HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-07-06, Page 4THE WINGHAM. ADVANCE THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1911 Good Goods Produce Wanted 50,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED Highest Prices Cash Highest Prices Trade Extra Good Values for the Wool Season in all Kinds General Merchandise, such as. -- :Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Men's -and Boys' Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, • Linoleums, Hosiery and Under Wear, Yarns, Wool Blankets and Sheeting, Flannelette Blankets and Sheeting, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. ' Butter and Eggs Wanted. KING BRos. 611-'•-•"�� Prices Right I _ I We Want Your Trade WHAT IS YOUR DINING ROOM SUITE LIKE ? • sa f♦. •;. ♦e. •e. •_. sis ••, " Call and' look through some Suites that yon never saw bef•ore in Golden or Weathered Oak Finish. •;• The newest and best. •-• • WAIKER'SFURNITURE STORE ..•. 1 SON•N•i••N••.••P•N•11•••�{•••+.O.•01••.•1.•.f N•H •. • • N 1• N •',••.••0 •..•.. N •1••• •• •. •• •!.. •• ... • •4 ._. •_$ YOU. PAY LESS HERE Men's and Young Men's Suits Selected from lines that sell regularly up to $16.50. Blue and Black Serges, fancy Cheviots and Worsteds ; Sizes to fit men of all builds ; a decided cut price $9.75 item for Saturday, selling at Stylish Shirts Negligee styles with tuffs attached, good quality shirting materials inup-to-slate patterns, stripe effects and en a7C light and dark shades, reg. 750 to $1.00 for Hem's Suspenders, strongly made, 60c Suspenders of 1 AC fine elastic webbing, mohair ends, fall size Men's Sox, 25e, plain black and blank white feet Sox ; special 1 C 7lighest prieess paid for farmer's prodnee.. TITh :BARGAIN STORE TO DRAIN OR NOT TO DRAIN, Prof, W. IL nay lute recently been making some ealculations on the flu- aneial sidle of drainage. .A, farmer has 50 acres that is rather wet, but al- though not drained, it gives .say $15 per ache. The value of the crop for five years in succession, together with compound interest, would be $1144 at the end of the five years. It? how- ever he were to drain 10 acres of the land each year, and if the drainage increased the value of the crop by $10 per acre (which is a low estimate) then the value of the crop for five years, with interest, would be $5718. After paying for the drainage, with interest, he would havo left $4124, the same within $20 as if he had not drained, but if he drained the whole 50 acres at once then the five crone, with interest, would be worth $O00$. This after paying for the drainage would leave him a balance of $5121, which 18 10977 more than if ho had not drained. During the next flve-pear period, drainage by the installment plan would. net him $1001 morn than not to drain at all, and the complete drainage would enrich him by $2781 more than no drainage. Tho price allowed for drainage in the calculation was $28 per acre, and the increase in the crop was placed at $10 per acro. As a matter of fact the increaso is usually worth, .much more than this, so that the ,computation is somewhat unfair to drainage, how- ever it is better to err on the safe side. But the increase in crop is not the only return from drainage. The value of the land Is largely increased. This is illustrated in the case of a certain farm in Lincoln County. It was bought for $0000 about two years ago. Last year $2000 was spent in draining it and it has since been sold for $12000, Tho Department of Physics, O.A.C., over which Professor Day has charge, has a large staff engaged in making drainage surveys for farmers wishing to drain, but they are kept very busy. Those who wish surveys made this fall should apply at once, as there are nearly as many applications in as can be attended to this season. The terms on which surveys are made are explained in Bulletins 174 and 175, which may bo had free from the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, iT iS NOT IN THE BLOOD. Medicine Taken Internally Cannot *Cure Eczema. It Is Caused By Germs. Eczema cannot be overcome by ordinary treatment and the old-fash- ioned way of dosing the system with drugs. Eczema is paused by a parasi- tic germ that bores into the skin. It is generally a contagions disease. Until the parasite is completely des- troyed and removed, eczema cannot be cured. Fully one-third of skin diseases are in the form of eczema. - We so thoroughly believe that Rexall Eczema Ointment will over - cane eczema and allied skin ailments, that we unhesitatingly promise to promptly return the money paid us for it should it in any way be un- satisfactory to the user. Because of its remarkable cleansing, antiseptic, germicidal, soothing and healing influence, Resell Bezema Oint- ment has a 'very pronounced value in the treatment of skin diseases, • especially where the form of ailment is of the chronic, aggravating sort. We highly recommend it for the dry scaly form of the weeping type, where there is a constant flow of ill -smelling excretion, Rexall Eczema ' Ointment is very prompt in relieving pimples, blotches, skin discolorations, ringworm, acne, nettle rash, tetter, hives, ulcers, insect bites, and for healing sores and wounds. It is, a pleasant smelling, grayish -white ointment, and is very cleanly for use. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at our store—The Rexall Store, J. W. McKibbon. THE Glorious Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen on July the 12th, 1911, at KINCA$DINE Spend the clay by the lake. Good speeches will be de- livered. A Fine Program of Water Sports being arranged. A( lommodation for everyone is being provided. WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS J. J. Hunters W. 5. Anderson '. 11I. tan, Farm ana Garden FAITH IN THE WYANDOTTE. Good Paints of the Dred Explained by Successful Poultry Raiser. In the New England Homestead F. 13, Williams of Litehtleld county, Conn., a successful poultry raiser, ex- plains as follows his faith in the White Wyandotte: "I am making poultry my principal occupation and, like any business man, naturally wish to produce that which Will return the largest profit. Former - Sy I tried flaying, several of the most popular breeds and carefully watched results. One by one 1 discarded the other breeds and after about twelve years' experience' with White Wyan- dottes have decided in favor of them. "Other breeds did splendidly at times, but after averaging up year after year and for nil purposes com- . bined I found nothing to equal White Wynndottes, The birds are of blocky shape and tender flesh, making .the fin- est of broilers and roasters, and are fit for tnarket ns broilers at an earlier age than nearly any other breed, putting on flesh from the start, while other breeds are growing an abundance of WnITE WT:4:NDOTTgs, DOIIBLE C01113. fentbers. Wyandotte pinfeathers, be- ing white. make them easier to dress and give the carcass a neat appear- ance. As layers White Wyandottes are steady and will produce eggs ev- ery month in the year and many of them. The largest proportion of them will be produced when eggs sell high, therefore the profit. They arenot per- sistent. sitters, although making the best of mothers, and are excellent for- agers," . The incubators are started by Mr. Williams the middle of January, and the con.biued capacity is about 1,600 eggs. The hatching is continued up to July 1. lir. {Williams built a two story incubator brooder house, which he calls his chicken factory. • Burning Stumps. In the early part of the winter bore a two inch auger hole to a depth of* about three inches in the top of each stttntp to he removed, 011 the bole with refined nitrate of potash and drive a pin tight on it.. Let it remain until the spring, when the potash will be absorbed. Pour a little oil on the top of the stump and set afire. The entire stump and in n great many instances all the roots will be consumed by a slow burning.—Rural New Yorker. Farm losses will pay for first class rural improvements. He who drains his barnyard bores a hole into the lowest corner of his safety deposit vault. . Chemical Fertilizers. Tbere is one thing which all farmers who use chemicals should remember: '-these chemicals should be spread as evenly as possible. They are all con- centrated and will burn or Injure veg- etation it they are dumped in handfuls upon growing crops. They should be spread out all the ground. ' ' Orchard and Garden. Take precautions against apples frosting in storage. Where there is droger from freezing set n large tub of warm water in the cellar to raise the temperatm•e. If freezing occurs allow the fruit to thaw slowly. The farmer who finds it cheaper to buy fruit than to raise it usually goes without it most of the time. • Plum trees set from sixteen to twen- ty feet apart will need good, vigorous pruning to keep them in bounds in later years. The ground 10 the newly set straw- berry bed should be kept stirred and rich to enable the plants to go through the winter in good shape, A sltnple rule for the arrangement of doorrnrd trees and shrubs is never to set them in straight Imes, but In groups with curving boundaries, An ideal peach orchard location is a high, rolling elevation where the very best air drainage is obtainable, and if the land slopes toward the northwest so much the better. Never set peach trees in a hollow. The man who thinks it is a woman's work to keep a garden going was not built on right lines. The garden should be Considered as important its Any eater part of the farm and treated. ac- cordingly. Do not bury cabbage until there is danger of very hard freezing , WE HAVE IT ! 