HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-06-08, Page 8THE DOMINION BANK READ OFFICE, TORONTO, E, B. OSLEli, &P. • - President W. D. MATTHEW - Vice•PareeMent Capital $4,000,000,00 $5,000,000.00 TotalvAAssets $02,600,000.00 A Branch of this Bank will be estab- lished in London, Eng., on let of July next, at 73 OORN*ILL, E,O, This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important points in Canada, negotiate Bi11e Gent for'collectlon, make telegraphto trans- fers, and transact every deeoription of banking business. Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers of our Letters of credit, 0, A. BOGERT - General Manager WING1IAM BRA.N0H: W. R. GEIKIE, Manager R. F',ANSTONn, Solicitor. rownwo..11111.1111 asimmance ami 1 Surnrner 1 GEO. Session stundents may enter any day. Open entire year. Now is a good time to enter. Largest trainers in Canada. Gradu- ates get best positions. Thon- ands s studying at home. Ex- clusive right of the "Famous Bliss Book -Keeping System" for Ontario. ''Actual Busi- ness from Start to Finish. Write for particulars. LONDON BUSINESS COLLEOE (affiliated with Wingham Busi- ness College) SPOTTON - PRESIDENT Ontario Liquor License Act License District of North Huron Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Mary Dinsley, of Wingham, has made application for permission to transfer her Tavern License for the premises on Josephine Street in the Town of Wingham, known as the Dinsley House, to John Schaefer of Ethel, and that said applicationwill be considered at the 'meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held at the Dinsley House in the Town of Wingham, on the 17sh day of June, 1911, at the hour of 11 o'clock a.m. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. W. OLEGG, License Inspector. Dated at Morris this 30th day of May, 1911. For Sale In Saskatchewan. Two half sections of land, in the famous Last Mountain Valley district. One is 4;2 miles from Strassburg, and a mile and a half from school. The other is mile and a half from Duval, with 170 acres in orop. Reasonable terms. Apply to D. S. MEIKLEJOHN 39-42 Strassburg, Sask. Valuable Properties For Sale. The brick and tile yards on the Bluevale road, aro for sale, consisting of one hundred acme, two houses, barn, brickyard, with sheds and neces- sary machinery, Also the Wingham brickyards, con- sisting of 50 acres, with houses, ma- chinery and sheds. Also 50 acres of good land on the B line. For particulars apply to ELI ELLIOTT, Box 95, Wingham. Agent Wanted. We want agent n e t fo r VVTN GiHA"11Z and district to sell EDMONTON City- Property and Alberta Tarn Lands. Must be refponsible party and worker. References required, Bank or Rosiness preferred. Good rettxrns for a hustler. Apply at once tO HAWKINS S& CO. Edmonton City Property Alberta Farm Lands 48 Jasper Ave. W. I'DIVIONTON - A1',41313RTA. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Connell of the township of Morrie are asking for tenders for the construction of the McCaughey and Peacock municipal drains. The en- giheer's plans, etc,, may be seen at the Clerk's reeidenee. In the Peacock drain, the tile will be furnished for the contractor. Tenders opened at the Township Hall. on Monday, June 79th, at 2 p. in. Enclose cheque fbr $50 with tender. A. Mclwatt, Clerk. Bltnetale, Jute 8th,1911, ChuVCb IICVM Pastoral committees from three Detroit Presbyterian churches are in search of pastors to till vacancies in those pulpits, There are 80 pulpits marked vacant in Michigan at thsi Present time. Last Sunday, in the absence of the pastor, Capt, 'Gillingham, of the Salvation Ar my, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church, giving an earnest discourse from the text --"For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain," The evening service was with- drawn, Toe Advance is requested to an- nounce that on account of the illness of Dr, Rutledge, the pulpit of the Methodist Church next Sunday will be occupied in the morning by Rev, T. Hall, and in the evening by Rev. J, J. Durrant of Belgrave. Mr. John Kerr wilt preach in Belgrave in the evening. Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Belgrave preached the preparatory sermon in St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, .on Friday last. The Sacramental service on Sunday was well attended and special interest was evinced in the service, an appropriate sermon being delivered by Rev. D. Perrie. A recep- •tiou service was held and twenty hiuit- ed with the Church, eleven by certi- ficate and nine on profession of faith, Brigadier Taylor, Principal of the Salvation Army Training College, To- ronto, will conduct special meetings in Wingham, June 10th and llth. The local corps are arranging to have the meetings, Sundayf qg , a ternoon and night, which will be of a very special character, held in the Town Hall, Brigadier Taylor is one of the ablest speakers the army has in Canada, and everybody should make it possible to hear him. The 507 Baptist Churches of On- tario and Quebec are divided into 17 groups or Associations. In the Walkerton Association are the fol- lowing churches :-Atwood, Auburn, Clinton, Farewell, Glamis, Goderich, Howick, Kenilworth, Kincardine, Listowel, Mount Forest, Monk, Palmerston, TIverton, Teeswatez•, Walkerton and Wingham. From three to five delegates from each of these churches are epected to attend the meeting at Tiverton. on June 7, and 8, when reports of the year's work will be presented, also the mis- sionary and educational enterprizes of the denomination. FARMERS, ATTENTION 1 -We have best assortment of Shoes, suitable for Farm Work ever shown in town ; prices $1.50 to $3.50-W. J. Greer. The people that grumble the most about the hot weather, are often the ones that hate to use the snow -shovel. Some people are hard to please. SHINGLES 1 SIenseLEs 1 -Have just received the finest shipment of 3, 4 and 5 X British Columbia Shingles ever brought into this vicinity. Par- ties requiring Shingles should get our prices. We bought before the ad- vance in prices, and will sell them right.-JN0. MCLEAN. WINOHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL, Report Of Standing Of Pupils Por Month Of May. Honor roll for Jr. 4th and Sr. 3rd, Total 500. Honors 450 :-J. Richard- son 500, G. Robertson 498, N. Gracey 498, K. Pringle .496, H. Gray 492, V. Armour 486, G. Newman 484, W. Mordon 482, S. Maxwell 482, C. Wilson 472, V. McDonald 470, P. Bloomfield 470, W. Hinscliffe 462, P. Gillespie 462, W. McCool 462, H. Gould 462, A. Beckwith 456, T. McDonald 451, J. Maxwell 488, E. Kennedy 454. Jr, 3rd, Sr. Section -Harvey Dennis, Norman McRitchie, May Reading, Ella Rogers, Sara McLean, Nettie Christie, Gertrude Cantelon, Etta Hart, Alberta Taylor, Jean Currie, Victoria Paterson, Hugh Angus. Jr. 3rd, Jr. Section -Neil MeLean 574, Arch. Williamson 547, Vera Davidson 519, Lizzie Currie 511, Vera $tricker 440, Phylis Johns 436. Sr'. 2nd, Sr. Section. Total 078 - Alice Imlay 338, Frank Robinson 502, Charlie Isard 798, Margaret Piper 768, Irene Paton '760, George Allen 750, Earls Huffman 740, Cecil Merkley 738. Sr, 2nd, Jr. Section. Total 799 - Grace Irvine 691, Elizabeth Hamilton 670, Edna Musgrove 669, James Dobie 6.50, George Fryfogle 630, Mary Coultes 633, Percy Joint 628, Florence Hine- eliffe 622, Dept, 5, Jr. 2ad, Sr. Section. Marks given 6955, 75% 521-011ie Hamilton 649, Stanley Robinson 590, Joe Saint 572, Sarah Brown 540, Laurie Duncan 527, Catharine Adams 523, Mildred Walker 523, Aileen Kennedy 522. Dept. 5, Jr. 2iid, Jr. Section. Marks given 402, 75% 869 -Oswald Hutton 447, Madeline Duncan 481, Agnes Wil- liamson 382, Madeline Walker 379, Harry Gannett 370. First book, Sr. Section -Howard Huffman, Clifford Robertson, Irene Day, Jas. Allen, Mentie Reid, Victoria Nixon, Bert. Stevens, Jennie Ard, Laura Ellacott, Lily Ellacott, Arthur Sturdy. First book, Jr. Section -Clayton Znrbrigg, Jean Vanstone, Harold Mille, D vicl Perrie, Kirk cod Hitt - ton, Verna Joynt, Harriett Williams, Freddie