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The Wingham Advance, 1911-06-29, Page 8
8 THE WINGHAM ADVANCER THE DOMINION BANK HEAD OII+'IOE, TORONTO. E, B. OSIER, M.P. - . President W. D. M rrxn ws - Vice -President Capital Reserve Total Aesete $4.000,000,00'0 $02,600,000,04 A Branoh of this Bank will be estab- lished is London. Eng., on 1st of July next, at 70 0011,NHILIt, B.O. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on ell important points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent for coiler ioo make telegraphic,xa hie trans- fers, and transact every description of banking business, Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters. A speoial department will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers of our Letters of credit. C. A. BOGERT — General Manager WINGUA11f BaAT011: W. It. GEIKIE, Manager R. VANeTONE, Solicitor. Wanted! Best Dairy Butter and Strictly Fresh Eggs We have for sale, in quanti- ties, Davies' Meats and Lard. Armour & Co. WINGHAM Teacher Wanted. For S. S. No. 6, Turnberry, 11 miles from Wingham; duties to begin after the summer vacation. Applications with testimonials, stating salary, will be received up to July 10th, by the undersigned. WM, S. KING 42-44 Wingham P,O. Tenders Wanted. Sealed tenders, marked "tender" will be received by the undersigned up to 4 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, July 4th, for the various works required for installing a series of closets in the Wingham Public School building. Specifications can be seen at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or anytender not necessarilyaccepted., P , JNO. F. GROVES Sec.-Treas. School Board Wingham, Ont. d Notice of Closing. We, the undersigned Solicitors of the Town of Wingham, hereby agree to close our offices during the months of July and August as follows :—On each week day with the exception of Saturday, at 4 p.m., and on Saturday at 1 p,m. Dudley Holmes J. A. Morton R. Vanetone Public Notice. My wife, Matilda Trew, having left my bed and board, I herewith notify all concerned that I will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by her or anyone else, without my written order. ARCHIBALD TRE W. Blyth. f was e ' r ,t o service 11 ld in Ctntllll in Trinity Church on Monday evening, by the Mellon of llnron, assisted by the rector, Rev. Mr, Farr, Rev, Mr, and Mrs. Lovegrow have returned from their wedding tour and will spend. a few days here, before going to their home at Cayuga. Miss. Mande King, Superintendent of the Deaconess Home at Portlaud, Maine, is home on an extended visit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, King. NTEIRED INTO RESP.—The death of Me. John Wilford of Blyth, on Jane 21st. marks the removal from the walks of life, a man, well-known throughout Linton county., and one hold in esteem by all. Mr. Wilford was a true Canadian, and was born in Halton county, Ontario, in 1852 %Vhen fifteen years of age, he moved with his parents to a farm three miles east of Blyth, now owned by James Coulter. His father died in 1882, and the following year he married. 'I1iss Elizabeth Nesbitt, and a year later on account of ill health, sold his farm and removed to Blyth, where for 27 years he was a prominent citizens. About the beginning of the present year, he contracted a severe cold, which with other troubles gradually weakened him, until on June 21st, in his OOch year, he passed to his eternal home. Ile was a faithful member of the Methodist Church, and an official for many years. Of the Conservative partylie was a strong adherent, a o n, eber of the Executive of North Huron. He was an enthusiastic mem- ber of the Orange bOrder, and belong- ed to the Royal Black Preceptory. In these relations, as well as in social and municipal life, John Wilford ifard was a bulwark of strength. He leaves a widow and two sons — Edward, a medical missionary in China, and Al- bert H. of Wingham. The son in China on receiving news of his father's death replied by cable mes- sage — "Psalm 1.21," with signature, The funeral was very large, a number from Wingham paying their tribute of respect. By Mr. Wilford's request quest the funeral sermon was preach- ed by Rev. Jos. Philp. Mr. Frank Hill sang with good effect "Will there be any stars in my crown?" Among the floral tributes were—A pillow from the family ; wreath from L.O.L 963 ; a crescent from Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. ; a cross and crown from the Epworth League and Official Board, a wreath 'from Wingham Ep- worth League, and other tributes of esteem. Deceased will be missed for his good counsel and sound judgment. IIe lived an exemplary christiau life. Of him it may be said "'They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever," Salem. Mr. Robert McLaughlan lost his spring colt last Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Albert E. Gallaher tool!