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The Wingham Advance, 1911-06-15, Page 5
THURSDAY, JUNE x5, 19 l THE IWINGIITAM ADVANCE $3,600 in Cash Prizes for Farmers Your Photograph May Win a Prize AMONG the prizes we are offering in our big Prize Contest is one of $100.00 (Prize "C") for the farmer in each Province who fur- nishes us with a photograph showing the best of any particular kind of work done on his farm during 1911 with "CANADA" Cement. For this 1 prize, work of every description is included. Now just as soon as you finish that new silo, barn, feeding floor or dairy, that you've been thinking of ,building, why not photograph it and send ti- a picture to us? The photograph doesn't necessarily have to be taken by a professional or an expert. In fact, your son's or your daugh- ter's camera will •do nicely.' Or, failing this, you might use r - the ° In any event, don't h etrthe idea's son of having a photograph made deter you from entering the competition. Par- ticularly as we have requested your local dealer to help in cases where it is not conveni- ent for the Farmer to pro- cure a camera in the neighborhood. 13y this means you are placed op an equal foot- ing with every other contestant. Get the circular, which gives you full particulars of the conditions and of the other three prizes, Every dealer who sells "CANADA" Cement will have on hand a supply of these circulars ---and he'll give you one if you just ask for it. Or if you prefer, you can use the attached coupon—or a .postcard will do—send it to us and you'll receive the complete details of the contest by return mail. If you haven't received your copy of "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete," writefor that, tca. It's a finely illustrated book of 160 pages full of useful and practical in- formation of the uses of concrete. Write us to -night, and you'll receive the book and the circular promptly. Do not delay—sit right down— take your pen or penoll, and 1111 out the coupon NOW Canada Cement Company, Limited, National Bank Building, Montreal Pleas o send Con- test Circular and book, Name Address... l►+��;�II����;ji�lilltII;11'11111 �i 111 X111 II:V �1' 1�IN alII 1111111►01 I►1111 I II 111 ,ql . I i p 1111�K� I �Irc l IIIIIIIbiI SII Iilill �11,111111llIIII Ilei 1 1alb1I 111�11�� 111111 111 11 II l;lunl;rootli111111I116' 1IiIjro"!p 1 qit sf Culross, Connell met May 20th as per motion of adjournment as a Court of Revision. Phare were only two appcaie entered. The owner of part of lot 40, con, 15, as b•ing too high, the assessment was iuetained. The North Heron Tele- phone Co. appealed against their as. eminent as being illegal, tint on ad- vice from the Tp, solicitor the assess- ment was sustained as being legal ind according to the meaning of the statutes, ur'. Joseph 'R'acidell com plained of his assessment being too high, but no action was taken. The Roll was then adopted as revised. The Council proceeded to general business. It was ordered that the grader should be repaired. It was decided no more money will be paid for sheep worried by doge, an - til the dog tax is collected, The hill on con. 10, lot 5, being in a bad condition will be repaired, and a cnlvort put in at lot 1, con. 10. The bridge on gravel road will have boards on the sides to act as wind breaks. A grant of $10 was made on con, 12 at lots 28 and 20 and that Jas. Thomp- son expend the same Donaldson — Ballagh — That Wm. Baptist have the edges of the gravel Woad graded of north of Teoswater to ..on. 10. --carried. The following accounts were pass• d ;—O. DeLong, stationery and sup- pliet, $1; R. Ireland, winter work on gravel road, $3 50; Dan. McKay, bal. of salary as assessor, $16; Municipal World, supplies, $8 00; R, Simpson, putting in elute box, $150 ; Jas. Mur- 1.ay, repairs for grader, $3 35. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, June 20.b, or at the call of the Reeve. Itching Scalp. Got Rid Of In A Pew ROUTS. There Is nothing made that will so quickly rid the scalp of distressing itchiness as Parisian Sage, the hair dresser and beautifier. W. J, INIeRtbbon guarantees Pari- sian Sage to cure tlandriiff, stop itch- ing scalp and Halling hair or money back, and Bells it for only 50 cents a large bottle. It Ate vitality into the hair and givee it a radiant luster. It le the favorite hair dressing of re- fined women because it so quickly re- freshes the scalp and not being sticky or greasy is delightful to use, Brussels. Brussels Baso. Ball senior team will likely play at Wroxeter on Dominion Day. Postmaster F. S. Scott was installed in his new office last week. 374 boxes of prime Creamery butter were shipped from Brussels factory last Saturday by W. W. Barrie, proprietor, to Messrs. Swift & Co. The cellar of Jas. Fox's drug store was raided one night recently, and a quantity of liquor stolen. Ingress was obtained by lifting the grating in the sidewalk and ,getting through the window. Tho back door ,afforded the exit. The work of remodelling the large blacksmith shop, next the bridge, and changing it into a boarding and sale stable for Messrs. Keys & Galbraith is progressing. Dr, W. L. Holmes is the owner and is determined to have everything right; A rumor was current that Wm. Carnochan of Linwood, a former well known resident of the 12th con. of Grey township, was dead and some of his old friends here went down to at- tend his fnueral. Glad was their sur- prise to find on their arrival that he was the liveliest corpse they had ever met and we hope Mr. Carnochau will enjoy his Iife for a good many years yet. The mistake was made by con- fusing names, an uncle of Mr. Car- nochan, near Seaforth, being the person who had passed away. "The Land That Pays for Itself in a Single Season."