HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-07-13, Page 6Uncle Sam hats 282 vacaneles tor eRe. end lieutenants In his regular armee and, Oen, Wood has announced that 200 of them must be filled from civil life. Yong men a good phynique and fair edueation May have a ehance without the teasel "pull," wwwwww.ewerwereee.e.eweeweee The appropriations made ist Use daef Aemion of the United States Congress alneunted to $1,020,083,882. In addition te tilts =mud emstraete :were authoe. feed for publie was that will call for g411.45414.5, it would, take quite a while eount that money in In bins. 44• Chieago proposes to buy '$1,200,000 worth of voting machines, Voting le so important an induetry of these demo• eratic countriee that people eannot af- ford to take time to express the* (min- ipills. on the multitude of questione sub- mitted to them unless they are furnish- ed with the most expeditious mechani- cal aide. , A, man has been convicted of defacing coins `by stamping them as coronation 'souvenir& 'Mks i$ a matter which, it thould be generally known, is an offence against the criminal code, Not only is p illegal for the person so defacing the coins to utter them, but o,nybody else attempting to pass them is also guilty of an offence, Any coin so defaced or mutilated, ceitees to be legal tender. The Southern Mail Order Liquor Dealers' Aesociatio11 is peosecuting the express companies charging that they treat it unfairly in the matter of wales. It is said that 'Whiskey ¥ajl Order houses send out 20,000,000 gallons a year in email packages, about 0,000,000 gal. ion being from southern cities. And the "dreier" the South gets, the bigger grows this hulustry, 4 • The New York Herald remarks on the fact that the one hundred and sixty. seven British war veReels reviewed at the Coronation constitaited but a little more than 25 per cent, a the numerical total of the British fleet return. Yet it was ' of about 400,000 tons displacement great- er than the fleet of 105 ships reviewed at the Diamond Jubilee of Victoria in 1897. Thet is a hint of the naval developraent of recent years. Rev. "Billy" Sunday's evangelistic meetings. at Erie, Pa., end his sermons in beechen slang are said to have eon- verted 1,000 persona. It would be com- forting to be able to think that they would stay converted after they remov- ed from the influence of Sunday's style. In Saera,metno, too, on Sunday, a minis- ter prefaced his sermon with "Casey at the Rat." Well, these are progressive times, and why should the pulpit lag behind the game? The census of China ordered to be. taken for the first time last year has proceeded far enough to enable some re- sults to be given out. The reterns show a population of 440,000,000, or approx- imately one-fourth of the human beings int the globe. -Ifere are some of the pro- vincial figures: Szeelman, 79,000,000; Ohantung, 38,000,000; Anhui; 30,000,000; Hue*, 34,000,000; Canton, 32,00,000; Clii-Li, 39,000,000; Manchuria, 17,000,000, The New York Legislature has in con- sideraiion a State train') colony, and proposes to try a "Work, Water and Soap" policy on the sons of rest. Rut it is said that. two obstaeles stand in the way of that killable plan. The local- ities proposed for it object to it, and various organizations' of labor resent "convice competition." But surely t'nese can he overcome. It is better that the tramps should Wotk to support thena- selves than that honest industry should work to maintain them in idleness. Injurious nostrums and cure-alls form- ed a tet of speeial messages to Congress by President Taft this week. He wants action taken ,to protect the people against the sale of dangerously adulter- ated drugs- and fake cures for serious *ailments. He says there are thousands of such worthless and dangerous prepar- ations offered to the public.; end he sug- gests, that the statute be amenaed to bring the manufacturers and vendors of inlets geode under the Fraud Mtif this sort of tbing eentinue the medicine fak- ir e may experience hard times. At Frankfort -on -the -Main an organ- ization writes histamine on dog's lived, Ws businese title is lIttlidelebeneersoide. erungsgeeelischaft, Imagine mittihg that on a post card or telephoning iti Since: the typeeetting machines mem int use the dropping of the interpretive hyphens makes chemical nomenclature take on the appearance of some of those German • or Greek stories run into a single word. For example, Ehrliehiliatit's 408," about whieh the medioal world hag talked so /Mick, is technically known its dingy- tliemitioareenobeneol. An agreements Vs Width the United States, ("amide, Russia ana japan are partiee will forbid open eea (settling in Noftlt raeitic for fifteen yew*. This will, it is hoped, proteet the eelsi herd* and enable them to inereatse to their former importanee, Canada MIS no rookeries, but her rightin the open eea have been admitted. The 'United States ovetninent leases the Pribylott Ulan& from the cateli on which, they Wain a revenue. Casuala is to reteive from the others eorepentiation for whits- ing for 1:i war* ktur openeses rights to 14bare ift the liettl fieheriele The amount efil tee:lushly Tana Pewesel it.tinstreti iheseeand deletes annuelly. The gr *wet remove:1 a loagelitsitieding Wail* of Stilted ton. Sweet Miss Margery ehose the Nth through the pact, deck, and wallee4 through the court- yard juet aa the tower cloele chimed a quarter to eight. ITO had hut a few atinutes to change his tennis suit for hie dinner garb, and he ran hurriedly /rout the coach belese rottridtO the lawn, de- termined