• a trip to Goderich last Thurs- day. Mn and Mrs. Edwin Palmer visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dane last Sun- day. Mr. Wm. Weir had a wood bee hist Monday. Mr. Herbert Neill did the work, Mrs, Geo. Paulin of Wroxeter visit- ed at the home of Mr. D. L. Weir last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael visited friends at Fordwich last Sunday. Quite a number from here attended the Anniversary services in Gorrie last Sunday. Rev. R. G. Moffatt, M.D., mission,. aryy from South Africa, vrsited his niece, Mrs. J, T. Wylie, last week. The S. S. will hold their annual picnic on July 4th, in Mr. Edwin Palmer's grove. There will be a booth on the grounds. Bluevale. Miss May Longman has returned to her home in Toronto after spending two weeks with her friend Miss Alice Thornton of Bluevale. A happy event took place at Elm - week, Winnipeg, on June 21st, when Mies Sadie Nicholson of Bluevale was united in marriage to Mr, Harry Rush - forth of Winnipeg, The bride was beeomingly attired in a dress of Swiss embroidery and chiffon, with picture hat of chiffon and roses. They were unattended. The bride's travelling costume was navy bine chiffon cloth and hat to match. The happy couple left on the evening train for points in British Columbia amid showers of confetti. After their return they will be at home to their friends at Elm- wood, Winnipeg. Why,ubby e dear, isn't this tea all right?" )F it F 1oiI 1'I:I2 SOI,l) IN 13ITI, Oh, it's not bad But I wish you'd ord r e some Red d Rosethe kind we get at the club. z East Wawanosh. Miss Gladys McDowell of Goderich ch endin g is s p g the summer vacation at her hone, 0th line. Wm, Rath, 0th lino, had a success- ful barn -raising last Friday afternoon, and also gave the young people of the neighborhood. a dance, Robt. Owens, Oth line, is adding to the appearance of his home by a hand- some fence around the lawn. Mrs. Thou. Noble and children, 5th line, spent Thursday and Friday with Goderich township friends. Wm. Scott, 0th line, purchased a gasoline engine to use for pumping water and other farm work. Mrs. Richard Leishman, 9th line, is slowly gaining ..strength once more after her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Scott and Miss Patience of Blyth spent Coronation day at the home of Alex. Scott, James Potter of Sault Ste. Mario is visiting at Jno. McDowell's for a few weeks. Council met on June 21, as a Court of Revision ; members all present ; Court of Revision re -opened. Mrs. E. Taylor, F. Anderson and J. Menzies, made application to have dogs that were assessed to them and which have been done away with. removed from the roll ---granted. There being no other changes made, it was moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Burchill, that the Assessment Roll as now re- vised be adopted and the Court closed for the present year—carried. Council resumed on ordinary busi- ness, Com. from E. 0. Puce, Galt, asking the Council to; accept his re- signation as Township Engineer un- der the D. & W. Act, unless he be paid more remuneration than what he is at present receiving ; received and filed. A By -Law was passed authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money to meet the ordinary expendi- tures, On motion of Mr, Scott, seconded by Mr. Burchill, Geo. T. Robertson was re -appointed Collector at a salary of $70.00, on condition that he furnish good and sufficient security. The following accounts were ordered to bo paid :—A. Porterfield, rent of road allowance, con. 9, $2 00 ; Geo. Simmons, making deviation road at river, con. 9, $17.00 ; J. Shoebottom, repairing culvert on east boundary, $2.00 ; W. J. Parks, tile and work on western boundary, $12 00; L. Pearen, shovelling gravel, $1 25 ;, F. Toll, re- fund overcharge on statute labor in 1910, $1.00. The Council then ad- journed to meet on Wednesday, July 26th next, Alex. Porterfield, Clerk, West Wawanosh. Council met as per adjournment ; members all present. A number of appeals against the Assessment Roll were disposed of and the Roll received on motion of Wilson and Aitcheson. