HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-06-22, Page 4THE JUNE SALE NEWS ♦N1f/!tP!!!!!40lN!!!!4llflQ 0lp0!!!+1!!!!!!!!!'NN!!O!!O!!!!!!!0!!*!!►!0!!!!! Our June Sale is moving along at a pace hard to keep up with. In fact, it's the most satisfactory Sale in the history of the store. There are, how, ever, a few lines left, and in order to make a clean sweep, we've put the knife in still deeper.. 41.,04444.4,:4400404404.40440.00044~4e41444444444l40!!4 4014l4.44444444l44N04 This Is The Best Chance Vou'II Ever Have To Buy A Suit At A Saving Worth While 6 only. Men's Tweed Suits, fancy stripes in greens and browns, suitable for all the year round wear. Regular $7.50 -cut down to $5.00 11 only Men's Tweed Suits, nice fancy greys suit- able for summer wear,also dark green and "seal brown stripes, good general purpose Suits. Regular $8.50 --cut down to $5.50 only Men's Tweed Suits, splendid wear qualities in grey, green and brown mixtures. Regular $10.00 -=--cut down to $6.50 only Men's Tweed Suits in worsted finish, browns and greens in fancy stripes ; the wear guar- anteed. Regular $12.50 -cut down to $8.50 only Men's Suits in Tweeds and Worsteds, in brown and light and dark greys, fancy stripes, splendid patterns. Reg. $15 ---cut down to.... $10,75 12 only Men's Suits, of 20th Century . make; the name indicates the quality. These are fancy worsteds in all the latest shades. Regular $19.00 --cut down to $14,75 �3 only 20th Century Suits, fancy worsteds made up off new models. Reg. $22 ---cut to $15,50 Similar reductions on Youths' Suits, Boys' two and three piece Suits, Men's Odd Trousers, Boys' Knickers • If you have not already bought, buy at this store and do it now. McGee Sc Campbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS IN G . ►. TADS ON BUTTER A Cornea:leen o t These as They Would Work Out Under Reclproeityy The f311awing comparison of tar - Mb an butter, if reciprocity becomes law, shows that Canada gives free entrance to all her competitors, but must pay duty to all of them, except the Uuittd States, if she wishes to. send butter back to them. Canada --Free from favored nations. and British possessions, including Denmark, Russia, Australia, Sweden, New Zealand, Argentine Republic, Norway and United States; otherwise 4 cents per lb. ., Australia ---0 cents per lb, New Zealand --General tariff 30 per cent. ad valorem, British preferential tariff, 20 per cent, ad valorem, (Canada is entitled to the ILP, tariff). Demerit •-- In hermetically- sealed vessels, 4% petite per ib.; otherwise free, Argentine Republic -4 2-6 cents per Ib. United States -From Canada free; otherwise 0 cents per lb. Sweden -2 2.5 cents per lb. Norway--Minitnum tariff, 1 4.6 cents pb Ruer lb. Maximum tariff, 3 cents peassia---1 7-100 cents per lb, Canada's export trade in butter ie not so great at the present time that her farmers can afford to imperil thea: dairy inndu$try by a tariff schemer that would, in all probability, mako. the country's. imports in this artielo greater than her exports. In the year ending 110 Canada shipped oply 4,616,380 pounds of butter, worth $1,010,274. Canada's imports of • but, ter on the other hand, amounted to 687,454' pounds, worth $104,301. Tiff CANADIAN RN Lessons from the Statistics of the Country's Trade In Eggs The expansion of Canada's home market can be measured in no better way than by the statistics relating td the country's trade in eggs. Thq enormous increase In the Canadiahl consumptive demand's during the past ten years have been due largely to the development of industrial centres, The history and present Condition o$ the egg industry in Canada can best be shown by the following statements of exports and imports in the years 1902 and 1911. Imports Imported into Canada for home con, gumption in 1902 with values, United States Other countries Quantity, Dozen. Value. 