HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-06-29, Page 4JUNE SALE
Our June Sale is moving along at a pace hard
to keep up with. In fact, it's the most satisfactory
Sale in the history. of the store. There are, how-
ever, a few lines left, and in order to make a clean
sweep, we've put the knife in still deeper.
Nti000000010000000t40000! 00 0000 0000000000000.00000000
This Is The Best Chance You'll Ever Have To
Buy A Suit At A Saving Worth While
TT -
6 only Men's Tweed Suits, fancy stripes in greens
and browns, suitable for all the year round
wear. Regular $7.50 -cut down to $5.00
11 only Men's Tweed Suits, nice fancy greys suit-
able for summer wear, also -dark green and
seal brown stripes, good general purpose Suits.
Regular $8.50 -cut down to $5.50
9 only Men's Tweed Suits, splendid wear qualities
in grey, -green and brown mixtures. Regular
$10.00 -cut down to $6.50
6 only Men's Tweed Suits in worsted finish, browns
and greens in fancy stripes ; the wear guar-
anteed. Regular $12.50 -cut clown to • $8.50.
4 only Men's Suits in Tweeds and Worsteds, in
brown and light and dark greys, fancy stripes,
splendid patterns. Reg. $15 -cut down to....$10.75
12 only Men's Suits, of 20th Century make ; the
name indicates theualit . These are fancy
worsteds in all the latest shades. Regular
$19.00 -cut down to $14.75
3 only 20th Century Suits, fancy worsteds made
up off new models. Reg. $22 -cut to... $15.50
Similar reductions on Youths' Suits,
Boys' two and three piece Suits,
Men's Odd Trousers, Boys' Knickers
If you have not already bought buyat
y bought,
this store and do it now.
McGee Sc Campbell
Canada And The ZOth Century.
The following was written by a
girl pupil In the llst form of Contin-
nation Blase of Wroxoter Public
School, and la published by request.
Make way, make way all nations
for Canada and the 20th century, as,
baud In hand they rouse the old
world and the new, to a sense of tin it
power, their tremendous capacity for
Canada with her mountains, her
plains, her fertile Ilekle, and, greatest
of all, her hardy, ambitious people,
who form a joining link between the
old world and the new. It is here
that we find the rugged sons of the
Norseman and of the sturdy Scotch -
man, the on of the languid Italian
roused to activity in this, their land
of hope, by the energy and spirit of
advance encountered in Canada, The
twentieth century belongs to Canada,
and Canada to the twentieth cen-
Where in all the world is a country
so broad, so free, whose prospects are
so glorioue, whose possibilities so awe.
inspirlug. Upon the foundation that
Canada has laid by her honesty, the
quality of her produce and the In-
tegrity of her methods, she may build
a line of trade as far-reaching as it Is
strong. Already Canada's trade Is
increasing and unfolding in every
direction. Her railways from coast
to coast, her inland navigation and
her mighty wheat belt, all point to
Her fisheries, her mines and her
rich agricultural lands ; each • one of
these would form a subject for ex-
haustive discussion, All point to the
eventual leadership of Canada in the
commercial world.
But Canada is not merely a nation
of money -seekers, of graspers of gold.
Science, art, literature are taking a
more and more important part in the
life of the people.
Bell -Smith, Paul .Peel, and G. A.
Reid have made Canadian Art.famous.
And in Literature there are many
Canadian writers whose skilful hand-
ling of Canadian themes savors of the
independent spirit of the Canadian
people. Ralph Connor, Agnes Laut,
Marion Keith and Agnes Deans
Cameron are among the best known
of these. Nor is the edncation of the
rising generation being neglected.
Schools of the most modern
methods and teaching are situated all
over the country, while colleges and
Universities teach the higher branches
of learning.
But with all these advances toward
the material benefit of men, are not
the morale becoming weaker, the
religious tendencies degenerating?
These advances serve to broaden the
minds of Canadians, There is a cer-
tain amount of wickedness, especially
in the great cities, but this is small in
proportion to the population. But
great efforts are being but forth to
correct this tendency, and all over
Canada the great missionary move-
ment has takein such a hold of the
people as to prove the interest that
the people take in furthering the
just cause.