1-1"- 'T"V. 9.'"VW JUST WHAT YOU WANT Town or Farm properties at prices to suit everybody's wishes. We know vainest and when you consult us yon get the advantage of our long experience in the Real Es- tate and Insurance business, Just at the present time we have some exceptionally nice properties on our lists at right prices. West Wants 1Vlen. Twenty -flue thousand men will be needed to harvest the grata this year in the 'Vest if the present state of the crops eon' hums to a istieeossftll gather- ing of the golden grain. List year the C. P. it shipped to the harvest eelds In tlr«t West 12,1110 pn stingers from Ontaa in and Baetern Provinces. the Grand Trunk approximately 13,000 to 8,000 tns,kintr a total supply of around 20.000 This' year a harvest of 'from 80 to 60 per vent, greater is itpe+ated, Wingham is a live growing town, and you will make no mistake in baying a home here, Wo have two or three nice houses to rent. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE M ILLUSTRATED L a dies' cATN�I.O OLLEGE Rl:,�Guton DEQi1EST ;St: Thomas,Oi t. D. BELL'S Music Emporium IN PIANOS we have the Heintzman, the Ee11, Dominion, Majestic, New- combe, Milton, Morris, Sher- lock -Manning, and other makes, Large stock to choose from. IN ORGANS we carry the Thomas, 1301, Do- minion and Sherlock -Manning. Pianos or Organs to rent. A• full line of Stringed Inetrn- ments. Also Phonographs, and full supply of Records. American and Canadian Sew- ing Machines. PRICES REASONABLE D. BELL The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU If yon get your clothes from ns, you are sure to get Clothes Clothes. Clothes Clothes • Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes made to tit neatly made well made that look well that wear well that last well in latest style that please that satisfy Wo undorstand our business We havo the goods We kuow the stylus Our charges aro right *ktZIN171,6VIN,q The ,Nifty 1fan's Tailor It. Maxwell's old stand DNS. KENNEDY & CALDER Orrices—Corner Patrick and Centre streets PuoNas— ofrices 48 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Caldor 151 Dr. It ennedv specializes in Surgery. • Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Tar, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly toted. Glasses properly fitted. DR. R. M. MacLBAN DENTAL SURGEON BOMB, ONI. tionor Graduate Toronto University, Depart. melt of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col. lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxetor ever 'Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday ((all day —office in Grand Central Block. At rordwic every Friday forenoon The best of the modern Methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. Jas. Walker & Son WiNatiAlt4 UNDERTAKERS We aro spleens, qualified. Under. takers ana. rirenelmete. and thmar ew, on itistbbeingwell done, Nighbt oa reoetved at mildew*. Oft, ?bone 10e Boas. Phone 116 THE PROFIT SHARING STORE Kerr di Bird - Wingham Monster Clearing Sale For 4 Weeks Opens Monday, June 26, Closes Saturday, July 22. We take stock in July. Before doing so we wif•h to reduce our stock Five Thousand Dollars. • We can do it with your help. We'll make the prices right. Yon do the rest. - ---"..- • Everything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, China= ware and Glassware, at Sacrifice Prices. All New, Fashionable, Up=to=date Goods. This I31G SALE gives you an opportunity such as is seldom offered to the people of this community, to buy new and seasonable goods at cost and be- low. Don't allow anything to hinder you from attending this- Sale. • Cucie Waists Cucie Brand Silk Waists, Brand White and Colored $5,00 Waists for $3.49 $3,00 Waists for $2.19 $1.75 Waists for $1 32 $1,25 Waists for 98c 75c Waists for 55c Black and Colors. Cucie Waists and Middy Waists. $3 50 Waists for $2 48 $2 00 Waists for $1.49 $t 50 Waists for $1.12 $1.00 Waists for 75c 111•0110, ilEMOMMSE41141•441.11•441,4111•14•1014iiii11•4=1141151, Cucie Brand White and Black Underskirts Silk and Regal Taffeta Skirts, BIack Sateen and lino White Skirts with Lace, Insertion or Em- broidery Trimming. Cucie Brand is a guarantee of quality and workmanship. $O 00 Skirts for $4.48 $5 00 Skirts for $3 09 $3.00 Skirts for $2 21 $2 50 Skirts for $1 89 $2 00 Skirts for $1.53 $1.75 Skirts for $1.29 $1 50 Skirts for $1,12 $1,25 Skirts for 98c $1,00 Skirts for 75c - Over 100 Pieces of Dress Goods Fancy Tweed, Broad Cloth, Mohair, Serge, Voile, Henrietta, Lustre, Basket Serge, etc. Some at 25 per cent. and a quantity at 3.3A per cent. less than regular prices. What a snap for those who buy during our Sale. Summer Dress Goods Linen Suitinge. Chambrays, Galatea, Gingham, Muslim, Prints, etc. Regular 30c yd. for 23e Regular 2oc yd. for los Regular 20c yd. for 15c Regular 15c yd. for 11c Regular 12tc yd. for 100 Regular 10c yd, for 8c One Quarter Off Laces, Insertion, Embroidery, Ribbons, Collars, Frillings, handkerchiefs, Gloves