762,802 $162,795 9,770 662 Total 772,672 $169,467 Since 1902 Canada has taken eggs from Hong Kong and Great Britain, both of which would have equal privi- leges with the United States under the reciprocity agreement. The imports of eggs in the fiscal year 1911 for home consumption were:- United States , , . , Great Britain ..., Hong Kong Other countries ., Quantity, Dozen. Value. 2,212,727 $417,907 12,040 2,128 62,012 4,200 91,861 14,883 Total 2,378,640 $439,086 Exports The following statement of Cana- da's exports of eggs shows conclusive• ly that it is the home demand for this commodity that determines its price. For fiscal year 1002:- Great Britain ..,. United States ., Other countries .. Total Fiscal year 1911: Great Britain .. , 'United States .. Other countries Quantity, Dozen. Value. 11,353,823 $1,691,024 237,436 35;764 43,848 6,454 11,635,108 51,733,242 Quantity, Dozen. Value. 7,087 $2,428 24,688 8,927 60,409 16,321 Total 92,164 524,676 Whereas in 1902, when millions of dozens were shipped to Britain and Canada's markets were directly de- pendent on that export trade, to -day this country imports more eggs from Britain than slip exports there, show - Ing that in a dScade the positions of the Mother Land and the colony have been reversed, so far as eggs are con- cerned. CANADIAN PULPWOOD American Publishers are Counting on Getting Raw Material from Canada Eastern Canada's ' illimitable pulp- wood resources have been for many years a golden prize to be gained by the keen -eyed American. The Reci- procity Agreement has raised the Impels of the American paper manu- facturers, and lately at Woolrington, Mr. John Norris, chairman of the American Newspaper Publishers" As- sociation, has been endeavoring to strengthen his cause with the Finance Committee. A dispatch from, Wash- ington telling of Mr. Norris's visit said:-- "The opponents of Reciprocity in Canada have few more satisfactory witnessed than Mr. John Not'ris, Chairman of the American Newsphper Publisherp' Association. lie has just been telling the Finance Committee of the American Senate that he wants the pulp, and paper clause in the Taft agreement left entirely alone, Sena- tor Smoot intervened with the ques- don:--- • "'Yott take the position that the Canadian manufacturers should make the paper for this country?' "'Not at all, declared Mr. Norris, 'The pulp will be made there and con- verted into paper here.' "Later he added -'We have been very broad in this matter, We want the paper we use to be made in the United States, and have been working to secure a supply of raw material front Canadai' "To comment on that would be to 'paint the lily.' Must Wait Longer. Owing to changes in the Depart- ment of Education regulations, by which the reports of entrance boards trust first receive confirmation before they ate allowed to be published candidates at the entrance exan5. inatlone rvill be obliged to wait Borne - What longer before learbingthe result, M ADVANCE WE HAVE IT JUST WHAT YOU WANT Town or Farm properties at prices to snit everybody's wishes, We know values, and when you consult us you get the advantage of our long experience in the Real Es - tato and Insurance business. Just at the present time we have some exceptionally nice properties on our lists at right prices. Wingham is a live growing town, and you. will make no mistake in baying a home here. We have two or throe nice houses to rent. Ritchie & Coseos REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE • D. BELL'S Music Emporium Our r0oins were never better stocked than at present, and we invite you to call. Pianos We have the best makes in stack, Elegant in appearance, melodious in tone. ``Players" Yore should see and Bear this line to appreciate them. Organs In these we, are sure to please. At prices to suit. Sewing Machines By the carload. See the new White machine with all the latest improvements. See our stock of Violins, Phono- g r a p h s, Records, Aecordeons, Washing Machines, Wringers, &c. PRICES REASONABLE BEIM*. D. BELL The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU If you get your clothes from us, you are sure to get Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Olothea Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes made to At neatly made well made that look well that wear well that last well in latest style that please that satisfy We understand our business We havo the goods We know the styles Our charges are right 0 Vievvrtmg The Nifty I+ian's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand DRS. KEREEDY & CALDER Germs -Corner Patrick and Centro streets telexes - Oakes Residence, Dr. Hennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. XCennedv specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Qlaesos properly fitted. DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON GORRii, ON1. Honor Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment 02 Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. X16 Wroxeter evsry Tuesday, afternoon and Wednesday fall day) --office in Grand Central Block. At ordwie every Friday forenoon The best of the -modern methods -used for the preservation and restoration et the teeth, Jas. Waiker & Son WINtlNA1N UNDERTAKERS S We aro specialty gaeli:lod tinder - takers and Embalmers, sad those entrusting their work le us may rely on it being well done, Night Delis reoelved at roadouos. OMoe Phone ,100 Soiree Phone i8b THIURSDAY, JUNE 226 19X1 THE PROFIT SNAPINCx STORE Kerr& Bird Monster Sale or Wingham leaning Weeks Opens Monday, June 26, Closes Saturday, July 8. We take stock in July. Before doing so we wish to reduce our stock Five Thousand, Dollars. We can do it with your help. We'll make the prices fight. You do the rest, Everything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Ec Shoes, China= ware and Glassware, at Sacrifice Prices. All New, Fashionable, Up=to=date Goods. This BIG SALE gives you an opportunity such as is seldom offered to the people of this community, to buy new and seasonable goods at cost and be- low. Don't allow anything to hinder you from attending this Sale. Cucie Waists Lucie Brand Silk Waists, Brand White and Colored $5 00 Waists for $3 40 $8,00 Waists for' $2.19 $L75 Waists for $1 32 $1.25 Waists for 08c 750 Waists for 55c Black and Colors. Cucie Waists and Middy Waists, $3 50 Waists for $2 48 $2 00 Waists for $1 49 $1 50 Waists for $1,12 $1,00 Waists for 75c Underwear and Hosiery for Women and Children For Summer or Fall wear, at 20 to 25 per cent. less than regular prices. • Cucie Brand White and Black Underskirts Silk and Regal Taffeta Skirts, Black Sateen and fine White Skirts with Lace, Insertion or Em- broidery Trimming. Cncie Brand is n guarantee of quality and workmanship, $6 00 Skirts for $448 $5 00 Skirts for 23 69 $3.00 Skirts for $2 21 5250 Skirts for $1 89 $2 00 Skirts for $153 $1 75 Skirts for $1.29 $150 Skirts for $1.12 $1.25 Skirts for 98c $1.00 Skirts for 75c Over 100 Pieces of Dress Goods Fancy Tweed, Broad Cloth, Mohair, Serge, Voile, Henrietta, Lustre, Basket Serge, etc. Some at 25 per cent, and a quantity at 33:e, per cent, less than regular prices. What a snap for those who buy during our Sale, Summer Dress ,Goods Linen Suitings, Chambray's, Galatea, Gingham, Muslins, Prints, etc. Regular 80c yd. for 23c Regular 25c yd. for 19e Regular 20c yd. for 15e Regular 15e yd, for 110 Regular 12ic yd. for 10c Regular 100 yd. for 8c One Quarter Off Laces, Insertion, Embroidery, Ribbons, Collars, Friliings, handkerchiefs, Gloves Buttons, Belts, Combs, etc., at 25 per cent. loss than regular prices for two weeks. ' The economical, careful buyer will get busy during this sale. Big Sale of Corsets Good Style, Good Quality, Perfect Fitting. Long,, medium and short. For slim or stout wo- men. During the Sale We offer Corsets at from 20 per cent. to 83;t, per cent, orf regular prices. The wise buyers will take advantage of this sale. Chenille and Damask Curtains & Table Covers New goods, at $5 00 Curtains for $3 48 8400 Curtains for $2 08 $200 Curtains for $1 53 $1 00 Curtains for 75c 75c on the dollar, $1.50 Curtains for $3 38 $3 00 Curtains for $2 28 $1. 