What a great 'responsibility then
rests on Canada ? To down evil and
uphold right. North, South, East,
West, all must stand firm by their
country ; remain loyal to their al-
legiance. With the people of Canada,
then it lies to make or mar its future.
To make Canada all that Providence
has meant her to be, or to make of her
a warning to nations, What nation
has ever had a better chance? With
the example of former nations to
guide her, it will be the fault of the
people, if Canada does not always
stand for all that is best, all that
is noblest.
Then, a plea to young Canada, the
corning generation, who rise with the
century and who will see her triumph
or her shame. "Stand firmly, fight
bravely, and win ; for God and your
Country !"
Dairy Records.
Records of dairy cows are always of
interest, not only to the owner, who is
anxious to increase the yield, but also
to neighboring dairymen, who desire
some standard whereby to check the
production of their cows. In April
the yield of 10 cows near Birnam,
Ont., was 333 pounds of butter fat ;
but from records to hand from the
cow testing association near Bobcay-
geon, Ont„ it is seen that it took 21
cows (more than twice as many) to
produce just as much fat. In a year
or two the man with these poor cows
will probably have got his herd up to
nearly double their present capacity
because he will know for certain
which cows are not worth keeping.
Dairy farmers in all provinces have
done this, some are now getting
nearly three times as much milk and
fat as they used to obtain before they
determined to gather information as
to which poor cows were sheltering
themselvee, coward fashion, behind
either a fah herd average or a heavy
yield from one or two extra .good
cows in the herd ; such, for instance,
as a seven year-old grade Cow near
Woodstock, Ont„ that gave last
month 2,101 pounds• of milk testing
3.3 per cent. of fat, thus giving over
73 pounds of butter fat in one month,
almost double the good average yield
above noted at Birnam,
This Remedy Will Restore It.
If yon have no appetite for meals,
can't work, can't rest and are annoyed
with too frequent urination and a
burning, scalding pain in making pas-
If at night you retire, hoping for
sleep that either does not come, or is
troubled and fit-
ful, you have
,s kidney 3trouble & need Booth's
Kidney Pills,
the guaranteed
remedy for all
tiJ kidney and
bladder trouble..
A few doses of
Booth's Kidney
a- -= -- Pile will wake'
up the sluggish kidneys and regulate.
the urine, Continued treatment will
cure and. beat the weakened kidney,'
and restore the appetite in the natural
way, S'd.l .'veevwhere ilea a box or.
postpaid front The R. T. Booth Co.,
Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont, Free trial tent
on applioatiun,
WE .11AVE !,
Town or Farm properties at prioes
to suit oyerybody'a wishes.
We know values, and when you
Consult ns yon get the advantage of
our long experience in the. Real Es-
tate and Insttranoe business,
Just at the present time we have
some exceptionally nice properties on
our lists at right prices,
' WIngham is a live growing town,
and youwill make no mistake in
buying a home here.
Wo have two or three nice hooses
to rent.
Richie & Cosons
CL a.d res _ CATALOGUE
REDDESTSt: Thomas,4nt; .
Music Emporium
we have the Heintzman, the
Bell, Dominion, Majestic, New-
combe, Milton, Morris, Sher-
lock -Manning, and other makes.
Largo stock to choose from.
we carry the Thomas, Bell, Do-
minion and Sherlock -Manning.
Pianos or Organs to rent.
A. full line of Stringed Instru-
ments. Also Phonographs, and
full supply of Records.
American and Canadian Sew-
ing Machines.
The Place Where Good
Clothes Come From
If you get your clothes from ns,
you are sure to get
made to fit
neatly made
well made
that look well
that wear well
that last well
in latest style
that please
that satisfy
We understand our business
We have the goods
We know the styles
Our charges are right
The Nifty Man's Tailor
R. Maxwell's old stand
Omens -Corner Patrick and Centro streets
Residence, Dr. i+enned7 143
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr. ltonnody specializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to
Diseases of tho Eye, Tear, Nose and Throat.
-Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly
DR. R. 1 M. MacLi AN
Rotor Graduate Toronto university, Depart-
ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royai Col-
lege of Dental Burgeons of Ontario.
At 'Wroxeter over. Tuesday atternoon and
Wednceday jail day -aide in Grand Central
Block. At Fordwie every Friday forenoon
The boat Of the Medan Methods need for the
preservation and restoration of the teeth.