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved. The Treas- urer's statement showed balance on hand of $111 81; filed. The appropri- ation for roads of $600 was ordered divided on each concession according to the assessment. Cheques were is- sued to the amount of $230 50 and Council adjourned to meet on July 4th at one o'clock. W. S. McCrostie, Clerk, . *111'40'1511, fee; R17AiD the conditions of the Prize Cone teat we are con- ducting for the farm- ers' of Canada. $400.00 In prizes will be award- ed to each Province, These prize* will be divided Into four groups, consisting of: PRIZli; "A"---8100.00 to he given to the fanner in each Province who will bre during 1911. the groateat number of barrels of "CANADA" Cement. PRIZE "D"—$100.06 to be gturn to the farmer in each Province who user "CANADA" Cement for the greatest number of purposes. PitIZE "0"- 2100.00 to be given to the fainter in etch Province who urnishes ne with the photograph showing the best of any kind of work done on his farm during 1911 With "CANADA" Cement. PRIZE 1)"--- $100.00 to be given to the farmer in each l'rorince who *Omits- the best and Most 000mplrte description of how say par. Molder piers, of work (shown by pketogreph sent in) war done, Every farmer in 'Canada is eligible, Therefore, do not be deterred from enter- ing by &try foaling that you would have little chance against aist your g st neighbor. Por remem- ber, Prizes "0" and ,a0`3" .have no bearing whatever upon the quantity of cement Used, .Aa a. matter of feet, your success in this con - teat will depend to a great extent on your careful reading of our 160 -page book, "What the Farmer, Can Do With Concrete." Th this book ----Kent free on request to any farmer, full instructional are given as to the uaee of eoncrete, and pians for every kind of farm buildings and farm utility. You'll gee the need of this book, whether you ere going to try for a prize or not. If you have not got your eopy yet, write for It to -night. Simply cut off the attached eWu- pon- s -or a posteard will do-. sign your name and ad- dreee thereto atilt snail 3t to-Yalght. TllvRwAv, JruNs 29, r II Morris, Quite a number frons this township attended the funeral of Mr. John Wilford of .Blyth. on Friday last, Mrs. It. flautist;,. 2nd line, silo has been dangerously ill during the past week, is improving, we are glad to state, Mr, and Mrs, W. Walters of Wawa. nosh, also Mr, and Mrs. 0, Bell of Blyth, spent Sunday at Mr. William P*'oeter'e, 4th Bile, Rev. Mr, Andrews preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last at Ebenezer, Rev. 3, E. Cook Is expec- ted to start his pastorate next Sunday, Miss Adeline Mathew left for To, routo last Thursday to undergo treat - meets by an Osteopathic doctor for rheumatism. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery; her sister, Jane, accompanied her. Wm, ►n, Isbister was driving in the country this week, when his horses and rig were suddenly enveloped in a cloud of bees, flying low and tired. Mr. Iebister judged that they were about to alight somewhere, so he followed them, and soon had the satisfaction of seeing them in a solid plass on the limb of a tree, which they bent down by their weight. lie hur- ried then to the nearest rtu'al tele- phone and called up a neighbor who kept bees. The latter brought along the necessary box, and soon had the hive properly secured. It was an extra large swarm, and had apparent- lycoma from a consde able distance, judging by the low and tired flight. Minutes of meeting held in the Tp, Hall, Morris, June. 19th. The follow- ing changes in the assessment roll were made by the Court of Re- vision :—James Masters changed from M. F. lot 3, Bluevale, to M. F, owner lot 5, G. S. ; Wm. Windsors M. F. Si lot 8, con. 2, was added. In answer to a deputation from Blyth a motion by Wm, Elston and C. B. Wilkinson was passed granting $10 to each of the Blyth, Wingham and Brussels Agriculture societies, provid- ed the adjacent townships grant a like slim. The contract for the construction of the McCaughey municipal drain was awarded to • R. B. Alcock at $2,229,80, on motion by Johnston and Thuell. A petition praying for the construc- tion of