to make a rush to Ills room. dismissed his dog with a word, sped peaty across the grounds till he reecla td the colonuatle, stud entered it, when euddeuly by some miechanee Ids foet elippe& lie made a vain effort to Rave himself; his head evvain•'he Was eons* nt is Of a sudden sheep twinge of pain; and, falling heavily, he knew no More, * , Sir Douglas (-kraut, after a lengthens ed chat wtth his cousin, meunted to his room'and dressed himself with due re- gard for the eeigeneles of polite society. The hard, cynical look that had rested on his face during his -conversation with Vane Charteris az4 in the political argu- ment with the squire had now vanished. Ile looked worn and ill as be walked Slowly up and down his room; his eyes were and, his head drooped. He seemed to be thinking deeply at last, with e deep -drawn sigh, he seated himself at the table and wrote a letter. It was a summons to his lawyer, bidding him to draw up a will, and fixing day for him to .eoine to Crottbie Castle. This. done, Sir Douglas leaned back in Ide chair and covered, his eyes with his hand for sev- eral minutes. The entrance of bis valet, a man who had been his faithful :m- ount and companion for years, roueed hint; and, bidding the valet despatch the latter quickly, Sir _Douglas left ide room and descended the broad steireasse. As he passed through the wide hall to the colonnade, ett white pillars, gleaming ogaiest the beekgaeund, of green, tinged new 'with the ruddy gold of the setting Run, made a picture :gratifying to his artietio eye. He sauntered. on, deter- mining to seek the grounds, when his eyes fell on Stuart's prostrate form and pale ince. In an instant he Was kneel- ing beside the yonng man, and his :clear voice rang out to the butler, wbo happened. to be passing to 'the dining ,- room. • The man hurried. up with some brandy, avid Sir Douglas. with almost profes- sional detterity, lifted Stuart's head and poured a fesv drops between the closed lipe., -He witehea the color slowly re. turn, and the eyes open, with. a look of anxiety and tendeinese on his face. "That Is right," he said, gently, as he met Stuart's gaze, "A.re yea hurt?" , "My arm!" murmured the young, man faintly, as the butler and Sir Denies helped him to rise. The baronet cast a keen glitnee at the right hand, banging limp and swollen. "You have had an ugly fall," he said, briefly. ."Your arm is broken—how did it happen," Ile pushed Stuart gently into a 'chair near at hand, and, while lie spoke, he deftly cut away the slight tennis -sleeve from the wounded litnb with a pair of scissors taken from his pocket. 'I can't quite remember," Stuart re- plied, speaking with an effort, and pass, ing hie left 'laud Over his eyed. "1 came an awful eropper, -I know, and must. have banged my heath Is the arm brok- en? If so, you had better eend for Met - cell, and have it set," ' The butler was moving :twiny; but Sir Douglas stepped him. "'Deere is no need to send to the vil- lage—I can manage this,. tio up to my room and send dawn my man; It is not the first time he has helped Inc in this sort of thing." Stuart lay hack in his ehair; he was still feeling faint and weak. He taught Sir Douglas' eye, and smiled a little. "1 feel rather like whet the boys used to call a 'jolly duffer,'" he said, slowly. "I ean't think what made me so stupid; I don't usually fall about, in this way, I wonder how long I was insens- ible—and I have never thanked you for helping me." Stuart was gradually re- covering himaelf, and woke to the, Met that this was a stranger, hI beg your pardon." "It It granted, Cousin Stuart." Stuart looked mystified, andthen said, suddenly putting out his left hand: "You are Douglas Gerant; t an very ead to see you:" Sir Douglas grasped the hand. • "Thanksmy lade' he seed, quietly; then, looking vintid: "get* is Murray. Now it quiet, and .don't speak, and We'll settle you in a triee.'• Stuart watched his cousin tutiuusly ass he prepared the bandages and impro- viee4 some splints: he seemly felt the long, white fingers as they moved, over his wounded arm, ana whited only as the bones tiliekea together. Bet ha grew -fainter as the bandages were -wound round; and, as the operation was finials - ed, Sir Douglas, without a word, held the brahdy to his lips „again nod forced hint to dunk some. "Yon aave pluck, Stuart," he seed, quietly. "You are of the stuff to make a an. Now, if you take my advice, you Will go to yotir room and rot. I fancy that arm will trouble you rather to. night; so try to get stoma Sleep now." "My heed feels rather queer, 1 con- fess,' Stuart responded, and he gladly let his eousin drew his ham.' through his arm, and lead him through the hall to the delta. Mi. Crosbie Was tailing down as they opproathed. -Stuart!" she eicle.imed, le gentile° shimmy, "what le the molter?" "Ile has fallen and broken his ann." Sir Douglas Answered, ato taking hint to his room; it will be wiser to let hint pass, Cousin Constanca,. as lie loss bad nasty toueh on the bead." "Arm broken!" eritet Crotsble, in alarm. "But it Must be tett 1atilt send tor Doetor Metcalf at oneel" "You ean send for the doctor, It you like," Sir Douglee remarked, as he (hew Stuart up the OfafTS; "blIt his arm is already set. I have had considereble experience in such eaech, and. I tan ea sure you it le all right." Stuart smfled faintly at his mother, end he followed him ap the stairs, a little annoyed, it little Anxious, and, oad- ly enough, a little glad—annoyed be• COMO Sir DOughts had taken so mu& smon himself, auxioue for leer on, whom •siss, loved