Jas. Walker & Son
Wo arc sene!ally 'Macy -
takers and Embalmers, and those
entreatingtheir work to ns new rote
on it beng well dorm. Night oa11R
raoet+red aro reekletee.
Moo Peons 101 House Photte`all
Kerr & Bird
Monster blearing
Sale For 2 Weeks
Opens Monday, June 26. Closes Saturday, July C.
We take stock in July. Before doing so we wish to reduce our stock Five
Thousand Dollars. We can do it with your help, We'll make the prices
right. You do the rest.
Everything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, 'China=
ware and Glassware, at Sacrifice Prices. All
New, Fashionable, Up=to=date Goods.
This BIG SALE gives you an opportunity such as is seldom offered to the
people of this community, to buy new and seasonable goods at cost and be-
low. Don't allow anything to hinder you from attending this Sale.
Cucie Waists
Casio Brand Silk Waists,
Brand White and Colored
35.00 Waists for $3 49
33.00 Waists for $2.10
31.75 Waists for $1.32
31.25 Waists for 98c
756 Waists for 55c
Black and Colors. Giulio
Waists and Middy Waists,
., $3 50 Waists for 32 48
$2 00 Waists for 31.49
3150 Waists for 31.12
31.00 Waists for 75c
Cucie Brand White and
Black Underskirts
Silk and Regal Taffeta Skirts, Black Sateen and
fine White Skirts with Lace, Insertion or Em-
broidery Trimming. Lucie Brand is a guarantee
of quality. and workmanship.
30 00 Skirts for $4.48 $5 00 Skirts for $3 09
33.00 Skirts for $2 24 $2 50 Skirts for $1.89
32 00 Skirts for $1 53 $1.75 Skirts for $1.29
3150 Skirts for 31.12 31.25 Skirts for 98e,
31.00 Skirts for 75c
Over 100 Pieces of
Dress Goods
Fancy Tweed, Broad Cloth, Mohair, Serge, Voile,.
Henrietta, Lustre, Basket Serge, etc. Some at 25
per cent. and a quantity at Wi per cent. less than
regular prices. What a snap for those who buy
during our Sale.
Summer Dress Goods
Linen Suitings, Chambrays, Galatea, Gingham,
Muslim, Prints, etc.
Regular 30e yd. for 23c Regular 25e yd, for 19c
Regular 20c yd. for 15e Regular 15e yd. for llc
Regular 12ic yd. for 10c Regular 100 yd. for 8c
One Quarter Off
Laces, Insertion, Embroidery, Ribbons, Collars,
Frillings, Handkerchiefs, Gloves Buttons, Belts,
Combe, etc., at 25 per cent. less thud regular
prices for two weeks. The economical, careful
buyer will get busy during this sale.
Big Sale of Corsets
Good. Style, Good Quality, Perfect Fitting.
Long, medium and short. Fur slim or stout wo-
men. During the Sale we offer Corsets at from 20
per cent. to 33 per cent. off regular prices. The
wise buyers will take advantage of this sale.
Chenille and Damask
Curtains & Table Covers
New goods, at 75e on the dollar.
35 00 Curtains for $3 4$
$4 CO Curtains for $298
$200 Curtains for $153
$1,00 Curtains for 75c
$1.50 Curtains for $3 38
$3.00 Curtains for $228
$1 50 Curtains for $1.14
75c Curtains for 55c
Flannelette Blankets
Our stock of Flannelette Blankets ordered for
Fall carne to hand four months too soon. We put
the knife into prices here, too -x•$1,25 Blankets for
$1.00 ; $1.50 Blankets for $1.10 ; $1.85 Blankets
for $1,54. Best quality Blankets on the market.
Pants and Overalls
Men's and Boys' Pants and Overalls; good quality
and workmanship.
$1,25 Overalls for 08e $1.00 Overalls for 75e
85c Overalls for trio
33.00 Pants for $225 $1 75 Pants for $134
$250 Pants ' for $1 90 ' $1 50 Pants for $1 15
$2.00 Pants for 31,49 $120" Pants for 983
Away Below Cost
HATS • AND OAPS. Thiuk of it --
$12 00 Suit for $7 50 I $7 00 fruit for $1 05
36000 suit for $0 00 $0 00 Suit for $3 08
$800 Suit for $5 35 $500 Suit for $3 3
Underwear and hosiery
for Women and Children
For Summer or Fall wear, at 20 to 25 per cent.
less than regular prices.
