HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-07-20, Page 7ROWING DETAILS
List of Over Eighty of Known Dead in Porcupine Fire
Disasters—Dreadful Experiences of Survivo-rs.
Country Devastated for Many Miles—Hospitals Crowded....
Fire Swept Homesteads in Sudbury District.
Porcupine despeteli; Following la the list of identified dead:
JULE.S METAYER, Freneh Consul, aged 30.
AlsIDRE, LE ROUX, waiter, Metropole Hotel, Montreal, from Paris age 33,
AltPILA Alowrioux, Cobalt, wife at Cobalt, age 50, grey.
' OffAR1JES E. ADAMS, Phoenixville, Pa., relatives advised, age 23.
JA.01e. TAYLOR, shoemaker, Pearl Lake,
MACK SMITH, New Liskeard, relatives advised.
R. .A. DWYER, on Porcupine Gold Mines, buried there,
FRANK FLYNN, Bracebridge, brother of Mrs. Youill, Toronto, found in
United, Porcupine Gold alines, buried there.
ANDY y mu, superintendent, Tonne on United Poreupine, wife resides at
$17 Witten aveieue, Toronto, buried at Percupine.
JOE Fix,romiat, Cockerraouth, England, aged. 26, fair, buried. on Cumber-
land Mine.
CO. ALLAN, same address, tinned Porcupine Co. property.
'WILLIAM MOORE, Cobalt, aged 35, dark.
NATHAN NAAS, Spokane, Wash.; brother wired; aged 35; dark.
STANLEY NICHOLSON, Guelph; wife in. Toronto; age 28.
HARDY (Dome Mines), of Toronto, 180 Avenue Road, sta•
dent, aged 22.
JOHN ItING (Dome Mines), of Copper Cliff, aged 65.
limy- JACKSON (Dome Mines), American, colored.
JOHNSTON (Dome Mines), of Sudbury, (Mt,
LEO. IL SULIIAN (Dome Alines), London, England, assayer.
STANLEY F1TZ1ANSE (Dome Mines), of Melbourne, ,aged 27.
.ROBERT 1VEISS (West Dome), of Butte, Montana, aged 60.
MRS, WEISS (West Dome), Butte,. Montana,
wEiss, child (Wet Dome), of Butte, Moutana.
TAMES RENNIkl, 211 Farley avenue, Toronto, aged 50.
,T.A.MES WELCH, Cacheatlay, Ont., aged 30.
CAPT, TIRALAS DUNBAR, of Kennedy and Dunbar.
JOHN lticLAUGHLIN. T. R. GET)DES, aged 54
WILLIAM KING (West Dome), Elk (.ity, Idaho,
11 al. MaeQUEbild, here. 1), M. MaxQUEEN.
3. . S. RYAN.
ALIIOD, Kelso, Inverness, N. S. E. SHERRIEN, buried.
Cobalt despatch says; The horrors of
Porcupine's great diaster increase
'hourly. Out of the chaos and mai,
sion of the first day following the fire
affairs are becoming adjusted to such
an extent that the terrible import of
it all can be realized. But never will
it be half appreciated as it is by those
who went through it, Motors, nurses
and. medical supplies arrived during
the night, and no time was lost in get!
ting to work. Hunger, the usual
followei of such terrible ineidents, is
the one thine°that those not other-
wise injured, have to fight against,
and bread and provisions are being
ruehed in as fast as possible. With
the execption of .what remained in the
few stores of Golden City, there re-
mained nothing to eat.
At the beginning it was believed.
that the greatest loss of life occurred
at the mines and in the bush, where
many prospectors mast have perished,
but now tee town.s may give up the
greatest number of uead, and 200 as a
total is a conservative eatimate of those
who lost their lives. As fas as is known
there was no loss of life in Pottsville,
and at first it was thought that South
Porcupine's less numbered but four, but
ellen then five bodies, whether of men
or women is not known, have been found
ln the rea.r of where the Empire Theses
tre stood, making it apparent that they
were endeavoring to make their escape
to the north of the zone of flames.
Porcupine Lake has given up forty-
one victims drowned by plunges into the
lake, by auffoe,ation while standing in
the waters or by being swamped when
in canoes.
Along the Shaw-Deloro line on the
trail lie eight bodies of unknown
dead, and on the south side of Pomo
pitie Lake are three more to add to the
Six on the trail between the Dome Mine
and South Porcupine. Coffins are being
built out of rough lumber, and. already
four bodies have been shipped out.
Nothing can be Addeu to the steries
from the loss at the mines beyond the
fact that Captain Sack Hamilton, who
was at first counted among the dead at
the West Dome, is alive. So is Joseph
eies Tracey, accountant for Ie. A. Heinze.
Treetty tells a vivid Story of the
disaster as it visited the property. It
appears that Manager Weiss and
those who perishea did net takii to
the shaft as a last resort, but, think-
ing the property well cleared, was
fairly, safe from the fire, went there
to get away from the dense smoke
with them was Mr. Tracey. sea the
fire approached he went up the bids
der to the eurfece and there found.
the bent (ram e and shaft house ablaze.
/de tried to extinguish the fire, but
could. not, and so shouted down the
shaft for the others to tome up and
find soh* other ineens of escape. he
then tushed for the swamp, back of the
power house and there burned in mus-
kegscaped the flames which eonsuin-
ca. filo others,
"Shotgun Bill" Ring, prospector for
Heinze, was among those who came out
of the ellen after Ma Treeey, but he
—4r wished on the eurface at the month of
the -shaft. It is probalee that Mrs.
