HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-06-22, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 22, igi I Good Goods I Produce Wanted 50,000 SBS. WOOL WANTED Highest Prices Cash Highest Prices Trade Extra Good Values for the Wool Season in all Kinds General Merchandise, such as— , Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Hosiery and Under Wear, -Yarns, Wool Blankets and Sheeting, Flannelette Blankets and Sheeting, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. Butter and Eggs Wanted. KING Prices Right -•I 0 IWe Want Your Trade 1 C1 .T.�VDf '-.a^.GTI•-•q. .tVVJLctiC.,-3]r:.,..[3 saal4tit• t .”` ..r+J Cm.' -'T«�� v AGL^`Cs.�P.r+R�C�G:M'.Y[ ,GviIR4i6� fig-- ••v Capital Paid Up $ 2,150,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits . 3,150,000 Total Assets . . . . . . . 40,000,000 Call at the office of the Bank of Hamilton and secure a pass -book. This is a simple transaction. Yet it may he the first step toward a competence. You cannot commence to save too early in life—and the place to keep your savings is in a Chartered Bank. Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 and upwards. C. P. SMITH, Agent - ' II GAA! �Cxnr+-•-:-,mar:•rs�. .,�,s •,.u,:er s_;.* t,«e .+ecater Care For The Orchard. Arch. D. (laropbell, the Ontario Agricultural. Department's repreaen- tative at Morrisburg, took charge of five orchards with excellent results last year. From one of these or- chards, It acres, forty-three trees, the owner netted $1OO, the most ever received previously being $175. Au - other orchard of thirty trees harvest- ed S;250 worth of apples, From an. other of throe acres the fruit sold on the trees at $350, while the unsprayed orchards In the district were practi- easily worthless, It certainly pays to give the apple orchards a little care and attention, Drainage Necessary. Drainage is recognized to -day by successful farmers as possessing im- portance at least equal to that of sup- plying fertilizers in the field. The practical farmer considers it good business to borrow money if necessary at six per cent, with which to put down drains upon his farm. Notwith- standing, there are many farms, per- haps the majority of them through- ont the country, which either are not drained at all or else indifferently. The work of the Ontario Agricultural College_ in calling attention to this essential in successful farming is therefore highly to be commended. The campaign for better drainage should be energetically pushed. IT GROWS IIAiR. But Not After The Hair Root Is Dead. W. J. McKibben will tell you that be sells a great many bottles of Parisilin Sago because it gives satis- faction. He guarantees it to eradicate dan- druff, stop falling and splitting hair and itching scalp, or money back. Parisian Sage will make grow if the Bair root ie hot dead ; it puts life and luster into dull and faded hair and is the most delightful hair dressing in the world. Only 50c a large bottle, Parisian Sage is the best hair grow- er and beautifier, dandruff euro and scalp cleaner known. Try it or our money back plan. A Snake Scare. While carting hay, recently, a driver, John Dooking of Cargill, had a remarkable experience with a snake. Dooking wag walking beside his cart, when he suddenly felt a blow on his shoulder. It was caused by a snake, which had fallen nut of the hay. Immediately upon striking the man's shouid'er, the reptile curled around his neck,„hut fortunately did not attempt to bit. him. The man collapsed, and the snake becoming frightened, un- wound itself and disappeared. Not All Butter. The Lucknow Sentinel reports the following : —"Last week a local busi- ness man, who deals in butter and eggs, discovered in a tub of butter, which had come in from the country districts, an old newspaper and part of a stalk of rhubarb. The intention of the donor probably was to feed the mind as well as the body and medi- cate all infirmities out of the pur- chaser. On a provion's occasion (and OAS we are glad to announce, did not happen in Lucknow) the same man purchased a tub of batter, which had previously been sold by a farmer to a country merchant. On running his tester into it, he struck something hard just below the surface, and the mining operations, which he immedi- ately instituted, resulted in the un- covering of a large red brink. Uefu1 as red bricks are, they are obviously too coarse to make good butter coloring." THE WIN(IUAM ADVANCE NO REASON FOR DOUBT, A Statement Of Facts Backed By A Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers trona constipation. In every case where we fail we will supply the medicine free. