HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-06-08, Page 44 3�, rw r� t'.• xtne ••••••i•4••••0•50.4444)*�1 4O4A-t+6G'GO4ta944d••••tt44..44.4:40.0044.04:0•4.410.0444t4 tate•etete04404ettetteeee,eleeetteteeteeettetea•aele+4004-Seeeteleadneateeteee-oleetteea-tet-asetee04,444.0444004, June is the month in which we reduce. our.; stock of Clothing. This year we have so .uie very interesting prices to offer to the buy ing public. It is needless for us to take up space in telling you how good our' Cloth- ing is. It is a Well-known fact that the quality of our Clothing is the best that can be bought. elow you will see some of the prices we are offering arI.... .•mrr6..asa1:9.aRSIv.�..+.asr en Suits Men's Fancy Striped Tweeds, in all sizes ; regular price is $7.50 -June Price r .. $5.60 Men's Fancy TweedSuits in greys • and browns; reg. price $8.50 ---June Price .... Men's Fancy Striped Tweed Suits in greens, browns and greys. Suits that will give splendid wear. Regular price $10.00-- June Price $7.00 Men's hard finish Tweeds in greens and browns; these lines can't be beaten for wear. Reg. r, $12.50 -June Price.... 0o03� Men's green, brown and grey Suits in Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds. Al value at $13.50 J une Price- - " $9.50 Men's Worsted and Tweed Suits in all the new and popular shades. Fancy stripes, also plain navys and blacks. Fit is guaranteed. Rar e; $15- $1 S® JuneegulPricepric. Men's Fancy Worsteds, of the finest quality; the. 20th Century make. Enough said. In navys, browns, greens, greys, fawns, etc., also in plain navys or blacks. Regular price is $20.00 June ., Price 5.50 V Ms' ;a Lib Youths'• three-piece long pant Snits, in fancy stripes,. in greens and,, browns. Regular $6.50 --June Price $4.25 Youths' long pant Suits in. browns and greens.- Fancy. stripes. The regular price is $7.50 -June Price $5.00 Youths' long paiit 'Suits, in Fancy stripes, browns, greys and greens. ,Splendid value at $10 •--June Price $7.00 Youths' All -wool Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds in grepns, browns and greys, also plain navys; perfect • fitters. Reg. $12.50- .y� June- Price....... . o BON SUTS Boys' two-piece Bloomer Suits and two-piece plain. Killdeer Suits. June Prices $2,00, 2.50, 2, 75, and upwards. Boys' th ee-piece Suits ; wear guar- anteed. New styles. All shades. June prices - $2,75, 3.50, 4.00, and upwards. June Prices on Men's Odd Pants and Bas' Knickers wii�-•�save as name J GET FIRST CHOICE ON THURSDAY, JUNE THE FIRST. Mctiee& Ca e11 CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS TRE YX I GUAM ADVANCE Brussels. A, C. Backer as cowmowingthe shipment of h tied hay, 'which wi+1 probably hideda ori) ears by the time . the contract is core,pleted, Fred, M1'1 Mrs, McCracken ana the, hatter's father, Mr.. Outliner, \vote visiting with Wingliain friends for a few days thio week. G. A. Deadman, the Bee King, left last week for itferlit , Kent Co., where he will opcwnd the rola few menthe with hitt bees, whb aro beney gather - /rig there, Thls weak word was received that Finley Stewart Scott has been ap- pointed Postmaster in Brussele, sue - ending Postmaster Farrow, Wlao resigned as few months. ego on account of ill health. Arthur Pelee, assistant Poet'nastcr here for the past few years, haat ac- cepted as po:•ition at Iintnloopa>, B. C., and will leave shortly to enter upon Itis post ciiice duttee, Mrs, Trico and children will remain in Benesois in the rneantinie. Fred. Gilpin has been. promoted from the mutnagem.enb of a retail t,, the wholesale department of theF', r.1 Automobile Co., Chieaago, ;and his t<alary increased to $2400 per annum. lie is the only son of J, ane Mrs. Cilpin, Brussels. • On May Wtb, after an Meet's of l;i menthe, Abraham Motz.