—Prof. Thomas Shaw. Want to quit paying rent and have a Ane farm of your own, Come to Saskatchewan! Want a farm so fertile that the first crop pays for your land! Come to SaskatebewanI Want pleasant, congenial work that pays generous re- wards? 00100 to Saskatchewan! Want to live where health, not sickness, is "catching", Come to Sas- katchewan I Want a home surrounded by good neighbors, Schools, churches and railroads? Come to Saskatchewan! Want, to get out of a rut. to make a new start, to lite where conditions are with you, not against you; want a fair chance to make money—as good a chance as your dad had when Ontario was "out Wert"! Cometo Saskatchewant $20 !=arms Grow 40 Bushels of Wheat per Acrel To the average man this would seem impossible, but it is done by formai in the LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY, it Bolden Saskatchewan, and they don't work nearly so hard as their less for- tunate friends who stayed "at Lome." The average crop in this fertile valley 1s about 30 bushels per Here. The Arst year's crop clears the land! There are yet *outlands of acres in this wonder- ful valley—as rich as any soil in the 'world—that ligienituthion baton, Thyawabt e h of the plough to brie forth immense harrests of golden grain. Golden Saskatchewan) Though provided with ample rain. fall, the Last Mountain Valley i5 a land of almost continuous sunshine where health abounds—a climate that builds vitality. Pulmonary diseases or bpi - 400,000 Homeseekers Coming! Last year 300,000 homeaeekers came to Western Canada. The present year, according 10. immigration authorities, will see 400,000 people settled on the land, and making homes for them- selves and their families. Western Can. tido will noon be as densely populated as the beat agricultural sections of On- tario. Land prices ars going up every day. Those who buy now will get the benefit of the advance. Our Prices Lowest--OUr Terms Moat Liberal! We have over 175,000 acres of the finest unbroken wheat land in the world, near towns and on railroads in the Leet Mountain Valley. We have it list of land bargains such ea were never beforo known. Our prices are absolutely tho lowest, and we sell on small, easy payments._. N6 other colon. ization company can hope Io meet these terms and prices, bemuse none can buy land now in such enormous tracts, &mica of any kind are unknown bore, Always Delivers the Goods! Railroads Galore! t'le 1 not "make belief.'Mountain el ev 'its You don't seed to lire forty ml in the Last Mountain Valk beeartse we from nowhere," either, or "neat door to know it. We know it when it was a civilization:' Yon are "inside" of civrassy wilderness, when there was hard- ilisation. Soren greet railroads already sy a bushel of wheat grown within its serve this district. Mote railroad build- whole ares. We have watched it year leg is going on here than in any other by .year for tight yeirs, until now it part of Canada. In 1010 one-third of has become widely known in Eget- the Comedian Pacific's construction Wee ere Canada, England and the hare. The Canadian Northern it flow United States as the but building another road into the beset of wheat -growing district In the Last Mountain Valley. America. Frei A Complete Library of Western Land Literature! Fill out and send the rrpupon below. It costs you nothing and entities you to any or 511 of these booklets on Golden Saskatchewan, and to the new ones we print from time to time. You get full reports of crops, climate Soil, schools, churches, towns, prices, and description of land, etc. Our Spacial new !tat of Land Bargains will be tent you, too. Even if you can't get away now, it will pay you to keep posted on doings in Golden Bar katchetvan. WRITE. All communications Should be addressed to WM. PEARSON CO.. Limited gT oRONTO, ONT. 38 HAVE YOU A BAD SORE? A Good Plan. The latest C. P. R, scheme to be tried out is the planting of millions of young, trees along their lines in Western Canada.. These trees are to serve the double purpose of taking the place of the present snow fences and of encouraging their settlers to beautify their homes by the planting of shade trees. So far the railway has had great success with their trees, nearly all of them appearing to be in a flourishing condition. If