Piper, Carrie Hingaton. Div, 7, 4th -Delight Oloakey, Elea- nor Irvine, Zorra Dickson, Dorothy Piper, Nellie Clark, Laura Bell, Norma Isard, Lorne Sanderson. Div. '7, ;3rd claps -Marie Pelon, John Sternal, Melville Dennis, Eddie Hic- key, Gertie Doncan Arthur Irwin, George Flatter, Charlie Lockridge. Div. 7, 1st class --Lula Nicholson, Alva Armstrong, Edna Taylor, Myr- tle Dennis, Georgie Bower, Mabel Angus, 1 awreiree Oatwpbell, Gorden Risby, Bluevale, Rev. W. Cl. Rowson of Wallaceburg visited his daughter, Mrs, Jermyn over Sunday, The congregation of the Methodist Church were pleased to hear him once more, We are sorry to hear that "Uncle" Joe Leech, known to everybody about here, has been quite ill at Westport, Ont„ where he has been making his booie with relatives. It was some, thin akin to a stroke of paralysis, Mr, Leech is 78 years of age. Don't forget the lawn social at the piirsouage, on Monday, June 12ob.. `Vingham Citizens Band will furnish music, Tea eerved from 6 to 8. The Willing Workers have charge and that means a good time for all. No long speeches, plenty to eat, and lots of music. JLTNis Wi nDINO. - A very pretty wedding was witnessed in the Metho- dist Church here on Wednesday, June 7th, at 6 p.m., when Miss Almettle, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Hall, became the bride of Dir, Jetmes Masters, G. T. R. agent, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. W. An- drews. The groom was attended by W. J, Hall, brother of the bride, and the bride by Miss Olive Masters, sister of the groom. The bride was prettily attired In white silk, veiled with cream marquisette and carried a baguet of white carnations. The biidesmaid was dressed in old rose marquisette over white and carried pink car- nations. The groom's present to the bride was a diamond ring ; to the bridesmaid, a gold locket and chain ; to the groomsman, a pearl scarf pin. Mrs. W, J. Johnston played the wed- ding march, and during the signing of the register, Miss May Stewart sang - "A dream of Paradise," After the ceremony, the guests returned to the home of the bride and enjoyed a tasty wedding repast. Mr. and Mrs, Mas- ters left for a trip to Toronto, Detroit and Minneapolis. On returning they will reside in a house recently pur- chased by the groom, where they will be "at home" to their friends on and after July 3rd. Whitechurch. (Intended for last week) D. Jamieson spent the holiday at his home in Barrie. Mr and n Mrs. Fred. Laggie visited at Joe. Clark's on the 24th. Alex. Kennedy of Guelph visited his mother a few days last week. Miss Annie Rutledge of Bluevale is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. McKay. Mr, and Mrs, J, Martin of Cobalt are visiting friends near Whitechurch. Mr. Will. Foster of Preston visited Mrs. W. Martin, his niece, recently. Mrs. J, Dawson has gone to spend a month with her daughter in Brant- ford, Mr, Ken Paterson and children visited his parents in Toronto on the 24th. Miss Mabel Morrison is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Taylor, in West Wawanosh, Mrs. Jas. Mc0lenighan and Mrs. P. Henry visited Mrs. Beaton of Clinton recently. Mr. Robt. McGee got a nasty cut on the arm with the sheep shears, while clipping a sheep. Misses M. and B. Gordon of Lang - side came over and sang for the Presbyterian Ohurch on Sunday. David Strome of Culross, who has worked in the mill here this season, has secured a position in Thorndale and left for there. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Holmes, and Miss Jennie Holmes of Clinton, attended the funeral of Mrs, W. Holmes in Lucknow on Wednesday. Howick Boundary. Report of S. S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry for month of May. Stand- ing based on examinations and general proficiency : Sr. 4 A -Minnie Double - dee, Harry Westlake, Agnes Mitchell. Sr. 4 B -Robbie Westlake, Mabel Mitchell, Mary Abram, Hilda Abram, Frank Harris. Jr, 4 -Clarkson Doug- las, Frank Westlake, Rosie Merkley, Esther Mc0reery, Dorothy McT4wish, Morley McMichael. Sr. 3 - Edna Harris, Stanley Halliday, Verna Merkley, Laura Mitchell, Eva Me- Creery, Harry Gowdy, Malcolm Fitch. Jr. 3 -Johnson Hays, Ella Meehan. Sr. 2 -Alice Harris, Charlie West- lake, Katie Fitch, Willie Merkley, Maggie Abram, Oliver 'McCreery. Pt. 2 -Hattie Meehan, Harold Weir, Elsie Doubledee, Freddie Doubledee, Leslie Fortune, Harvey McMichael, Joe Meaban. Sr. 1, --Alba Gallaher, Kathleen. Westlake. Jr. 1- Hazel Weir, Maggie McTavish, Lloyd Mc- Michael, Johnny Gallaher, Arthur Westlake. 