•itori 'lied at Lis brine at Port Austin, Miele., aged r.3 years, Dancer was the aitxnentstrel he was a great sniTerer. Mrs, Morri Fon, ivh(Fo maiden ulnae was Mita, Annie Rothlick, formerly of the .lath eon.. of Grey township, is as si..ler t0 Mrs. Hannah Batillnutyne, of Brussels, and has three daughters and a son. Mr. Morrison 'Was a fox titer z etie:eat of the 14th con. of Grey. , FOR FALLING • HAIR.,.., �. Pilfering In (Merida. `An myt.tr+ry p!: reeves al zr•lat:!e les of bu:ince'* placee in tledericelt, mics' vo1v- ed this raornien by tIec (-none-:on of Robert Irwin, 12 }Tara of eta,', to the titeit.4, Ralf n, uo:,':n easel of molt y being Arden from stone 'title mete ie - ported to the police, era Lavish tlis- pc'reion cl! money by young* Irwin led to his arrest and the confession fob, lowed. '.Vlzo young cr:acksaztaan entered the stores at night by zenr windows and robbed the tills. 1I0 t,ecured about ^50 this may. Ile will he .con - lined in the Intinetrictl School at Mimic° until he is 21. BOW TO LIME LONG. With healthy kiclneye, one bas a good chance to live long, but weak kidneys afflict old acne with great dieepenfc.rts, The back `becoz es bent and Dune, theme:Aisne is chronic, eyesight fails atad too frequent eSteeneleeetee, or involnntexy etteorti tee : passages of the rr+x,,,> IN-! urine cause ern- >t►.a o ' l,arrassenent by flay and lona* of sleep at nis;ht. Booth's Kidney • l?ill sltarec'kgbazhndgtortzmcw relief to weaken- ed kidneys, Titey batriell imrkal•he told rheumatic pain, vele-elate tine bladder and urine. Booth's 1 i iney Priv are fro' sick kidneys in old oe Wonea and nee t;trra- r atatead by the peen -lett ore, The It. T Booth Co., Ltd., bort Erie, Oat. Sold everywhere G.lc hex,. Free tii.al r• eat on request. Seaforth Post Office. Tenders for the ooneteuction of the new post office elo&ed at Ottawa on Monday last, hub the contract: has not • Accoral'ion to the yet been lett. plans and specifications the building, You Run No` IRIsk • When Yost- when, cpmpletcd will be the finest Use This Remedy. • We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not lot it go too far, you can repair the dapi'itge already done •by using Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, with persistency and regularity, for a reasonable length of time. Tb is a scientific, chanting, antiseptic germicidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes hair nourishment, removes dandruff and restores hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it is pleasantly perfumed. It is a real toilet necessity. We want you to try Rexall ' 03" Hair Tonle with our promise that it will eost•you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sizes, prices, Mo and 161.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store -•The Bezel! Store, J', W. McEibbou. Govetntneat structure in. Huron Coun- ty. The-rapidnhetildingY will be a front - 'age `ori Main' St. 'of 'd( 30 feet deep, 3 stories with .