so remember these facts—Zam- Buk is by far the most likely used balm in Canada! Why has it become so popular? Because it heals sores, cures skin disease'', and does what is clahned for it. Why not let it heal your sore? Remember that Zam-Bok is alto. gether different to the ordinary oint- ments. Most of these consist of animal fats. Zam-Buk contains no trace of any animal fat, or;any miner- al matter. It is absolutely herbal. Remember that Zam-Buk is at the same time healing, soothing, and antiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and all harmful germs. It is suitable alike for recent injuries and diseases, and for chronic sore'', ulcers, etc. Test how different and superior 7,am-Buk really is. All druggists and stores at 500 a box. Use also lam -Birk Soap. Relieves sunburn and prevents frec- kles. Best for baby's bath. 25 cent tablet. Late, So Late. The January minutes of Bruce County Council were allotted to the Hepworth Progress, but the proprie- tor of that printery, considering he had tendered too low, refused to carry ont his contract. It is only a short time till the June Session will be held, and, according to the Bruce Times, the January minutes are not yet printed. • T H E Glorious Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen - on J my the 12th, 1911, at KINCARDINE Spend the day by the lake. Good Speeches will be de- livered. A. Fine Program of Water Sports being arranged. Accommodation for everyone is being provided. WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS J. J. Hunter W. S. Anderson W. M. SEO'Y. Old Land Census. A population of 36,075,260 is given to England and Wales in the 1911 Government Census jest made public. This is an increase of 10.00 per cent. in ten years. Greater London has a population of 7,252,063, an increase of 10.2 per cent. in the same time. Ire- land has a population of 4,381,001 ac- cording to the census returns. This is a decrease of 76,821 since the last census was taken, ten years ago. Eighty Acres Potatoes. The Huron Produce Company has about eighty acres planted in potatoes all in Goclerich Tp. The seed was brought in from New Brunswick, and the early variety used is the "Irish Cobbler" and for the later varieties the "Green Mountain" an -d "Delaware," all these being comparatively new in this province. To keep down the bugs over eighty acres of potatoes would of itself bo a large job in the old fashioned way, but with their big two -horse sprayer, which will go over twenty acres a day, the company ex, peat to cope with the pest quite easily. In Hot Water. A very serious accident happened at Walker's box factory, Harriston, Fri- day, to Frank Harris, an employe of the firm. A large tank of boiling water is kept for the purpose of steaming parts of boxes, and which is nearly always covered, and it was from this tank of boiling water that young Barris was taken on Friday afternoon, with his legs from the knees down to the ankles terribly scalded. 111s feet were somewhat sav- ed by the heavy shoes he was wearing. The young man was attended to, and is at present doing as nicely as can be expected under the circumstances. A BAD BACK Is A Warding That The Kidneys Are Sick, A bad bitek turns every twenty-four hours into one dull round of pain and misery—you are lathe in the morning, nagged all'dityjtby a dull throbbing backache, can't rest in the evening or sleep "well at night. It hurte to bend over, straighten up, get up from a chair, or lift even a light weilzbt. A n y sudden t w i s t, turd or a w it. wand movement sends a tearing tttiing▪ e of p g rhpain through. o weak spot. Booth's Kidney Pills reach the weak spot, the kidneys and quickly restore kidney health and comfort. They are guaranteed. Alt dealers and drug - elate o0postpaid e4. TBothCo,Ltd7d, Ott, sent for box n. will be Fill Out • and Mail FREE Books on Cenkda WM. PARSON CO.. Lt& Room 3t tit Toronto St.. Toronto !please send me all the booklets Trout your library referred to above gid trout lief of Land Bargains, NEW SHOP Opened on John St. (OPP. DR. TAMLYN'S) On road to the 0. P. Ry. Down Go Prices at Isard's JUNE BARGAINS A. Sale To Reduce Stock --- Not To Male Money LACES — 36 pieces Torohon Laces ; reg. 10c—Sale JC E0II1ROIDERY-0 pieces of Corset Cover Embroidery ; reg. 50c to 05c—Sale 40c HOSE—Cashmere, seamless; sizes 9. 91, 10 ; regular 35e value—Sale Price 25c RIBBONS — Special line of very wide Ribbon -2 yds. for 25c PARASOLS — All kinds Sum- mer Parasols to clear at 20 per cent. off. VESTS —10 dozen Ladies' Vests, no sleeve and short sleeve—Sale Price 10c S YPPORTE1ES — Children's Hose Sup orters, all sizes —to clear 100 G L O -v E S— Long Gloves for Ladies, with lace top, Black or White ; regular $1.00—Sale 75c • SLIPPERS — 2 dozen Child- ren's tan or black Slippers ; good stock—Sale Price255o AUNTS — A. large stock of Orum's English. Prints in new patterns and color- ings ; best washing Prints made ; regular 15c value— Sale Price 12hc BOOTS AND SHOES—This de- partment is full of all kinds of Bargains, Tho very latest styles. We can save yon money on your Footwear. Try us, BLINDS — A. lot of Linen Blinds, complete with rol- ler--Sale Price 250 RUGS—Large stock of Rugs-- Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton; all sizes. 