a,, municipal drain was received from .A, Magee and others. Elston—Thuell— That the petition be entertained and that the clerk be instructed to notify the engineer to make his survey and report—oar- ried. A petition to have a municipal drain constructed was received from Wm. Bird and others. The petition was entertained on motion by T'uell— Elston. The Court of Revision on the assess- ment roll was then closed on motion by Wilkinson and Johnston. Elston—Johnston—That „the con- struction of the Peacock drain be given to Breckenridge and McMichael for the sum of $1025.30, the tile to be furnished—carried. The following }accounts were paid :— Canadian Ingot Iron Co., culvert for Smitli4 drain, $63 51; W. J. Geddes, fumigating 'house and material, $5 ; Wingham Advance, advertising, $2 ; 0. Walker, gravel, 90c; D. Pope, en- gine on grader, $15; A. McEwen, tele- phone and express, 60c; J. Wilburn, fumigating and material, $150 ; Jas. Cruicksbanks, snow fence on bridge, $1150; Jas. Mickie, culvert on Russell drain, $8; J. Kirkby,. tile drain, $2 50; J. Phelan, posts for road fence, $6; J. Phelan, inspecting culvert $1; A, J. Kelly, culvert and filling, $15 Robt. Craig, putting in culvert and hauling tile, $4; D. Summerville, stone for abutment, $8 10 ; D. Sum- merville, repairing road id fence 860• P g ,$ W. H. Knox, gravel. $6.09 ; D. Som- merville, gravel, $4.00; R. Garniss, gravel, $1, 20 ; H. Bosman, gravel, 53.90 ; T. Miller, $5 60. The Council then adjourned to meet in the Tp. Hall, Monday, July 24th, at 10 o'clock. A, McEwen, Clerk Whitechurch. Mrs. Beattie of Detroit is a guest of Mrs. 0, Milne. Mrs. Ludwig of B.C. is visiting her uncle, Mr, A. Fox, Jno. Leggatt acid wife of Holland are visiting friends here. Mrs. Ken, Paterson and children spent Sunday at Goderich, The Methodist Garden party yeas a great success ; proceeds $93. Mr, and Mrs. Bert, Winfield and son of Sask, are visiting Bert's mother, Miss Ruby Nixon of Lucknow visit, ell her sister, Mrs. K. Paterson, for a few days last week, Mrs. D. Anderson of Wingham Jct. and Miss Lily Martin spent Friday with their brother, Wm. Martin, section foreman. Rev, D. D Thompson preached his farewell sermon here on Sunday even- ing. The Presbyterians withdrew their service and there was a crowded house. Mr. Thompson left on Mon- day for his new circuit at Grand Bend. Howick Boundary. Mise Lena Doubledee of Belleville is spending her holidays with her parents. The pathmasters in these parts are all busy with their men doing their road work. Quite a number from this vicinity took in the jubilee services in Corrie Methodist Church on Sunday last. Three pupils from the boundary school aro writing for Entrance in Wroxeter this week ; we wish them every success. Mr. Neil's house on the 15th came near being destroyed by fire on Tues- day last. A spark from the chimney on the dry roof, fanned by a high wind, soon had the roof in a blaze, Only for the telephone and the timely assistance of the neighbors, the bouse would have been burned to the ground in a very short time, Fortunately they got the fire tinder control with only the roof burned, $'doRE FEE`i". Everybody $IOW adni1t s Zerne13ttk boat for thee*. Lab its VQu004 anti on rt...,.„..... jareessetre ,pad &wet iberetelret Town of Wingham DY -LAW NOr 634, MI. A By-law to provide for the improve; ment and extension of the present waterworks system of the Town of Wingham and for procuring a supply of pure water for domestic purposes and to authorize thea'issne of debentures of the said Town to the atnount of $5000.00, for the purpose of raising the sum re- quired therefor. 'WHEREAS tho Municipal Ll Council of th e Corporation f tho Town ot VIngham deemed it expedient und necessary that the present waterworks system should be improved and that the ratepayers and residents of the said Town should bo suppliedwith pure water for domestic purposes and in order thereto duly passed a ily.laty of the said Corporation on the tenth day of January, A. D. 19111, for the purpose of expending the sunt of $f000 00 its the said improvements and In procuring pure water for (tetnestte purposes as aforesaid in pursuance of the estimates of W. Mahlon Davie, the engineer of the said Town, which said estimates wore appended to said By-law and which said 13y -law is numbered 591, 1909. AND WHEERE:AS pursuant to said By lav - debentures of the saidTown of Wingham have