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef- fective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthener and tonic, They re-establish nature's functions in a quiet, easy way, They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nausea. They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be taken by anyone at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity, Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can- not too highly recommend them to all snfferers from any form of con- stipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, 10c and 25c. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store— Tho Rexall Store, W, McKibben. John Tolmie For The Senate. It is reported in Liberal circles that Jopn Tolmie, ALM., of Kincardine, will not be the standard bearer again" in North Bruce, it being understood that he is to be given a seat in the Senate. According to this report, 0. M. Bowman, M.F.P., of Southamp- ton, will take a try for the Commons, and a possible candidate for the Legis- lature may be brought out in the per- son of Dr. Hough or Reeve G. Kast- ner, of W'Viarton. Edison's Storage Battery. Edison's latest invention is a storage battery. This battery is so small that it can be placed in a suit case. It is light, portable and can be charged quickly. According to Edison's .ex- planation before the National Elec- tric Light Association recently in New York, Mr. Edison .> rays that the battery, if charged for ten min- utes, will store up enough energy to rim .a delivery waggon fifty miles, and that the cost of electricity for a whole day's delivery will not be more than twenty-five cents. To Visit Canada. King George will tour Canada be- fore the end of the year for he is to arrive in Bombay on December 2, and make his state entry into Delhi on December 7. Ho is to be crowned on December 12, Plans have been made to enable one hundred thousand per- sons to see the ceremony. The King is to reach Calcutta on December 30. If the reciprocity deadlock mater- ializes, the parties will probably en- deavor to have the general elections over before the coining of His Ma- jesty, A Promising Outlook. The crop outlook throughout Can- ada is decidedly encouraging. Al- though hay will be light in many parts of Ontario, any loss which occurs in this respect promises to be fully off- set by the wide planting of corn, and favorable prospects for the latter crop. Spring grains have come on remarkably well, Althongh it was very dry for some time after seeding, conditions have been much more favorable since then. Practically all of Ontario seems to have had a fair rain fall during the last two weeks. In the West, too, the prospects are ex- ceedingly encouraging, Grain went into the ground under the most favor- able circumstances, and tho weather since then as to rain fall, etc., seems to have been about all that could be desired, Lucknow, Lneknow has an all-night telephone service now. It hes been in operation since the beginning of the month. The annual rummer meeting -of the Women's Institute, which was held on the lawn of Mrs, John ,Button's Dome on Judo 7th, was one of the most suc- cessful meetings yet held by this branch of the Society. According to Lucicnow'e assessment roll, the population of the village has decreased to the extent of 20 during the past year, Total assessment $332,225, with a fixed assessment on the Lnckuow Furn. Co, plant of $2500. There are now 3t rural telephones connecting with Lucknow central. Four years ago there was none. Four years from now there 'will probably be three hundred, extending in every direction through the surrounding townships. Fifteen hundred feet of cable, in- tended