Buttons, Belts, Combs, etc., at 25 per cent. less than regular prices for two weeks. The economical, car -eft -11 buyer will get busy during this sale, Big Sale of Corsets Good Style, Good Quality, Perfect Fitting. Long, medium and short. For slim or stout wo- men. During the Sale we offer Corsets at from 20 per cent. to 33h per cent. off regular prices. The wise buyers will take advantage of this sale. Chenille and Damask Curtains & Table Covers New goods, at •75a on the dollar. $5 00 Curtains for $3 48 $I- 00 Curtains for $2 98 $2 00 Curtains for $1 53 $1 00 Curtains for 75e $1.50 Curtains for $3 38 $3 00 Curtains for $228 $1 50 Curtains for $1.14 75c Curtains for 5.5c Flannelette Blankets Our stock of Flannelette Blankets ordered for Fall came to hand four months too moon. We put the knife into prides here, too—$1.215 Blankets for $1.00 ; $1.50 Blankets for $1.19 ; $1 83 Blankets for $1 54. hest quality Blankets on the market. Pants and. Overalls Men's and Boys' Pants and Overalls; good quality and workmanship. $1.25 Overalls for 980 $1.00 Overalls for 75e Bac Overalls for Ole $3.00 Pants for $225 $1 75 Pants for $134 $2 50 Pants for $190 $150 Pants for $1 15 $2.00 Pants for $149 $1 25 Pants for. 083 Away Below Cost MEN'S AND BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR SUITS, IIATS AND CAPS. Think of it— $12 00 Suit for $7 50 I $7 00 Suit for $105 $900 Suit for $0110 $000 Suit for 8308 $8 00 Suit for $5 35 $5 00 Suit for $3 35 Underwear and Hosiery for Women and Children For Summer or Fall wear, at 20 to 25 per cent. less than regular prices. Ladies' Hand Bags Some at nearly Half Price. Some at less than Half Price. $5 00 }land Bag for $2 98 $1 550 Hand Bag for 901 $1 00 Hand Bag for $2 39 $1.00 Hand Bag for (38a $2 50 Hand Bag for $1,78 75c Hand Bag for 40n $2.00 Hand Bag for $1 21 60c Hand Bag for 30c 50c Band Bag for 31e Abort three Dozen Hand Bags, marked to sell at. $2 00. During the Sale you may have them tet at 85c EACH. They are good Bags. Come and examine them, Men's and Boys' Braces, Title, Collars, Shirty, Sox and Unclerwear, also Misses' Summer Efate, Tams, etc., at One Quarter less than regular prices. Carpets, Rugs, &c. Carpets, Linoleums, Rugs, Carpet Squares, Floor Oilcloth, Mats, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, etc., all go at 25 per cent. less than the regular prices. Good time to buy House Furnishings. Umbrellas and Parasols $1 25 and $1 50 Ladies' Umbrellas—for 89c $1.00 Ladies' Umbrellas—for 081 Men's $1.25 Umbrellas—for 98n Men's $1.00 Umbrellas --for 70c Girls' 75c Parasols—for 490 Girls' 50a Parasols—for 38c Bargains In the Grocery Department Puffed Rice, regular 12c—for 10c Post Toasties, regular 10c—for 8c Art Baking Powder, regular 25c lb,—for 15c Matches, 8c box—for 6c Blue Ribbon Tea, black or mixed, 25c ib, for 20c ; 40c Ib. for 30c A quantity of good Shoe Polish, same quality and size as any 10c box, quality guaranteed Our special price to clear 5c Canned Peas, Quaker Bland, reg. 15c tin—only10c Canned Pease, Frence, very choice, 15c tin—only. ,10e Prunes, choice fruit, reg. 10c lb., now 2 lbs. for20c Prunes. choice fruit; reg. 130 lb , now 2; lbs. for. ,25a No. 1 White Lsundry Starch, big lumps, reg. lOe Ib.—Sale Price, 4 lbs. for tin English Orange and Leucon Peel, regular 20c lb.— Sale Price 12% O. K. or Judd Soap -12 for 25c Diamond Dyes -4 for . 25e Extract of Beef, reg. 50c—for 40c Gallon tin of Apples, reg. 40c—for.. . . . . 35c Granulated Sugar at reek bottom prices. Bargains In Boots and Shoes Women'. Boots, Oxfords and Slippers. also Misses' and Children's Fine Dongola Kid, Patent Calf, Patent Pumps and Oxfords. Men's and Boys' Heavy Bouts, Fine 13lneber Cut, Dongola Kid, Patent Calf and Tan Oxfords. New styles, easy fitting, solid comfort, satisfactory shoes, and they all go at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. This is your opportunity. Buy footwear freely at such prices. Chinaware Department Wo have a very large stock of Plain and Fancy Chinaware, Cnt Glass, etc., and its all offered at reduced pri es. Dinnernor and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, , Table Sets, Chocolate Sets, Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc., new handsome Fancy China, Big ettt in prices for two weeks. 20 to 25 and 50 per cent. less than regular prices. We have not room to 'enumerate here. Come in and see the goods. Everything marked in plain figures. One Limoges China Dinner Set, regu'ar price $:32 00—for only .. $23 00 One Limoges China Tea S. -t, regular price $15 00—for only ... . $5) 59 TERMS OP SALE.•..Spot Cash or Farni Produce. Goods will not be charged at Sale Prices, but goods may be charged at regular prices as usual. Premiliitl Cauls wql not Le pi:b c;Klcd for goads oI:I t t reduced prices, or for flour, or for sugar by the sack. During Sale no goods will be given out on approval.