been issued to the amount of 56000.00. .AND WIIIORISAS in further pursuance of Bald Bylaw and i9 the carrying out of the objects thereof, ,lost wells have been. Bunk by the said Municipal Council on tho property of the said Corporation adjacent to the Electric Light Plant of the said Corporation in the the Town P1 of W n t lnaham which o el aid wells, it has been ascertained, will furnish an abun- dant, supply of pure water suitable .for the purposes of the said Corporation, AND WHEREAS it has now been ascot. - blued that the said estimates of $0000.00 are altogether inadequate for the purpose of car- rying out and completing the said improve- ments and extensions to said waterworks system contemplated by said By-law. AND WHEREAS the said Municipal Coun- cil have procured revised estimates of the cost of tho improvements referred to and the in- stalling of the said system of puro water for the purpose aforesaid which said revised es- timates are appended hereto marked Schedule "A" and which amount in the whole to the sum of $11000.00 AND WHIG hi order to carry out and complete the ; rks it will bo necessary toissue further , .enturos of the said Town of Wingham for the sum of 55000.00 as herein- after provided which sum is the debt int ended to be created by this Bylaw, the proceeds of said debentures to be applied to the said pur- pose and no other. AND WHEREAS it in desirable to issue the said Debentures at ono time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of thirty years. being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly suns of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount 80a ab p y le in each of the outer twenty-nine years of said period as shown in Schedule "13" hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount re- quired by the Municipal Act to be raised an- nually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is 5325 26. AND WHIIREASthe amount of the whole rateable property of tho Town of Wingham, necording to the Inst revised assessment roll thereof, is $807,518. . - AND WIIIORE iS the amount of the exist- ing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of local improvements secured by special rates and assessments, is $141,378.85, whereof there is nothing In arrears for prin- cipal yr interest. Therefore the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows :— The Municipal Council of the said Town of Wingham shall expend the sum of 55000 00, in addition to the sum of 86000.00 already provid- ed as hereinbefore set out, in improving the present waterwo••ks system of the said 'Town, and in.proeuring pure water for domestic pur- sumedebenturesiot said Townrtosthe tantount of $5000.00 as aforesaid in suma of not less than 100.00 each shall be issued on the ay oPA. D. 1911: eaoh of which debentures shall 3m dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall bo payable within' thirty years thereafter at the office of the Treasurer for tho time being of the said Town os Wingham.. - 2. Each of said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham, or by somo other person authorized by Bylaw to sign the same and. by the Treasurer. there- of, and the Clerk shall attachthereto the Cor- porate orate. Seal of the Munioipallty. 3. The said Debentures shall boar interest at the rate of five per cont per annum, payable yearly at the Office of the said Treasurer on the dap of in each and every year during" currency thereof, 4. During the currency of the said Deben- tures there shall bo raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property of the said Town of Wingham the sum of 532526 for the purpose of paying the amount ciuo in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as shown in Schedule "B" hereto annexed, 5. This By -lain shall take effect on tho date of the final passing thereof. 