to replace the cross arms and the net work of wires on the street telephone poles, arrived at the Bell Telephone central here on Monday. Workman will be here in a couple of weeks to put it into place. The trial of T. Garnet • Armstrong, which was to have taken place in Goderich this week, has been again postponed owing, as before, to the absence of certain witnesses, "It is clear," says a paragraph in the London Free Press, "that no blame attaches to the accused for the regretable mis- take which caused the death of Mar- garet Murray." T H E Glorious Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen'- on J my the 12th, 1911, at KINCARDINE Spend the day by the lake. Goocl Speeches will be de- livered. A Fine Program of Water Sports being arranged. . Accommodation for eVeryone is being provided. WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS J. J. Hunter W. S. Anderson W. M. SEC'Y. Mrs. M. Barrett, two Moreau St., Montreal, says: "A horrid rash came out all over my baby's face and spread until it had totally covered his scalp.. It was irritating and painful, and caused the little one hours of suffering, We tried soaps and powders and salves, but be got no better. tie refused his food, got quite thin and worn, and was reduced to a very serious condition, I was advised to try Zara-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful how it seemed to cool and ease the child's burning, painful skin, Zam-Buk from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples and sores and the irritation grew less and less. Within a few weeks my baby's skin was healed completely. He bas now not a trace of rash, or eruption, or eczema, or burning sore. Not only so, but cured of the tor- menting skin trouble, he has improved in general health." Zam•Buk is sold at all stores and medicine veil. dors, soc. a box, or post free from Zam•Buk Co„ Toronto, for price, 6boxes for $o•sa A certain cure for all skin diseases, cuts, burns, etc., and for piles. NEW SHOP Opened on John St. (OPP. DR. TAMLYN'S) On road to the 0. P. Ry. Just received, carload of Tndhope and MoLaohlan Buggies, ranging in price from $66.00 to $140.00. Also half a oar of Corn King Manure Spreaders. Any person think- ing • of getting a Manure Spreader should see me before buying. All kinds of Farm Implements, Toronto Wind Mills, Oockshutt Plows and Melotte Cream Separators, always on hand. Also a full line of Repairs always in stock. Any person wanting anything in any of the above lines should see me as I can sell them the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Thanking yon for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same. I am, Yours Truly, J.: 3. FRYFOOLE WINUHAM, ONT. PHONE 109 P. 0. BOX 13 •..•1,•,.•.:N•N•..•. ••.:•..+..•N•. ••1 ••.:•:+:.:. •+.:•.+•..s .•• f•„•.,•H•.:•-•N+..•,:. ••N•,.•,:, •+.:• ••,.�N•,:•,•.,•+ WHAT IS YOUR DINING •_. 'S• ._. ••. ._. •;. ROOM SUITE LIKE? ._. Call and look through some Spites that you never before in Golden or Weathered Oak Finish. •i• The newest and best. ._. saw •2� •_� o• WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE YOU PAY LESS HERE Men's and Young Men's Suits Selected from lines that sell regularly up to $1G 50. Blue and Black Set ges, fancy Cheviots and Worsteds ; sized to At men of all builds ; a deeided cut price X9.- item for 'Saturday, selling ab Stylish Shirts Negligee dyke with cuffs attached, good quality shirting materials iunp-to-date patterns, stripe tfit:ets and th light and dark shades, reg. 75c to $1,00 -for . Men's Suspenders, strongly )natle, 50e Suspenders of in, fine elastic webbing, mohair ends, full siz. i OC mO Menti Sox, 250, plaits black and black white feet rI_ Sox r $p°cial 1 .. . . 0 ,. Highs fit prices paid for farmer's produce. ".1: 1111:1 .i.1. ;” .I G•AI ' STOR I+1 own 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 car y s JUNI3BARGAINS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 BLINDS — A lot of Linen Laces ; reg. 10c—Sale. tic Blinds, complete with rol- 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111IIIi111111111111111111111IIIII1IIIIIII ler—Sale Price 250 Corset Cover Embroidery ; RUGS -Large stack of Rugs— reg. 50e to 05c—Sale. 40e i_ HOSE—Cashmere, seamless; all sizes. 