Butts whoee body WAS found half way
tip the main, Wee aleo trying to follow.
It is knOivn that It, A. Meyer, Mali-
nger of the Suceees, met Ids 54 men
eeeisped Without %jury, and it is be•
Roved that the estrum- miraculously ta-
mped the flames, although on the edge
of the fire zone and near the Viporith
Ashlar Wog burned.
Nothing bris been kora from the
Golden Crown, and the wieners think
Foreman Fred Constable Sitil hie men
are twit.
Among the narrow esespee was
that of the little daughter of Dr. Ilnie
Cm, a veterinary in Pottsville. In
some way the litle girl Was lost in
the fire, and made her way to the
Vinthlitit Hoted. Her rake for het
Morton, who, witit her own daughter,
was making for a raft which was going
out into Porcupine Lake. The little
girl Wag later placed with ber mother in
Golden City.
Efforts are beteg made to make the
injured as comfortable as passible, and
this morning the following were sent to
tee Lady Minto Hospital in Liskearde
J. Daiwa°, Chielesar, Que., 37 years,
John Bilo, ?Wander, Dome Mines, 23
-years of age, burned.
Ed, Therien, Ottawa, carpenter, Dome
Mines, 18 years of age.
Tom (Selmer, 11 Cedar street, Toronto,
aeot ce man.
Alex, Faulkener, Copper Cliff, Ont.,
C.aliadian, 24 years.
Didodi Diepro, Assyrian.
H. ,Tolirts, Englislanan, aged 40.
3. Taylor, White Horse, Yukon
Territory, 18 years. Australian,
Edgar A. Shakespeare, 005 Yonge
etreet, Toronto.
Vidor Mackie, Finlander, aged 27
Wm. Willson, Irishman, 44 yea' rs.
B. C. 13issett, Stratheona, Alta., 30
years of age*
One of the miraculous escapes re-
corded is that of a woman end two chil-
dren who made their way from the .
Dome Camps to the North Dome. Three
men are known to be dead at the
Philadelphia Mine, in addition to te, E.
Adams, the bookkeeper, wbo died ef
heart failitre.
In connection with this E. P. Ash-
more may Le put down as one of the
heroes of the holoesinst. After Adams'
had died of heart failure hi his twins,
lir. Ashmore beat his way 'beck through
the flames, and, wetting is blanket,
wrapped the body in it, and he this way
it was saved from the flames. Mr. Ash-
more was badly, but not seriOusly,
burned about the hole and chest in do-
ing this.
On the trail from the Philadelpaie, to
%teeth Poreupine there lie the bodies of
ten unknown dead. Six dead bodies have
been found in the bush aronad the
Dome Mine. Among the more pathetic
incidents Ives the burning of a woman
Who was about to become it mother.
This woman's hands and feet were
burned off in the fire.
A. IL Crampton. and Joe Healy, man:
eger and superintendent, respectively;
of the Int/mile' Mines, state that the
sompany suffered no lass of life and all
af their Bitten employeees eseaped safe-
ly. The party left the canm at twelve
o clock,. as the Dames were just reaching
tile buildings. In the party was Mrs.
Harper, of North Cobalt, wife of the
cook at the mine. She had to go a mile
and a half acrossa countryfleeing from
the flames until the right-of-way was
struck, then the entire party had to
prattieally rim four miles to South Por-
cupine and Mrs. Harper also evaliced ans
other two miles around the lake.
Mr. Crampton told of n weird sight
hi South Porcupine, after the fire, Ile
sau the boake of five persons who
ware burned, fie well es simc other bodies
Witt had been taken from Porcupine
Lake, One woman, while passing
through the burned streets of South
Porcupine, reached dewn and picked tie
a piece of the skull of one of the unfor•
tunatee, and, putting it in her handbag,
elated that else would keep it as it sou,
Joe Healy at the time of the files
went over to the efatageoll Myer,
where, with a ming af eixteen others, be
started a back fire' and. in this manner,
the party managedto cheek the Mimes.
Btastol Township was burned oner
again, said Mrs lIettley, and he tears
that many of the prospeetors lot their
ayes. There were ell rtilitsmtily large
number in that median. mei there was
a mime af esettpe. There ere 9.5 me.
in Shaw townehip'wlio stertea off item
one property and have never been Weird
uf einee. They may be eafp, but it r
eitoeether likely that in fleeing trout
tide direetion to the other direetiou
thee perished hi the Mmes.
Georaa Lisk, a. protector near the
maker were heerd as the hotel wise West Kona, at the outbreak of the
abont to be enveloped in fiercest end fire heti a molt remarkable swipe Irma
else Wis tekett mit by Mra. Lindsay death, wide his brother and lattwr `
burned up betore hie very eyes, It
se -ems thitt before they fun), realized
it the flames were upon them, and, no
matter Oat eirection they turned, the
flames veined to be present, Biisadly
they ran forward and. luck brought
them to a email stream, into which they
madly threw themselves and dashed the
cool water over their burning and brute.
ed bodies, Half -submerged in the Wats-
or, they welted for the fire to sweep
over them, which it presently did, one
of the brothers, unable to stand the
choking melee and the intense heat,
deed on the spot. George, by rolling over
and over in the shallow water, managed
to survive by a. miracle,
Charles W, Weirton, owner of the
Weston Claims, in Ogden, anil one of
the best known men in South Poreu.
pine, had perhaps Ete narrow an es-
cape as any Who left South Porcupine
during the fire without injury. IVIr.