0. The votes of the etcetera of the said Town of Wingham shall bo taken on 'this By- law at the following times and places, that is to say, :— On lMa onday, the tenth day of July next, commencing at the hoar of nine o'clock in the the afternoon t1 ©f tho sun a day, by tho'clock follow- ing Deputy -returning Officers and Poll Clerks, namely :— In Ward 1—At William Johnston's tailor shop on Josephine Street, by W. J. Reinert, Deputy Iieturning Ofiieer, and H, N, Road- house, Poli Clerk. In Ward 2 — At William Gannet is imple- ment shop on Josephine Street, by Alex. J. Alderson, Deputy Returning Offcer, and Ben. T. Stalking. Poll Clerk, . In Ward 3— At the Town Hall, by Walter T. Hall, Deputy Returning Officer, and George Tees, Poll Clerk. In Polling Subdivision No. 1 of Ward 4— A t Ritchie & Cosg,ts' Office on Josephine Street, by Abner Cosens, Deputy Returning Offi':er, and J. W. Dodd, Poll Clerk, In Polling Sub -division No. 2 of Ward 4— At Albert Ro1I's house on Jokephino Street, by C. N. Griffin, Deputy Returning Officer, and John Elder, Poll Clerk,• 7. On Saturdayy, the. 8th day of July neat, tho Mayor of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appohtt persons to attend nt the various poll- ing places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or oppos- ing the passing of this By-law respectively. 8. .The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the 11th day of July next, to aunt up the number of votes for and against the By-law. Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham the fifth day of June, A.D. 1911. MAYOR .., —CLERIs S0IREDULE "A" To THE PRO• • POSED BY-LAW, Being tin estimate of the expenditure re- ferred to in the foregoing By-law. Ii9TIb8ATI1. Concrete reservoir, capacity 200,600 gallons.,.. ,,, $ 2400 00 Pump and 010102 libnso 400 00 Mains and water services,,,......., 4500 00 Connections to mine and pumps .., 500 00 4 stage Centrifugal pump, oapaaitf 500 gallons per minute, connected electric motor and installing same 1509 00 Cost of wells 12.57 00 Contingencies 413 00 $11000 00 Less atnbunt of debentures already Issued underlay -law No, 591, 19090000 00 Total amount under this llylaw..... *500000 NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration and whioh will be finally passed by the Connell of the Mu'oitep slaty of the Town of Wingham Oa the event of the Assent of the eleetoore batng obtained thellicatio n thereof • in theaam-Buk _from i a @ trot dvatice, the date Of which of tee ineaof the M. 101111 s the FR; temttthrr day of June A. 6 1 ltn trvo d be taken thehours sod day.. at e rlpallty at least ten days next preceding the d of 1 a in a etatutory t I to leo ittn. 1' 1 stat g 'tentert t @ hR their A 7 gea moot the require• tonisot a bass odes, 1 ul section 354 o7 The yy ha ona411dptetL lflunie pal A@k,1903, shall not placed on tho voters' list for ouch voting. 'I'own Hall, Wingham, Amen, A.D.1911. CI.IERK 8011E0010E "B" Showing In reaped to eaoh Instalment of the debt to be thereby created how much of the amount to be annually raised is for prin- cipal, and how much is for interest. Year interest Principal Total 1912 $250 00 5 75 26 $325 26 1913 216 21 79 02 325 20 1914 242 09 82 97 321. 26 1915 238 14 87 12 325 26 1916 233 78 91 48 325 26 1917 229 21 90 05 125 30 1918 224 41 100 85 325 20 1919 219 31 105 89 920 26 . 1920 214 07 111 19 325 20 1921 208.51 116 75 321 26 1922 202 67 122 69 325 26 1923 196 55 128 71 1125 26 1921 190 11 135 15 325 20 1925 183 35 141 91 325 20 1926 176 20 149 00 320 20 1927 168 81 156 45 325 2G 1928 160 98 1431, 28 323 26 19211 152 77 172 49 325 20 1930 114 14 181 12 325 2G 1931 135 09 190 17 325 20 .1932 128 58 199 64 325 26. 1933 115 60 2119 66 325 26 1931 103 11 220 15 325 26 1933 91 11 231 13 325 26 Mill 82 55. 242 71 325 20 1937 70 41 - 231 111 325 25 1938 57 67 267 89 325 26 1939 . .41 29 280 97 125 26 191Q 30 21 295 02 325 26 1911 18 49 309 77 325 2G CH RTSTTE'S GROCERY PEONE 59 jE beg to thank our many patrons, who, for the past five years have so liberally given us their patronage.. OWING to increased business v and consequent increase in stock, we decided to move to larger quarters, and we have now settled in the old. Gordon stand. THIS store has been remodeled and fitted up to suit our class of business, which will be conducted in the most up-to-date manner possible. OtJR STOOK will consist of HIGH-GRADE GROCERIES. and CHOICEST PROVISIONS, while Teas and Coffees will be made, as before only on a larger scale, A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL This 1s The. Tea And Coffee Store BIRTHS. Britnell—On June 22nd, in Wingham, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Britnell, a daughter. Hickey—In Wingham hospital, June 17tb, to Mr, and Mrs. P. Hickey, a daughter. DEATHS. McKinnon—In Culross, June 27, Neil McKinnon, aged 75. Greatest bargains in watches and jewelry ever heard of in Wingham, at Knox's Annual. Sale. Dominion Day ' SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP (With minimum oharge of 25c ) Between all stations in Canada, also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Tickets good going Jane 30th and July 1st. Return limit July 1st, 1911. Excellent Train Service —TO— Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Temagami, Al- gonquin Park, Georgian Bay, etc. Cont- inenoing Saturday, June 21, trains loaue Toronto ns follows :-2 05 a.m. daily, the Muskoka- Huntsville- Temagami Exppress. 