50 Curtains for $L14 75c Curtains for 55a Flannelette Blankets Our stock of Flannelette Blankets ordered for Fall came to hand four months too Foon. We put the- knife iota prices here, too --$1 25 Blankets for $1.00 ; $1,50 Blankets for $1,19 ; $1 85 l3lankets for $1.54. Best quality Blankets on the market. Pants and Overalls Men's and Boys' Pants and Overalls; good quality and workmanship. $1 25 Overalls for 98a $1.00 Overalls for 750 $5c Overails for 01e $3.00 Pants for $2 25 $1 75 Plants for $1 31 $2 50 Pants for $100 $150 Pants for $115 $2.00 Pants for $140 $1.25 Pants for 03:: Away Below Cost 1111EN'S AND l3tWS' READY-TO-WEAR R SUITS, HATS ANO CAMS, Think of it - $12 00 t-$12.00 Suit for $7 50 $7.00 Suit fox` $1 05 $000 Suit for $600 81300 Salt for $393 $8 00 Suit for $5 35 $5 01) Suit for $3 35 Ladies' Hand Bags Some at nearly Half. Price. Some at less than Half Price. $5 00 Hand Ba,g for $2 98 $1 50 Hand Bag for 990 $4 00 Hand Bag for $2 39 $1.00 Hand Bag for 080 $2 50 Hand Bag for $1.78 75c Hand Bag for 490 $2.00 Hand Bag for $1.21 • 600 Hand Bag for 30c 500 Hand Bag for 34c Abort three Dozen Hand Bags, marked to sell at $2 00. Daring the Sala you rimy have them at at 85c EACH, They are good Bags. Come and examine them. Men's and Boys' Braces, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Sc x and Underwear, also Misses' Summer Flats, Taros, etc., at One Quarter Iess than regular prices. Carpets, Rugs, &c. Carpets, T inoleums, Rugs, Carpet Sgiiares, FIoor Oilcloth, Mats, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, etc., all go at 25 per cent, less than the regular prices. Good time to buy House Furnishings. Umbrellas and Parasols $1 25 and $1 50 Ladies' Umbrellas -for 800 $1.00 Ladies' Umbrellas -for 08c Men's $1.25 Umbrellas -for 98c Men's $1.00 Umbrellas -for 700 Girls' 75; Parasols -for 49e Girls' 50c Parasols -for 380 Bargains In the Grocery Department Puffed Rice, regular I3c-for 10c Post Toasties, regular 10c -for. Sc Art Baking Powder, regular 25c lb. -for. , .... ,15a Matches, 8c box -for 5c Biro Ribbon Tea, black or mixed, 25c lb. for 20e ; 90a Ib. for, ; 30c A quantity of good Shoe Polish, same quality rand size as any 10e box, (plenty guaranteed Our special price to clear 5c Canned Peas, Quaker Brand, reg. 15c tin-only1Oc Canned Peas, Prence, very choice, 15c tin-only10c Prunee, choice fruit, reg. 10c 1b,, now 3 lbs. for20c Prunes, choice fruit, reg. 13c Ib , now 21 lbs, for25c No. 1 White Laundry Starch, big lumps, reg, 10c lb. -Sale Price, 4 lbs. for 25e English Orange and Lemon Peel, regular 20e 1b. - Sale Prion 1.20. 0. R. or Jnd.d Soap -12 for 25c Diamond Dyes -4 for 255c Extract of Beef, reg. 50c -for ,.,40e Gallon tin of Apples, reg. 40o --for 35c Granulated Sugar at rock bottom prices. Bargains In Boots and Shoes Women's Boots, Oxfords and Slippers, also Misses' and Children's Pine Dongola Kid, Patent Calf, Patent Pumps and Oxfords, Mena and Boys' Heavy 13onts, Fine Blucher Cut, Doegola Patent C.:lf and Tan Oxfords, New styles, easy fitting, solid comfort, satisfactory shoes, and they all go at 25 per cent, less than regular prices. This is your opportilnity. Buy footwear freely at such prices. Chinaware Department We have a very large stock of Plain and Fancy Ohinawaro, Cut t -lass, etc., and its all offered at reduced prices. Dinner and Tea Sots, Toilet Sets, Table Sets, Chocolate Seta, Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc, new handsome Fancy China. Big cut in prices for two weeks. 20 to 2$ and 50 per cent. less thatx regular prices. We have not room to enumerate here. Come in and see the goods. Everything marked in plain Agaves, Oro Limoges China Dinner Sot, regular price One Z Limoges China Tea 8- t, regular price $15 $15 00 ---for only. $0 SO TERMS OP SALE.'•'Spot Cash or r"rlrin Produce. Goods will not be charged at Sale Prices, but goods may be charged at regular prices as usual. Premium Cards will not be punched' for goods sold at reduced prices, or for flour, or for sugar by the sack. During wale no goods will be given out on approval.