20 per cent, off all sizes O, Os, 10 ; regular 35e regular prises, value—Sale. Price 25c CURTAINS—Lace Curtains, all RIBBONS --- Special line of new patterns ; to reduce stock very wide Ribbon — 2 yds. per Gent. off reg. prices. �'-"�. for 25e WASH SUITS—Boys' Fancy PARASOLS — All kinds Sum- "Listen, Bud "Madam, reds: mer Parasols to clear at 20 per cent, off, Rose." hands are the; VESTS —10 dozen Ladies' Vests, no sleeve and short clear ......... .... . .....$1,50 sleeve—Salo Price ... ... , , ....10c .....10c GOWNS — Ladies' Cambric j, . r, "�� ► ' r •- y Night Gowns, nicely trim - SUPPORTERS — Children's med—Sale 75c first " For "hygienic to nearly touch your own white FIVE one mile automatic ROSES. it travels through processes --more UNDERSKIRTS --One doz, White Cambric 'Under- Under- GLOVES— GLOVES— Long Gloves "` - % -, i,_- lYl "i v " ` r - -Y--'' 0 ;♦� for Ladies, with lace top, $1,25 value for .... .....$1.00 Black or White ; regular "and "Till "clean more in new a spotless. clear creamystream packages, filled it flows into. full -weight by Persian Lawn Waists ; reg. SLIPPERS — 2 dozen Child- value 51,75—Sale $1,20" reu's tan or black Slippers ; good stock—Sale Price,. , ,25c LINEN SKIRTS—Linen Top Skirts --- nicely made — to PRINTS — A large stock of Crum's English Prints in clear at 51,50 new patterns and color- DRESSES— Children's White • Ings ; best washing Prints made ; regular 15c value— Muslin Dresses—Sale.. , . 51,00 y f ; I.� r Sale Price 12c DRAWERS — Ladies' Fine BOOTS AND SHOES—This de- partmont is full of all kinds infallible a of Bargains. The very latest machinery—sewedautomatically. styles, We can save you Fine Cambric Corset Covs 1 ii ers—nicely trimmed with I ., ..6 , ,., '' ' - -il. - "" � � 1`� � ; 4 nes hid ',tots ^' r r r , r , Men or Boys —and want to save money — this is the place to Goodness Bud "Hand.proofy " bit those "healthy, " Unbleached, "Nobody Imagine reads of piano such machinery touches 1" said round eagerly : germyproof. is bright keys of yours. flour, wholesome, too." my flour—but parity—gat FIVE -eyed Rose. Every -littlest! -- polished Mel FIVE ROSES ie j atone •lfike it.l me" said Rose. ROSES. y1 j enetto Coats, &c„ will be sold at Ont Prices. No room to quote prices. Call in, will be pleased to show you the goods. .. , oma -„_..ems__. ® e Isard&Co.... OP"' 11111111110111111111111111111 111 i IIIIIIIiiIIIIIIiIIiiIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIiIIlIiItiI , i hlllll' 1111111111111111111111I11111111 IiIIIIIIII nil olllllll IIIIIIII'n.,'/ 11111111111111111111111101111111111111111 IIIIiIImI I i IIIII IIhIIIIII) 93,0-11,, 1 101II(iul,,l��i , u, t, {Ts" .u,,-, II Iillllllll1IIII IIII{il iIIIII{IIII l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi IISIUI III{IIIII IIIIIII{til i' 111111I1 ,1, 111II� Ii,i 1II I1,11111111 I Ii ..... 11 1i III1 &AKD 0. I 1I li I INI ., Ii 001 IIII G1IAt100 •I III111IIIiIII11 40 MI V L,.. ft 11111111111 • Y.0Wtne AI ,II II►IIIIIIIII111!(IIIII1 1 II III 1111I1 1 Lucknow, Lneknow has an all-night telephone service now. It hes been in operation since the beginning of the month. The annual rummer meeting -of the Women's Institute, which was held on the lawn of Mrs, John ,Button's Dome on Judo 7th, was one of the most suc- cessful meetings yet held by this branch of the Society. According to Lucicnow'e assessment roll, the population of the village has decreased to the extent of 20 during the past year, Total assessment $332,225, with a fixed assessment on the Lnckuow Furn. Co, plant of $2500. There are now 3t rural telephones connecting with Lucknow central. Four years ago there was none. Four years from now there 'will probably be three hundred, extending in every direction through the surrounding townships. Fifteen hundred feet of cable, in- tended to replace the cross arms and the net work of wires on the street telephone poles, arrived at the Bell Telephone central here on Monday. Workman will be here in a couple of weeks to put it into place. The trial of T. Garnet • Armstrong, which was to have taken place in Goderich this