20 per cent, off all regular prices. CURTAINS—Lace Curtains, all new patterns ; to reduce stock 20 per cent. off reg. prices. WASH SUITS --Boys' Fancy Sailor Wash Suits 75e SKIRTS --A line of 'White Wash Top Skirts — to clear $1,50 GOWNS — Ladies' Cambric Night Gowns, nicely trim- med—Sale 75c UNDERSKIRTS—One doz White Cambric Under- skirts with deep flounce— . $1 25 value for .... ,....$1.00 WAISTS—Ladies' sizes, Fine Persian Lawn Waists; reg. value $1,75—Sale $1.25 LINEN SKIRTS—Linen Top Skirts -t nicely made — to clear at. 51,50 DRESSES—Children's White Muslin Dresses—Sale. , $1.00 DRAWERS — Ladies' Fine Cambric Drawers — Sale price 250 CORSET COVERS. — 5 doz, Fine Cambric Corset Cov- ers—nicely trimmed with Lace—Sale price 25c Clothing Department. If its anything in Ready-to-wear Clothing you want for Men or Boys — and want to save money — this is the place to buy. Our stock at present is too heavy, and we are going to reduce it, Prices will do it. For 3 weeks, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants, Men's Rain Coats, Men's Cray- enette Coats, &c„ will be sold at Cut Prices. No room to quote prices. Call in. We'll be pleased to show you the goods. IMMIaMMAAM H. E. Isard Co. Jast received, carload of Tndhope and McLachlan Buggies, ranging in prioe from $05,00 to $140 00. Also half a car of Corn King Manure Spreaders. Any person think- ing of getting a Manure Spreader should see me before buying. All kinds of Parra Implements, Toronto Wind Mills, Cockshutt Plows and Melotte Cream Separators, always on hand. Also a full line of Repairs always in stock. Any person wanting anything in any of the above lines should see me as I can sell them the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Thanking you for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same. I am, Tours Truly, J. J. PR II i OOLI3 WINUHAM, ONT. PRONE 109 P. O. BOX 13 "the finish " "that endures" gives woodwork a surface glass -hard, mirror -bright, beautiful, lasting. Fine for floors, because M L Floorglaze can't be marred by boot - heels, castors, nor chair legs. M L Floorglaze stays glossy; you can wash it with. soap and water as you'd wash a window; it doesn't fade; it stays new and bright longer than anything else you get. Easy to put on M L Floorglaze —do it yourself—it dries hard over. might. Renovate with M L Floorglaze. Recommended and Sold by GUS. A. SCHMIDT LFLOOR - GLAZE comes in tins of just the size you want. Seven- teen colors in solid enatrtels. Seven other colo! s in Lltcs that ad- mirably imitate hard- woods; and also a Transparent (natural finish) M L FIcorglaze. Coat 500 square feet with a gallon. Just ask your dealer,or drop tis a post card for news of a hundred uses your home has for the finish that endures. Imperial Varnish C. Color Co. Ltd., Toronto Wool Wanted ! CASH or TRADE Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the best Blankets, Sheeting and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not made from clipping, and will give the best satisfaction. Carpets, Rugs and Matting. Nairn's Scotch Linoleums in a variety of patterns ; best stock in town. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most up-to-date Suits that can be obtained, which we have marked very low, considering the quality. Boys' Suits, very nobby, double seat and knee. agralalowerrammeasaaviwatsrafilopoomftr Men's Working Clothes Men's Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Overalls and Pants. We handle the Leather Label Overalls and Smocks --fully guaranteed. Shoes of all kinds. Summer Wear Anderson's Zephers, Mullins, Foulards, and every- thing; for the hot weather. Men's Cotton Socks. Ladies' and Children's Hose, we handle the famous Wear Well Brand, &c„ &c. AmoNaCmommie No. t Granulated Sugar, $1..75 per cwt., which is less than wholesale price to -day. One hundred sacks to sell at that price. We must make room for another car to arrive in July. All kinds Produce wanted ---Highest Prices Paid. Phone 89, T. A. Mills WINGHAM Illlllllllllllilllllilll8l(1811ilIIIIIl1lillilli81111i1111181I8illi I it illil8llUlli I dilliI�IIIIIIiIIIiilli811 Ilill8!111181IIIliili 1111111111l181111181111111811111111181.Ili it I ilii'' 11111111111111li �� ..:r.., /}, `f 1 ! Gi/A%,� ! , ,,,, '• ' . ' i .. "Uniformity "1 'spect lot, Steady there's No morning So very 18 a big word, it's because it Rose." -Regular -Dependable the FIVE ROSES idea. bad dreams bakeday batch "flat" instead exasperating, you know, Bud." means a Quality, eves -- the of "u ." P less to get less L--• '-. •, "MORN' ,: ' #Plk . - .,,'°' rquantities. *A, .Lrli a it loaves FIVE this week than last from ROSES is the sure flour the same --- reilable, you see. VI ' lI- ( No wrinkling worries over bread, or cakes, or pier, or , r`� . ,....,,.,...,.,... + , ^ y ' '©-tO L 1 -� -N �+ u anything. Bake expectations, DIsappoIntment—nevor. Four Yield. FIVE Uso FIVE things always up to the ,nark times. Uniform—Strength, Color, ROSES—trouble proof flour. ROSES always. of your happy' Flavor, too, dad 10' oilinto. 