better than ssaythitsg on earth, and glad, beeeuse she saat hi this illness ehitnee of bringing about the Marriage between Vane and Stuart whieli the melt rise:Ire& Sir Ilcuglas lett the mother and eon togrther when he had oeconeed leis pa- tient etonfortehly in a late elusit; and Mrs. treebie heeded tomtit with many little officers about the room, quitting 9fis apertraent oety when she taw Sitiatt's tkyea elehe in signaller. Sliet Met retail ins the lar4lag. at& with, SI affeetienitte glance, drew the girl's hand through her arm. "He is resting, dear," she said; 4'60 1 shell leave hint for it while. We must mane him together, and we shalt soon get him well," Vene's face flushed, "I will help you gladly," She returned, and she spoke honestly. Her first thought, like her ausit'e,• he'd been .that that this would bring Stutert and her- self more together. She had another duty to perform, too; the must ingrat. late herself with Sir Douglas Gerant, and try by every means in her power to wipe away the memory of her foolish mistake. Stuart slept for an hour or two, and dreamed of hfergery, but when he Awoke the pain in hie arm was so great that seen the sweet allege was banished from his thoughts. His mother mule in as night fell, but Stuart wits too ill to broach the subject of his love. The brow on the head was more severe than he had imagined, and be grew feverish as the day declined, He !card the tower clock chime the night hour, and whenever he moved: his 'head, his eyes rested on the figure of Sir Douglas reading by the window, and ready itt Any moment to tend him. 4 And at the small cettage' by the Weald another being sat and watehed her a sick •bed, watched with a heart that was growing sadder and,sedder as the .inoments passed. Margery, etill in the white cotton gown that the were when she plighted her troth, knelt by Mary Morris' mien, trying to alleviate the pain that *as Tackles the )1, wasted frame. She was ignorant of her lover's Mimes, and she thought pf him only with it sense of peace and hapid- flees. What a 1411gwonderful day it had been, she thought, as she sat beside the little window and welched, the veil of night darken the sky—a day IL which the golden glary of all earthly happiness dawned for herl She turned from the window. to watch the sick wo- man. The paroxysm of pain seemed past, and she was asleep. The -bottle was quiet as a.tomb.in another roam the loving, faithful husband and com- panion was lost to trouble in slumber, Margery Was atone: she moved, softly to the window and drew back the cur- tains, and immediately the room was bathedin the silver radiance of the moon. She stood and gazed on at, the dark blue heavens, the glittering myriads of jeweled stars, the moonlit earth, till a cloud seemed to ob,seure her vision; and, when she gazed again the stars Were gone and a ruddy haze pierced by the sun's golden, beams illumined •the sky. the bed, then, with it sudden shudder, dropped on her knee's beside it. While her eyes had been closed in sleep, while the dawn had spread its roseate veil over the night, a spirit had flown from 'earth --Mary Morris was dead! CHAPTER IX, The days missed away, and Stuart Crosbie gradually recovered from the ef- fects of his fall. Despite the assurance from Sir Douglas that her eon was do- ing well, hire. Crosbie satisfied hereelfa and summoned the village doetog, to- gether with a fashionable physician from town, only to receive the same opinion froin them'coupled with the expression that Stuart could not have been better treated. The young man passed four days' in his room; but, as the pain left his head, he insisted ori donning his clothes and descending to the garden. His mind was haunted by Margery's Image and the thoughts of her sorrow; for the news of Mrs. Morris' death hits] reached him through his eervant, and he longed to rush away and comfort his darling.' He had seen little of his moth- er during the past four days; Sir Doug- las had constituted himself head nurse, and Mrs. Crcebie, who was not quite at home in a sick room, gave way to him with a little annoyance- and jealousy, though she would not let it be seen. Stuart had not been sufficiently well, during the short time she visited him, to speak about Margery—indeed, he scarcely had strength to reply to her inquiries—the heat was still very great, and, although he had an excellent con- stitutioe, be was considerably 'weakened by the fever and pain. But. though he could not collect his idtes to speak of Margery, she was never absent from his thoughts. The hision of her sweet blue eyes lier wistful, lovely face, haunted ais bedside, bringing a acme of peaee and rest to his troubled dreams. At last, after four days had pissed, Stuart insisted ein leaving his room and seeking the air, urged, in fact, by it strong desire to see his mother and tell her of his love. Sir Douglas offered no opposition to this move; the several ef- fects of the fall were now paged, and, with Mich health and vigor es Stuart poseeesed, his arm would soon heal. Nev- ertheless it was a rather shatteled likeness of the handsome cousin that greeted Vane Charteris' eyes as she crossed the hill and saw him making sheer progeess down the stain. "Let me help yon," she sala, gently, Moving forward at once, Eted putting out her hand. "Thanks. I am rather shaky," return- ed Stuart, smiling faintly. "Hoer do you do, Cousin Vane? Thanks for all your kind Messages." Vane made no reply, but helped him down the stairs, aerose the hall to the calonnade, and, pushing forward it hole their, she goon