other .countries which. are known as "favored nations" Hader the terms of such a treaty.the To gain another market would not be so baa, but it is not iso to eacri- each. fico a whole Iat (as Canada is doing) 'in the Canadian duty paid and then sold against Cana• animals, Yesterday J 280 cheep from esk3rda , my 23, States were sold on the Toronto market at 51� cents it pound. They weighed 04 lbs, and brought $3 5$ The duty, was 88 cerate. at Canadian sheep brought. 10 cents lase,July •�- �yy,�, • Qt�4' • d I-•r:"..'"'�"v/owommossamogliamiamonsompomms ]p „rxr � ,f ;, ' f x �' ;.,. . '� ' ; �. kidney trouble & need Booth's Kidney 1' i I l P, the guaranteed remedy far all kidney and bladder trouble, A fele closes of , Toth s Kidney �"' King s9'� and August Sale , AGENTS--- LADIES' HOME JOURNAL AGENTS--. HQME JOURNAI, PATTERNS Best �p Pick' Quality 1 ng V i n egap ' order to obtain it, Canadian farmers would have nothing to gain and much to lose by such a transaction, We don't export a great deal of farm, produce after all, but use most of what our farmers reduce in our p own home markets, It would, there- fore, seem specially important to Can- to keep ae ;ulmericans were preferred. That is, American sheep of better quality can bo brought into Toronto, pay freight, 25 per cent. duty, and compete with the home animals, Sheepon the Buffalo market sell for from two to four and a half cents. With the duty off, and reciprocity take the duty the Toronto e y Pills Kidney Pins will wake up u nays and regulate the urine.ithe sluggish kid- Continued treatment will cure and heal the weakened kidneys and re- store the appetite in the natural wad, sold eThe R.hNre a0e boo, or postpaid from Tho li,. T. Booth Oo., Port Et le, Ont. ]?ree trial sent on application, adian farmers the home mar ket to themselves, and not open it to the competion of the Americans, The Canadian Government Year for 1909 gives the qim ntity of wheat produced in Canada that year as 166,744,000 bushels, oats 353,406,000 bushels, barley 55,898,000 bushels, Of this there were exported:—wheat 56,958,620 bushels, oats 5,255,010 bush., 2, 959,835 Clearly will off, Live Stock Market would be flooded with American sheep, and prices would drop about a dollar a head 1Special What is tame of sheep is true of hogs and cattle. It `is up to the Ontario farmer to bear this in mind. With, say, 20 sheep and 40 hogs a year this means a straight loss of $60 a year, a sem sufficient to pay a farmer's anneal ax.doesn't a' 1 Values Real s InBook mANy NEIN spEciAis FOR THIS WEEK �—•-^ "� Vinegar 4gar It use i pay tocheap ry. for pickling. It is never satisfactory. Use only the best. Jl This year We are handling c Heinz Pure Pickling ' V i n e g a r It is white, but not white wine. This is the same quality of Vinegar • that the Heinz people use in their class pickles. We guarantee � g p the quality. It's better than any - • ,, malt, cider or white wine vinegar made. No acids used in the ma]lU- facture of this vinegar. Try it. barley bushels. this indicates that it is best for ne to pre- serve the home market; Our root crops also deserve attention, In the year mentioned, Canada raised 99,087, is all the talk for reciprocity p y compared with these facts against it 1 Ponder it over, Mr. Farmer, • NICKS PROPERTIES SCOTT STREET ••�•What 15 pieces best heavy English Flannelette, good •� .residence. width and patterns.Reg 15c & 17c ---for . . 1 1 I c _ 200 bushels of potatoes, and 107,724,000 bushels of turnips, Of these we ex- w"M..►........,-- .� Suitable for dairy business or private A Bargain. to y 1,560,032 bueheis of pota• ported only toes, and 1,020,776 'bushels of turnips. The Canadian market consumed$53,-,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, till C. r. - + • + ► LENNOX RESIDENCE • ibbed Cotton Hose,sizes 5 t� 10 black 20 doz.R• • or tan. Regular 25c --- Sale Price . • 15C 500,000DIAGONAL worth, and the rest of the world bought only $1,000,037 worth, Hay is another of our big erops, and 'Pho matter under this head is supplied by tho W1ngham W.C. T. U. Zech. 7 :16—"These are the things ST. One of the very nicest homes in town. Must be sold. one which is always in demand, In 1000 Canada raised 11,877,100 tons, valued- at $181,644,000, while the rest of the world bought from us 55,884 that, ye shall do :—Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor. Exe- cute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates." . $RINKER PROPERTY BLUEVALE 10inches pieces of heavy Oxford Plaid, 36 wide• 1 SCAs Regular 35c per yard, for - A. verysuitable Cloth for children's fall school dresses •one tone or something over 000,000 worth. What about live stock ? The official returns show that Canada had in 1009 $27,789,000 worth of horses, and ex- We cannot pray too earnestly for this continuons enlargement of • the heart in order that we may fulfil the Admirably suited for retired farmer. Mr. Brinker is in Michigan, this must be disposed of at once. ported $367,250 worth. Indeed, we imported $941,667 worth. Our horned greathigh commandment to love God and your brother man. �' 1 1 • 6 doz. Ladies' Summer Vests, short sleeves and no -were . sleeves. Regular 153 to 25C ---this week 12C cattle, other than 20132 cows, in 1we valued at $120,320,000, and we only exported a shade over $10,000,- You have your duty to others, They have their duty to you. Ritchie & COSenS 000 worth. Of $34,308,000 worth of swine raised we only exported $4,000 worth. Of $15,735,000 worth of sheep raised we exported but $500,000 It a person steals your -money or other property, you may have re- course to law and the thief punished. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE •t ! Five • dozen Ladles' Wash $gilts with •nicelyem- • 7 broldered ptterns. Regular 25C, for 11 C t, We x180 carry in stock Heinz Baked Beans with Pork and Tomato Sauce 15e;Heinz Tomato 15e > Tomato Catsup, 15c. worth, In the matter of butter, cheese, poultry and other direct and indirect the farm official fig- but did you ever think that he who steals your happiness often goes un- Punished, and the thieves of happiness are many. To steal happiness is a WANTED a products of no ores are available as to the totalHeinz production of the country later than the census of 1901, Yet, with the exception of cheese, Canada is becom- crime. We cannot injure another without injuring ourselves. Be hon- est, true. Safe -guard your own hap- pinese. It is your right, In the DAUPHIN DISTRICT,Soup, a large number of experienced farmers to buy and farm the best land in the Nest improved or " Eight dozen Men•'s . plain black Cashmere Socks. Regular 503 value for . • . , . 29C g, ins an importer instead a an export er, "The market of ninety milli looks good on paper, but it does not exist in fact, Our farmers are pro- ducers and the home market consti- rates their best consumer, Statistics of certain industries of , officially in 1900. Canada were takenffi The figures are instructive. In slaughtering and meat packing, and ALL RIGHT TO -MORROW." (The Khan in the Star.) His friends saw him alive for the last time on the Esplanade. "Pm pretty drunk now," he said," but I'll be all right to -morrow." Half an hour afterwards he had solved the awful problem of life, and stood sober his God, been r beforeHehad un ; unimproved. First-class proper - ties for sale at low prices and on terms to suit. For particulars and booklet giving description of the district, apply to R C. R. C SPARLING DAUPHIN — MAN. ��._ ' • Ladi• es White • Night Gowns and •Underskirts• g Reg. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 ---Choice for 1.10 Great . ring Sale OF ALL slaughtering without packing,the down and killed by a freight train. "I'm drunk, but I will be ' Three pieces 72 -inch Pure Linen Table Damask. $125 and $1• 50 --- Sale Price 73c . • 'RegularCI production was something over $29, 000,000. Our total:export of meats of all kinds that year was only a shade over ' $2,000,000, and this included pretty All right to -morrow," the drunkard said, And devils jeered in his palsied ear As he staggered out on the r• The Place Where Good Clothes Come From poultry and game. In 1909 we sold to the whole world outside of Canada only $1,900,000 worth. of meats. Esplanade, He did not hear the wheels of death, He crossed the river dark and broad, And sober stood in mad amaze LET U S POST YO U • 10pieces Hand and Tea Toweling. Regular 10c 1 1 to 12 C per yard, for S 2 C •��- These figures are well worth re- membering when the farmer is ap- pealed to on a cry of larger markets. Canada surrenders more than she gains on such a deal as the recipro- city pact produces, - Before the golden gates of God, The long to -morrow 1 may we hope That Gabriel oped the mystic gate, And that no voice came forth from God, "The man has sinned ; too late 1 too late 1" For Christ has died for men like him,Clothes If you get your olothea from ue, yon are sure to get Clothes made to fit Clothes neatly made well made Clothes that look well Summer Goods During Month Of August • - Another shipment of Prints,to clear at 9c pOb, GOOD PATTERNS AND PAST COLORS • Lucknow. , Mr. R. Barrett disposed of his har• nees stock, etc., to Messrs. Seliery & Temple of Kincardine, Mr. Barrett To wash away their inborn sip ; let us hope that he came forth And led the startled stranger in. Who gave•this man the drink of death • Is no one guilty—none afraid ? • And who is guilty of the blood That smokes upon the Esplanade 2 Clothes that wear well Olothes that last well Clothes in latest style Clothes that please . Clothes that satisfy e, Ladies' Short Lisle Gloves, about doz black and white only. Reg. 25c and 35c,for 19C We do not want to carr over an of our stock y y Of summer goods, Anil are marking • , • prices down to suit all. intends going West in the near future, Last among the fifty -ono' pieces to be arranged for the fireworks display at the Ltieknow Caledonian games Who sent this creature forth to die Who left the gates of death ajar ? To let a drunken being fall And die beneath a cattle car ? , Utah rail upon the Esplanade Is painted red with human gore We understand our business We have the cods g We know the -styles Our charges aro right g $ 20 pieces 36 in. Bleached