Weston, while the flames were enter-
ing South Poreupine, rushed int° Coma
eelor .1<ennerly's building to recover
some papers, and while there the car-
load of elyeendte On the railroad at
Lakeview, Porcupine, exploded. The
dynamite ellattered the building ads
joinieg and 111r. Weston was struck by
these timbers, knocked over and cov-
ered with glass.
He rushed out and there found
Capt. Dunbar, who died on the spot.
Cepa, Dunbar was pumping water and
trying to extinguish the flames. Mr.
Weston milled to him to make the
escape, but the captain stuck to his
work, and it was probably: but a few
minutes later that he perished. Making
his way to the dock, Mr. Weston put
the papers that he hadsaved into a
canoe and, started out, ,At this time he
end Mr. Kennedy saw Mrs. Williana
Mar and her child standing in the dock
the upper end of which was by thia
time in flames, They were taken off
and placed in the canoe. Horses Remus
dered in the water and dogs nearly
Swamped the canoe,
Finally, Mr. Weston, who had but
one paddle, left the moo and put
the dogs in as a matter of protection
for the others He waded into the wet-
ter, keeping as close to the canoe as
possible. In this manner ife was
saved from the fire. His deseriptiou of
other details occurring about the South
Porcupine dock is too horrible to re-
late. Attached to the first relief train
front the scene of the Porcupine
tropbe was a caboose temporarily fitted
up as a travelling hospital ear, con-
taining the injurea officials of the
Dome mines on their way to the hospi-
tal at Copper Cliff.
In the ear were Mr, and Mrs.
Meek, Mrs. Meek's mother, name un-.
known; Ffarry Darling, mill foremau;
Wilbur Campbell. mining engineer;J.
Commie, Mr.' Wastnough, a 'Varsity)
Ancient, and another man by the name
of Selene% IVIrs. Meekes mother•inslaw,
was badly burned about the limbs; Wil-
bur Quimbell was also burnt all over
the body, while Harry Darling was suf-
fering from suffocation. The other mem-
bers of the party show many marks
as a result of their experiences laet
0 F. Goldthwaite.
Toronto, July 15.—Hon, Frank Coch-
rae, Minister of Lands, Forests and
Mines, yesterday issued a statement, in
which he says that the reports of toes
of life ia the forest fires have been
exaggerated, and that people 9,re being
alarmed unnecessarily.
"While 'we do not wish to minimize
Dee terrible affair," he areal, "there is
every justification for feeling that the
newspaper reports up to date have
been very niuch exaggerated. We are
not blaming the newspapers; they
get the best information they can, but
from the investigation made by offi-
cials, we can any with certainty that
there ha a been too much exaggeration,
and people are being alarmed unneces-
Mr, 3. L. Englehart, chairman of
the Tentskaming and Northern On-
tario ItailWay Commission, has gone
to the north to assist in relieving the
suffering there, and Secretary Magee is
iinov,e,sh:ege of the local office. Be also is-
sued etateraent yesterday, which fol -
"I have just had a long distance
'phone conversation with Mr. Cle-
ment, our chief engineer at North
Bay, he having returned from Porcu-
pine last night.
"Mr. Clement says that the reports
in the newspapers, as to thri number
of deaths, are greatly exaggerated.
When lie left Porcupine, the Porous
pine Relief Committee eoula only ac-
count for .52 deaths. The reports that
38 or 40 have bean drowned in the
lake are not authentic. Prom inform-
mation gathered from the men run-
ning the launches, and taking people
away,he would say the most by
drowning *cella be six or eight.
"While no doubt the affair is hor-
rible, Mr. Clement is of the opinion
that the dead will be about 70-, and
he fettle safe in wining lie tlutt at
the verY moat the death liat will be
100. 110 has good reason to believe that
meet of the prospectors* 310e, in the
bueh, itna not yet heard front will he
found to be safe.
"Mr, (lemma says, Pet at an illustra-
tion of the exeggerations, due to the
people being excited and Minded with
smoke, while at the larederiekhoume ltivs
et- he kid a report that five bodies were
wnmtiimg on landing of Redetone River.
Ne wee informed that the Relief Conis
mittee, on senaing for the bodies, could
not find any.
elle reports as to the large num-
her of people on the etation platform
to be taken out Is not trtie, as Mr.
Opulent eanee out on the last trein
laet night, end there were two empty
tioacetes on this train. Di rel, there were
*bent 1,000 people taken nut of rot,
"Mr. Clement says further, thet the
reporie of men coming in, As th having
etertit great ember of Aiwa and
thurnertrits. boWitel along the Oen ars not
"He /Ayethat so far 40 **applies are
concerned, there are Siidligh itruund
thes eamp to do for several dap, end
whet le Medea last at MOM; le ays.
tetuatie relief, opread weer the neat
couple of weeks. There is nobedy
not true. Many henna*, though, were
sunk neat. the shore, but no one wee
ina$theretiatt,t txli:erimereo.wcw
to the lake-
side and fouglit to get acroois into
safety, Every man looked out for bine
self then.. Some assayer,* ha4 two bar -
Ivie of gasoline, end as it was running
ont, 1 tried te get some froin them,
They would not aell it except for very
high prices. Frank Stewart dec1are4 he
would get some. fie orgainzed a band
of men aiul went to the assayere and
frightened them lath giving us Seine.
