HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-06-15, Page 4The ni .t;- r under this bead is supplied by the Wingham W,G. T. U. If we live in the spirit, let us also. walk in the spirit. -Dial, 5: 25. When our hearts are filled with love to Qod and man, then they are no longer restraints, but guides us to the way our love should express itself. They ere like fences by Liao roadside, showitig us the way to go, We obey them as freely as the bird sings, and this will teach us to love our fellow men and his children. THE WINGHIAM ADVANCE ItU1tSDAY, JUSJE r;, 1911 REMARKABLE VALUES 44+44+bt4O44444+4444444444.+®Ni4..,..4. ,,4,.$4+,+,+i00+ 4,,, 4 + • + ,••1 This is the term that scores of people have used after having examined the prices we are giving at our June Clearing. Sale OF Men's, Youths' NatMEMMiarnba and Boys' Ready - to -wear Suits If you have not already taken advantage of these remarkable values, make it a point to call at your earliest possible convenience. We still have a good assortment in every size to choose from. Don't delay. Men's Suits Men's Fancy, Striped Tweeds, in all sizes ; regular price is $7.50 -June Price .... $5.60 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits in greys and- browns; reg. price $8.50 -June Price .... $6.00 Men's Fancy Striped Tweed Suits in greens, browns and grgys. Suits that will give splendid wear. Regular price $10.00 - June Price $7.00 Men's hard finish Tweeds in greens and browns; these lines can't be beaten for wear. Reg. $12.50 -June Price..., $$.50 Men's green, brown and grey Suits in Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds. A1 value at $13.50 - June Price $9.50 Men's Worsted. and Tweed. Suits in all the new and popular shades. Fancy stripes, also plain navys and blacks. Fit is guaranteed. Regula:T price $15- $11 50 June Price Men's Fancy Worsteds, of the finest quality ; the 20th Century make. .Enough said. In navys, browns, greens, greys, fawns, etc., also in plain navys or blacks. Regular price is $20.00 --June ��, So Price .. , Youths' Suits Youths' three-piece long pant Suits, in fancy stripes, in greens and browns. Regular $6.50 $4 25 -June Price • Youths' long pant Suits in browns and greens. Fancy stripes. The regular price is $7.50 -June Price $5.00 Youths' long pant Suits, in Fancy stripes, browns, greys and greens. Splendid value at $10 -June Price $7.00 Youths' All -wool Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, in greens, browns and greys, also plain navys ; perfect fitters. Reg. $12.50- J une Price $8.50 BOYS' SUITS 4111/0 Boys' two-piece Bloomer Suits and two-piece plain Knicker Suits. June Prices --- $2.00,. 2.50, 2.2`5, and upwards. Boys' three-piece Suits ; wear guar- anteed. New styles. All shades. June priees -- $2,75, 3,50, 4.00, and upwards. Juno Prices on Men's Odd Pants and Boys' Knickers will save you money ammenesislmesnmiesm • .14 Get into the habit of looking for the silver lining of the cloud, and when you have found it, continue to look rather than at the leadengray in the middle, It will help you over many hard placee, McGee& Campbell' CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we under. stand it. -Lincoln. "The great doctrines of Christianity are the highways on which the majes. tie procession of consecrated men and women have moved in their adven- turous pilgrimage for nineteen cen- turies ; and the great texts, like -'God so loved the world,' are like perennial springs at which they have daily slaked their thirst." Must Be Taxed, In Norway an unmarried person having an income of $2,080 a year must pay an income tax of $421.22. A married person with one child would have to pay $380.94, and with six children $355.17. Married or single persons in Norway can escape an tin - come tax only by having an income of less than $83.08. NO So }fere. When an .Armenian girl attains the age of 17 and is not engaged to be married, the has to undergo punish- ment for her lack of attractions, For three days she has to fast and then for 21 hours her food consists of salt fish and she is allowed nothing to quench her thirst, School Statistics. From the 'report of the Minister, of Education for. the past year it is shown that school teachers through- out the province are getting higher