trunk him eonstortable. "Thank, you," he Said again; "you are very kied. Is my mother anywhere about 1" "She has gone to Chesterhans On SOInd missionary business," replied Vane, leaning beck against one of the white pillars, and looking extremely pretty and graceful in her long soft pink owl. 41 don't third: She kn sev that you wive coming down, or / am 'Sure she would not have gone." Stuart sat Silent, troubled and dam - pointed, Ire had braced Itingtelf *or hie interview with hie mother; he was logg- ing to send tonne word or alga to %hue gery. Four whole long dap bad pal Val Aire their piratic, in the 'Stook tull ing that time sorrow had eonte to hr, and he had tot ministered to her MIA^ fort, Ite svondeted whether she Imre. ef Ids illneet, whether site realized Met it was that illnese alone that had kept hhn eiletta Ire hail determined, as he rove to speak to his mother, foul then drive over to the West14 tottage tad bring Mtg.- ray beet in all dignity to the cestle, ne befitted his future wife; but now again fate was 'unkind, him mother WAS absent --lel& be ithisent the whole dey—asad he was ton Weak to MIMI even to the earriage„ Whet tould he do? He Oust *end *owe Itteettgv. of eamfort, liOrde WOrfl PI iota to Margery. His Wei fell on his itleinted handl And, with * half groanahe realized that he Wat halPlaelor utterly helpletut to 40 as ho wieheel. Vane Charterie watched hies carefully. She Raw his brow contract and the leek Of trouble gather ell ide fate. "Are you in pelni" she coked gently. Stuart Woke from his musings. 491y arm is a little troublesome," he replied evasively, then, collecting his theughts with an effort he said, "But I must not be selfish, Vanes You will find it dull work sitting withan invalid. I feel So angry with myeelf for being SO Cluing**. Just fancy, Vane—this is the first tiate I have been ill in my life!" "Then we must do our hest to cheer you Cousin Stuart," Vane responded, is faint color znountiug to her cheeke at the telt, words. What eould they mean but that Ma illness kept bim from her side? "Come," she wed, brightly—"iet me amuse you, read to you or do smile - thing. I aesuee you, Cousin Stuart, I eon. Sider it it Pleasure. I would do anything for you, -believe Stuart looked at her as she drew up another ehair and sunk into it, giving him a frank affectionate glance. A sud- den thought flashed into his znind, and then (lied away, "You look upon me as useless," she observed, with se smile. "I mean to Upset that theory altogether." "Clielessj" echoed Stuart. "Weed, V4140, you are quite wrong." "Then let me help you, Vane said suddenly. "Vein plainly, Stuart, some- thing is troubling you; it is not only the arm, Come-- I shall begin to be jealous of Oh Dougles, to be afraid that you will trust Ia no one but him. Will Yon not let me be your friend. all Well as your eousint" Stuart half rose in his chair, "Mrfriendl" he repeated; then he Mink :back aagin. "Yes* Vane, if you will be my friend" • "Friendship is not an empty term with ine,0 Miss Charter/a observed slowly.. "Since you will let me' bo yonr Mend, I must act as soch. See"—extending her hand—let us sea) the contract—'look un - On me as your chum, your sister as well as your friend and cousin." Stuart grasped her hand, "I will," he sald'quietly; "for I am in urgent need of a friend, eepeeially just now." . He stopped and looked at her; she was watching him with an expression of _frankness and sympathy, ."Vane," he Liggett' slowly, "I came 4own this morning on purpose to talk to my mother on a subject that is more than life to me. I anticipate—I know - 1 shell have a hard struggler with her, though, despite- all she may may, I shall be firm. Will you help Me in this strug- gle?" Vane rose to her feet again; her breath was coining fast, and a presenti- ment of something disagreeable passed through her mind, "Tell me what it ie, Stuart," she said quietly, unfurling a large fan she car- rhieer,e4 d,attnediu.holding it against the light, A ostensibly to mid her face from the sun, in reality to keep it hidden from "Vanee do you remember the fourth day of your visit here, when I took you towrseeelvS,Iss•heClastinr$1wes?er:d. "Do you remember a girl who Was sit- ting in a corner and who brought me some water for the dog? I introduced her ---Margery Dam." Vara • caught Stuart's eager glance, and her heart seemed to cease beating. "Yes," she replied, a little coldly. "Vane, that is ray secret; that is the girl I love better than any one or any- thing in the world --Margery Daw." Vane Clearteris was silent for a min- ute. She felt as though her vexation and jealousy would ehoke, her; the she forced herself to be filen and calm. She dropped her fart and moved out of the sunlight; ber face was very pale, hut she ensiled as Stuart looked at her eag- erly. "Well," she said, quietly, "end—and you want me to help you -how?" "You wine" he' asked, with gladness on his face. Vane pub one hand on iier chair for silak"t.uviI not your Mewl?" she smiled faintly. "Oh, thank you—thank you!" he cried, rising from has chair; but Vane gently pwilted him back again. "Tell me what you want," she urged, standing at his side, so that he tould not see her pallor and annoyance. "I want you to plead with me to my mother—not for myself --I am strong enough" --and Stuart drew himself up proudly—"I would face the whole world. I want you to be a friend to Margery, • as you would be to me. She may need your liele; st woman such as you, Vane, can do much—smooth many diffieulties. You ran eee how angry my mother will be. I shall not care for her anger; but Margery is so tender, so sweet, so proud —anger will humiliate and distress her; and, if you aid het', she will scarcely feel it, I tun sure." "Then you have not spoken to Aunt 'Constance yet?" Vane observed, very quietly. "I ant afraid you will have greet trouble. You see, Stuart, your— your wife' will be of low station, and your mother is proud." "Wo do not . know what Margery'd birth may be; but that does not affect me. I love her. she shall be my wife. you do not 'know her, Cousin Vane, or you would not have said thatl There may be some mystery connected with her birth; but there is no stain on her. Ihever there was A led?, elm is oite." 