Another thing, the Murphy Howie put
U) the price of a meal to one dollen It
is sad about Billy Moore, Arehle Moore
hail him Weide a canoe in the leke for
half au hour, but eould not get hini up,
so he had to let lent go.
Pereupine, Oat, July O. — The
preliminary work of clearing evfay
the debris in Percupine has been
inaugurated, ana while Wahl ere
beginning to assume a normal con-
dition, the realization of the terrible
disaster by' no means diminielms,
Every Aim beings up scene new fea.
tore aa a reminder of what isi noW
several days old.
Bodies of many •ef the victims are
being shipped out ta friends and reale
atives, Among Those that Went tint
yesterday- were those of "Billy" Moore,
superintendent for the Armstrong -Me -
Gibbon, and, Assayer and Mrs. Augus
Burt, of the West Dome, No new names
can be added to the list, because- of the
difficulty td identify the remains that
are found, some of them being but cher-
red, bits of flesh and bone,
Six :bodies, bealdes that of "Billy"
Moore, have been added to the
list taken from. Porcupine Lake
it the assistance of discharging dyna-
mite. ain the other band, it has been
learned that Fred. Constable, Isaac Sinn
and. George Wakefield, eupposea to have
perished at the Gold Crown, are alive
and uninjpred with the exception of
slight burns. Time men fought the
flames for a. 'while, and filially jumped
into a seven -foot well, containing three
feet of water, and survived the fire.
Toronto, July 17. —Letters* have
been received in Toronto frotil
several Toronto boys, svho passed
safely through the ordeal of fire in
Northern Oritogioeal. Waring Clarice, M.
P., who was in the offiee of alining Re-
corder A. E. D. Bruce, has written is
thrilling amount of hie experiences et
Porcupine.- "If you can picture a wall
of flame forty feet 'dashing at you wo-
men crying and clutehing half smothered
babes, others rushng out into the lake,
trees falling, the air so dense witb
amolee that you would declare it was
night, horses and dogs sizzling to death
and yelping to be released, people grad-
ually dropping into the Nice and drowte
ing with absolutely nobody to save
is gale blowing at the rate ot six-
ty miles an hour, last, but not least,
tons of dynamite going off every three,
minutes, breaking every . frail artiele
and settiug fire to everything yen. un-
touched, if, I say, you ean picture the
above, you have -a vivid, natural and
real picture of the Porcupine fire." Mr.
Clarke says, "The death toll will be en-
ormous, and I thank God that I am
Notidditional news was received from
the north yesterday, except that $5,000
had been • sent to the Porcupine Relief
Committee from the Toronto Relief
Committee. 'nee will be used judie-
iouely to help tbe burned. out miners.
All fires have burned themselves out,
and :Matheson is .safe. Everything in
the burned -over distriet was reported
as being quiet yesterday, Ana the work
of relief will proceed without delay.
Hon. Ma Cochrane reeeived numerous
telegraphic messages from the. north on
A. S. McDonald, Crown Lands Agent
nt Coehrane, wired: "So far tan ac-
count for seven settlers burned out in
Glaekmeyer township, and three in Tay-
lor Township. Two lives loot ia Glack-
tneyer—Bodies buried'!
Mrs. Sinclair, wife of the minister of
one of the churches at Coohrane, said
that she left the town at 3 o'clock one
afternoon and returned at 8 o'clock in
the evening ti find it a heap of smoul-
dering tnine. She said that. Mr. Rum-
fotd, . Manager for the Knight Lumber
'Compariee and hie wife refused to take
flight and managed to save the com-
pany's property from the flames. By
midnight they were selling lumber to
rebuild the town,
Relativea of the late Stanley Nichol-
son, the Guelph adwspapennan, who
as killed at the burning of Porcupine,
received word on Saturday that his body
had been. reeovered. The remaina will be
brought to Toronto, arriving at 7.30 this
neorierig. The fuheral will Hike place
to Mount Pleasant Cemetery this after-
notoettchnand the Knights of Pythias will
Aceording to Atm. ber bro-
thers Say that the hurricane -which
struck South Porcupine at the time -of
the fire, lasted about twenty minutes
and swept everything before it. One of
the Flynn boys ran 'back into =the mine
office to try to get a revolver with
which to commit suicide, but waa called
beck by her brother, who guided him
to the hies reek, from whieh they SW
Fra»g Flynn and Youille die whersi they
stood. 'When the bodies of the latter
were found the clothitig luta been burn-
ed off them aiul their flesh eves baked
by the terrifie heat.
Sadburys Ont., despatch: 1n is mot
terrifie gale, whieh gained imptus
throughout the day, fire swept, aerose
the Townehipe af Hamner and CapteoI
on TueedaY through a well-settled fatio-
leg community and into the Townships
of Wiener and Hutton along the line nf
the Canadian Northern Railway, On the
first and third torteesisone of Fastener
and the first and seeond eoneessiona of
Capreol about twenty homesteaders
have been burliest out altnoet cotripletely
buildings, reaps and etoek fellitig a prey
to the flianee, and the people themeolvee
in some eases barely eseeping with their
lives. At Batiend's Siding, where a
ptilp mill was eiteuttej, about twenty
fatuities have been made homeless, and
the countryside redueed toWitte& The
0. N. 0. nottliebounti train fortutiatele
Arrived when the villagere were in dire
etraits Atte itt iminineet -danger of basing finnihilated. All were reeeued and
brought to Sudbury, here they are belust
eared for, Tim heroient ,of Clondictor
Maria, of the train erew. Is worthy of
epeeist mention. 'Fearful kat someone
weldsi be left beliinds he reside a Ione
bip beek Into the fire sone. and was re-
worded by finding and kaving a mother
and two smell cleildrea huddled lit thelr
Cabin awaiting the inevitelile and too
fearful to venture nut. The fire wwept
norms; to Hutton Townehip, mid at Sell -
wined, twerlise Iteniets are redeeed to Wits
aogether with four and. a telt mitten
feet of luirdser, the property of Len.
land and Steele end the tramenee tale -
rein of Dr. Werrea,
Postman Dropped Dead at ilanlon's
Point, Toronto,
Elderly Mao Trernpliel to Death
by Stallion.