1st -Harry Merkley, Fan- ny Bell Weir. Pupils on the roll 50, average attendance 85. -Margaret, A. Anderson, Teacher. Salem. Mr. Carr of Wroxeter ably filled the pulpit here last Sunday. Mr. Robert McMichael is at present hauling lumber for his new house. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Palmer of Wingham visited friends in these parts last week. Mr. D. L. Weir delivered some cattle to Mr. J. Booth of Wroxeter, one day_last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley of Clinton visited friends in this part over Sunday, last week. We are pleased to.report that Mrs, Fred. McIntosh is improving nicely, after her recent illness. Mr. Andrew Geminill is improving his place by putting a new wire fence up the lane. Andy is one of our up- to-date farmers. Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Hopper p are vision in Algoma. We'wish pthem a pleasant trip. The Denholm firm have been doing some big work in hay pressing line for the farmers around the Belgrave vicinity. Fon SALE, -Two carloads of 3 X extra and 4 X extra British Columbia shin lee, which for cheapness and durability cannot be surpassed, 1 also handle all other kends of roofing. rot prices, apply to E, Geddes, or the proprietor.---Wyr. WATsaat. The Galt Reporter Is authority for the statement that the weather of May of twenty-six years ago was very much, like that which we have just towed through and that It was followed by frost 1tt June, .#. H E W .L lel G II A M A D )' .A. N OX will like the fine flavor of Reil Rose Tea. It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose quality --the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana- dian homes, Will you try it. NEVER BULB IN BULK Your Grocer WiU Recommend it 83 1 • Belmore. Mr. Fred. Rogers was called to To- ronto on Monday. Mr. E. Lucas and his mother attend- ed conference in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, John Weiler spent a few days visiting friends in 'Toronto. Mrs. Eldon Peterman spent Iast week visiting her mother, Mrs. Fergie. Mr. and Mrs. Voisin and family of Mt. Forest called on Mr, A.' Miller on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Lucan spent a few days visiting at the home. of their daughter, Mrs. John Mulvey, Rev. J. S. McMillan assisted in evangelistic services in Eadies' church, last Thursday and Friday evenings. He was accompanied by Mrs. Mc- Millan. - Mrs. Wm. Irwin, who has been ail- ing for some time, had a turn for the worse on Sunday. We hope that under medical care she may soon be restored to health again. Mr. B. F. Carr of Wroxeter occu- pied the pulpit of the Methodist Church, Sunday evening, but owing to the weather the attendance was small. Next Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. Russel of Wroxeter will have charge of the service. Quite a number of the farmers in this vicinity have treated themselves to new buggies. Mr, A, Miller had three on exhibition on Saturday, two of which were rubber-tire•and all were sold in the vicinity. It certainly looks as though the farmers could afford to have a good time. Mr. P. Hoffman is doing a rushing business in the buggy line too. He starts with the old buggy and by applying the paint, transforms it into a new one. St. Helens. The fallowing is the St. Helens School report. Number on roll 61. Average attendance 46 : - 5th -Mar- garet Miller, Clarence McDonald. Sr. 4th -Maud McQuillin, Clara Woods, Winnie Woods, Fannie Anderson, Ernest Gaunt. Jr. 