'Your news has surprised me, Stuart, must confess,' observed Mies Charteris, 'moving languidly from Ids side and sinking into her chair twain; "but I shall prove my worde. 1 ant your .frietid --I Will act as such. Yes; I will help you," Stuart's face flushed, and he Matted forward and bent his lips to Vane's white hand. "This is indeed pea of you," he ex- cIaitned. "Vane, I can never thank you enough." 'Tell Me 'What I must do," returned Mies Charteris, unfurling her fan again. "Will )rou see Mamery?" !Inquired Stuatt, hurriedly. "To-day?'naked Vane. "Yes. Ale 'Vane, think—tour. days have gone, she has had a great sorrow, and I have been tied to my bed, not able to see hers itot Oen to write a word! If you would go to her tell iter all le going teen, that you will Inc her friend, you will make toe so happy." 4'1 will go, Stetart," Vane sushd quiet- ly; "foe your mho I will do all I eate No: do not thank me. Remember what T said just now 1 would 4o anything tot you. X will wait till it is a little viola, then borrow Aunt Conetancers ponies, ond drive to the veillage." She hetitated. "Perhaps—perhepe Miss Daw may not bike ma?" "Not like you!" tried Stuart, quick. ly. "She tan not help herself. Dear Vane, how good you Arai You do nob know what a mad, you have taken off my mind. I dread. ed, I feared that my poor darling woold have been without It friend, Now she is secure. Illy mother loved you, seal Will be led by :you. i slutit speak to her the instent she returne, and then Margery ean come here. are. I shall never, noir forget your kite:lamest" eto Cotetilitteed.h A WOMAN'S FRIeND Inspiring Testimony That Tell. How a Sick Woman Dan Quickly he. gain Health and Strength. "For year* I Wile thin' and. delleate. I lost color and WAN easily tired; it yellow pellor, pimplee send blotchess 01 my face were not only mortifying to my keelings, but 1144teattee tllatifint my sato would eever look nice again I grew deepond. ent. Then my appetite failed. 1. grow very week. 'V orient, remedies, jiiIls, ton. lei and tablets I tried withoat permme ont %Peat. A vieit to my sister put into my hands A box of Dr, Hamiltotee She placed reliance upon them mei now that they have merle me a well we - men I Would net he without them what- ever they might cost. I found Dr. Hata- iloting Pine by, their mild yet %nothing action very suitable to the delicate du% eater of a woman's nature. They never (ince griped nte, yet they eeoehlielted regularity. Ivly appetite grew keell—my blood red and pure—heavy tinge under my me disappeared and to -day my akin is as clear and unwrinkled as when 1 was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's ?ills did it all.' The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a ev(il-known miller in Rogersville, its proof suffieient that Dr. Hamilton's rills are a WQMIer- WOnniree medicine, Use Ito other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c per box. ik..11 dealers or The Caterrhozone 0o,, Kingston, Ontario. THE OPT! M 1ST. An opticalst who paused it while Where all the ;mune Was fair, Perceived a man whose look was sad,. And thus addresSed him there. "You've lost Your right arm, ipereolve— Ifp near the shoulder too; But why permit an empty sleeve Yo bring regret to you? You cannot cope with other men, Xet why should you, be glum? Totrve lost, your good right arm, but then, You cannot pound your thumb.** 'Tins optimiet could bravely hope, When he was well or ill; When Trimble ',Minded on his door Be was undaunted still. A mule Once lacked him through a fence leut, though he could not rime And suffered pain that was intense, Ile could philonophize. "Why should I mourn my lot," thought, . "Or speak a foolish oath? She kloked me with ohe hind foot,- ah, what. If she had kicked 'with both? One day he filled Ills stove with -wood. And then poured, M some oil: Etteoons as !swiftly as he could • He left his native sell; But as he soared away, he said! "ROW fortunate ant I; The kitchen roof blew off just as I started for the sky. And if this bad not happened, who Can entertain a doubt, That I would have been injured by The rafters, comnig out?" —g,1. laser eireeeeterw Digby, N. S. Minard's Lihiment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—„hast August my horse was badly cut in eleven places by a barb- ed, wire fence. Three of the cuts (small ones, healed soon, but the 'others be- eame foul and rotten, and though I tried many kinds of anedicine they had no beneficial result. At last adoctor ad- vised me to use MINARD'S LINIMENT apd in four weeks' time every sore was healed and the hair has grown over each one in fine condition. The Liniment is certainly wonderful in its working. JOHN R. HOLDEN. Witness, Perry Baker, AN EASY WAY OUT. Ambaseador jusserand, at one of his superb dinnere at the French Erhba,ssy in Washington, said of di- plomacy, according to The Star: "Diplomacy may be defined as a way out—an easy, pleasant, honor- able way out. "A young royalist duke, froth a story enrrent about him, is well versed in cliploxnacy. "This young man visited a million- aire in Cannes during the Riviera sea- son, and his host's daughter was thrown at his ikead—so much so, in fact that when he came to leave Cannes his hostess took him aside and declared gravely: "'It's reported all over that you are to marry Chilies. I don't know what to say to people.' "The Duke smiled easily. 