•w•b cement and sur- mouuted' by a clack tower. • The rear portion is two stories 30 feet wide and 40 feet deep. In the main portion tate basement has a boiler, coal and stor- age rootnrr, the ground ' floor for the post office with ample accommoda- tion for the public, At the north end are swing doors to the 1'. O. interior and to the stairs which lend to the first floor where the offices of tine Col- lector of Customs and Inland Revenue are situated,'ttlso the record rooms for the post office and Customs Depart- ments. Tho top floor is for the care- taker. The ground floor at the rear portion is for rho weights and mea- sures and Customs examining ware- house, the whole of the upper story for the Armories.-L$caforth News. WE HANE IT . Good Goods Produce Wanted �S FA Highest Prices Cash Highest Prices Trade Extra Good Values for the Wool Season in all Kinds General Merchandise, such as --- Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Men's and . Boys' Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Cil Cloths, Linole.unis, Hosiery and Tinder Wear, Yarns, Wool Blankets and. Sheeting, Flannelette Blankets and • Sheeting, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. Butter and Eggs Wanted. KING BROS. Prlcea Right 1 We 'Want YourTrade t 1UST ',IlitiT YOU WANT. Town or Farm prapertles at laden 0 suit everybody's wisine, • a We know value e, and nvhenyou 'omen) us yQta get the adventa1;o of fur lord; experience in the Real Ere ate and Inrurance business, Just al the present tithe we• have orno t xoeptionaliy nice properties on tar lists at right prices. Wingltarct is a live growing town, and yea will make no naietake in buyicg to horse here, We ha ve two or three nice houses +o. rent. • FUtohkCose REAP, ESTATE AND INSUR..A1 CE • • iDq X.i3r I1 LA.�,d o,' O Emporium Music . Oil?' rooms were never better stocked than at present, and we yinvite you to call, Pianos We have the best makes in stook. Elegant in appearance, ,melodious in tome. • . "Players" You. should see and hear this line to' appreciate them. Organs • In these we are sure to please. At, prices to• suit. Sewing Machines 13,y. the ear°loctcl. See the new White machine with all the latest irnpr•ouernents. See orir stook of Violins, Phone- y?. ce ph s, Records, Accordeons, Washing Machines, Wringers, - dao. PRICES REASONABLE BELE.; ______ • The Place Where Good Clothes Come Fronl> LET US POST YOU If you 'get your clothes from you aro sure to get Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes made to lit neatly made well made • that, look well that wear well that last well in latest style that please that satisfy - We understand our business We have the goods We know* the styles Our charges are right CAIMV 111, Tho Nifty DAan's Tailor 11. Maxwell's old stand' i'. TfIUfisD .Y, JUNE 8, 19 i' ...::ate"c The Profit Sharing Ston- . t.INGIJ+- M; .ON'J'. nr,,t'Ak^y.iwat,eam•Artovr JA'vA,A c A -.ww...a,-.,,Tutt Roc,. 1 V+vai_au.a,.ELY:....avaarmar"Rr4.Yc111 MU 4,14r Ri4y[:i01M.141.,*Rx+10.trse DES. XERREDY & CALDER Ovexens-Corner Patrick and Centre streets Pn erose- O+o don's, Dr. l;ennedy 143 3 Residence, Dr. Caldor 151 Dr, l:ennedv speoiallzes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases oroughlyEtestedr' Nose end Throat, Gtlasses properly fitted, 1)R. R. M. Ma.oLE Aiv DENTAL SURGEON cloR•te, ON'd. lIonor Grednate Torsnto *University, Depart- ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Lel. lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter ever 'Needs)? afternoon and Wednesday (alt day -olden in Grand Central Block, 45 Yerdwie every Friday forenoon The best of the Modern methoda•used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. Jas. Walker & Son IV INGflAlvi UNDERTAKERS We aro s s cially gtm11tied *inder- iakers and Embalmer+, and those sstrust.l their work to ONmaty ter on i1 bei well done, Night oats roto v'ed a+ resi' eta'oo. +re' Pion 1'41 none* Phone et • AGENTS - LADIES' HOME JOURNAL • R• o. •••• a oHems our) m• � m im•e �.