10.15 a. nt. daily, except smutty, Pone- tang•Hnnt.villo Express. 12.20 noon, the Muskoka.11unIsville Express, daily except Sunday. Convenient connections from all points in Ontario. Ltterature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A, I., DUFF, D. P. A., Tinton Station,. Toronto. G. LAMONT, Wingba,n Agent. Fail Term Opens Aug. 28th In the Popular and Progressive ELLIOTT TORONTO-, ONT. This school ranks high among the best business colleges of this continent. Proof of this statement is found in our large catalogue. WRITE To -DAY 1POlt ON1,. Salaries offered our graduated this year larger than over before. It. pays to get TIME 1363T 1'ItACTIUAL EDUCATION. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor.'Ironge and .Alexander Ste. CENTRAL STRATFORD., ONT. Our graduates are in demand. Rani - nem teen state that they are the best, Students from the class room were o platted reoently at $43, 1,50, $00 and $70 per utonth. A graduate with some epexaeporletion was laved rooently at 51800 ions, The demmad in graduates yearyp whit six times the number graduating. We have three departments-- COeinMKRCIAL, $11'ORTli,&1 i iwld TALZORAMT Olt our frit catalogue. D. Ar itat,A0IMAIN - ll > Sa >P >ur i t da J. tr 1911 Nest Saturda a Public o1ida Store Will be Closed all daY. Qpe rnFrwll Night, Mune 30th, until 10 o'clock 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 FURTHER PROOF vww,nnMnn w.nr Wingham and vicinity is being flooded these clays with, special July and August Sale catalogues, and in this connec- tion we wish to state MOST EMl'HA.TIQALIaY that we are. prepared to match the price of any shoe as advertised in any Canadian Catalogue, no matter what style or how cheap. All That We Ask From You Is A Fair Deal Inhe t o r wordsi ve tis a chance to 0 show you thatwe ca u do what we say we can do, and if yon see a shoe advertised that you think you would like, don't be afraid to tell ns about it, and we guarantee you thht we will produce it shoe equally as good, at as low a, price, and besides we sew rips free—you have no express to pay and you get a shoe that will fit you. Do not be one of the foolish ones who imagine that what you buy away from home is better than what you buy at home. Imo LOOK AT THIS SHOE FOR MEN Made of good grade Patent Colt— oak tan soles—matt calf tops. All sizes, 6 to 10. For $3.00 Per Pair Willis FJ' Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 14,4019.47,. FOR HOE LADIES NNNN•NN4.NNNNN• ♦**NiM•NrNrN• lNi 1 Hanna & Co. PHONE 70 Agts. For Carhartt's Overalls We Sell Perrin's Gloves Hot Weather Specials Twenty per cent. off all the Ladies' Suits which we have in stock, in Blacks, Blues and Greys-- in Serge and Venetian Cloth — all this season's Suits, to clear at twenty per cent, off. Ladies' Fancy Jabots and Dutch Collars, in the newest styles. Something different for. this hot weather. Prices -25c, 35c, 50c. . Fancy White Waists With low necks and , Kiniona sleeves, trimmed with plain white or colored borders. Prices $r.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.5o, $2.75. Ladies' White Skirts Newest styles, Indian head linen. Price --- $2.5o. Ladies' Sun Shades The newest patterns in silk or cotton, fancy and directoire handles. Your choice at twenty per cent. off for any one we have. Clothing Our tailor-made Clothing and our values are worth considering before buying an up-to-date Suit. We have the agency of the "House of Hobberlin," also the "Fit Reform." We take your measure. Your suit is custom made. $16 to $26. Boys' Suits We have a big stock with and without bloomers —fancy patterns for Summer Suits. Prices from $ ..s° to $9.00. HOUSE FURNISHINGS can buy ---• any else you require. oarpete free of charge. We have Lttioleuwe and Curtains. When furnishingyour house remember we tae orders for the beet grade of Blinds you We sew, stretch and ls.y all the newts patterns in llug5, • • • ea -kr ea