'Oh, jut tell them,' he said, 'that Claire refused me.' " Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, - 4 ' MAN AND THE CROWD. President Schurmita's address to the graduating class at Cornell was an elo- quent appeal for the Individual against the crowd. "Would you abolish poverty, would you advance civilization?" he ask- ed, "Then educate individuals one by one to be mbre vhtuous, more intelli- gent, more skillful, more industrious. • tIpon the soundness of the plea there will be general agreernefit. It le but a new statement of the philosophy of Jesus that octal man should take eareof his own soul, But it is a creed that bis been much more successfully taught on lonely farms and pastures than in teal- versities. 4.4 . The female house fly lays from 120 to 150 eggs at a time, and "these mature in two weeks. Un- der favorable conditions the de- scendants of a single pair will 'number millions in three months. Therefore all housekeepers should commence using Wilson's Ply. Pads early in the season,- and thus out off a large proportion of the summer crop, • : RETURNING THE COMPLIMENT (Philadelphia, Record.) "I wish no pay for this poetre," remark- ed the longhaired individiin1. "I merely submit it as a compliment." "Then, my dear sir, permit me to re- turn the eonipliment," replied the editor, with tree journalistic courtesy. Blobbs—Theee euffrogettet are riddlee to me. Slobbis—Well, for riddles some of them are iniglity RTOepWorriter.tiLte. New liritaill, Conn., dote not believe that a "city beautiful" le one hunt up of skygrapers, IMMenie public buildinges it mg of boulevards soul * bunch of war- ble monuments. The reeidente of thet New Ruglend city have gotten into their heatia: "That a city beatitiful must firet of all he a eatv clean." They had a general cleaning day, giv- ing the backyards, vacant lois aud nog- leeted alleys and side streeta a thorough scouring. ,And having admistietered the eine they also applied this preventive for future reference: 1. Dent' throw anything on the slide - walk or street. Find a rubles'', can. 2. Don't tear up paper and smatter it anlD‘V110en"4 let any piles of ashes or rub- bish stay In your back yard. 4. Don't tiliX althea and garbage In the eanse tan. Pip don't like to eat coal orcli o.plikoeurLts, sot the ash bin or garbage can too full. 0, Don't °balk the eidewalkii, fences, buildings or paVelnellta, T. Don't deface perk bombes, school furniture or any public property, 8. Don't forget that horses love ban- ana skins, .41. banana .skin isn't danger- ous if it is inside 'a, horses atontaeh. 9. Don't do anything that will bring disgrace to the city wheee you live, 10. Don't expect your city to become clean and perfeet all at once. It will be- eonanideal city only v e n everybody aoe10inethinetryaaytolnaetl:igbetter. Bronchitis Increasing. More Cases Reported..,Symploms More Severe Than Last Year, Fortunately there is a prompt cure, .one that everybocly can use, dayor night, at home or at work, Cittarrho- zone is a Marvelous cure for beenthial affections. Relief emnee constantly In every ease, Capt. Dunlop, the well-known deem. boat owner of Kingston, nye; "Along with many others I have pleasure in expressing erty grateful thanks for the benefits derived from using Catarrhoo zone, I suffered twenty years from bronchitis, and experienced my first re- lief from Catarrhozone \Odell 1 am con- vinced is the best •broneltiel remedy on the globe." The dollar package of Catarrhozone Mate two months, and is guaranteed to cure permanently; saraple size twenty- five eenta at all dealers. Beware of substitutes, which nre not so good as "Catarrhozone." 4••' TWO EXPLANATIONS. For many years we have been told that Neeeesity is the mother of harem - tion. Satisfied only in part with that it for- mation, we have evouderea who was, the father of the interesting Applying pure reason to the ;eel lent, we find. that we leave two hypotifeess, so to skeap. First: We are frequently told that the With is father to the Thought. An Invention is a concrete Thought. Therefore the Wiel, is the husbaud of Neeeesity. Again, we are told that the Datel is the Father of Liese Lies are inventions. On this basis we discover the Devil is married to Neceesity. Which may be the correct solution we are not prepared to decide. We only know that a Wish and Necessity go hi rd in hand, also that the Devil tippers with Necessity also. Furthermore, A Thought efl11. be &Lie, and 4 Lie ha an Inveetion. And a Wish is the Devil to grant at times. So itere you are.--Chitago Post. Terrible Back Pains 'They • fairly agonize your life. Some- thing powerful and'penetrating is needed. Doctor, know of nothing so swift to relieve as Nerviline, a strong, penetrating linitnent mink to cure just such pities as yours. Nerviline is very concentrated, about four times ntore powerful than ordinaryliniments, In the worst eases Ni erviline s extraordinarily good, All muscular pain flees before it, Istearly fifty years in use --a good re, comlnendation, surely, price 25c. •-• MAD RES MOSQU I TO ES. The late, Henry Gay Carleton, the playwright, lived at Atlantic City, and when the mosquitoes were had he would tell his Madras mosquito story. "There are no mosquitoes," he would begin, "in Britanny, and a Breton woman, about to emigrate to Madras, was warned by a. friend. 