4th -Roy Smith, Cecil Hyde, Wilfred McQuillin, Earl Cranston, Ewart McPherson, Gordon McPherson, Hazel Anderson, Beattie Smith, McKenzie Webb, Stewart Mc- GuireRoyMcQuillin. Si. 3rd -Della Cranston, Etel Anderson, Gladys Webb, May McQuillin, Gladys Hyde, John Gaunt, Wilmer McDonald. Jr. 3rd -Lorne Woods, Wilson Woods, Versa Woods, Alex. Purves, Carlyle McDonald, Herbert McQuillin, Willie Forster, Eddie McQuillin, Madjeska Gaunt. Jr, 2nd - Joseph Forster, Willie McQuillin, Evan McQuillin, George McDonald. Sr. Pt. god -Jean McQuillin, Stanley Todd, Torrance Anderson, Lizzie Purves, Emma Mo- Quillin, Madeline Gaunt. Jr. Pt. god -Beatrice McQuillin, Jean Gaunt, Sr. Pt. lst-Earl Gaunt, Lorne Webb, Mabel Woods, Leslie Purves, Annie Purves, Cecil Forster, Jr. Pt. let-- Percy Hyde, Sinclair Purves, Cam- eron McDonald, Viola Baker, Thelma Smith, Robt, Lyons, Josephine Gaunt, Robert McQuillin, Gordon Baker, Number on roll 61. Average attend- ance 40. -Letitia E. Durnin, teacher. Wroxeter. Rev. A. L. Russell is in attendance at the London Conference, which is meeting in Stratford. Barris Hamilton and wife visited the former's parents, of this village, for a few days this week. Mrs. Hull of Ingersoll visited her daughter, the principal of our school, over Saturday and. Sunday. N. Lang, of the Traders' Bank, Dut. ton, who bas been visiting his mother here, returned on Saturday last. We notice from the draft of the London Conference that Rev. A. Wal- den is to be the new Methodist min- ister on the Wroxeter Circuit. Mrs. Halliday of Belgrave was a visitor at her nephew's, A. McLean's, for some days last week. She is a sister of the late revered Superinten- dent of Presbyterian Missions in the Great North West. Rev. W. G. Hanna, Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, gave an ad- dress in the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening of last week, on the Work of the alliance. The address was replete 'with information and present- ed hi Mr. Hanna's usual eloquent and pleasing manner. Blyth. Mr. Ed. Mason of Winnipeg is home on a three Weeks vacation. W. 0. Forest of Milton. is 'visiting his cousin, Mr. John Wilford, Mrs. Slater was called to Chatham last week, through the death of her aunt, Mrs. Montier, Mr, 0. Beese had the misfortune to be kicked by a horse at hie hour nidi lest week; several vibe were fractured. Mr. Whitely of Berlin, is the new electrician and comes highly recom- mended i he oolnmeticed hie duties on iSaturdat, East Wawan;osh. The Council met May 29th, as a Court of Revision and Appeal ; mem- bers all present; each severally sub. scribed to the necessary declaration required by Statute. Tne following appeals were brought up for con. sideration :-Donald Patterson com- plained that his property, the W. 11, ot 20, con. 3, was assessed too high on land, Mr, Patterson also appealed agalost the assessment on the E. 11. lot 20, con, 3, claiming this property being assessed too low on land in coin- parison with other farms in that locality, Assessment in both eases confirmed, The N. Huron Tel. Co. and the Gode- rich Tel, Co, assessment ordered re. moved from the roll, Wm. Yungblut was assessed as own- er of 5, H, 11. 13. lot 30, con, 1, in place of Jacob Yungblut ; Herb. Shiell owner of W. H. N. H. lot 37, con. 12, in place of Jane Shiell.. On application the following names were added to the roll -R. H. Bur- rows T, M, F. lot 42, con, 5; David Dunbar M. F. lot 81, con, G; Leonard Cook, T. M. F. lot 35, con, 5 ; Gerald Kelly, el. F. lot 38, con. 0 ; Walter Fenner, tcriant, lot 40, con. 6 ; W. S. Scott of Langside and Chas. Scott of Milton to be assessed as owner of lot 35, con. 5; Belle Scott, owner of lot 32, con, 7; David Sproat, owner pt. lot 42, con, 9. Several parties made application to have doge owned by them taken off the roll ; action in this matter deferred till next sitting, the Court being closs ed for the present, to be re -opened again on Wednesday, June 21st, Council resumed; minutes of last regular and