salaries than for the previous year. In town schools the average salary for male teachers is $1,000, an increase of $14 over the previous year, and for female teachers $532, an increase of $10. In rural schools the average salary has increased $22, being $481. Female teachers in these schools are receiving $17 more, the average being $339. Total amount expended in public schools last year was $17,321,- 239 on 5,913 schools with a total popu- lation of 401,208. The cost per pupil increased from $17.52 to $17.84. As compared with this 32 cents increase in public schools there was an increase in cost per pupil in high schools c•f $5.57, the cost now being 848. Prospects Pleasing. The Wiarton Canadian reports that the reports corning from the zinc de- posits are particularly pleasing. Ow- ing to the difficulty of getting machin. ery to the place where blasting opera- tions were being carried on, Dr. Woolverton decided to move his base of proceedure back nearer the road leading into the zinc property, and after starting his risen in the new place, an abundance of the very best zinc was encountered, and the doctor informs as that in 3 days last week he took out more zinc than he did in the whole three years previously. It is near the surface, and as it invari- ably Improves the deeper they go, great things are anticipated. Dr, Woolverton says there is zinc as deep as 150 feet, and as tons of it are now being gathered off the surface, the supply would appear to bo un- limited. WE RAVE IT ! JUST WHAT YOU WANT ECZEMA IS CURABLE. In Every Case Where Our Remedy Fails It Is Supplied Free Of All Cost. In making this statement we back it up with our promise that if our remedy does not substantiate our claim in every particular, we will without question or quibble return every cent you paid us for it, We take all the risk -you take none. We strongly recommend Rexall Eezema Ointment, which possesses 'remarkable cleansing, antiseptic, germicidal soothing and healing qualities. It is a grayish -white emolient, with a pleasant odor, and very cleanly for use, The first ap- plication produces a refreshing sense of relief, and it quickly stibsidee and overcomes the inflammation, irrita- tion and discharge when present. It is intended to be applied with a piece of muslin or linen, or it may be applied and allowed to dry in. It affords very prompt relief for pimples, blotches, discolorations, ringworm, acne, tetter, barbers' itch, ulcers, insect bites, nettle rash, hives, sores and wounds. Rexall Eczema Ointment relieves itching and irritation of the feet. It is ideal for the treatment of children who are tormented with itching, burning and disfiguring skin diseases. Try a box at our risk. Two sizes, i✓i0c and $1.00. Remember, it is only sold at our store -The Rexall Store. J. W. McKibben. Good Goods I Produce Wanted 50,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED Highest Prices Cash Highest Prices Trade Extra Good Values for the Wool Season in all Kinds General Merchandise, such as --- Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Hosiery -and Under Wear, Yarns, Wool Blankets and Sheeting, Flannelette Blankets and Sheeting, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. Butter and Eggs Wanted KING BROS. Want Four Trude Pt ices Right I .. We .... _ ... Town or Farm properties at prises to snit everybody'll wishes. We know 'enlace, and when you consult ue you get theadvantage et our long experience in the Real Es - tato and Insurance business. just at the present time wo have some exceptionally nice properties on our lists at right prices, Wingham is a live growing town, and you will make no mistake in buying a home here. We have two or three nice hokses to rent. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE D. BELL'S 1 Music Emporium Our rooms were never better stocked than at present, and wo. invite you to call. Pianos We have the best snakes in stock. Elegant in appearance, melodious in tone. "Players" You should see and hear this line to appreciate thein. Organs In these we are sure to please. At prices to suit. Sewing Machines By the carload. See the new White machine with all the latest inaprovenents. See our stook of Violins, Phono- g r a p h s, Records, Accordeons, Washing Machines, Wringers, &c. PRICES REASONABLE D. BELL The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU If you get your clothes from us, you are sure to get Clothes CIothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes made to fit neatly made well made that look well that wear well that last well in latest style that please that satisfy Wo understand our business We have the goods We know the styles Our charges are right *kCewitung The Nifty Nan's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand DAIS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES -Corner Patrick and Centre streets Paeans Nes idenee, Dr. Kennedy 113 Residence, Dr, Calder 101 Dr. Kennedy' speoializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON GORRin, orvz. Honoi Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment Of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wrozofer over Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (al day -office in Grand Central ltioek. At 1rordtvio every Friday forenoon The best of the modern methods.used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. Jas. Walker . Son WINOHAIS UNDERTAKERS iE RS We are etreolally qualified Under, takers and Etnbalniers, and those entrusting their work to us may rely on it being well done. Night Oona reoeived ab residence. ofltoe Phone toff trouts Phone 1146 The Profit Sharing Store W.IN€ IIAI\t, ONE Kerr & Bird WE ARE., AGEHTS. FOR Ti(E IDl Sllo idouRNAl PATTER N S MONTNLY STYLE: BOOK FREE AGENTS. - LADIES' HOME JOURNAL What Wornan Does Not Love Dainty Hosiery P Now we have some of the dantiest and coolest Hosiery ever worn, so light that the slightest breeze seems cooling, and despite their thinness they are tvery durable. Plain Black Silk, excellent gnality, seamless feet...GOc pr. Embroidered Black Silk, dainty patterns, finest silk...130c pr. Embroidered Lisle. Hose, neat patterns, very pretty -35o pr. Also a• complete line of Pink, Blue, White, and Champagne Hc.irry in plain ' a»3d also in the cool lace fronts: Nothing Nicer Than Dainty Shoes To Be Worn With Such Dainty Hosiery Ladies' Patent Pumps, beat quality, all sizes, only...$2.O0 (and really superior to any other at the price) Misses' Patent Pump, very neat, with patent bow and strap $1.50 Childs' Patent Pump, very neat, with patent bow and strap 81.25 Verandah Matte, of genuine Japanese Matting 50c Men's Cool Summer Coats, black and grey, only...$2 and $3 Children's Summer Parasols, white and colored...25c and 50c JUST A. HINT -Are you going to attend any of those important "Juno' events; if so, we keep cut glass. Weekly Bargains ---Thursday, June 15, to Thursday, June 22 4 Only Men's Tan Rain Coats, long fly, storm collar, storm sleeve bands. Regular $9.00 -for 87.50 6 Only Toilet Sets, various colors, splendid $5 value -for only $3.75 5 Only pairs of Men's Tan Blnch Oxfords, best quali- ty, good style. Regular $4.00 -for $2.85 Sugar -$4.75 per 100 lbs. • Wonderful Values at the New Clothing Store • MEN'S SUITS, Regular $15 to $18 --for $1195 HATS Eagle brand, English made Derby hats, up-to-date spring shapFs, low. medium or large crowns and brims, well trimmed, find quality ; reg, price $2.00 and $2.50-f0 $1.50. Young men's snits of fine imported tweed in the new brown diagonal stripe pattern, tailored in best style, sizes 32 to 34 ; reg. 818.00 and $20.00 -for $12.35. For Clearance $8 50 men's shirts, negligee and outing ; the latter are cash- rnerettes, fanny duok, etc., all sizes. Nothing wrong with these shirts, 'only odd sizes ; reg. price $1.00 -yours for 49C. Handkerchiefs 6 For 25c. Men's maderldkfof extra Large � size, of stout quality eambrio, finished with strong tope border?, perfect wearing and washing - Special Price, 0 for 25c. Capital Paid Up . . .... $ 1,750,000 t oserve and Undivided Profits . . 3,x5o,000 Total Assets . . . . . . . . 40,000,000 The I3snk of Hamilton has made sav- ing simple --by eliminating all unneces- sary Bank formality, An account may be opened with the deposit of one dollar- even so small an amount will act as an incentive to steady saviftgr and Will quickly grow to a sum Worth while. C. P. SNIITIir Agent .f0$ 5ode ori i�sll A WIIGiiMM L,.., J..a ..:41+ *LOOP i'.A4F..1 .. s d.f�c=.c.-ML...M.- �iMALR,FMIi'.in:Yt3 _i_:., -i •-, 1 i 1