'Beware of the Madras mosquitbes. They have long suckers hanging front their heads and they will drew. the very life blood out of you.' "The Breton woman arrived in Madras duly, and as she disembarked she saw three elephants drawn up near the pier. " 'Mel!' she cried. 'Are these mos- quitoes?'" • . s 4 o Minard'e Liniment Cures Colds, Eft, TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS AS EVIDENCE. In a recent ease it Was admitted that a telephoto conversation had taken plaee between a trepresmita- tive of the plaintiff and the defend- ant, but it was claimed. On the part of the defenditnt-appellant that eaoh party to the convereation Weld testi- fy enly to what • he said and could not testily to what he heard through: the telephone, presumably upon the , i ground that he might have nits under‘.i stood what the other party amid. I& declaring (his objection untenable.the. Appellate Division in the Beata, De - pertinent pertinently said that s.uth a rule wonlel admit fragments le". conversation, perhaps ' siteareinglees and ptobeitlz uninstructive. "The convereation, that is, ,what one saki and the other replied, is theonly intelligible and helpful evideAce."-- Prom the Bench Ana. Bar, "SISTER-IN-LAW, SHE DIE.", Albany, N. Y. --"The few Freneh-Catt- willing we line up our woy," mild Ae- semblyman Trorably, of Clinton county, whielt strike Canticle, "are it philoeoplu. eal lot. Henry Pasquet lest, his wife a few days ago alla soon eftetward he ap- peared with it wide mourning ban1 on hie sleeve. Time went an and he fin. ally begot to woo the sister 6f his de. parted wife, with the reels*, that he metaled her tame five months atter the first wife's. death. Some time after that aomehme who wits not 'bonnier with re - tent happeninge met Henry and asked him who bad died he his family. "'Oh," stall Ifenry, thoughtfully 'lay seester-in-law, she die.'" LIGHT ARE. Mr. noneymoorr—Oh. hiedge, yon Took Menet enough to at this morning! Walter— And will that bt on, 110-0, Life. e 'el 3 eta 4t That Splinting Headache .mm100,0004 "Nit-DRU.CO" lleadatite Wafers Give gulch, sere roast and We Paphos they cootain sett*" /Waft to t no hoot or nervous systore. 35n. I bog, it s,11 Nations' Drug 11144 Ch414101 CO. 41 c11144144 74044# Mastro's/4 berr JUNE BRIDES What more appropriate Wedding Gift tor a young housekeeper than a set of E. B. EDDY'S INDURATED FIER.EWARE' Comprising Tub, Psilt Dish Pan, etc. tisruisomo appearauce--Lastin Ot /MORO All Orocers. 4 The AutornobLe Will Supplant the Horse, Our remarks on this subject may be taken seriously If Yea wish. Whether prterastinatiOn is an art, a science, or a habit we will not attempt to, define. In this particular instance we would can it a certainty .Atter the horse has so long and faithfully performed the duties roust haaSsatnirirgseeatoorningbinitdeitimseeleirnol anit's retirement. But the inevitable must hap- pen, and, Instead of treating the subject as one to be deplored, we must be pre- pared to enter into a new era, one in which the horse figures as a ourlosItY instead of a necessity. As the -horse supplanted the ox -cart, and the tearn. engine and trolley toolc a it great many burdens off the horse, the Automobile will euppiant the horse en- tirely as It does all the work of the horse with many times the speed and economy. It is logical to conclude that the most sluggish minded person will awaken to the superior advantages of the aLlTOMQ* blig ill the next nine years. We cannot °Deceive of any other condition than that Of.' the automobile taking the place of the horse in every large town and city in the United States. . The larger business interests through- out the country have all turned to the motor truek.a.s being the most economical Means of transportation and delivery.—L. C.•Brnith, of the Abbott Motor Company, In July COlumbian. 4 .5. AMERICA NOT SO YOUNG. There is a ruin of a church In New Mexico, at the Gate of the Waters'not Mr from Sante Fe, which' is said to have been MOO years old when the Spaniards came there in 1040. There le a stone face carved on a cliff in New Mexico, near Cochiti, thet is said to have been carved before the Pharaohe reigned and Is claimed therefore as an antiquity of greater interest than the Sphinx, Our Cave dwellers, too, are of so ancient ori- gin that some areheologists date them at 8,000 B. C., while othere more med.. crate say 400 A. D. Among these cave dwellings are found relics such as cloth that was made before Europe knew the •alt of weaving. You will find relief in Zam-Duk I It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops Weeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zan - auk, means cure. Why not prove this? 4il .Drugoists and heves.