Operations for Appendicitis Performed
in Mid -Ocean,
The Berlin, Ont., ewer romonieslon
has been wiped. out by popular vote.
Dr, A, 14,1 Vreelnall Was nominated for
the Legislature by the Weet Victorie
Your young Niagara Valle people ead
a narrow (escape from death when their
motor boat Weenie disabled above The
Prince Leopo1s1 of Bettenberg was
threwn form hie horse at Tulworth, Dor-
setshiree anti his heaa was cut eeverely.
His kondition, however, is not ditoger-
The death occurred. at London, ling.,
of Alexander Dixon, of .Toronto. The
lase airs Dixon is it brother ef Canon
Dixon Ile was born ittToronto sixty-
five years ago.
Immigration dromeetor Dufour ear
railed two poles just as they landed at
Windsor froni a small boat near T. M.
Cs docks, haviug been rowed across from
Detroit. They wilt be deported.
Postman Robert Mitchell, 773 Gerrard
;street eaat, Toronto, took an afternoon
off Saturday and drogped dead. at Ban:
Ian't Point, He had been troubled with
heart failure for some throe
The British steamships Alumni. arta
Hallarnshire were in collision at Nor-
folk, Va,, with damage to both vessele.
The injury to the Almera, mi Donaldeun
liner, bound for Glasgow, was serious.
Rev. Samuel Wilson, superannuated
Methodist clergyman)well known
throughout Western .0ntario, died at
Port Stanley, et the summer cottage of
Mrs. Franklin T. Harrison, of London.
At Portage Road, five miles from
Charlottetown, P. E. 1., James Casford,
60 years old, arid unntented, was tram-
pled in the yard of his brother, kir.'
Stead, by a vicious stallion, and died in
heif an hour.
,Silegeon Mcalaater, of the White Star
eteeteship Celtie, aided by Dr. Retreads,
of New York, and Dr. Rininger, of
Seattle, performed operatIone for appen-
theitis on two nude paseengers while the
Celtie was in lied -ocean.
lt is reported that 2,000 men from the
Island of Madeira have joined the Por-
tuguese Royalists in Spain, and are now
esvaitiffog A largo consignment of gram
and ammunition frora .,13elgium to re-
place those seized. recently.
Almost a war is going
on at Naples
between the clergy andsocialists. The
trouble orieinated when two priestr; de,
deunced th; sheath gowns worn by wo-
men. Several were wounded before the
police atopped a row that started.
'1 and Saved,. Weut in Bathing,
Two Men Upset n iNiagara River,
Street Oar Accident, Electric Shock
and Suicide Included in List.
Montreal, July lOsseltive sudaen arid
violent &Attie were reporteil yesterday
afternoon mat evening.
Christiana Mareotte, aged three anti
a half years, woe strnek and killed by
it street ear while delaying in !root of
her home on Ontario street.
B. Girofeard, • is lineman, of many
yeare' experience with the Montreal
Light, Heat Power Company,. received
an electric shock, and was Instantle
killed while 0workiag oft the Loupe
Pointe road.
Marcin Wasulish, is young Pole, who
eitme to the city to menthe ago them
the United States, eammitied smeidsk in
ihkeiaairchoo.in au Therville street. Ille land.
Indy found hint hanging from the ceil-
ing. Ho was out of worlsahlue to 111
James Wileon, 33 yeare of age, tiled
in the hospital on Saturda yevening as
the result of being struelt by a heavy
etone while at work on a house 'helms
Nbiteillgteir Seaforth avenue, Cote des
An unknown man wee struck and
killed .by a ear at Montreal west on
Saturday evening. Ifss is thought to
be an employee of the, Dominion Tex.
the company as a pay envelope was
found in his pocket.
The Windsor, Ont., police found John
Grtenway, of Maidstone, who disappear-
ed from the Arnold Home in leanest
some days ago. The -old man, was in a
fainting condition and was Bent to Hotel
Dieu, His friends believed he had been
The steamer Mariposa, from an
Premise° for Tabita, reports by wire -
lees that the British barque Purita.n,
from Newcastle, N. S. W., for San Fran°We, was abandoned, filling with water,
on ;lune 27, in latitude 26, Beath, longi-
tude 142 west.
News of the death of Alaa R. Mac-
donald, formerly of Dorchester atreet,
Montseal, was received frOili England.
11.r. Macdonald was is well-known rail.
way contractor, his*last big Contract be-
teg part of the National Transoattinen-
tal it, partnership with SM. J. O'Brien'.
Your charges of forgery,. committed
over a year ago, are made against Hen-
ry Brown, aged 17, of Surpeeldil road,
Toronto. He is saia to have drawn
cheques on the Homo Bank for $10, $10,
$0 and $7. One for $10 was passed on
Goodman Eros., Queen streeet west, for
it watch valued at $7.