1111111111111IillltlIII 17 IIiI IIINIIIiII) Ii I IIINlmoilIIIIIiINiIIIIIIIIIIiIIII to ®1 imioiionI , Iloilo 11111111111111111111111111110NIIII11i i ll ll81P V 111888111 !,„io II i1” ""j411111 0 II 111111111111. III illlitil 1 , ,pmill,„11.11.,.. 11111iiim p„, ..... , (III i 11 Nil III fill II lith 1111 I 1 II IIII , Jrat glieCIAteCt J _, HIIIINGILrTi�drlt9NRAXli teAtcte,ci 11111111111111NI I (1181188181118111!!- 8A11188 8 11l111i11111 1�„111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111811111111111118111188111811881118111188881 LAKE OF TN( t00004 M14tINa COMPANY L r,.tA MONTREAL $3,600 in Cash Prizes for Farmers Your Photograph May Win a Prize AMONG the prizes we are offering in our big Prize Contest is one of $100.00 (Prize "C") for the farmer in each Province who fur- nishes us with a photograph showing the best of any particular kind of work done on his farm during 1911 with "CANADA" Cement. For this 1 prize, work of every description is included. Now just as soon as you finish that new silo, barn, feeding floor or dairy, that you've been thinking of ,building, why not photograph it and send ti- a picture to us? The photograph doesn't necessarily have to be taken by a professional or an expert. In fact, your son's or your daugh- ter's camera will •do nicely.' Or, failing this, you might use r - the ° In any event, don't h etrthe idea's son of having a photograph made deter you from entering the competition. Par- ticularly as we have requested your local dealer to help in cases where it is not conveni- ent for the Farmer to pro- cure a camera in the neighborhood. 13y this means you are placed op an equal foot- ing with every other contestant. Get the circular, which gives you full particulars of the conditions and of the other three prizes, Every dealer who sells "CANADA" Cement will have on hand a supply of these circulars ---and he'll give you one if you just ask for it. Or if you prefer, you can use the attached coupon—or a .postcard will do—send it to us and you'll receive the complete details of the contest by return mail. If you haven't received your copy of "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete," writefor that, tca. It's a finely illustrated book of 160 pages full of useful and practical in- formation of the uses of concrete. Write us to -night, and you'll receive the book and the circular promptly. Do not delay—sit right down— take your pen or penoll, and 1111 out the coupon NOW Canada Cement Company, Limited, National Bank Building, Montreal Pleas o send Con- test Circular and book, Name Address... l►+��;�II����;ji�lilltII;11'11111 �i 111 X111 II:V �1' 1�IN alII 1111111►01 I►1111 I II 111 ,ql . I i p 1111�K� I �Irc l IIIIIIIbiI SII Iilill �11,111111llIIII Ilei 1 1alb1I 111�11�� 111111 111 11 II l;lunl;rootli111111I116' 1IiIjro"!p 1 qit sf Culross, Connell met May 20th as per motion of adjournment as a Court of Revision. Phare were only two appcaie entered. The owner of part of lot 40, con, 15, as b•ing too high, the assessment was iuetained. The North Heron Tele- phone Co. appealed against their as. eminent as being illegal, tint on ad- vice from the Tp, solicitor the assess- ment was sustained as being legal ind according to the meaning of the statutes, ur'. Joseph 'R'acidell com plained of his assessment being too high, but no action was taken. The Roll was then adopted as revised. The Council proceeded to general business. It was ordered that the grader should be repaired. It was decided no more money will be paid for sheep worried by doge, an - til the dog tax is collected, The hill on con. 10, lot 5, being in a bad condition will be repaired, and a cnlvort put in at lot 1, con. 10. The bridge on gravel road will have boards on the sides to act as wind breaks. A grant of $10 was made on con, 12 at lots 28 and 20 and that Jas. Thomp- son expend the same Donaldson — Ballagh — That Wm. Baptist have the edges of the gravel Woad graded of north of Teoswater to ..on. 10. --carried. The following accounts were pass• d ;—O. DeLong, stationery and sup- pliet, $1; R. Ireland, winter work on gravel road, $3 50; Dan. McKay, bal. of salary as assessor, $16; Municipal World, supplies, $8 00; R, Simpson, putting in elute box, $150 ; Jas. Mur- 1.ay, repairs for grader, $3 35. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, June 20.b, or at the call of the Reeve. Itching Scalp. Got Rid Of In A Pew ROUTS. There Is nothing made that will so quickly rid the scalp of distressing itchiness as Parisian Sage, the hair dresser and beautifier. W. J, INIeRtbbon guarantees Pari- sian Sage to cure tlandriiff, stop itch- ing scalp and Halling hair or money back, and Bells it for only 50 cents a large bottle. It Ate vitality into the hair and givee it a radiant luster. It le the favorite hair dressing of re- fined women because it so quickly re- freshes the scalp and not being sticky or greasy is delightful to use, Brussels. Brussels Baso. Ball senior team will likely play at Wroxeter on Dominion Day. Postmaster F. S. Scott was installed in his new office last week. 374 boxes of prime Creamery butter were shipped from Brussels factory last Saturday by W. W. Barrie, proprietor, to Messrs. Swift & Co. The cellar of Jas. Fox's drug store was raided one night recently, and a quantity of liquor stolen. Ingress was obtained by lifting the grating in the sidewalk and ,getting through the window. Tho back door ,afforded the exit. The work of remodelling the large blacksmith shop, next the bridge, and changing it into a boarding and sale stable for Messrs. Keys & Galbraith is progressing. Dr, W. L. Holmes is the owner and is determined to have everything right; A rumor was current that Wm. Carnochan of Linwood, a former well known resident of the 12th con. of Grey township, was dead and some of his old friends here went down to at- tend his fnueral. Glad was their sur- prise to find on their arrival that he was the liveliest corpse they had ever met and we hope Mr. Carnochau will enjoy his Iife for a good many years yet. The mistake was made by con- fusing names, an uncle of Mr. Car- nochan, near Seaforth, being the person who had passed away. "The Land That Pays for Itself in a Single Season."—Prof. Thomas Shaw. Want to quit paying rent and have a Ane farm of your own, Come to Saskatchewan! Want a farm so fertile that the first crop pays for your land! Come to SaskatebewanI Want pleasant, congenial work that pays generous re- wards? 00100 to Saskatchewan! Want to live where health, not sickness, is "catching", Come to Sas- katchewan I Want a home surrounded by good neighbors, Schools, churches and railroads? Come to Saskatchewan! Want, to get out of a rut. to make a new start, to lite where conditions are with you, not against you; want a fair chance to make money—as good a chance as your dad had when Ontario was "out Wert"! Cometo Saskatchewant $20 !=arms Grow 40 Bushels of Wheat per Acrel To the average man this would seem impossible, but it is done by formai in the LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY, it Bolden Saskatchewan, and they don't work nearly so hard as their less for- tunate friends who stayed "at Lome." The average crop in this fertile valley 1s about 30 bushels per Here. The Arst year's crop clears the land! There are yet *outlands of acres in this wonder- ful valley—as rich as any soil in the 'world—that ligienituthion baton, Thyawabt e h of the plough to brie forth immense harrests of golden grain. Golden Saskatchewan) Though provided with ample rain. fall, the Last Mountain Valley i5 a land of almost continuous sunshine where health abounds—a climate that builds vitality. Pulmonary diseases or bpi - 400,000 Homeseekers Coming! Last year 300,000 homeaeekers came to Western Canada. The present year, according 10. immigration authorities, will see 400,000 people settled on the land, and making homes for them- selves and their families. Western Can. tido will noon be as densely populated as the beat agricultural sections of On- tario. Land prices ars going up every day. Those who buy now will get the benefit of the advance. Our Prices Lowest--OUr Terms Moat Liberal! We have over 175,000 acres of the finest unbroken wheat land in the world, near towns and on railroads in the Leet Mountain Valley. We have it list of land bargains such ea were never beforo known. Our prices are absolutely tho lowest, and we sell on small, easy payments._. N6 other colon. ization company can hope Io meet these terms and prices, bemuse none can buy land now in such enormous tracts, &mica of any kind are unknown bore, Always Delivers the Goods! Railroads Galore! t'le 1 not "make belief.'Mountain el ev 'its You don't seed to lire forty ml in the Last Mountain Valk beeartse we from nowhere," either, or "neat door to know it. We know it when it was a civilization:' Yon are "inside" of civrassy wilderness, when there was hard- ilisation. Soren greet railroads already sy a bushel of wheat grown within its serve this district. Mote railroad build- whole ares. We have watched it year leg is going on here than in any other by .year for tight yeirs, until now it part of Canada. In 1010 one-third of has become widely known in Eget- the Comedian Pacific's construction Wee ere Canada, England and the hare. The Canadian Northern it flow United States as the but building another road into the beset of wheat -growing district In the Last Mountain Valley. America. Frei A Complete Library of Western Land Literature! Fill out and send the rrpupon below. It costs you nothing and entities you to any or 511 of these booklets on Golden Saskatchewan, and to the new ones we print from time to time. You get full reports of crops, climate Soil, schools, churches, towns, prices, and