special meetings read and passed. The Treasurer reported cash on hand at date $964.02. Messrs. Brandon and Robertson asked for a grant of money in aid of the Wingham fall fair, No action taken, request as formerly being re- fused. By-law No, 4, 1911, appointing Jos. Stouchouse inspector of concrete work on river bridges, read and passed. The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered to be paid :-Alva McDowell, services rendered at H, McDowell's re scarlet fever quaran- tine, $4 25 ; R. Chamney, attendance at E. Stapleton's re scarlet fever qua- rantine, $20 ; Wm. Wightman, salary as assessor, $6. The Council then ad- journed to meet again on Wednesday, June 21st, A. Porterfield. Morris. The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock of the 1st con., was the scene of a very pleasant event on Monday evening, June 5th, it being the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. On June 4th, 1861, this wortby couple were united in marriage by Rev. Ar- chibald Currie, Presbyterian minister of Blyth. The bride, formerly Miss Eleanor Owens, was born in the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, and the groom in the county in which he still resides. All the family were pre- sent on Monday evening except the eldest son, John, who resides at Bois - seven, Man., and was unable to be there. An impromptu programme was given, during which the eldest daughter, Mrs. John L Patterson of Wingbam, road the following address, and Mrs. Geo. 0. Thornton presented thein with a purse Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock. Dear Father and Mother :-It is with feelings of intense pleasure that we meet with you this evening to cele- brate the fiftieth anniversary of your wedding day. We wish to thank you for all you have done for us from childhood, and as a slight expression of our gratitude, we ask you to accept this purse with our best wishes for your future health and happiness, and we pray that as earth recedes Heaven's joys may be growing brighter, and that as parents and children and families unbroken, we may meet a- round the great white throne, to go out no more forever. (Signed) Your Children. Besides the children mentioned there are Mrs, Joseph Breckenridge of Turn - berry, and Mrs. John J. Fell and James C. of Morris. The gathering consisted of only the children and grandchildren, George and Mrs. Johnston, Henry and Mrs. Mathers. The evening ended by wishing that Me. and Mrs. Peocock might live to see many more years of happiness, Other Morris items and minutes of Council on page five. • Corrie, Lambert Stinson has purchased G. W. Walker's driver, In the absence of Rev. Ribbert at Conference, Mrs. Ribbert took the morning service and Mr. Stephens the evening service, in the Methodist Church. The annual Orange sermon will he preached in the Methodist church, Gorrie, on Sunday, July Oth, by the pastor, Rev. Bro, J. W. Hibbert, ser- vice commencing at 2 30 p.m. Mr, H. V. Holmes received word last week of the serious illness of his mother in London hospital, and hast- ened to that city by auto. Before he reached London she had passed away, The annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Potter. The following officers were. elected :---Pres., Mrs. Knowlson ; Sec., Mrs, James Beswitherick ; Treas., Mrs. James Armstrong. The Loyal al Oran a District g �t Lod a of Y 11i nc Howiek met in the Orange Hall here and was well attended. Bro. Wm. Crawford, District Master, presided. It was decided to celebrate the coming Twelfth at Kincardine. St. Augustine. Mr. and Mrs, George Naylor visited friends in Auburn last Sunday. Sandy and Annie Nixon Sundayed with friends at Sheppardton. Mr. Samuel Thompson attended Conference in Stratford last week. Mrs. Simon Dow of Heneall spent a few days last week visiting her father, Mr. J. B. Jefferson. Mr, and Mrs. David Lockhart of Auburn spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. S. Thompson. Quite a number from this vicinity spent Saturday last picnicing at Point Farrn, as it was the day of the County shooting. The Ladies' Institute met in the Hall on Friday last. Miss Hotson of Parkhill spoke on subjecte of interest to women, There was also a short programme consisting of music, solos and readings. The July meeting will be held at Mrs, Jrlo, Thompson % Alt the 1eldie6 are invited, Is the best, remedy known for sunburn, hest, rashes, ecxeine sore feet,, stings and blisters, A skin food ! 