Three residents of Kincarditie'
have passed away: They Were: Jannis
Cabs, aged 08 years, a veteran super-
annuated engineer of the Grand .Trunk
Railway; Mrs. Melo Barker, aged 5'4
rears, daughter of Police Magistrate
er, and Murdock McDonald, aged
07 pars, a Kincardine township farmer.
The Windsor police cemetission hes
adopted a standard rate of fares to be
charged by the taxicab concerns. Chauf-
feuraro required to pay a license fee.
of 26 cent* it year, while taxicab skivers
are required to pay 20 eents a year lot
- tine or two inachinee and $3 each for
. each additienal tar.
Was Carrying a Steel -headed Club on
Shoulder at Chevy Chase.
astashinieton, July et. --While tslaying
golf on an onen ettetelt of the imimevy
Chase links this afternoon, Tristam 8.
Johnson, former Republican alderman of
the eeth disttlet, New York City. and re -
centre annolnted solicitor for the Navy
Donartntent. Was Struelt dead by a bolt
of lightning. ne was fully to yards from
tho nearest tree.
The bolt learnt At the aeglening of it
tnotiorde electrical storm. Johnson had
*anted" els ban oft the course and was
walking tolerate it with his midiron ov-
er his shoulder. 'Mahout warning earn,
Lha flesh end simultaneously a deafen-
ing, clan of thunder.
When. Johnson was nieked nil it few
seconds later it was; found that the bolt
h,til made it hole In the left shoulder,
small and tamest ita eleamy out se it
it had been bored by'a shorts nosed bui-
let. The hair on his boad Wee toitipletely
burned off, and his face blackened be-
yond rettormition. The burn ran down
over both shoulders,
eobnsores eeside Was following birri
only A short distant* away. The eliock
threw hire an bla fee°, and it was several
rainutee before he hnd recovered seem the
blinding flash,
Budapeet, Hriugery, July 17.-- There
witsa returrenee of sliVerti earth ehoeks
in the Xeesitemet dietriet, fifty miles
south mutt of here, frefti five meth
seven Wenn* Me morning. Al &mike -
met the towere of the Ilynegogste and
the Greek Chnrell were vereeked *ad the
wane of number of belldhart were
Buffalo, July 17,—Two men were
drowned in Niagara River here at aeon
to•day. At a few minutee before noon
they :Narrowly eeeaped a similar death
at almost the same place. Ahe men were
Frank Neigee and Lewis Ludelee. They,,
with William itenacott, a companion,
started to spend tee day on the river.
As they were leaving Strawberry Island
theik boat -capsized and the three were
thrown into the water, They were re-
scued, with diffieulty.
Then, as they were so wet, they de-
cided to have e swim. WTmn, Renacott
was the last to undreas. Itis friends
plunged into the water and simultane-
ously Shouted for help. They sank al,
most instantly, Renaeott dist not enter
the water, Diverit reeovered the bodies.
Youag Man Walked Through Detroit
Tunnel. and Never Touched
Wincleor, duly -16,—.Apparently ignor-
ant of the Menem°. of the deadly third
rail, the slightest contaet with whiell
means sure and instant death, Richard
Hardy,. 20, who saya his home is at
Edmonton,. managed to elude the watch-
man. at the mouth of the Detroit River
tunnel to -day on the Amerkan side and
safely made his way through the great
tube to Windsor. Here he was met by
one of the iminiaration officers, who
took him to police headquartets, and
after questioning him allowed him his
liberty. He told si straight story and
mild he had never heard of the third rail
and could not reeognize it if he saw it,
and refused to believe he had almost
shaken haode with death.
• a
W. F. Cockshutt Runs to His Relief
in Special Train.
Termite, July 17.—Accompanied by
Dr. II, A. Bruce, 64 Blear street east,
and tivo trained nurses. Mr. W. F.
Cockshutt, Brantioed, left the Union
train for Huntsville at 8.35 o'clock last
night. Mr. Cockehutt came in from
Hamilton at 8.30 o'clock, when the spe-
cial train was made up on his order and
ready to start.
It was said that a son of Mr. Cock-
slautt was ill and that great haste
was required to save his life. As Dr.
Biome is aprominent surgeoft it is be-
lieved thab an operation will be per-
o Dcmobstrate in Favor of Arbitra-
tion Agreements.
London, July 17e—The women of Eng.
teed are Arranging to make their voices
heard on the side of arbitration pro•
peseta They hold that tles of kinship
and questions of peace and war affect
them AS closely as they do men and
purpose to hold si. great Anglo-American
meeting in October as a complement to
the historic Guild Mali demtinstratioli.
This woman's movement is receiving
support from all sectiOna of the com-
munity, a,nd the Lord Mayor has grant-
ed tbe Use Of the 141ailaton Rouse for
the meeting.
*es s
Los Angelo, Cale July 17.--4udge
Berdwell will decide to -day whether
Mrs. Ortie MeManigel's refund to ans-
wer questiorte before tbe grand jery two
weeks ago was justified or whether her
action renderea her liable to impricen.
ment for conteintit of cella.
Mrs, hteManigal asterted she had been
advisee byeecouneel that as the wife of
a fellow •felislant of the MeNamara
brothers+, charged with eomplkity in the
4Timee" dynamiting tame, she was et•
erapt. from responding to (bit proaccii-
lions in queries.