• WE RANT TOO MANY PRUNES and vre're going to oifcr the baaIaince of our. a:tc:rk ;at LThiS `.11IA.N • W HOLE ALE rIeEs. Ali GOOD, 1;;tB.It,1iIT, CLEAN FRUIT: Choice IPrnnee, ret;niar price 1:;:, to clear, only 10-3 Olatdco Plume, regular Iaico l0a lit. -to clear 3 lbr. for 2a)a 33est Canned Peas, Quakcr.h•ctr,cl or rr,_=*rola Peso, rex.. I.6,16e 15c -to dealt} 2 canis for .... 25e Fruit Jam--rltnraz, Straw bort y, Raspberry, Gooseberry, &e., only l03 jar.. Orange Marmalade, only 10c Canned Apples, Plums,. Pears, Pineapple, etc., -etc. Preserved- Raspberry and Strawberry, pure 25c A BAKING POWDER BARGAIN --A quantity of "Art Baking Powder," 1 lb. tins, reg. 25c -to clear, 15e SHOE POLISH BARGAIN -Six dozen tins No. 1 Shoe Polish (paste) "MacPherson Brand," equal to any polish on the market or money refunded. Our F3pecial Price, 50 a tin. Only hallf 'price 05c A BREAKFAST FOOD BARGAIN --That tasty Break- fast Food "Post Toadies," regular price 10 cts. a package-- to clear. at only : •• 08c • SEEDED RAISINS -We've secured a giz;antity of the very bet Seeded Raisins' on the market, at a low - price, and offttr Thera to you. while they last at only 106 a pound p:aclrrgo 100 MAPLE SYRUP BARGAI,1.-You Aleve been paying as high as $1,110 gal. fon pure Maple Syrup. We offer, to clear, A few gallons (quality guaranteed) at . $11130 CONDENSED COFFEE - For ai •snick cup of delicious Coffee, try.Condeneed Coffee. No milk or sugar required, A teaspooufcl makes good cup of coffee FOR HOT WEATHER:-. lemons, Oranges, Bananas (choice fruit). Limo Tiiee,.Olives, Peanut Butter, Celery Relish, Canned Fish and Meats, Pork land Beans, Tomato Catsup, Worcestershire Sauce. Also a splendid *assortment of Sweet Cakes and Biscuits -per lb 100 to 200 MACK'S a"NQ RUB" LAUNDRY TABLET -- We have . it. Makes washing easy, Try it. Per cake ........ 05c mprgtmsmagsuzzs=zisassromsszformiroiR. 1 t �•yr-�...p�.�r�..-•,•!b[a.wr.'1e-. ...�ati•.NS�VJCJawM.1nR'®.V., _MNn•gaM Wonderful Values at the New 1 Clothing Store MEN'S SUITS, Regular $15 to $18 -for $11.95 HATS Eagle brand, English made Derby bate, up-to•dato spritag ehaVs, Io•rv. medium or largo crowns and britns, *mall trinluned, lino quality ; reg. price $2.00 and $2.50 -for Young men's snits of fine imported .; tAvcod in the new L1rown diagonal stripe pattern, tailored :in -'best style, sizes 82 to 34 ; reg. $18.00 and 1120.00 -for $12.35, For Clearance $2 50 iron's shirts, negligee and outline ; the latter are cash merettos, fancy duck, eto., all sizes. Nothing wrong with these shirts, only' odd sizes ; reg.. price $I.00 -yours foe 40C. ak di'"t"6i Gr Ilr. S Men's Hdkfe., extra large f �r i�, stze, made of stout quality cambric, finished with' strong tope borders, perfect wearing mud. washing - Special Price, 6 for 25o, • it non na r; 11. Capital Paid tip $ 2,7501000 ltesarvo and tiadivieed *Profits . 3itso,eoo 'Total Assets . . . . . . 40,000,000 The average than or woman seldom develops the habit of saving until a Savings Recount has berm opened, Tho possession of such an account ants a48 an incentive -your natm'al desire to see the fund grow encourages that tenceney to thrift so neeoseary to stiedea;5. D7,r znnt,ter how little yon can afford to lata nsicle from the weekly wage; typed ai.:lav- Ings Account in the flank of Hamilton. 11""j1;1... t. wI: C. P. SMITH, Agent - WINGHAM !A r •.. -•