411 Drwavistr ant Srvrn.--40Q. FARM FOR SALE. South half lot 24, con. 10, SVest Wawanosb, 100 acreei mostly in great; good buildings; convenient to school, post office and church. Easy terms of payment; possession on short notice. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wingham, or JOHN BARBOUR St, Helens P.O. The Glorious Twelfth COME TO GODERICH THE PRETTIEST AND HEALTHIEST TOWN' IN' CANADA A Short Procession,' Attractive Special Prizes. Are You Married ? Good Speakers, Special Trains and Rates. JOS, WCNBVIN A, M, TODD Secretary Chairman CHRTSTTE'S 1 GROCERY PHONE 59 1•1•111/MwM/MMOIMMIMIQW 411=110•0=1.1•1=0.• Keep Your Eye on CHRISTI['S Will move. shortly to the D. M. GORDON stand This Is The Tea And Coffee Store The Popular Tourist Route To MUSKOKA LAKES LAKE OF BAYS TEMAGAMI ALGONQUIN PARK MAGNE AWAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER GEORGIAN BAY LAKE COUCIIICEING KAWARTBA LAKES, Etc. ISUSKOKA EXPRESS LEAVES TOR- ONTO zo.r5 daily except Sunday, mak- ing„direct connection at Muskoka Wharf for all Muskoka Lakes points. ROUND 'TRIP HOMESEEKERS' EXCUSIONS TO THE WEST At low rates via Sarnia or Chieago Literature and fill information, tickets, etc.; from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. DTJFF D. 1'. A., -Union Station, Toronto. G. LAMONT, Depot Agt. ..{-----,:-.;;;;----.....in ( to those who wish to got the best. ii Many students from the distant Provin• ces and the United States attend the ELLIOTT /) TORONTO, ONT, THIS SCIIOOL RAS A- NATIONAL RIIPUTATION FOlt I1IGII GRADE WOftIC. bGpraduates readily get good Ppm en entire year. Enter now. Write forW. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. range and Alexander Sts. CENTRAL 1/ STRATPORD. ONT. A LARGE senor,. A 000D SCHOOL. THE PEST.oh This school has a continental rep' titin for high grade work and for success of its students. We have three departments- Conienercial, Shorth free catalogue. Write for it at once end Telegraphy. Ambitions young men and women should send for our large are MEI sea what Our graudatet are do. This is a good time of the roar for you, to enter our classes, Students tho entering oaoh Week CO/Menet your °ms at onoe. D. A, 1t.tLGlllt;A1d' * Priaetpal TUIIR$I Y, J17iva 5, 1111 The New Style of Law Shoei: -FOR MEN Known as the Pump Oxford This Oxford has a new feature in low shoes, in that the style of cut makes them fit perfectly around the ankle and thereby prevents slipping at the heel. In Our South Window We're Showing Several of These One is a beautiful Patent Shoe ; neat toe ; three large eyes ; with new swing last. Price - $4.00 PER PAIR One of the VERY NEWEST is a 3.button Oxford; fits just as perfectly as the laced ; very nice. Price -- $4.00 PER PAIR MM/VMP/\M/YW W�M/YV W W V�MNV W W►�MM/W W VA Tan Oxfords made in the same style ; neat heel and toe ; 3 large eyelets. Price - Also Patent and Tan Oxfords ; in good quality and comfortable ishapes; all sizes, Price--- S� $4.00 PER PAIR , $3.00 PER PAIR Vwwws ww+iwwvw�.sw►.rvww�r..,►niwwrr nivwJ Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR sHOE LADIES � llanna & Co. i 1 PHONE 70 WHAT WE HAVE NOT GOT IN STOCK WE WILL PROCURE We Can Please You To our regular stock we have added over 400 lines from The ".douse of Iiobberlin." There are patterns to please almost any fancy, including the new Grays that ars very mach in demand this season. Remember, our reputation is behind every garment. Prices -$113.00 to $26:00. We are sole Agents for these high classed tailored clothes, 4114444,41411.44144444414.441.41444