North Bay, 3uly 17.e—reare are en-
tettained for the safety of the Hod-
son Bay Post at leort Mittaeliewan.
The beet word earning out by Itt.
dian =linen from the, faetor. "Steve,"
Lairialidet, WaS that the fire is
coming aerega bath al the ricer
and was ail aboat the melt, and that
the Indians were leaving but that
he would stay until the t ttkk
Wen burned or the fire haet paeeed,
over. Lafriander IS is man well UP
Kant. mtit 'pond ell their Bove leekiree
for ether nieres oportnnitite.
e ying fi4C8 of Over Thousand Miles
for $50,000 Prize.
'Flight Will ba Made in Four Stages
Next Month.
Must Make the Circuit Without
OltAge of Machines,
Lon4011, July 17. ---While the conquee
terest that individual exploits did 4 year
matter of course the flying eompeti-
ago, England is to witness this moot
ii,tItTlter is eourse of 1,010 miles for a prize
einiost ambition atteMpts loulp
dietance aeroplaning yet seen. Thee
evehit will be A eircult of the islancl
of .830,000 offered by this Loeden
Charlea T. Weyman, who won the In
teruational aviation cup at East Church
on dilly 1, is the only Amerlean entrant
while Europe will be represented by
Beeurnont, t e winner of the regent Eu
ropean circuit competition) Vedrinea,
who finished first in the Perin to Madrid
race, and others. Valentine, the Eng.
lishmau, who competed in the European
eireuit, will also compete.
The course to be flown over comprises
fourteen, sectioes, whielt range from 20
to _In miles in leugth. The rue will
be started. next Seturaay, duty 22, at
Brooklands, but the day's task is only
a sort of tuning -up flight of two miles
to Hendon, in the northwest of Lon-
don, where the competitors will rest
Sudsy, Oa Monday at (our in
the morning they will start ,on the sec-
ond' stage of 342 milers from Hendon to
Edinburgh. En route they will halt
after 182 miles, at Earrostgateiand af-
ter aeother 68 miles, at lireweastle, then
another 68 miles, at Newcastle,
thence over a flight of 03 miles to the
Scottish aapt tat.
The third stage will be 'from Edins
burgs across Scotland to Ghtsgow and
thence to Bristol, altogether. 380 mites,
with stops at Stirling', 31 miles; Glass,
gow, e2 miles; Carlisle, 86 iniles; Man-
chester, 103 miles; Bristol, 141 miles.
The fourth stage' is front Bristol* to
Brighton, a distance of 224 miles. On
this stage stops are arranged for Exeter,
05 miles, and Selisbury Plain, 83 miles,
the *final stage to Brighton being 70
miles, And lastly, a short flight of forty
mil0e will be made from Brighton to
the slarting paint at the Brooklands
motor racing field.
Whether any pf the competitors will
complete the race is doubtful. Condi-
tions have been establiehed which in the
opinion- of experts who have observed
previous races are ttlinost impossible of
fulfilment. More depends upon the sta-
bility of the machines than has been, re-
quired in any previous race. The flying
men, must do their circuit of over one
thousand miles practically with their
machinea intact. The most important
parte of each machine are to be mark-
ed, sand these parts must be kept to-
gether throughout the course.
The few men who finished in the re-
cent ,European circuit changed their
aeroplanes at some statiou of the jour.
nay, made substitutes of the most-
importent Deets, so that they return,
ed to France with almoet entieely new
machines. Renaud, who carried a pas-
senger on his biplane throughout the
European circuit was the only one whose
machine had not suffered substitution
of iniportant parts,
The crucial stage of the journey. in
the opinion of Airmen, will be the flight
northward. from Harrotvgate to Fetin-
binge'. The country le so uneven and
the air currents so troublesome in this
region that it will be no surprisa if the
race gets its quietus along this stretch.
Man Well Known in Norihwest Mining
Camps Swallows Poison.
Cobalt, July 16.—Mike Johnston, a
Swede, well known in Porcupine and
other mining eamps, sukided peaterday
on the portage near Right Hawk Lake,
by taking poison. Johnson apparently
had no foods and was asked to eat with
Mr. Yeereley's party and acted in it
surly manner. Later one of the party
upon investigation discovered the man
wag dead.
Provincial Constable Afelf.ay went to
the scene, 38 miles from Porcupinegind
had the remains b*roygolit in.
Express Train Derailed at Mulheimf
Baden, Germany.
Mulheim, Baden, Germany, July 17.-e
An express train on the road milling
from Duette Switzerland, to leraakfort-
on-the-Main was derailed while entee-
ing the state here to -day. Thirteen pas-
sengers were killed. Fourteen °triers
were severely ancl twenty slightly In-
A first elms, a second elago Ana two
third Claes Cars Were telescoped. A re-
lief tritin with physiciaus was sent
from Xlaeil. This traitt earriea many fole
eiga tourists.
Ottawa, July it—Tenders will short-
ly be trilled for the eonstritetion of , a
cuetouis cutter to prevent smuggling on
the Atlantie and Gulf oasts. Plana have
been prepared for It vessel of 000 tons,
173 feet tong ana to tost $22,000,
ranee- Smart, July 10.--Hanalit Pom.
fi ay. of Meaford, mi builder, who has beret
settling ennuner esstlateee et le,int en
NO. 1MS drewne.1 yesterday at that
pieta, hy the upsetting of a eutne. Usa
Islay liae been reeoverat. 1sierteeer
Logeri left eita a eofiio to Sal Vai.
rilit./N 1:0 Mi'lfarkl.