Ladies' Hand Bags
Some at nearly Half Price, °
Some at less than Half Price.
35.00 Hand Bag for $2 98 $150 Band Bag for 90„
$4 00 Hand Bag for $2 39 $1.00 Hand Bag for 08,3
32 50 Hand Bag for $1.78 75e Hand Bag for 40c'
$2 00 Hand Bag for 31 24 OOc Band Bag for 39c
50c Hand Bag for 34c
About three Dozen Hand Bags, marked to, sell at
$2 00. During the Sale you may have them at
at 85c EACH. They are good Bags, Come and
examine them.
Men's and Boys' Braces, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Sox
and Underwear, also Misses' Summer Hats, Tams,
etc., at One Quarter less than regular prices.
Carpets, Rugs, ' &c.
Carpets, Linoleums, Rugs, Carpet Squares, FIoor
Oilcloth, Mats, Curtain Poles, Window Shades,
etc., all go at 25 per cent. less than the regular
prices. Good time to buy House Furnishings.
Umbrellas and Parasols
$125 and $1.50 Ladies' Umbrellas -for 89c
$1.00 Ladies' Umbrellas -for 08o
Men's $1.25 Umbrellas -for 98c
Men's $1.00 Umbrellas -for 70e
Girls' 75e Parasols -for 490
Girls' 50c Parasols -for 38e
Bargains In the Grocery
Puffed Rice, regular 13c -for 10c
Post Toasties, regular 10c -for 8c
Art Baking Powder, regular 25e lb. -for . 15c
Matches, 8c box -for 60
Bine Ribbon Tea, black or mixed, 25e lb. for
20e ; 40e Ib. for 30c
A quantity of good Shoo Polish, same quality
and size as any 10e box, quality guaranteed
Our special price to clear 5e,
Canned Pear, Quaker Brand, reg. 15e tin-only10e
Canned Peas. Frence, very choice, 15c tin -only -10c
Prunes, choice fruit, reg. 10c Ib., now 8 lbs, for20c
Prunes, choice fruit, reg. 13c 113 , now 2t lbs. for25c
No. 1 White Laundry Starch, big lumps, reg. 100
Ib. -Sale Price, 4 lbs. for 25e
English Orange and Lemon Peel, regular 20c lb. -
Sale Pelee
0. K. or Judd Soap -12 for
Diamond Dyes -4 for .
Extract of Beef, reg. 50c -for
Gallon tin of Apples, reg. 40e -for
.Granulated Sugar at rock bottom prices.
Bargains In Boots and
Women's Boots, Oxfords and Slippers, also Misses'
and Children's Fino Dongola slid, Patent Calf,
Patent Pumps and Oxfords. Men's and Boys'
Heavy Boots, fine Blucher Cut, Dongola Kid,
Patent Calf and Tan Oxfords. New styles, easy
hitting, solid comfort, satisfactory shoes, and they
all go at 25 per cent. less than regular .prices.
This is your opportunity. Buy footwear freely
at such prices.
Chinaware Department
We have a very large stock of Plain and Fancy
Chinaware, Cut Glase, etc., and its all offered at
reduced prices. Dinner and Tea Sete, Toilet Sets
Table Sets, Chocolate Sete, Plates, Clips and
Saucers, ete., new handsome Fancy China. Big
cut in prices for two weeks.
20 to 25 and 50 per cent. Less than
regular prices.
We have not roont to enumerate here.. Come In
and see the goods. Everything marked in plain
One Limoges China Dinner Set, regular price
$82 00 --for onlya Toa .323 00
OneI,imoges ChinSet, regular price
$15 00 -for only . . $0 89
TERMS OP SALI;.wSpot Cash or Farm Produce. (foods w ill not be charged at
Sale Prices, but goods ,.may be charged at regular prices as usual. Premium
Cards will not be punched for goods sold at reduced priors, or for flour, or
for -sugar by til: sat.k. tug lug Sale no goods will be given out on approval.