— itn box. e RISE AND FALL. (Ideas.) A boy was driving a donkey and cart which belonged to his widowed mother, when he was accosted by a snobbish young man, who, wishing to impress his cleverness upon it young lady who ac- companied him. said: Watch Inc Joke a rise out of this boy," He shouted to the boy," I sayl do you think your mother would sell me that doukey ?" , The boy took it good look at him and anewered: "Do you think your mother could keep two?" It was pleasing to see that the young lady 'smiled. THE STING OF CORNS , RELIEVED IN A NIGHT. Never slit' your boots—that doesn't cure the corn. Just apply that old stand-by, Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. It nets like' magio,. kills the pain, removes the corn, does it without burn or sear, Get the best—it's Putnam's Painlest Corn and Wart kix- traetor, the sure relief for callouses, but:lions, warts and corns. Price 25e. As substitutes are dangerous, insist oh get- ting "Putnam's" only. Chi !NESE POLITENESS. Mrs. Fourthly was showing them through the parsonage, "Yon have a cosy little attic, of cour- se," oue of the visitors said. "Yes," she answered, "but there is' nothing up there except the barrel that my husband keepa his eerrnon.s' in. We'll go and look at his etudy now." 4 • Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ellett** WONDERFUL LUCK. (Pathfinder.) .Theeke—Taylor was always it fortunate maridnit doesn't it seem wonderful that dilehltielt would stay with him to the every lasti ltaleigh—How was that? Rook—Wy he was operated on for the removal of a pearl which he had aeet- dentally swallowed while eating oyeters ansl when the pearl was extonined it was found to be valtiable enough to pay for aoth the operation aed the fttueral. ISSUE ,NO. 28, 191 WOMEN WANTED. %Al OMEN WANTED, TO TANS OB- IT dors in spare thne ,• no experience necessary. Our lines especially used leY mothers and girls. Apply, Dept. A, Brit- leh Canadian Inclustrlat Company, 223 Albert street, Ottawa, AGENTS WANTED. vedoweetewwwwweerterwer eterweweeentenetere A QENTS WANTED --A. STUDY OF ▪ other agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours, You will always regret it if you den't apply for particulars to Travellers' Dept., 223 4U- bert street, Ottawa. FARMS FOR SALE. e•Wate.eetWISIedeoe•eteowete•tere"le.eef Weeteeetee/WereWteftwettWI • 011 SALE—SPLDNDID FARM, 10a .11 acres, frame buntlines, near city ot Loudon; cheap under mortgage. Easy terms. Apply at once. London Loan Company, London, Ont. Every Woman Is Interested and should _know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe, Best +-Most nonvitnient. lt cleanses Instantly. Ask you druggist tr he cannot supnty the but - t,tr tgtrt; book -,sealed, It give' full partly.. Wars altd directions invaluable to ladle& WItiDSON SUPP1.1" Ar, , ! lb, Windsor, Ont. Gratin', Agents for Cana ' A REMARKABLE TOWN, Probably no town in the UnitedStates can show a cleaner bill of health than Morehead City, N. C., says the National Magazine. In a population of about 3,- 000 there is not a family having it crip- pled child or one who is idiotic or in- sane, There is here, too, it very homo- logous population. There is neither an Irishman, German, Italian, or a Jew in town, althought there is no ban on any race or creed. The white population out- numbers the blacks four to one, the latter heving their , residential section and their own churches and scaools. Morehead City is also remarkable for its simplicity in its religious doctrines. There is neither Catholic, Episcopalian, Presbyterian nor trnitaeian, although there are eight churches and several de- nominations. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women: I will semi free with full instructions, my home treatment which nositively cures Leucorrhoea. Ulceration. DIslaCeiflefltS1 Failing of the Womb. Painful or Irregular Reriods. Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or Growths, also Tiot Flushes, Nervousness, Melan- choly. 17/1.111S in the llead. Back or Bow- els. ItIdnev and Bladder Troubles, where catsed by wealtness.peculiar to our Sex, ou can continue treatment at home at • cost of :mly about 12 cents a week, My book, 'Woman's Own Medical Ad- visor." also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box H. S. Windsor. Ont. MEXICAN WOMEN. "Regarding souse of the enstoms ot the Mexican girl," mid Jerome S. Hor- ner, of El Paso, Texas, "there are curt rent many mistaken notions. "For example, she is popularly suppos- ed to play the guitar, to wear a mantilla end to smoke cigarettes. As a matter of feet the guitar is almost an uttknown in- strtunent amen the women of the upper classes, the booming mantilla is rarely seen in the streets save on Good Friday, having ben disearded in favor of hats in e.tromotts Mete, and the senorita never smokes. Neither does she make a habit,' ef attending bullfights."—Yrom the Washington Herald. '41 • • Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. • • • A BELASCO EPIGRAM. (Waehington Star.) David Belem° was condemning two melodramas that had an unmerited sue - Me among the leas cultivated, portion of the public. "The first," said Mr. Belaeco, in his epigrammatic way, "was all blood and thunder, and the other tvas all thud and blunder." THE ONLY THING. • • .• (London Opinion.). 'Guest (after a particularly bad lunel)i —There' is one thing on your tabli which is unsurpassed in the finest ho- tels in London, Seaside Hotel Proprietor—Very kind of you to say so, sir. May I ask what you refer to? attest—The mit! rawaduataimaiwoomargoome SAVES YOU MONEY To buy the Sugar that saves you money means a great deaf to every borne, as so -much is used by every person, every day. BECAUSE los of this Sagar is required for sweetening than other flugers, and as it hat the greatest amount of sweetening to the pound, the Sugar that eaves you money is 'Vol' Mao get full meaeurt, and all peektiget eontain absolutely 'correct Weight, and, when bought this Way, substitution it impossible. Try St. Lawrence Sugar to -day ---and SAVit; 1IOXEY. sST. LAWRENcit MICA* IttEINING CO., lamina), MONTRItAL 1110.111.1101111111111111.1110iiiiii11.