Intbere, Pa.. July Id.---fieveitty-one
as the result id in eN•
'plosion of tete in the Sekeeville shaft of
the eleseade 0e,1 Convene, at
1,41epeet nine late IOU lecery miner
itt the santhein puttee of the woreinge
-ate Panel
finaband doreovie Wife; Appendix
Then Carries Iler 200 Mite&
Port Arthur, Ont., July 17. --On the
melte of Rainy River, 200 miles direetly
aortit of NettigOlt, Bee a solitary trednig
station of the Itudsioa Bay Coe Fort
sLope s The lettropeaus Who live ut that
e round,
frm ocivilizatiom
n at
Two weeke ago the wife of Harry ales
Pherson, resideet of leort Hope, was
taken ill, itad her laushane was eatiofied
it Was cs case of appendicitis. The illnelle
became so acute that the lumbend de -
aa a. lest recourse to perform an
operetion, With but si alight knowledge
of wergery, entl armed with the few at'.
ticiee supplied in a small -"Bret aid"
else, he siteeesefully tarried out this
The next Matter was to reach some
eieve where good nursing anti cere could
1)4 obtained, isud is start was made im•
tnediately for the south, ten ITaliane
heie5 hired to mike the 200,nilie journey
10 leepigoie pAy after day the journey
vas contirnied. At one portage le was
necessary to eerry the woman thirteen
miles but she,bore the trial bravely arid
now nate in Ifeliellaritospital.
Keir Hardie Describos Hera a Sen-
sible Bennie WOmgp,
King George Advised ts Pay Hold to
Her Counsel.
London, Jaily 17, --Mr, Keir Hardie,
leader of the . socialist
Party in the
British House of Commons, who. bee
consistently attacked King George, in
an article in the Pioneer, Which is a
SocialistsLabor journal, allows himeelf
to admit implicit faith in the Queen.
"I confess" he writes, "to is week.-
new) for (hal good. lady. She is the
only Royal person 1 eave ever seen
who looks like a healthy human being.
She is not of the wax doll or prates-
sional beauty type. But she Is it
handsome woman, or what in Seotbeed
would be called a bonnie woman.
"I hear on every hand that she le it
'hard -featured, woman. The state-
ment is a libels Queen Mary's features
are those of a woman of capacity, wit
in her thne ha e had frequent occasim
to assert herself and bas done R.),
firmly and to some purpose.
"To see her with her children, as I
have, and to note her hearty laugh
and the perfect confidence existing be-
tween mother and sons, is an tae
proof needed of her womanlinese. Re-
membering the tragedy of her girl-
hood, it is not to be wondered. at that s
she shows something approaching cons
tempt for the gew-gaws of amisty
"But' I am wandering. If all the
counsellors fail , King Georg', the
.Queen will not fail bun, and it will
he well for lam if he gives warning'
ear to her et:omelet
"The men who booked best one
who wereelignified aud at ease every-
where and all the time were the
ancient peers. Their robes made
one think of the Roman toga, a form
of dress to which men will one day
American Society Sends $1,000 for
Northern Ontario Fire Sufferers.
Ottawa, July 17.—The Araerlean
Red Oros,s has contributed $1,000 to-
wards the relief fund of the fire
sufferers in northern Ontario. Sir
larilfrid Lawler has received a tele -
grain from 'Huntington Wilson, of
Washington. chairman of the In-
ternational Red Cress) relief • fund,
expreesing sympathy for the fire suf-
ferers and authorizing a draft of a
thousands dollars on the eoeiety
through the Riggs National Bank of
Washington. Sir Wilfrid replied ex.
pressing thanks and accepting t,he do.
nation on behalf of the Canadian. re-
lief committee,
Members Gathering in St Catharines
for Grand Lodge Meeting.
St. Catharines,. Ont., July 17.—Dele-
gates to the Masonic Greed Lodge of
Ontario are arriving on every tram tee
day, ana deepite the heavy downpour of
ram, the city is puting on -4 gay ap-
pearance with flags and bunting. The
various committees of the Grand Lodge
commenced work at ItoOn ansi will con-
clude at moon toenorrosv, the orana
Lodge proper ()peeing Wednesday Morn-
ing. About twelve hundred delegates
are expected, and private boluses ere be-
ing thrown open to aecommodate all the
Roston, Int', nmichig herway
eip the main ship cloned and Armlike'
in a big bank of fog, the Plant Lifle
steamer Hanka, ihboutid from the
Nova Seotian capital, ran aground On
the easterly aide` of George's $elend to-
day And betame so firmly attaelied to
the gaudy beaeh 'that tugs had to brittg
her passengera to the city, leaving the
steamer to be floated. at high Watet this
Montreal, July 17.—it was an-
nounced here thia aftetnoon that the
great floating dry doek now being
bisill in England by the Vickers
Maxine firm for this port will be
complete and will leave next gluing
in time to reileh the St. Lawrence
by the opening of navigation.
Toronto, Ittly 17s -Definite aneinges
merits bete lace resale for the leg eves -
tion tuft to be ma is Toronto vest
month, The meeting will 1.e add t,t Don -
Ludes farm front Augoet it to 10, be
elueive. Tisia latm, whkIt bs ilea lea.
1de lurk -Non, on the old Belt Line Rail-
way, providrs 5 girat mantel emphitet.
etre and eouree two etill.e in lenette
with no trees,