Cotton.. Reg. 15c for.... •11c p All of our stock Of Satin Stripe and Spot Mu&line, Foulards, Linen and Repp Srtitings AT LESS THAN COST PRICE. Crum s English Print at se, fiC, tJe and. Tic per yd. 10 doz. Ladies'Cotton, Hose, worth 260, to clear at lb per psi r. 2 pieces Nairn'sScotch Linoleum, reg. 60e per yd., sale • square yard. velvet Rugs in all sizes, Tapestry Rugs in all sizes, at • 25 per cent. off regular price. pairs of Ladies Dongola Blu. Shoes, reg. $2.00 per pair, for $1.35 per pair. (This is a snap and will not last long at these prices, thisyear will be a portrait, 20x20 feet square, of Iiia George the 5th, in q g g natural colors. That alone will be Worth the price of admission. Nothing but the entire absence of wind and the fact that everything was damp from recent rains, saved Luck- Then strike the iron shackles off And have such scenes as this no more, How long will all our citizens de afraid ? By ;wheels of doom be made flow any- morewill set theirdeath y g P • enn� q The Nifty biflIl�S Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand • • 50 •ends Gin hams and Cotton •Su• • s to clear at , • 9C Ginghams g now from a serious fire last Wednes- day night;. About half past eleven FOR AGED PEOPLE. - Mens • Union Underwear, In all sizer?l Drawersr Regular 75e value for - 50c o'clock fire was discovered in the rear frame building just east of the Cain House. A. few minutes' application of water got the blaze under control, and inside of an hour, to all appear- Old Folks Should Be Careful In , Their Selection Of Regulative Medicine. , DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Omens—Corner Patrick and Centro streets Prtosras- 3 Rd idence, Dr. Itenncdy 11330 mice, the lire was completely' extin- finished, and firemen and • epectatora dispersed. Shortly after four o'clock building was again seen to be on fire, and before water could be again We have a safe, dependable and. P altogether ideal remedy that is par- g y P titularly adapted to the requirements of aged people., and persons of weak constitutions Who stiffer frown consti• Residence, Dr. Calder lel Dr. ]ionnedy speeialtzos in Surgery Dr. Caldor devotes special attention to Dtseases or the Eyo, year, Noso and Throatithe luyes thoroughly tested• Glasses proporly fitted, • Another lot of Men's Overalls and Smocks at , . , . 69C ' a �/� `*/��j • REMEMBER R :'-e au can buy all kinds of House- r. • Furnishings such as Carpets, Mugs, •Llnoleums9 r �`� ('� - Oil elaths, Window Shades, etcr, at a saving • W. Of 25 per cent. The abovegoods are 1111 positively new and .up-to-date. y all our old clxstonaers for their patronage in the past, and hoping to see therm all back, and many new ones. applied, the fire seethed much worse than it Was earlier in the evening, The water was again turned on, and the fire, though more stubborn this time, was agaita subdued. Thio time, howeve, the building was ruined. . . . . r . bowel disordere. Wep l pation or other .Thanking tare so certain that it Will relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfaD- tion in every particular that we offer It with our personal guarantee that it eball east the usor nothing if it fails to out; claims, This remedyN DR` R. M. MacJ..3AN DENTAL SURGEON GORRte, ON1. Boner Graduate 'orontb University, Depart- tient et Dentistry. Graduato Royal Col- loge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 0 T I C E T. A. Mills oat be Bettled a ltheeatn ed in a reasonablee the Estate otime, te hus saving any extra experiSe substantiate is Called Rexall Orderlies. THIN HAIR ON TOP. Itezall Orderlies have a soothing, healing, tonic and At Wroxeter overt' Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday tall day- —office In Grand Central Thee best bt tthedp�todorrmet ode red iorxno preservation and restoration of the teeth. strengthening, If Parisian Sege, the hair grower regulative action upon the bowels. I'rbdttce JO A r�� . �1 of 0 all kinds �.r� M t ., wanted. es 1 1 j� /"1 Irlw that J. Mei ibb on guarantees, will They remove all Irritation, dryness, .. sossetf4wW. + �,� S F7 CENTS . 0 SIb KING B It a • not cause hair to grow Where the hair soreness and wet►ltness. They restore is thinning otic, nothing on this earth the bowels' and assDrealt organs to • will, And we say to everybod , you tan more vigorous and healthy activity. have your money beak if arisian They are eaten like candy, may be Sage isn't the beet hair grower, hair taken at any time without bacon. beautifier dandruff has. Wa11 er on "WINnitallt UNDERTAKERS saver, hair •and Market to•da . venienoe, do not basic any griping, Cute on the ria y at Robing itbalp and Min nausea, diarrhoea, exosssive looseness, tip f3atnletide or 100. disagreeable t hair and makes y, hair groan thick and abund ntl or itsoney IAA, 50e for a gripe 2 o itnd 100, Sold only at our large bottle. Parisian Sege makes the hair sit and brilliant and trt'nalotea, Her ; he Re�utll wtore. 3, W. Mo- tlttd lire gip ,tally' qualified Under. takers and. beim," and tuoee t0 may Nims o rely w� one. re0 tt eYr . +Defoe i kotts sea artsd phew" ltiir growth,_.._