week, has been again postponed owing, as before, to the absence of certain witnesses, "It is clear," says a paragraph in the London Free Press, "that no blame attaches to the accused for the regretable mis- take which caused the death of Mar- garet Murray." T H E Glorious Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen'- on J my the 12th, 1911, at KINCARDINE Spend the day by the lake. Goocl Speeches will be de- livered. A Fine Program of Water Sports being arranged. . Accommodation for eVeryone is being provided. WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS J. J. Hunter W. S. Anderson W. M. SEC'Y. Mrs. M. Barrett, two Moreau St., Montreal, says: "A horrid rash came out all over my baby's face and spread until it had totally covered his scalp.. It was irritating and painful, and caused the little one hours of suffering, We tried soaps and powders and salves, but be got no better. tie refused his food, got quite thin and worn, and was reduced to a very serious condition, I was advised to try Zara-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful how it seemed to cool and ease the child's burning, painful skin, Zam-Buk from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples and sores and the irritation grew less and less. Within a few weeks my baby's skin was healed completely. He bas now not a trace of rash, or eruption, or eczema, or burning sore. Not only so, but cured of the tor- menting skin trouble, he has improved in general health." Zam•Buk is sold at all stores and medicine veil. dors, soc. a box, or post free from Zam•Buk Co„ Toronto, for price, 6boxes for $o•sa A certain cure for all skin diseases, cuts, burns, etc., and for piles. NEW SHOP Opened on John St. (OPP. DR. TAMLYN'S) On road to the 0. P. Ry. Just received, carload of Tndhope and MoLaohlan Buggies, ranging in price from $66.00 to $140.00. Also half a oar of Corn King Manure Spreaders. Any person think- ing • of getting a Manure Spreader should see me before buying. All kinds of Farm Implements, Toronto Wind Mills, Oockshutt Plows and Melotte Cream Separators, always on hand. Also a full line of Repairs always in stock. Any person wanting anything in any of the above lines should see me as I can sell them the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Thanking yon for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same. I am, Yours Truly, J.: 3. FRYFOOLE WINUHAM, ONT. PHONE 109 P. 0. BOX 13 •..•1,•,.•.:N•N•..•. ••.:•..+..•N•. ••1 ••.:•:+:.:. •+.:•.+•..s .•• f•„•.,•H•.:•-•N+..•,:. ••N•,.•,:, •+.:• ••,.�N•,:•,•.,•+ WHAT IS YOUR DINING •_. 'S• ._. ••. ._. •;. ROOM SUITE LIKE? ._. Call and look through some Spites that you never before in Golden or Weathered Oak Finish. •i• The newest and best. ._. saw •2� •_� o• WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE YOU PAY LESS HERE Men's and Young Men's Suits Selected from lines that sell regularly up to $1G 50. Blue and Black Set ges, fancy Cheviots and Worsteds ; sized to At men of all builds ; a deeided cut price X9.- item for 'Saturday, selling ab Stylish Shirts Negligee dyke with cuffs attached, good quality shirting materials iunp-to-date patterns, stripe tfit:ets and th light and dark shades, reg. 75c to $1,00 -for . Men's Suspenders, strongly )natle, 50e Suspenders of in, fine elastic webbing, mohair ends, full siz. i OC mO Menti Sox, 250, plaits black and black white feet rI_ Sox r $p°cial 1 .. . . 0 ,. Highs fit prices paid for farmer's produce. ".1: 1111:1 .i.1. ;” .I G•AI ' STOR I+1 own o Wool Wanted! CASH or TRADE Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the best Blankets, Sheeting and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not made from clipping, and will give the best satisfaction. Carpets, • Rugs and Matting Nairn's Scotch Linoleums in a variety of patterns ; best stock in town. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most 'up-to-date Suits that can be obtained, which we have harked very low, considering the quality. Boys' Suits, very nobby, double seat and knee. Men's Working Clothes Men's Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Overalls and Pants. We handle the Leather Label Overalls and Smocks --fully guaranteed. Shoes of all kinds. Summer Wear Anderson's Zephers, Muslins, Foulards. and every- thing for the 'hot weather, Men's Cotton Socks. Ladies' and Children's Hose, we handle the famous Wear Well Brand, &c,, No. It Granulated Sugar, $.1..5 per cwt., which is less than wholesale price today. One hundred sacks to sell at that price. We must make room for another car to arrive in July. All kinds Produce wanted—Highest Prices Bnid. Phone 89. Mills WINGHAM 6 own o -keen car y s JUNI3BARGAINS . ._..........__ .__.A Sale To Reduce Stock .-, Not To Make Money LACES — 30 pieces Torchon BLINDS — A lot of Linen Laces ; reg. 10c—Sale. tic Blinds, complete with rol- EMBROIDERY—O pieces of ler—Sale Price 250 Corset Cover Embroidery ; RUGS -Large stack of Rugs— reg. 50e to 05c—Sale. 40e Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton ; HOSE—Cashmere, seamless; all sizes. 20 per cent, off all sizes O, Os, 10 ; regular 35e regular prises, value—Sale. Price 25c CURTAINS—Lace Curtains, all RIBBONS --- Special line of new patterns ; to reduce stock very wide Ribbon — 2 yds. per Gent. off reg. prices. for 25e WASH SUITS—Boys' Fancy PARASOLS — All kinds Sum- Sailor Wash Suits 75c mer Parasols to clear at 20 per cent, off, SKIRTS—A line of White Wash Top Skirts — to VESTS —10 dozen Ladies' Vests, no sleeve and short clear ......... .... . .....$1,50 sleeve—Salo Price ... ... , , ....10c .....10c GOWNS — Ladies' Cambric Night Gowns, nicely trim - SUPPORTERS — Children's med—Sale 75c Hose Supporters, all sizes —to clear 100 UNDERSKIRTS --One doz, White Cambric 'Under- Under- GLOVES— GLOVES— Long Gloves skirts with deep flounce— for Ladies, with lace top, $1,25 value for .... .....$1.00 Black or White ; regular $1.00—Sale 75c WAISTS—Ladies' sizes, Fine Persian Lawn Waists ; reg. SLIPPERS — 2 dozen Child- value 51,75—Sale $1,20" reu's tan or black Slippers ; good stock—Sale Price,. , ,25c LINEN SKIRTS—Linen Top Skirts --- nicely made — to PRINTS — A large stock of Crum's English Prints in clear at 51,50 new patterns and color- DRESSES— Children's White • Ings ; best washing Prints made ; regular 15c value— Muslin Dresses—Sale.. , . 51,00 Sale Price 12c DRAWERS — Ladies' Fine BOOTS AND SHOES—This de- partmont is full of all kinds • i e .. Drawers -Sale price ...... , .. 25c pr of Bargains. The very latest CORSET COVERS — 5 doz. styles, We can save you Fine Cambric Corset Covs money on your Footwear, ers—nicely trimmed with Try us, Lace—Sale price 25e Clothing Department. If its anything in Reacly-to-wear' Clothing you want for , Men or Boys —and want to save money — this is the place to buy. Our stock at present is too heavy, and we are going to , reduce it. Prices will do it, For 3 weeks, Men's Snits, Boys' ' Suits, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants, Men's Rain Coats, Men's Oruv- enetto Coats, &c„ will be sold at Ont Prices. No room to quote prices. Call in, will be pleased to show you the goods. .. , oma -„_..ems__. ® e Isard&Co.... Wool Wanted! CASH or TRADE Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the best Blankets, Sheeting and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not made from clipping, and will give the best satisfaction. Carpets, • Rugs and Matting Nairn's Scotch Linoleums in a variety of patterns ; best stock in town. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most 'up-to-date Suits that can be obtained, which we have harked very low, considering the quality. Boys' Suits, very nobby, double seat and knee. Men's Working Clothes Men's Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Overalls and Pants. We handle the Leather Label Overalls and Smocks --fully guaranteed. Shoes of all kinds. Summer Wear Anderson's Zephers, Muslins, Foulards. and every- thing for the 'hot weather, Men's Cotton Socks. Ladies' and Children's Hose, we handle the famous Wear Well Brand, &c,, No. It Granulated Sugar, $.1..5 per cwt., which is less than wholesale price today. One hundred sacks to sell at that price. We must make room for another car to arrive in July. All kinds Produce wanted—Highest Prices Bnid. Phone 89. Mills WINGHAM 6