description of land, etc. Our Spacial new !tat of Land Bargains will be tent you, too. Even if you can't get away now, it will pay you to keep posted on doings in Golden Bar katchetvan. WRITE. All communications Should be addressed to WM. PEARSON CO.. Limited gT oRONTO, ONT. 38 HAVE YOU A BAD SORE? A Good Plan. The latest C. P. R, scheme to be tried out is the planting of millions of young, trees along their lines in Western Canada.. These trees are to serve the double purpose of taking the place of the present snow fences and of encouraging their settlers to beautify their homes by the planting of shade trees. So far the railway has had great success with their trees, nearly all of them appearing to be in a flourishing condition. If so remember these facts—Zam- Buk is by far the most likely used balm in Canada! Why has it become so popular? Because it heals sores, cures skin disease'', and does what is clahned for it. Why not let it heal your sore? Remember that Zam-Bok is alto. gether different to the ordinary oint- ments. Most of these consist of animal fats. Zam-Buk contains no trace of any animal fat, or;any miner- al matter. It is absolutely herbal. Remember that Zam-Buk is at the same time healing, soothing, and antiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and all harmful germs. It is suitable alike for recent injuries and diseases, and for chronic sore'', ulcers, etc. Test how different and superior 7,am-Buk really is. All druggists and stores at 500 a box. Use also lam -Birk Soap. Relieves sunburn and prevents frec- kles. Best for baby's bath. 25 cent tablet. Late, So Late. The January minutes of Bruce County Council were allotted to the Hepworth Progress, but the proprie- tor of that printery, considering he had tendered too low, refused to carry ont his contract. It is only a short time till the June Session will be held, and, according to the Bruce Times, the January minutes are not yet printed. • T H E Glorious Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen - on J my the 12th, 1911, at KINCARDINE Spend the day by the lake. Good Speeches will be de- livered. A. Fine Program of Water Sports being arranged. Accommodation for everyone is being provided. WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS J. J. Hunter W. S. Anderson W. M. SEO'Y. Old Land Census. A population of 36,075,260 is given to England and Wales in the 1911 Government Census jest made public. This is an increase of 10.00 per cent. in ten years. Greater London has a population of 7,252,063, an increase of 10.2 per cent. in the same time. Ire- land has a population of 4,381,001 ac- cording to the census returns. This is a decrease of 76,821 since the last census was taken, ten years ago. Eighty Acres Potatoes. The Huron Produce Company has about eighty acres planted in potatoes all in Goclerich Tp. The seed was brought in from New Brunswick, and the early variety used is the "Irish Cobbler" and for the later varieties the "Green Mountain" an -d "Delaware," all these being comparatively new in this province. To keep down the bugs over eighty acres of potatoes would of itself bo a large job in the old fashioned way, but with their big two -horse sprayer, which will go over twenty acres a day, the company ex, peat to cope with the pest quite easily. In Hot Water. A very serious accident happened at Walker's box factory, Harriston, Fri- day, to Frank Harris, an employe of the firm. A large tank of boiling water is kept for the purpose of steaming parts of boxes, and which is nearly always covered, and it was from this tank of boiling water that young Barris was taken on Friday afternoon, with his legs from the knees down to the ankles terribly scalded. 111s feet were somewhat sav- ed by the heavy shoes he was wearing. The young man was attended to, and is at present doing as nicely as can be expected under the circumstances. A BAD BACK Is A Warding That The Kidneys Are Sick, A bad bitek turns every twenty-four hours into one dull round of pain and misery—you are lathe in the morning, nagged all'dityjtby a dull throbbing backache, can't rest in the evening or sleep "well at night. It hurte to bend over, straighten up, get up from a chair, or lift even a light weilzbt. A n y sudden t w i s t, turd or a w it. wand movement sends a tearing tttiing▪ e of p g rhpain through. o weak spot. Booth's Kidney Pills reach the weak spot, the kidneys and quickly restore kidney health and comfort. They are guaranteed. Alt dealers and drug - elate o0postpaid e4. TBothCo,Ltd7d, Ott, sent for box n. will be Fill Out • and Mail FREE Books on Cenkda WM. PARSON CO.. Lt& Room 3t tit Toronto St.. Toronto !please send me all the booklets Trout your library referred to above gid trout lief of Land Bargains, NEW SHOP Opened on John St. (OPP. DR. TAMLYN'S) On road to the 0. P. Ry. Down Go Prices at Isard's JUNE BARGAINS A. Sale To Reduce Stock --- Not To Male Money LACES — 36 pieces Torohon Laces ; reg. 10c—Sale JC E0II1ROIDERY-0 pieces of Corset Cover Embroidery ; reg. 50c to 05c—Sale 40c HOSE—Cashmere, seamless; sizes 9. 91, 10 ; regular 35e value—Sale Price 25c RIBBONS — Special line of very wide Ribbon -2 yds. for 25c PARASOLS — All kinds Sum- mer Parasols to clear at 20 per cent. off. VESTS —10 dozen Ladies' Vests, no sleeve and short sleeve—Sale Price 10c S YPPORTE1ES — Children's Hose Sup orters, all sizes —to clear 100 G L O -v E S— Long Gloves for Ladies, with lace top, Black or White ; regular $1.00—Sale 75c • SLIPPERS — 2 dozen Child- ren's tan or black Slippers ; good stock—Sale Price255o AUNTS — A. large stock of Orum's English. Prints in new patterns and color- ings ; best washing Prints made ; regular 15c value— Sale Price 12hc BOOTS AND SHOES—This de- partment is full of all kinds of Bargains, Tho very latest styles. We can save yon money on your Footwear. Try us, BLINDS — A. lot of Linen Blinds, complete with rol- ler--Sale Price 250 RUGS—Large stock of Rugs-- Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton; all sizes. 20 per cent, off all regular prices. CURTAINS—Lace Curtains, all new patterns ; to reduce stock 20 per cent. off reg. prices. WASH SUITS --Boys' Fancy Sailor Wash Suits 75e SKIRTS --A line of 'White Wash Top Skirts — to clear $1,50 GOWNS — Ladies' Cambric Night Gowns, nicely trim- med—Sale 75c UNDERSKIRTS—One doz White Cambric Under- skirts with deep flounce— . $1 25 value for .... ,....$1.00 WAISTS—Ladies' sizes, Fine Persian Lawn Waists; reg. value $1,75—Sale $1.25 LINEN SKIRTS—Linen Top Skirts -t nicely made — to clear at. 51,50 DRESSES—Children's White Muslin Dresses—Sale. , $1.00 DRAWERS — Ladies' Fine Cambric Drawers — Sale price 250 CORSET COVERS. — 5 doz, Fine Cambric Corset Cov- ers—nicely trimmed with Lace—Sale price 25c Clothing Department. If its anything in Ready-to-wear Clothing you want for Men or Boys — and want to save money — this is the place to buy. Our stock at present is too heavy, and we are going to reduce it, Prices will do it. For 3 weeks, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants, Men's Rain Coats, Men's Cray- enette Coats, &c„ will be sold at Cut Prices. No room to quote prices. Call in. We'll be pleased to show you the goods. IMMIaMMAAM H. E. Isard Co. Jast received, carload of Tndhope and McLachlan Buggies, ranging in prioe from $05,00 to $140 00. Also half a car of Corn King Manure Spreaders. Any person think- ing of getting a Manure Spreader should see me before buying. All kinds of Parra Implements, Toronto Wind Mills, Cockshutt Plows and Melotte Cream Separators, always on hand. Also a full line of Repairs always in stock. Any person wanting anything in any of the above lines should see me as I can sell them the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Thanking you for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same. I am, Tours Truly, J. J. PR II i OOLI3 WINUHAM, ONT. PRONE 109 P. O. BOX 13 "the finish " "that endures" gives woodwork a surface glass -hard, mirror -bright, beautiful, lasting. Fine for floors, because M L Floorglaze can't be marred by boot - heels, castors, nor chair legs. M L Floorglaze stays glossy; you can wash it with. soap and water as you'd wash a window; it doesn't fade; it stays new and bright longer than anything else you get. Easy to put on M L Floorglaze —do it yourself—it dries hard over. might. Renovate with M L Floorglaze. Recommended and Sold by GUS. A. SCHMIDT LFLOOR - GLAZE comes in tins of just the size you want. Seven- teen colors in solid enatrtels. Seven other colo! s in Lltcs that ad- mirably imitate hard- woods; and also a Transparent (natural finish) M L FIcorglaze. Coat 500 square feet with a gallon. Just ask your dealer,or drop tis a post card for news of a hundred uses your home has for the finish that endures. Imperial Varnish C. Color Co. Ltd., Toronto Wool Wanted ! CASH or TRADE Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the best Blankets, Sheeting and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not made from clipping, and will give the best satisfaction. Carpets, Rugs and Matting. Nairn's Scotch Linoleums in a variety of patterns ; best stock in town. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most up-to-date Suits that can be obtained, which we have marked very low, considering the quality. Boys' Suits, very nobby, double seat and knee. agralalowerrammeasaaviwatsrafilopoomftr Men's Working Clothes Men's Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Overalls and Pants. We handle the Leather Label Overalls and Smocks --fully guaranteed. Shoes of all kinds. Summer Wear Anderson's Zephers, Mullins, Foulards, and every- thing; for the hot weather. Men's Cotton Socks. Ladies' and Children's Hose, we handle the famous Wear Well Brand, &c„ &c. AmoNaCmommie No. t Granulated Sugar, $1..75 per cwt., which is less than wholesale price to -day. One hundred sacks to sell at that price. We must make room for another car to arrive in July. All kinds Produce wanted ---Highest Prices Paid. Phone 89, T. A. Mills WINGHAM